Uradni list

Številka 68
Uradni list RS, št. 68/2005 z dne 18. 7. 2005
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 68/2005 z dne 18. 7. 2005


41. Uredba o ratifikaciji Sporazuma med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Kraljevine Danske o zaposlovanju družinskih članov uslužbencev diplomatskih predstavništev ali konzulatov, stran 859.

Na podlagi tretje alinee petega odstavka 75. člena Zakona o zunanjih zadevah (Uradni list RS, št. 113/03 – uradno prečiščeno besedilo) izdaja Vlada Republike Slovenije
1. člen
Ratificira se Sporazum med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Kraljevine Danske o zaposlovanju družinskih članov uslužbencev diplomatskih predstavništev ali konzulatov, sklenjen z izmenjavo not z dne 30. maja 2005 in 6. junija 2005.
2. člen
Besedilo sporazuma se v izvirniku v angleškem jeziku in v prevodu v slovenskem jeziku glasi:
Republic of Slovenia
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
No.: ZMP-23/2001
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia presents its compliments to the Embassy of the Kingdom of Denmark and has the honour to propose that members of the family forming part of the household of a member of a diplomatic mission or consular post of the sending State shall be authorised, on a reciprocal basis, to engage in a gainful occupation in the receiving State in accordance with the provisions of the law of the receiving State.
For the purposes of this arrangement:
(i) »a member of a diplomatic mission or consular post« means an employee of the sending State who is not a national of the receiving State and who is assigned to official duty in the receiving State in a diplomatic mission, consular post or mission to an international organisation;
(ii) »a member of the family« means:
– the spouse of a member of a diplomatic mission or consular post;
– partner of a member of a diplomatic mission or consular post, if holder of a diplomatic or service Passport issued by the sending State;
– unmarried dependent children under 21 years of age;
– unmarried dependent children under 25 years of age who are in full-time attendance as students at a post secondary educational institution;
– unmarried children who are physically or mentally disabled.
Any authorisation to engage in a gainful occupation in the receiving State shall, in principle, be terminated at the end of the assignment of the member of a diplomatic mission or consular post.
A request for authorisation to engage in a gainful occupation shall be sent on behalf of the member of the family by the Embassy of the sending State to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the receiving State. The procedures followed shall be applied in a way which enables the member of the family to engage in a gainful occupation as soon as possible.
In the case of professions or activities which require special qualifications, the dependent must comply with the rules governing such professions or activities in the receiving state.
In the case of members of the family who enjoy immunity from the civil and administrative jurisdiction of the receiving State in accordance with the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations or under any other applicable international instrument, such immunity shall not apply in respect of any act carried out in the course of the gainful occupation and falling within the scope of application of the civil or administrative law of the receiving State.
In the case of members of the family who enjoy immunity from the criminal jurisdiction of the receiving State in accordance with the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations or under any other applicable international instrument, the provisions concerning immunity from the criminal jurisdiction of the receiving State shall continue to apply in respect of any act carried out in the course of the gainful occupation. However, the sending State will give serious consideration to waiving the immunity of the member of the family concerned from the criminal jurisdiction of the receiving State.
In accordance with the Vienna Convention on Diploma­tic Relations or under any other applicable international instrument, members of the family shall be subject to the fiscal and social security regimes of the receiving State for all matters in connection with their gainful occupation in that State.
This arrangement shall be concluded for an indefinite period. Either State may terminate it at any time by giving six months’ notice in writing to the other State.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs further proposes that, if these provisions are acceptable to the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark, this note and reply of the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark concurring therein shall constitute an agreement between the two governments, which shall enter into force on a date on which the two governments notify each other by a diplomatic note that all applicable procedures for entry into force have been fulfilled.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slove­nia avails itself of the opportunity to renew to the Embassy of the Kingdom of Denmark the assurances of its highest consideration.
Ljubljana, 30 May 2005
Royal Danish Embassy
File No. 3.F.Ljubljana.1.
The Royal Danish Embassy presents its compliments to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia and has the honour to confirm the receipt of its Note No. ZMP-23/2001 of 30 May 2005 stating the following:
"The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia presents its compliments to the Embassy of the Kingdom of Denmark and has the honour to propose that members of the family forming part of the household of a member of a diplomatic mission or consular post of the sending State shall be authorised, on a reciprocal basis, to engage in a gainful occupation in the receiving State in accordance with the provisions of the law of the receiving State.
For the purposes of this arrangement:
(i) »a member of a diplomatic mission or consular post« means an employee of the sending State who is not a national of the receiving State and who is assigned to official duty in the receiving State in a diplomatic mission, consular post or mission to an international organisation;
(ii) »a member of the family« means:
– the spouse of a member of a diplomatic mission or consular post;
– partner of a member of a diplomatic mission or consular post, if holder of a diplomatic or service Passport issued by the sending State;
– unmarried dependent children under 21 years of age;
– unmarried dependent children under 25 years of age who are in full-time attendance as students at a post secondary educational institution;
– unmarried children who are physically or mentally disabled.
Any authorisation to engage in a gainful occupation in the receiving State shall, in principle, be terminated at the end of the assignment of the member of a diplomatic mission or consular post.
A request for authorisation to engage in a gainful occupation shall be sent on behalf of the member of the family by the Embassy of the sending State to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the receiving State. The procedures followed shall be applied in a way which enables the member of the family to engage in a gainful occupation as soon as possible.
In the case of professions or activities which require special qualifications, the dependent must comply with the rules governing such professions or activities in the receiving state.
In the case of members of the family who enjoy immunity from the civil and administrative jurisdiction of the receiving State in accordance with the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations or under any other applicable international instrument, such immunity shall not apply in respect of any act carried out in the course of the gainful occupation and falling within the scope of application of the civil or administrative law of the receiving State.
In the case of members of the family who enjoy immunity from the criminal jurisdiction of the receiving State in accordance with the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations or under any other applicable international instrument, the provisions concerning immunity from the criminal jurisdiction of the receiving State shall continue to apply in respect of any act carried out in the course of the gainful occupation. However, the sending State will give serious consideration to waiving the immunity of the member of the family concerned from the criminal jurisdiction of the receiving State.
In accordance with the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations or under any other applicable international instrument, members of the family shall be subject to the fiscal and social security regimes of the receiving State for all matters in connection with their gainful occupation in that State.
This arrangement shall be concluded for an indefinite period. Either State may terminate it at any time by giving six months’ notice in writing to the other State.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs further proposes that, if these provisions are acceptable to the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark, this note and reply of the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark concurring therein shall constitute an agreement between the two governments, which shall enter into force on a date on which the two governments notify each other by a diplomatic note that all applicable procedures for entry into force have been fulfilled.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia avails itself of the opportunity to renew to the Embassy of the Kingdom of Denmark the assurances of its highest consideration.
Ljubljana, 30 may 2005"
In reply the Royal Danish Embassy has the honour to confirm that these provisions are acceptable to the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark and that the note of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia and this note shall constitute an agreement between the two governments.
All applicable procedures for entry into force have been fulfilled by the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark, and the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark considers the agreement to enter into force on the date that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia notifies the Royal Danish Embassy that all applicable procedures for entry into force have been fulfilled by the Republic of Slovenia.
The Royal Danish Embassy avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia the assurances of its highest consideration.
Ljubljana, 6 June, 2005
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia
Republika Slovenija
Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve
Št.: ZMP-23/2001
Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije izraža svoje spoštovanje Veleposlaništvu Kraljevine Danske in ima čast predlagati, da se družinskim članom, ki so del gospodinjstva člana diplomatskega predstavništva ali konzulata države pošiljateljice, na podlagi vzajemnosti odobri pridobitno opravljanje poklica v državi sprejemnici v skladu z zakonskimi določili države sprejemnice.
Za namene tega dogovora:
(i) »član diplomatskega predstavništva ali konzulata« pomeni uslužbenca države pošiljateljice v diplomatskem predstavništvu, konzulatu ali predstavništvu pri mednarodni organizaciji, ki ni državljan države sprejemnice, je pa tja napoten na uradno dolžnost;
(ii) »družinski član« pomeni:
– zakonca člana diplomatskega predstavništva ali konzulata;
– partnerja člana diplomatskega predstavništva ali konzulata, če je imetnik diplomatskega ali službenega potnega lista, ki ga izda država pošiljateljica;
– neporočene nepreskrbljene otroke do 21 leta;
– neporočene nepreskrbljene otroke do 25 leta, ki so redni študenti na višješolskih in visokošolskih izobraževalnih ustanovah; ter
– neporočene otroke, ki so telesno ali duševno prizadeti.
Vsaka odobritev za pridobitno opravljanje poklica v državi sprejemnici načeloma preneha ob prenehanju uradne dolžnosti člana diplomatskega predstavništva ali konzulata.
Prošnjo za odobritev pridobitnega opravljanja poklica veleposlaništvo države pošiljateljice v imenu družinskega člana pošlje Ministrstvu za zunanje zadeve države sprejemnice. Ustrezni postopki se uporabijo na način, ki omogoča družinskemu članu, da začne kar najhitreje pridobitno opravljati poklic.
Pri poklicih ali dejavnostih, ki zahtevajo posebne kvalifikacije, mora nepreskrbljeni družinski član upoštevati predpise, ki veljajo za te poklice ali dejavnosti v državi sprejemnici.
Za družinske člane, ki v državi sprejemnici uživajo imuniteto pred civilno in upravno jurisdikcijo države sprejemnice v skladu z Dunajsko konvencijo o diplomatskih odnosih ali po katerem koli drugem veljavnem mednarodnem instrumentu, taka imuniteta ne velja v zvezi s katerim koli dejanjem, ki spada v civilno ali upravno pravo države sprejemnice, storjenim med pridobitnim opravljanjem poklica.
Za družinske člane, ki v državi sprejemnici uživajo imuniteto pred kazensko jurisdikcijo v skladu z Dunajsko konvencijo o diplomatskih odnosih ali katerim koli drugim veljavnim mednarodnim instrumentom, se določbe o imuniteti pred kazensko jurisdikcijo države sprejemnice še naprej uporabljajo za vsa dejanja, storjena med pridobitnim opravljanjem poklica. Država pošiljateljica bo resno proučila odrek kazenske imunitete družinskega člana pred kazensko jurisdikcijo države sprejemnice.
V skladu z Dunajsko konvencijo o diplomatskih odnosih ali po katerem koli drugem veljavnem mednarodnem instrumentu veljata za družinske člane davčni sistem in sistem socialne varnosti države sprejemnice za vse zadeve v zvezi z njihovim pridobitnim opravljanjem poklica v tej državi.
Ta dogovor se sklene za nedoločen čas. Vsaka država ga lahko kadar koli odpove, tako da šest mesecev prej pisno obvesti drugo državo.
Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve tudi predlaga, da, če so te določbe sprejemljive za Vlado Kraljevine Danske, ta nota in odgovor Vlade Kraljevine Danske, s katerim izraža soglasje, sestavljata sporazum med vladama, ki začne veljati na dan, ko se vladi z diplomatsko noto medsebojno obvestita, da so izpolnjeni vsi potrebni postopki za začetek veljavnosti.
Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije tudi ob tej priložnosti izraža Veleposlaništvu Kraljevine Danske svoje najgloblje spoštovanje.
Ljubljana, 30. maj 2005
Veleposlaništvo Kraljevine Danske
Št. dokumenta 3.F.Ljubljana.1.
Veleposlaništvo Kraljevine Danske izraža svoje spoštovanje Ministrstvu za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije in ima čast potrditi prejem note št. ZMP-23/2001 z dne 30. maja 2005, ki navaja:
»Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije izraža svoje spoštovanje Veleposlaništvu Kraljevine Danske in ima čast predlagati, da se družinskim članom, ki so del gospodinjstva člana diplomatskega predstavništva ali konzulata države pošiljateljice, na podlagi vzajemnosti odobri pridobitno opravljanje poklica v državi sprejemnici v skladu z zakonskimi določili države sprejemnice.
Za namene tega dogovora:
(i) »član diplomatskega predstavništva ali konzulata« pomeni uslužbenca države pošiljateljice v diplomatskem predstavništvu, konzulatu ali predstavništvu pri mednarodni organizaciji, ki ni državljan države sprejemnice, je pa tja napoten na uradno dolžnost;
(ii) »družinski član« pomeni:
– zakonca člana diplomatskega predstavništva ali konzulata;
– partnerja člana diplomatskega predstavništva ali konzulata, če je imetnik diplomatskega ali službenega potnega lista, ki ga izda država pošiljateljica;
– neporočene nepreskrbljene otroke do 21. leta;
– neporočene nepreskrbljene otroke do 25. leta, ki so redni študenti na višješolskih in visokošolskih izobraževalnih ustanovah; ter
– neporočene otroke, ki so telesno ali duševno prizadeti.
Vsaka odobritev za pridobitno opravljanja poklica v državi sprejemnici načeloma preneha ob prenehanju uradne dolžnosti člana diplomatskega predstavništva ali konzulata.
Prošnjo za odobritev pridobitnega opravljanja poklica veleposlaništvo države pošiljateljice v imenu družinskega člana pošlje Ministrstvu za zunanje zadeve države sprejemnice. Ustrezni postopki se uporabijo na način, ki omogoča družinskemu članu, da začne kar najhitreje pridobitno opravljati poklic.
Pri poklicih ali dejavnostih, ki zahtevajo posebne kvalifikacije, mora nepreskrbljeni družinski član upoštevati predpise, ki veljajo za te poklice ali dejavnosti v državi sprejemnici.
Za družinske člane, ki v državi sprejemnici uživajo imuniteto pred civilno in upravno jurisdikcijo države sprejemnice v skladu z Dunajsko konvencijo o diplomatskih odnosih ali po katerem koli drugem veljavnem mednarodnem instrumentu, taka imuniteta ne velja v zvezi s katerim koli dejanjem, ki spada v civilno ali upravno pravo države sprejemnice, storjenim med pridobitnim opravljanjem poklica.
Za družinske člane, ki v državi sprejemnici uživajo imuniteto pred kazensko jurisdikcijo v skladu z Dunajsko konvencijo o diplomatskih odnosih ali katerim koli drugim veljavnim mednarodnim instrumentom, se določbe o imuniteti pred kazensko jurisdikcijo države sprejemnice še naprej uporabljajo za vsa dejanja, storjena med pridobitnim opravljanjem poklica. Država pošiljateljica bo resno proučila odrek kazenski imuniteti družinskega člana pred kazensko jurisdikcijo države sprejemnice.
V skladu z Dunajsko konvencijo o diplomatskih odnosih ali po katerem koli drugem veljavnem mednarodnem instrumentu veljata za družinske člane davčni sistem in sistem socialne varnosti države sprejemnice za vse zadeve v zvezi z njihovim pridobitnim opravljanjem poklica v tej državi.
Ta dogovor se sklene za nedoločen čas. Vsaka država ga lahko kadar koli odpove, tako da šest mesecev prej pisno obvesti drugo državo.
Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve tudi predlaga, da, če so te določbe sprejemljive za Vlado Kraljevine Danske, ta nota in odgovor Vlade Kraljevine Danske, s katerim izraža soglasje, sestavljata sporazum med vladama, ki začne veljati na dan, ko se vladi z diplomatsko noto medsebojno obvestita, da so izpolnjeni vsi potrebni postopki za začetek veljavnosti.
Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije tudi ob tej priložnosti izraža Veleposlaništvu Kraljevine Danske svoje najgloblje spoštovanje.
Ljubljana, 30. maj 2005«
V odgovor ima Veleposlaništvo Kraljevine Danske čast potrditi, da so te določbe za Vlado Kraljevine Danske sprejemljive in da nota Ministrstva za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije in ta nota sestavljata sporazum med vladama.
Vlada Kraljevine Danske je izpolnila vse potrebne postopke za začetek veljavnosti, zato šteje, da bo sporazum začel veljati na dan, ko bo Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije uradno obvestilo Veleposlaništvo Kraljevine Danske, da je tudi Republika Slovenija izpolnila vse potrebne postopke za začetek veljavnosti.
Veleposlaništvo Kraljevine Danske tudi ob tej priložnosti izraža Ministrstvu za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije svoje najgloblje spoštovanje.
Ljubljana, 6. junij 2005
Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije
3. člen
Za izvajanje sporazuma skrbi Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve.
4. člen
Ta uredba začne veljati petnajsti dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 00724-62/2005/3
Ljubljana, dne 7. julija 2005
EVA 2005-1811-0111
Vlada Republike Slovenije
Janez Janša l. r.

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