Uradni list

Številka 133
Uradni list RS, št. 133/2004 z dne 14. 12. 2004
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 133/2004 z dne 14. 12. 2004


105. Zakon o ratifikaciji Sporazuma o privilegijih in imunitetah Mednarodnega sodišča za pomorsko mednarodno pravo (MMSPMP), stran 4761.

Na podlagi druge alinee prvega odstavka 107. člena in prvega odstavka 91. člena Ustave Republike Slovenije izdajam
Razglašam Zakon o ratifikaciji Sporazuma o privilegijih in imunitetah Mednarodnega sodišča za pomorsko mednarodno pravo (MMSPMP), ki ga je sprejel Državni zbor Republike Slovenije na seji 2. decembra 2004.
Št. 001-22-188/04
Ljubljana, dne 10. decembra 2004
dr. Janez Drnovšek l. r.
Republike Slovenije
1. člen
Ratificira se Sporazum o privilegijih in imunitetah Mednarodnega sodišča za pomorsko mednarodno pravo, sprejet 23. maja 1997 v New Yorku.
2. člen
Besedilo Sporazuma se v izvirniku v angleškem jeziku ter prevodu v slovenskem jeziku glasi:*
The States Parties to the present Agreement,
Considering that the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea establishes the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea,
Recognizing that the Tribunal should enjoy such legal capacity, privileges and immunities as are necessary for the exercise of its functions,
Recalling that the Statute of the Tribunal provides, in article 10, that the Members of the Tribunal, when engaged on the business of the Tribunal, shall enjoy diplomatic privileges and immunities,
Recognizing that persons participating in proceedings and officials of the Tribunal should enjoy such privileges and immunities as are necessary for the independent exercise of their functions in connection with the Tribunal,
Have agreed as follows:
Article 1
Use of terms
For the purposes of this Agreement:
(a) "Convention" means the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982;
(b) "Statute" means the Statute of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea in annex VI to the Convention;
(c) "States Parties" means States Parties to this Agreement;
(d) "Tribunal" means the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea;
(e) "Member of the Tribunal" means an elected member of the Tribunal or a person chosen under article 17 of the Statute for the purpose of a particular case;
(f) "Registrar" means the Registrar of the Tribunal and includes any official of the Tribunal acting as Registrar;
(g) "officials of the Tribunal" means the Registrar and other members of the staff of the Registry;
(h) "Vienna Convention" means the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations of 18 April 1961.
Article 2
Juridical personality of the Tribunal
The Tribunal shall possess juridical personality. It shall have the capacity:
(a) to contract;
(b) to acquire and dispose of immovable and movable property;
(c) to institute legal proceedings.
Article 3
Inviolability of the premises of the Tribunal
The premises of the Tribunal shall be inviolable, subject to such conditions as may be agreed with the State Party concerned.
Article 4
Flag and emblem
The Tribunal shall be entitled to display its flag and emblem at its premises and on vehicles used for official purposes.
Article 5
Immunity of the Tribunal, its property, assets and funds
1. The Tribunal shall enjoy immunity from legal process, except insofar as in any particular case it has expressly waived its immunity. It is, however, understood that no waiver of immunity shall extend to any measure of execution.
2. The property, assets and funds of the Tribunal, wherever located and by whomsoever held, shall be immune from search, requisition, confiscation, seizure, expropriation or any other form of interference, whether by executive, administrative, judicial or legislative action.
3. To the extent necessary to carry out its functions, the property, assets and funds of the Tribunal shall be exempt from restrictions, regulations, controls and moratoria of any nature.
4. The Tribunal shall have insurance coverage against third-party risks in respect of vehicles owned or operated by it, as required by the laws and regulations of the State in which the vehicle is operated.
Article 6
The archives of the Tribunal, and all documents belonging to it or held by it, shall be inviolable at all times and wherever they may be located. The State Party where the archives are located shall be informed of the location of such archives and documents.
Article 7
Exercise of the functions of the Tribunal outside the Headquarters
In the event that the Tribunal considers it desirable to sit or otherwise exercise its functions elsewhere than at its Headquarters, it may conclude with the State concerned an arrangement concerning the provision of the appropriate facilities for the exercise of its functions.
Article 8
1. For the purposes of its official communications and correspondence, the Tribunal shall enjoy in the territory of each State Party, insofar as is compatible with the international obligations of the State concerned, treatment not less favourable than that which the State Party accords to any intergovernmental organization or diplomatic mission in the matter of priorities, rates and taxes applicable to mail and the various forms of communication and correspondence.
2. The Tribunal may use all appropriate means of communication and make use of codes or cipher for its official communications or correspondence. The official communications and correspondence of the Tribunal shall be inviolable.
3. The Tribunal shall have the right to dispatch and receive correspondence and other materials or communications by courier or in sealed bags, which shall have the same privileges, immunities and facilities as diplomatic couriers and bags.
Article 9
Exemption from taxes, customs duties and import or export restrictions
1. The Tribunal, its assets, income and other property, and its operations and transactions shall be exempt from all direct taxes; it is understood, however, that the Tribunal shall not claim exemption from taxes which are no more than charges for public utility services.
2. The Tribunal shall be exempt from all customs duties, import turnover taxes and prohibitions and restrictions on imports and exports in respect of articles imported or exported by the Tribunal for its official use.
3. Goods imported or purchased under such an exemption shall not be sold or otherwise disposed of in the territory of a State Party, except under conditions agreed with the Government of that State Party. The Tribunal shall also be exempt from all customs duties, import turnover taxes, prohibitions and restrictions on imports and exports in respect of its publications.
Article 10
Reimbursement of duties and/or taxes
1. The Tribunal shall not, as a general rule, claim exemption from duties and taxes which are included in the price of movable and immovable property and taxes paid for services rendered. Nevertheless, when the Tribunal for its official use makes major purchases of property and goods or services on which duties and taxes are charged or are chargeable, States Parties shall make appropriate administrative arrangements for the exemption of such charges or reimbursement of the amount of duty and/or tax paid.
2. Goods purchased under such an exemption or reimbursement shall not be sold or otherwise disposed of, except in accordance with the conditions laid down by the State Party which granted the exemption or reimbursement. No exemption or reimbursement shall be accorded in respect of charges for public utility services provided to the Tribunal.
Article 11
1. The salaries, emoluments and allowances paid to Members and officials of the Tribunal shall be exempt from taxation.
2. Where the incidence of any form of taxation depends upon residence, periods during which such Members or officials are present in a State for the discharge of their functions shall not be considered as periods of residence if such Members or officials are accorded diplomatic privileges, immunities and facilities.
3. States Parties shall not be obliged to exempt from income tax pensions or annuities paid to former Members and former officials of the Tribunal.
Article 12
Funds and freedom from currency restrictions
1. Without being restricted by financial controls, regulations or financial moratoriums of any kind, while carrying out its activities:
(a) the Tribunal may hold funds, currency of any kind or gold and operate accounts in any currency;
(b) the Tribunal shall be free to transfer its funds, gold or its currency from one country to another or within any country and to convert any currency held by it into any other currency;
(c) the Tribunal may receive, hold, negotiate, transfer, convert or otherwise deal with bonds and other financial securities.
2. In exercising its rights under paragraph 1, the Tribunal shall pay due regard to any representations made by any State Party insofar as it is considered that effect can be given to such representations without detriment to the interests of the Tribunal.
Article 13
Members of the Tribunal
1. Members of the Tribunal shall, when engaged on the business of the Tribunal, enjoy the privileges, immunities, facilities and prerogatives accorded to heads of diplomatic missions in accordance with the Vienna Convention.
2. Members of the Tribunal and members of their families forming part of their households shall be accorded every facility for leaving the country where they may happen to be and for entering and leaving the country where the Tribunal is sitting. On journeys in connection with the exercise of their functions, they shall in all countries through which they may have to pass enjoy all the privileges, immunities and facilities granted by these countries to diplomatic agents in similar circumstances.
3. If Members of the Tribunal, for the purpose of holding themselves at the disposal of the Tribunal, reside in any country other than that of which they are nationals or permanent residents, they shall, together with the members of their families forming part of their households, be accorded diplomatic privileges, immunities and facilities during the period of their residence there.
4. Members of the Tribunal shall be accorded, together with members of their families forming part of their households, the same repatriation facilities in time of international crises as are accorded to diplomatic agents under the Vienna Convention.
5. Members of the Tribunal shall have insurance coverage against third-party risks in respect of vehicles owned or operated by them, as required by the laws and regulations of the State in which the vehicle is operated.
6. Paragraphs 1 to 5 of this article shall apply to Members of the Tribunal even after they have been replaced if they continue to exercise their functions in accordance with article 5, paragraph 3, of the Statute.
7. In order to secure, for Members of the Tribunal, complete freedom of speech and independence in the discharge of their functions, the immunity from legal process in respect of words spoken or written and all acts done by them in discharging their functions shall continue to be accorded, notwithstanding that the persons concerned are no longer Members of the Tribunal or performing those functions.
Article 14
1. The Registrar shall, when engaged on the business of the Tribunal, be accorded diplomatic privileges, immunities and facilities.
2. Other officials of the Tribunal shall enjoy in any country where they may be on the business of the Tribunal, or in any country through which they may pass on such business, such privileges, immunities and facilities as are necessary for the independent exercise of their functions. In particular, they shall be accorded:
(a) immunity from personal arrest or detention and from seizure of their personal baggage;
(b) the right to import free of duty their furniture and effects at the time of first taking up their post in the country in question and to re-export the same free of duty to their country of permanent residence;
(c) exemption from inspection of personal baggage, unless there are serious grounds for believing that the baggage contains articles not for personal use or articles the import or export of which is prohibited by the law or controlled by the quarantine regulations of the State Party concerned; an inspection in such a case shall be conducted in the presence of the official concerned;
(d) immunity from legal process in respect of words spoken or written and all acts done by them in discharging their functions, which immunity shall continue even after they have ceased to exercise their functions;
(e) immunity from national service obligations;
(f) together with members of their families forming part of their household, exemption from immigration restrictions or alien registration;
(g) the same privileges in respect of currency and exchange facilities as are accorded to the officials of comparable rank forming part of diplomatic missions to the Government concerned;
(h) together with members of their families forming part of their household, the same repatriation facilities in time of international crises as are accorded to diplomatic agents under the Vienna Convention.
3. The officials of the Tribunal shall be required to have insurance coverage against third-party risks in respect of vehicles owned or operated by them, as required by the laws and regulations of the State in which the vehicle is operated.
4. The Tribunal shall communicate to all States Parties the categories of officials to which the provisions of this article shall apply. The names of the officials included in these categories shall from time to time be communicated to all States Parties.
Article 15
Experts appointed under article 289 of the Convention
Experts appointed under article 289 of the Convention shall be accorded, during the period of their missions, including the time spent on journeys in connection with their missions, such privileges, immunities and facilities as are necessary for the independent exercise of their functions. In particular, they shall be accorded:
(a) immunity from personal arrest or detention and from seizure of their personal baggage;
(b) exemption from inspection of personal baggage, unless there are serious grounds for believing that the baggage contains articles not for personal use or articles the import or export of which is prohibited by law or controlled by the quarantine regulations of the State Party concerned; an inspection in such a case shall be conducted in the presence of the expert concerned;
(c) immunity from legal process in respect of words spoken or written and acts done by them in discharging their functions, which immunity shall continue even after they have ceased to exercise their functions;
(d) inviolability of documents and papers;
(e) exemption from immigration restrictions or alien registration;
(f) the same facilities in respect of currency and exchange restrictions as are accorded to representatives of foreign Governments on temporary official missions;
(g) such experts shall be accorded the same repatriation facilities in time of international crises as are accorded to diplomatic agents under the Vienna Convention.
Article 16
Agents, counsel and advocates
1. Agents, counsel and advocates before the Tribunal shall be accorded, during the period of their missions, including the time spent on journeys in connection with their missions, the privileges, immunities and facilities necessary for the independent exercise of their functions. In particular, they shall be accorded:
(a) immunity from personal arrest or detention and from seizure of their personal baggage;
(b) exemption from inspection of personal baggage, unless there are serious grounds for believing that the baggage contains articles not for personal use or articles the import or export of which is prohibited by law or controlled by the quarantine regulations of the State Party concerned; an inspection in such a case shall be conducted in the presence of the agent, counsel or advocate concerned;
(c) immunity from legal process in respect of words spoken or written and all acts done by them in discharging their functions, which immunity shall continue even after they have ceased to exercise their functions;
(d) inviolability of documents and papers;
(e) the right to receive papers or correspondence by courier or in sealed bags;
(f) exemption from immigration restrictions or alien registration;
(g) the same facilities in respect of their personal baggage and in respect of currency or exchange restrictions as are accorded to representatives of foreign Governments on temporary official missions;
(h) the same repatriation facilities in time of international crises as are accorded to diplomatic agents under the Vienna Convention.
2. Upon receipt of notification from parties to proceedings before the Tribunal as to the appointment of an agent, counsel or advocate, a certification of the status of such representative shall be provided under the signature of the Registrar and limited to a period reasonably required for the proceedings.
3. The competent authorities of the State concerned shall accord the privileges, immunities and facilities provided for in this article upon production of the certification referred to in paragraph 2.
4. Where the incidence of any form of taxation depends upon residence, periods during which such agents, counsel or advocates are present in a State for the discharge of their functions shall not be considered as periods of residence.
Article 17
Witnesses, experts and persons performing missions
1. Witnesses, experts and persons performing missions by order of the Tribunal shall be accorded, during the period of their missions, including the time spent on journeys in connection with their missions, the privileges, immunities and facilities provided for in article 15, subparagraphs (a) to (f).
2. Witnesses, experts and such persons shall be accorded repatriation facilities in time of international crises.
Article 18
Nationals and permanent residents
Except insofar as additional privileges and immunities may be granted by the State Party concerned, and without prejudice to article 11, a person enjoying immunities and privileges under this Agreement shall, in the territory of the State Party of which he or she is a national or permanent resident, enjoy only immunity from legal process and inviolability in respect of words spoken or written and all acts done by that person in the discharge of his or her duties, which immunity shall continue even after the person has ceased to exercise his or her functions in connection with the Tribunal.
Article 19
Respect for laws and regulations
1. Privileges, immunities, facilities and prerogatives as provided for in articles 13 to 17 of this Agreement are granted not for the personal benefit of the individuals themselves but in order to safeguard the independent exercise of their functions in connection with the Tribunal.
2. Without prejudice to their privileges and immunities, it is the duty of all persons referred to in articles 13 to 17 to respect the laws and regulations of the State Party in whose territory they may be on the business of the Tribunal or through whose territory they may pass on such business. They also have a duty not to interfere in the internal affairs of that State.
Article 20
1. Inasmuch as the privileges and immunities provided for in this Agreement are granted in the interests of the good administration of justice and not for the personal benefit of the individuals themselves, the competent authority has the right and the duty to waive the immunity in any case where, in its opinion, the immunity would impede the course of justice and can be waived without prejudice to the administration of justice.
2. For this purpose, the competent authority in the case of agents, counsel and advocates representing or designated by a State which is a party to proceedings before the Tribunal will be the State concerned. In the case of other agents, counsel and advocates, the Registrar, experts appointed under article 289 of the Convention and witnesses, experts and persons performing missions, the competent authority will be the Tribunal. In the case of other officials of the Tribunal, the competent authority will be the Registrar, acting with the approval of the President of the Tribunal.
Article 21
Laissez-passer and visas
1. The States Parties shall recognize and accept the United Nations laissez-passer issued to Members and officials of the Tribunal or experts appointed under article 289 of the Convention as a valid travel document.
2. Applications for visas (where required) from the Members of the Tribunal and the Registrar shall be dealt with as speedily as possible. Applications for visas from all other persons holding or entitled to hold laissez-passer referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article and from persons referred to in articles 16 and 17, when accompanied by a certificate that they are travelling on the business of the Tribunal, shall be dealt with as speedily as possible.
Article 22
Freedom of movement
No administrative or other restrictions shall be imposed on the free movement of Members of the Tribunal, as well as other persons mentioned in articles 13 to 17, to and from the Headquarters of the Tribunal or the place where the Tribunal is sitting or otherwise exercising its functions.
Article 23
Maintenance of security and public order
1. If the State Party concerned considers it necessary to take, without prejudice to the independent and proper working of the Tribunal, measures necessary for the security or for the maintenance of public order of the State Party in accordance with international law, it shall approach the Tribunal as rapidly as circumstances allow in order to determine by mutual agreement the measures necessary to protect the Tribunal.
2. The Tribunal shall cooperate with the Government of such State Party to avoid any prejudice to the security or public order of the State Party resulting from its activities.
Article 24
Cooperation with the authorities of States Parties
The Tribunal shall cooperate at all times with the appropriate authorities of States Parties to facilitate the execution of their laws and to prevent any abuse in connection with the privileges, immunities, facilities and prerogatives referred to in this Agreement.
Article 25
Relationship with special agreements
Insofar as the provisions of this Agreement and the provisions of any special agreement between the Tribunal and a State Party relate to the same subject matter, the two provisions shall, whenever possible, be treated as complementary, so that both provisions shall be applicable and neither provision shall narrow the effect of the other; but in case of conflict the provision of the special agreement shall prevail.
Article 26
Settlement of disputes
1. The Tribunal shall make suitable provisions for the settlement of:
(a) disputes arising out of contracts and other disputes of a private law character to which the Tribunal is a party;
(b) disputes involving any person referred to in this Agreement who by reason of his official position enjoys immunity, if such immunity has not been waived.
2. All disputes arising out of the interpretation or application of this Agreement shall be referred to an arbitral tribunal unless the parties have agreed to another mode of settlement. If a dispute arises between the Tribunal and a State Party which is not settled by consultation, negotiation or other agreed mode of settlement within three months following a request by one of the parties to the dispute, it shall at the request of either party be referred for final decision to a panel of three arbitrators: one to be chosen by the Tribunal, one to be chosen by the State Party and the third, who shall be Chairman of the panel, to be chosen by the first two arbitrators. If either party has failed to make its appointment of an arbitrator within two months of the appointment of an arbitrator by the other party, the Secretary-General of the United Nations shall make such appointment. Should the first two arbitrators fail to agree upon the appointment of the third arbitrator within three months following the appointment of the first two arbitrators the third arbitrator shall be chosen by the Secretary-General of the United Nations upon the request of the Tribunal or the State Party.
Article 27
This Agreement shall be open for signature by all States and shall remain open for signature at United Nations Headquarters for twenty-four months from 1 July 1997.
Article 28
This Agreement is subject to ratification. The instruments of ratification shall be deposited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations.
Article 29
This Agreement shall remain open for accession by all States. The instruments of accession shall be deposited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations.
Article 30
Entry into force
1. This Agreement shall enter into force 30 days after the date of deposit of the tenth instrument of ratification or accession.
2. For each State which ratifies this Agreement or accedes thereto after the deposit of the tenth instrument of ratification or accession, this Agreement shall enter into force on the thirtieth day following the deposit of its instrument of ratification or accession.
Article 31
Provisional application
A State which intends to ratify or accede to this Agreement may at any time notify the depositary that it will apply this Agreement provisionally for a period not exceeding two years.
Article 32
Ad hoc application
Where a dispute has been submitted to the Tribunal in accordance with the Statute, any State not a party to this Agreement which is a party to the dispute may, ad hoc for the purposes and duration of the case relating thereto, become a party to this Agreement by the deposit of an instrument of acceptance. Instruments of acceptance shall be deposited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations and shall become effective on the date of deposit.
Article 33
1. A State Party may, by written notification addressed to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, denounce this Agreement. The denunciation shall take effect one year after the date of receipt of the notification, unless the notification specifies a later date.
2. The denunciation shall not in any way affect the duty of any State Party to fulfil any obligation embodied in this Agreement to which it would be subject under international law independently of this Agreement.
Article 34
The Secretary-General of the United Nations shall be the depositary of this Agreement.
Article 35
Authentic texts
The Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish texts of this Agreement are equally authentic.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned Plenipotentiaries, being duly authorized thereto, have signed this Agreement.
OPENED FOR SIGNATURE at New York, this first day of July, one thousand nine hundred and ninety-seven, in a single original, in the Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish languages.
Države pogodbenice tega sporazuma so se
ob upoštevanju, da se s Konvencijo Združenih narodov o pomorskem mednarodnem pravu ustanavlja Mednarodno sodišče za pomorsko mednarodno pravo,
ob spoznanju, da mora sodišče uživati pravno sposobnost, privilegije in imunitete, ki so potrebni za opravljanje njegovih nalog,
ob sklicevanju, da statut sodišča v 10. členu določa, da člani sodišča, kadar opravljajo naloge za sodišče, uživajo diplomatske privilegije in imunitete,
ob spoznanju, da morajo osebe, ki sodelujejo v postopku, in uradniki sodišča uživati privilegije in imunitete, ki so potrebni za neodvisno opravljanje njihovih nalog v zvezi s sodiščem,
sporazumele, kot sledi:
1. člen
Uporaba izrazov
V tem sporazumu:
a) »konvencija« pomeni Konvencijo Združenih narodov o pomorskem mednarodnem pravu z dne 10. decembra 1982;
b) »statut« pomeni Statut Mednarodnega sodišča za pomorsko mednarodno pravo iz Priloge VI h konvenciji;
c) »države pogodbenice« pomenijo države podpisnice tega sporazuma;
d) »sodišče« pomeni Mednarodno sodišče za pomorsko mednarodno pravo;
e) »član sodišča« pomeni izvoljenega člana sodišča ali osebo, izbrano po 17. členu statuta za določen primer;
f) »tajnik« pomeni tajnika sodišča in vključuje katerega koli uradnika sodišča, ki deluje kot tajnik;
g) »uradniki sodišča« pomenijo tajnika in druge člane osebja sodne pisarne;
h) »Dunajska konvencija« pomeni Dunajsko konvencijo o diplomatskih odnosih z dne 18. aprila 1961.
2. člen
Pravna osebnost sodišča
Sodišče ima pravno osebnost. Je sposobno:
a) sklepati pogodbe;
b) pridobivati nepremičnine in premičnine ter z njimi razpolagati;
c) sprožiti pravni postopek.
3. člen
Nedotakljivost prostorov sodišča
Prostori sodišča so nedotakljivi ob upoštevanju pogojev, ki so morda dogovorjeni z zadevno državo pogodbenico.
4. člen
Zastava in emblem
Sodišče ima pravico, da v svojih prostorih in na službenih vozilih izobesi svojo zastavo in emblem.
5. člen
Imuniteta sodišča, njegovega premoženja, imetja in sredstev
1. Sodišče uživa imuniteto v pravnem postopku, razen če se v posameznem primeru svoji imuniteti izrecno ne odpove. Razume pa se, da se nobena odpoved imuniteti ne more razširiti na izvršilne ukrepe.
2. Premoženje, imetje in sredstva sodišča so ne glede na to, kje so in kdo jih ima v posesti, izvzeta iz preiskave, prisilnega odvzema, zaplembe, zasega, razlastitve ali kakršne koli druge oblike posegov bodisi z izvršilnim, upravnim, sodnim ali zakonodajnim ukrepom.
3. Premoženje, imetje in sredstva sodišča so oproščena omejitev, predpisov, kontrol, moratorijev kakršne koli narave do te mere, da sodišče lahko opravlja svoje naloge.
4. Sodišče je zavarovano za odgovornost do tretjih oseb za vozila, ki jih ima v lasti ali jih uporablja, v skladu z zakoni in predpisi države, v kateri se vozilo uporablja.
6. člen
Arhiv sodišča in vsi dokumenti, ki so njegov sestavni del ali so v njegovi lasti, so ob vsakem času in ne glede na to, kje so, nedotakljivi. Država pogodbenica, v kateri je arhiv, mora biti obveščena o kraju, na katerem so tak arhiv in dokumenti.
7. člen
Opravljanje nalog sodišča zunaj njegovega
Če sodišče meni, da bi bilo primerno, če bi zasedalo ali drugače opravljalo druge svoje naloge zunaj svojega sedeža, lahko z zadevno državo sklene dogovor o zagotovitvi ustreznih možnosti za opravljanje svojih nalog.
8. člen
1. Če je to združljivo z mednarodnimi obveznostmi zadevne države, sodišče za namene svojih uradnih sporočil in dopisovanja v zvezi s prednostmi, tarifami in davki, ki veljajo za poštno službo in različne oblike sporočanja in dopisovanja, uživa obravnavo, ki ni manj ugodna od tiste, ki jo država pogodbenica priznava kateri koli medvladni organizaciji ali kateremu koli diplomatskemu predstavništvu.
2. Sodišče lahko uporablja vse ustrezne načine sporočanja in lahko za svoja uradna sporočila ali dopise uporablja tudi kode ali številke. Uradna sporočila in dopisi sodišča so nedotakljivi.
3. Sodišče ima pravico, da dopise in druge dokumente ali sporočila pošilja in sprejema po pošti ali v zapečatenih vrečah, ki uživajo enake privilegije, imunitete in ugodnosti kot diplomatska pošta.
9. člen
Oprostitev davkov in carin ter uvoznih in izvoznih
1. Sodišče, njegovo imetje, dohodek in drugo premoženje ter njegove dejavnosti in poslovanje so oproščeni plačila vsakršnih neposrednih davkov. Razume pa se, da sodišče ne bo zahtevalo oprostitve plačila davkov, ki dejansko pomenijo samo dajatve za komunalne storitve javnih podjetij.
2. Sodišče je oproščeno plačila vseh carin in prometnih davkov na uvoz ter vseh prepovedi in omejitev na uvoz in izvoz izdelkov, ki jih uvozi ali izvozi v uradne namene.
3. Tako uvoženi ali kupljeni izdelki, ki so oproščeni dajatev, se na ozemlju države pogodbenice ne prodajo ali drugače odtujijo, razen pod pogoji, dogovorjenimi z vlado te države pogodbenice. Sodišče je oproščeno plačila vseh carinskih dajatev in prometnih davkov ob uvozu ter vseh prepovedi in omejitev uvoza in izvoza tudi v zvezi s svojimi publikacijami.
10. člen
Povračilo dajatev in/ali davkov
1. Sodišče praviloma ne zahteva oprostitve plačila tistih dajatev in davkov, ki so vključeni v ceno premičnin in nepremičnin, ter davkov, plačanih za opravljene storitve. Če pa sodišče za uradne namene opravi večje nakupe premoženja in blaga ali storitev, katerih cena vključuje take dajatve in davke, države pogodbenice sklenejo ustrezne upravne dogovore o oprostitvi plačila takih dajatev in davkov ali o povračilu zneska plačanih dajatev in/ali davkov.
2. Blago, kupljeno na podlagi davčne oprostitve ali povračila plačanega davka, se ne proda ali drugače odtuji, razen v skladu s pogoji države pogodbenice, ki je odobrila oprostitev ali povračilo. Oprostitev ali povračilo se ne odobri v zvezi s plačilom komunalnih storitev javnih podjetij, opravljenih za sodišče.
11. člen
1. Plače, honorarji in nadomestila, izplačani članom in uradnikom sodišča, so oproščeni davkov.
2. Če je kakršna koli davčna obremenitev odvisna od prebivanja, se obdobja, med katerimi so člani ali uradniki v državi, da bi tam opravljali svoje naloge, ne štejejo za obdobja prebivanja, če ti člani ali uradniki uživajo diplomatske privilegije, imunitete in ugodnosti.
3. Države pogodbenice niso zavezane, da pokojnine ali rente, izplačane nekdanjim članom in nekdanjim uradnikom sodišča, oprostijo davka od dohodka.
12. člen
Sredstva in oprostitev vseh tečajnih omejitev
1. Ne da bi bilo pri opravljanju svojih dejavnosti sodišče omejeno s kakršnim koli finančnim nadzorom, predpisi ali moratoriji plačil,
a) ima lahko sredstva, vse vrste deviz ali zlato in lahko z računi posluje v kateri koli valuti;
b) lahko svoja sredstva, zlato ali devize svobodno prenese iz ene države v drugo ali znotraj katere koli države in lahko vsakršne devize zamenja v katero koli drugo valuto;
c) lahko sprejme, poseduje, odstopi, prenese, zamenja obveznice in druge vrednostne papirje ali drugače razpolaga z njimi.
2. Pri uresničevanju svojih pravic po prvem odstavku sodišče upošteva vsa stališča držav pogodbenic, če meni, da jim lahko ugodi, ne da bi škodovalo svojim lastnim interesom.
13. člen
Člani sodišča
1. Pri opravljanju svojih nalog člani sodišča uživajo privilegije, imunitete, ugodnosti in posebne pravice, priznane vodjem diplomatskih misij v skladu z Dunajsko konvencijo.
2. Člani sodišča in člani njihovih družin, ki živijo z njimi v skupnem gospodinjstvu, imajo vse možnosti, da zapustijo državo, v kateri so, in da vstopijo v državo, v kateri sodišče zaseda, ali pa jo zapustijo. Med potovanji zaradi opravljanja svojih nalog uživajo v vsaki državi, čez ozemlje katere morajo potovati, vse privilegije, imunitete in ugodnosti, ki jih ta država v podobnih okoliščinah priznava diplomatskim predstavnikom.
3. Če člani sodišča zato, da bi bili na voljo sodišču, prebivajo v državi, ki ni njihova matična država ali država njihovega stalnega prebivališča, med svojim bivanjem v tej državi skupaj s člani svojih družin, ki živijo z njimi v skupnem gospodinjstvu, uživajo diplomatske privilegije, imunitete in ugodnosti.
4. Članom sodišča in članom njihovih družin, ki živijo z njimi v skupnem gospodinjstvu, se ob mednarodnih krizah priznavajo enake ugodnosti repatriacije, kot se na podlagi Dunajske konvencije priznavajo diplomatskim predstavnikom.
5. Člani sodišča so zavarovani za odgovornost do tretjih za vozila, ki jih imajo v lasti ali jih uporabljajo, v skladu z zakoni in predpisi države, v kateri se vozilo uporablja.
6. Prvi in peti odstavek tega člena se za člane sodišča uporabljata tudi po njihovi zamenjavi, če še naprej opravljajo svoje naloge v skladu s tretjim odstavkom 5. člena statuta.
7. Da bi bili članom sodišča zagotovljeni popolna svoboda govora in popolna neodvisnost pri opravljanju njihovih nalog, se jim tudi tedaj, ko niso več člani sodišča ali so prenehali opravljati svoje naloge, še naprej priznava izvzetje iz sodnega postopka za izrečene ali napisane besede in za vsa dejanja, ki izhajajo iz opravljanja njihovih nalog.
14. člen
1. Tajnik pri opravljanju svojih nalog za sodišče uživa diplomatske privilegije, imunitete in ugodnosti.
2. Drugi uradniki sodišča v državah, v katerih prebivajo zaradi službenih dolžnosti, ali v državah, čez katere potujejo iz istega razloga, uživajo take privilegije, imunitete in ugodnosti, kot jih zahteva neodvisno opravljanje njihovih nalog. Predvsem se jim priznavajo:
a) nedopustnost pripora ali pridržanja in zasega njihove osebne prtljage;
b) pravica do brezcarinskega uvoza njihovega pohištva in osebnih predmetov ob prvem prevzemu dolžnosti v zadevni državi in do njihovega brezcarinskega ponovnega izvoza v državo njihovega stalnega prebivališča;
c) oprostitev vsakršnega pregleda osebne prtljage, razen če ne obstajajo resni razlogi za sum, da so v prtljagi predmeti, ki niso namenjeni osebni uporabi, ali predmeti, katerih uvoz ali izvoz je zakonsko prepovedan ali zanje veljajo predpisi zadevne države o karanteni; v takem primeru se pregled opravi ob navzočnosti pristojnega uradnika;
d) izvzetje iz sodnega postopka za izrečene ali napisane besede in za vsa dejanja, storjena pri opravljanju njihovih nalog; to izvzetje se jim priznava tudi, potem ko so prenehali opravljati svoje naloge;
e) oprostitev služenja vojaškega roka;
f) oprostitev omejitev glede priseljevanja ali prijave tujcev, in to zanje in za člane njihove družine, ki živijo z njimi v skupnem gospodinjstvu;
g) enaki privilegiji in ugodnosti pri prenosu in zamenjavi deviz, kot se priznavajo uradnikom primerljivega položaja v sestavi diplomatskih misij, akreditiranih pri zadevni vladi;
h) enake ugodnosti repatriacije ob mednarodnih krizah, kot se po Dunajski konvenciji priznavajo diplomatskim predstavnikom, in to zanje in za člane njihovih družin, ki živijo z njimi v skupnem gospodinjstvu.
3. Uradniki sodišča so zavarovani za odgovornost do tretjih za vozila, ki jih imajo v lasti ali jih uporabljajo, v skladu z zakoni in predpisi države, v kateri se vozilo uporablja.
4. Sodišče vsem državam pogodbenicam sporoči kategorije uradnikov, za katere se uporabljajo določbe tega člena. Imena uradnikov, vključenih v te kategorije, se vsakokrat sporočijo vsem državam pogodbenicam.
15. člen
Izvedenci, imenovani po 289. členu konvencije
Izvedencem, imenovanim po 289. členu konvencije, se med opravljanjem njihovih nalog, vključno s časom potovanja v zvezi z njihovimi nalogami, priznavajo privilegiji, imunitete in ugodnosti, potrebne za zagotavljanje neodvisnosti pri opravljanju njihovih nalog. Predvsem se jim priznavajo:
a) nedopustnost pripora ali pridržanja in zasega njihove osebne prtljage;
b) oprostitev vsakršnega pregleda osebne prtljage, razen če ne obstajajo resni razlogi za sum, da so v prtljagi predmeti, ki niso namenjeni osebni uporabi, ali predmeti, katerih uvoz ali izvoz je zakonsko prepovedan ali zanje veljajo predpisi zadevne države o karanteni; v takem primeru se pregled opravi ob navzočnosti ustreznega izvedenca;
c) izvzetje iz sodnega postopka za izrečene ali napisane besede in za vsa dejanja, storjena pri opravljanju njihovih nalog; to izvzetje se jim priznava tudi, potem ko so prenehali opravljati svoje naloge;
d) nedotakljivost dokumentov in listin;
e) oprostitev omejitev glede priseljevanja ali prijave tujcev;
f) enaki privilegiji in ugodnosti pri prenosu in zamenjavi deviz, kot se priznavajo predstavnikom tujih vlad na začasnih službenih nalogah;
g) enake ugodnosti repatriacije ob mednarodnih krizah, kot se po Dunajski konvenciji priznavajo diplomatskim predstavnikom.
16. člen
Zastopniki, svetovalci in zagovorniki
1. Zastopnikom, svetovalcem in zagovornikom se med opravljanjem njihovih nalog, vključno s časom potovanja v zvezi z njihovimi nalogami, priznavajo privilegiji, imunitete in ugodnosti, potrebne za zagotavljanje neodvisnosti pri opravljanju njihovih nalog. Predvsem se jim priznavajo:
a) nedopustnost pripora ali pridržanja in zasega njihove osebne prtljage;
b) oprostitev vsakršnega pregleda osebne prtljage, razen če ne obstajajo resni razlogi za sum, da so v prtljagi predmeti, ki niso namenjeni osebni uporabi, ali predmeti, katerih uvoz ali izvoz je zakonsko prepovedan ali zanje veljajo predpisi zadevne države o karanteni; v takem primeru se pregled opravi ob navzočnosti zastopnika, svetovalca ali zagovornika;
c) izvzetje iz sodnega postopka za izrečene ali napisane besede in za vsa dejanja, storjena pri opravljanju njihovih nalog; to izvzetje se jim priznava tudi, potem ko so prenehali opravljati svoje naloge;
d) nedotakljivost dokumentov in listin;
e) pravica prejemati listine ali pisma po pošti ali v zapečatenih vrečah;
f) oprostitev omejitev glede priseljevanja ali prijave tujcev;
g) enake ugodnosti pri njihovi osebni prtljagi ter prenosu in zamenjavi deviz, kot se priznavajo predstavnikom tujih vlad na začasnih službenih nalogah;
h) enake ugodnosti repatriacije ob mednarodnih krizah, kot se po Dunajski konvenciji priznavajo diplomatskim predstavnikom.
2. Ko prejme uradno obvestilo strank v postopku pred sodiščem o imenovanju zastopnika, svetovalca ali zagovornika, tajnik podpiše potrdilo o statusu takega predstavnika; veljavnost statusa je omejena na razumen čas, potreben za postopek.
3. Pristojni organi zadevne države priznajo zastopnikom, svetovalcem in zagovornikom iz tega člena privilegije, imunitete, ugodnosti in posebne pravice po predložitvi potrdila, navedenega v drugem odstavku.
4. Če je kakršna koli davčna obremenitev odvisna od prebivanja, se obdobja, med katerimi so zastopniki, svetovalci ali zagovorniki v državi, da bi tam opravljali svoje naloge, ne štejejo za obdobja prebivanja.
17. člen
Priče, izvedenci in osebe, ki opravljajo naloge
1. Pričam, izvedencem in osebam, ki opravljajo naloge po naročilu sodišča, se med opravljanjem njihovih nalog, vključno s časom potovanja v zvezi z njihovimi nalogami, priznavajo privilegiji, imunitete in ugodnosti, določene v pododstavkih od a) do f) 15. člena.
2. Pričam, izvedencem in osebam, ki opravljajo naloge po naročilu sodišča, se ob mednarodnih krizah priznavajo ugodnosti repatriacije.
18. člen
Državljani in osebe s stalnim prebivališčem
Ob upoštevanju dodatnih privilegijev in imunitet, ki jih lahko prizna zadevna država pogodbenica, in brez vpliva na 11. člen uživa oseba, ki po tem sporazumu uživa imunitete in privilegije, na ozemlju države pogodbenice, katere državljanstvo ima ali v njej stalno prebiva, samo imuniteto ali izvzetje iz sodnega postopka in nedotakljivost glede izrečenih ali napisanih besed ter glede vseh dejanj, ki jih je storila pri opravljanju svojih nalog. Ta imuniteta se ji priznava tudi, potem ko ne opravlja več svojih nalog v zvezi s sodiščem.
19. člen
Spoštovanje zakonov in predpisov
1. Privilegiji, imunitete, ugodnosti in posebne pravice, določene v členih od 13 do 17 tega sporazuma, se ne priznavajo zaradi osebnih koristi posameznikov, ampak zaradi zagotavljanja neodvisnosti pri opravljanju njihovih nalog v zvezi s sodiščem.
2. Brez vpliva na njihove privilegije in imunitete je dolžnost vseh oseb iz členov od 13 do 17, da spoštujejo zakone in predpise države pogodbenice, na ozemlju katere opravljajo delo za sodišče ali čez to ozemlje potujejo, da bi tako delo opravljale. Njihova dolžnost je tudi, da se ne vmešavajo v notranje zadeve te države.
20. člen
Odvzem imunitete
1. Če so privilegiji in imunitete, ki so določeni v tem sporazumu, podeljeni v interesu uspešnega sodstva in ne zaradi osebnih koristi posameznikov, ima pristojni organ pravico in dolžnost odvzeti imuniteto, če meni, da bi imuniteta ovirala sodni postopek in da jo lahko odvzame brez vpliva na sojenje.
2. Glede zastopnikov, svetovalcev in zagovornikov, ki zastopajo državo v postopku pred sodiščem ali jih ta država imenuje, je pristojni organ zadevna država sama. Glede drugih zastopnikov, svetovalcev in zagovornikov, tajnika, izvedencev, imenovanih po 289. členu konvencije, ter prič, izvedencev in oseb, ki opravljajo naloge, pa je pristojni organ sodišče. Če gre za druge uradnike sodišča, je pristojni organ tajnik, ki deluje na podlagi soglasja predsednika sodišča.
21. člen
Prepustnice in vizumi
1. Države pogodbenice priznavajo in sprejemajo prepustnice Združenih narodov, izdane članom in uradnikom sodišča ali izvedencem, imenovanim po 289. členu konvencije, kot veljavno potno listino.
2. Vloge za vizume (če so ti potrebni), ki jih oddajo člani sodišča in tajnik, se morajo obravnavati, čim prej je mogoče. Vloge za vizume vseh drugih oseb, ki imajo prepustnice iz prvega odstavka tega člena ali so jih upravičene imeti, in oseb iz 16. in 17. člena se, če je vlogam priloženo potrdilo, da osebe potujejo z nalogo za sodišče, prav tako obravnavajo čim hitreje.
22. člen
Svoboda gibanja
Svobodnega gibanja članov sodišča in drugih oseb iz členov od 13 do 17, ki gredo na sedež sodišča ali na kraj, kjer sodišče zaseda ali tam opravlja svoje druge naloge, ali se vračajo z njega, ne ovira nobena upravna ali druga omejitev.
23. člen
Vzdrževanje varnosti in javnega reda
1. Če država pogodbenica meni, da mora brez vpliva na neodvisno in uspešno delovanje sodišča v skladu z mednarodnim pravom sprejeti ukrepe za zagotovitev varnosti ali vzdrževanje javnega reda v državi, se tako hitro, kot dopuščajo okoliščine, posvetuje s sodiščem, da sporazumno določita ukrepe, potrebne za zaščito sodišča.
2. Sodišče sodeluje z vlado take države pogodbenice, da prepreči, da bi njegove dejavnosti vplivale na varnost ali javni red države pogodbenice.
24. člen
Sodelovanje z organi držav pogodbenic
Sodišče ob vsakem času sodeluje s pristojnimi organi držav pogodbenic, da omogoča lažje izvajanje zakonov teh držav in da preprečuje vsakršno zlorabo v zvezi s privilegiji, imunitetami, ugodnostmi in posebnimi pravicami iz tega sporazuma.
25. člen
Razmerje do posebnih sporazumov
Če se katera določba tega sporazuma in določba posebnega sporazuma, sklenjenega med sodiščem in državo pogodbenico, navezujeta na isto zadevo, se določbi, kadar je to mogoče, štejeta za dopolnilni in veljavni, pri čemer nobena od njiju ne omejuje učinka druge; ob neskladju prevlada določba posebnega sporazuma.
26. člen
Reševanje sporov
1. Sodišče sprejme ustrezne določbe za reševanje:
a) sporov, ki izhajajo iz pogodb, in drugih sporov zasebnega prava, pri katerih je udeleženo sodišče;
b) sporov, v katere je vpletena katera koli oseba iz tega sporazuma, ki na podlagi svojega uradnega položaja uživa imuniteto, razen če ji ta imuniteta ni bila odvzeta.
2. Vsi spori, ki izhajajo iz razlage ali uporabe tega sporazuma, se pošljejo v reševanje arbitražnemu sodišču, razen če se pogodbenice ne dogovorijo o drugačnem načinu reševanja. Če med sodiščem in državo pogodbenico nastane spor, ki v treh mesecih po zaprosilu, ki ga v ta namen pošlje ena od strank v sporu, ni rešen s posvetovanjem, pogajanjem ali z drugim dogovorjenim načinom reševanja, se na zaprosilo ene ali druge stranke pošlje v končno odločitev senatu treh arbitrov: enega izbere sodišče, drugega država pogodbenica, tretjega, ki predseduje senatu, pa izbereta prva dva arbitra. Če eni ali drugi stranki v sporu ne uspe imenovati arbitra v dveh mesecih, potem ko je arbitra imenovala druga stranka, ga imenuje generalni sekretar Organizacije združenih narodov. Če se prvima dvema arbitroma v treh mesecih po njunem imenovanju ne uspe sporazumeti o imenovanju tretjega arbitra, ga na zaprosilo sodišča ali države pogodbenice izbere generalni sekretar Organizacije združenih narodov.
27. člen
Ta sporazum je vsem državam na voljo za podpis na sedežu Organizacije združenih narodov štiriindvajset mesecev od 1. julija 1997 dalje.
28. člen
Ta sporazum se ratificira. Listine o ratifikaciji se deponirajo pri generalnem sekretarju Organizacije združenih narodov.
29. člen
Ta sporazum je na voljo za pristop vsem državam. Listine o pristopu se deponirajo pri generalnem sekretarju Organizacije združenih narodov.
30. člen
Začetek veljavnosti
1. Ta sporazum začne veljati 30 dni po datumu deponiranja desete listine o ratifikaciji ali pristopu.
2. Za vsako državo, ki ta sporazum ratificira ali k njemu pristopi po deponiranju desete listine o ratifikaciji ali pristopu, ta sporazum začne veljati trideseti dan po deponiranju njene listine o ratifikaciji ali pristopu.
31. člen
Začasna uporaba
Država, ki namerava ta sporazum ratificirati ali pristopiti k njemu, lahko depozitarja kadar koli uradno obvesti, da bo ta sporazum začasno uporabljala v obdobju do dveh let.
32. člen
Ad hoc uporaba
Če sodišče rešuje spor v skladu s statutom, lahko država, ki ni pogodbenica tega sporazuma, a je stranka v sporu, v tem primeru in za toliko časa, kolikor traja primer, ki se nanaša na spor, postane pogodbenica tega sporazuma, tako da deponira listino o sprejetju. Listine o sprejetju se deponirajo pri generalnem sekretarju Organizacije združenih narodov in začnejo veljati na dan deponiranja.
33. člen
1. Država pogodbenica lahko s pisnim uradnim obvestilom, ki ga pošlje generalnemu sekretarju Organizacije združenih narodov, ta sporazum odpove. Odpoved začne veljati eno leto po datumu prejema uradnega obvestila, razen če uradno obvestilo ne predvideva poznejšega datuma.
2. Odpoved v ničemer ne vpliva na dolžnost katere koli države pogodbenice, da izpolni obveznosti iz tega sporazuma, ki bi jim bila ne glede na ta sporazum zavezana po mednarodnem pravu.
34. člen
Depozitar tega sporazuma je generalni sekretar Organizacije združenih narodov.
35. člen
Verodostojna besedila
Besedila tega sporazuma v angleškem, arabskem, francoskem, kitajskem, ruskem in španskem jeziku so enako verodostojna.
V POTRDITEV TEGA so podpisani pooblaščenci, ki so bili za to pravilno pooblaščeni, podpisali ta sporazum.
NA VOLJO ZA PODPIS v New Yorku prvega julija tisoč devetsto sedemindevetdeset v enem izvirniku v angleškem, arabskem, francoskem, kitajskem, ruskem in španskem jeziku.
3. člen
Za izvajanje Sporazuma skrbi Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve.
4. člen
Ta zakon začne veljati petnajsti dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 700-01/04-83/1
Ljubljana, dne 2. decembra 2004
Državnega zbora
Republike Slovenije
France Cukjati, dr. med. l. r.
* Besedilo sporazuma v arabskem, francoskem, kitajskem, ruskem in španskem jeziku je na vpogled v Sektorju za mednarodnopravne zadeve Ministrstva za zunanje zadeve.

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