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Številka 65
Uradni list RS, št. 65/2004 z dne 15. 6. 2004
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 65/2004 z dne 15. 6. 2004


76. Zakon o ratifikaciji Pogodbe o odprtih zračnih prostorih (MPOZP), stran 4281.

Na podlagi druge alinee prvega odstavka 107. člena in prvega odstavka 91. člena Ustave Republike Slovenije izdajam
Razglašam Zakon o ratifikaciji Pogodbe o odprtih zračnih prostorih (MPOZP), ki ga je sprejel Državni zbor Republike Slovenije na seji 20. maja 2004.
Št. 001-22-107/04
Ljubljana, 28. maj 2004
dr. Janez Drnovšek l. r.
Republike Slovenije
1. člen
Ratificira se Pogodba o odprtih zračnih prostorih, podpisana 24. marca 1992 v Helsinkih.
2. člen
Besedilo Pogodbe se v izvirniku v angleškem jeziku in prevodu v slovenskem jeziku glasi: *
The States concluding this Treaty, hereinafter referred to collectively as the States Parties or individually as a State Party,
Recalling the commitments they have made in the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe to promoting greater openness and transparency in their military activities and to enhancing security by means of confidence- and security-building measures,
Welcoming the historic events in Europe which have transformed the security situation from Vancouver to Vladivostok,
Wishing to contribute to the further development and strengthening of peace, stability and co-operative security in that area by the creation of an Open Skies regime for aerial observation,
Recognizing the potential contribution which an aerial observation regime of this type could make to security and stability in other regions as well,
Noting the possibility of employing such a regime to improve openness and transparency, to facilitate the monitoring of compliance with existing or future arms control agreements and to strengthen the capacity for conflict prevention and crisis management in the framework of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe and in other relevant international institutions,
Envisaging the possible extension of the Open Skies regime into additional fields, such as the protection of the environment,
Seeking to establish agreed procedures to provide for aerial observation of all the territories of States Parties, with the intent of observing a single State Party or groups of States Parties, on the basis of equity and effectiveness while maintaining flight safety,
Noting that the operation of such an Open Skies regime will be without prejudice to States not participating in it,
Have agreed as follows:
Article I
1. This Treaty establishes the regime, to be known as the Open Skies regime, for the conduct of observation flights by States Parties over the territories of other States Parties, and sets forth the rights and obligations of the States Parties relating thereto.
2. Each of the Annexes and their related Appendices constitutes an integral part of this Treaty.
Article II
For the purposes of this Treaty:
1. The term "observed Party" means the State Party or group of States Parties over whose territory an observation flight is conducted or is intended to be conducted, from the time it has received notification thereof from an observing Party until completion of the procedures relating to that flight, or personnel acting on behalf of that State Party or group of States Parties.
2. The term "observing Party" means the State Party or group of States Parties that intends to conduct or conducts an observation flight over the territory of another State Party or group of States Parties, from the time that it has provided notification of its intention to conduct an observation flight until completion of the procedures relating to that flight, or personnel acting on behalf of that State Party or group of States Parties.
3. The term "group of States Parties" means two or more States Parties that have agreed to form a group for the purposes of this Treaty.
4. The term "observation aircraft" means an unarmed, fixed wing aircraft designated to make observation flights, registered by the relevant authorities of a State Party and equipped with agreed sensors. The term "unarmed" means that the observation aircraft used for the purposes of this Treaty is not equipped to carry and employ weapons.
5. The term "observation flight" means the flight of the observation aircraft conducted by an observing Party over the territory of an observed Party, as provided in the flight plan, from the point of entry or Open Skies airfield to the point of exit or Open Skies airfield.
6. The term "transit flight" means a flight of an observation aircraft or transport aircraft conducted by or on behalf of an observing Party over the territory of a third State Party en route to or from the territory of the observed Party.
7. The term "transport aircraft" means an aircraft other than an observation aircraft that, on behalf of the observing Party, conducts flights to or from the territory of the observed Party exclusively for the purposes of this Treaty.
8. The term "territory" means the land, including islands, and internal and territorial waters, over which a State Party exercises sovereignty.
9. The term "passive quota" means the number of observation flights that each State Party is obliged to accept as an observed Party.
10. The term "active quota" means the number of observation flights that each State Party has the right to conduct as an observing Party.
11. The term "maximum flight distance" means the maximum distance over the territory of the observed Party from the point at which the observation flight may commence to the point at which that flight may terminate, as specified in Annex A to this Treaty.
12. The term "sensor" means equipment of a category specified in Article IV, paragraph 1 that is installed on an observation aircraft for use during the conduct of observation flights.
13. The term "ground resolution" means the minimum distance on the ground between two closely located objects distinguishable as separate objects.
14. The term "infra-red line-scanning device" means a sensor capable of receiving and visualizing thermal electro-magnetic radiation emitted in the invisible infra-red part of the optical spectrum by objects due to their temperature and in the absence of artificial illumination.
15. The term "observation period" means a specified period of time during an observation flight when a particular sensor installed on the observation aircraft is operating.
16. The term "flight crew" means individuals from any State Party who may include, if the State Party so decides, interpreters and who perform duties associated with the operation or servicing of an observation aircraft or transport aircraft.
17. The term "pilot-in-command" means the pilot on board the observation aircraft who is responsible for the operation of the observation aircraft, the execution of the flight plan, and the safety of the observation aircraft.
18. The term "flight monitor" means an individual who, on behalf of the observed Party, is on board an observation aircraft provided by the observing Party during the observation flight and who performs duties in accordance with Annex G to this Treaty.
19. The term "flight representative" means an individual who, on behalf of the observing Party, is on board an observation aircraft provided by the observed Party during an observation flight and who performs duties in accordance with Annex G to this Treaty.
20. The term "representative" means an individual who has been designated by the observing Party and who performs activities on behalf of the observing Party in accordance with Annex G during an observation flight on an observation aircraft designated by a State Party other than the observing Party or the observed Party.
21. The term "sensor operator" means an individual from any State Party who performs duties associated with the functioning, operation and maintenance of the sensors of an observation aircraft.
22. The term "inspector" means an individual from any State Party who conducts an inspection of sensors or observation aircraft of another State Party.
23. The term "escort" means an individual from any State Party who accompanies the inspectors of another State Party.
24. The term "mission plan" means a document, which is in a format established by the Open Skies Consultative Commission, presented by the observing Party that contains the route, profile, order of execution and support required to conduct the observation flight, which is to be agreed upon with the observed Party and which will form the basis for the elaboration of the flight plan.
25. The term "flight plan" means a document elaborated on the basis of the agreed mission plan in the format and with the content specified by the International Civil Aviation Organization, hereinafter referred to as the ICAO, which is presented to the air traffic control authorities and on the basis of which the observation flight will be conducted.
26. The term "mission report" means a document describing an observation flight completed after its termination by the observing Party and signed by both the observing and observed Parties, which is in a format established by the Open Skies Consultative Commission.
27. The term "Open Skies airfield" means an airfield designated by the observed Party as a point where an observation flight may commence or terminate.
28. The term "point of entry" means a point designated by the observed Party for the arrival of personnel of the observing Party on the territory of the observed Party.
29. The term "point of exit" means a point designated by the observed Party for the departure of personnel of the observing Party from the territory of the observed Party.
30. The term "refuelling airfield" means an airfield designated by the observed Party used for fuelling and servicing of observation aircraft and transport aircraft.
31. The term "alternate airfield" means an airfield specified in the flight plan to which an observation aircraft or transport aircraft may proceed when it becomes inadvisable to land at the airfield of intended landing.
32. The term "hazardous airspace" means the prohibited areas, restricted areas and danger areas, defined on the basis of Annex 2 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation, that are established in accordance with Annex 15 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation in the interests of flight safety, public safety and environmental protection and about which information is provided in accordance with ICAO provisions.
33. The term "prohibited area" means an airspace of defined dimensions, above the territory of a State Party, within which the flight of aircraft is prohibited.
34. The term "restricted area" means an airspace of defined dimensions, above the territory of a State Party, within which the flight of aircraft is restricted in accordance with specified conditions.
35. The term "danger area" means an airspace of defined dimensions within which activities dangerous to the flight of aircraft may exist at specified times.
Article III
1. Each State Party shall have the right to conduct observation flights in accordance with the provisions of this Treaty.
2. Each State Party shall be obliged to accept observation flights over its territory in accordance with the provisions of this Treaty.
3. Each State Party shall have the right to conduct a number of observation flights over the territory of any other State Party equal to the number of observation flights which that other State Party has the right to conduct over it.
4. The total number of observation flights that each State Party is obliged to accept over its territory is the total passive quota for that State Party. The allocation of the total passive quota to the States Parties is set forth in Annex A, Section I to this Treaty.
5. The number of observation flights that a State Party shall have the right to conduct each year over the territory of each of the other States Parties is the individual active quota of that State Party with respect to that other State Party. The sum of the individual active quotas is the total active quota of that State Party. The total active quota of a State Party shall not exceed its total passive quota.
6. The first distribution of active quotas is set forth in Annex A, Section II to this Treaty.
7. After entry into force of this Treaty, the distribution of active quotas shall be subject to an annual review for the following calendar year within the framework of the Open Skies Consultative Commission. In the event that it is not possible during the annual review to arrive within three weeks at agreement on the distribution of active quotas with respect to a particular State Party, the previous year's distribution of active quotas with respect to that State Party shall remain unchanged.
8. Except as provided for by the provisions of Article VIII, each observation flight conducted by a State Party shall be counted against the individual and total active quotas of that State Party.
9. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraphs 3 and 5 of this Section, a State Party to which an active quota has been distributed may, by agreement with the State Party to be overflown, transfer a part or all of its total active quota to other States Parties and shall promptly notify all other States Parties and the Open Skies Consultative Commission thereof. Paragraph 10 of this Section shall apply.
10. No State Party shall conduct more observation flights over the territory of another State Party than a number equal to 50 per cent, rounded up to the nearest whole number, of its own total active quota, or of the total passive quota of that other State Party, whichever is less.
11. The maximum flight distances of observation flights over the territories of the States Parties are set forth in Annex A, Section III to this Treaty.
1. (A) Without prejudice to their rights and obligations under this Treaty, two or more States Parties which hold quotas may form a group of States Parties at signature of this Treaty and thereafter. For a group of States Parties formed after signature of this Treaty, the provisions of this Section shall apply no earlier than six months after giving notice to all other States Parties, and subject to the provisions of paragraph 6 of this Section.
(B) A group of States Parties shall co-operate with regard to active and passive quotas in accordance with the provisions of either paragraph 2 or 3 of this Section.
2. (A)The members of a group of States Parties shall have the right to redistribute amongst themselves their active quotas for the current year, while retaining their individual passive quotas. Notification of the redistribution shall be made immediately to all third States Parties concerned.
(B) An observation flight shall count as many observation flights against the individual and total active quotas of the observing Party as observed Parties belonging to the group are overflown. It shall count one observation flight against the total passive quota of each observed Party.
(C) Each State Party in respect of which one or more members of a group of States Parties hold active quotas shall have the right to conduct over the territory of any member of the group 50 per cent more observation flights, rounded up to the nearest whole number, than its individual active quota in respect of that member of the group or to conduct two such overflights if it holds no active quota in respect of that member of the group.
(D) In the event that it exercises this right the State Party concerned shall reduce its active quotas in respect of other members of the group in such a way that the total sum of observation flights it conducts over their territories shall not exceed the sum of the individual active quotas that the State Party holds in respect of all the members of the group in the current year.
(E) The maximum flight distances of observation flights over the territories of each member of the group shall apply. In case of an observation flight conducted over several members, after completion of the maximum flight distance for one member all sensors shall be switched off until the observation aircraft reaches the point over the territory of the next member of the group of States Parties where the observation flight is planned to begin. For such follow-on observation flight the maximum flight distance related to the Open Skies airfield nearest to this point shall apply.
3. (A) A group of States Parties shall, at its request, be entitled to a common total passive quota which shall be allocated to it and common individual and total active quotas shall be distributed in respect of it.
(B) In this case, the total passive quota is the total number of observation flights that the group of States Parties is obliged to accept each year. The total active quota is the sum of the number of observation flights that the group of States Parties has the right to conduct each year. Its total active quota shall not exceed the total passive quota.
(C) An observation flight resulting from the total active quota of the group of States Parties shall be carried out on behalf of the group.
(D) Observation flights that a group of States Parties is obliged to accept may be conducted over the territory of one or more of its members.
(E) The maximum flight distances of each group of States Parties shall be specified pursuant to Annex A, Section III and Open Skies airfields shall be designated pursuant to Annex E to this Treaty.
4. In accordance with the general principles set out in Article X, paragraph 3, any third State Party that considers its rights under the provisions of Section I, paragraph 3 of this Article to be unduly restricted by the operation of a group of States Parties may raise this problem before the Open Skies Consultative Commission.
5. The group of States Parties shall ensure that procedures are established allowing for the conduct of observation flights over the territories of its members during one single mission, including refuelling if necessary. In the case of a group of States Parties established pursuant to paragraph 3 of this Section, such observation flights shall not exceed the maximum flight distance applicable to the Open Skies airfields at which the observation flights commence.
6. No earlier than six months after notification of the decision has been provided to all other States Parties:
(A) a group of States Parties established pursuant to the provisions of paragraph 2 of this Section may be transformed into a group of States Parties pursuant to the provisions of paragraph 3 of this Section;
(B) a group of States Parties established pursuant to the provisions of paragraph 3 of this Section may be transformed into a group of States Parties pursuant to the provisions of paragraph 2 of this Section;
(C) a State Party may withdraw from a group of States Parties; or
(D) a group of States Parties may admit further States Parties which hold quotas.
7. Following entry into force of this Treaty, changes in the allocation or distribution of quotas resulting from the establishment of or an admission to or a withdrawal from a group of States Parties according to paragraph 3 of this Section shall become effective on 1 January following the first annual review within the Open Skies Consultative Commission occurring after the six-month notification period. When necessary, new Open Skies airfields shall be designated and maximum flight distances established accordingly.
Article IV
1. Except as otherwise provided for in paragraph 3 of this Article, observation aircraft shall be equipped with sensors only from amongst the following categories:
(A) optical panoramic and framing cameras;
(B) video cameras with real-time display;
(C) infra-red line-scanning devices; and
(D) sideways-looking synthetic aperture radar.
2. A State Party may use, for the purposes of conducting observation flights, any of the sensors specified in paragraph 1 above, provided that such sensors are commercially available to all States Parties, subject to the following performance limits:
(A) in the case of optical panoramic and framing cameras, a ground resolution of no better than 30 centimetres at the minimum height above ground level determined in accordance with the provisions of Annex D, Appendix 1, obtained from no more than one panoramic camera, one vertically-mounted framing camera and two obliquely- mounted framing cameras, one on each side of the aircraft, providing coverage, which need not be continuous, of the ground up to 50 kilometres of each side of the flight path of the aircraft;
(B) in the case of video cameras, a ground resolution of no better than 30 centimetres determined in accordance with the provisions of Annex D, Appendix 1;
(C) in the case of infra-red line-scanning devices, a ground resolution of no better than 50 centimetres at the minimum height above ground level determined in accordance with the provisions of Annex D, Appendix 1, obtained from a single device; and
(D) in the case of sideways-looking synthetic aperture radar, a ground resolution of no better than three metres calculated by the impulse response method, which, using the object separation method, corresponds to the ability to distinguish on a radar image two corner reflectors, the distance between the centres of which is no less than five metres, over a swath width of no more than 25 kilometres, obtained from a single radar unit capable of looking from either side of the aircraft, but not both simultaneously.
3. The introduction of additional categories and improvements to the capabilities of existing categories of sensors provided for in this Article shall be addressed by the Open Skies Consultative Commission pursuant to Article X of this Treaty.
4. All sensors shall be provided with aperture covers or other devices which inhibit the operation of sensors so as to prevent collection of data during transit flights or flights to points of entry or from points of exit over the territory of the observed Party. Such covers or such other devices shall be removable or operable only from outside the observation aircraft.
5. Equipment that is capable of annotating data collected by sensors in accordance with Annex B, Section II shall be allowed on observation aircraft. The State Party providing the observation aircraft for an observation flight shall annotate the data collected by sensors with the information provided for in Annex B, Section II to this Treaty.
6. Equipment that is capable of displaying data collected by sensors in real-time shall be allowed on observation aircraft for the purposes of monitoring the functioning and operation of the sensors during the conduct of an observation flight.
7. Except as required for the operation of the agreed sensors, or as required for the operation of the observation aircraft, or as provided for in paragraphs 5 and 6 of this Article, the collection, processing, retransmission or recording of electronic signals from electro-magnetic waves are prohibited on board the observation aircraft and equipment for such operations shall not be on that observation aircraft.
8. In the event that the observation aircraft is provided by the observing Party, the observing Party shall have the right to use an observation aircraft equipped with sensors in each sensor category that do not exceed the capability specified in paragraph 2 of this Article.
9. In the event that the observation aircraft used for an observation flight is provided by the observed Party, the observed Party shall be obliged to provide an observation aircraft equipped with sensors from each sensor category specified in paragraph 1 of this Article, at the maximum capability and in the numbers specified in paragraph 2 of this Article, subject to the provisions of Article XVIII, Section II, unless otherwise agreed by the observing and observed Parties. The package and configuration of such sensors shall be installed in such a way so as to provide coverage of the ground provided for in paragraph 2 of this Article. In the event that the observation aircraft is provided by the observed Party, the latter shall provide a sideways-looking synthetic aperture radar with a ground resolution of no worse than six metres, determined by the object separation method.
10. When designating an aircraft as an observation aircraft pursuant to Article V of this Treaty, each State Party shall inform all other States Parties of the technical information on each sensor installed on such aircraft as provided for in Annex B to this Treaty.
11. Each State Party shall have the right to take part in the certification of sensors installed on observation aircraft in accordance with the provisions of Annex D. No observation aircraft of a given type shall be used for observation flights until such type of observation aircraft and its sensors has been certified in accordance with the provisions of Annex D to this Treaty.
12. A State Party designating an aircraft as an observation aircraft shall, upon 90-day prior notice to all other States Parties and subject to the provisions of Annex D to this Treaty, have the right to remove, replace or add sensors, or amend the technical information it has provided in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 10 of this Article and Annex B to this Treaty. Replacement and additional sensors shall be subject to certification in accordance with the provisions of Annex D to this Treaty prior to their use during an observation flight.
13. In the event that a State Party or group of States Parties, based on experience with using a particular observation aircraft, considers that any sensor or its associated equipment installed on an aircraft does not correspond to those certified in accordance with the provisions of Annex D, the interested States Parties shall notify all other States Parties of their concern. The State Party that designated the aircraft shall:
(A) take the steps necessary to ensure that the sensor and its associated equipment installed on the observation aircraft correspond to those certified in accordance with the provisions of Annex D, including, as necessary, repair, adjustment or replacement of the particular sensor or its associated equipment; and
(B) at the request of an interested State Party, by means of a demonstration flight set up in connection with the next time that the aforementioned observation aircraft is used, in accordance with the provisions of Annex F, demonstrate that the sensor and its associated equipment installed on the observation aircraft correspond to those certified in accordance with the provisions of Annex D. Other States Parties that express concern regarding a sensor and its associated equipment installed on an observation aircraft shall have the right to send personnel to participate in such a demonstration flight.
14. In the event that, after the steps referred to in paragraph 13 of this Article have been taken, the States Parties remain concerned as to whether a sensor or its associated equipment installed on an observation aircraft correspond to those certified in accordance with the provisions of Annex D, the issue may be referred to the Open Skies Consultative Commission.
Article V
1. Each State Party shall have the right to designate as observation aircraft one or more types or models of aircraft registered by the relevant authorities of a State Party.
2. Each State Party shall have the right to designate types or models of aircraft as observation aircraft or add new types or models of aircraft to those designated earlier by it, provided that it notifies all other States Parties 30 days in advance thereof. The notification of the designation of aircraft of a type or model shall contain the information specified in Annex C to this Treaty.
3. Each State Party shall have the right to delete types or models of aircraft designated earlier by it, provided that it notifies all other States Parties 90 days in advance thereof.
4. Only one exemplar of a particular type and model of aircraft with an identical set of associated sensors shall be required to be offered for certification in accordance with the provisions of Annex D to this Treaty.
5. Each observation aircraft shall be capable of carrying the flight crew and the personnel specified in Article VI, Section III.
Article VI
1. Observation flights shall be conducted using observation aircraft that have been designated by a State Party pursuant to Article V. Unless the observed Party exercises its right to provide an observation aircraft that it has itself designated, the observing Party shall have the right to provide the observation aircraft. In the event that the observing Party provides the observation aircraft, it shall have the right to provide an aircraft that it has itself designated or an aircraft designated by another State Party. In the event that the observed Party provides the observation aircraft, the observing Party shall have the right to be provided with an aircraft capable of achieving a minimum unrefuelled range, including the necessary fuel reserves, equivalent to one-half of the flight distance, as notified in accordance with paragraph 5, subparagraph (G) of this Section.
2. Each State Party shall have the right, pursuant to paragraph 1 of this Section, to use an observation aircraft designated by another State Party for observation flights. Arrangements for the use of such aircraft shall be worked out by the States Parties involved to allow for active participation in the Open Skies regime.
3. States Parties having the right to conduct observation flights may co-ordinate their plans for conducting observation flights in accordance with Annex H to this Treaty. No State Party shall be obliged to accept more than one observation flight at any one time during the 96-hour period specified in paragraph 9 of this Section, unless that State Party has requested a demonstration flight pursuant to Annex F to this Treaty. In that case, the observed Party shall be obliged to accept an overlap for the observation flights of up to 24 hours. After having been notified of the results of the co-ordination of plans to conduct observation flights, each State Party over whose territory observation flights are to be conducted shall inform other States Parties, in accordance with the provisions of Annex H, whether it will exercise, with regard to each specific observation flight, its right to provide its own observation aircraft.
4. No later than 90 days after signature of this Treaty, each State Party shall provide notification to all other States Parties:
(A) of the standing diplomatic clearance number for Open Skies observation flights, flights of transport aircraft and transit flights; and
(B) of which language or languages of the Open Skies Consultative Commission specified in Annex L, Section I, paragraph 7 to this Treaty shall be used by personnel for all activities associated with the conduct of observation flights over its territory, and for completing the mission plan and mission report, unless the language to be used is the one recommended in Annex 10 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation, Volume II, paragraph
5. The observing Party shall notify the observed Party of its intention to conduct an observation flight, no less than 72 hours prior to the estimated time of arrival of the observing Party at the point of entry of the observed Party. States Parties providing such notifications shall make every effort to avoid using the minimum pre-notification period over weekends. Such notification shall include:
(A) the desired point of entry and, if applicable, Open Skies airfield where the observation flight shall commence;
(B) the date and estimated time of arrival of the observing Party at the point of entry and the date and estimated time of departure for the flight from the point of entry to the Open Skies airfield, if applicable, indicating specific accommodation needs;
(C) the location, specified in Annex E, Appendix 1, where the conduct of the pre-flight inspection is desired and the date and start time of such pre-flight inspection in accordance with the provisions of Annex F;
(D) the mode of transport and, if applicable, type and model of the transport aircraft used to travel to the point of entry in the event that the observation aircraft used for the observation flight is provided by the observed Party;
(E) the diplomatic clearance number for the observation flight or for the flight of the transport aircraft used to bring the personnel in and out of the territory of the observed Party to conduct an observation flight;
(F) the identification of the observation aircraft, as specified in Annex C;
(G) the approximate observation flight distance; and
(H) the names of the personnel, their gender, date and place of birth, passport number and issuing State Party, and their function.
6. The observed Party that is notified in accordance with paragraph 5 of this Section shall acknowledge receipt of the notification within 24 hours. In the event that the observed Party exercises its right to provide the observation aircraft, the acknowledgement shall include the information about the observation aircraft specified in paragraph 5, subparagraph (F) of this Section. The observing Party shall be permitted to arrive at the point of entry at the estimated time of arrival as notified in accordance with paragraph 5 of this Section. The estimated time of departure for the flight from the point of entry to the Open Skies airfield where the observation flight shall commence and the location, the date and the start time of the pre-flight inspection shall be subject to confirmation by the observed Party.
7. Personnel of the observing Party may include personnel designated pursuant to Article XIII by other States Parties.
8. The observing Party, when notifying the observed Party in accordance with paragraph 5 of this Section, shall simultaneously notify all other States Parties of its intention to conduct the observation flight.
9. The period from the estimated time of arrival at the point of entry until completion of the observation flight shall not exceed 96 hours, unless otherwise agreed. In the event that the observed Party requests a demonstration flight pursuant to Annex F to the Treaty, it shall extend the 96-hour period pursuant to Annex F, Section III, paragraph 4, if additional time is required by the observing Party for the unrestricted execution of the mission plan.
10. Upon arrival of the observation aircraft at the point of entry, the observed Party shall inspect the covers for sensor apertures or other devices that inhibit the operation of sensors to confirm that they are in their proper position pursuant to Annex E, unless otherwise agreed by all States Parties involved.
11. In the event that the observation aircraft is provided by the observing Party, upon the arrival of the observation aircraft at the point of entry or at the Open Skies airfield where the observation flight commences, the observed Party shall have the right to carry out the pre-flight inspection pursuant to Annex F, Section I. In the event that, in accordance with paragraph 1 of this Section, an observation aircraft is provided by the observed Party, the observing Party shall have the right to carry out the pre-flight inspection of sensors pursuant to Annex F, Section II. Unless otherwise agreed, such inspections shall terminate no less than four hours prior to the scheduled commencement of the observation flight set forth in the flight plan.
12. The observing Party shall ensure that its flight crew includes at least one individual who has the necessary linguistic ability to communicate freely with the personnel of the observed Party and its air traffic control authorities in the language or languages notified by the observed Party in accordance with paragraph 4 of this Section.
13. The observed Party shall provide the flight crew, upon its arrival at the point of entry or at the Open Skies airfield where the observation flight commences, with the most recent weather forecast and air navigation information and information on flight safety, including Notices to Airmen. Updates of such information shall be provided as requested. Instrument procedures, and information about alternate airfields along the flight route, shall be provided upon approval of the mission plan in accordance with the requirements of Section II of this Article.
14. While conducting observation flights pursuant to this Treaty, all observation aircraft shall be operated in accordance with the provisions of this Treaty and in accordance with the approved flight plan. Without prejudice to the provisions of Section II, paragraph 2 of this Article, observation flights shall also be conducted in compliance with:
(A) published ICAO standards and recommended practices; and
(B) published national air traffic control rules, procedures and guidelines on flight safety of the State Party whose territory is being overflown.
15. Observation flights shall take priority over any regular air traffic. The observed Party shall ensure that its air traffic control authorities facilitate the conduct of observation flights in accordance with this Treaty.
16. On board the aircraft the pilot-in-command shall be the sole authority for the safe conduct of the flight and shall be responsible for the execution of the flight plan.
17. The observed Party shall provide:
(A) a calibration target suitable for confirming the capability of sensors in accordance with the procedures set forth in Annex D, Section III to this Treaty, to be overflown during the demonstration flight or the observation flight upon the request of either Party, for each sensor that is to be used during the observation flight. The calibration target shall be located in the vicinity of the airfield at which the pre-flight inspection is conducted pursuant to Annex F to this Treaty;
(B) customary commercial aircraft fuelling and servicing for the observation aircraft or transport aircraft at the point of entry, at the Open Skies airfield, at any refuelling airfield, and at the point of exit specified in the flight plan, according to the specifications that are published about the designated airfield;
(C) meals and the use of accommodation for the personnel of the observing Party; and
(D) upon the request of the observing Party, further services, as may be agreed upon between the observing and observed Parties, to facilitate the conduct of the observation flight.
18. All costs involved in the conduct of the observation flight, including the costs of the recording media and the processing of the data collected by sensors, shall be reimbursed in accordance with Annex L, Section I, paragraph 9 to this Treaty.
19. Prior to the departure of the observation aircraft from the point of exit, the observed Party shall confirm that the covers for sensor apertures or other devices that inhibit the operation of sensors are in their proper position pursuant to Annex E to this Treaty.
20. Unless otherwise agreed, the observing Party shall depart from the point of exit no later than 24 hours following completion of the observation flight, unless weather conditions or the airworthiness of the observation aircraft or transport aircraft do not permit, in which case the flight shall commence as soon as practicable.
21. The observing Party shall compile a mission report of the observation flight using the appropriate format developed by the Open Skies Consultative Commission. The mission report shall contain pertinent data on the date and time of the observation flight, its route and profile, weather conditions, time and location of each observation period for each sensor, the approximate amount of data collected by sensors, and the result of inspection of covers for sensor apertures or other devices that inhibit the operation of sensors in accordance with Article VII and Annex E. The mission report shall be signed by the observing and observed Parties at the point of exit and shall be provided by the observing Party to all other States Parties within seven days after departure of the observing Party from the point of exit.
1. Unless otherwise agreed, the observing Party shall, after arrival at the Open Skies airfield, submit to the observed Party a mission plan for the proposed observation flight that meets the requirements of paragraphs 2 and 4 of this Section.
2. The mission plan may provide for an observation flight that allows for the observation of any point on the entire territory of the observed Party, including areas designated by the observed Party as hazardous airspace in the source specified in Annex I. The flight path of an observation aircraft shall not be closer than, but shall be allowed up to, ten kilometres from the border with an adjacent State that is not a State Party.
3. The mission plan may provide that the Open Skies airfield where the observation flight terminates, as well as the point of exit, may be different from the Open Skies airfield where the observation flight commences or the point of entry. The mission plan shall specify, if applicable, the commencement time of the observation flight, the desired time and place of planned refuelling stops or rest periods, and the time of continuation of the observation flight after a refuelling stop or rest period within the 96-hour period specified in Section I, paragraph 9 of this Article.
4. The mission plan shall include all information necessary to file the flight plan and shall provide that:
(A) the observation flight does not exceed the relevant maximum flight distance as set forth in Annex A, Section I;
(B) the route and profile of the observation flight satisfies observation flight safety conditions in conformity with ICAO standards and recommended practices, taking into account existing differences in national flight rules, without prejudice to the provisions of paragraph 2 of this Section;
(C) the mission plan takes into account information on hazardous airspace, as provided in accordance with Annex I;
(D) the height above ground level of the observation aircraft does not permit the observing Party to exceed the limitation on ground resolution for each sensor, as set forth in Article IV, paragraph 2;
(E) the estimated time of commencement of the observation flight shall be no less than 24 hours after the submission of the mission plan, unless otherwise agreed;
(F) the observation aircraft flies a direct route between the co-ordinates or navigation fixes designated in the mission plan in the declared sequence; and
(G) the flight path does not intersect at the same point more than once, unless otherwise agreed, and the observation aircraft does not circle around a single point, unless otherwise agreed. The provisions of this subparagraph do not apply for the purposes of taking off, flying over calibration targets, or landing by the observation aircraft.
5. In the event that the mission plan filed by the observing Party provides for flights through hazardous airspace, the observed Party shall:
(A) specify the hazard to the observation aircraft;
(B) facilitate the conduct of the observation flight by co-ordination or suppression of the activity specified pursuant to subparagraph (A) of this paragraph; or
(C) propose an alternative flight altitude, route, or time.
6. No later than four hours after submission of the mission plan, the observed Party shall accept the mission plan or propose changes to it in accordance with Article VIII, Section I, paragraph 4 and paragraph 5 of this Section. Such changes shall not preclude observation of any point on the entire territory of the observed Party, including areas designated by the observed Party as hazardous airspace in the source specified in Annex I to this Treaty. Upon agreement, the mission plan shall be signed by the observing and observed Parties. In the event that the Parties do not reach agreement on the mission plan within eight hours of the submission of the original mission plan, the observing Party shall have the right to decline to conduct the observation flight in accordance with the provisions of Article VIII of this Treaty.
7. If the planned route of the observation flight approaches the border of other States Parties or other States, the observed Party may notify that State or those States of the estimated route, date and time of the observation flight.
8. On the basis of the agreed mission plan the State Party providing the observation aircraft shall, in co-ordination with the other State Party, file the flight plan immediately, which shall have the content specified in Annex 2 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation and shall be in the format specified by ICAO Document No. 4444-RAC/501/12, "Rules of the Air and Air Traffic Services", as revised or amended.
1. In the event that the observation aircraft is provided by the observing Party, the observed Party shall have the right to have on board the observation aircraft two flight monitors and one interpreter, in addition to one flight monitor for each sensor control station on board the observation aircraft, unless otherwise agreed. Flight monitors and interpreters shall have the rights and obligations specified in Annex G to this Treaty.
2. Notwithstanding paragraph 1 of this Section, in the event that an observing Party uses an observation aircraft which has a maximum take-off gross weight of no more than 35,000 kilograms for an observation flight distance of no more than 1,500 kilometres as notified in accordance with Section I, paragraph 5, subparagraph (G) of this Article, it shall be obliged to accept only two flight monitors and one interpreter on board the observation aircraft, unless otherwise agreed.
3. In the event that the observation aircraft is provided by the observed Party, the observed Party shall permit the personnel of the observing Party to travel to the point of entry of the observed Party in the most expeditious manner. The personnel of the observing Party may elect to travel to the point of entry using ground, sea, or air transportation, including transportation by an aircraft owned by any State Party. Procedures regarding such travel are set forth in Annex E to this Treaty.
4. In the event that the observation aircraft is provided by the observed Party, the observing Party shall have the right to have on board the observation aircraft two flight representatives and one interpreter, in addition to one flight representative for each sensor control station on the aircraft, unless otherwise agreed. Flight representatives and interpreters shall have the rights and obligations set forth in Annex G to this Treaty.
5. In the event that the observing State Party provides an observation aircraft designated by a State Party other than the observing or observed Party, the observing Party shall have the right to have on board the observation aircraft two representatives and one interpreter, in addition to one representative for each sensor control station on the aircraft, unless otherwise agreed. In this case, the provisions on flight monitors set forth in paragraph 1 of this Section shall also apply. Representatives and interpreters shall have the rights and obligations set forth in Annex G to this Treaty.
Article VII
1. Transit flights conducted by an observing Party to and from the territory of an observed Party for the purposes of this Treaty shall originate on the territory of the observing Party or of another State Party.
2. Each State Party shall accept transit flights. Such transit flights shall be conducted along internationally recognized Air Traffic Services routes, unless otherwise agreed by the States Parties involved, and in accordance with the instructions of the national air traffic control authorities of each State Party whose airspace is transited. The observing Party shall notify each State Party whose airspace is to be transited at the same time that it notifies the observed Party in accordance with Article VI.
3. The operation of sensors on an observation aircraft during transit flights is prohibited. In the event that, during the transit flight, the observation aircraft lands on the territory of a State Party, that State Party shall, upon landing and prior to departure, inspect the covers of sensor apertures or other devices that inhibit the operation of sensors to confirm that they are in their proper position.
Article VIII
1. The observed Party shall have the right to prohibit an observation flight that is not in compliance with the provisions of this Treaty.
2. The observed Party shall have the right to prohibit an observation flight prior to its commencement in the event that the observing Party fails to arrive at the point of entry within 24 hours after the estimated time of arrival specified in the notification provided in accordance with Article VI, Section I, paragraph 5, unless otherwise agreed between the States Parties involved.
3. In the event that an observed State Party prohibits an observation flight pursuant to this Article or Annex F, it shall immediately state the facts for the prohibition in the mission plan. Within seven days the observed Party shall provide to all States Parties, through diplomatic channels, a written explanation for this prohibition in the mission report provided pursuant to Article VI, Section I, paragraph 21. An observation flight that has been prohibited shall not be counted against the quota of either State Party.
4. The observed Party shall have the right to propose changes to the mission plan as a result of any of the following circumstances:
(A) the weather conditions affect flight safety;
(B) the status of the Open Skies airfield to be used, alternate airfields, or refuelling airfields prevents their use; or
(C) the mission plan is inconsistent with Article VI, Section II, paragraphs 2 and 4.
5. In the event that the observing Party disagrees with the proposed changes to the mission plan, it shall have the right to submit alternatives to the proposed changes. In the event that agreement on a mission plan is not reached within eight hours of the submission of the original mission plan, and if the observing Party considers the changes to the mission plan to be prejudicial to its rights under this Treaty with respect to the conduct of the observation flight, the observing Party shall have the right to decline to conduct the observation flight, which shall not be recorded against the quota of either State Party.
6. In the event that an observing Party declines to conduct an observation flight pursuant to this Article or Annex F, it shall immediately provide an explanation of its decision in the mission plan prior to the departure of the observing Party. Within seven days after departure of the observing Party, the observing Party shall provide to all other States Parties, through diplomatic channels, a written explanation for this decision in the mission report provided pursuant to Article VI, Section I, paragraph 21.
1. Deviations from the flight plan shall be permitted during the observation flight if necessitated by:
(A) weather conditions affecting flight safety;
(B) technical difficulties relating to the observation aircraft;
(C) a medical emergency of any person on board; or
(D) air traffic control instructions related to circumstances brought about by force majeure.
2. In addition, if weather conditions prevent effective use of optical sensors and infra-red line-scanning devices, deviations shall be permitted, provided that:
(A) flight safety requirements are met;
(B) in cases where national rules so require, permission is granted by air traffic control authorities; and
(C) the performance of the sensors does not exceed the capabilities specified in Article IV, paragraph 2, unless otherwise agreed.
3. The observed Party shall have the right to prohibit the use of a particular sensor during a deviation that brings the observation aircraft below the minimum height above ground level for operating that particular sensor, in accordance with the limitation on ground resolution specified in Article IV, paragraph 2. In the event that a deviation requires the observation aircraft to alter its flight path by more than 50 kilometres from the flight path specified in the flight plan, the observed Party shall have the right to prohibit the use of all the sensors installed on the observation aircraft beyond that 50-kilometre limit.
4. The observing Party shall have the right to curtail an observation flight during its execution in the event of sensor malfunction. The pilot-in-command shall have the right to curtail an observation flight in the event of technical difficulties affecting the safety of the observation aircraft.
5. In the event that a deviation from the flight plan permitted by paragraph 1 of this Section results in curtailment of the observation flight, or a curtailment occurs in accordance with paragraph 4 of this Section, an observation flight shall be counted against the quotas of both States Parties, unless the curtailment is due to:
(A) sensor malfunction on an observation aircraft provided by the observed Party;
(B) technical difficulties relating to the observation aircraft provided by the observed Party;
(C) a medical emergency of a member of the flight crew of the observed Party or of flight monitors; or
(D) air traffic control instructions related to circumstances brought about by force majeure.
In such cases the observing Party shall have the right to decide whether to count it against the quotas of both States Parties.
6. The data collected by the sensors shall be retained by the observing Party only if the observation flight is counted against the quotas of both States Parties.
7. In the event that a deviation is made from the flight plan, the pilot-in-command shall take action in accordance with the published national flight regulations of the observed Party. Once the factors leading to the deviation have ceased to exist, the observation aircraft may, with the permission of the air traffic control authorities, continue the observation flight in accordance with the flight plan. The additional flight distance of the observation aircraft due to the deviation shall not count against the maximum flight distance.
8. Personnel of both States Parties on board the observation aircraft shall be immediately informed of all deviations from the flight plan.
9. Additional expenses resulting from provisions of this Article shall be reimbursed in accordance with Annex L, Section I, paragraph 9 to this Treaty.
1. In the event that an emergency situation arises, the pilot-in-command shall be guided by "Procedures for Air Navigation Services – Rules of the Air and Air Traffic Services", ICAO Document No. 4444-RAC/501/12, as revised or amended, the national flight regulations of the observed Party, and the flight operation manual of the observation aircraft.
2. Each observation aircraft declaring an emergency shall be accorded the full range of distress and navigational facilities of the observed Party in order to ensure the most expeditious recovery of the aircraft to the nearest suitable airfield.
3. In the event of an aviation accident involving the observation aircraft on the territory of the observed Party, search and rescue operations shall be conducted by the observed Party in accordance with its own regulations and procedures for such operations.
4. Investigation of an aviation accident or incident involving an observation aircraft shall be conducted by the observed Party, with the participation of the observing Party, in accordance with the ICAO recommendations set forth in Annex 13 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation ("Investigation of Aviation Accidents") as revised or amended and in accordance with the national regulations of the observed Party.
5. In the event that the observation aircraft is not registered with the observed Party, at the conclusion of the investigation all wreckage and debris of the observation aircraft and sensors, if found and recovered, shall be returned to the observing Party or to the Party to which the aircraft belongs, if so requested.
Article IX
1. For the purposes of recording data collected by sensors during observation flights, the following recording media shall be used:
(A) in the case of optical panoramic and framing cameras, black and white photographic film;
(B) in the case of video cameras, magnetic tape;
(C) in the case of infra-red line-scanning devices, black and white photographic film or magnetic tape; and
(D) in the case of sideways-looking synthetic aperture radar, magnetic tape.
The agreed format in which such data is to be recorded and exchanged on other recording media shall be decided within the Open Skies Consultative Commission during the period of provisional application of this Treaty.
2. Data collected by sensors during observation flights shall remain on board the observation aircraft until completion of the observation flight. The transmission of data collected by sensors from the observation aircraft during the observation flight is prohibited.
3. Each roll of photographic film and cassette or reel of magnetic tape used to collect data by a sensor during an observation flight shall be placed in a container and sealed in the presence of the States Parties as soon as is practicable after it has been removed from the sensor.
4. Data collected by sensors during observation flights shall be made available to States Parties in accordance with the provisions of this Article and shall be used exclusively for the attainment of the purposes of this Treaty.
5. In the event that, on the basis of data provided pursuant to Annex B, Section I to this Treaty, a data recording medium to be used by a State Party during an observation flight is incompatible with the equipment of another State Party for handling that data recording medium, the States Parties involved shall establish procedures to ensure that all data collected during observation flights can be handled, in terms of processing, duplication and storage, by them.
1. In the event that output from duplicate optical cameras is to be exchanged, the cameras, film and film processing shall be of an identical type.
2. Provided that the data collected by a single optical camera is subject to exchange, the States Parties shall consider, within the Open Skies Consultative Commission during the period of provisional application of this Treaty, the issue of whether the responsibility for the development of the original film negative shall be borne by the observing Party or by the State Party providing the observation aircraft. The State Party developing the original film negative shall be responsible for the quality of processing the original negative film and producing the duplicate positive or negative. In the event that States Parties agree that the film used during the observation flight conducted on an observation aircraft provided by the observed Party shall be processed by the observing Party, the observed Party shall bear no responsibility for the quality of the processing of the original negative film.
3. All the film used during the observation flight shall be developed:
(A) in the event that the original film negative is developed at a film processing facility arranged for by the observed Party, no later than three days, unless otherwise agreed, after the arrival of the observation aircraft at the point of exit; or
(B) in the event that the original film negative is developed at a film processing facility arranged for by the observing Party, no later than ten days after the departure of the observation aircraft from the territory of the observed Party.
4. The State Party that is developing the original film negative shall be obliged to accept at the film processing facility up to two officials from the other State Party to monitor the unsealing of the film cassette or container and each step in the storage, processing, duplication and handling of the original film negative, in accordance with the provisions of Annex K, Section II to this Treaty. The State Party monitoring the film processing and duplication shall have the right to designate such officials from among its nationals present on the territory on which the film processing facility arranged for by the other State Party is located, provided that such individuals are on the list of designated personnel in accordance with Article XIII, Section I of this Treaty. The State Party developing the film shall assist the officials of the other State Party in their functions provided for in this paragraph to the maximum extent possible.
5. Upon completion of an observation flight, the State Party that is to develop the original film negative shall attach a 21-step sensitometric test strip of the same film type used during the observation flight or shall expose a 21-step optical wedge onto the leader or trailer of each roll of original film negative used during the observation flight. After the original film negative has been processed and duplicate film negative or positive has been produced, the States Parties shall assess the image quality of the 21-step sensitometric test strips or images of the 21-step optical wedge against the characteristics provided for that type of original film negative or duplicate film negative or positive in accordance with the provisions of Annex K, Section I to this Treaty.
6. In the event that only one original film negative is developed:
(A) the observing Party shall have the right to retain or receive the original film negative; and
(B) the observed Party shall have the right to select and receive a complete first generation duplicate or part thereof, either positive or negative, of the original film negative.
Unless otherwise agreed, such duplicate shall be:
(1) of the same format and film size as the original film negative;
(2) produced immediately after development of the original film negative; and
(3) provided to the officials of the observed Party immediately after the duplicate has been produced.
7. In the event that two original film negatives are developed:
(A) if the observation aircraft is provided by the observing Party, the observed Party shall have the right, at the completion of the observation flight, to select either of the two original film negatives, and the original film negative not selected shall be retained by the observing Party; or
(B) if the observation aircraft is provided by the observed Party, the observing Party shall have the right to select either of the original film negatives, and the original film negative not selected shall be retained by the observed Party.
1. The State Party that provides the observation aircraft shall record at least one original set of data collected by sensors using other recording media.
2. In the event that only one original set is made:
(A) if the observation aircraft is provided by the observing Party, the observing Party shall have the right to retain the original set and the observed Party shall have the right to receive a first generation duplicate copy; or
(B) if the observation aircraft is provided by the observed Party, the observing Party shall have the right to receive the original set and the observed Party shall have the right to receive a first generation duplicate copy.
3. In the event that two original sets are made:
(A) if the observation aircraft is provided by the observing Party, the observed Party shall have the right, at the completion of the observation flight, to select either of the two sets of recording media, and the set not selected shall be retained by the observing Party; or
(B) if the observation aircraft is provided by the observed Party, the observing Party shall have the right to select either of the two sets of recording media, and the set not selected shall be retained by the observed Party.
4. In the event that the observation aircraft is provided by the observing Party, the observed Party shall have the right to receive the data collected by a sideways-looking synthetic aperture radar in the form of either initial phase information or a radar image, at its choice.
5. In the event that the observation aircraft is provided by the observed Party, the observing Party shall have the right to receive the data collected by a sideways-looking synthetic aperture radar in the form of either initial phase information or a radar image, at its choice.
Each State Party shall have the right to request and receive from the observing Party copies of data collected by sensors during an observation flight. Such copies shall be in the form of first generation duplicates produced from the original data collected by sensors during an observation flight. The State Party requesting copies shall also notify the observed Party. A request for duplicates of data shall include the following information:
(A) the observing Party;
(B) the observed Party;
(C) the date of the observation flight;
(D) the sensor by which the data was collected;
(E) the portion or portions of the observation period during which the data was collected; and
(F) the type and format of duplicate recording medium, either negative or positive film, or magnetic tape.
Article X
1. In order to promote the objectives and facilitate the implementation of the provisions of this Treaty, the States Parties hereby establish an Open Skies Consultative Commission.
2. The Open Skies Consultative Commission shall take decisions or make recommendations by consensus. Consensus shall be understood to mean the absence of any objection by any State Party to the taking of a decision or the making of a recommendation.
3. Each State Party shall have the right to raise before the Open Skies Consultative Commission, and have placed on its agenda, any issue relating to this Treaty, including any issue related to the case when the observed Party provides an observation aircraft.
4. Within the framework of the Open Skies Consultative Commission the States Parties to this Treaty shall:
(A) consider questions relating to compliance with the provisions of this Treaty;
(B) seek to resolve ambiguities and differences of interpretation that may become apparent in the way this Treaty is implemented;
(C) consider and take decisions on applications for accession to this Treaty; and
(D) agree as to those technical and administrative measures, pursuant to the provisions of this Treaty, deemed necessary following the accession to this Treaty by other States.
5. The Open Skies Consultative Commission may propose amendments to this Treaty for consideration and approval in accordance with Article XVI. The Open Skies Consultative Commission may also agree on improvements to the viability and effectiveness of this Treaty, consistent with its provisions. Improvements relating only to modification of the annual distribution of active quotas pursuant to Article III and Annex A, to updates and additions to the categories or capabilities of sensors pursuant to Article IV, to revision of the share of costs pursuant to Annex L, Section I, paragraph 9, to arrangements for the sharing and availability of data pursuant to Article IX, Sections III and IV and to the handling of mission reports pursuant to Article VI, Section I, paragraph 21, as well as to minor matters of an administrative or technical nature, shall be agreed upon within the Open Skies Consultative Commission and shall not be deemed to be amendments to this Treaty.
6. The Open Skies Consultative Commission shall request the use of the facilities and administrative support of the Conflict Prevention Centre of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe, or other existing facilities in Vienna, unless it decides otherwise.
7. Provisions for the operation of the Open Skies Consultative Commission are set forth in Annex L to this Treaty.
Article XI
The States Parties shall transmit notifications and reports required by this Treaty in written form. The States Parties shall transmit such notifications and reports through diplomatic channels or, at their choice, through other official channels, such as the communications network of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe.
Article XII
A State Party shall, in accordance with international law and practice, be liable to pay compensation for damage to other States Parties, or to their natural or juridical persons or their property, caused by it in the course of the implementation of this Treaty.
Article XIII
1. Each State Party shall, at the same time that it deposits its instrument of ratification to either of the Depositaries, provide to all other States Parties, for their review, a list of designated personnel who will carry out all duties relating to the conduct of observation flights for that State Party, including monitoring the processing of the sensor output. No such list of designated personnel shall include more than 400 individuals at any time. It shall contain the name, gender, date of birth, place of birth, passport number, and function for each individual included. Each State Party shall have the right to amend its list of designated personnel until 30 days after entry into force of this Treaty and once every six months thereafter.
2. In the event that any individual included on the original or any amended list is unacceptable to a State Party reviewing the list, that State Party shall, no later than 30 days after receipt of each list, notify the State Party providing that list that such individual shall not be accepted with respect to the objecting State Party. Individuals not declared unacceptable within that 30-day period shall be deemed accepted. In the event that a State Party subsequently determines that an individual is unacceptable, that State Party shall so notify the State Party that designated such individual. Individuals who are declared unacceptable shall be removed from the list previously submitted to the objecting State Party.
3. The observed Party shall provide visas and any other documents as required to ensure that each accepted individual may enter and remain on the territory of that State Party for the purpose of carrying out duties relating to the conduct of observation flights, including monitoring the processing of the sensor output. Such visas and any other necessary documents shall be provided either:
(A) no later than 30 days after the individual is deemed to be accepted, in which case the visa shall be valid for a period of no less than 24 months; or
(B) no later than one hour after the arrival of the individual at the point of entry, in which case the visa shall be valid for the duration of that individual's duties; or
(C) at any other time, by mutual agreement of the States Parties involved.
1. In order to exercise their functions effectively, for the purpose of implementing this Treaty and not for their personal benefit, personnel designated in accordance with the provisions of Section I, paragraph 1 of this Article shall be accorded the privileges and immunities enjoyed by diplomatic agents pursuant to Article 29; Article 30, paragraph 2; Article 31, paragraphs 1, 2 and 3; and Articles 34 and 35 of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations of 18 April 1961, hereinafter referred to as the Vienna Convention. In addition, designated personnel shall be accorded the privileges enjoyed by diplomatic agents pursuant to Article 36, paragraph 1, subparagraph (b) of the Vienna Convention, except in relation to articles, the import or export of which is prohibited by law or controlled by quarantine regulations.
2. Such privileges and immunities shall be accorded to designated personnel for the entire period between arrival on and departure from the territory of the observed Party, and thereafter with respect to acts previously performed in the exercise of their official functions. Such personnel shall also, when transiting the territory of other States Parties, be accorded the privileges and immunities enjoyed by diplomatic agents pursuant to Article 40, paragraph 1 of the Vienna Convention.
3. The immunity from jurisdiction may be waived by the observing Party in those cases when it would impede the course of justice and can be waived without prejudice to this Treaty. The immunity of personnel who are not nationals of the observing Party may be waived only by the States Parties of which such personnel are nationals. Waiver must always be express.
4. Without prejudice to their privileges and immunities or the rights of the observing Party set forth in this Treaty, it is the duty of designated personnel to respect the laws and regulations of the observed Party.
5. The transportation means of the personnel shall be accorded the same immunities from search, requisition, attachment or execution as those of a diplomatic mission pursuant to Article 22, paragraph 3 of the Vienna Convention, except as otherwise provided for in this Treaty.
Article XIV
1. Solely for the purposes of Articles II to IX and Article XI, and of Annexes A to I and Annex K to this Treaty, the Kingdom of Belgium, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, and the Kingdom of the Netherlands shall be deemed a single State Party, hereinafter referred to as the Benelux.
2. Without prejudice to the provisions of Article XV, the above-mentioned States Parties may terminate this arrangement by notifying all other States Parties thereof. This arrangement shall be deemed to be terminated on the next 31 December following the 60-day period after such notification.
Article XV
1. This Treaty shall be of unlimited duration.
2. A State Party shall have the right to withdraw from this Treaty. A State Party intending to withdraw shall provide notice of its decision to withdraw to either Depositary at least six months in advance of the date of its intended withdrawal and to all other States Parties. The Depositaries shall promptly inform all other States Parties of such notice.
3. In the event that a State Party provides notice of its decision to withdraw from this Treaty in accordance with paragraph 2 of this Article, the Depositaries shall convene a conference of the States Parties no less than 30 days and no more than 60 days after they have received such notice, in order to consider the effect of the withdrawal on this Treaty.
Article XVI
1. Each State Party shall have the right to propose amendments to this Treaty. The text of each proposed amendment shall be submitted to either Depositary, which shall circulate it to all States Parties for consideration. If so requested by no less than three States Parties within a period of 90 days after circulation of the proposed amendment, the Depositaries shall convene a conference of the States Parties to consider the proposed amendment. Such a conference shall open no earlier than 30 days and no later than 60 days after receipt of the third of such requests.
2. An amendment to this Treaty shall be subject to the approval of all States Parties, either by providing notification, in writing, of their approval to a Depositary within a period of 90 days after circulation of the proposed amendment, or by expressing their approval at a conference convened in accordance with paragraph 1 of this Article. An amendment so approved shall be subject to ratification in accordance with the provisions of Article XVII, paragraph 1, and shall enter into force 60 days after the deposit of instruments of ratification by the States Parties.
3. Unless requested to do so earlier by no less than three States Parties, the Depositaries shall convene a conference of the States Parties to review the implementation of this Treaty three years after entry into force of this Treaty and at five-year intervals thereafter.
Article XVII
1. This Treaty shall be subject to ratification by each State Party in accordance with its constitutional procedures. Instruments of ratification and instruments of accession shall be deposited with the Government of Canada or the Government of the Republic of Hungary or both, hereby designated the Depositaries. This Treaty shall be registered by the Depositaries pursuant to Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations.
2. This Treaty shall enter into force 60 days after the deposit of 20 instruments of ratification, including those of the Depositaries, and of States Parties whose individual allocation of passive quotas as set forth in Annex A is eight or more.
3. This Treaty shall be open for signature by Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kirgistan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan and shall be subject to ratification by them. Any of these States which do not sign this Treaty before it enters into force in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 2 of this Article may accede to it at any time by depositing an instrument of accession with one of the Depositaries.
4. For six months after entry into force of this Treaty, any other State participating in the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe may apply for accession by submitting a written request to one of the Depositaries. The Depositary receiving such a request shall circulate it promptly to all States Parties. The States applying for accession to this Treaty may also, if they so wish, request an allocation of a passive quota and the level of this quota.
The matter shall be considered at the next regular meeting of the Open Skies Consultative Commission and decided in due course.
5. Following six months after entry into force of this Treaty, the Open Skies Consultative Commission may consider the accession to this Treaty of any State which, in the judgement of the Commission, is able and willing to contribute to the objectives of this Treaty.
6. For any State which has not deposited an instrument of ratification by the time of entry into force, but which subsequently ratifies or accedes to this Treaty, this Treaty shall enter into force 60 days after the date of deposit of its instrument of ratification or accession.
7. The Depositaries shall promptly inform all States Parties of:
(A) the date of deposit of each instrument of ratification and the date of entry into force of this Treaty;
(B) the date of an application for accession, the name of the requesting State and the result of the procedure;
(C) the date of deposit of each instrument of accession and the date of entry into force of this Treaty for each State that subsequently accedes to it;
(D) the convening of a conference pursuant to Articles XV and XVI;
(E) any withdrawal in accordance with Article XV and its effective date;
(F) the date of entry into force of any amendments to this Treaty; and
(G) any other matters of which the Depositaries are required by this Treaty to inform the States Parties.
Article XVIII
In order to facilitate the implementation of this Treaty, certain of its provisions shall be provisionally applied and others shall be implemented in phases.
1. Without detriment to Article XVII, the signatory States shall provisionally apply the following provisions of this Treaty:
(A) Article VI, Section I, paragraph 4;
(B) Article X, paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 6 and 7;
(C) Article XI;
(D) Article XIII, Section I, paragraphs 1 and 2;
(E) Article XIV; and
(F) Annex L, Section I.
2. This provisional application shall be effective for a period of 12 months from the date when this Treaty is opened for signature. In the event that this Treaty does not enter into force before the period of provisional application expires, that period may be extended if all the signatory States so decide. The period of provisional application shall in any event terminate when this Treaty enters into force. However, the States Parties may then decide to extend the period of provisional application in respect of signatory States that have not ratified this Treaty.
1. After entry into force, this Treaty shall be implemented in phases in accordance with the provisions set forth in this Section. The provisions of paragraphs 2 to 6 of this Section shall apply during the period from entry into force of this Treaty until 31 December of the third year following the year during which entry into force takes place.
2. Notwithstanding the provisions of Article IV, paragraph 1, no State Party shall during the period specified in paragraph 1 above use an infra-red line-scanning device if one is installed on an observation aircraft, unless otherwise agreed between the observing and observed Parties. Such sensors shall not be subject to certification in accordance with Annex D. If it is difficult to remove such sensor from the observation aircraft, then it shall have covers or other devices that inhibit its operation in accordance with the provisions of Article IV, paragraph 4 during the conduct of observation flights.
3. Notwithstanding the provisions of Article IV, paragraph 9, no State Party shall, during the period specified in paragraph 1 of this Section, be obliged to provide an observation aircraft equipped with sensors from each sensor category, at the maximum capability and in the numbers specified in Article IV, paragraph 2, provided that the observation aircraft is equipped with:
(A) a single optical panoramic camera; or
(B) not less than a pair of optical framing cameras.
4. Notwithstanding the provisions of Annex B, Section II, paragraph 2, subparagraph (A) to this Treaty, data recording media shall be annotated with data in accordance with existing practice of States Parties during the period specified in paragraph 1 of this Section.
5. Notwithstanding the provisions of Article VI, Section I, paragraph 1, no State Party during the period specified in paragraph 1 of this Section shall have the right to be provided with an aircraft capable of achieving any specified unrefuelled range.
6. During the period specified in paragraph 1 of this Section, the distribution of active quotas shall be established in accordance with the provisions of Annex A, Section II, paragraph 2 to this Treaty.
7. Further phasing in respect of the introduction of additional categories of sensors or improvements to the capabilities of existing categories of sensors shall be addressed by the Open Skies Consultative Commission in accordance with the provisions of Article IV, paragraph 3 concerning such introduction or improvement.
Article XIX
The originals of this Treaty, of which the English, French, German, Italian, Russian and Spanish texts are equally authentic, shall be deposited in the archives of the Depositaries. Duly certified copies of this Treaty shall be transmitted by the Depositaries to all the States Parties.
1. The allocation of individual passive quotas is set forth as follows and shall be effective only for those States Parties having ratified the Treaty:
For the Federal Republic of Germany                12
For the United States of America                   42
For the Republic of Belarus and the Russian
Federation group of States Parties                 42
For Benelux                                         6
For the Republic of Bulgaria                        4
For Canada                                         12
For the Kingdom of Denmark                          6
For the Kingdom of Spain                            4
For the French Republic                            12
For the United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland                                   12
For the Hellenic Republic                           4
For the Republic of Hungary                         4
For the Republic of Iceland                         4
For the Italian Republic                           12
For the Kingdom of Norway                           7
For the Republic of Poland                          6
For the Portuguese Republic                         2
For Romania                                         6
For the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic           4
For the Republic of Turkey                         12
For Ukraine                                        12
2. In the event that an additional State ratifies or accedes to the Treaty in accordance with the provisions of Article XVII and Article X, paragraph 4, subparagraph (C), and taking into account Article X, paragraph 4, subparagraph (D), an allocation of passive quotas to such a State shall be considered during the regular session of the Open Skies Consultative Commission following the date of deposit of its instrument of ratification or accession.
1. The first distribution of active quotas pursuant to Article III, Section I, paragraph 6 of the Treaty shall be such that each State Party shall be obliged to accept over its territory a number of observation flights no greater than 75 per cent, rounded down to the nearest whole number, of the individual passive quota allocated as set forth in Section I, paragraph 1 of this Annex. On this basis, and for those States Parties which have conducted negotiations in the framework of the Open Skies Conference in Vienna, the first distribution in respect of each other shall be valid from the date of entry into force of the Treaty until 31 December following the year during which the Treaty has entered into force and shall be effective only for those States Parties having ratified the Treaty. This first distribution is set forth as follows:
The Federal Republic of Germany shall have the right to conduct three observation flights over the territory of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation group of States Parties, and one observation flight over the territory of Ukraine;
The United States of America shall have the right to conduct eight observation flights over the territory of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation group of States Parties, and one observation flight, shared with Canada, over the territory of Ukraine;
The Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation group of States Parties shall have the right to conduct two observation flights over the territory of Benelux, as referred to in Article XIV of the Treaty, two observation flights over the territory of Canada, two observation flights over the territory of the Kingdom of Denmark, three observation flights over the territory of the French Republic, three observation flights over the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany, one observation flight over the territory of the Hellenic Republic, two observation flights over the territory of the Italian Republic, two observation flights over the territory of the Kingdom of Norway, two observation flights over the territory of the Republic of Turkey, three observation flights over the territory of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and four observation flights over the territory of the United States of America;
The Kingdom of Belgium, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and the Kingdom of the Netherlands, referred to as the Benelux, shall have the right to conduct one observation flight over the territory of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation group of States Parties, and one observation flight over the territory of the Republic of Poland;
The Republic of Bulgaria shall have the right to conduct one observation flight over the territory of the Hellenic Republic, one observation flight over the territory of the Italian Republic, and one observation flight over the territory of the Republic of Turkey;
Canada shall have the right to conduct two observation flights over the territory of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation group of States Parties, one observation flight over the territory of the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic, one observation flight over the territory of the Republic of Poland, and one observation flight, shared with the United States of America, over the territory of Ukraine;
The Kingdom of Denmark shall have the right to conduct one observation flight over the territory of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation group of States Parties, and one observation flight over the territory of the Republic of Poland;
The Kingdom of Spain shall have the right to conduct one observation flight over the territory of the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic;
The French Republic shall have the right to conduct three observation flights over the territory of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation group of States Parties, and one observation flight over the territory of Romania;
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland shall have the right to conduct three observation flights over the territory of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation group of States Parties, and one observation flight over the territory of Ukraine;
The Hellenic Republic shall have the right to conduct one observation flight over the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria, and one observation flight over the territory of Romania;
The Republic of Hungary shall have the right to conduct one observation flight over the territory of Romania, and one observation flight over the territory of Ukraine;
The Italian Republic shall have the right to conduct two observation flights over the territory of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation group of States Parties, one observation flight over the territory of the Republic of Hungary, and one observation flight, shared with the Republic of Turkey, over the territory of Ukraine;
The Kingdom of Norway shall have the right to conduct two observation flights over the territory of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation group of States Parties and one observation flight over the territory of the Republic of Poland;
The Republic of Poland shall have the right to conduct one observation flight over the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany, one observation flight over the territory of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation group of States Parties, and one observation flight over the territory of Ukraine;
Romania shall have the right to conduct one observation flight over the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria, one observation flight over the territory of the Hellenic Republic, one observation flight over the territory of the Republic of Hungary, and one observation flight over the territory of Ukraine;
The Czech and Slovak Federal Republic shall have the right to conduct one observation flight over the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany, and one observation flight over the territory of Ukraine;
The Republic of Turkey shall have the right to conduct two observation flights over the territory of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation group of States Parties, one observation flight over the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria and two observation flights, one of which is shared with the Italian Republic, over the territory of Ukraine;
Ukraine shall have the right to conduct one observation flight over the territory of the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic, one observation flight over the territory of the Republic of Hungary, one observation flight over the territory of the Republic of Poland, one observation flight over the territory of Romania, and two observation flights over the territory of the Republic of Turkey.
2. Following this first distribution and until the date of full implementation of the Treaty specified in Article XVIII to that effect for the use of active quotas, annual distributions shall be based on the 75 per cent rule established in paragraph 1 of this Section in relation to the allocation of individual passive quotas.
3. From the date of full implementation of the Treaty each State Party shall accept during subsequent distributions of active quotas over its territory, if so requested, a number of observation flights up to the full amount of its individual passive quota. Whenever possible or requested and unless otherwise agreed, those distributions shall be based on a proportionate increase of the active quotas distributed in the first distribution.
4. In the event that an additional State ratifies or accedes to the Treaty in accordance with the provisions of Article XVII, the distribution of active quotas to such State shall be considered during the regular session of the Open Skies Consultative Commission following the date of the deposit of its instrument of ratification or accession, subject to the following provisions:
(A) the ratifying or acceding State shall have the right to request observation flights over the territories of States Parties within the passive quota allocated to that State in accordance with the provisions of Section I, paragraph 3 of this Annex, and within the passive quotas of the States Parties requested for observation flights, unless otherwise agreed by the States Parties involved; and
(B) all States Parties shall have at the same time the right to request observation flights over the territory of that signing or acceding State within their active quotas and within the passive quota allocated to that State.
The maximum flight distances of observation flights over the territories of observed Parties commencing from each Open Skies airfield are as follows:
The Federal Republic of Germany
    WUNSTORF                             1,200 kilometres
    LANDSBERG-LECH                       1,200 kilometres
The United States of America
    WASHINGTON-DULLES                    4,900 kilometres
    TRAVIS AFB                           4,000 kilometres
    ELMENDORF AFB                        3,000 kilometres
    LINCOLN-MUNICIPAL                    4,800 kilometres
The Republic of Belarus and
the Russian Federation group of
States Parties
    KUBINKA                              5,000 kilometres
    ULAN UDE                             5,000 kilometres
    VORKUTA                              6,500 kilometres
    MAGADAN                              6,500 kilometres
    ZAVENTEM/MELSBROEK                     945 kilometres
The Republic of Bulgaria
    SOFIA                                  660 kilometres
    BURGAS                                 660 kilometres
    OTTAWA                               5,000 kilometres
    IQALUIT                              6,000 kilometres
    YELLOWKNIFE                          5,000 kilometres
The Kingdom of Denmark
    Metropolitan                           800 kilometres
    FAROE ISLANDS                          250 kilometres
    GREENLAND                            5,600 kilometres
The Kingdom of Spain
    GETAFE                               1,300 kilometres
    GANDO                                  750 kilometres
    VALENCIA                             1,300 kilometres
    VALLADOLID                           1,300 kilometres
    MORON                                1,300 kilometres
The French Republic
    ORLEANS-BRICY                        1,400 kilometres
    NICE-COTE D'AZUR                       800 kilometres
    TOULOUSE-BLAGNAC                       700 kilometres
The United Kingdom of Great Britain
and Northern Ireland
    BRIZE NORTON                         1,150 kilometres
    SCAMPTON                             1,150 kilometres
    LEUCHARS                             1,150 kilometres
    with SCILLY ISLANDS                  1,500 kilometres
    with SHETLAND ISLANDS                1,500 kilometres
The Hellenic Republic
    THESSALONIKI                           900 kilometres
    ELEFSIS                                900 kilometres
     RHODES, KOS ISLANDS                 1,100 kilometres
The Republic of Hungary
    BUDAPEST-FERIHEGY                      860 kilometres
The Republic of Iceland                  1,500 kilometres
The Italian Republic
    MILANO-MALPENSA                      1,130 kilometres
    PALERMO-PUNTA RAISI                  1,400 kilometres
The Kingdom of Norway
    OSLO-GARDERMOEN                      1,700 kilometres
    TROMSOE-LANGNES                      1,700 kilometres
The Republic of Poland
    WARSZAWA-OKECIE                      1,400 kilometres
The Portuguese Republic
    LISBOA                               1,200 kilometres
    Sta. MARIA                           1,700 kilometres
    PORTO SANTO                          1,030 kilometres
    BUCHAREST-OTOPENI                      900 kilometres
    TIMISOARA                              900 kilometres
    BACAU                                  900 kilometres
The Czech and Slovak Federal Republic
    PRAHA                                  600 kilometres
    BRATISLAVA                             700 kilometres
    KOSICE                                 400 kilometres
The Republic of Turkey
    ESKISEHIR                            1,500 kilometres
    DIYARBAKIR                           1,500 kilometres
    BORISPOL                             2,100 kilometres
1. Pursuant to Article IV, paragraph 10, each State Party shall inform all other States Parties of the applicable technical information listed in this Section on each sensor installed on the observation aircraft designated by that State Party pursuant to Article V of the Treaty.
2. The following technical information shall be provided for optical panoramic and framing cameras:
(A) type and model;
(B) field of view along and across the flight path, or scan angles, in degrees;
(C) frame size, in millimetres by millimetres;
(D) exposure times, in seconds;
(E) types and colours of optical filters used and their filter factor;
(F) for each lens:
(1) name;
(2) focal length, in millimetres;
(3) maximum relative aperture of the lens;
(4) resolving power at a contrast ratio of 1000 to 1 or the equivalent modulation of 1.0, at the maximum relative aperture, in lines per millimetre;
(G) minimum and maximum photographic time intervals, in seconds, or cycle rates, in frames per second, if applicable;
(H) maximum velocity over height ratio, if applicable;
(I) for optical framing cameras, the maximum angle measured from the horizontal, or the minimum angle measured from the vertical, in degrees; and
(J) maximum altitude for operation in metres, if applicable.
3. The following technical information shall be provided for video cameras:
(A) type and model;
(B) field of view, along and across the flight path, in degrees;
(C) for the lens:
(1) focal length, in millimetres;
(2) maximum relative aperture;
(3) resolving power at a contrast ratio of 1000 to 1 or the equivalent modulation of 1.0, at the maximum relative aperture, in lines per millimetre;
(D) detector element size, in micrometres, or equivalent information on the tube;
(E) number of detector elements;
(F) system light sensitivity, in lux or watts per square centimetre; and
(G) spectral bandwidth, in nanometres.
4. The following technical information shall be provided for infra-red line-scanning devices:
(A) type and model;
(B) field of view or scan angles, in degrees;
(C) minimum instantaneous field of view, along and across the flight path, in milliradians;
(D) spectral bandwidth, in micrometres;
(E) minimum resolvable temperature difference, in degrees Celsius;
(F) temperature of detector during operation, in degrees Celsius;
(G) time required from switch-on for the system to start up and cool down to its normal operating temperature, in minutes;
(H) maximum operating time, if applicable;
(I) maximum velocity over height ratio; and
(J) maximum altitude for operation in metres, if applicable.
5. The following technical information shall be provided for sideways-looking synthetic aperture radar:
(A) type and model;
(B) radar frequency bands, and specific operating frequency, in megahertz;
(C) polarisations;
(D) number of radar pulses, per metre or second;
(E) near range angular limit of operation, in degrees from vertical;
(F) swath width, in kilometres;
(G) ground resolution in range and azimuth, in the slant plane, in metres;
(H) maximum altitude for operation in metres, if applicable; and
(I) transmitter output power, in watts.
6. The following technical information shall be provided for sensors that record data on photographic film:
(A) the types of film that may be used with each sensor;
(B) width of film, in millimetres;
(C) film resolution at a contrast ratio of 1000 to 1 or the equivalent modulation of 1.0, in lines per millimetre; and
(D) capacity of magazine for each type of film, in metres.
7. The following technical information shall be provided for sensors that record data on other recording media:
(A) type and model of the data recording equipment;
(B) type and format of data recording media;
(C) bandwidth, in hertz, if applicable;
(D) data recording rate, in megabits per second, if applicable;
(E) capacity of recording media, in minutes or megabits; and
(F) format for storage of data collected by sensors and data annotation.
1. The following items of information shall be annotated on data collected by sensors during an observation period on the leader of each roll of the original film negative or at the beginning of each other recording medium in accordance with the provisions of Appendix 1 to this Annex:
(A) observation flight reference number;
(B) date of observation flight;
(C) sensor description;
(D) sensor configuration; and
(E) focal length, if applicable.
2. The following items of information shall be recorded manually or electronically from the navigation and avionics systems of the observation aircraft and annotated on data collected by sensors during an observation period in a manner that does not obscure detail, in accordance with the provisions of Appendix 1 to this Annex:
(A) for optical cameras:
(1) at the start of the observation period and at any intermediate location during the observation period where there is a significant change of height above ground level, heading or groundspeed, and at intervals to be determined by the Open Skies Consultative Commission within the period of provisional application:
(a) height above ground level;
(b) location;
(c) true heading; and
(d) scan angle;
(2) on every frame of photographic film:
(a) frame number;
(b) time; and
(c) roll angle;
(B) for video cameras and infra-red line-scanning devices, at the start of the observation period and at any intermediate location during the observation period where there is a significant change of height above ground level, heading or groundspeed, and at intervals to be determined by the Open Skies Consultative Commission within the period of provisional application:
(1) date and time;
(2) height above ground level;
(3) location;
(4) true heading; and
(5) scan angle;
(C) for sideways-looking synthetic aperture radar:
(1) at the start of the observation period and at any intermediate location during the observation period where there is a significant change of height above ground level, heading or groundspeed, and at intervals to be determined by the Open Skies Consultative Commission within the period of provisional application:
(a) date and time;
(b) height above ground level;
(c) location;
(d) true heading;
(e) look down angle to the nearest point of the swath width;
(f) swath width; and
(g) polarisations;
(2) each time they are measured in order to ensure correct processing of the image:
(a) groundspeed;
(b) drift;
(c) pitch angle; and
(d) roll angle.
3. For copies of single frames or strips of imagery produced from the original film negative or other recording media, the items of information listed in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Section shall be annotated on each positive print.
4. States Parties shall have the right to annotate data collected during an observation flight using either alphanumeric values, or codes to be agreed by the Open Skies Consultative Commission during the period of provisional application.
1. The reference number of the observation flight shall be indicated by a single group of six alphanumeric characters in accordance with the following convention:
(A) the letters "OS";
(B) the last digit of the calendar year for which the individual active quota applies; and
(C) a three-digit number to represent each individual observation flight comprising the active quota distributed during the annual review within the framework of the Open Skies Consultative Commission for a calendar year to a State Party over the territory of another State Party.
2. The sensor description shall be indicated by a single block of up to six alphanumeric characters comprising two groups in accordance with the following convention:
(A) a group of up to four characters to represent the category of the sensor in accordance with the following convention:
(1) "OP" – optical panoramic camera;
(2) "OF" – optical framing camera;
(3) "TV" – video camera;
(4) "IRLS" – infra-red line-scanning device; or
(5) "SAR" – sideways-looking synthetic aperture radar;
(B) a group of two characters to represent the type of the recording medium in accordance with the following convention:
(1) "BI" – black and white, iso-panchromatic;
(2) "BM" – black and white, monochromatic;
(3) "BP" – black and white, panchromatic;
(4) "BR" – black and white, reversal;
(5) "TA" – tape, analogue; or
(6) "TD" – tape, digital.
3. The sensor configuration shall be indicated by a single block of up to nine alphanumeric characters comprising three groups in accordance with the following convention:
(A) a group of four alphanumeric characters to represent the installation of the sensor on the observation aircraft either as:
(1) an internal installation, which shall be denoted by the code "INT", followed by a number to indicate the relative location of the installation of the sensor on the observation aircraft in sequence from nose to tail of the observation aircraft; or
(2) a podded installation, which shall be denoted by the code "POD", followed by one of the following three letters:
(a) "L" – mounted under left wing;
(b) "R" – mounted under right wing; or
(c) "C" – mounted on the aircraft centre line;
(B) a group of up to three alphanumeric characters to represent the type of installation in accordance with the following convention:
(1) a vertical installation in which the sensor is not tilted more than five degrees from the vertical shall be denoted by the letter "V";
(2) an oblique installation in which the sensor is tilted more than five degrees from the vertical shall be denoted by one of the following two letters, followed by the depression angle in degrees:
(a) "L" – left pointing;
(b) "R" – right pointing;
(3) a fan installation of two or more sensors shall be denoted by the letter "F";
(C) for a fan installation, a group of up to two numbers to indicate the number and position of the sensors as follows:
(1) the first number to indicate the total number of sensors in that installation; and
(2) the second number to indicate the individual sensor position, in sequence from left to right relative to the direction of flight of the observation aircraft.
4. The focal length of a lens shall be provided in millimetres.
5. The date and time shall be provided to the nearest minute of Co-ordinated Universal Time.
6. The average height above ground level of the observation aircraft shall be denoted by a five-digit number, followed by a code to represent the units of measurement in either feet, by the letter "F", or metres, by the letter "M".
7. The latitude and longitude of the location of the observation aircraft shall be provided in degrees to the nearest one-hundredth of a degree, in the format "dd.dd(N or S) ddd.dd(E or W)", or in degrees and minutes to the nearest minute, in the format "dd mm(N or S) ddd mm(E or W)".
8. The true heading of the observation aircraft shall be provided in degrees to the nearest degree.
9. The roll angle of the observation aircraft shall be provided in degrees followed by a code to indicate whether the roll is to the left, by the letter "L", or to the right, by the letter "R".
10. The pitch angle of the observation aircraft shall be provided in degrees followed by a code to indicate whether the pitch is up, by the letter "U", or down, by the letter "D", relative to the horizontal.
11. The drift angle of the observation aircraft shall be provided in degrees followed by a code to indicate whether the drift is to the left, by the letter "L", or to the right, by the letter "R", relative to the flight path of the observation aircraft.
12. The groundspeed of the observation aircraft shall be denoted by a three-digit number followed by a two-letter code to indicate the units of measurement in either nautical miles, by the letters "NM", or kilometres, by the letters "KM", per hour.
13. The nearest point of the swath width shall be provided in kilometres.
14. The look down angle shall be provided in degrees measured from the vertical.
15. The swath width shall be provided in kilometres.
16. For photographic film, each magazine used during an observation flight from the same sensor shall be numbered in sequence starting from one. Each frame on the original film negative exposed by each sensor shall be individually numbered in sequence, from the first frame to the last frame of that magazine of that sensor. In each case when the film is numbered using one or two numbers per frame, a single frame shall be defined without ambiguity by specifying either the number closest to the centre of the frame, or, in the event that the numbers are equidistant from the centre, the smaller whole number.
Pursuant to the provisions of Article V, paragraph 2 of the Treaty, States Parties, when designating aircraft as observation aircraft, shall notify all other States Parties of the information specified below.
1. Identification:
(A) type and model; and
(B) number, category, type and configuration of each sensor installed on the observation aircraft, as provided in accordance with the provisions of Annex B to the Treaty;
2. Mission Planning:
(A) for each type and configuration of sensor installed on the observation aircraft:
(1) for which ground resolution is dependent upon height above ground level, the height above ground level in metres at which that sensor achieves the ground resolution for that category of sensor specified in Article IV, paragraph 2 of the Treaty;
(2) for which ground resolution is not dependent upon height above ground level, the altitude for maximum range;
(B) optimum cruising speed in kilometres per hour at each altitude specified in accordance with subparagraph (A) of this paragraph;
(C) fuel consumption in kilograms per hour at optimum cruising speed at each altitude specified in accordance with subparagraph (A) of this paragraph.
3. Navigation, Communications and Landing Aids:
(A) each type of navigation equipment installed on the observation aircraft, including its positional accuracy, in metres; and
(B) radio communications, approach and landing aid equipment installed on the observation aircraft, in accordance with standard ICAO practice.
4. Ground Handling:
(A) length, wingspan, maximum height, wheel base, and turning radius;
(B) maximum take-off weight and maximum landing weight;
(C) airfield runway length and pavement strength required at maximum take-off and landing weights, including any capability for landing on unpaved strips;
(D) types and capacities of fuel, oils, hydraulic fluid and oxygen;
(E) types of electrical servicing and starting units; and
(F) any special requirements.
5. Accommodation facilities:
(A) number of flight crew;
(B) number of sensor operators;
(C) number of flight representatives, flight monitors or representatives who could be seated on board; and
(D) sleeping berths.
1. Each State Party shall have the right to participate in the certification of an observation aircraft of each type and model and its associated set of sensors designated by another State Party pursuant to Article V of the Treaty, during which the observation aircraft and its sensors shall be examined both on the ground and in-flight.
2. Each certification shall be conducted in order to establish:
(A) that the aircraft is of a type and model designated pursuant to Article V of the Treaty;
(B) that the sensors installed on the observation aircraft are of a category specified in Article IV, paragraph 1 of the Treaty and satisfy the requirements specified in Article IV, paragraph 2 of the Treaty;
(C) that the technical information has been provided in accordance with the provisions of Annex B, Section I to the Treaty;
(D) in the event that the ground resolution of a sensor is dependent upon height above ground level, the minimum height above ground level from which each such sensor installed on an observation aircraft of that type and model may be operated during an observation flight, pursuant to the limitation on ground resolution specified in Article IV, paragraph 2 of the Treaty;
(E) in the event that the ground resolution is not dependent upon height above ground level, the ground resolution of each such sensor installed on an observation aircraft of that type and model, pursuant to the limitation on ground resolution specified in Article IV, paragraph 2 of the Treaty; and
(F) that the covers for sensor apertures or other devices that inhibit the operation of sensors are in their proper position in accordance with the provisions of Article IV, paragraph 4 of the Treaty.
3. Each State Party conducting a certification shall notify all other States Parties, no less than 60 days in advance, of the period of seven days during which the certification of that observation aircraft and its sensors will take place. Such notification shall specify:
(A) the State Party conducting the certification of the observation aircraft and its sensors;
(B) the point of entry at which personnel of the States Parties taking part in the certification should arrive;
(C) the location at which the certification is to be conducted;
(D) the dates on which the certification is to begin and end;
(E) the number, type and model of each observation aircraft to be certified; and
(F) the type and model, description and configuration of each sensor installed on the observation aircraft to be certified, in accordance with the format specified in Annex B, Appendix 1 to the Treaty.
4. No later than ten days after receipt of the notification pursuant to the provisions of paragraph 3 of this Section, each State Party shall notify all other States Parties of its intention to participate in the certification of such aircraft and its sensors pursuant to the provisions of Article IV, paragraph 11. The number of individuals that shall participate in the certification from amongst those States Parties that notified their intention to participate shall be decided upon within the Open Skies Consultative Commission. Unless otherwise agreed, the number of individuals shall total no more than 40 and include no more than four from any one State Party. In the event that two or more States Parties notify their intention to conduct a certification during the same period, it shall be decided within the Open Skies Consultative Commission which of them shall conduct the certification in this period.
5. Each State Party taking part in the certification shall notify the State Party conducting the certification no less than 30 days prior to the date on which the certification of the observation aircraft is to begin, as notified in accordance with paragraph 3 of this Section, of the following:
(A) the names of the individuals taking part in the certification and, in the event that a non-commercial transport aircraft is used to travel to the point of entry, a list of the names of the crew members, in each case specifying gender, date of birth, place of birth and passport number. All such individuals shall be on the list of individuals designated pursuant to Article XIII, Section I of the Treaty;
(B) the date and the estimated time of arrival of such individuals at the point of entry; and
(C) the mode of transport used to arrive at the point of entry.
6. No less than 14 days prior to the date on which the certification of the observation aircraft is to begin, as notified in accordance with paragraph 3 of this Section, the State Party conducting the certification shall provide the States Parties which are taking part in the certification with the following information for each sensor installed on the observation aircraft, and for associated equipment used for the annotation of data collected by sensors:
(A) a description of each constituent part of the sensor, including its purpose, and any connection to associated equipment used for the annotation of data;
(B) photographs taken of each sensor separate from the observation aircraft, in accordance with the following specifications:
(1) each sensor shall fill at least 80 per cent of the photograph either horizontally or vertically;
(2) such photographs may be either colour or black and white and shall measure 18 centimetres by 24 centimetres, excluding the border; and
(3) each photograph shall be annotated with the category of the sensor, its type and model, and the name of the State Party that is presenting the sensor for certification;
(C) instructions on the in-flight operation of each sensor.
7. In the event that no State Party notifies its intention to take part in the certification in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 5 of this Section, the State Party shall conduct by itself an in-flight examination in accordance with the provisions of Section III of this Annex and complete a certification report in accordance with the provisions of Section IV of this Annex.
8. The provisions of Article XIII, Section II of the Treaty shall apply to the personnel of each State Party taking part in the certification during the entire period of their stay on the territory of the State Party conducting the certification.
9. The personnel of each State Party taking part in the certification shall leave the territory of the State Party conducting the certification promptly after signing the certification report.
1. With the approval of the State Party conducting the certification, ground examinations by more than one State Party may be conducted simultaneously. States Parties shall have the right jointly to conduct a ground examination of the observation aircraft and its sensors. The State Party conducting the certification shall have the right to determine the number of personnel engaged at any one time in the ground examination of an observation aircraft and its sensors.
2. Unless otherwise agreed, the ground examination shall not exceed three eight-hour periods for each observation aircraft and its sensors.
3. Prior to the commencement of the ground examination, the State Party conducting the certification shall provide the States Parties taking part in the certification with the following information:
(A) for optical panoramic and framing cameras:
(1) the modulation transfer curve of the response of the lens to spatial frequency (frequency/contrast characteristic) at the maximum relative aperture of that lens, in lines per millimetre;
(2) specifications of the black and white aerial film that will be used to collect data during an observation flight, or for the duplication of such data, in accordance with the provisions of Annex K, Section I, paragraph 2 to the Treaty;
(3)specifications of the film processors which will be used to develop original film negatives and duplicators that will be used to produce film positives or negatives, in accordance with the provisions of Annex K, Section I, paragraph 1 to the Treaty; and
(4) flight test data showing ground resolution as a function of height above ground level for each type of aerial film that will be used with the optical camera;
(B) for video cameras, flight test data from all output devices showing ground resolution as a function of height above ground level;
(C) for infra-red line-scanning devices, flight test data from all output devices showing ground resolution as a function of height above ground level; and
(D) for sideways-looking synthetic aperture radar, flight test data from all output devices showing ground resolution as a function of slant range from the aircraft.
4. Prior to the commencement of the ground examination, the State Party conducting the certification shall provide a briefing to the State Party or States Parties taking part in the certification on:
(A) its plan for the conduct of the ground examination of the observation aircraft and its sensors;
(B) the observation aircraft, as well as its sensors, associated equipment and covers for sensor apertures or other devices that inhibit the operation of sensors, indicating their location on the observation aircraft with the help of diagrams, photographs, slides and other visual materials;
(C) all necessary safety precautions that shall be observed during the ground examination of the observation aircraft and its sensors; and
(D) the inventory procedures that escorts of the State Party conducting the certification intend to use pursuant to paragraph 6 of this Section.
5. Prior to the commencement of the ground examination, each State Party taking part in the certification shall deliver to the State Party conducting the certification a list of each item of equipment to be used during the ground examination or in-flight examination. The States Parties conducting the examination shall be permitted to take on board the observation aircraft and use video cameras, hand-held audio recorders and hand-held electronic computers. The States Parties taking part in the certification shall be permitted to use other items of equipment, subject to the approval of the State Party conducting the certification.
6. The States Parties taking part in the certification shall, together with the State Party conducting the certification, conduct an inventory of each item of equipment provided for in paragraph 5 of this Section, and review the inventory procedures which shall be followed to confirm that each item of equipment brought on board the observation aircraft by the States Parties taking part in the certification has been removed from the observation aircraft upon conclusion of the examination.
7. Personnel of each State Party taking part in the certification shall have the right to conduct the following activities during the ground examination on the observation aircraft and of each sensor installed on the observation aircraft:
(A) confirm that the number and configuration of each sensor installed on the observation aircraft correspond to the information provided in accordance with the provisions of Section I, paragraph 6 of this Annex, Annex C and Annex B, Section I;
(B) familiarize themselves with the installation of each sensor on the observation aircraft, including the constituent parts thereof and their connections to each other and to any associated equipment used for the annotation of data;
(C) obtain a demonstration of the control and operation of each sensor; and
(D) familiarize themselves with the flight test data provided in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 3 of this Section.
8. At the request of any State Party taking part in the certification, the State Party conducting the certification shall photograph any sensor installed on the observation aircraft, the associated equipment on the observation aircraft, or the sensor apertures with their covers or devices which inhibit the operation of sensors. Such photographs shall fulfil the requirements specified in Section I, paragraph 6, subparagraphs (B)(1), (2) and (3) of this Annex.
9. The State Party conducting the certification shall have the right to designate personnel to accompany throughout the ground examination the personnel of the States Parties taking part in the certification to confirm compliance with the provisions of this Section. The personnel of the State Party conducting the certification shall not interfere with the activities of the States Parties taking part in the certification, unless such activities conflict with the safety precautions provided for in paragraph 4, subparagraph (C) of this Section.
10. The State Party conducting the certification shall provide the States Parties taking part in the certification access to the entire observation aircraft, its sensors and associated equipment and sufficient power to operate its sensors and associated equipment. The State Party conducting the certification shall open such compartments or remove panels or barriers, to the extent necessary to permit examination of any sensor and associated equipment subject to certification.
11. Notwithstanding the provisions of this Section, the ground examination shall be conducted in a manner that does not:
(A) degrade, damage, or prevent subsequent operation of the observation aircraft or its sensors;
(B) alter the electrical or mechanical structure of the observation aircraft or its sensors; or
(C) impair the airworthiness of the observation aircraft.
12. The States Parties taking part in the certification shall have the right to take measurements, and make notes, sketches, similar records and recordings using the items of equipment listed in paragraph 5 of this Section, relating to the observation aircraft, its sensors and their associated equipment. Such working materials may be retained by the State Party taking part in the certification and shall not be subject to any review or examination by the State Party conducting the certification.
13. The State Party conducting the certification shall make every effort to answer questions of the States Parties taking part in the certification that pertain to the ground examination.
14. Upon completion of the ground examination, the States Parties taking part in the certification shall leave the observation aircraft, and the State Party conducting the certification shall have the right to use its own inventory procedures set forth in accordance with paragraph 6 of this Section to confirm that all the equipment used during the ground examination in accordance with paragraph 5 of this Section has been removed from the observation aircraft.
1. In addition to conducting a ground examination of the observation aircraft and its sensors, the State Party conducting the certification shall conduct one in-flight examination of its sensors which shall be sufficient to:
(A) permit observation of the operation of all the sensors installed on the observation aircraft;
(B) in the event that the ground resolution of a sensor is dependent upon height above ground level, establish the minimum height above ground level from which each such sensor installed on an observation aircraft of that type and model shall be operated for any observation flight, in accordance with the limitation on ground resolution specified in Article IV, paragraph 2 of the Treaty; and
(C) in the event that the ground resolution of a sensor is not dependent upon height above ground level, establish the ground resolution of each such sensor installed on an observation aircraft of that type and model is in accordance with the limitation on ground resolution specified in Article IV, paragraph 2 of the Treaty.
2. Prior to the commencement of the in-flight examination of the sensors, the State Party conducting the certification shall brief the States Parties participating in the certification on its plan for the conduct of the in-flight examination. This briefing shall include the following information:
(A) a diagram of the calibration targets that it intends to use for the in-flight examination in accordance with the provisions of Appendix 1, Section I, paragraph 5 to this Annex;
(B) the estimated time, meteorological conditions, number, direction and height above ground level of each pass over the calibration target appropriate to each sensor to be certified; and
(C) all necessary safety precautions that shall be observed during the in-flight examination of the observation aircraft and its sensors.
3. Prior to and during the conduct of the in-flight examination, States Parties taking part in the certification shall have the right to visit the location of the calibration targets. The State Party conducting the certification shall provide such items of equipment as required to confirm that the calibration targets meet the specifications set forth in Appendix 1, Section I to this Annex.
4. The in-flight examination shall be conducted during clear atmospheric daytime conditions, unless otherwise agreed, over the calibration targets appropriate to each category of sensor installed on the observation aircraft in accordance with the provisions of Appendix 1, Section II to this Annex, to determine the ground resolution of each sensor.
5. The State Party conducting the certification shall provide such data on the meteorological conditions at the location of the calibration targets during the in-flight examination of the sensors as are necessary to make the calculations in accordance with the methodologies specified in Appendix 1, Section III to this Annex.
6. Each State Party shall have the right to designate personnel to take part in the in-flight examination. In the event that the number of individuals so designated exceeds the passenger capacity of the observation aircraft, the States Parties participating in the certification shall agree which of its personnel shall participate in the in-flight examination.
7. Personnel of the States Parties designated pursuant to paragraph 6 of this Section shall have the right to observe the operation of the sensors by personnel of the State Party conducting the certification.
8. Personnel of the States Parties taking part in the certification shall have the right to monitor the unsealing of the film cassette and the storage, processing and handling of the original film negative exposed during the in-flight examination, in accordance with the provisions of Annex K, Section II to the Treaty.
1. Upon completion of the ground and in-flight examinations, data collected by sensors and from the calibration targets shall be examined jointly by the State Party conducting the certification and the States Parties taking part in the certification. These States Parties shall prepare a certification report which shall establish:
(A) that the observation aircraft is of a type and model designated pursuant to Article V of the Treaty;
(B) that the sensors installed on the observation aircraft are of a category provided for in Article IV, paragraph 1 of the Treaty and satisfy the requirements of Article IV, paragraph 2 of the Treaty;
(C) that the technical information on sensors has been provided in accordance with Annex B, Section I to the Treaty;
(D) in the event that the ground resolution of a sensor is dependent upon height above ground level, the minimum height above ground level at which each such sensor on an observation aircraft of that type and model may be operated during an observation flight pursuant to the limitation on ground resolution specified in Article IV, paragraph 2 of the Treaty;
(E) in the event that the ground resolution is not dependent upon height above ground level, the ground resolution of each such sensor installed on an observation aircraft of that type and model, pursuant to the limitations on ground resolution specified in Article IV, paragraph 2 of the Treaty; and
(F) that the covers for sensor apertures or other devices that inhibit the operation of sensors are in accordance with the provisions of Article IV, paragraph 4 of the Treaty.
2. A copy of the information for each sensor provided pursuant to Section I, paragraph 6 and Section II, paragraphs 3 and 8 of this Annex shall be attached to the certification report.
3. Copies of the certification report shall be provided to all other States Parties by the State Party conducting the certification. States Parties that did not take part in the certification shall not have the right to reject the conclusions contained in the certification report.
4. An observation aircraft and its associated set of sensors shall be deemed to be certified unless the States Parties taking part in the certification are unable to reach agreement on the contents of the certification report.
5. In the event that the State Party conducting the certification and States Parties taking part in the certification are unable to reach agreement on the contents of the certification report, the observation aircraft shall not be used for observation flights until the issue is resolved.
The ground resolution of each sensor installed on the observation aircraft, and, where its performance depends on height above ground level, the minimum height above ground level at which this sensor may be operated during an observation flight, shall be determined and confirmed on the basis of data collected over calibration targets appropriate to each category of sensor in accordance with the specifications in Section I and calculated in accordance with the methodologies to be determined within the Open Skies Consultative Commission.
1. Calibration targets shall be provided by the State Party conducting the certification in accordance with the provisions of Annex D to the Treaty. Such calibration targets shall be used to establish the ground resolution of sensors, of a type appropriate to each sensor category, and designed in accordance with characteristics specified below.
2. Calibration targets for establishing the ground resolution of optical cameras shall consist of a series of groups of alternating black and white bars. Each group of bars shall consist of a minimum of two black bars separated by a white bar. The width of black and white bars within a group shall remain constant. The width of the bars in groups of bars in the calibration target shall change in steps sufficient to ensure accurate measurement of the ground resolution. The length of the bars shall remain constant within each group. The contrast ratio of the black to white bars shall be consistent throughout the target and shall be at least 5 to 1 (equivalent to a modulation of 0.66).
3. Calibration targets for establishing the ground resolution of infra-red line-scanning devices shall be determined within the Open Skies Consultative Commission during the period of provisional application.
4. Calibration targets for establishing the ground resolution of sideways-looking synthetic aperture radar shall consist of arrays of trihedral corner reflectors whose configuration shall be in accordance with the methodologies determined within the Open Skies Consultative Commission during the period of provisional application.
5. Each State Party shall provide all other States Parties with a diagram of the calibration targets that it intends to use for the purpose of in-flight examination. Such diagrams shall be annotated with the overall dimensions of the calibration targets, their locations and the type of terrain on which they are deployed, as well as the information appropriate to each type of calibration target as determined within the Open Skies Consultative Commission during the period of provisional application.
1. In order to establish the ground resolution of panoramic or vertically-installed framing cameras, the line of flight of the observation aircraft shall be directly over and parallel to the calibration target. In order to establish the ground resolution of obliquely-installed framing cameras, the line of flight of the observation aircraft shall be parallel to the calibration target at a range such that the image of the calibration target appears in the foreground of the field of view of the optical camera set at its maximum angle measured from the horizontal or minimum angle measured from the vertical.
2. In order to establish the ground resolution of an infra-red line-scanning device, the line of flight of the observation aircraft shall be directly over and parallel to the calibration target at an agreed range of heights above ground level.
3. In order to establish the ground resolution of a sideways-looking synthetic aperture radar, the line of flight of the observation aircraft shall be to the side of the array of the corner reflectors.
1. Following the in-flight examination, the State Party conducting the certification and the States Parties taking part in the certification shall jointly analyse the data collected during the in-flight examination pursuant to Annex D, Section IV, paragraph 1 to the Treaty.
2. The methodology for calculating the minimum height above ground level at which each optical camera installed on the observation aircraft may be operated during an observation flight, including the value of the contrast ratio or the equivalent modulation to be used in this calculation, which shall be not less than 1.6:1 (correspondingly 0.23) and not greater than 4:1 (correspondingly 0.6), shall be determined within the Open Skies Consultative Commission during the period of provisional application and prior to 30 June 1992. The ground resolution of optical cameras shall be determined from a visual analysis of the image of the calibration target on the original film negative. The numerical value of ground resolution shall be equal to the width of the smallest bar of the calibration target that is distinguishable as a separate bar.
3. The methodology for calculating the minimum height above ground level at which each video camera installed on the observation aircraft may be operated during an observation flight shall be determined within the Open Skies Consultative Commission during the period of provisional application.
4. The methodology for calculating the minimum height above ground level at which an infra-red line-scanning device installed on the observation aircraft may be operated during an observation flight, including the value of the minimum resolvable temperature difference to be used in this calculation, shall be determined within the Open Skies Consultative Commission during the period of provisional application.
5. The methodology for calculating the ground resolution of a sideways-looking synthetic aperture radar, including the determination of the relationship between the impulse response method and the object separation method, shall be determined within the Open Skies Consultative Commission during the period of provisional application.
1. Each State Party shall designate one or more points of entry, one or more points of exit, and one or more Open Skies airfields on its territory. Points of entry and points of exit may or may not be the same as the Open Skies airfields. Unless otherwise agreed, if an Open Skies airfield is different from a point of entry, the Open Skies airfield shall be designated so that the observing Party can reach the Open Skies airfield within five hours from the point of entry either in its own observation aircraft or in transportation provided by the observed Party. The observing Party, after arriving at a point of entry or an Open Skies airfield, shall have the right to a rest period, subject to the provisions of Article VI of the Treaty.
2. Each State Party shall have the right to designate entry fixes and exit fixes. If a State Party elects to designate entry fixes and exit fixes, such fixes shall facilitate flight from the territory of the observing Party to the point of entry of the observed Party. Planned flights between entry fixes and points of entry and between points of exit and exit fixes shall be conducted in accordance with published ICAO standards and recommended practices and national regulations. In the event that portions of the flights between entry fixes and points of entry or between points of exit and exit fixes lie in international airspace, the flight through international airspace shall be conducted in accordance with published international regulations.
3. Information on points of entry and points of exit, Open Skies airfields, entry fixes and exit fixes, refuelling airfields, and calibration targets shall initially be as specified in Appendix 1 to this Annex.
4. A State Party shall have the right to introduce changes to Appendix 1 to this Annex by notifying all other States Parties of such changes, in writing, no less than 90 days before such changes become effective.
5. Each State Party shall ensure effective observation of its entire territory as follows:
(A) for its mainland territory, Open Skies airfields shall be designated in such a way that no point on its territory is farther from one or more such airfields than 35 per cent of the maximum flight distance or distances established for that State Party in accordance with Annex A to the Treaty;
(B) for portions of its territory that are separated from the mainland territory:
(1) that State Party shall apply the provisions of subparagraph (A) of this paragraph; or
(2) in the event that the portion or portions of the territory are separated from the mainland territory by more than 600 kilometres, or if agreed between that State Party and the observing Party, or if otherwise provided for in Annex A, that State Party shall provide special procedures, including the possible use of refuelling airfields; or
(3) in the event that a portion or portions of the territory are separated from the mainland territory by less than 600 kilometres, and such portion or portions of the territory are not covered by the provisions of subparagraph (A) of this paragraph, that State Party may specify a separate maximum flight distance in Annex A to cover such portion or portions of its territory.
6. Immediately upon the arrival of an observation aircraft at the point of entry, and immediately prior to the departure of an observation aircraft from the point of exit, both the observed and observing Parties shall inspect the covers for sensor apertures or other devices that inhibit the operation of sensors installed in accordance with Article IV, paragraph 4. In the event that the point of entry is different from the Open Skies airfield from which the observation flight commences, both the observed and observing Parties shall inspect the covers for sensor apertures or other devices that inhibit the operation of sensors immediately prior to departure of the observation aircraft from the point of entry en route to the Open Skies airfield from which the observation flight commences. In the event that the point of exit is different from the Open Skies airfield at which the observation flight terminates, both the observed and observing Parties shall inspect the covers for sensor apertures or other devices that inhibit the operation of sensors immediately prior to departure of the observation aircraft from such airfield en route to the point of exit.
7. A State Party shall have the right to conduct an examination and inventory of the items of equipment that the other State Party intends to use for the purpose of conducting a pre-flight inspection of sensors and, if applicable, the observation aircraft, as well as items that the flight representatives intend to bring on board the observation aircraft. This examination and inventory:
(A) shall begin no later than one hour after arrival of such items at the point of entry or the Open Skies airfield, at the choice of the State Party conducting the inventory, and shall be completed within one hour; and
(B) shall be carried out in the presence of one or more designated individuals of the other State Party.
8. If, during the examination and inventory of the items of equipment to be used in the sensor inspection and, if applicable, observation aircraft inspection, as well as the items that the flight representatives intend to bring on board the observation aircraft, the State Party conducting the examination and inventory determines that the items do not conform to the list of authorized equipment contained in Annex D, Section II, paragraph 5, or to the items described in Annex G, Section I, paragraph 4, it shall have the right to deny permission for the use of such items. Items so identified that are brought into the territory of the observed Party by the observing Party shall be, unless otherwise agreed:
(A) placed in a sealed container for safekeeping; and
(B) subsequently removed from the territory of the observed Party at the earliest opportunity, but not later than the departure of the observing Party from the territory of the observed Party.
9. In the event that the observing Party travels to the point of entry specified in the notification provided in accordance with Article VI, Section I, paragraph 5 of this Treaty, using a transport aircraft registered with the observing Party or with another State Party, the transport aircraft shall be permitted:
(A) to depart from the territory of the observed Party;
(B) in the event that the point of entry is the same as the point of exit, to remain at the point of entry until departure of the observing Party from the territory of the observed Party; or
(C) in the event that the point of entry is not the same as the point of exit, to fly to the point of exit in sufficient time for further crew rest prior to departure of all the personnel of the observing Party from the territory of the observed Party.
10. In the event that the observation aircraft is provided by the observed Party and the observing Party does not use its own transport aircraft for transporting its personnel from the point of entry to the Open Skies airfield, the observed Party shall ensure that the personnel of the observing Party are transported from the point of entry to the Open Skies airfield and from the Open Skies airfield to the point of exit.
The sites to be used as points of entry, points of exit, Open Skies airfields, refuelling airfields, calibration targets, and, if applicable, entry fixes and exit fixes are initially as specified in Section II of this Appendix. The designation includes:
(A) Site: name of point of entry, point of exit, Open Skies airfield, entry fix, exit fix, refuelling airfield, and calibration target;
(B) Location: latitude and longitude of the respective site, to the nearest second; and
(C) Inspection: whether or not the pre-flight inspection of the aircraft or the sensors can be conducted at this site.
State Party: The Federal Republic of Germany
                          POINT OF ENTRY/EXIT
                                                   INSPECTION OF
SITE                      LOCATION               AIRCRAFT/ SENSORS
Köln/Bonn                 N 50-52-02                   Yes
(EDDK)                    E 007-08-37
                          OPEN SKIES AIRFIELDS
                                                   INSPECTION OF
SITE                      LOCATION               AIRCRAFT/SENSORS
Wunstorf                  N 52-27-48                    No
(EDNW)                    E 009-25-70
Landsberg/Lech            N 48-04-28                    No
(EDSA)                    E 010-54-42
                          ENTRY/EXIT FIXES
                          To be determined
                          REFUELLING AIRFIELDS
                          CALIBRATION TARGETS
SITE                      LOCATION
Köln/Bonn                 To be determined
State Party: The United States of America
                          POINTS OF ENTRY/EXIT
                                                   INSPECTION OF
SITE                      LOCATION               AIRCRAFT/SENSORS
Washington Dulles         N 38-56-36                   Yes
International, DC         W 077-27-24
Travis AFB                N 38-15-48                   Yes
California                W 121-55-48
                          OPEN SKIES AIRFIELDS
                                                   INSPECTION OF
SITE                      LOCATION               AIRCRAFT/SENSORS
Washington Dulles         N 38-56-36                   Yes
International, DC         W 077-27-24
Travis AFB                N 38-15-48                   Yes
California                W 121-55-48
Elmendorf AFB             N 61-15-12                   Yes
Alaska                    W 149-47-30
Lincoln Municipal         N 40-51-00                    No
Nebraska                  W 096-45-30
                          ENTRY/EXIT FIXES
                          To be determined
                          REFUELLING AIRFIELDS
Honolulu International    N 21-19-06
Hawaii                    W 157-55-24
Malmstrom AFB             N 47-30-18
Montana                   W 111-11-00
Phoenix-Sky Harbor        N 33-26-12
International Arizona     W 112-00-24
General Mitchell          N 42-56-48
International Wisconsin   W 087-53-36
McGhee Tyson              N 35-48-48
Tennessee                 W 083-59-36
                          CALIBRATION TARGETS
SITE                      LOCATION
Washington Dulles         To be determined
Travis AFB                To be determined
Elmendorf AFB             To be determined
State Party: Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation group
of States Parties
                          POINTS OF ENTRY/EXIT
                                                   INSPECTION OF
SITE                      LOCATION               AIRCRAFT/SENSORS
Kubinka                   N 55-36-30                   Yes
                          E 036-39-10
Ulan-Ude                  N 51-48-00                   Yes
                          E 107-27-00
                          OPEN SKIES AIRFIELDS
                                                   INSPECTION OF
SITE                      LOCATION               AIRCRAFT/SENSORS
Kubinka                   N 55-36-30                   Yes
                          E 036-39-10
Ulan-Ude                  N 51-48-00                   Yes
                          E 107-27-00
Magadan                   N 59-54-06                    No
                          E 150-03-01
Vorkuta                   N 67-29-00                    No
                          E 063-59-00
                          ENTRY/EXIT FIXES
                          To be determined
                          REFUELLING AIRFIELDS
                          CALIBRATION TARGETS
SITE                      LOCATION
State Party: Benelux
                          POINT OF ENTRY/EXIT
                                                   INSPECTION OF
SITE                      LOCATION               AIRCRAFT/SENSORS
Zaventem/                 N 50-54-01                   Yes
Melsbroek                 W 004-59-09
                          OPEN SKIES AIRFIELD
                                                   INSPECTION OF
SITE                      LOCATION               AIRCRAFT/SENSORS
Zaventem/                 N 50-54-01                   Yes
Melsbroek                 W 004-59-09
                          ENTRY/EXIT FIXES
                          To be determined
                          REFUELLING AIRFIELDS
                          CALIBRATION TARGETS
SITE                      LOCATION
Volkel                    N 54-39-03
                          W 005-42-02
State Party: Republic of Bulgaria
                          POINT OF ENTRY/EXIT
                                                   INSPECTION OF
SITE                      LOCATION               AIRCRAFT/SENSORS
Sofia                     N 42-41-07                   Yes
                          E 023-24-05
                          OPEN SKIES AIRFIELDS
                                                   INSPECTION OF
SITE                      LOCATION               AIRCRAFT/SENSORS
Sofia                     N 42-41-07                   Yes
                          E 023-24-05
Burgas                    N 42-34-00                    No
                          E 027-30-00
                          ENTRY/EXIT FIXES
                          To be determined
                          REFUELLING AIRFIELDS
                                                   INSPECTION OF
SITE                      LOCATION               AIRCRAFT/SENSORS
Sofia                     N 42-41-07
                          E 023-24-05
Burgas                    N 42-34-00
                          E 027-30-00
                          CALIBRATION TARGETS
SITE                      LOCATION
State Party: Canada
                          POINT OF ENTRY/EXIT
                                                   INSPECTION OF
SITE                      LOCATION               AIRCRAFT/SENSORS
Ottawa                    N 45-19-21                   Yes
(CYOW)                    W 075-40-10
                          OPEN SKIES AIRFIELDS
                                                   INSPECTION OF
SITE                      LOCATION               AIRCRAFT/SENSORS
Ottawa                    N 45-19-21                   Yes
                          W 075-40-10
Iqaluit                   N 63-45-22                    No
                          W 068-33-25
Yellowknife               N 62-27-45                    No
                          W 114-26-20
                          ENTRY/EXIT FIXES
                          To be determined
                          REFUELLING AIRFIELDS
SITE                      LOCATION
Edmonton                  N 53-18-35
                          W 113-34-43
Halifax                   N 44-52-51
                          W 063-30-33
Winnipeg                  N 49-54-39
                          W 097-14-35
Churchill                 N 58-44-13
                          W 094-03-26
                          CALIBRATION TARGETS
SITE                      LOCATION
Ottawa area               To be determined
State Party: The Kingdom of Denmark
                          POINTS OF ENTRY/EXIT
                                                   INSPECTION OF
SITE                      LOCATION               AIRCRAFT/SENSORS
Copenhagen                N 55-37-07                    No
International             E 012-39-26
Military                  N 55-46-09                   Yes
Airfield                  E 012-19-34
                          OPEN SKIES AIRFIELD
                                                   INSPECTION OF
 SITE                     LOCATION               AIRCRAFT/SENSORS
Military                  N 55-46-09                   Yes
Airfield                  E 012-19-34
                          ENTRY/EXIT FIXES
                          To be determined
                          REFUELLING AIRFIELDS
SITE                      LOCATION
Vagar                     N 62-03-51
Airport                   W 007-16-26
Soendre                   N 67-01-05
Stroemfjord               W 050-41-39
                          CALIBRATION TARGETS
SITE                      LOCATION
Military                  N 55-46-09
Airfield                  E 012-19-34
State Party: The Kingdom of Spain
                          POINT OF ENTRY/EXIT
                                                   INSPECTION OF
SITE                      LOCATION               AIRCRAFT/SENSORS
Getafe                    N 40-17-43                   Yes
                          W 003-43-21
                          POINT OF ENTRY/EXIT FOR CANARY ISLANDS
                                                   INSPECTION OF
SITE                      LOCATION               AIRCRAFT/SENSORS
Gando                     N 27-55-49                   Yes
                          W 015-23-05
                          OPEN SKIES AIRFIELDS
                                                   INSPECTION OF
 SITE                     LOCATION               AIRCRAFT/SENSORS
Getafe                    N 40-17-43                   Yes
                          W 003-43-21
Valencia                  N 39-29-26                    No
                          W 000-28-50
Valladolid                N 41-42-26                    No
                          W 004-51-02
Moron                     N 37-10-34                    No
                          W 005-36-53
                          ENTRY/EXIT FIXES
                          To be determined
                          REFUELLING AIRFIELDS
                          CALIBRATION TARGETS
SITE                      LOCATION
State Party: The French Republic
                          POINT OF ENTRY/EXIT
                                                   INSPECTION OF
 SITE                     LOCATION               AIRCRAFT/SENSORS
Orleans-Bricy             N 47-59-12                   Yes
                          E 001-45-43
                          OPEN SKIES AIRFIELDS
                                                   INSPECTION OF
 SITE                     LOCATION               AIRCRAFT/SENSORS
Orleans-Bricy             N 47-59-12                   Yes
                          E 001-45-43
Toulouse-Blagnac          N 43-37-26                    No
                          E 001-22-53
Nice-Côte                 N 43-39-47                    No
d'Azur                    E 007-12-09
                          ENTRY/EXIT FIXES
                          To be determined
                          REFUELLING AIRFIELDS
                          CALIBRATION TARGETS
SITE                      LOCATION
State Party: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and ­Northern Ireland
                          POINTS OF ENTRY/EXIT
                                                   INSPECTION OF
 SITE                     LOCATION               AIRCRAFT/SENSORS
Brize Norton              N 51-44-97                   Yes
                          W 001-34-93
Heathrow                  N 51-28-72                    No
                          W 000-27-47
    NOTE: Heathrow is for arrival of personnel on scheduled passenger
services only. Not for observation or transport aircraft.
                          OPEN SKIES AIRFIELDS
                                                   INSPECTION OF
 SITE                     LOCATION               AIRCRAFT/SENSORS
Brize Norton              N 51-44-97                   Yes
                          W 001-34-93
Scampton                  N 53-18-45                   Yes
                          W 000-32-95
Leuchars                  N 55-22-38                   Yes
                          W 000-52-03
                          ENTRY/EXIT FIXES
                          To be determined by FAA
                          REFUELLING AIRFIELDS
                          CALIBRATION TARGETS
SITE                      LOCATION
Boscombe Down             N 51-09-10
                          W 001-44-76
State Party: The Hellenic Republic
                          POINT OF ENTRY/EXIT
                                                   INSPECTION OF
SITE                      LOCATION               AIRCRAFT/SENSORS
Thessaloniki              N 40-27-22                   Yes
International             E 022-59-21
                          OPEN SKIES AIRFIELDS
                                                   INSPECTION OF
SITE                      LOCATION               AIRCRAFT/SENSORS
Thessaloniki              N 40-27-22                   Yes
International             E 022-59-21
Elefsis                   N 38-04-00                   Yes
                          E 023-33-38
                          ENTRY/EXIT FIX
Chouchouligovo            N 41-24-40
                          E 023-22-02
                          REFUELLING AIRFIELDS
                          CALIBRATION TARGETS
SITE                      LOCATION
State Party: The Republic of Hungary
                          POINTS OF ENTRY/EXIT
                                                   INSPECTION OF
SITE                      LOCATION               AIRCRAFT/SENSORS
Budapest/Ferihegy         N 47-26-18                   Yes
(LHBP)                    E 019-15-48
Tokol                     N 47-21-14                   Yes
(LHTL)                    E 018-58-08
                          OPEN SKIES AIRFIELDS
                                                   INSPECTION OF
SITE                      LOCATION               AIRCRAFT/SENSORS
Budapest/Ferihegy         N 47-26-18                   Yes
(LHBP)                    E 019-15-48
Tokol                     N 47-21-14                   Yes
(LHTL)                    E 018-58-08
                          ENTRY/EXIT FIXES
                          To be determined
                          REFUELLING AIRFIELDS
                          CALIBRATION TARGETS
SITE                      LOCATION
                          To be determined
State Party: The Republic of Iceland
                          POINT OF ENTRY/EXIT
                                                   INSPECTION OF
SITE                      LOCATION               AIRCRAFT/SENSORS
Keflavik                  N 63-59-48                   Yes
                          W 022-36-30
                          OPEN SKIES AIRFIELDS
                                                   INSPECTION OF
SITE                      LOCATION               AIRCRAFT/SENSORS
                          N 63-59-07
                          W 022-36-20
                          ENTRY/EXIT FIXES
                          To be determined
                          REFUELLING AIRFIELDS
SITE                      LOCATION
                          CALIBRATION TARGETS
SITE                      LOCATION
State Party: The Republic of Italy
                          POINTS OF ENTRY/EXIT
                                                   INSPECTION OF
SITE                      LOCATION               AIRCRAFT/SENSORS
Milano-Malpensa           N 45-38-00                   Yes
                          E 008-44-00
Palermo-Punta             N 38-10-40                   Yes
Raisi                     E 013-05-20
                          OPEN SKIES AIRFIELDS
                                                   INSPECTION OF
SITE                      LOCATION               AIRCRAFT/SENSORS
Milano-Malpensa           N 45-38-00                   Yes
                          E 008-44-00
Palermo-Punta             N 38-10-40                   Yes
Raisi                     E 013-05-20
                          ENTRY/EXIT FIXES
                          To be determined
                          REFUELLING AIRFIELDS
                          The above-mentioned Open Skies airfields
                          CALIBRATION TARGETS
SITE                      LOCATION
State Party: The Kingdom of Norway
                          POINT OF ENTRY/EXIT
                                                   INSPECTION OF
SITE                      LOCATION               AIRCRAFT/SENSORS
Oslo-Gardermoen           N 60-12-10                   Yes
(ENGM)                    E 011-05-08
                          OPEN SKIES AIRFIELDS
                                                   INSPECTION OF
SITE                      LOCATION               AIRCRAFT/SENSORS
Oslo-Gardermoen           N 60-12-10                   Yes
(ENGM)                    E 011-05-08
Tromsoe-Langnes           N 69-40-53                    No
(ENTC)                    E 018-55-10
                          ENTRY/EXIT FIXES
                          To be determined
                          REFUELLING AIRFIELDS
SITE                      LOCATION
Trondheim-Vaernes         N 63-27-29
(ENVA)                    E 010-55-33
                          CALIBRATION TARGETS
SITE                      LOCATION
State Party: The Republic of Poland
                          POINT OF ENTRY/EXIT
                                                   INSPECTION OF
SITE                      LOCATION               AIRCRAFT/SENSORS
Warszawa-Okecie           N 52-13-10                   Yes
                          E 021-01-10
                          OPEN SKIES AIRFIELD
                                                   INSPECTION OF
SITE                      LOCATION               AIRCRAFT/SENSORS
Warszawa-Okecie           N 52-13-10                   Yes
                          E 021-01-10
                          ENTRY/EXIT FIXES
                          To be determined
                          REFUELLING AIRFIELDS
                          CALIBRATION TARGETS
SITE                      LOCATION
State Party: The Portuguese Republic
                          POINT OF ENTRY/EXIT
                                                   INSPECTION OF
SITE                      LOCATION               AIRCRAFT/SENSORS
Lisboa                    N 38-46-22                   Yes
International             W 009-07-58
                          OPEN SKIES AIRFIELDS
                                                   INSPECTION OF
SITE                      LOCATION               AIRCRAFT/SENSORS
Sta. Maria                N 36-58-22                    No
                          W 025-10-17
Porto Santo               N 33-04-01                    No
                          W 016-20-44
                          ENTRY/EXIT FIXES
                          To be determined
                          REFUELLING AIRFIELDS
Lisboa                    N 38-46-22
International             W 009-07-58
Sta. Maria                N 36-58-22
International             W 025-10-17
Porto Santo               N 33-04-01
                          W 016-20-44
                          CALIBRATION TARGETS
SITE                      LOCATION
Lisboa                    To be determined
State Party: Romania
                          POINTS OF ENTRY/EXIT
                                                   INSPECTION OF
SITE                      LOCATION               AIRCRAFT/SENSORS
Bucharest-Otopeni         N 44-34-30                   Yes
International             E 026-05-10
Timisoara                 N 45-48-37                   Yes
Airport                   E 021-20-22
                          OPEN SKIES AIRFIELDS
                                                   INSPECTION OF
SITE                      LOCATION               AIRCRAFT/SENSORS
Bucharest-Otopeni         N 44-34-30                   Yes
International             E 026-05-10
Timisoara                 N 45-48-37                   Yes
Airport                   E 021-20-22
Bacau Airport             N 46-31-19                    No
                          E 026-54-41
                          ENTRY/EXIT FIXES
                          To be determined
                          REFUELLING AIRFIELDS
SITE                      LOCATION
Bucharest-Otopeni         N 44-34-30
International             E 026-05-10
Timisoara                 N 45-48-37
Airport                   E 021-20-22
                          CALIBRATION TARGETS
SITE                      LOCATION
Urlati                    N 45-55-45
                          E 026-05-11
Dunavat                   N 45-02-10
Nord Murighiol            E 029-13-20
State Party: The Czech and Slovak Federal Republic
                          POINT OF ENTRY/EXIT
                                                   INSPECTION OF
SITE                      LOCATION               AIRCRAFT/SENSORS
Praha                     N 50-06-10                   Yes
International             E 014-15-40
                          OPEN SKIES AIRFIELDS
                                                   INSPECTION OF
SITE                      LOCATION               AIRCRAFT/SENSORS
Praha                     N 50-06-10                   Yes
International             E 014-15-40
Bratislava                N 49-10-10                    No
International             E 017-12-50
Kosice                    N 48-40-10                    No
International             E 021-14-40
                          ENTRY/EXIT FIXES
                          To be determined
                          REFUELLING AIRFIELDS
SITE                      LOCATION
Bratislava                N 49-10-10
International             E 017-12-50
Kosice                    N 48-40-10
International             E 021-14-40
                          CALIBRATION TARGETS
SITE                      LOCATION
Praha                     To be determined
State Party: The Republic of Turkey
                          POINTS OF ENTRY/EXIT
                                                   INSPECTION OF
SITE                      LOCATION               AIRCRAFT/SENSORS
Eskisehir                 N 39-47-00                   Yes
                          E 030-35-00
Diyarbakir                N 30-50-00                   Yes
                          E 040-05-00
                          OPEN SKIES AIRFIELDS
                                                   INSPECTION OF
SITE                      LOCATION               AIRCRAFT/SENSORS
Eskisehir                 N 39-47-00                   Yes
                          E 030-35-00
Diyarbakir                N 30-50-00                   Yes
                          E 040-05-00
                          ENTRY/EXIT FIXES
                          To be determined
                          REFUELLING AIRFIELDS
                          To be determined
                          CALIBRATION TARGETS
SITE                      LOCATION
Eskisehir                 To be determined
Diyarbakir                To be determined
State Party: Ukraine
                          POINT OF ENTRY/EXIT
                                                   INSPECTION OF
SITE                      LOCATION               AIRCRAFT/SENSORS
Borispol/Kiev             N 50-20-07                   Yes
                          E 030-53-07
                          OPEN SKIES AIRFIELD
                                                   INSPECTION OF
SITE                      LOCATION               AIRCRAFT/SENSORS
Borispol/Kiev             N 50-20-07                   Yes
                          E 030-53-07
                          ENTRY/EXIT FIXES
                          To be determined
                          REFUELLING AIRFIELDS
SITE                      LOCATION
Lvov                      N 49-48-07
                          E 023-57-03
Odessa                    N 46-25-06
                          E 030-40-07
                          CALIBRATION TARGETS
SITE                      LOCATION
1. The purpose of the pre-flight inspection of observation aircraft and sensors provided by the observing Party is to confirm that the observation aircraft, its sensors and associated equipment correspond to those certified in accordance with the provisions of Annex D to the Treaty. The observed Party shall have the right to conduct a pre-flight inspection of an observation aircraft and its sensors provided by the observing Party to confirm that:
(A) the observation aircraft, its sensors and associated equipment including, where applicable, lens and photographic film, correspond to those certified in accordance with the provisions of Annex D to the Treaty; and
(B) there are no items of equipment on board the observation aircraft other than those permitted by Article IV of the Treaty.
2. Upon arrival of the observation aircraft at the point of entry the observed Party shall:
(A) provide a list of the inspectors, the number of whom shall not exceed ten persons, unless otherwise agreed, including the general function of each of the inspectors;
(B) provide a list of the items of equipment that they intend to use during the pre-flight inspection provided for in Annex D, Section II, paragraph 5 to the Treaty; and
(C) inform the observing Party of its plan for the pre-flight inspection of the observation aircraft and its sensors.
3. Prior to the commencement of the pre-flight inspection, a designated individual from the observing Party shall:
(A) brief the observed Party on the inventory procedures which shall be followed to confirm that all inspection equipment, as well as any non-destructive-testing equipment as provided for in paragraph 7 of this Section, brought on board the observation aircraft by the inspectors has been removed from the observation aircraft upon conclusion of the pre-flight inspection;
(B) together with the inspectors, conduct an examination and inventory of each item of equipment to be used during the pre-flight inspection; and
(C) brief the inspectors on all safety precautions that they shall observe during the pre- flight inspection of the observation aircraft and its sensors.
4. The pre-flight inspection shall not begin until the completion of the formal arrival procedures and shall take no longer than eight hours.
5. The observing Party shall have the right to provide its own escorts to accompany the inspectors throughout the pre-flight inspection of the observation aircraft and its sensors to confirm that the inspection is conducted in accordance with the provisions of this Section. The observing Party shall facilitate the inspection in accordance with the procedures specified in Annex D, Section II, paragraphs 7 and 8 to the Treaty.
6. In conducting the pre-flight inspection, the inspectors shall have the right of access to the observation aircraft, its sensors and associated equipment, in the same manner as provided for in Annex D, Section II, paragraph 10, and shall comply with the provisions of Annex D, Section II, paragraphs 11 and 12 to the Treaty.
7. For the purposes of this inspection, the observed Party shall have the right to take on board and use the following non-destructive-testing equipment:
(A) video probe (borescope on video camera);
(B) X-ray and backscatter X-ray imaging equipment;
(C) ultrasonic imaging equipment;
(D) logic/data analyser;
(E) passive infra-red sensors; and
(F) 35 millimetre camera.
In addition, the observed Party shall have the right to take on board and use such other non-destructive-testing equipment as may be necessary to establish that no items of equipment are on board the observation aircraft other than those permitted by Article IV of the Treaty, as may be agreed by the Open Skies Consultative Commission prior to 30 June 1992.
8. Upon completion of the pre-flight inspection, the inspectors shall leave the observation aircraft, and the observing Party shall have the right to use its own inventory procedures to confirm that all inspection equipment used during the pre-flight inspection has been removed from the observation aircraft. If the observed Party is unable to demonstrate this to the satisfaction of the observing Party, the observing Party shall have the right to proceed with the observation flight or to cancel it, and when the observing Party is satisfied that it is safe to do so, depart from the territory of the observed Party. In the latter case, no observation flight shall be recorded against the quota of either State Party.
9. The inspectors shall immediately inform the observing Party if they establish that the observation aircraft, its sensors or associated equipment do not correspond to those certified in accordance with the provisions of Annex D to the Treaty, or that there are items of equipment on board the observation aircraft other than those permitted by Article IV of the Treaty. If the observing Party is unable to demonstrate that the observation aircraft, its sensors and associated equipment correspond to those certified in accordance with the provisions of Annex D to the Treaty and that there are no items of equipment on board the observation aircraft other than those permitted by Article IV of the Treaty, and if the observing and observed Parties do not agree otherwise, the observed Party shall have the right to prohibit the observation flight pursuant to Article VIII of the Treaty. If the observation flight is prohibited, the observation aircraft shall promptly depart from the territory of the observed Party and no observation flight shall be recorded against the quota of either State Party.
10. Upon completion of the pre-flight inspection of the observation aircraft and its sensors, the observed and observing Parties shall prepare a pre-flight inspection report which shall state that:
(A) the observation aircraft, its sensors and associated equipment correspond to those certified in accordance with the provisions of Annex D to the Treaty; and
(B) there are no items of equipment on board the observation aircraft other than those permitted by Article IV of the Treaty.
11. Signature of the pre-flight inspection report by the observed Party shall signify its agreement for the observing Party to use that observation aircraft to conduct an observation flight over the territory of the observed Party.
1. The purpose of the pre-flight inspection of the sensors on an observation aircraft provided by the observed Party is to confirm that the sensors and associated equipment correspond to those certified in accordance with the provisions of Annex D to the Treaty. The observing Party shall have the right to conduct a pre-flight inspection of the sensors and associated equipment installed on an observation aircraft provided by the observed Party to confirm that its sensors and associated equipment correspond to those certified in accordance with the provisions of Annex D to the Treaty.
2. Upon arrival of the inspectors of the observing Party at the location of the pre-flight inspection, the observing Party shall:
(A) provide a list of the inspectors, the number of whom shall not exceed five persons, unless otherwise agreed, including the general function of each inspector;
(B) provide a list of the items of equipment that the inspectors intend to use during the pre-flight inspection; and
(C) inform the observed Party of its plan for the pre-flight inspection of the sensors and associated equipment on board the observation aircraft.
3. Prior to the commencement of the pre-flight inspection, a designated individual from the observed Party shall:
(A) brief the observing Party on the inventory procedures that shall be followed to confirm that each item of equipment brought on board the observation aircraft by the inspectors has been removed from the observation aircraft upon conclusion of the pre-flight inspection;
(B) together with the inspectors, conduct an examination and inventory of each item of equipment to be used during the pre-flight inspection; and
(C) brief the inspectors on all necessary safety precautions that they must observe during the pre-flight inspection of the sensors and associated equipment installed on the observation aircraft.
4. The pre-flight inspection shall not begin until the completion of the formal arrival procedures and shall take no longer than eight hours.
5. The observed Party shall have the right to provide its own escorts to accompany the inspectors throughout the pre-flight inspection of the sensors and associated equipment on board the observation aircraft to confirm that the inspection is conducted in accordance with the provisions of this Section. The observed Party shall facilitate the inspection of the sensors and associated equipment on board the observation aircraft by the inspectors in accordance with the procedures specified in Annex D, Section II, paragraph 7 to the Treaty.
6. In conducting the pre-flight inspection, the inspectors shall have the right of access to the sensors and associated equipment on board the observation aircraft in the same manner as provided for in Annex D, Section II, paragraph 10 and shall comply with the provisions of Annex D, Section II, paragraphs 11 and 12 to the Treaty.
7. Upon completion of the pre-flight inspection, the inspectors shall leave the observation aircraft and the observed Party shall have the right to use its own inventory procedures to confirm that all items of equipment have been removed from the observation aircraft. If the observing Party is unable to demonstrate this to the satisfaction of the observed Party, the observed Party shall have the right to prohibit the observation flight in accordance with Article VIII of the Treaty, and no observation flight shall be recorded against the quota of either State Party.
8. The inspectors shall immediately inform the observed Party if they establish that any of the sensors or associated equipment on board the observation aircraft do not correspond to those certified in accordance with the provisions of Annex D to the Treaty. If the observed Party is unable to demonstrate that the sensors or associated equipment on board the observation aircraft correspond to those certified in accordance with Annex D to the Treaty, the observing Party shall have the right to:
(A) agree to use an alternative package of sensor types or capabilities proposed by the observed Party;
(B) proceed according to the original mission plan;
(C) accept a delay in the commencement of the observation flight to permit the observed Party to rectify the problem determined to exist by the observing Party pursuant to this paragraph. In the event that the problem is resolved to the satisfaction of the observing Party, the flight shall proceed according to the mission plan, revised as necessary due to any delay. In the event that the problem is not rectified to the satisfaction of the observing Party, the observing Party shall depart the territory of the observed Party; or
(D) cancel the observation flight, and immediately depart the territory of the observed Party.
9. If the observing Party leaves the territory of the observed Party not having conducted an observation flight, as provided for in paragraph 8, subparagraphs (C) and (D) of this Section, no observation flight shall be counted against the quota of either State Party.
10. Upon completion of the pre-flight inspection of the sensors and associated equipment installed on the observation aircraft, the observed Party and the observing Party shall prepare a pre-flight inspection report that shall state that the sensors correspond to those certified in accordance with the provisions of Annex D to the Treaty. Signature of the pre-flight inspection report by the observing Party shall signify its agreement to use that observation aircraft to conduct an observation flight over the territory of the observed Party.
1. In the event that the aircraft is provided by the observing Party, at the request of the observed Party, the observing Party shall, following the pre-flight inspection, conduct a demonstration flight to allow the inspectors to observe the functioning of the sensors that are to be used during the observation flight and to collect sufficient data to allow them to confirm that the capability of those sensors is in accordance with the provisions of Article IV, paragraph 8 of the Treaty.
2. In the event that the aircraft is provided by the observed Party, at the request of the observing Party, the observed Party shall, following the pre-flight inspection, conduct a demonstration flight to allow the inspectors to observe the functioning of the sensors that are to be used during the observation flight and to collect sufficient data to allow them to confirm that the capability of those sensors is in accordance with the provisions of Article IV, paragraph 9 of the Treaty.
3. In the event that either the observed or observing Party exercises its right to request a demonstration flight:
(A) the demonstration flight shall be performed in accordance with the requirements of Annex D, Section III;
(B) the demonstration flight shall last for no more than two hours;
(C) the observed Party shall provide calibration targets in accordance with the specifications in Appendix 1 to Annex D to the Treaty in the vicinity of the airfield at which the pre-flight inspection is to be conducted;
(D) any delay in carrying out a request for a demonstration flight caused by weather conditions or problems with the aircraft or sensors of the observed Party shall not count against the time allocated for such flights, unless otherwise agreed;
(E) the observed Party shall process the data collected by sensors at a facility in the vicinity of the airfield at which the pre-flight inspection is to be conducted, in the presence of personnel of the observing Party, in accordance with the provisions of Article IX, Sections II and III of the Treaty; and
(F) the cost of the demonstration flight, including the provision of data recording media and the processing of data, shall be distributed in accordance with the provisions of Annex L, Section I, paragraph 9 to the Treaty.
4. In the event that the observed Party exercises its right to request a demonstration flight, the observing Party shall have the right to add a period of up to 24 hours to the 96 hours allowed for the conduct of the observation flight, pursuant to Article VI, Section I, paragraph 9. This shall not affect the right of other States Parties to conduct observation flights after the original period of 96 hours as provided for in Article VI, Section I, paragraph 3 of the Treaty.
5. In the event that the observing Party exercises its right to request a demonstration flight, this shall be accomplished within the period of 96 hours allowed for the conduct of the observation flight, pursuant to Article VI, Section I, paragraph 9 of the Treaty.
6. In the event that the observed Party is not satisfied that the capability of any sensor installed on the observation aircraft provided by the observing Party is in accordance with the provisions of Article IV, paragraph 8 of the Treaty, the observed Party shall have the right to:
(A) in the case of a sensor for which ground resolution is dependent upon height above ground level, propose an alternative minimum height above ground level at which that sensor shall be permitted to be operated during the observation flight;
(B) in the case of sensors for which ground resolution is not dependent upon height above ground level, prohibit the operation of that sensor during the observation flight; or
(C) prohibit the observation flight pursuant to the provisions of Article VIII of the Treaty.
7. In the event that the observing Party is not satisfied that the capability of any sensor installed on the observation aircraft provided by the observed Party is in accordance with the provisions of Article IV, paragraph 9 of the Treaty, the observing Party shall have the right to:
(A) agree to use an alternative package of sensor types or capabilities proposed by the observed Party;
(B) in the case of a sensor for which ground resolution is dependent upon height above ground level, propose an alternative minimum height above ground level at which that sensor shall be permitted to be operated during the observation flight;
(C) in the case of sensors for which ground resolution is not dependent upon height above ground level, conduct the observation flight as planned, and the cost of the data recording media for that sensor shall be borne by the observed Party;
(D) accept a delay in the commencement of the observation flight to permit the observed Party to rectify the problem determined to exist by the observing Party. In the event that the problem is resolved to the satisfaction of the observing Party, the flight shall proceed according to the mission plan, revised as necessary due to any delay. In the event that the problem is not rectified to the satisfaction of the observing Party, the observing Party shall depart the territory of the observed Party; or
(E) cancel the observation flight pursuant to Article VIII of the Treaty, and immediately depart the territory of the observed Party.
8. In the event that the observation flight is prohibited or cancelled by the State Party requesting the demonstration flight, no observation flight shall be counted against the quota of either State Party, and the State Party requesting the demonstration flight shall convey the matter to the Open Skies Consultative Commission.
1. The provisions set forth in this Annex shall apply to personnel designated in accordance with Article XIII. Each State Party shall have the right to have at any one time the number of flight monitors and flight representatives on board the observation aircraft as set forth in Article VI, Section III. The provisions of that Section shall govern their activities with respect to the organization and conduct of observation flights. Each State Party shall facilitate the activities of the flight monitors and flight representatives pursuant to this Annex.
2. The observed Party shall appoint one of the flight monitors as chief flight monitor. The chief flight monitor shall be a national of the observed Party. The observing Party shall appoint one of the flight representatives as chief flight representative. The chief flight representative shall be a national of the observing Party.
3. In preparing for the observation flight, flight monitors and flight representatives shall have the right:
(A) to acquaint themselves with the technical literature relating to the functioning and operation of the sensors and the flight operation manual of the observation aircraft; and
(B) to acquaint themselves with the equipment of the observation aircraft relating to the control of the flight regime and the functioning and operation of the sensors installed on the observation aircraft.
4. Flight monitors and flight representatives shall have the right:
(A) to remain on board the observation aircraft throughout the observation flight, including any stops for refuelling or emergencies;
(B) to bring on board the observation aircraft and use maps, flight charts, publications, and operations manuals;
(C) to move unencumbered about the observation aircraft, including the flight deck, during the observation flight, except for flight safety reasons. In exercising their rights, the flight monitors or flight representatives shall not interfere with the activities of the flight crew;
(D) to monitor compliance with the flight plan and to observe the flight regime of the observation aircraft and the functioning and operation of the sensors;
(E) to listen to internal and external radio communications on board the aircraft and to make internal radio communications; and
(F) to record the parameters of the flight regime and the functioning and operation of the sensors on maps, charts, and notepads.
5. In addition to those rights specified in paragraph 4 of this Section, the chief flight monitor shall have the right:
(A) to consult the flight crew regarding compliance with national flight rules and the provisions of the Treaty;
(B) to observe the activities of the flight crew, including activities on the flight deck, during the observation flight, as well as to monitor the functioning and operation of the flight and navigation instruments of the observation aircraft;
(C) to provide recommendations to the flight crew regarding compliance with the flight plan;
(D) to ask the flight crew, without interfering with their activities, for information on the flight regime; and
(E) to communicate with air traffic control authorities, as appropriate, and to help relay and interpret communications from air traffic control authorities to flight crew and from the flight crew to the air traffic control authorities about the conduct of the observation flight; for this purpose, the chief flight monitor shall be permitted to make external radio communications using the radio equipment of the observation aircraft.
6. In the event that the chief flight monitor believes that the observation aircraft is deviating from its flight plan, the chief flight monitor shall advise the flight crew and may inform the air traffic control authorities of any deviations of the observation aircraft from the flight plan that the chief flight monitor believes could threaten flight safety.
7. In addition to the rights specified in paragraph 5 of this Section, the chief flight representative shall have:
(A) the rights as described in paragraph 5, subparagraphs (A), (B) and (D) of this Section with regard to the flight crew; and
(B) the right, in case of deviation from the flight plan, to receive an explanation from the flight crew as to the reasons for such a deviation.
8. Flight representatives shall have the right to direct the operation of the sensors during the observation flight. In addition, upon notification to the observed Party prior to the commencement of the observation flight, flight representatives shall have the right to operate the sensors during the observation flight. In the event that the flight representatives exercise their right to operate the sensors pursuant to this paragraph, the observed Party shall not be responsible for any failure or inadequacy in the quality of the data collected by the sensors due to the operation of the sensors by the flight representatives.
1. An observing Party using an observation aircraft designated by a third State Party shall have the right to have at any one time the number of representatives on board the observation aircraft set forth in Article VI, Section III of the Treaty.
2. The observing Party shall appoint one of its representatives as chief representative. The chief representative shall have the rights of the chief flight representative as specified in Section I of this Annex. In addition, the chief representative shall:
(A) advise the pilot-in-command regarding compliance with the provisions of the Treaty;
(B) have the right to monitor compliance by the observed Party with the provisions of the Treaty; and
(C) have the right, in case of deviations from the flight plan, to receive an explanation from the pilot-in-command as to the reasons for such a deviation.
3. Representatives shall have the rights of flight representatives as specified in Section I of this Annex.
1. In order to avoid potential time conflict regarding the conduct of observation flights over the same State Party, each State Party having the right to conduct observation flights following the annual distribution of active quotas may notify all other States Parties, no later than 1 November of each year, of its plans to utilize all or part of its active quota during the following year. The notification shall indicate the number of observation flights that the notifying State Party plans to conduct over the territory of other States Parties during each quarter of that year.
2. In no case shall the total number of observation flights planned and notified in accordance with paragraph 1 of this Annex over the territory of any one State Party during a given quarter exceed 16. Except as provided for in Article VI, Section I, paragraph 3, no State Party shall be obliged to accept more than one observation flight at any time during the period specified in Article VI, Section I, paragraph 9 of the Treaty.
3. States Parties that have notified, in accordance with paragraph 1 of this Annex, their plans to utilize one or more active quotas for observation flights over the territory of the same State Party during a given quarter or quarters shall hold consultations, if necessary, to avoid any conflict in their planned observation flights. In the event that agreement on avoidance of conflict cannot be reached through consultation among the States Parties involved, the issue shall be resolved by the drawing of lots by such States Parties. The first of those consultations, regarding observation flights in the quarter beginning 1 January of the following year, shall begin promptly following receipt of the notification provided for in paragraph 1 of this Annex. Subsequent consultations among the States Parties involved shall be conducted between 1 February and 15 February for the quarter beginning 1 April; between 1 May and 15 May for the quarter beginning 1 July; and between 1 August and 15 August for the quarter beginning 1 October. The States Parties involved shall notify the resulting sequence of observation flights established in these consultations to all States Parties no later than 15 November, 15 February, 15 May and 15 August, respectively.
4. No later than seven days after the notification of the sequence of observation flights established pursuant to paragraph 3 of this Annex, each State Party shall notify all States Parties planning to conduct observation flights over its territory during that quarter of each flight for which it intends to exercise the right to provide its own observation aircraft.
5. Each State Party that has not provided a notification pursuant to paragraph 1 of this Annex or has not notified its plans to utilize all of its active quotas, or has not conducted an observation flight during the quarter for which it had notified such planned flight, shall have the right to utilize such remaining active quotas, provided that such observation flights have been accommodated within the existing agreement reached pursuant to paragraph 3 of this Annex.
1. No earlier than 90 days after entry into force of the Treaty, at the request of any other State Party, a State Party shall provide, no later than 30 days after the receipt of such a request, the following information in accordance with ICAO provisions:
(A) its airspace structure, as published in the Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP) series;
(B) detailed information on all hazardous airspace; and
(C) airfield information and arrival and departure procedures for each of its:
(1) points of entry and points of exit;
(2) Open Skies airfields; and
(3) alternate airfields and refuelling airfields for its points of entry, points of exit, and Open Skies airfields.
2. Each State Party shall promptly notify States Parties that have requested information in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1 of this Annex of any changes to the information provided in accordance with paragraph 1 of this Annex. Notwithstanding the provisions of this paragraph, Notices to Airmen (NOTAMs) need not be provided.
3. No later than 90 days after entry into force of the Treaty, each State Party shall notify all other States Parties of the source of the information to be provided in accordance with paragraph 1 of this Annex.
1. Observation flights conducted under the provisions of the Treaty providing for the observation of the entire territory of States Parties shall not prejudice the Montreux Convention of 20 July 1936.
2. The routing and notification of transit flights of aircraft for the purpose of the Treaty falling within the scope of Article 23 of the Montreux Convention shall be governed by the provisions of that Article.
1. Pursuant to Annex D, Section II, paragraph 3, subparagraph (A) (3) to the Treaty, each State Party, when notifying other States Parties of film processors or duplicators that it intends to use to develop original film negatives or produce duplicate film positives or negatives, shall provide the following manufacturer?s information:
(A) the processor or duplicator name;
(B) the maximum and minimum width and length, if applicable, of film which may be processed or duplicated;
(C) each type of film that may be processed or duplicated in that film processor; and
(D) each step in the process, including the range of exposure, temperature, duration, recommended film transport speed, chemicals and chemical mixes, for each type of film.
2. Pursuant to Annex D, Section II, paragraph 3, subparagraph (A) (2) to the Treaty, each State Party, when providing information on the types of black and white aerial film that it intends to use to collect data during the in-flight examination or an observation flight, or to duplicate such data, shall provide the following manufacturer's information, for each type of aerial film that may be processed or duplicated by means of the film processors or duplicators referred to in paragraph 1 of this Section, as necessary to confirm the capabilities of the film. Depending upon national practices of the film manufacturer, such information may include:
(A) effective film speed;
(B) resolution/modulation
(C) spectral sensitivity; and
(D) optical specular density or sensitometric characteristics.
3. For the purposes of determining the sensitometric characteristics of aerial film materials in accordance with its own national methodology, each State Party shall have the right to receive, upon request, unexposed samples of all types of photographic film to be used as data recording media, the chemicals for processing them, and to receive instructions for processing and duplication of such photographic films. Such samples and instructions shall be provided no later than 30 days after receipt of such a request.
1. States Parties taking part in the certification of an observation aircraft and its sensors shall have the right to monitor the processing and duplication of the aerial film used during the in-flight examination. Personnel of the observed and observing Party shall have the right to monitor the processing and duplication of the aerial film used during a demonstration and observation flight.
2. While monitoring the processing and duplication of aerial film, the States Parties shall have the right to bring with them and use, in a manner that does not disrupt the processing or duplication of the film, the following equipment:
(A) litmus papers;
(B) thermometers;
(C) chemical test equipment, including pH meters and hydrometers;
(D) stopwatches;
(E) sensitometers;
(F) densitometers; and
(G) 21-step sensitometric test strips and optical wedges.
3. Prior to the processing of the films exposed during the in-flight examination, demonstration flight and observation flight, States Parties shall check the film processing equipment and chemicals by processing a 21-step sensitometric test strip or exposing and processing a 21-step optical wedge to confirm that the sensitometric data for the processing of that type of film using that film process meets the specifications provided pursuant to Section I of this Annex. Unless otherwise agreed, the original or duplicate aerial film negatives or positives shall not be processed or duplicated until the processing of the 21-step sensitometric test strip or exposing and processing of the 21-step optical wedge meets the characteristics provided in accordance with the provisions of Section I of this Annex for that type of aerial film and film processor or duplicator.
4. Prior to the processing of the films exposed during the in-flight examination, demonstration flight and observation flight, States Parties shall have the right to check the film processing equipment and chemicals by exposing and processing a test film of the same type used during the in-flight examination, demonstration flight and observation flight to confirm that the washing and fixing process is suitable for the purposes of permanent archive storage.
Procedures and other provisions relating to the Open Skies Consultative Commission are established in this Annex pursuant to Article X of the Treaty.
1. The Open Skies Consultative Commission shall be composed of representatives designated by each State Party. Alternates, advisers and experts of a State Party may take part in the proceedings of the Open Skies Consultative Commission as deemed necessary by that State Party.
2. The initial session of the Open Skies Consultative Commission shall open within 60 days of the signature of the Treaty. The Chairman of the opening meeting shall be the representative of Canada.
3. The Open Skies Consultative Commission shall meet for no fewer than four regular sessions per calendar year unless it decides otherwise. Extraordinary sessions shall be convened at the request of one or more States Parties by the Chairman of the Open Skies Consultative Commission, who shall promptly inform all other States Parties of the request. Such sessions shall open no later than 15 days after receipt of such a request by the Chairman.
4. Sessions of the Open Skies Consultative Commission shall last no longer than four weeks, unless it decides otherwise.
5. States Parties shall assume in rotation, determined by alphabetical order in the French language, the chairmanship of the Open Skies Consultative Commission. Each Chairman shall serve from the opening of a session until the opening of the following session, unless otherwise agreed.
6. Representatives at meetings shall be seated in alphabetical order of the States Parties in the French language.
7. The working languages of the Open Skies Consultative Commission shall be English, French, German, Italian, Russian and Spanish.
8. The proceedings of the Open Skies Consultative Commission shall be confidential, unless otherwise agreed. The Open Skies Consultative Commission may agree to make its proceedings or decisions public.
9. During the period of provisional application, and prior to 30 June 1992, the Open Skies Consultative Commission shall settle the distribution of costs arising under the Treaty. It shall also settle as soon as possible the scale of distribution for the common expenses associated with the operation of the Open Skies Consultative Commission.
10. During the period of provisional application of the Treaty the Open Skies Consultative Commission shall develop a document relating to notifications and reports required by the Treaty. Such document shall list all such notifications and reports and shall include appropriate formats as necessary.
11. The Open Skies Consultative Commission shall work out or revise, as necessary, its rules of procedure and working methods.
Procedures for the annual review of active quotas as foreseen in Article III, Section I, paragraph 7 of the Treaty shall be as follows:
1. States Parties wishing to modify all or part of the past year's distribution with respect to their active quota shall notify all other States Parties and the Open Skies Consultative Commission, by 1 October of each year, of those States Parties over which they wish to conduct their observation flights during the next calendar year. Such proposed modifications shall be considered by the States Parties during this review, according to the rules set forth in the following paragraphs of this Section.
2. If the requests for observation flights over the territory of any given State Party do not exceed its passive quota, then the distribution shall be established as requested, and presented to the Open Skies Consultative Commission for approval.
3. If the requests for observation flights over the territory of any given State Party exceed its passive quota, then the distribution shall be established by general agreement among the interested States Parties, and presented to the Open Skies Consultative Commission for approval.
1. The Open Skies Consultative Commission shall consider requests from the bodies of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe authorized to deal with respect to conflict prevention and crisis management and from other relevant international organizations to facilitate the organization and conduct of extraordinary observation flights over the territory of a State Party with its consent.
2. The data resulting from such observation flights shall be made available to the bodies and organizations concerned.
3. Notwithstanding any other provision of the Treaty, States Parties may agree on a bilateral and voluntary basis to conduct observation flights over the territory of each other following the procedures regarding the conduct of observation flights. Unless otherwise agreed by the States Parties concerned, the data resulting from such observation flights shall be made available to the Open Skies Consultative Commission.
4. Observation flights conducted under the provisions of this Section shall not be counted against the active or passive quotas of the States Parties involved.
1. States Parties may raise for consideration in the Open Skies Consultative Commission proposals for the use of the Open Skies regime in additional specific fields, such as the environment.
2. The Open Skies Consultative Commission may take decisions on such proposals or, if necessary, may refer them to the first and subsequent conferences called to review the implementation of the Treaty, in accordance with the provisions of Article XVI, paragraph 3 of the Treaty.
Države, ki so sklenile to pogodbo in se skupno imenujejo države pogodbenice, posamično pa država pogodbenica, in ki
upoštevajo obveznosti, sprejete na Konferenci o varnosti in sodelovanju v Evropi z namenom spodbujati večjo odprtost in preglednost v njihovih vojaških dejavnostih ter povečati varnost s pomočjo ukrepov za krepitev zaupanja in varnosti,
pozdravljajo zgodovinske dogodke v Evropi, ki so spremenili varnostni položaj od Vancouvra do Vladivostoka,
želijo na tem področju prispevati k nadaljnjemu razvoju ter h krepitvi miru, stabilnosti in sodelovanja za zagotavljanje varnosti z vzpostavitvijo režima odprtih zračnih prostorov za opazovanje iz zraka,
se zavedajo možnega prispevka takega režima za opazovanje iz zraka k varnosti in stabilnosti tudi na drugih območjih,
ugotavljajo možnost za uporabo takega režima za izboljšanje odprtosti in preglednosti, za olajšanje nadzora nad spoštovanjem sedanjih ali prihodnjih dogovorov o nadzoru nad orožjem ter za povečanje zmogljivosti za preprečevanje sporov in obvladovanje kriz v okviru Konference o varnosti in sodelovanju v Evropi ter v drugih ustreznih mednarodnih ustanovah,
predvidevajo možno razširitev režima odprtih zračnih prostorov na dodatna področja, kot je varstvo okolja,
si prizadevajo uveljaviti dogovorjene postopke za zagotavljanje opazovanja nad ozemlji vseh držav pogodbenic iz zraka z namenom opazovati posamezno državo pogodbenico ali skupine držav pogodbenic na podlagi enakosti in učinkovitosti ob zagotavljanju varnosti letenja,
ugotavljajo, da režim odprtih zračnih prostorov ne bo vplival na države, ki ne bodo sodelovale v njem,
so se dogovorile o naslednjem:
I. člen
1. Ta pogodba vzpostavlja režim, znan kot režim odprtih zračnih prostorov za opazovalne lete, ki jih izvajajo države pogodbenice nad ozemlji drugih držav pogodbenic, ter določa pravice in dolžnosti držav pogodbenic, ki se nanašajo na ta režim.
2. Vsi dodatki in njihove priloge so sestavni del te pogodbe.
II. člen
V tej pogodbi:
1. Izraz »opazovanka« pomeni državo pogodbenico ali skupino držav pogodbenic, nad ozemljem katerih se izvaja ali namerava izvesti opazovalni let, od prejema uradnega obvestila opazovalke do dokončanja postopkov v zvezi s tem letom ali osebje, ki deluje v imenu te države pogodbenice ali skupine držav pogodbenic.
2. Izraz »opazovalka« pomeni državo pogodbenico ali skupino držav pogodbenic, ki namerava izvesti ali izvaja opazovalni let nad ozemljem druge države pogodbenice ali skupine držav pogodbenic, od uradnega obvestila o njeni nameri izvesti opazovalni let do dokončanja postopkov v zvezi s tem letom ali osebje, ki deluje v imenu te države pogodbenice ali skupine držav pogodbenic.
3. Izraz »skupina držav pogodbenic« pomeni dve ali več držav pogodbenic, ki so se dogovorile, da sestavljajo skupino za namen te pogodbe.
4. Izraz »opazovalno letalo« pomeni neoboroženo letalo z nepremičnimi krili, namenjeno opazovalnim letom, registrirano pri pristojnih organih države pogodbenice in opremljeno z dogovorjenimi senzorji. Izraz »neoboroženo« pomeni, da opazovalno letalo, uporabljeno za namene te pogodbe, ni opremljeno za nošenje in uporabo orožja.
5. Izraz »opazovalni let« pomeni let opazovalnega letala, ki ga izvaja opazovalka nad ozemljem opazovanke v skladu z načrtom leta od vstopne točke ali letališča odprtih zračnih prostorov do izstopne točke ali letališča odprtih zračnih prostorov.
6. Izraz »tranzitni let« pomeni let opazovalnega ali transportnega letala, ki ga izvede opazovalka ali se izvede v njenem imenu nad ozemljem tretje države pogodbenice na poti na ozemlje opazovanke ali z njega.
7. Izraz »transportno letalo« pomeni letalo, ki ni opazovalno letalo in v imenu opazovalke izvaja lete na ozemlje opazovanke ali z njega izključno za namene te pogodbe.
8. Izraz »ozemlje« pomeni kopno, vključno z otoki, notranjimi morskimi vodami in teritorialnim morjem, nad katerimi izvaja suverenost država pogodbenica.
9. Izraz »pasivna kvota« pomeni število opazovalnih letov, ki jih mora vsaka država pogodbenica sprejeti kot opazovanka.
10. Izraz »aktivna kvota« pomeni število opazovalnih letov, ki jih ima vsaka država pogodbenica pravico izvesti kot opazovalka.
11. Izraz »največja dolžina leta« pomeni največjo razdaljo nad ozemljem opazovanke od točke, kjer se opazovalni let lahko začne, do točke, kjer se lahko konča, kot je določeno v Dodatku A k tej pogodbi.
12. Izraz »senzor« pomeni vrsto opreme, ki je opisana v prvem odstavku IV. člena in se namesti na opazovalno letalo za uporabo med opazovalnimi leti.
13. Izraz »ločljivost na zemlji« pomeni najmanjšo razdaljo med bližnjima objektoma na zemlji, na kateri ju je še mogoče razločiti kot posamezna objekta.
14. Izraz »infrardeči premočrtni čitalnik« pomeni senzor, ki sprejema in vidno prikaže toplotno elektromagnetno sevanje, ki ga v nevidnem infrardečem delu optičnega spektra oddajajo predmeti zaradi svoje temperature, ne da bi bili umetno osvetljeni.
15. Izraz »čas opazovanja« pomeni določeno časovno obdobje med opazovalnim letom, ko določeni senzor na opazovalnem letalu deluje.
16. Izraz »posadka letala« pomeni osebe iz katere koli države pogodbenice, ki opravljajo dolžnosti v zvezi z upravljanjem ali vzdrževanjem opazovalnega ali transportnega letala, in lahko vključuje tolmače, če država pogodbenica tako odloči.
17. Izraz »poveljnik letala« pomeni pilota v opazovalnem letalu, ki je odgovoren za upravljanje opazovalnega letala, izvedbo načrta leta in varnost opazovalnega letala.
18. Izraz »nadzornik leta« pomeni osebo, ki je v imenu opazovanke med opazovalnim letom v opazovalnem letalu, ki ga zagotovi opazovalka, in opravlja dolžnosti v skladu z Dodatkom G k tej pogodbi.
19. Izraz »predstavnik leta« pomeni osebo, ki je v imenu opazovalke med opazovalnim letom v opazovalnem letalu, ki ga zagotovi opazovanka, in opravlja dolžnosti v skladu z Dodatkom G k tej pogodbi.
20. Izraz »predstavnik« pomeni osebo, ki jo je določila opazovalka in med opazovalnim letom opravlja dolžnosti v imenu opazovalke v skladu z Dodatkom G k tej pogodbi v opazovalnem letalu, ki ga je določila neka druga država pogodbenica in ne opazovalka ali opazovanka.
21. Izraz »upravljavec senzorjev« pomeni osebo iz katere koli države pogodbenice, ki opravlja dolžnosti v zvezi z delovanjem, upravljanjem in vzdrževanjem senzorjev opazovalnega letala.
22. Izraz »inšpektor« pomeni osebo iz katere koli države pogodbenice, ki pregleduje senzorje ali opazovalno letalo druge države pogodbenice.
23. Izraz »spremljevalec« pomeni osebo iz katere koli države pogodbenice, ki spremlja inšpektorje druge države pogodbenice.
24. Izraz »načrt naloge« pomeni dokument, ki ga v obliki, ki jo določi posvetovalna komisija za odprte zračne prostore, predloži opazovalka in vsebuje ruto, profil, ukaz za izvedbo in potrebno podporo za izvedbo opazovalnega leta, o njem pa se je treba dogovoriti z opazovanko in bo podlaga za izdelavo načrta leta.
25. Izraz »načrt leta« pomeni dokument, ki je izdelan na podlagi dogovorjenega načrta naloge v obliki in vsebini, kot ju določa Mednarodna organizacija civilnega letalstva, v nadaljevanju imenovana ICAO, izroči pa se kontroli letenja in bo podlaga za izvedbo opazovalnega leta.
26. Izraz »poročilo o nalogi« pomeni dokument, v katerem po končanem letu opazovalka opiše opazovalni let in ga podpišeta opazovalka in opazovanka, ima pa obliko, kot jo določi posvetovalna komisija za odprte zračne prostore.
27. Izraz »letališče odprtih zračnih prostorov« pomeni letališče, ki ga določi opazovanka kot točko, kjer se opazovalni let lahko začne ali konča.
28. Izraz »točka vstopa« pomeni točko, ki jo določi opazovanka za prihod osebja opazovalke na ozemlje opazovanke.
29. Izraz »točka izstopa« pomeni točko, ki jo določi opazovanka za odhod osebja opazovalke z ozemlja opazovanke.
30. Izraz »letališče za polnjenje z gorivom« pomeni letališče, ki ga določi opazovanka za polnjenje z gorivom ter oskrbo opazovalnih in transportnih letal.
31. Izraz »nadomestno letališče« pomeni letališče, določeno v načrtu leta, na katero sme nadaljevati let opazovalno ali transportno letalo, kadar ni priporočljivo pristati na letališču predvidenega pristanka.
32. Izraz »tvegan zračni prostor« pomeni prepovedana območja, območja omejitev in nevarna območja, ki so določena na podlagi Dodatka 2 h Konvenciji o mednarodnem civilnem letalstvu in vzpostavljena v skladu z Dodatkom 15 h Konvenciji o mednarodnem civilnem letalstvu v interesu varnosti letenja, javne varnosti in varstva okolja ter o katerih so informacije dane na voljo v skladu s predpisi ICAO.
33. Izraz »prepovedano območje« pomeni zračni prostor določenih velikosti nad ozemljem države pogodbenice, v katerem je letenje zrakoplovov prepovedano.
34. Izraz »območje omejitev« pomeni zračni prostor določenih velikosti nad ozemljem države pogodbenice, v katerem je letenje zrakoplovov omejeno v skladu z določenimi pogoji.
35. Izraz »nevarno območje« pomeni zračni prostor določenih velikosti, v katerem lahko ob določenem času potekajo dejavnosti, nevarne za letenje zrakoplovov.
III. člen
1. Vsaka država pogodbenica ima pravico izvajati opazovalne lete v skladu z določbami te pogodbe.
2. Vsaka država pogodbenica mora sprejeti opazovalne lete nad svojim ozemljem v skladu z določbami te pogodbe.
3. Vsaka država pogodbenica ima pravico izvesti enako število opazovalnih letov nad ozemljem katere koli druge države pogodbenice, kot je število letov, ki jih sme ta druga država pogodbenica izvesti nad njenim ozemljem.
4. Celotno število opazovalnih letov, ki jih mora vsaka država pogodbenica sprejeti nad svojim ozemljem, je celotna pasivna kvota za to državo pogodbenico. Celotna pasivna kvota za države pogodbenice je določena v I. razdelku Dodatka A k tej pogodbi.
5. Število opazovalnih letov, ki jih ima država pogodbenica pravico vsako leto izvesti nad ozemljem vsake druge države pogodbenice, je posamezna aktivna kvota te države pogodbenice glede na to drugo državo pogodbenico. Vsota posameznih aktivnih kvot je celotna aktivna kvota države pogodbenice. Celotna aktivna kvota države pogodbenice ne sme biti večja od njene celotne pasivne kvote.
6. Prva razdelitev aktivnih kvot je določena v II. razdelku Dodatka A k tej pogodbi.
7. Po začetku veljavnosti te pogodbe posvetovalna komisija za odprte zračne prostore vsako leto pregleda razdelitev aktivnih kvot za naslednje koledarsko leto. Če se ob letnem pregledu v treh tednih ni mogoče sporazumeti o razdelitvi aktivnih kvot za določeno državo pogodbenico za naslednje leto, ostane razdelitev aktivnih kvot za to državo pogodbenico iz prejšnjega leta nespremenjena.
8. Vsak opazovalni let, ki ga izvede država pogodbenica, se šteje v posamezno in celotno aktivno kvoto te države pogodbenice, razen če ni drugače predvideno v določbah VIII. člena.
9. Ne glede na določbe tretjega in petega odstavka tega razdelka lahko država pogodbenica, ki ji je bila dodeljena aktivna kvota, v dogovoru z državo pogodbenico, ki naj bi bila preletena, prenese vso svojo celotno aktivno kvoto ali njen del na druge države pogodbenice ter o tem takoj uradno obvesti vse druge države pogodbenice in posvetovalno komisijo za odprte zračne prostore. Uporablja se deseti odstavek tega razdelka.
10. Nobena država pogodbenica ne sme nad ozemljem druge države pogodbenice opraviti več kot 50 odstotkov opazovalnih letov, zaokroženih na najbližje celo število, svoje celotne aktivne kvote ali celotne pasivne kvote te druge države pogodbenice, kar od tega je manj.
11. Največje dolžine opazovalnih letov nad ozemlji držav pogodbenic so določene v III. razdelku Dodatka A k tej pogodbi.
1. (A) Brez poseganja v pravice in obveznosti iz te pogodbe smeta dve ali več držav pogodbenic, ki imajo določene kvote, ob podpisu te pogodbe ali pozneje oblikovati skupino držav pogodbenic. Za skupino držav pogodbenic, ki se oblikuje po podpisu te pogodbe, se določbe tega razdelka začnejo uporabljati najmanj šest mesecev od datuma obvestila vsem drugim državam pogodbenicam in zanjo veljajo določbe šestega odstavka tega razdelka.
(B) Skupina držav pogodbenic sodeluje glede aktivnih in pasivne kvot v skladu z določbami drugega ali tretjega odstavka tega razdelka.
2. (A) Članice skupine držav pogodbenic imajo pravico do medsebojne ponovne razdelitve aktivnih kvot za tekoče leto, obdržati pa morajo vrednost lastnih posameznih pasivnih kvot. O prerazporeditvi morajo biti takoj uradno obveščene vse tretje države pogodbenice, ki jih to zadeva.
(B) Opazovalni let se šteje za toliko opazovalnih letov glede na posamezno in celotno aktivno kvoto opazovalke, kolikor opazovank, ki pripadajo skupini, je preletenih. Let se šteje za en opazovalni let glede na celotno pasivno kvoto vsake opazovanke.
(C) Vsaka država pogodbenica, ki je vključena v aktivno kvoto ene ali več članic skupine, ima pravico izvesti nad ozemljem katere koli članice skupine 50 odstotkov več opazovalnih letov, zaokroženih na najbližje celo število, kot je njena posamezna aktivna kvota za to članico skupine, ali pa ima pravico izvesti dva taka preleta, če za to članico skupine nima aktivne kvote.
(D) Če država pogodbenica izkoristi to pravico, zmanjša svoje aktivne kvote za druge članice skupine tako, da celotna vsota opazovalnih letov, ki jih izvede nad ozemlji držav članic skupine, ne preseže vsote posameznih aktivnih kvot, ki jih ima za vse članice skupine v tekočem letu.
(E) Nad ozemlji vsake članice skupine veljajo največje dolžine opazovalnih letov. Če se opazovalni let izvaja nad več članicami, se po izpolnitvi največje dolžine leta nad eno članico izključijo vsi senzorji, dokler opazovalno letalo ne doseže točke nad ozemljem naslednje članice skupine držav pogodbenic, kjer je načrtovan začetek opazovalnega leta. Za tak nadaljevani opazovalni let velja največja dolžina leta glede na letališče odprtih zračnih prostorov, ki je najbližje tej točki.
3. (A) Skupina držav pogodbenic ima pravico, da se ji na njeno zahtevo določi skupna celotna pasivna kvota, skupne posamezne in celotne aktivne kvote pa se razdelijo glede na to.
(B) V tem primeru je celotna pasivna kvota celotno število opazovalnih letov, ki jih mora skupina držav pogodbenic sprejeti vsako leto. Celotna aktivna kvota je seštevek opazovalnih letov, ki jih ima skupina držav pogodbenic pravico izvesti vsako leto. Njena celotna aktivna kvota ne sme presegati njene celotne pasivne kvote.
(C) Opazovalni let, ki izhaja iz celotne aktivne kvote skupine držav pogodbenic, se izvede v imenu skupine.
(D) Opazovalni leti, ki jih mora sprejeti skupina držav pogodbenic, se lahko izvajajo nad ozemljem ene ali več njenih članic.
(E) Največje dolžine letov vsake skupine držav pogodbenic so naštete v III. razdelku Dodatka A, letališča odprtih zračnih prostorov pa se določijo na podlagi Dodatka E k tej pogodbi.
4. V skladu s splošnimi načeli iz tretjega odstavka X. člena lahko katera koli tretja država pogodbenica, ki meni, da so njene pravice po določbah tretjega odstavka I. razdelka tega člena neupravičeno omejene zaradi dejavnosti skupine držav pogodbenic, zadevo predloži posvetovalni komisiji za odprte zračne prostore.
5. Skupina držav pogodbenic zagotovi, da so vzpostavljeni postopki, ki omogočajo opazovalne lete nad ozemlji njenih članic med posamezno nalogo in tudi polnjenje z gorivom, če je to potrebno. Če je skupina držav pogodbenic oblikovana v skladu s tretjim odstavkom tega razdelka, dolžina opazovalnih letov ne sme biti večja, kot velja za tista letališča odprtih zračnih prostorov, kjer se opazovalni leti začenjajo.
6. Ne prej kot šest mesecev po uradnem obvestilu vsem drugim državam pogodbenicam:
(A) se sme skupina držav pogodbenic, ki je bila ustanovljena po določbah drugega odstavka tega razdelka, preoblikovati v skupino držav pogodbenic po določbah tretjega odstavka tega razdelka;
(B) se sme skupina držav pogodbenic, ki je bila ustanovljena po določbah tretjega odstavka tega razdelka, preoblikovati v skupino držav pogodbenic po določbah drugega odstavka tega razdelka;
(C) sme ena država pogodbenica izstopiti iz skupine držav pogodbenic ali
(D) sme skupina držav pogodbenic sprejeti druge države pogodbenice, ki imajo kvote.
7. Po začetku veljavnosti te pogodbe spremembe pri dodelitvi ali razporeditvi kvot zaradi oblikovanja skupine držav pogodbenic ali vstopa vanjo ali izstopa iz nje v skladu s tretjim odstavkom tega razdelka začnejo veljati 1. januarja po prvem letnem pregledu, ki ga posvetovalna komisija za odprte zračne prostore opravi po poteku šestmesečnega roka za uradno obveščanje. Če je to potrebno, se določijo nova letališča odprtih zračnih prostorov in vzpostavijo ustrezne največje dolžine letov.
IV. člen
1. Razen če v tretjem odstavku tega člena ni določeno drugače, je opazovalno letalo opremljeno le s senzorji teh vrst:
(A) optičnimi panoramskimi kamerami in kamerami za posamezne posnetke;
(B) videokamerami s prikazom realnega časa delovanja;
(C) infrardečimi premočrtnimi čitalniki in
(D) zbirnim aperturnim radarjem za bočno opazovanje.
2. Država pogodbenica sme za opazovalne lete uporabljati katere koli senzorje, navedene v prvem odstavku, če so komercialno dostopni vsem državam pogodbenicam, ob upoštevanju teh omejitev delovanja:
(A) pri uporabi optičnih panoramskih kamer in kamer za posamezne posnetke ločljivost na zemlji, dosežena z ne več kot eno panoramsko kamero, eno vertikalno nameščeno kamero za posamezne posnetke in dvema poševno nameščenima kamerama za posamezne posnetke, po eno na vsaki strani letala, ki pokrivata, ne nujno neprekinjeno, ozemlje do 50 km na vsako stran smeri leta letala, ne sme biti boljša od 30 cm na najmanjši višini letenja nad tlemi, kot je določena v Prilogi 1 k Dodatku D;
(B) pri uporabi videokamer ločljivost na zemlji ne sme biti boljša od 30 cm, kot je določena v Prilogi 1 k Dodatku(A) sprejeti potrebne ukrepe, da zagotovi, da senzor in z njim povezana oprema, nameščena na opazovalnem letalu, ustrezata certificiranim v skladu z določbami Dodatka D, in mora, če je to potrebno, popraviti, naravnati ali zamenjati določeni senzor ali z njim povezano opremo in
(B) na zahtevo zainteresirane države pogodbenice z demonstracijskim letom, pripravljenim pred naslednjim opazovalnim letom v skladu z določbami Dodatka F, prikazati, da senzor in z njim povezana oprema, nameščena na opazovalnem letalu, ustrezata certificiranim v skladu z določbami iz Dodatka D. Druge države pogodbenice, ki izrazijo pomisleke glede senzorja in z njim povezane opreme, nameščene na opazovalnem letalu, imajo pravico poslati osebje, da sodeluje pri predstavitvenem letu.
14. Če po izvedbi ukrepov iz trinajstega odstavka tega člena države pogodbenice ostajajo v dvomih, ali senzor in z njim povezana oprema, nameščena na opazovalnem letalu, ustrezata certificiranim v skladu z določbami Dodatka D, se zadeva lahko predloži posvetovalni komisiji za odprte zračne prostore.
V. člen
1. Vsaka država pogodbenica ima pravico določiti za opazovalno letalo eno ali več vrst ali modelov letal, registriranih pri ustreznih organih države pogodbenice.
2. Vsaka država pogodbenica ima pravico določiti vrste ali modele letal za opazovalna letala ali dodati nove vrste ali modele letal k tistim, ki jih je določila prej, če o tem 30 dni vnaprej uradno obvesti vse druge države pogodbenice. Uradno obvestilo o določitvi vrste ali modela letala za opazovalno letalo vsebuje podatke, ki so določeni v Dodatku C k tej pogodbi.
3. Vsaka država pogodbenica ima pravico izvzeti vrste ali modele letal, ki jih je prej določila, če o tem 90 dni vnaprej uradno obvesti vse druge države pogodbenice.
4. Samo en primerek posamezne vrste in modela letal, ki imajo enak sklop nameščenih senzorjev, je treba dati v certificiranje v skladu z določbami Dodatka D k tej pogodbi.
5. Vsako opazovalno letalo mora biti sposobno nositi posadko in osebje, določeno v III. razdelku VI. člena.
VI. člen
1. Za opazovalne lete se uporabljajo opazovalna letala, ki jih je določila država pogodbenica v skladu s V. členom. Če opazovanka ne uporabi svoje pravice, da priskrbi opazovalno letalo, ki ga je sama določila, ima opazovalka pravico, da priskrbi opazovalno letalo. Če opazovalka priskrbi opazovalno letalo, ima pravico priskrbeti letalo, ki ga je sama določila, ali letalo, ki ga je določila druga država pogodbenica. Če opazovalno letalo priskrbi opazovanka, ima opazovalka pravico dobiti letalo, ki je sposobno brez dotakanja goriva doseči vsaj razdaljo, ki je enaka polovici razdalje leta, kot je uradno najavljena v skladu s pododstavkom G petega odstavka tega razdelka, vključno s potrebno rezervo goriva.
2. Vsaka država pogodbenica ima pravico, da v skladu s prvim odstavkom tega razdelka uporabi opazovalno letalo, ki ga je za opazovalne lete določila druga država pogodbenica. O vsem potrebnem za uporabo takega letala se dogovorita zadevni državi pogodbenici, da se zagotovi dejavna udeležba v režimu odprtih zračnih prostorov.
3. Države pogodbenice, ki imajo pravico opravljati opazovalne lete, lahko usklajujejo svoje načrte opazovalnih letov v skladu z Dodatkom H k tej pogodbi. Nobena država pogodbenica ni dolžna sprejeti več kot en opazovalni let kadar koli v 96-urnem obdobju, ki je določeno v devetem odstavku tega razdelka, razen če je ta država pogodbenica zahtevala predstavitveni let na podlagi Dodatka F k tej pogodbi. V tem primeru je opazovanka dolžna sprejeti prekrivanje opazovalnih letov, ki traja do 24 Uradni Po prejemu uradnega obvestila o izidih usklajevanja načrtov opazovalnih letov vsaka država pogodbenica, nad katere ozemljem naj se izvedejo opazovalni leti, v skladu z določbami Dodatka H obvesti druge države pogodbenice, ali bo za vsak posamezen opazovalni let uporabila pravico, da priskrbi svoje opazovalno letalo.
4. Najpozneje 90 dni po podpisu te pogodbe vsaka država pogodbenica uradno obvesti vse druge države pogodbenice:
(A) o stalni številki diplomatske odobritve za opazovalne lete odprtih zračnih prostorov, lete transportnih letal in tranzitne lete ter
(B) kateri jezik ali jezike posvetovalne komisije za odprte zračne prostore, določene v sedmem odstavku I. razdelka Dodatka L k tej pogodbi, mora uporabljati osebje za vse dejavnosti v zvezi z opazovalnimi leti nad njenim ozemljem, izvedbo načrta naloge in za poročilo misije, razen če je treba uporabiti jezik, priporočen v Prilogi 10 h Konvenciji o mednarodnem civilnem letalstvu, zvezek II, odstavek
5. Opazovalka uradno obvesti opazovanko o svoji nameri, da bo izvedla opazovalni let, najpozneje 72 ur pred predvidenim prihodom opazovalke na točko vstopa opazovanke. Države pogodbenice, ki pošljejo tako uradno obvestilo, si prizadevajo, da najkrajši čas vnaprejšnjega uradnega obvestila ne sovpada s koncem tedna. Uradno obvestilo vsebuje:
(A) zaželeno točko vstopa, in če je primerno, letališče odprtih zračnih prostorov, kjer se začne opazovalni let;
(B) datum in predvideni čas prihoda opazovalke na točko vstopa ter datum in predvideni čas odhoda letala s točke vstopa do letališča odprtih zračnih prostorov, če je primerno, pa še navedbo posebnih nastanitvenih potreb;
(C) kraj, določen v Prilogi 1 k Dodatku E, kjer je zaželeno opraviti pregled pred letom, ter datum in čas začetka takega pregleda pred letom v skladu z določbami Dodatka F;
(D) način prevoza, in če je primerno, vrsto in model transportnega letala, ki se uporabi za prevoz do točke vstopa, če opazovalno letalo za opazovalni let priskrbi opazovanka;
(E) številko diplomatske odobritve za opazovalni let ali let transportnega letala, uporabljenega za prevoz osebja, ki opravlja opazovalni let, na ozemlje opazovanke in z njega;
(F) podatke o opazovalnem letalu, kot so določeni v Dodatku C;
(G) približno razdaljo opazovalnega leta ter
(H) imena članov osebja, njihov spol, datum in kraj rojstva, številko potnega lista in državo pogodbenico, ki ga je izdala, ter njihovo nalogo.
6. Opazovanka, ki je uradno obveščena v skladu s petim odstavkom tega razdelka, v 24 urah potrdi prejem obvestila. Če opazovanka uporabi pravico, da priskrbi opazovalno letalo, potrditev vsebuje podatke o opazovalnem letalu, določene v pododstavku (F) petega odstavka tega razdelka. Opazovalki se dovoli prihod na točko vstopa ob predvidenem času, kot je bil uradno sporočen v skladu s petim odstavkom tega razdelka. Za predvideni čas odhoda za let od točke vstopa do letališča odprtih zračnih prostorov, kjer se opazovalni let začne, ter kraj, datum in čas začetka pregleda pred letom je potrebna potrditev opazovanke.
7. Osebje opazovalke lahko vključuje osebje, ki so ga določile druge države pogodbenice na podlagi XIII. člena.
8. Ko opazovalka uradno obvesti opazovanko v skladu s petim odstavkom tega razdelka, hkrati uradno obvesti tudi vse druge države pogodbenice o svoji nameri, da bo opravila opazovalni let.
9. Čas od predvidenega časa prihoda na točko vstopa do konca opazovalnega leta ne sme biti daljši kot 96 ur, razen če je drugače dogovorjeno. Kadar opazovanka zahteva predstavitveni let na podlagi Dodatka F k tej pogodbi, se 96-urni rok podaljša na podlagi četrtega odstavka III. razdelka Dodatka F, če opazovalka zahteva dodatni čas za neovirano izvedbo načrta naloge.
10. Ob prihodu opazovalnega letala na točko vstopa opazovanka pregleda pokrove za odprtine senzorjev ali druge naprave, ki onemogočajo delovanje senzorjev, da potrdi njihov pravilni položaj na podlagi Dodatka E, razen če se vse zadevne države pogodbenice ne dogovorijo drugače.
11. Če opazovalno letalo priskrbi opazovalka, ima opazovanka pravico, da ob prihodu opazovalnega letala na točko vstopa ali na letališče odprtih zračnih prostorov, kjer se opazovalni let začne, opravi pregled pred letom v skladu s I. razdelkom Dodatka F. Če je v skladu s I. odstavkom tega razdelka opazovalno letalo priskrbela opazovanka, ima opazovalka pravico pred letom pregledati senzorje v skladu z II. razdelkom Dodatka F. Razen če ni drugače dogovorjeno, se taki pregledi končajo najpozneje štiri ure pred načrtovanim začetkom opazovalnega leta, določenega v načrtu leta.
12. Opazovalka zagotovi, da je v posadki letala najmanj ena oseba, ki ima ustrezno jezikovno znanje, da se lahko brez težav sporazumeva z osebjem opazovanke in njeno kontrolo letenja v jeziku ali jezikih, ki jih je opazovanka uradno sporočila v skladu s četrtim odstavkom tega razdelka.
13. Opazovanka da posadki letala ob prihodu na točko vstopa ali letališče odprtih zračnih prostorov, kjer se opazovalni let začne, zadnjo vremensko napoved in navigacijske podatke ter podatke o varnosti leta, vključno z obvestili za letalce. Te informacije se na zahtevo dopolnijo z najnovejšimi podatki. Postopki za let in informacije o nadomestnih letališčih na ruti leta se dajo po odobritvi načrta naloge v skladu z zahtevami II. razdelka tega člena.
14. Med opazovalnimi leti po tej pogodbi je treba vsa opazovalna letala upravljati v skladu z določbami te pogodbe in v skladu z odobrenim načrtom leta. Brez vpliva na določbe drugega odstavka II. razdelka tega člena se opazovalni leti izvajajo tudi v skladu z:
(A) objavljenimi standardi ICAO in priporočeno prakso in
(B) objavljenimi pravili kontrole letenja, postopki in smernicami za varnost letenja države pogodbenice, nad katero se leti.
15. Opazovalni leti imajo prednost pred vsem drugim zračnim prometom. Opazovanka zagotovi, da njena kontrola letenja olajša izvedbo opazovalnih letov v skladu s to pogodbo.
16. V letalu je poveljnik letala edina odgovorna oseba za varen let in je odgovoren za izvedbo načrta leta.
17. Opazovanka zagotovi:
(A) kalibracijsko tarčo, primerno za potrjevanje zmogljivosti senzorjev v skladu z določbami III. razdelka Dodatka D k tej pogodbi, ki jo je treba preleteti med predstavitvenim letom ali opazovalnim letom na zahtevo ene ali druge pogodbenice, in to za vsak senzor, ki se uporabi med opazovalnim letom. Kalibracijska tarča naj bo v bližini letališča, s katerega se opravi pregled pred letom v skladu z Dodatkom F k tej pogodbi;
(B) običajno polnjenje z gorivom in tehnično oskrbo za opazovalno letalo ali transportno letalo na točki vstopa, letališču odprtih zračnih prostorov, letališčih za polnjenje z gorivom in na točki izstopa, kot so določeni v načrtu leta, v skladu s tehničnimi lastnostmi, ki so objavljene za namensko določena letališča;
(C) prehrano in nastanitev za osebje opazovalke in
(D) na zahtevo opazovalke druge storitve, za katere se dogovorita opazovalka in opazovanka za lažjo izvedbo opazovalnega leta.
18. Vsi stroški izvedbe opazovalnega leta, vključno s stroški za nosilce posnetkov in obdelavo s senzorji zbranih podatkov, se povrnejo v skladu z devetim odstavkom I. razdelka Dodatka L k tej pogodbi.
19. Pred odhodom opazovalnega letala s točke izstopa opazovanka potrdi pravilen položaj pokrovov za odprtine senzorjev ali drugih naprav, ki onemogočajo delovanje senzorjev, na podlagi Dodatka E k tej pogodbi.
20. Če ni drugače dogovorjeno, opazovalka odide s točke izstopa najpozneje 24 ur po končanem opazovalnem letu, razen če tega ne dopuščajo vremenske razmere ali plovnost opazovalnega ali transportnega letala; v tem primeru se let začne takoj, ko je to izvedljivo.
21. Opazovalka sestavi poročilo o nalogi opazovalnega leta v ustrezni obliki, ki jo je določila posvetovalna komisija za odprte zračne prostore. Poročilo o nalogi vsebuje podatke o datumu in času opazovalnega leta, ruti in profilu leta, vremenskih razmerah, času in kraju vsakega opazovalnega obdobja za vsak senzor, približno količino podatkov, ki so jih zbrali senzorji, rezultate pregleda pokrovov za odprtine senzorjev ali drugih naprav, ki onemogočajo delovanje senzorjev, v skladu s VII. členom in Dodatkom E. Poročilo o nalogi podpišeta opazovalka in opazovanka na točki izstopa, opazovalka pa ga pošlje vsem drugim državam pogodbenicam v sedmih dneh po odhodu opazovalke s točke izstopa.
1. Če ni drugače dogovorjeno, opazovalka po prihodu na letališče odprtih zračnih prostorov predloži opazovanki načrt naloge za predlagani opazovalni let, ki izpolnjuje zahteve drugega in četrtega odstavka tega razdelka.
2. Načrt naloge lahko ureja opazovalni let, ki omogoča opazovanje katere koli točke celotnega ozemlja opazovanke, vključno z območji, ki jih je opazovanka v viru iz Dodatka I označila kot tvegan zračni prostor. Smer leta opazovalnega letala ne sme potekati bliže kot 10 km od meje sosednje države, ki ni država pogodbenica.
3. Letališče odprtih zračnih prostorov, kjer se opazovalni let konča, in točka izstopa sta lahko po načrtu naloge različna od letališča odprtih zračnih prostorov, kjer se let začne, oziroma od točke vstopa. V načrtu naloge je treba, če je to primerno, določiti čas začetka opazovalnega leta, želeni čas in kraj načrtovanih postankov za polnjenje z gorivom ali za počitek kot tudi čas nadaljevanja opazovalnega leta po postanku za polnjenje z gorivom ali za počitek v 96-urnem obdobju, določenem v devetem odstavku I. razdelka tega člena.
4. Načrt naloge vključuje vse potrebne podatke za predložitev načrta leta in predvideva, da:
(A) opazovalni let ni daljši od največje razdalje leta, določene v I. razdelku Dodatka A;
(B) ruta in profil opazovalnega leta izpolnjujeta varnostne zahteve za opazovalni let v skladu s standardi ICAO in priporočeno prakso ob upoštevanju obstoječih razlik v pravilih letenja države, kar pa ne vpliva na določbe drugega odstavka tega razdelka;
(C) so v načrtu naloge upoštevane informacije o tveganem zračnem prostoru, dane v skladu z Dodatkom I;
(D) višina opazovalnega leta nad tlemi opazovalki ne dovoljuje, da bi presegla omejitve ločljivosti na zemlji za vsak senzor, kot so določene v drugem odstavku IV. člena;
(E) predvideni čas začetka opazovalnega leta ne sme biti več kot 24 ur po predložitvi načrta naloge, razen če ni drugače dogovorjeno;
(F) opazovalno letalo leti naravnost med koordinatami ali navigacijskimi točkami, kot so v najavljenem zaporedju določene v načrtu naloge, ter
(G) smer leta ne seka same sebe v isti točki več kot enkrat, razen če ni drugače dogovorjeno, in da opazovalno letalo ne kroži okoli ene točke, razen če ni drugače dogovorjeno. Določbe tega pododstavka ne veljajo za vzlet, letenje nad kalibracijskimi tarčami ali pristanek opazovalnega letala.
5. Če načrt naloge, ki ga predloži opazovalka, predvideva lete skozi tvegan zračni prostor, opazovanka:
(A) opredeli tveganje za opazovalno letalo;
(B) olajša izvedbo opazovalnega leta z usklajevanjem ali ustavitvijo dejavnosti, ki je opredeljena na podlagi pododstavka (A) tega odstavka, ali
(C) predlaga nadomestno višino leta, rute ali časa.
6. Najpozneje štiri ure po predložitvi načrta naloge opazovanka sprejme načrt naloge ali predlaga njegove spremembe v skladu s četrtim odstavkom I. razdelka VIII. člena in petim odstavkom tega razdelka. Te spremembe ne smejo izključevati opazovanja katere koli točke na celotnem ozemlju opazovanke, vključno z območji, ki jih je opazovanka v viru iz Dodatka I k tej pogodbi označila kot tvegan zračni prostor. Ko se opazovalka in opazovanka strinjata glede načrta naloge, ga podpišeta. Če se pogodbenici ne sporazumeta o načrtu naloge v osmih urah po predložitvi prvotnega načrta naloge, ima opazovalka pravico odkloniti opazovalni let v skladu z določbami VIII. člena te pogodbe.
7. Če načrtovana ruta opazovalnega leta poteka v bližini meja drugih držav pogodbenic ali drugih držav, lahko opazovanka obvesti te države o predvideni ruti, datumu in času opazovalnega leta.
8. Na podlagi dogovorjenega načrta naloge država pogodbenica, ki priskrbi opazovalno letalo, usklajeno z drugo državo pogodbenico takoj predloži načrt leta z vsebino, kot je določena v Prilogi 2 h Konvenciji o mednarodnem civilnem letalstvu, in v obliki, ki jo določa dokument ICA št. 4444-RAC/501/12, Pravila letenja in službe zračnega prometa, kot je bil spremenjen ali dopolnjen.
1. Če opazovalno letalo priskrbi opazovalka, ima opazovanka pravico imeti v opazovalnem letalu poleg enega opazovalca leta za vsako senzorsko kontrolno postajo na opazovalnem letalu še dva opazovalca leta in enega tolmača, razen če ni drugače dogovorjeno. Opazovalci leta in tolmači imajo pravice in obveznosti, določene v Dodatku G k tej pogodbi.
2. Če opazovalka uporabi opazovalno letalo, katerega največja skupna vzletna masa ni večja kot 35 000 kilogramov, za dolžino opazovalnega leta, ki ni daljši od 1500 kilometrov, kot je bila uradno sporočena v skladu s pododstavkom (G) petega odstavka I. razdelka tega člena, je ne glede na prvi odstavek tega razdelka dolžna sprejeti v opazovalno letalo le dva opazovalca leta in enega tolmača, razen če ni drugače dogovorjeno.
3. Če opazovalno letalo priskrbi opazovanka, dovoli osebju opazovalke, da čim hitreje potuje do točke vstopa opazovanke. Osebje države opazovalke lahko za potovanje do točke vstopa izbere prevoz po kopnem, zračni ali ladijski prevoz, vključno z letalom katere koli države pogodbenice. Postopki v zvezi s tem potovanjem so določeni v Dodatku E k tej pogodbi.
4. Če opazovalno letalo priskrbi opazovanka, ima opazovalka pravico imeti v opazovalnem letalu poleg enega predstavnika za vsako senzorsko kontrolno postajo v letalu še dva predstavnika in enega tolmača, razen če ni drugače dogovorjeno. Predstavniki in tolmači imajo pravice in obveznosti, določene v Dodatku G k tej pogodbi.
5. Če opazovalka priskrbi opazovalno letalo, ki ga je določila druga država pogodbenica in ne opazovalka ali opazovanka, ima opazovalka pravico imeti v opazovalnem letalu poleg enega predstavnika za vsako senzorsko kontrolno postajo v letalu še dva predstavnika in enega tolmača, razen če ni drugače dogovorjeno. V tem primeru prav tako veljajo določbe o opazovalcih leta iz prvega odstavka tega razdelka. Predstavniki in tolmači imajo pravice in obveznosti, določene v Dodatku G k tej pogodbi.
VII. člen
1. Tranzitni leti opazovalke na ozemlje opazovanke in z njega za namene te pogodbe se začnejo na ozemlju opazovalke ali druge države pogodbenice.
2. Vsaka država pogodbenica sprejme tranzitne lete. Taki leti potekajo po mednarodno priznanih koridorjih za zračni promet, razen če se zadevne države pogodbenice ne dogovorijo drugače, in v skladu z navodili kontrole letenja vsake države pogodbenice, skozi katere zračni prostor se leti. Opazovalka istočasno, ko uradno obvesti opazovanko v skladu s VI. členom, uradno obvesti tudi vsako državo pogodbenico, skozi katere zračni prostor je treba leteti.
3. Delovanje senzorjev na opazovalnem letalu je med tranzitnimi leti prepovedano. Če med tranzitnim letom opazovalno letalo pristane na ozemlju države pogodbenice, mora ta država pogodbenica ob pristanku in pred odletom pregledati pokrove odprtin za senzorje ali druge naprave, ki onemogočajo delovanje senzorjev, da potrdi njihov pravilni položaj.
VIII. člen
1. Opazovanka ima pravico prepovedati opazovalni let, ki ni v skladu z določbami te pogodbe.
2. Opazovanka ima pravico prepovedati opazovalni let pred njegovim začetkom, če opazovalka ne pride na točko vstopa v 24 urah po predvidenem času prihoda, kot je naveden v uradnem obvestilu, danem v skladu s petim odstavkom I. razdelka VI. člena, razen če se državi pogodbenici ne dogovorita drugače.
3. Če opazovanka prepove opazovalni let po tem členu ali Dodatku F, mora v načrtu naloge takoj navesti dejstva, ki so razlog za prepoved. V sedmih dneh opazovanka pošlje po diplomatski poti vsem državam pogodbenicam pisno pojasnilo o prepovedi v poročilu o nalogi, danem na podlagi enaindvajsetega odstavka I. razdelka VI. člena. Prepovedani opazovalni let se ne šteje v kvoto ene in druge države pogodbenice.
4. Opazovanka ima pravico predlagati spremembe v načrtu naloge, če je razlog za to katera koli od teh okoliščin:
(A) vremenske razmere vplivajo na varnost letenja;
(B) stanje letališča odprtih zračnih prostorov, ki naj bi ga uporabili, nadomestnih letališč ali letališč za polnjenje z gorivom preprečuje njihovo uporabo ali
(C) načrt naloge ni skladen z drugim in četrtim odstavkom II. razdelka VI. člena.
5. Če se opazovalka ne strinja s predlaganimi spremembami načrta naloge, ima pravico predložiti druge možnosti k predlaganim spremembam. Če v osmih urah po predložitvi prvotnega načrta naloge ni dosežen dogovor o njem in če opazovalka meni, da spremembe načrta naloge omejujejo njene pravice po tej pogodbi za izvedbo opazovalnega leta, ima pravico odkloniti opazovalni let, ki se prav tako ne šteje v kvoto ene in druge države pogodbenice.
6. Če opazovalka odkloni opazovalni let po tem členu ali Dodatku F, mora takoj, še pred svojim odhodom pojasniti razloge za svojo odločitev iz načrta naloge. V sedmih dneh po odhodu opazovalka pošlje po diplomatski poti vsem drugim državam pogodbenicam pisno pojasnilo za to odločitev v poročilu o nalogi, danem na podlagi enaindvajsetega odstavka I. razdelka VI. člena.
1. Med opazovalnim letom so dovoljena odstopanja od načrta leta, če so potrebna zaradi:
(A) vremenskih razmer, ki vplivajo na varnost letenja;
(B) tehničnih težav v zvezi z opazovalnim letalom;
(C) nujne zdravstvene pomoči osebi v letalu ali
(D) navodil kontrole letenja v zvezi z okoliščinami, ki so nastale zaradi višje sile.
2. Poleg tega so dovoljena odstopanja, če vremenske razmere onemogočajo učinkovito uporabo optičnih senzorjev ali infrardečih premočrtnih čitalnikov, pod pogojem, da:
(A) so izpolnjene zahteve za varnost letenja;
(B) je dano dovoljenje organov kontrole letenja, če tako zahtevajo pravila posameznih držav, in
(C) delovanje senzorjev ne presega zmogljivosti, določenih v drugem odstavku IV. člena, razen če ni drugače dogovorjeno.
3. Opazovanka ima pravico prepovedati uporabo posameznega senzorja med odstopanjem, zaradi katerega se opazovalno letalo spusti pod najnižjo višino letenja, predvideno za delovanje tega posameznega senzorja v skladu z omejitvijo ločljivosti na zemlji, kot je določena v drugem odstavku IV. člena. Če mora opazovalno letalo zaradi odstopanja za več kot 50 kilometrov spremeniti smer leta, ki je bila določena v načrtu leta, ima opazovanka pravico prepovedati uporabo vseh senzorjev, nameščenih na opazovalnem letalu, za ozemlje zunaj omenjene 50-kilometrske meje.
4. Opazovalka ima pravico skrajšati opazovalni let zaradi nepravilnega delovanja senzorjev. Poveljnik letala ima pravico skrajšati opazovalni let zaradi tehničnih težav, ki vplivajo na varnost opazovalnega letala.
5. Če je skrajšanje opazovalnega leta posledica odstopanja od načrta leta, ki ga dovoljuje prvi odstavek tega razdelka, ali če je skrajšanje v skladu s četrtim odstavkom tega razdelka, se opazovalni let šteje v kvoto obeh držav pogodbenic, razen če so vzrok skrajšanja:
(A) nepravilno delovanje senzorjev v opazovalnem letalu, ki ga je priskrbela opazovanka;
(B) tehnične težave v zvezi z opazovalnim letalom, ki ga je priskrbela opazovanka;
(C) nujna zdravstvena pomoč članu posadke opazovanke ali opazovalcu leta ali
(D) navodila kontrole letenja v zvezi z okoliščinami, ki so nastale zaradi višje sile.
V takšnih primerih se ima opazovalka pravico odločiti, ali se opazovalni let šteje v kvoto obeh držav pogodbenic.
6. Podatke, ki jih zberejo senzorji, opazovalka obdrži le, če se opazovalni let šteje v kvoto obeh držav pogodbenic.
7. Če pride do odstopanja od načrta leta, poveljnik letala ukrepa v skladu z objavljenimi pravili letenja države opazovanke. Ko dejavnikov, ki so povzročili odstopanje, ni več, sme opazovalno letalo z dovoljenjem kontrole letenja nadaljevati opazovalni let v skladu z načrtom leta. Dodatna dolžina leta opazovalnega letala, ki jo je povzročilo odstopanje, se ne šteje v največjo dolžino leta.
8. Osebje obeh držav pogodbenic v opazovalnem letalu mora biti takoj obveščeno o vseh odstopanjih od načrta leta.
9. Dodatni stroški, ki izhajajo iz določb tega člena, se povrnejo v skladu z devetim odstavkom I. razdelka Dodatka L k tej pogodbi.
1. V nujnem primeru se poveljnik letala ravna po Postopkih za zračno navigacijo-pravilih letenja in službe zračnega prometa, dokument ICAO št. 4444-RAC/501/12, kot je bil spremenjen ali dopolnjen, po predpisih letenja države opazovanke ter po priročniku za upravljanje opazovalnega letala.
2. Vsakemu opazovalnemu letalu, ki razglasi nujni primer, mora opazovanka dati na voljo vse reševalne in navigacijske zmogljivosti, da zagotovi čim hitrejši zasilni pristanek letala na najbližjem primernem letališču.
3. Ob letalski nesreči, v kateri je udeleženo opazovalno letalo na ozemlju opazovanke, izvede opazovanka iskanje in reševanje v skladu s svojimi predpisi in postopki za take primere.
4. Preiskavo letalske nesreče ali dogodka, v katerem je udeleženo opazovalno letalo, opravi opazovanka s sodelovanjem opazovalke v skladu s priporočili ICAO, določenimi v Prilogi 13 h Konvenciji o mednarodnem civilnem letalstvu (Preiskava letalskih nesreč), kot je bila spremenjena ali dopolnjena, in v skladu s predpisi države opazovanke.
5. Če opazovalno letalo ni registrirano pri opazovanki, je treba ob koncu preiskave vse najdene ali rešene razbitine in ostanke opazovalnega letala in senzorjev vrniti opazovalki ali pogodbenici, ki je lastnica letala, če tako zahteva.
IX. člen
1. Za snemanje podatkov, zbranih s senzorji med opazovalnimi leti, se uporabijo naslednji nosilci podatkov:
(A) pri optičnih panoramskih kamerah in kamerah za posamezne posnetke črno-beli fotografski film;
(B) pri videokamerah magnetni trak;
(C) pri infrardečih premočrtnih čitalnikih črno-beli fotografski film ali magnetni trak in
(D) pri zbirnem aperturnem radarju za bočno opazovanje magnetni trak.
Dogovorjeni format, v katerem naj se omenjeni podatki snemajo in prenašajo na druge nosilce podatkov, določi posvetovalna komisija za odprte zračne prostore med začasno uporabo te pogodbe.
2. Podatki, zbrani s senzorji med opazovalnimi leti, ostanejo v opazovalnem letalu do konca opazovalnega leta. Med opazovalnim letom je prepovedan prenos podatkov, zbranih s senzorji, iz opazovalnega letala.
3. Vsak zvitek fotografskega filma in kaseta ali kolut magnetnega traku, uporabljen za zbiranje podatkov s senzorji med opazovalnim letom, se shrani v zabojnik in zapečati v navzočnosti držav pogodbenic, takoj ko je to po odstranitvi iz senzorja izvedljivo.
4. Podatki, zbrani s senzorji med opazovalnimi leti, so na voljo državam pogodbenicam v skladu z določbami tega člena in se uporabljajo izključno za doseganje ciljev te pogodbe.
5. Če po podatkih iz I. razdelka Dodatka B k tej pogodbi nosilec podatkov, ki naj bi ga država pogodbenica uporabljala med opazovalnim letom, ni združljiv z opremo druge države pogodbenice za ravnanje s takim nosilcem podatkov, uvedejo zadevne države pogodbenice postopke, s katerimi zagotovijo, da lahko obdelujejo, razmnožujejo in shranjujejo podatke, zbrane med opazovalnimi leti.
1. Če se izmenjujejo podatki iz podvojenih optičnih kamer, morajo biti kameri, film in naprave za obdelavo filma enakega tipa.
2. Če se izmenjujejo podatki, zbrani z eno samo optično kamero, se države pogodbenice v okviru posvetovalne komisije za odprte zračne prostore med začasno uporabo te pogodbe posvetujejo o tem, ali naj bo za razvijanje izvirnega negativa filma odgovorna opazovalka ali država pogodbenica, ki je priskrbela opazovalno letalo. Država pogodbenica, ki razvije izvirni negativ filma, je odgovorna za kakovost njegove obdelave in izdelavo dvojnika pozitiva ali negativa. Če se državi pogodbenici dogovorita, da bo film, uporabljen med opazovalnim letom v opazovalnem letalu, ki ga je priskrbela opazovanka, obdelala opazovalka, opazovanka ne odgovarja za kakovost obdelave izvirnega negativa filma.
3. Ves film, uporabljen med opazovalnim letom, se razvije:
(A) če je izvirni negativ filma razvit v prostorih za obdelavo filma, ki jih priskrbi opazovanka, najpozneje tri dni po prihodu opazovalnega letala na točko izstopa, razen če ni drugače dogovorjeno, ali
(B) če je izvirni negativ filma razvit v prostorih za obdelavo filma, ki jih priskrbi opazovalka, najpozneje deset dni po odhodu opazovalnega letala z ozemlja opazovanke.
4. Država pogodbenica, ki razvija izvirni negativ filma, je dolžna sprejeti v prostorih za obdelavo filma do dve uradni osebi druge države pogodbenice, da v skladu z določbami II. razdelka Dodatka K k tej pogodbi spremljata odpečatenje kasete s filmom ali zabojnika ter vsak korak pri shranjevanju, obdelavi, razmnoževanju izvirnega negativa filma in ravnanju z njim. Država pogodbenica, ki spremlja obdelavo in razmnoževanje filma, ima pravico določiti uradne osebe med svojimi državljani, navzočimi na ozemlju, na katerem je druga država pogodbenica pripravila prostore za obdelavo filma, pod pogojem, da so te osebe na seznamu določenega osebja v skladu s I. razdelkom XIII. člena te pogodbe. Država pogodbenica, ki razvija film, čim bolj pomaga uradnim osebam druge države pogodbenice pri njihovih nalogah, kot so določene v tem odstavku.
5. Po končanem opazovalnem letu država pogodbenica, ki naj razvije izvirni negativ filma, pritrdi 21-stopenjski senzitometrični testni trak enakega tipa filma, kot je uporabljen med opazovalnim letom, ali pa osvetli 21-stopenjsko optično skalo na začetku ali koncu vsakega zvitka izvirnega negativa filma, uporabljenega med opazovalnim letom. Po obdelavi izvirnega negativa filma in izdelavi dvojnika negativa ali pozitiva filma države pogodbenice presodijo kakovost posnetka na 21-stopenjskih senzitometričnih testnih trakovih ali slike na 21-stopenjski optični skali v primerjavi z značilnostmi, ki so določene za ta tip izvirnega negativa filma ali dvojnika negativa ali pozitiva filma v skladu z določbami I. razdelka Dodatka K k tej pogodbi.
6. Če je razvit le en izvirni negativ filma:
(A) ima opazovalka pravico obdržati ali prejeti izvirni negativ filma ter
(B) ima opazovanka pravico izbrati in prejeti celoten dvojnik izvirnega negativa filma prve izdelave ali njegov del v pozitivu ali negativu. Če ni drugače dogovorjeno, je tak dvojnik:
(1) enakega formata in velikosti kot izvirni negativ filma;
(2) izdelan takoj po razvijanju izvirnega negativa filma in
(3) predložen uradnim osebam opazovanke takoj, ko je dvojnik izdelan.
7. Če sta razvita dva izvirna negativa filma:
(A) ima opazovanka, če opazovalno letalo priskrbi opazovalka, pravico ob koncu opazovalnega leta izbrati enega od obeh izvirnih negativov filma, neizbrani izvirni negativ filma pa obdrži opazovalka ali
(B) ima opazovalka, če opazovalno letalo priskrbi opazovanka, pravico izbrati enega od obeh izvirnih negativov filma, neizbrani izvirni negativ filma pa obdrži opazovanka.
1. Država pogodbenica, ki priskrbi opazovalno letalo, posname vsaj en izvirni komplet podatkov, zbranih s senzorji, pri katerih se uporabljajo drugi nosilci podatkov.
2. Če je izdelan le en izvirni komplet:
(A) ima opazovalka, če sama priskrbi opazovalno letalo, pravico obdržati izvirni komplet, opazovanka pa ima pravico prejeti dvojnik prve izdelave ali
(B) ima opazovalka, če opazovalno letalo priskrbi opazovanka, pravico prejeti izvirni komplet, opazovanka pa ima pravico prejeti dvojnik prve izdelave.
3. Če sta izdelana dva izvirna kompleta:
(A) ima opazovanka, če opazovalno letalo priskrbi opazovalka, ob koncu opazovalnega leta pravico izbrati enega od obeh kompletov nosilcev podatkov, neizbrani komplet pa obdrži opazovalka ali
(B) ima opazovalka, če opazovalno letalo priskrbi opazovanka, pravico izbrati enega od obeh kompletov nosilcev podatkov, neizbrani komplet pa obdrži opazovanka.
4. Če opazovalno letalo priskrbi opazovalka, ima opazovanka pravico po lastni izbiri prejeti podatke, zbrane z zbirnim aperturnim radarjem za bočno opazovanje, v obliki neobdelanih podatkov ali v obliki radarske slike.
5. Če opazovalno letalo priskrbi opazovanka, ima opazovalka pravico po lastni izbiri prejeti podatke, zbrane z zbirnim aperturnim radarjem za bočno opazovanje, v obliki neobdelanih podatkov ali v obliki radarske slike.
Vsaka država pogodbenica ima pravico zahtevati in prejeti od opazovalke kopije podatkov, zbranih s senzorji med opazovalnim letom. Te kopije so dvojniki prve izdelave, izdelani iz izvirnih podatkov, zbranih s senzorji med opazovalnim letom. Država pogodbenica, ki zahteva kopije, uradno obvesti tudi opazovanko. Zahteva za dvojnike podatkov vsebuje podatke o:
(A) opazovalki;
(B) opazovanki;
(C) datumu opazovalnega leta;
(D) senzorju, s katerim so bili podatki zbrani;
(E) delu ali delih opazovalnega obdobja, v katerem so bili podatki zbrani, in
(E) vrsti in formatu dvojnika nosilca podatkov, in sicer negativa ali pozitiva filma ali magnetnega traku.
X. člen
1. Da bi uveljavile cilje in olajšale izvajanje določb te pogodbe, države pogodbenice s tem ustanovijo posvetovalno komisijo za odprte zračne prostore.
2. Posvetovalna komisija za odprte zračne prostore sprejema odločitve ali daje priporočila na podlagi soglasja. Razume se, da soglasje pomeni, da nobena država pogodbenica ne ugovarja sprejetju odločitve ali priporočila.
3. Vsaka država pogodbenica ima pravico pred posvetovalno komisijo za odprte zračne prostore sprožiti in dati na dnevni red katero koli zadevo v zvezi s to pogodbo, vključno z zadevami, ki se nanašajo na primere, kadar opazovalno letalo priskrbi opazovanka.
4. V okviru posvetovalne komisije za odprte zračne prostore države pogodbenice:
(A) obravnavajo vprašanja, ki se nanašajo na spoštovanje določb te pogodbe;
(B) skušajo razrešiti nejasnosti in razlike pri razlagi, ki se lahko pokažejo pri načinu izvajanja te pogodbe;
(C) obravnavajo prošnje za pristop k tej pogodbi in odločajo o njih;
(D) se dogovorijo o tistih tehničnih in administrativnih ukrepih v skladu z določbami te pogodbe, za katere menijo, da so potrebni po pristopu drugih držav k tej pogodbi.
5. Posvetovalna komisija za odprte zračne prostore lahko predlaga spremembe te pogodbe za obravnavo in potrditev v skladu s XVI. členom. Posvetovalna komisija za odprte zračne prostore se lahko tudi dogovori o izboljšavah pri izvedljivosti in učinkovitosti te pogodbe skladno z njenimi določbami. O izboljšavah, ki se nanašajo samo na spremembe letne razdelitve aktivnih kvot po III. členu in Dodatku A, posodobitve in dodatke k vrstam ali zmogljivostim senzorjev po IV. členu, ponovni pregled razdelitve stroškov po devetem odstavku I. razdelka Dodatka L, dogovore za dajanje in razpoložljivost podatkov v skladu s III. in IV. razdelkom IX. člena ter ravnanje s poročili o nalogah v skladu z enaindvajsetim odstavkom I. razdelka VI. člena kot tudi manjše administrativne ali tehnične zadeve, se dogovori v posvetovalni komisiji za odprte zračne prostore in se ne štejejo za spremembe te pogodbe.
6. Posvetovalna komisija za odprte zračne prostore zaprosi za uporabo zmogljivosti in administrativno podporo Centra za preprečevanje konfliktov pri Konferenci o varnosti in sodelovanju v Evropi ali za druge obstoječe zmogljivosti na Dunaju, razen če ne odloči drugače.
7. Določbe o delovanju posvetovalne komisije za odprte zračne prostore so navedene v Dodatku L k tej pogodbi.
XI. člen
Države pogodbenice pošiljajo uradna obvestila in poročila, zahtevana po tej pogodbi, v pisni obliki. Države pogodbenice pošiljajo taka uradna obvestila in poročila po diplomatski poti, ali če se tako odločijo, po drugih uradnih poteh, kot je komunikacijsko omrežje Konference o varnosti in sodelovanju v Evropi.
XII. člen
Država pogodbenica je v skladu z mednarodnim pravom in prakso odgovorna za plačilo odškodnine za škodo, ki jo je med izvajanjem te pogodbe povzročila drugim državam pogodbenicam ali njihovim fizičnim ali pravnim osebam ali njihovemu premoženju.
XIII. člen
1. Vsaka država pogodbenica ob deponiranju svoje listine o ratifikaciji pri enem ali drugem depozitarju predloži vsem drugim državam pogodbenicam v pregled seznam določenega osebja, ki bo izvajalo vse naloge, povezane z izvajanjem opazovalnih letov za to državo pogodbenico, vključno s spremljanjem obdelave izhodnih podatkov senzorjev. Na takem seznamu določenega osebja ne sme biti nikoli več kot 400 oseb. Seznam vsebuje ime, spol, datum in kraj rojstva, številko potnega lista in nalogo vsake navedene osebe. Vsaka država pogodbenica ima pravico spremeniti svoj seznam določenega osebja do 30 dni po začetku veljavnosti te pogodbe, nato pa enkrat na šest mesecev.
2. Če katera od oseb, navedenih na izvirnem ali spremenjenem seznamu, ni sprejemljiva za neko državo pogodbenico, ki pregleda seznam, ta država pogodbenica najpozneje 30 dni po prejemu vsakega seznama uradno obvesti državo pogodbenico, ki je predložila seznam, da se ta oseba za državo pogodbenico, ki je ugovarjala, ne sprejema. Osebe, ki niso razglašene za nesprejemljive v omenjenem 30-dnevnem roku, se štejejo za sprejete. Če država pogodbenica pozneje določi, da neka oseba ni sprejemljiva, o tem uradno obvesti državo pogodbenico, ki je to osebo določila. Osebe, ki so razglašene za nesprejemljive, se črtajo s seznama, ki je bil predhodno predložen državi pogodbenici, ki ugovarja.
3. Opazovanka izda vizume in vse druge zahtevane listine, da zagotovi, da lahko vsaka sprejeta oseba vstopi na ozemlje te države pogodbenice in ostane na njem zaradi izpolnjevanja nalog v zvezi z izvedbo opazovalnega leta, vključno s spremljanjem obdelave izhodnih podatkov senzorjev. Vizumi in druge potrebne listine se izdajo:
(A) najpozneje 30 dni po tem, ko se oseba šteje za sprejeto; v tem primeru veljavnost vizuma ne sme biti krajša od 24 mesecev ali
(B) najpozneje eno uro po prihodu osebe na točko vstopa; v tem primeru vizum velja za čas izpolnjevanja nalog te osebe ali
(C) kadar koli po medsebojnem dogovoru zadevnih držav pogodbenic.
1. Za učinkovito opravljanje nalog za izvajanje te pogodbe, ne pa za osebno korist, se osebju, ki je določeno v skladu s prvim odstavkom I. razdelka tega člena, dodelijo privilegiji in imunitete, ki jih uživajo diplomatski predstavniki v skladu z 29. členom, drugim odstavkom 30. člena, prvim, drugim in tretjim odstavkom 31. člena ter 34. in 35. členom Dunajske konvencije o diplomatskih odnosih z dne 18. aprila 1961, v nadaljevanju imenovane Dunajska konvencija. Poleg tega ima določeno osebje privilegije, ki jih uživajo diplomatski predstavniki v skladu s pododstavkom (b) prvega odstavka 36. člena Dunajske konvencije, razen glede stvari, katerih uvoz ali izvoz je z zakonom prepovedan ali urejen s predpisi o karanteni.
2. Taki privilegiji in imunitete se dodelijo določenemu osebju za ves čas med prihodom na ozemlje opazovanke in odhodom z njega, po tem pa za dejanja, ki ga je storilo prej med izpolnjevanjem svojih uradnih dolžnosti. Temu osebju se tudi med tranzitom ozemlja drugih držav pogodbenic dodelijo privilegiji in imunitete, ki jih uživajo diplomatski predstavniki po prvem odstavku 40. člena Dunajske konvencije.
3. Opazovalka se lahko odpove imuniteti pred pregonom v primerih, kadar bi to oviralo potek pravnega postopka in se ji je mogoče odpovedati brez škode za to pogodbo. Za osebe, ki niso državljani opazovalke, se lahko imuniteti odpovejo samo države pogodbenice, katerih državljani so te osebe. Odpoved mora biti vedno izrecna.
4. Brez vpliva na njihove privilegije in imunitete ali na pravice opazovalke, določene v tej pogodbi, mora določeno osebje spoštovati zakone in predpise opazovanke.
5. Prevozna sredstva osebja imajo enake imunitete pred preiskavo, odvzemom, zaplembo ali rubežem kot prevozna sredstva diplomatske misije v skladu s tretjim odstavkom 22. člena Dunajske konvencije, razen če ni v tej pogodbi drugače določeno.
XIV. člen
1. Samo za namen II. do IX. in XI. člena ter Dodatkov A do I in Dodatka K k tej pogodbi se Kraljevina Belgija, Veliko vojvodstvo Luksemburg in Kraljevina Nizozemska štejejo za eno državo pogodbenico, ki je v nadaljevanju imenovana Beneluks.
2. Brez vpliva na določbe XV. člena smejo omenjene države pogodbenice preklicati to ureditev, s tem da o tem obvestijo vse druge države pogodbenice. Šteje se, da ta dogovor preneha veljati 31. decembra po izteku 60-dnevnega roka po takem obvestilu.
XV. člen
1. Ta pogodba velja za nedoločen čas.
2. Država pogodbenica ima pravico, da odstopi od pogodbe. Država pogodbenica, ki namerava odstopiti, o svoji odločitvi obvesti enega od depozitarjev in vse druge države pogodbenice vsaj šest mesecev pred datumom svojega nameravanega odstopa. Depozitarja takoj obvestita vse druge države pogodbenice o takem obvestilu.
3. Če država pogodbenica sporoči, da odstopa od pogodbe v skladu z drugim odstavkom tega člena, depozitarja skličeta konferenco držav pogodbenic najprej 30 in najpozneje 60 dni po prejemu takega obvestila za obravnavo učinka odstopa na to pogodbo.
XVI. člen
1. Vsaka država pogodbenica ima pravico predlagati spremembe te pogodbe. Vsaka predlagana sprememba se predloži enemu od depozitarjev, ta pa jo pošlje vsem državam pogodbenicam v presojo. Če tako zahtevajo vsaj tri države pogodbenice v 90 dneh od predložitve predlagane spremembe, depozitarja skličeta konferenco držav pogodbenic za obravnavo predlagane spremembe. Takšna konferenca se začne najprej 30 in najpozneje 60 dni po prejemu tretje zahteve.
2. Spremembo te pogodbe morajo odobriti vse države pogodbenice, tako da pisno uradno sporočijo svojo potrditev spremembe depozitarju v 90 dneh po predložitvi predlagane spremembe ali tako da jo potrdijo na konferenci, sklicani v skladu s prvim odstavkom tega člena. Tako potrjeno spremembo je treba ratificirati v skladu z določbami prvega odstavka XVII. člena in začne veljati 60 dni po tem, ko so države pogodbenice deponirale listine o ratifikaciji.
3. Razen če vsaj tri države pogodbenice ne zahtevajo, da se to zgodi prej, depozitarja skličeta konferenco držav pogodbenic za pregled izvajanja te pogodbe tri leta po začetku njene veljavnosti, nato pa vsakih pet let.
XVII. člen
1. To pogodbo mora vsaka država pogodbenica ratificirati v skladu s svojimi ustavnimi postopki. Listine o ratifikaciji in listine o pristopu se hranijo pri Vladi Kanade ali Vladi Republike Madžarske ali pri obeh s tem določenih depozitarjih. To pogodbo depozitarja registrirata v skladu s 102. členom Ustanovne listine Združenih narodov.
2. Ta pogodba začne veljati 60 dni po deponiranju 20 listin o ratifikaciji, vključno z listinami depozitarjev in držav pogodbenic, ki jim je po Dodatku A dodeljenih 8 ali več pasivnih kvot.
3. Ta pogodba je na voljo za podpis Armeniji, Azerbajdžanu, Gruziji, Kazahstanu, Kirgizistanu, Moldovi, Tadžikistanu, Turkmenistanu in Uzbekistanu in jo morajo ratificirati. Katera koli od teh držav, ki ne podpiše te pogodbe, preden začne veljati v skladu z določbami drugega odstavka tega člena, lahko k njej kadar koli pristopi z deponiranjem listine o pristopu pri enem od depozitarjev.
4. V 6 mesecih po začetku veljavnosti te pogodbe lahko katera koli druga država udeleženka Konference o varnosti in sodelovanju v Evropi zaprosi za pristop s predložitvijo pisne prošnje enemu od depozitarjev. Depozitar prejeto prošnjo takoj pošlje vsem državam pogodbenicam. Države, ki zaprosijo za pristop k tej pogodbi, lahko, če želijo, zaprosijo tudi za dodelitev pasivne kvote in višino te kvote.
Zadeva se obravnava na naslednjem rednem sestanku posvetovalne komisije za odprte zračne prostore in se o njej v primernem času odloči.
5. Po šestih mesecih od začetka veljavnosti te pogodbe lahko posvetovalna komisija za odprte zračne prostore obravnava pristop katere koli države k tej pogodbi, ki je po presoji komisije sposobna in želi prispevati k ciljem te pogodbe.
6. Za katero koli državo, ki listine o ratifikaciji ni deponirala do začetka veljavnosti te pogodbe, ki pa jo pozneje ratificira ali k njej pristopi, začne ta pogodba veljati 60 dni po deponiranju njene listine o ratifikaciji ali pristopu.
7. Depozitarja takoj obvestita vse države pogodbenice o:
(A) datumu deponiranja vsake listine o ratifikaciji in datumu začetka veljavnosti te pogodbe;
(B) datumu prošnje za pristop, imenu države prosilke in izidu postopka;
(C) datumu deponiranja vsake listine o pristopu in datumu začetka veljavnosti te pogodbe za vsako državo, ki k njej pristopi pozneje;
(D) sklicu konference po XV. in XVI. členu;
(E) vsakem odstopu v skladu s XV. členom in začetku njegove veljavnosti;
(F) datumu začetka veljavnosti vsake spremembe te pogodbe in
(G) o vseh drugih zadevah, o katerih morata depozitarja po tej pogodbi obvestiti države pogodbenice.
XVIII. člen
Za lažje izvajanje te pogodbe se nekatere njene določbe uporabljajo začasno, druge pa se začnejo izvajati postopoma.
1. Brez vpliva na XVII. člen države podpisnice začasno uporabljajo naslednje določbe pogodbe:
(A) četrti odstavek I. razdelka VI. člena;
(B) prvi, drugi, tretji, šesti in sedmi odstavek X. člena;
(C) XI. člen;
(D) prvi in drugi odstavek I. razdelka XIII. člena;
(E) XIV. člen in
(F) I. razdelek Dodatka L.
2. Začasna uporaba učinkuje 12 mesecev od datuma, ko je ta pogodba na voljo za podpis. Če pogodba ne začne veljati pred iztekom obdobja začasne uporabe, se to obdobje lahko podaljša, če tako odločijo vse države podpisnice. Vsekakor se obdobje začasne uporabe konča, ko ta pogodba začne veljati. Države pogodbenice pa se lahko takrat odločijo, da podaljšajo obdobje začasne uporabe za države podpisnice, ki še niso ratificirale te pogodbe.
1. Po začetku veljavnosti se ta pogodba začne izvajati postopoma v skladu z določbami tega razdelka. Določbe drugega do šestega odstavka tega razdelka veljajo za obdobje od začetka veljavnosti pogodbe do 31. decembra tretjega leta, ki sledi letu, v katerem je pogodba začela veljati.
2. Ne glede na določbe prvega odstavka IV. člena ne sme nobena država pogodbenica med obdobjem iz prvega odstavka uporabljati infrardečega premočrtnega čitalnika, če je nameščen na opazovalnem letalu, razen če se opazovalke in opazovanke ne dogovorijo drugače. Takih senzorjev ni treba certificirati v skladu z Dodatkom D. Če je tak senzor težko odstraniti z opazovalnega letala, mora imeti med opazovalnim letom pokrove ali druge naprave, ki onemogočajo njegovo delovanje v skladu z določbami četrtega odstavka IV. člena.
3. Ne glede na določbe devetega odstavka IV. člena nobena država pogodbenica med obdobjem iz prvega odstavka tega razdelka ni dolžna priskrbeti opazovalnega letala, opremljenega z vsemi vrstami senzorjev z največjo zmogljivostjo in v številu, določenem v drugem odstavku IV. člena, če ima opazovalno letalo:
(A) enojno optično panoramsko kamero ali
(B) vsaj en par optičnih kamer za posamezne posnetke.
4. Ne glede na določbe pododstavka (A) drugega odstavka II. razdelka Dodatka B k tej pogodbi morajo imeti nosilci podatkov v obdobju iz prvega odstavka tega razdelka podatke, ki so razložljivi v skladu z obstoječo prakso držav pogodbenic.
5. Ne glede na določbe prvega odstavka I. razdelka VI. člena nima nobena država pogodbenica v obdobju iz prvega odstavka tega razdelka pravice dobiti letalo, ki je zmožno preleteti katero koli določeno razdaljo brez ponovnega polnjenja z gorivom.
6. V obdobju iz prvega odstavka tega razdelka se aktivne kvote razdelijo v skladu z določbami drugega odstavka II. razdelka Dodatka A k tej pogodbi.
7. Nadaljnje postopno uvajanje dodatnih vrst senzorjev ali izboljšave zmogljivosti obstoječih vrst senzorjev obravnava posvetovalna komisija za odprte zračne prostore v skladu z določbami tretjega odstavka IV. člena, ki se nanašajo na tako uvajanje ali izboljšavo.
XIX. člen
Izvirniki te pogodbe, katerih besedila v angleškem, francoskem, italijanskem, nemškem, ruskem in španskem jeziku so enako verodostojni, se hranijo v arhivu depozitarjev. Pravilno potrjene kopije te pogodbe depozitarja pošljeta vsem državam pogodbenicam.
1. Dodelitev posameznih pasivnih kvot, ki so določene in veljajo samo za tiste države pogodbenice, ki so ratificirale pogodbo:
za Zvezno republiko Nemčijo                          12
za Združene države Amerike                           42
za Republiko Belorusijo in Rusko federacijo
kot skupino držav pogodbenic                         42
za Beneluks                                           6
za Republiko Bolgarijo                                4
za Kanado                                            12
za Kraljevino Dansko                                  6
za Kraljevino Španijo                                 4
za Francosko republiko                               12
za Združeno kraljestvo Velika Britanija in
Severna Irska                                        12
za Helensko republiko                                 4
za Republiko Madžarsko                                4
za Republiko Islandijo                                4
za Italijansko republiko                             12
za Kraljevino Norveško                                7
za Republiko Poljsko                                  6
za Portugalsko republiko                              2
za Romunijo                                           6
za Češko in slovaško federativno republiko            4
za Republiko Turčijo                                 12
za Ukrajino                                          12
2. Če dodatna država ratificira pogodbo ali k njej pristopi v skladu z določbami XVII. člena in pododstavka (C) četrtega odstavka X. člena ter ob upoštevanju pododstavka (D) četrtega odstavka X. člena, se dodelitev pasivne kvote taki državi obravnava na naslednjem rednem zasedanju posvetovalne komisije za odprte zračne prostore po datumu deponiranja njene listine o ratifikaciji ali pristopu.
1. Prva razdelitev aktivnih kvot po šestem odstavku I. razdelka III. člena pogodbe je takšna, da mora vsaka država pogodbenica sprejeti nad svojim ozemljem število opazovalnih letov, ki ni večje od 75 odstotkov, zaokroženo navzdol na najbližje celo število, posamezne pasivne kvote, dodeljene v skladu s prvim odstavkom I. razdelka tega dodatka. Na tej podlagi in za tiste države pogodbenice, ki so se pogajale na Konferenci o odprtih zračnih prostorih na Dunaju, velja prva medsebojna razdelitev kvot od dneva začetka veljavnosti pogodbe do 31. decembra po letu, v katerem je pogodba začela veljati, in velja samo za države pogodbenice, ki so ratificirale pogodbo. Prva razdelitev je taka:
Zvezna republika Nemčija ima pravico do treh opazovanih letov nad ozemljem Republike Belorusije in Ruske federacije kot skupine držav pogodbenic ter enega opazovalnega leta nad ozemljem Ukrajine;
Združene države Amerike imajo pravico do osmih opazovalnih letov nad ozemljem Republike Belorusije in Ruske federacije kot skupine držav pogodbenic ter enega opazovalnega leta skupaj s Kanado nad ozemljem Ukrajine;
Republika Belorusija in Ruska federacija kot skupina držav pogodbenic imata pravico do dveh opazovalnih letov nad ozemljem Beneluksa, kot je določeno v XIV. členu pogodbe, dveh opazovalnih letov nad ozemljem Kanade, dveh opazovalnih letov nad ozemljem Kraljevine Danske, treh opazovalnih letov nad ozemljem Francoske republike, enega opazovalnega leta nad ozemljem Helenske republike, dveh opazovalnih letov nad ozemljem Italijanske republike, dveh opazovalnih letov nad ozemljem Kraljevine Norveške, dveh opazovalnih letov nad ozemljem Republike Turčije, treh opazovalnih letov nad ozemljem Združenega kraljestva Velika Britanija in Severna Irska ter štirih opazovalnih letov nad ozemljem Združenih držav Amerike;
Kraljevina Belgija, Veliko vojvodstvo Luksemburg in Kraljevina Nizozemska imajo pravico do enega opazovalnega leta nad ozemljem Republike Belorusije in Ruske federacije kot skupine držav pogodbenic ter do enega opazovalnega leta nad ozemljem Republike Poljske;
Republika Bolgarija ima pravico do enega opazovalnega leta nad ozemljem Helenske republike, enega opazovalnega leta nad ozemljem Italijanske republike in enega opazovalnega leta nad ozemljem Republike Turčije;
Kanada ima pravico do dveh opazovalnih letov nad ozemljem Republike Belorusije in Ruske federacije kot skupine držav pogodbenic, enega opazovalnega leta nad ozemljem Češke in slovaške federativne republike, enega opazovalnega leta nad ozemljem Republike Poljske ter enega opazovalnega leta skupaj z Združenimi državami Amerike nad ozemljem Ukrajine;
Kraljevina Danska ima pravico do enega opazovalnega leta nad ozemljem Republike Belorusije in Ruske federacije kot skupine držav pogodbenic ter enega opazovalnega leta nad ozemljem Republike Poljske;
Kraljevina Španija ima pravico do enega opazovalnega leta nad ozemljem Češke in slovaške federativne republike;
Francoska republika ima pravico do treh opazovalnih letov nad ozemljem Republike Belorusije in Ruske federacije kot skupine držav pogodbenic ter enega opazovalnega leta nad ozemljem Romunije;
Združeno kraljestvo Velika Britanija in Severna Irska ima pravico do treh opazovalnih letov nad ozemljem Republike Belorusije in Ruske federacije kot skupine držav pogodbenic ter enega opazovalnega leta nad ozemljem Ukrajine;
Helenska republika ima pravico do enega opazovalnega leta nad ozemljem Republike Bolgarije in enega opazovalnega leta nad ozemljem Romunije;
Republika Madžarska ima pravico do enega opazovalnega leta nad ozemljem Romunije in enega opazovalnega leta nad ozemljem Ukrajine;
Italijanska republika ima pravico do dveh opazovalnih letov nad ozemljem Republike Belorusije in Ruske federacije kot skupine držav pogodbenic, enega opazovalnega leta nad ozemljem Republike Madžarske in enega opazovalnega leta skupaj z Republiko Turčijo nad ozemljem Ukrajine;
Kraljevina Norveška ima pravico do dveh opazovalnih letov nad ozemljem Republike Belorusije in Ruske federacije kot skupine držav pogodbenic ter enega opazovalnega leta nad ozemljem Republike Poljske;
Republika Poljska ima pravico do enega opazovalnega leta nad ozemljem Zvezne republike Nemčije, enega opazovalnega leta nad ozemljem Republike Belorusije in Ruske federacije ter enega opazovalnega leta nad ozemljem Ukrajine;
Romunija ima pravico do enega opazovalnega leta nad ozemljem Republike Bolgarije, enega opazovalnega leta nad ozemljem Helenske republike, enega opazovalnega leta nad ozemljem Republike Madžarske in enega opazovalnega leta nad ozemljem Ukrajine;
Češka in slovaška federativna republika ima pravico do enega opazovalnega leta nad ozemljem Zvezne republike Nemčije in enega opazovalnega leta nad ozemljem Ukrajine;
Republika Turčija ima pravico do dveh opazovalnih letov nad ozemljem Republike Belorusije in Ruske federacije, enega opazovalnega leta nad ozemljem Republike Bolgarije in dveh opazovalnih letov, od teh enega skupaj z Italijansko republiko, nad ozemljem Ukrajine;
Ukrajina ima pravico do enega opazovalnega leta nad ozemljem Češke in slovaške federativne republike, enega opazovalnega leta nad ozemljem Republike Madžarske, enega opazovalnega leta nad ozemljem Republike Poljske, enega opazovalnega leta nad ozemljem Romunije in dveh opazovalnih letov nad ozemljem Republike Turčije.
2. Po tej prvi razdelitvi in do polne uveljavitve pogodbe, določene v XVIII. členu, se aktivne kvote razdelijo po pravilu 75 odstotkov posameznih pasivnih kvot, kot je določeno v prvem odstavku tega razdelka.
3. Po polni uveljavitvi pogodbe ob nadaljnjih razdelitvah aktivnih kvot vsaka država pogodbenica sprejme nad svojim ozemljem število opazovalnih letov do polnega števila svoje posamezne pasivne kvote. Kadar je to možno ali zahtevano in če ni drugače dogovorjeno, razdelitve temeljijo na sorazmernem povečanju aktivnih kvot iz prve razdelitve.
4. Če pogodbo ratificira ali k njej pristopi dodatna država v skladu z določbami XVII. člena, bo razdelitev aktivnih kvot za to državo obravnavana na rednem zasedanju posvetovalne komisije za odprte zračne prostore po datumu deponiranja njene listine o ratifikaciji ali pristopu ob upoštevanju naslednjih določb:
(A) država, ki je pogodbo ratificirala ali k njej pristopila, ima pravico zahtevati opazovalne lete nad ozemlji držav pogodbenic v okviru pasivne kvote, dodeljene tej državi v skladu z določbami tretjega odstavka 1. razdelka tega dodatka, in v okviru pasivnih kvot držav pogodbenic, ki jih je zahtevala za opazovalne lete, razen če se zadevne države pogodbenice ne dogovorijo drugače;
(B) vse države pogodbenice imajo obenem pravico zahtevati opazovalne lete nad ozemljem države, ki je pogodbo podpisala ali k njej pristopila, v okviru svojih aktivnih kvot in v okviru pasivne kvote, dodeljene tej državi.
Največje razdalje opazovalnih letov nad ozemljem opazovank, ki se začnejo na letališčih odprtih zračnih prostorov, so:
Zvezna republika Nemčija
    WUNSTORF                                        1.200 km
    LANDSBERG OB LECHU                              1.200 km
Združene države Amerike
    WASHINGTON DULLES                               4.900 km
    TRAVIS AFB                                      4.000 km
    ELMENDORF AFB                                   3.000 km
    LINCOLN MUNICIPAL                               4.800 km
Republika Belorusija in Ruska federacija
    KUBINKA                                         5.000 km
    ULAN UDE                                        5.000 km
    VORKUTA                                         6.500 km
    MAGADAN                                         6.500 km
    ZAVENTEM/MELSBROEK                                945 km
Republika Bolgarija
    SOFIJA                                            660 km
    BURGAS                                            660 km
    OTTAWA                                          5.000 km
    IQALUIT                                         6.000 km
    YELLOWKNIFE                                     5.000 km
Kraljevina Danska
    METROPOLITAN                                      800 km
    FERSKI OTOKI                                      250 km
    GRENLANDIJA                                     5.600 km
Kraljevina Španija
    GETAFE                                          1.300 km
    GANDO                                             750 km
    VALENCIA                                        1.300 km
    VALLADOLID                                      1.300 km
    MORON                                           1.300 km
Francoska republika
    ORLEANS BRICY                                   1.400 km
    NICA – AZURNA OBALA                               800 km
    TOULOUSE BLAGNAC                                  700 km
Združeno kraljestvo Velika Britanija in
Severna Irska
    BRIZE NORTON                                    1.150 km
    SCAMPTON                                        1.150 km
    LEUCHARS                                        1.150 km
    Z OTOČJEM SCILLY                                1.500 km
    S SHETLANDSKIM OTOČJEM                          1.500 km
Helenska republika
    SOLUN                                             900 km
    ELEFSIS                                           900 km
    RODOSOM, OTOČJEM KOS                            1.100 km
Republika Madžarska
    BUDIMPEŠTA FERIHEGY                               860 km
Republika Islandija                                 1.500 km
Italijanska republika
    MILANO MALPENSA                                 1.130 km
    PALERMO PUNTA RAISI                             1.400 km
Kraljevina Norveška
    OSLO GARDERMOEN                                 1.700 km
    TROMSOE LANGNES                                 1.700 km
Republika Poljska
    VARŠAVA OKECIE                                  1.400 km
Portugalska republika
    LIZBONA                                         1.200 km
    Sta. MARIA                                      1.700 km
    PORTO SANTO                                     1.030 km
    BUKAREŠTA OTOPENI                                 900 km
    TEMIŠVAR                                          900 km
    BACAU                                             900 km
Češka in slovaška federativna republika
    PRAGA                                             600 km
    BRATISLAVA                                        700 km
    KOŠICE                                            400 km
Republika Turčija
    ESKISEHIR                                       1.500 km
    DIYARBAKIR                                      1.500 km
    BORISPOL                                        2.100 km
1. V skladu z desetim odstavkom IV. člena vsaka država pogodbenica obvesti vse druge države pogodbenice o veljavnih tehničnih podatkih, navedenih v tem razdelku, o vsakem senzorju na opazovalnem letalu, ki ga je določila ta država pogodbenica v skladu s V. členom pogodbe.
2. Za optične panoramske kamere in kamere za posamezne posnetke se dajo ti tehnični podatki:
(A) tip in model;
(B) vidno polje vzdolž in prek poti letenja ali koti skeniranja v stopinjah;
(C) velikost posnetka v milimetrih po dolžini in širini;
(D) časi osvetlitve v sekundah;
(E) tipi in barve uporabljenih optičnih filtrov ter faktorji filtrov,
(F) za vsako lečo:
(1) ime;
(2) žariščna razdalja v milimetrih;
(3) največja relativna odprtina leče;
(4) ločljivost pri kontrastnem razmerju 1000 proti 1 ali ustrezna modulacija pri 1,0 pri največji relativni odprtini v linijah na milimeter;
(G) najmanjši in največji presledki fotografiranja v sekundah, ali če je ustrezno, ciklične vrednosti v posnetkih na sekundo;
(H) količnik največje hitrosti in višine, če je ustrezno;
(I) za optične kamere za posamezne posnetke največji izmerjen kot od vodoravnice ali najmanjši izmerjen kot od navpičnice v stopinjah in
(J) največja višina za delovanje v metrih, če je ustrezno.
3. Za videokamere se dajo ti tehnični podatki:
(A) tip in model;
(B) vidno polje vzdolž in prek poti letenja v stopinjah;
(C) za leče:
(1) žariščna razdalja v milimetrih;
(2) največja relativna odprtina leče;
(3) ločljivost pri kontrastnem razmerju 1000 proti 1 ali ustrezna modulacija pri 1,0 pri največji relativni odprtini v linijah na milimeter;
(D) velikost detektorskega elementa v mikrometrih ali enakovredni podatki za cev;
(E) število detektorskih elementov;
(F) občutljivost sistema na svetlobo v luksih ali vatih na kvadratni centimeter in
(G) širina spektralne valovne dolžine v nanometrih.
4. Za infrardeče premočrtne čitalnike se dajo ti tehnični podatki:
(A) tip in model;
(B) vidno polje ali koti skeniranja v stopinjah;
(C) najmanjše takojšnje vidno polje vzdolž in prek poti letenja v miliradianih;
(D) širina spektralnega pasu v mikrometrih;
(E) najnižja ločljiva temperaturna razlika v stopinjah Celzija;
(F) temperatura detektorja med delovanjem v stopinjah Celzija;
(G) čas, potreben od vklopa sistema za začetek in ohladitev na normalno delovno temperaturo, v minutah;
(H) najdaljši čas delovanja, če je ustrezno;
(I) količnik največje hitrosti in višine ter
(J) največja višina delovanja v metrih, če je ustrezno.
5. Za zbirni aperturni radar za bočno opazovanje se dajo ti tehnični podatki:
(A) tip in model;
(B) pasovi radarskih frekvenc in specifična frekvenca delovanja v megahercih;
(C) polarizacija;
(D) število radarskih impulzov v metrih na sekundo;
(E) kotna omejitev na kratki razdalji delovanja v stopinjah od navpičnice;
(F) širina pasu opazovanja v kilometrih;
(G) ločljivost na zemlji v oddaljenosti in azimutu v poševni ravnini v metrih;
(H) največja višina delovanja v metrih, če je ustrezno, in
(I) izhodna moč oddajnika v vatih.
6. Za senzorje, ki zapisujejo podatke na fotografski film, se dajo ti tehnični podatki:
(A) tipi filma, ki se lahko uporabljajo z vsakim senzorjem;
(B) širina filma v milimetrih;
(C) ločljivost filma pri kontrastnem razmerju 1000 proti 1 ali enakovredna modulacija 1,0 v linijah na milimeter in
(D) zmogljivost kasete za vsak tip filma v metrih.
7. Za senzorje, ki zapisujejo podatke na druge nosilce podatkov, se dajo ti tehnični podatki:
(A) tip in model opreme za zapisovanje podatkov;
(B) tip in format nosilca podatkov;
(C) širina pasu v hercih, če je ustrezno;
(D) hitrost snemanja podatkov v megabitih na sekundo, če je ustrezno;
(E) zmogljivost nosilca podatkov v minutah ali megabitih in
(F) format za hranjenje podatkov, zbranih s senzorji, in razložljivost podatkov.
1. Podatki, zbrani s senzorji med opazovalnim obdobjem, se na začetku vsakega zvitka izvirnega negativa filma ali na začetku vsakega drugega nosilca podatkov opremijo z naslednjimi podatki v skladu z določbami Priloge 1 k temu dodatku:
(A) referenčno številko opazovalnega leta;
(B) datumom opazovalnega leta;
(C) opisom senzorjev;
(D) razporeditvijo senzorjev in
(E) žariščno razdaljo, če je ustrezno.
2. Podatki, zbrani s senzorji med opazovalnim obdobjem, se opremijo z naslednjimi podatki, ki se ročno ali elektronsko posnamejo z navigacijskih in komunikacijskih sistemov opazovalnega letala v skladu z določbami Priloge 1 k temu dodatku, in to na način, da se ne zakrijejo podrob­nosti:
(A) za optične kamere:
(1) na začetku opazovalnega obdobja in na vsaki vmesni točki med opazovalnim obdobjem, na kateri se pomembno spremeni višina nad tlemi, smer ali hitrost letenja nad zemljo, ter v presledkih, ki jih določi posvetovalna komisija za odprte zračne prostore med začasno uporabo pogodbe:
(a) višino nad tlemi;
(b) točko;
(c) dejansko smerjo letenja in
(d) kotom skeniranja;
(2) na vsakem posameznem posnetku fotografskega filma:
(a) številko posnetka;
(b) časom in
(c) kotom nagiba;
(B) za videokamere in infrardeče premočrtne čitalnike na začetku opazovalnega obdobja in na vsaki vmesni točki med opazovalnim obdobjem, na kateri se pomembno spremeni višina leta nad tlemi, smer ali hitrost letenja nad zemljo, in v presledkih, ki jih določi posvetovalna komisija za odprte zračne prostore med začasno uporabo pogodbe:
(1) datumom in časom;
(2) višino nad tlemi;
(3) točko;
(4) dejansko smerjo letenja in
(5) kotom skeniranja;
(C) za zbirni aperturni radar za bočno opazovanje:
(1) na začetku opazovalnega obdobja in na vsaki vmesni točki med opazovalnim obdobjem, na kateri se pomembno spremeni višina nad tlemi, smer ali hitrost letenja nad zemljo, ter v presledkih, ki jih določi posvetovalna komisija za odprte zračne prostore med začasno uporabo pogodbe:
(a) datumom in časom;
(b) višino nad tlemi;
(c) točko;
(d) dejansko smerjo letenja;
(e) kotom gledanja navzdol na najbližjo točko širine pasu;
(f) širino pasu in
(g) polarizacijo;
(2) ob vsakokratnem merjenju, da se zagotovi pravilna obdelava slike:
(a) hitrostjo letenja nad zemljo;
(b) zanosom;
(c) kotom naklona in
(d) kotom nagiba.
3. Za kopije posameznih posnetkov ali trakov posnetkov iz izvirnega negativa filma ali drugih nosilcev podatkov se podatki iz prvega in drugega odstavka tega razdelka navedejo na vsakem pozitivu.
4. Države pogodbenice imajo pravico podatke, zbrane med opazovalnim letom, opremiti s črkovno-številčnimi vrednostmi ali oznakami, za katere se dogovori posvetovalna komisija za odprte zračne prostore med začasno uporabo pogodbe.
1. Referenčna številka opazovalnega leta se označi z eno samo skupino šestih črkovno-številčnih znakov v skladu z naslednjim dogovorom:
(A) črkama »OS«;
(B) zadnjo številko koledarskega leta, za katero velja posamezna aktivna kvota, in
(C) trimestno številko, ki pomeni vsak posamezen opazovalni let in vključuje aktivno kvoto, ki jo je posvetovalna komisija za odprte zračne prostore med letnim pregledom dodelila posamezni državi pogodbenici nad ozemljem druge države pogodbenice za določeno koledarsko leto.
2. Opis senzorja se označi s skupino največ šestih črkovno-številčnih znakov, sestavljenih iz dveh skupin, v skladu s tem dogovorom:
(A) skupina do štirih znakov pomeni vrsto senzorja v skladu s tem dogovorom:
(1) »OP« – optična panoramska kamera;
(2) »OF« – optična kamera za posamezne posnetke;
(3) »TV« – videokamera;
(4) »IRLS« – infrardeči premočrtni čitalnik ali
(5) »SAR« – zbirni aperturni radar za bočno opazovanje;
(B) skupina dveh znakov pomeni tip nosilca podatkov v skladu s tem dogovorom:
(1) »BI« – črno-beli, izopankromatični;
(2) »BM« – črno-beli, monokromatični;
(3) »BP« – črno-beli, pankromatični;
(4) »BR« – črno-beli, povratni;
(5) »TA« – trak, analogni, ali
(6) »TD« – trak, digitalni.
3. Razporeditev senzorjev se označi z eno samo skupino največ devetih črkovno-številčnih znakov, sestavljenih iz treh skupin, v skladu s tem dogovorom:
(A) skupina štirih črkovno-številčnih znakov pomeni namestitev senzorja na opazovalnem letalu bodisi kot:
(1) notranja namestitev, označena z »INT«, ki ji sledi številka, ki označuje mesto namestitve senzorja na opazovalnem letalu v zaporedju od nosa do repa opazovalnega letala, bodisi
(2) podvesna namestitev, označena s »POD«, ki ji sledi ena od teh treh črk:
(a) »L« – obešeno pod levo krilo;
(b) »R« – obešeno pod desno krilo ali
(c) »C« – obešeno pod trup letala;
(B) skupina največ treh črkovno-številčnih znakov pomeni vrsto namestitve v skladu s tem dogovorom:
(1) pokončna namestitev, pri kateri senzor ni nagnjen za več kot 5 stopinj od navpičnice, se označi s črko »V«;
(2) poševna namestitev, pri kateri je senzor nagnjen za več kot 5 stopinj od navpičnice, se označi z eno od naslednjih črk, ki ji sledi kot nagiba v stopinjah:
(a) »L« – usmerjenost levo;
(b) »R« – usmerjenost desno;
(3) pahljačasta namestitev dveh ali več senzorjev se označi s črko »F«;
(C) pri pahljačasti namestitvi skupina največ dveh številk označuje število in položaj senzorjev v skladu s tem dogovorom:
(1) prva številka označuje skupno število nameščenih senzorjev in
(2) druga številka označuje položaj posameznega senzorja v zaporedju z leve proti desni v smeri leta opazovalnega letala.
4. Žariščna razdalja leče se navede v milimetrih.
5. Datum in čas se navedeta na minuto natančno po GMT.
6. Povprečna višina opazovalnega letala nad tlemi se označi s petmestno številko in z oznako za mersko enoto, pri čemer se čevlji označijo s črko »F«, metri pa z »M«.
7. Zemljepisna širina in dolžina položaja opazovalnega letala se navedeta v stopinjah na stotinko stopinje natančno v formatu »dd.dd (N ali S) ddd.dd (E ali W)« ali v stopinjah in minutah na minuto natančno v formatu »dd mm (N ali S) ddd mm (E ali W)«.
8. Dejanska smer letenja opazovalnega letala se navede v stopinjah na stopinjo natančno.
9. Kot nagiba opazovalnega letala se navede v stopinjah in z oznako nagiba na levo s črko »L« ali desno s črko »R«.
10. Kot naklona opazovalnega letala se navede v stopinjah in z oznako naklona navzgor s črko »U« ali navzdol s črko »D« glede na vodoravnico.
11. Kot zanosa opazovalnega letala se navede v stopinjah in z oznako zanosa v levo s črko »L« ali desno s črko »R« glede na smer leta opazovalnega letala.
12. Hitrost letenja opazovalnega letala nad zemljo se navede s trimestno številko in dvomestno oznako za mersko enoto, za navtične milje s črkama »NM« ali kilometre s črkama »KM« na uro.
13. Najbližja točka širine pasu se navede v kilometrih.
14. Kot gledanja navzdol se navede v stopinjah, merjeno od navpičnice.
15. Širina pasu se navede v kilometrih.
16. Za fotografski film se vsaka kaseta, uporabljena med opazovalnim letom za isti senzor, oštevilči zaporedoma od ena naprej. Vsak posnetek na izvirnem negativu filma, osvetljenem na posameznem senzorju, se posebej oštevilči zaporedoma od prvega do zadnjega posnetka kasete filma za ta senzor. V vsakem primeru, ko je film oštevilčen z eno ali dvema številkama na posnetek, se posamezen posnetek nedvomno opredeli tako, da se določi številka, ki je najbližja sredini posnetka, ali pa manjša cela številka, kadar sta številki enako oddaljeni od sredine.
V skladu z določbami drugega odstavka V. člena pogodbe države pogodbenice, ko določijo opazovalno letalo, obvestijo vse druge države pogodbenice o podatkih, navedenih v nadaljevanju:
1. Podatki za prepoznavanje:
(A) vrsta in model ter
(B) številka, vrsta, tip in razporeditev posameznega senzorja na opazovalnem letalu v skladu z določbami Dodatka B k pogodbi:
2. Načrtovanje naloge:
(A) za vsak tip in razporeditev senzorja na opazovalnem letalu:
(1) pri katerem je ločljivost na zemlji odvisna od višine nad tlemi, višina nad tlemi v metrih, pri kateri ta senzor doseže ločljivost na zemlji za tako vrsto senzorja, kot je določen v drugem odstavku IV. člena pogodbe;
(2) pri katerem ločljivost na zemlji ni odvisna od višine nad tlemi, višina za največji domet;
(B) najugodnejša potovalna hitrost v kilometrih na uro za vsako višino, ki je določena v skladu s pododstavkom (A) tega odstavka;
(C) poraba goriva v kilogramih na uro pri najugodnejši potovalni hitrosti za vsako višino, ki je določena v skladu s pododstavkom (A) tega odstavka.
3. Naprave za navigacijo, zveze in pristajanje:
(A) vsak tip navigacijske opreme v opazovalnem letalu, vključno z njeno natančnostjo določanja položaja v metrih, in
(B) radijske zveze, oprema za prilet in pristajanje v opazovalnem letalu v skladu s standardi in priporočili ICAO.
4. Oskrba na tleh:
(A) dolžina, razpon kril, največja višina, položaj koles in polmer obračanja;
(B) največja vzletna teža in največja pristajalna teža;
(C) dolžina vzletne in pristajalne steze letališča in zahtevana odpornost podlage pri največjih vzletnih in pristajalnih težah, vključno s sposobnostjo pristajanja na neutrjenih površinah;
(D) vrste in količine goriva, olja, hidravličnih tekočin in kisika;
(E) vrste naprav za električno servisiranje in zagon ter
(F) posebne zahteve.
5. Namestitvene zmogljivosti:
(A) število članov posadke letala;
(B) število upravljavcev senzorjev;
(C) število predstavnikov leta, nadzornikov leta ali predstavnikov, ki bi lahko bili v letalu, in
(D) ležišča.
1. Vsaka država pogodbenica ima pravico sodelovati pri certificiranju opazovalnega letala vsake vrste in modela ter z njim povezanega sklopa senzorjev, ki ga je določila druga država pogodbenica v skladu s V. členom pogodbe; pri certificiranju se opazovalno letalo in njegovi senzorji pregledajo na tleh in med letom.
2. Vsako certificiranje se izvede, da se ugotovi:
(A) da določeno letalo po vrsti in modelu ustreza zahtevam V. člena pogodbe;
(B) da so senzorji, nameščeni na opazovalnem letalu, take vrste, kot je določeno v prvem odstavku IV. člena pogodbe, in izpolnjujejo zahteve drugega odstavka IV. člena pogodbe;
(C) da so tehnični podatki predloženi v skladu z določbami I. razdelka Dodatka B k pogodbi;
(D) kadar je senzorjeva ločljivost na zemlji odvisna od višine nad tlemi, najmanjša višina nad tlemi, s katere sme senzor te vrste in modela, nameščen na opazovalnem letalu, delovati med opazovalnim letom v skladu z omejitvijo ločljivosti na zemlji, določeno v drugem odstavku IV. člena pogodbe;
(E) kadar ločljivost na zemlji ni odvisna od višine nad tlemi, ločljivost na zemlji vsakega senzorja te vrste in modela, nameščenega na opazovalnem letalu, v skladu z omejitvijo ločljivosti na zemlji, določeno v drugem odstavku IV. člena pogodbe, ter
(F) da so pokrovi za odprtine senzorjev ali druge naprave, ki onemogočajo delovanje senzorjev, pravilno nameščene v skladu z določbami četrtega odstavka IV. člena pogodbe.
3. Vsaka država pogodbenica, ki izvaja certificiranje, najmanj 60 dni prej uradno obvesti vse druge države pogodbenice o sedemdnevnem obdobju, v katerem bo potekalo certificiranje opazovalnega letala in njegovih senzorjev. Tako uradno obvestilo navaja:
(A) državo pogodbenico, ki izvaja certificiranje opazovalnega letala in njegovih senzorjev;
(B) točko vstopa, na katero naj bi prispelo osebje držav pogodbenic, ki sodelujejo pri certificiranju;
(C) kraj certificiranja;
(D) datuma začetka in konca certificiranja;
(E) številko, vrsto in model vsakega opazovalnega letala, ki se certificira, in
(F) tip in model, opis in razporeditev posameznega senzorja, nameščenega na opazovalnem letalu, ki se certificira, v skladu z obliko, določeno v Prilogi 1 k Dodatku B k pogodbi.
4. Najpozneje v desetih dneh po prejemu uradnega obvestila v skladu z določbami tretjega odstavka tega razdelka vsaka država pogodbenica uradno obvesti vse druge države pogodbenice, da namerava sodelovati pri certificiranju tega letala in njegovih senzorjev v skladu z določbami enajstega odstavka IV. člena. Število oseb, ki bodo sodelovale pri certificiranju iz posameznih držav pogodbenic, ki so uradno sporočile svoj namen sodelovati, določi posvetovalna komisija za odprte zračne prostore. Če ni drugače dogovorjeno, je skupno število oseb omejeno na 40, za posamezno državo pogodbenico pa na štiri. Če dve ali več držav pogodbenic sporoči, da nameravajo izvajati certificiranje v istem obdobju, posvetovalna komisija za odprte zračne prostore odloči, katera v tem obdobju izvede certificiranje.
5. Vsaka država, ki sodeluje pri certificiranju, sporoči državi pogodbenici, ki izvaja certificiranje, najmanj 30 dni pred datumom predvidenega začetka certificiranja opazovalnega letala, kot je bil sporočen v skladu s tretjim odstavkom tega razdelka, naslednje:
(A) imena oseb, ki sodelujejo pri certificiranju, če pa je uporabljeno transportno letalo za prevoz do točke vstopa, tudi imena, spol, datum in kraj rojstva ter številko potnega lista članov posadke. Vse take osebe morajo biti na seznamu oseb, določenih po I. razdelku XIII. člena pogodbe;
(B) datum in predvideni čas prihoda teh oseb na točko vstopa ter
(C) način prevoza do točke vstopa.
6. Najmanj 14 dni pred predvidenim datumom začetka certificiranja, kot je bil sporočen v skladu s tretjim odstavkom tega razdelka, zagotovi država pogodbenica, ki izvaja certificiranje, državam pogodbenicam, ki sodelujejo pri certificiranju, te podatke o vsakem senzorju, nameščenem na opazovalnem letalu, in z njim povezani opremi za razložljivost podatkov, zbranih s senzorji:
(A) opis vsakega sestavnega dela senzorja, vključno z njegovim namenom, in vsako povezavo z opremo za razložljivost podatkov;
(B) fotografijo vsakega senzorja, ločeno od opazovalnega letala, v skladu z naslednjimi zahtevami:
(1) vsak senzor zavzema najmanj 80 odstotkov fotografije v vodoravni ali navpični smeri;
(2) fotografije so lahko barvne ali črno-bele in merijo 18 x 24 centimetrov brez roba ter
(3) na vsaki fotografiji so navedeni vrsta senzorja, tip in model ter ime države pogodbenice, ki daje senzor v certificiranje;
(C) navodila za delovanje senzorja med letom.
7. Če nobena država pogodbenica ne sporoči, da namerava sodelovati pri certificiranju v skladu z določbami petega odstavka tega razdelka, država pogodbenica sama opravi pregled med letom v skladu z določbami III. razdelka tega dodatka in sestavi poročilo o certificiranju v skladu z določbami IV. razdelka tega dodatka.
8. Določbe II. razdelka XIII. člena pogodbe veljajo za osebje vsake države pogodbenice, ki sodeluje pri certificiranju, ves čas njihovega bivanja na ozemlju države, ki izvaja certificiranje.
9. Osebje vsake države pogodbenice, ki sodeluje pri certificiranju, zapusti ozemlje države pogodbenice, ki izvaja certificiranje, takoj po podpisu poročila o certificiranju.
1. Z odobritvijo države pogodbenice, ki izvaja certificiranje, lahko pregled na tleh hkrati izvaja več kot ena država pogodbenica. Države pogodbenice imajo pravico skupaj pregledovati opazovalno letalo in njegove senzorje na tleh. Država pogodbenica, ki izvaja certificiranje, ima pravico določiti število oseb, ki so naenkrat vključene v pregled opazovalnega letala in njegovih senzorjev na tleh.
2. Če ni drugače dogovorjeno, pregled na tleh ne sme preseči trikrat po osem ur za vsako opazovalno letalo in njegove senzorje.
3. Pred začetkom pregleda na tleh država pogodbenica, ki izvaja certificiranje, zagotovi državam pogodbenicam, ki sodelujejo pri certificiranju, te podatke:
(A) za optične panoramske kamere in kamere za posamezne posnetke:
(1) krivuljo prenosa modularnega odziva leče na prostorsko frekvenco (karakteristika frekvence proti kontrastu) pri največji relativni odprtosti leče v linijah na milimeter;
(2) značilnosti črno-belega filma za snemanje iz zraka, ki bo uporabljen za zbiranje podatkov med opazovalnim letom ali za podvajanje teh podatkov v skladu z določbami drugega odstavka I. razdelka Dodatka K k pogodbi;
(3) značilnosti naprav, ki bodo uporabljene za razvijanje izvirnih negativov filma, in duplikatorjev za izdelavo pozitivov in negativov filma v skladu z določbami prvega odstavka I. razdelka Dodatka K k pogodbi ter
(4) testne podatke leta, ki kažejo ločljivost na zemlji kot funkcijo višine nad tlemi za vsak tip filma za snemanje iz zraka, ki bo uporabljen v optični kameri;
(B) za videokamere testne podatke leta iz vseh izhodnih naprav, ki kažejo ločljivost na zemlji kot funkcijo višine nad tlemi;
(C) za infrardeče premočrtne čitalnike testne podatke leta iz vseh izhodnih naprav, ki kažejo ločljivost na zemlji kot funkcijo višine nad tlemi, in
(D) za zbirni aperturni radar za bočno opazovanje testne podatke leta iz vseh izhodnih naprav, ki kažejo ločljivost na zemlji kot funkcijo poševne oddaljenosti od letala.
4. Pred začetkom pregleda na tleh država pogodbenica, ki izvaja certificiranje, obrazloži državi pogodbenici ali državam pogodbenicam, ki sodelujejo pri certificiranju:
(A) svoj načrt za pregled opazovalnega letala in njegovih senzorjev na tleh;
(B) podatke o opazovalnem letalu in njegovih senzorjih ter z njimi povezani opremi, o pokrovih za odprtine senzorjev in drugih napravah, ki onemogočajo delovanje senzorjev, podatke o namestitvi teh naprav na opazovalnem letalu, vključno z diagrami, fotografijami, diapozitivi in drugim vizualnim gradivom;
(C) vse potrebne varnostne ukrepe, ki jih je treba upoštevati med pregledom opazovalnega letala in njegovih senzorjev na tleh, ter
(D) postopke popisa, ki jih nameravajo uporabiti spremljevalci države pogodbenice, ki izvaja certifikacijo, v skladu s šestim odstavkom tega razdelka.
5. Pred začetkom pregleda na tleh vsaka država pogodbenica, ki sodeluje pri certificiranju, predloži državi, ki izvaja certificiranje, seznam vse opreme, ki bo uporabljena med pregledom na tleh ali v zraku. Države pogodbenice, ki izvajajo pregled, smejo vzeti v letalo in uporabljati videokamere, prenosne zvočne snemalne naprave ter prenosne računalnike. Države pogodbenice, ki sodelujejo pri certificiranju, smejo uporabljati še drugo opremo, če jo dovoli država, ki izvaja certificiranje.
6. Države pogodbenice, ki sodelujejo pri certificiranju, skupaj z državo, ki izvaja certificiranje, popišejo vso opremo iz petega odstavka tega razdelka in pregledajo postopke popisa, ki naj zagotovijo, da bo vsa oprema, ki so jo v opazovalno letalo prinesle države pogodbenice, ki sodelujejo pri certificiranju, po končanem pregledu odnesena iz opazovalnega letala.
7. Osebje vsake države pogodbenice, ki sodeluje pri certificiranju, ima med pregledom opazovalnega letala in vsakega na njem nameščenega senzorja pravico:
(A) ugotoviti, da število in razporeditev vsakega senzorja, nameščenega na opazovalnem letalu, ustrezata podatkom, danim v skladu s šestim odstavkom I. razdelka tega dodatka, Dodatkom C in I. razdelkom Dodatka B;
(B) seznaniti se z namestitvijo vsakega senzorja na opazovalnem letalu, vključno z njegovimi sestavnimi deli in povezavami med njimi ter z opremo, ki se uporablja za razložljivost podatkov;
(C) do predstavitve upravljanja in delovanja vsakega senzorja ter
(D) seznaniti se s testnimi podatki leta, danimi v skladu z določbami tretjega odstavka tega razdelka.
8. Na zahtevo katere koli države pogodbenice, ki sodeluje pri certificiranju, država, ki izvaja certificiranje, fotografira vsak senzor, nameščen na opazovalnem letalu, z njim povezano opremo na letalu ali odprtine senzorjev s pokrovi ali druge naprave, ki onemogočajo njihovo delovanje. Te fotografije morajo izpolnjevati zahteve iz 1., 2. in 3. točke pododstavka B šestega odstavka I. razdelka tega dodatka.
9. Država pogodbenica, ki izvaja certificiranje, ima pravico določiti spremljevalce oseb iz držav pogodbenic, ki sodelujejo pri certificiranju, ves čas pregleda na tleh, da ugotavljajo, da dejavnosti potekajo v skladu z določbami tega razdelka. Osebje države, ki izvaja certificiranje, se ne vmešava v dejavnosti držav pogodbenic, ki sodelujejo pri certificiranju, razen če so v nasprotju z varnostnimi ukrepi, predpisanimi v pododstavku (C) četrtega odstavka tega razdelka.
10. Država pogodbenica, ki izvaja certificiranje, omogoči državam pogodbenicam, ki sodelujejo pri certificiranju, dostop do celotnega opazovalnega letala, njegovih senzorjev in z njimi povezane opreme ter jim zagotovi dovolj električne energije za delovanje senzorjev in z njimi povezane opreme. Država pogodbenica, ki izvaja certificiranje, odpre pregrade ali odstrani pokrove ali ovire, tako da je pri certificiranju omogočen pregled vseh senzorjev in z njimi povezane opreme.
11. Ne glede na določbe tega razdelka se pregled na tleh opravi tako, da ne:
(A) zmanjša, ovira ali prepreči poznejšega delovanja opazovalnega letala ali njegovih senzorjev;
(B) spremeni električnega ali mehanskega ustroja opazovalnega letala ali njegovih senzorjev;
(C) zmanjša letalne sposobnosti opazovalnega letala.
12. Države pogodbenice, ki sodelujejo pri certificiranju, imajo z opremo iz petega odstavka tega razdelka pravico meriti, delati zapiske, skice in podobne zapise in posnetke v zvezi z opazovalnim letalom, njegovimi senzorji in z njimi povezano opremo. Tako delovno gradivo lahko država pogodbenica, ki sodeluje pri certificiranju, zadrži in ga ni treba predložiti v pregled ali preverjanje državi pogodbenici, ki izvaja certificiranje.
13. Država pogodbenica, ki izvaja certificiranje, se kar najbolj potrudi, da odgovori na vprašanja držav pogodbenic, ki sodelujejo pri certificiranju, v zvezi s pregledom na tleh.
14. Po končanem pregledu na tleh države pogodbenice, ki sodelujejo pri certificiranju, zapustijo opazovalno letalo, država, ki izvaja certificiranje, pa ima pravico uporabiti svoje postopke popisa v skladu s šestim odstavkom tega razdelka, da ugotovi, ali je bila vsa oprema, uporabljena med pregledom na tleh, v skladu s petim odstavkom tega razdelka odnesena iz opazovalnega letala.
1. Poleg pregleda opazovalnega letala in njegovih senzorjev na tleh država pogodbenica, ki izvaja certificiranje, opravi en pregled senzorjev med letom, kar zadošča, da se:
(A) omogoči opazovanje delovanja vseh senzorjev, nameščenih na opazovalnem letalu;
(B) če je ločljivost na zemlji za senzor odvisna od višine nad tlemi, ugotovi najnižja višina nad tlemi, na kateri vsak senzor tega tipa in modela, ki je nameščen na opazovalnem letalu, deluje med opazovalnim letom v skladu z omejitvijo ločljivosti na zemlji, določeno v drugem odstavku IV. člena pogodbe, ter
(C) če ločljivost na zemlji za senzor ni odvisna od višine nad tlemi, ugotovi, da je ločljivost na zemlji za vsak senzor tega tipa in modela, ki je nameščen na opazovalnem letalu, v skladu z omejitvijo ločljivosti na zemlji, določeno v drugem odstavku IV. člena pogodbe.
2. Pred začetkom pregleda med letom država pogodbenica, ki izvaja certificiranje, obrazloži državam pogodbenicam, ki sodelujejo pri certificiranju, svoj načrt za izvedbo pregleda med letom. Ta obrazložitev vsebuje:
(A) diagram kalibracijskih tarč, ki jih namerava uporabiti pri pregledu med letom v skladu z določbami petega odstavka I. razdelka Priloge 1 k temu dodatku;
(B) predvideni čas, vremenske razmere, število preletov, smer in višino nad tlemi pri vsakem preletu nad kalibracijsko tarčo za vsak senzor, ki mora biti certificiran, ter
(C) vse potrebne varnostne ukrepe, ki jih je treba upoštevati med pregledom opazovalnega letala in njegovih senzorjev med letom.
3. Pred in med pregledom med letom imajo države pogodbenice, ki sodelujejo pri certificiranju, pravico ogledati si namestitev kalibracijskih tarč. Država pogodbenica, ki izvaja certificiranje, priskrbi ustrezno opremo, s katero se ugotovi, da kalibracijske tarče ustrezajo zahtevam iz I. razdelka Priloge 1 k temu dodatku.
4. Razen če ni drugače dogovorjeno, se pregled med letom izvede ob jasnem vremenu podnevi nad kalibracijskimi tarčami, ki ustrezajo vsaki vrsti senzorjev na opazovalnem letalu, v skladu z določbami II. razdelka Priloge 1 k temu dodatku, da se določi ločljivost na zemlji za vsak senzor.
5. Država pogodbenica, ki izvaja certificiranje, zagotovi pri pregledu senzorjev med letom podatke o vremenskih razmerah na kraju kalibracijskih tarč, ki so potrebni za izračune po postopkih, določenih v III. razdelku Priloge 1 k temu dodatku.
6. Vsaka država pogodbenica ima pravico določiti osebje, ki sodeluje pri pregledu med letom. Če število tako določenih oseb presega zmogljivost opazovalnega letala za prevoz potnikov, se države pogodbenice, ki sodelujejo pri certificiranju, dogovorijo, kdo od njihovega osebja sodeluje pri pregledu med letom.
7. Osebje držav pogodbenic, določeno po šestem odstavku tega razdelka, ima pravico opazovati, kako osebje države, ki izvaja certificiranje, upravlja senzorje.
8. Osebje držav pogodbenic, ki sodelujejo pri certificiranju, ima pravico opazovati odpečatenje kasete filma ter shranitev in obdelavo izvirnega negativa filma, osvetljenega med letom, ter ravnanje z njim v skladu z določbami II. razdelka Dodatka K k pogodbi.
1. Po končanem pregledu na tleh in med letom senzorske podatke in podatke s kalibracijskih tarč skupaj pregledajo država pogodbenica, ki izvaja certificiranje, in države pogodbenice, ki sodelujejo pri certificiranju. Države pogodbenice pripravijo poročilo o certificiranju, ki ugotavlja:
(A) da sta tip in model opazovalnega letala določena v skladu s V. členom pogodbe;
(B) da senzorji, nameščeni na opazovalnem letalu, spadajo v vrsto senzorjev, ki jo določa prvi odstavek IV. člena pogodbe, in ustrezajo zahtevam drugega odstavka IV. člena pogodbe;
(C) da so bili tehnični podatki o senzorjih dani v skladu s 1. razdelkom Dodatka B k pogodbi;
(D) da je, če je ločljivost na zemlji za senzor odvisna od višine nad tlemi, najnižja višina nad tlemi, na kateri sme vsak tak senzor tega tipa in modela, nameščen na opazovalnem letalu, delovati med opazovalnim letom, v skladu z omejitvijo ločljivosti na zemlji, določeno v drugem odstavku IV. člena pogodbe;
(E) da je, če ločljivost na zemlji za senzor ni odvisna od višine nad tlemi, ločljivost na zemlji za vsak tak senzor tega tipa in modela, nameščen na opazovalnem letalu, skladna z omejitvami ločljivosti na zemlji, določenimi v drugem odstavku IV. člena pogodbe, ter
(F) da pokrovi za odprtine senzorjev ali druge naprave, ki onemogočajo delovanje senzorjev, ustrezajo določbam četrtega odstavka IV. člena pogodbe.
2. Poročilu o certificiranju se priloži kopija podatkov za vsak senzor v skladu z določbami šestega odstavka I. razdelka ter tretjega in osmega odstavka II. razdelka tega dodatka.
3. Država pogodbenica, ki izvaja certificiranje, pošlje kopije poročila o certificiranju vsem drugim državam pogodbenicam. Države pogodbenice, ki niso sodelovale pri certificiranju, nimajo pravice zavrniti sklepnih ugotovitev poročila o certificiranju.
4. Šteje se, da je opazovalno letalo skupaj s senzorji certificirano, razen če se države pogodbenice, ki sodelujejo pri certificiranju, ne morejo sporazumeti o vsebini poročila o certificiranju.
5. Če se država pogodbenica, ki izvaja certificiranje, in države pogodbenice, ki sodelujejo pri certificiranju, ne morejo sporazumeti o vsebini poročila o certificiranju, se opazovalno letalo ne sme uporabiti za opazovalne lete, dokler zadeva ni rešena.
Ločljivost na zemlji za vsak senzor, nameščen na opazovalnem letalu, kadar pa je njegovo delovanje odvisno od višine nad tlemi, tudi najnižja višina nad tlemi, pri kateri je dovoljeno upravljati senzor med opazovalnim letom, se določita in potrdita na podlagi podatkov, zbranih nad kalibracijskimi tarčami, ki ustrezajo posamezni vrsti senzorja v skladu z značilnostmi iz I. razdelka, ter izračunata v skladu s postopki, ki jih določi posvetovalna komisija za odprte zračne prostore.
1. Kalibracijske tarče priskrbi država pogodbenica, ki izvaja certificiranje, v skladu z določbami Dodatka D k pogodbi. Uporabijo se za določanje ločljivosti na zemlji za senzorje, in sicer za vsak tip vsake vrste senzorja, in označijo v skladu s tu navedenimi značilnostmi.
2. Kalibracijske tarče za ugotavljanje ločljivosti na zemlji za optične kamere sestavljajo izmenične črne in bele proge. Vsaka skupina prog mora imeti najmanj dve črni progi, ločeni z belo progo. Širina črnih in belih prog v skupini se ne sme spreminjati. Širina prog v skupinah prog kalibracijske tarče se spreminja v primernih stopnjah, da se zagotovi točna meritev ločljivosti na zemlji. Dolžina prog v okviru skupine se ne spreminja. Kontrastno razmerje med belimi in črnimi progami je enako za vso tarčo in mora biti vsaj 5 proti 1 (kar ustreza modulaciji 0,66).
3. Kalibracijske tarče za ugotavljanje ločljivosti na zemlji za infrardeče premočrtne čitalnike določi posvetovalna komisija za odprte zračne prostore med začasno uporabo pogodbe.
4. Kalibracijske tarče za ugotavljanje ločljivosti na zemlji za zbirni aperturni radar za bočno opazovanje so sestavljene iz piramidastih kotnih reflektorjev, razporejenih v skladu s postopki, ki jih določi posvetovalna komisija za odprte zračne prostore med začasno uporabo pogodbe.
5. Vsaka država pogodbenica predloži vsem drugim državam pogodbenicam diagrame kalibracijskih tarč, ki jih namerava uporabiti za pregled med letom. Na teh diagramih so navedeni velikost kalibracijskih tarč, kraj njihove namestitve in vrsta terena, na katerem so postavljene, ter podatki za vsak tip kalibracijske tarče, kot jih določi posvetovalna komisija za odprte zračne prostore med začasno uporabo pogodbe.
1. Za ugotavljanje ločljivosti na zemlji za panoramske ali navpično nameščene kamere za posamezne posnetke mora biti smer leta opazovalnega letala neposredno nad kalibracijsko tarčo in vzporedno z njo. Za ugotavljanje ločljivosti na zemlji za poševno nameščene kamere za posamezne posnetke mora biti smer leta opazovalnega letala vzporedna s kalibracijsko tarčo na taki razdalji, da se slika kalibracijske tarče pojavi v ospredju vidnega polja optične kamere pri največjem kotu, merjenem od vodoravnice, ali pri najmanjšem kotu, merjenem od navpičnice.
2. Za ugotavljanje ločljivosti na zemlji za infrardeče premočrtne čitalnike mora biti smer leta opazovalnega letala neposredno nad kalibracijsko tarčo in vzporedno z njo na dogovorjeni višini nad tlemi.
3. Za ugotavljanje ločljivosti na zemlji za zbirni aperturni radar za bočno opazovanje mora biti smer leta opazovalnega letala bočno od razvrščenih kotnih reflektorjev.
1. Po končanem pregledu med letom država pogodbenica, ki izvaja certificiranje, in države pogodbenice, ki sodelujejo pri certificiranju, skupno analizirajo podatke, zbrane pri pregledu med letom, v skladu s prvim odstavkom IV. razdelka Dodatka D k pogodbi.
2. Postopek za izračun najmanjše višine nad tlemi, pri kateri je dovoljeno upravljati posamezno optično kamero na opazovalnem letalu med opazovalnim letom, vključno z vrednostjo kontrastnega razmerja ali z enakovredno modulacijo, ki se uporabi pri tem izračunu in naj ne bo manjša od 1,6: 1 (temu ustreza 0,23) in ne večja od 4: 1 (temu ustreza 0,6), določi posvetovalna komisija za odprte zračne prostore med začasno uporabo pogodbe in pred 30. junijem 1992. Ločljivost na zemlji za optične kamere se določi z vizualno analizo slike kalibracijske tarče na izvirnem negativu filma. Številčna vrednost ločljivosti na zemlji je enaka širini najožje proge kalibracijske tarče, ki se še razloči kot ločena proga.
3. Postopek za izračun najmanjše višine nad tlemi, pri kateri je dovoljeno upravljati posamezno videokamero na opazovalnem letalu med opazovalnim letom, določi posvetovalna komisija za odprte zračne prostore med začasno uporabo pogodbe.
4. Postopek za izračun najmanjše višine nad tlemi, pri kateri je dovoljeno upravljati infrardeči premočrtni čitalnik na opazovalnem letalu med opazovalnim letom, vključno z vrednostjo najmanjše ločljive temperaturne razlike, ki se uporabi pri tem izračunu, določi posvetovalna komisija za odprte zračne prostore med začasno uporabo pogodbe.
5. Postopek za izračun ločljivosti na zemlji, pri kateri je dovoljeno upravljati zbirni aperturni radar za bočno opazovanje, vključno z ugotavljanjem razmerja med metodo impulznega odziva in metodo ločljivosti objekta, določi posvetovalna komisija za odprte zračne prostore med začasno uporabo pogodbe.
1. Vsaka država pogodbenica na svojem ozemlju določi eno ali več točk vstopa, eno ali več točk izstopa in eno ali več letališč odprtih zračnih prostorov. Točke vstopa in točke izstopa so lahko tudi letališča odprtih zračnih prostorov. Če ni drugače dogovorjeno in če točka vstopa ni letališče odprtih zračnih prostorov, se letališče odprtih zračnih prostorov določi tako, da ga opazovalka lahko doseže v petih urah od točke vstopa s svojim opazovalnim letalom ali prevoznim sredstvom, ki ga priskrbi opazovanka. Opazovalka ima po prihodu na točko vstopa ali na letališče odprtih zračnih prostorov pravico do počitka, kot je določeno v VI. členu pogodbe.
2. Vsaka država pogodbenica ima pravico določiti stalne točke vstopa in stalne točke izstopa. Če se država pogodbenica odloči določiti stalne točke vstopa in izstopa, naj te točke olajšujejo let z ozemlja opazovalke do točke vstopa na ozemlju opazovanke. Načrtovani leti med stalnimi točkami vstopa in točkami vstopa ter med točkami izstopa in stalnimi točkami izstopa morajo biti izvedeni v skladu s standardi in priporočili ICAO ter nacionalnimi predpisi. Če so deli letov med stalnimi točkami vstopa in točkami vstopa ali med točkami izstopa in stalnimi točkami izstopa v mednarodnem zračnem prostoru, mora biti let skozi mednarodni zračni prostor usklajen z objavljenimi mednarodnimi predpisi.
3. V Prilogi 1 k temu dodatku so navedeni podatki o točkah vstopa in izstopa, letališčih odprtih zračnih prostorov, stalnih točkah vstopa in izstopa, letališčih za polnjenje z gorivom in o kalibracijskih tarčah.
4. Država pogodbenica ima pravico spremeniti Prilogo 1 k temu dodatku, s tem da najpozneje 90 dni pred začetkom veljavnosti sprememb pisno uradno obvesti vse druge države pogodbenice o teh spremembah.
5. Vsaka država pogodbenica zagotovi uspešno opazovanje svojega celotnega ozemlja, in sicer:
(A) na kopenskem delu ozemlja se letališča odprtih zračnih prostorov določijo tako, da ni nobena točka ozemlja od enega ali več takih letališč oddaljena več kot 35 odstotkov največje razdalje ali razdalj leta, določenih za to državo pogodbenico v skladu z Dodatkom A k pogodbi;
(B) za dele ozemlja, ločene od kopnega:
(1) država pogodbenica uporablja določbe pododstavka (A) tega odstavka, ali
(2) če so del ali deli ozemlja več kot 600 kilometrov oddaljeni od kopnega ali če se tako dogovorita ta država pogodbenica in opazovalka ali če je v Dodatku A predvideno drugače, ta država pogodbenica zagotovi posebne postopke, vključno z možno uporabo letališč za polnjenje z gorivom, ali
(3) če so del ali deli ozemlja ločeni od kopnega manj kot 600 kilometrov in ti deli ne spadajo pod določbe pododstavka (A) tega odstavka, lahko ta država pogodbenica v Dodatku A določi posebej navedeno največjo razdaljo leta, ki pokriva tak del ali dele njenega ozemlja.
6. Takoj ob prihodu opazovalnega letala na točko vstopa in tik pred odhodom opazovalnega letala s točke izstopa opazovanka in opazovalka pregledata pokrove za odprtine senzorjev ali druge naprave, ki onemogočajo delovanje senzorjev in so nameščene v skladu s četrtim odstavkom IV. člena. Če točka vstopa ni letališče odprtih zračnih prostorov, s katerega se začne opazovalni let, opazovanka in opazovalka pregledata pokrove za odprtine senzorjev ali druge naprave, ki onemogočajo delovanje senzorjev, tik pred odhodom opazovalnega letala s točke vstopa na pot do letališča odprtih zračnih prostorov, s katerega se začne opazovalni let. Če točka izstopa ni letališče odprtih zračnih prostorov, na katerem se opazovalni let konča, opazovanka in opazovalka pregledata pokrove za odprtine senzorjev ali druge naprave, ki onemogočajo delovanje senzorjev, tik pred odhodom opazovalnega letala s tega letališča do točke izstopa.
7. Država pogodbenica ima pravico pregledati in popisati vso opremo, ki jo namerava druga država pogodbenica uporabiti za pregled senzorjev pred letom, in če ustreza, opazovalnega letala, ter predmete, ki jih nameravajo v opazovalno letalo prinesti predstavniki leta. Pregled in popis:
(A) se začneta najpozneje eno uro po prihodu na točko vstopa ali na letališče odprtih zračnih prostorov po izbiri države, ki popisuje, in se končata v eni uri ter
(B) se izvedeta v prisotnosti ene ali več oseb, ki jih je določila druga država pogodbenica.
8. Če med pregledom in popisom opreme, ki naj bi se uporabila pri pregledu senzorjev, in če to ustreza, opazovalnega letala, ter predmetov, ki jih nameravajo v opazovalno letalo prinesti predstavniki leta, država pogodbenica, ki pregleduje in popisuje, ugotovi, da oprema in predmeti ne ustrezajo seznamu uradno dovoljene opreme iz petega odstavka II. razdelka Dodatka D ali predmetom, opisanim v četrtem odstavku I. razdelka Dodatka G, ima država pogodbenica pravico, da ne da dovoljenja za njihovo uporabo. Take predmete, ki jih je osebje opazovalke prineslo na ozemlje opazovanke, je treba, če ni drugače dogovorjeno:
(A) shraniti v zapečatenem zabojniku in
(B) nato z ozemlja opazovanke odstraniti ob prvi priložnosti, vendar najpozneje ob odhodu opazovalke z ozemlja opazovanke.
9. Če opazovalka do točke vstopa, določene v uradnem obvestilu, ki je bilo dano v skladu s petim odstavkom I. razdelka IV. člena pogodbe, potuje s transportnim letalom, registriranim v opazovalki ali drugi državi pogodbenici, sme transportno letalo:
(A) odleteti z ozemlja opazovanke;
(B) če je točka vstopa enaka točki izstopa, ostati na točki vstopa do odhoda opazovalke z ozemlja opazovanke, ali
(C) če točka vstopa ni enaka točki izstopa, leteti do točke izstopa v času, ki omogoča posadki dodatni počitek pred odhodom vsega osebja opazovalke z ozemlja opazovanke.
10. Če je opazovalno letalo priskrbela opazovanka in opazovalka ne namerava uporabiti lastnega transportnega letala za prevoz svojega osebja s točke vstopa do letališča odprtih zračnih prostorov, opazovanka zagotovi, da je vse osebje opazovalke pripeljano s točke vstopa do letališča odprtih zračnih prostorov in z letališča odprtih zračnih prostorov do točke izstopa.
Kraji, ki bodo uporabljeni kot točke vstopa, točke izstopa, letališča odprtih zračnih prostorov, letališča za polnjenje z gorivom, kalibracijske tarče, in če ustreza, stalne točke vstopa in stalne točke izstopa so začetno določeni v II. razdelku te priloge. Določitev vsebuje:
(A) kraj: ime točke vstopa, točke izstopa, letališča odprtih zračnih prostorov, stalne točke vstopa, stalne točke izstopa, letališča za polnjenje z gorivom in kalibracijske tarče;
(B) položaj: zemljepisno širino in dolžino omenjenih krajev na sekundo natančno ter
(C) pregled: ali je lahko pregled letala ali senzorjev izveden pred letom na tem kraju.
Država pogodbenica: Zvezna republika Nemčija
                       TOČKA VSTOPA/IZSTOPA
KRAJ                   POLOŽAJ                          PREGLED
Köln/Bonn              N 50-52-02                          da
(EDDK)                 E 007-08-37
KRAJ                   POLOŽAJ                          PREGLED
Wunstorf               N 52-27-48                          ne
(EDNW)                 E 009-25-70
Landsberg ob Lechu     N 48-04-28                          ne
(EDSA)                 E 010-54-42
                       STALNE TOČKE VSTOPA/IZSTOPA
                       Bodo določene.
                       KALIBRACIJSKE TARČE
KRAJ                   POLOŽAJ
Köln/Bonn              Bo določen.
Država pogodbenica: Združene države Amerike
                       TOČKI VSTOPA/IZSTOPA
KRAJ                   POLOŽAJ                          PREGLED
Washington Dulles,     N 38-56-36                          da
mednarodno, DC         W 077-27-24
Travis AFB             N 38-15-48                          da
Kalifornija            W 121-55-48
KRAJ                   POLOŽAJ                          PREGLED
Washington Dulles,     N 38-56-36                          da
mednarodno, DC         W 077-27-24
Travis AFB             N 38-15-48                          da
Kalifornija            W 121-55-48
Elmendorf AFB          N 61-15-12                          da
Aljaska                W 149-47-30
Lincoln Municipal      N 40-51-00
Nebraska               W 096-45-30                         ne
                       STALNE TOČKE VSTOPA/IZSTOPA
                       Bodo določene.
Honolulu, mednarodno   N 21-19-06
Havaji                 W 157-55-24
Malmstrom AFB          N 47-30-18
Montana                W 111-11-00
Phoenix-Sky Harbor,    N 33-26-12
mednarodno, Arizona    W 112-00-24
General Mitchel,       N 42-56-48
mednarodno, Wisconsin  W 087-53-36
McGhee Tyson           N 35-48-48
Tennessee              W 083-59-36
                       KALIBRACIJSKE TARČE
KRAJ                   POLOŽAJ
Washington Dulles      Bo določen.
Travis AFB             Bo določen.
Elmendorf AFB          Bo določen.
Država pogodbenica: Republika Belorusija in Ruska federacija kot skupina
držav pogodbenic
                       TOČKI VSTOPA/IZSTOPA
KRAJ                   POLOŽAJ                          PREGLED
Kubinka                N 55-36-30                          da
                       E 036-39-10
Ulan-Ude               N 51-48-00                          da
                       E 107-27-00
KRAJ                   POLOŽAJ                          PREGLED
Kubinka                N 55-36-30                          da
                       E 036-39-10
Ulan-Ude               N 51-48-00
                       E 107-27-00                         da
Magadan                N 59-54-06                          ne
                       E 150-03-01
Vorkuta                N 67-29-00                          ne
                       E 063-59-00
                       STALNE TOČKE VSTOPA/IZSTOPA
                       Bodo določene.
                       KALIBRACIJSKE TARČE
KRAJ                   POLOŽAJ
Država pogodbenica: Beneluks
                       TOČKA VSTOPA/IZSTOPA
KRAJ                   POLOŽAJ                          PREGLED
Zaventem/              N 50-54-01                          da
Melsbroek              W 004-59-09
KRAJ                   POLOŽAJ                          PREGLED
Zaventem/              N 50-54-01                          da
Melsbroek              W 004-59-09
                       STALNE TOČKE VSTOPA/IZSTOPA
                       Bodo določene.
                       KALIBRACIJSKE TARČE
KRAJ                   POLOŽAJ
Volkel                 N 54-39-03
                       W 005-42-02
Država pogodbenica: Republika Bolgarija
                       TOČKA VSTOPA/IZSTOPA
KRAJ                   POLOŽAJ                          PREGLED
Sofija                 N 42-41-07                          da
                       E 023-24-05
KRAJ                   POLOŽAJ                          PREGLED
Sofija                 N 42-41-07                          da
                       E 023-24-25
Burgas                 N 42-34-00                          ne
                       E 027-30-00
                       STALNE TOČKE VSTOPA/IZSTOPA
                       Bodo določene.
KRAJ                   POLOŽAJ
Sofija                 N 42-41-07
                       E 023-24-05
Burgas                 N 42-34-00
                       E 027-30-00
                       KALIBRACIJSKE TARČE
KRAJ                   POLOŽAJ
Država pogodbenica: Kanada
                       TOČKA VSTOPA/IZSTOPA
KRAJ                   POLOŽAJ                          PREGLED
Ottawa                 N 45-19-21                          da
(Cyow)                 W 075-40-10
KRAJ                   POLOŽAJ                          PREGLED
Ottawa                 N 45-19-21                          da
                       W 075-40-10
Iqaluit                N 63-45-22                          ne
                       W 068-33-25
Yellowknife            N 62-27-45                          ne
                       W 114-26-20
                       STALNE TOČKE VSTOPA/IZSTOPA
                       Bodo določene.
KRAJ                   POLOŽAJ
Edmonton               N 53-18-35
                       W 113-34-43
Halifax                N 44-52-51
                       W 063-30-33
Winnipeg               N 49-54-39
                       W 097-14-35
Churchill              N 58-44-13
                       W 094-03-26
                       KALIBRACIJSKE TARČE
KRAJ                   POLOŽAJ
Območje Ottawe         Bo določen.
Država pogodbenica: Kraljevina Danska
                       TOČKI VSTOPA/IZSTOPA
KRAJ                   POLOŽAJ                          PREGLED
Köbenhavn,             N 55-37-07                          ne
mednarodno             E 012-39-26
vojaško                N 55-46-09                          da
letališče              E 012-19-34
KRAJ                   POLOŽAJ                          PREGLED
vojaško                N 55-46-09                          da
letališče              E 012-19-34
                       STALNE TOČKE VSTOPA/IZSTOPA
                       Bodo določene.
KRAJ                   POLOŽAJ
Vagar,                 N 62-03-51
letališče              W 007-16-26
Soendre                N 67-01-05
Stroemfjord,           W 050-41-39
                       KALIBRACIJSKE TARČE
KRAJ                   POLOŽAJ
vojaško                N 55-46-09
letališče              E 012-19-34
Država pogodbenica: Kraljevina Španija
                       TOČKA VSTOPA/IZSTOPA
KRAJ                   POLOŽAJ                          PREGLED
Getafe                 N 40-17-43                          da
                       W 003-43-21
KRAJ                   POLOŽAJ                          PREGLED
Gando                  N 27-55-49                          da
                       W 015-23-05
KRAJ                   POLOŽAJ                          PREGLED
Getafe                 N 40-17-43                          da
                       W 003-43-21
Valencia               N 39-29-26                          ne
                       W 000-28-50
Valladolid             N 41-42-26                          ne
                       W 004-51-02
Moron                  N 37-10-34                          ne
                       W 005-36-53
                       STALNE TOČKE VSTOPA/IZSTOPA
                       Bodo določene.
                       Jih ni.
                       KALIBRACIJSKE TARČE
KRAJ                   POLOŽAJ
Država pogodbenica: Francoska republika
                       TOČKA VSTOPA/IZSTOPA
KRAJ                   POLOŽAJ                          PREGLED
Orleans Bricy          N 47-59-12                          da
                       E 001-45-43
KRAJ                   POLOŽAJ                          PREGLED
Orleans Bricy          N 47-59-12                          da
                       E 001-45-43
Toulouse Blagnac       N 43-37-26                          ne
                       E 001-22-53
Nica –Azurna obala     N 43-39-47                          ne
                       E 007-12-09
                       STALNE TOČKE VSTOPA/IZSTOPA
                       Bodo določene.
                       Jih ni.
                       KALIBRACIJSKE TARČE
KRAJ                   POLOŽAJ
Država pogodbenica: Združeno kraljestvo Velika Britanija in Severna Irska
                       TOČKI VSTOPA/IZSTOPA
KRAJ                   POLOŽAJ                          PREGLED
Brize Norton           N 51-44-97                          da
                       W 001-34-93
Heathrow               N 51-28-72                          ne
                       W 000-27-47
    OPOMBA: Hethrow je namenjen le za prihod osebja na rednih potniških
linijah. Ni za opazovalna ali transportna letala.
KRAJ                   POLOŽAJ                          PREGLED
Brize Norton           N 51-44-97                          da
                       W 001-34-93
Scampton               N 53-18-45                          da
                       W 000-32-95
Leuchars               N 55-22-38                          da
                       W 000-52-03
                       STALNE TOČKE VSTOPA/IZSTOPA
                       Določila jih bo FAA.
                       Jih ni.
                       KALIBRACIJSKE TARČE
KRAJ                   POLOŽAJ
Boscombe down          N 51-09-10
                       W 001-44-76
Država pogodbenica: Helenska republika
                       TOČKA VSTOPA/IZSTOPA
KRAJ                   POLOŽAJ                          PREGLED
Solun,                 N 40-27-22                          da
mednarodno             E 022-59-21
KRAJ                   POLOŽAJ                          PREGLED
Solun,                 N 40-27-22                          da
mednarodno             E 022-59-21
Elefsis                N 38-04-00                          da
                       E 023-33-38
                       STALNA TOČKE VSTOPA/IZSTOPA
Chouchouligovo         N 41-24-40
                       E 023-22-02
                       KALIBRACIJSKE TARČE
KRAJ                   POLOŽAJ
Država pogodbenica: Republika Madžarska
                       TOČKI VSTOPA/IZSTOPA
KRAJ                   POLOŽAJ                          PREGLED
Budimpešta Ferihegy    N 47-26-18                          da
(LHBP)                 E 019-15-48
Tokol                  N 47-21-14                          da
(LHTL)                 E 018-58-08
KRAJ                   POLOŽAJ                          PREGLED
Budimpešta Ferihegy    N 47-26-18                          da
(LHBP)                 E 019-15-48
Tokol                  N 47-21-14                          da
(LHTL)                 E 018-58-08
                       STALNE TOČKE VSTOPA/IZSTOPA
                       Bodo določene.
                       Jih ni.
                       KALIBRACIJSKE TARČE
KRAJ                   POLOŽAJ
                       Bo določen.
Država pogodbenica: Republika Islandija
                       TOČKA VSTOPA/IZSTOPA
KRAJ                   POLOŽAJ                          PREGLED
Keflavik               N 63-59-48                          da
                       W 022-36-30
KRAJ                   POLOŽAJ                          PREGLED
                       N 63-59-07
                       W 022-36-20
                       STALNE TOČKE VSTOPA/IZSTOPA
                       Bodo določene.
KRAJ                   POLOŽAJ
                       KALIBRACIJSKE TARČE
KRAJ                   POLOŽAJ
Država pogodbenica: Italijanska republika
                       TOČKI VSTOPA/IZSTOPA
KRAJ                   POLOŽAJ                          PREGLED
Milano Malpensa        N 45-38-00                          da
                       E 008-44-00
Palermo Punta          N 38-10-40                          da
Raisi                  E 013-05-20
KRAJ                   POLOŽAJ                          PREGLED
Milano Malpensa        N 45-38-00                          da
                       E 008-44-00
Palermo Punta          N 38-10-40                          da
Raisi                  E 013-05-20
                       STALNE TOČKE VSTOPA/IZSTOPA
                       Bodo določene.
                       navedeni letališči odprtih zračnih prostorov
                       KALIBRACIJSKE TARČE
KRAJ                   POLOŽAJ
Država pogodbenica: Kraljevina Norveška
                       TOČKA VSTOPA/IZSTOPA
KRAJ                   POLOŽAJ                          PREGLED
Oslo Gardermoen        N 60-12-10                          da
(ENGM)                 E 011-05-08
KRAJ                   POLOŽAJ                          PREGLED
Oslo Gardermoen        N 60-12-10                          da
(ENGM)                 E 011-05-08
Tromsoe Langnes        N 69-40-53                          ne
(ENTC)                 E 018-55-10
                       STALNE TOČKE VSTOPA/IZSTOPA
                       Bodo določene.
KRAJ                   POLOŽAJ
Trondheim Vaernes      N 63-27-29
(ENVA)                 E 010-55-33
                       KALIBRACIJSKE TARČE
KRAJ                   POLOŽAJ
Država pogodbenica: Republika Poljska
                       TOČKA VSTOPA/IZSTOPA
KRAJ                   POLOŽAJ                          PREGLED
Varšava Okecie         N 52-13-10                          da
                       E 021-01-10
KRAJ                   POLOŽAJ                          PREGLED
Varšava Okecie         N 52-13-10                          da
                       E 021-01-10
                       STALNE TOČKE VSTOPA/IZSTOPA
                       Bodo določene.
                       KALIBRACIJSKE TARČE
KRAJ                   POLOŽAJ
Država pogodbenica: Portugalska republika
                       TOČKA VSTOPA/IZSTOPA
KRAJ                   POLOŽAJ                          PREGLED
Lizbona,               N 38-46-22                          da
mednarodno             W 009-07-58
KRAJ                   POLOŽAJ                          PREGLED
Santa Maria            N 36-58-22                          ne
                       W 025-10-17
Porto Santo            N 33-04-01                          ne
                       W 016-20-44
                       STALNE TOČKE VSTOPA/IZSTOPA
                       Bodo določene.
Lizbona,               N 38-46-22
mednarodno             W 009-07-58
Santa Maria,           N 36-58-22
mednarodno             W 025-10-17
Porto Santo            N 33-04-01
                       W 016-20-44
                       KALIBRACIJSKE TARČE
KRAJ                   POLOŽAJ
Lizbona,               Bo določen.
Država pogodbenica: Romunija
                       TOČKI VSTOPA/IZSTOPA
KRAJ                   POLOŽAJ                          PREGLED
Bukarešta Otopeni,     N 44-34-30                          da
mednarodno             E 026-05-10
Temišvar,              N 45-48-37                          da
letališče              E 021-20-22
KRAJ                   POLOŽAJ                          PREGLED
Bukarešta Otopeni,     N 44-34-30                          da
mednarodno             E 026-05-10
Temišvar,              N 45-48-37                          da
letališče              E 021-20-22
Bacau,                 N 46-31-19                          ne
letališče              E 026-54-41
                       STALNE TOČKE VSTOPA/IZSTOPA
                       Bodo določene.
KRAJ                   POLOŽAJ
Bukarešta Otopeni,     N 44-34-30
mednarodno             E 026-05-10
Temišvar,              N 45-48-37
letališče              E 021-20-22
                       KALIBRACIJSKE TARČE
KRAJ                   POLOŽAJ
Urlati                 N 45-55-45
                       E 026-05-11
Dunavat                N 45-02-10
Nord Murighiol         E 029-13-20
Država pogodbenica: Češka in slovaška federativna republika
                       TOČKA VSTOPA/IZSTOPA
KRAJ                   POLOŽAJ                          PREGLED
Praga,                 N 50-06-10                          da
mednarodno             E 014-15-40
KRAJ                   POLOŽAJ                          PREGLED
Praga,                 N 50-06-10                          da
mednarodno             E 014-15-40
Bratislava,            N 49-10-10                          ne
mednarodno             E 017-12-50
Košice,                N 48-40-10                          ne
mednarodno             E 021-14-40
                       STALNE TOČKE VSTOPA/IZSTOPA
                       Bodo določene.
KRAJ                   POLOŽAJ
Bratislava,            N 49-10-10
mednarodno             E 017-12-50
Košice,                N 48-40-10
mednarodno             E 021-14-40
                       KALIBRACIJSKE TARČE
KRAJ                   POLOŽAJ
Praga,                 Bo določen.
Država pogodbenica: Republika Turčija
                       TOČKI VSTOPA/IZSTOPA
KRAJ                   POLOŽAJ                          PREGLED
Eskkisehir             N 39-47-00                          da
                       E 030-35-00
Diyarbakir             N 30-50-00                          da
                       E 040-05-00
KRAJ                   POLOŽAJ                          PREGLED
Eskisehir              N 39-47-00                          da
                       E 030-35-00
Diyarbakir             N 30-50-00                          da
                       E 040-05-00
                       STALNE TOČKE VSTOPA/IZSTOPA
                       Bodo določene.
                       Bodo določena.
                       KALIBRACIJSKE TARČE
KRAJ                   POLOŽAJ
Eskisehir              Bo določen.
Diyarbakir             Bo določen.
Država pogodbenica: Ukrajina
                       TOČKA VSTOPA/IZSTOPA
KRAJ                   POLOŽAJ                          PREGLED
Borispol/Kijev         N 50-20-07                          da
                       E 030-53-07
KRAJ                   POLOŽAJ                          PREGLED
Borispol/Kijev         N 50-20-07                          da
                       E 030-53-07
                       STALNE TOČKE VSTOPA/IZSTOPA
                       Bodo določene.
KRAJ                   POLOŽAJ
Lvov                   N 49-48-07
                       E 023-57-03
Odesa                  N 46-25-06
                       E 030-40-07
                       KALIBRACIJSKE TARČE
KRAJ                   POLOŽAJ
1. Namen pregleda opazovalnega letala in senzorjev, ki jih je priskrbela opazovalka pred letom, je potrditi, da opazovalno letalo, njegovi senzorji in z njimi povezana oprema ustrezajo certificiranim v skladu z določbami Dodatka D k pogodbi. Opazovanka ima pravico pred letom pregledati opazovalno letalo in njegove senzorje, ki jih je priskrbela opazovalka, da ugotovi, da:
(A) opazovalno letalo, njegovi senzorji in z njimi povezana oprema, vključno z lečami in fotografskim filmom, ustrezajo certificiranim v skladu z določbami Dodatka D k pogodbi in
(B) v opazovalnem letalu ni druge opreme kot tista, ki jo dovoljuje IV. člen pogodbe.
2. Ob prihodu opazovalnega letala na točko vstopa opazovanka:
(A) priskrbi seznam inšpektorjev, katerih število je največ deset, če ni drugače dogovorjeno, in opis splošnih nalog vsakega inšpektorja;
(B) priskrbi seznam opreme, ki jo nameravajo uporabiti za pregled pred letom v skladu s petim odstavkom II. razdelka Dodatka D k pogodbi, in
(C) seznani opazovalko s svojim načrtom za pregled opazovalnega letala in njegovih senzorjev pred letom.
3. Pred začetkom pregleda pred letom oseba, ki jo je določila opazovalka:
(A) kratko obvesti opazovanko o postopkih popisa, ki jih je treba upoštevati, ko se ugotavlja, da je vsa oprema za pregled in oprema za brezškodno testiranje, ki je določena v sedmem odstavku tega razdelka in so jo prinesli v opazovalno letalo inšpektorji, odstranjena z opazovalnega letala po končanem pregledu pred letom;
(B) skupaj z inšpektorji pregleda in popiše vso opremo, ki bo uporabljena pri pregledu pred letom, ter
(C) kratko predstavi inšpektorjem varnostne ukrepe, ki jih morajo upoštevati med pregledom opazovalnega letala in njegovih senzorjev pred letom.
4. Pregled pred letom se ne sme začeti pred končanim uradnim postopkom prihoda in sme trajati največ osem Uradni
5. Opazovalka ima pravico priskrbeti lastne spremljevalce, ki spremljajo inšpektorje med pregledom opazovalnega letala in njegovih senzorjev pred letom, da potrdijo, da je pregled opravljen v skladu z določbami tega razdelka. Opazovalka olajša pregled v skladu s postopki, določenimi v sedmem in osmem odstavku II. razdelka Dodatka D k pogodbi.
6. Med pregledom pred letom imajo inšpektorji pravico do dostopa do opazovalnega letala, njegovih senzorjev in z njimi povezane opreme na način, določen v desetem odstavku II. razdelka Dodatka D, ravnati pa se morajo po določbah enajstega in dvanajstega odstavka II. razdelka Dodatka D k pogodbi.
7. Za ta pregled ima opazovanka pravico vzeti v letalo opremo za brezškodno testiranje in uporabiti:
(A) videosondo (boroskop na videokameri);
(B) opremo za rentgensko slikanje od spredaj in zadaj;
(C) opremo za slikanje z ultrazvokom;
(D) logični/podatkovni analizator;
(E) pasivne infrardeče senzorje in
(F) fotoaparat za 35-milimetrski film.
Poleg tega ima opazovanka pravico vzeti v letalo in uporabiti drugo opremo za brezškodno testiranje, ki je morebiti potrebna, da ugotovi, da so v opazovalnem letalu samo deli opreme, ki so dovoljeni v skladu s IV. členom pogodbe, za katero se je posvetovalna komisija za odprte zračne prostore dogovorila pred 30. junijem 1992.
8. Po končanem pregledu pred letom inšpektorji zapustijo opazovalno letalo, opazovalka pa ima pravico uporabiti lastne postopke popisa, da ugotovi, ali je bila vsa oprema, ki je bila uporabljena med pregledom pred letom, odnesena iz opazovalnega letala. Če opazovanka tega ne more zadovoljivo dokazati opazovalki, ima opazovalka pravico nadaljevati opazovalni let ali ga odpovedati, in ko se prepriča, da je to varno, tudi zapustiti ozemlje opazovanke. V tem primeru se opazovalni let ne šteje v kvoto ne ene ne druge države pogodbenice.
9. Inšpektorji takoj obvestijo opazovalko, če ugotovijo, da opazovalno letalo, njegovi senzorji ali z njimi povezana oprema ne ustreza certificiranim v skladu z določbami Dodatka D k pogodbi ali da so v opazovalnem letalu deli opreme, ki niso dovoljeni po IV. členu pogodbe. Če opazovalka ne more dokazati, da opazovalno letalo, njegovi senzorji ali z njimi povezana oprema ustrezajo certificiranim v skladu z določbami v Dodatku D k pogodbi in da so v opazovalnem letalu deli opreme, ki niso dovoljeni po IV. členu pogodbe, in če se opazovalka in opazovanka ne dogovorita drugače, ima opazovanka pravico prepovedati opazovalni let na podlagi VIII. člena pogodbe. Če je opazovalni let prepovedan, mora opazovalno letalo nemudoma zapustiti ozemlje opazovanke, opazovalni let pa se ne šteje v kvoto ne ene ne druge države pogodbenice.
10. Po končanem pregledu opazovalnega letala in njegovih senzorjev pred letom opazovanka in opazovalka pripravita poročilo o pregledu pred letom, ki potrjuje:
(A) da opazovalno letalo, njegovi senzorji in z njimi povezana oprema ustrezajo certificiranim v skladu z določbami Dodatka D k pogodbi ter
(B) da v opazovalnem letalu ni druge opreme kot tista, ki jo dovoljuje IV. člen pogodbe.
11. Opazovanka s podpisom poročila o pregledu pred letom potrdi, da soglaša, da opazovalka uporabi to opazovalno letalo za opazovalni let nad ozemljem opazovanke.
1. Namen pregleda senzorjev na opazovalnem letalu, ki ga priskrbi opazovanka, pred letom je ugotoviti, da vsi senzorji in z njimi povezana oprema ustrezajo certificiranim v skladu z določbami Dodatka D k pogodbi. Opazovalka ima pravico pred letom pregledati senzorje in z njimi povezano opremo v opazovalnem letalu, ki ga priskrbi opazovanka, da bi ugotovila, ali senzorji in z njimi povezana oprema ustrezajo certificiranim v skladu z določbami Dodatka D k pogodbi.
2. Ob prihodu inšpektorjev opazovalke na kraj pregleda pred letom opazovalka:
(A) predloži seznam inšpektorjev, ki jih je največ pet, razen če ni drugače dogovorjeno, in opis splošnih nalog vsakega inšpektorja;
(B) predloži seznam opreme, ki jo inšpektorji nameravajo uporabiti za pregled pred letom, in
(C) obvesti opazovanko o svojem načrtu za pregled senzorjev in z njimi povezane opreme v opazovalnem letalu pred letom.
3. Pred začetkom pregleda pred letom oseba, ki jo je določila opazovanka:
(A) kratko obvesti opazovalko o postopkih popisa, ki jih je treba upoštevati, ko se ugotavlja, da je vsa oprema, ki so jo v opazovalno letalo prinesli inšpektorji, odnesena iz opazovalnega letala po končanem pregledu pred letom;
(B) skupaj z inšpektorji pregleda in popiše vso opremo, ki bo uporabljena pri pregledu pred letom, ter
(C) kratko predstavi inšpektorjem varnostne ukrepe, ki jih morajo upoštevati pri pregledu senzorjev in z njimi povezane opreme v opazovalnem letalu pred letom.
4. Pregled pred letom se ne sme začeti pred končanim uradnim postopkom prihoda in sme trajati največ osem Uradni
5. Opazovanka ima pravico priskrbeti lastne spremljevalce, ki spremljajo inšpektorje med pregledom senzorjev in z njimi povezane opreme v opazovalnem letalu pred letom, da potrdi, da je pregled opravljen v skladu z določbami tega razdelka. Opazovanka olajša inšpektorjem pregled senzorjev in z njimi povezane opreme v opazovalnem letalu v skladu s postopki, določenimi v sedmem odstavku II. razdelka Dodatka D k pogodbi.
6. Med pregledom pred letom imajo inšpektorji pravico do dostopa do senzorjev in z njimi povezane opreme v opazovalnem letalu na način, določen v desetem odstavku II. razdelka Dodatka D, ravnati pa se morajo po določbah enajstega in dvanajstega odstavka II. razdelka Dodatka D k pogodbi.
7. Po končanem pregledu pred letom inšpektorji zapustijo opazovalno letalo, opazovanka pa ima pravico uporabiti lastne postopke popisa, da ugotovi, ali je bila vsa oprema za pregled odnesena iz opazovalnega letala. Če opazovalka tega opazovanki ne more zadovoljivo dokazati, ima opazovanka pravico prepovedati opazovalni let v skladu z VIII. členom pogodbe. Opazovalni let pa se ne šteje v kvoto ne ene ne druge države pogodbenice.
8. Inšpektorji takoj obvestijo opazovanko, če ugotovijo, da senzorji ali z njimi povezana oprema v opazovalnem letalu ne ustrezajo certificiranim v skladu z določbami Dodatka D k pogodbi. Če opazovanka ne more dokazati, da senzorji in z njimi povezana oprema v opazovalnem letalu ustrezajo certificiranim v skladu z Dodatkom D k pogodbi, ima opazovalka pravico:
(A) pristati, da uporabi drug sestav senzorjev tipa ali zmogljivosti, kot jih predlaga opazovanka;
(B) nadaljevati po prvotnem načrtu naloge;
(C) pristati na zamudo pri začetku opazovalnega leta, da omogoči opazovanki odpraviti težave, ki jih je opazovalka ugotovila po tem odstavku. Če je problem za opazovalko zadovoljivo rešen, se let nadaljuje po načrtu naloge, kot je bil spremenjen zaradi zamude. Če problem za opazovalko ni zadovoljivo rešen, opazovalka zapusti ozemlje opazovanke ali
(D) odpove opazovalni let in takoj zapusti ozemlje opazovanke.
9. Če opazovalka zapusti ozemlje opazovanke, ne da bi opravila opazovalni let, kot je določeno v pododstavkih (C) in (D) osmega odstavka tega razdelka, se opazovalni let ne šteje v kvoto ne ene ne druge države pogodbenice.
10. Po končanem pregledu senzorjev in z njimi povezane opreme v opazovalnem letalu pred letom opazovanka in opazovalka pripravita poročilo o pregledu pred letom, v katerem je navedeno, da senzorji ustrezajo certificiranim v skladu z določbami Dodatka D k pogodbi. S podpisom poročila o pregledu pred letom opazovalka izrazi svoje privoljenje, da uporabi to opazovalno letalo za opazovalni let nad ozemljem opazovanke.
1. Če je letalo priskrbela opazovalka, ima opazovanka pravico od opazovalke zahtevati, da po pregledu pred letom opravi predstavitveni let in s tem omogoči inšpektorjem, da opazujejo delovanje senzorjev, ki bodo uporabljeni med opazovalnim letom, in zberejo dovolj podatkov, da ugotovijo, da je zmogljivost senzorjev v skladu z določbami osmega odstavka IV. člena pogodbe.
2. Če je letalo priskrbela opazovanka, ima opazovalka pravico od opazovanke zahtevati, da po pregledu pred letom opravi predstavitveni let in s tem omogoči inšpektorjem, da opazujejo delovanje senzorjev, ki bodo uporabljeni med opazovalnim letom, in zberejo dovolj podatkov, da ugotovijo, da je zmogljivost senzorjev v skladu z določbami devetega odstavka IV. člena pogodbe.
3. Če opazovanka ali opazovalka uresničita svojo pravico zahtevati predstavitveni let:
(A) se predstavitveni let opravi v skladu z zahtevami III. razdelka Dodatka D;
(B) predstavitveni let ne sme trajati več kot dve uri;
(C) opazovanka priskrbi kalibracijske tarče v skladu z določbami Priloge 1 k Dodatku D pogodbe v bližini letališča, na katerem bo opravljen pregled pred letom;
(D) zamuda pri zahtevanem predstavitvenem letu, ki jo povzročijo vremenske razmere ali težave z letalom ali senzorji opazovanke, se ne šteje v čas, določen za takšne lete, razen če ni drugače dogovorjeno;
(E) opazovanka obdela podatke, ki jih zberejo senzorji, na kraju blizu letališča, na katerem bo opravljen pregled pred letom ob prisotnosti osebja opazovalke in v skladu z določbami II. in III. razdelka IX. člena pogodbe, in
(F) stroški predstavitvenega leta skupaj s stroški za pridobitev podatkov s snemalnimi napravami in njihovo obdelavo se razdelijo v skladu z določbami devetega odstavka I. razdelka Dodatka L k pogodbi.
4. Če opazovanka uresniči svojo pravico zahtevati predstavitveni let, ima opazovalka pravico dodati 24 ur k 96 uram, dovoljenim za izvedbo opazovalnega leta, v skladu z devetim odstavkom I. razdelka VI. člena. To ne vpliva na pravico drugih držav pogodbenic, da izvajajo opazovalne lete po poteku prvotno določenih 96 ur, kot je določeno v tretjem odstavku I. razdelka VI. člena pogodbe.
5. Če opazovalka uresniči svojo pravico zahtevati predstavitveni let, se ta opravi v 96 urah, dovoljenih za izvedbo opazovalnega leta v skladu z devetim odstavkom I. razdelka VI. člena pogodbe.
6. Če opazovanka ni prepričana, da je zmogljivost katerega koli senzorja v opazovalnem letalu, ki ga priskrbi opazovalka, v skladu z določbami osmega odstavka IV. člena pogodbe, ima opazovanka pravico:
(A) če je ločljivost na zemlji za senzor odvisna od višine nad tlemi, predlagati drugo najmanjšo višino nad tlemi, na kateri je dovoljeno upravljati senzor med opazovalnim letom;
(B) če ločljivost na zemlji za senzor ni odvisna od višine nad tlemi, prepovedati upravljanje tega senzorja med opazovalnim letom ali
(C) prepovedati opazovalni let po določbah VIII. člena pogodbe.
7. Če opazovalka ni prepričana, da je zmogljivost katerega koli senzorja v opazovalnem letalu, ki ga priskrbi opazovanka, v skladu z določbami devetega odstavka IV. člena pogodbe, ima pravico:
(A) pristati, da uporabi drug sestav tipov ali zmogljivosti senzorjev, ki jih predlaga opazovanka;
(B) če je ločljivost na zemlji za senzorje odvisna od višine nad tlemi, predlagati drugo najmanjšo višino nad tlemi, na kateri je dovoljeno upravljati senzor med opazovalnim letom;
(C) če ločljivost na zemlji za senzor ni odvisna od višine nad tlemi, izvesti opazovalni let po načrtu, stroške nosilcev podatkov za ta senzor pa krije opazovanka;
(D) pristati na zamudo pri začetku opazovalnega leta, da omogoči opazovanki odpraviti težave, ki jih je ugotovila opazovalka. Če je problem za opazovalko zadovoljivo rešen, se opazovalni let nadaljuje po načrtu naloge, kot je bil spremenjen zaradi zamude. Če problem za opazovalko ni zadovoljivo rešen, opazovalka zapusti ozemlje opazovanke ali
(E) odpove opazovalni let v skladu z VIII. členom pogodbe in takoj zapusti ozemlje opazovanke.
8. Če opazovalni let prepove ali odpove država pogodbenica, ki zahteva predstavitveni let, se opazovalni let ne šteje v kvoto ne ene ne druge države pogodbenice, država pogodbenica, ki je zahtevala predstavitveni let, pa zadevo predloži posvetovalni komisiji za odprte zračne prostore.
1. Določbe tega razdelka veljajo za osebje, določeno v skladu s XIII. členom. Vsaka država pogodbenica ima pravico, da je v opazovalnem letalu naenkrat toliko njenih opazovalcev leta in predstavnikov leta, kot je določeno v III. razdelku VI. člena. Določbe omenjenega razdelka urejajo njihove dejavnosti v zvezi z organizacijo in izvedbo opazovalnih letov. Vsaka država pogodbenica olajša delovanje opazovalcev leta in predstavnikov leta v skladu s tem dodatkom.
2. Opazovanka imenuje enega od opazovalcev leta za glavnega opazovalca leta. Glavni opazovalec leta mora biti državljan opazovanke. Opazovalka imenuje enega od predstavnikov leta za glavnega predstavnika leta. Glavni predstavnik leta mora biti državljan opazovalke.
3. Pri pripravi opazovalnega leta imajo opazovalci leta in predstavniki leta pravico:
(A) seznaniti se s strokovno literaturo o delovanju in upravljanju senzorjev ter navodili za upravljanje opazovalnega letala in
(B) seznaniti se z opremo opazovalnega letala, namenjeno nadzoru nad režimom leta ter delovanju in upravljanju senzorjev v opazovalnem letalu.
4. Opazovalci leta in predstavniki leta imajo pravico:
(A) ostati v opazovalnem letalu ves čas opazovalnega leta, tudi med postanki za polnjenje z gorivom ali zaradi nujnih primerov;
(B) prinesti v opazovalno letalo in uporabljati zemljevide, skice leta, publikacije in navodila za upravljanje;
(C) med opazovalnim letom neovirano gibati se po opazovalnem letalu, vključno s pilotskim prostorom, razen kadar bi to ogrožalo varnost. Pri uresničevanju svojih pravic opazovalci leta ali predstavniki leta ne smejo posegati v dejavnosti posadke letala;
(D) spremljati skladnost leta z načrtom in opazovati režim leta opazovalnega letala ter delovanje in upravljanje njegovih senzorjev;
(E) poslušati mednarodne in zunanje radijske zveze v opazovalnem letalu in vzpostavljati mednarodne radijske zveze in
(F) zapisovati parametre režima leta ter delovanja in upravljanja senzorjev v zemljevide, skice in v beležnice.
5. Poleg pravic, določenih v četrtem odstavku tega razdelka, ima glavni opazovalec leta pravico:
(A) posvetovati se s posadko letala o skladnosti s pravili leta v državi leta ter z določbami pogodbe;
(B) med opazovalnim letom opazovati dejavnosti posadke letala, tudi v pilotskem prostoru, ter spremljati delovanje in upravljanje instrumentov za izvajanje letenja in navigacijo opazovalnega letala;
(C) dajati priporočila posadki letala glede skladnosti z načrtom leta;
(D) spraševati posadko letala o režimu leta, vendar tako, da pri tem ne moti njihove dejavnosti, in
(E) komunicirati z organi kontrole letenja, kot je primerno, in pomagati prenašati in tolmačiti sporočila organov kontrole letenja posadki letala in posadke letala organom kontrole letenja o izvajanju opazovalnega leta; v ta namen je glavnemu opazovalcu leta dovoljeno vzpostavljati zunanje radijske zveze z uporabo radijske opreme opazovalnega letala.
6. Če glavni opazovalec leta meni, da opazovalno letalo ne leti v skladu z načrtom leta, na to opozori posadko letala in sme obvestiti organe kontrole letenja o vsakem odstopanju opazovalnega letala od načrta leta, za katero meni, da bi lahko ogrozilo varnost leta.
7. Poleg pravic, določenih v petem odstavku tega razdelka, ima glavni predstavnik leta:
(A) pravice v odnosu do posadke letala, kot so opisane v pododstavkih (A), (B) in (D) petega odstavka tega razdelka, in
(B) pri odstopanju od načrta leta pravico dobiti razlago posadke letala o razlogih za to odstopanje.
8. Predstavniki leta imajo med opazovalnim letom pravico usmerjati upravljanje senzorjev. Če o tem pred začetkom opazovalnega leta obvestijo opazovanko, imajo pravico upravljati senzorje tudi med opazovalnim letom. Če predstavniki leta uresničujejo svojo pravico, da upravljajo senzorje v skladu s tem odstavkom, opazovanka ni odgovorna za napake ali neustrezno kakovost podatkov, ki jih zberejo senzorji, medtem ko jih upravljajo predstavniki leta.
1. Opazovalka, ki uporablja opazovalno letalo, ki ga je priskrbela neka druga država pogodbenica, ima pravico, da je v opazovalnem letalu naenkrat toliko njenih predstavnikov, kot je določeno v III. razdelku VI. člena pogodbe.
2. Opazovalka imenuje enega od svojih predstavnikov za glavnega predstavnika. Glavni predstavnik ima pravice glavnega predstavnika leta, kot so določene v I. razdelku tega dodatka. Poleg tega glavni predstavnik:
(A) opozarja poveljnika letala na skladnost z določbami pogodbe;
(B) ima pravico spremljati, ali se opazovanka ravna po določbah pogodbe, in
(C) ima pravico, da pri odstopanjih od načrta leta od poveljnika letala dobi pojasnilo o razlogih za tako odstopanje.
3. Predstavniki imajo pravice predstavnikov leta, kot so določene v I. razdelku tega dodatka.
1. Da bi se izognili časovnemu prekrivanju opazovalnih letov nad ozemljem ene in iste države pogodbenice, lahko vsaka država, ki ima pravico do opazovalnih letov po letni razdelitvi aktivnih kvot, obvesti vse druge države pogodbenice najpozneje 1. novembra vsako leto, da namerava v celoti ali delno uporabiti svojo aktivno kvoto v naslednjem letu. V obvestilu je treba navesti število opazovalnih letov, ki jih ta država pogodbenica namerava izvesti nad ozemlji drugih držav pogodbenic za vsako četrtletje naslednjega leta.
2. V nobenem primeru ne sme biti celotno število načrtovanih in po prvem odstavku tega dodatka najavljenih opazovalnih letov nad ozemljem katere koli države pogodbenice v določenem četrtletju večje od 16. Razen kot je določeno v tretjem odstavku I. razdelka VI. člena, ni nobena država pogodbenica obvezana sprejeti več kot en opazovalni let kadar koli v obdobju, določenem v devetem odstavku I. razdelka VI. člena pogodbe.
3. Države pogodbenice, ki so v skladu s prvim odstavkom tega dodatka uradno obvestile o svojih načrtih, da izkoristijo eno ali več aktivnih kvot za opazovalne lete nad ozemljem iste države pogodbenice v določenem četrtletju ali četrtletjih, se med seboj posvetujejo, če je potrebno, da se izognejo prekrivanju svojih načrtovanih opazovalnih letov. Če se države pogodbenice s posvetovanji ne sporazumejo, kako bi se izognile prekrivanju svojih načrtovanih opazovalnih letov, se vprašanje reši z žrebanjem med temi državami pogodbenicami. Prvo posvetovanje o opazovalnih letih v četrtletju, ki se začne 1. januarja naslednjega leta, naj se začne takoj po prejemu obvestila v skladu s prvim odstavkom tega dodatka. Nadaljnji posveti med temi državami pogodbenicami se opravijo: za četrtletje, ki se začne s 1. aprilom, med 1. in 15. februarjem; za četrtletje, ki se začne s 1. julijem, med 1. in 15. majem; za četrtletje, ki se začne 1. oktobra, med 1. in 15. avgustom. Zadevne države sporočijo na posvetih dogovorjeno zaporedje opazovalnih letov vsem državam pogodbenicam najpozneje 15. novembra, 15. februarja, 15. maja ali 15. avgusta.
4. Najpozneje sedem dni po uradnem obvestilu o zaporedju opazovalnih letov, ki je bilo določeno v skladu s tretjim odstavkom tega dodatka, vsaka država pogodbenica obvesti vse države pogodbenice, ki v tistem četrtletju načrtujejo izvedbo opazovalnih letov nad njenim ozemljem, o vsakem letu, za katerega namerava uresničiti pravico, da bo priskrbela svoje opazovalno letalo.
5. Vsaka država pogodbenica, ki ni poslala uradnega obvestila v skladu s prvim odstavkom tega dodatka ali ni uradno sporočila svojih načrtov, da bo izkoristila vse svoje aktivne kvote, ali ni izvedla opazovalnega leta v četrtletju, za katero je napovedala tak načrtovani let, ima pravico izkoristiti tako preostale aktivne kvote, če je bilo te opazovalne lete mogoče vključiti v obstoječi dogovor, kot je bil dosežen na posvetovanjih v skladu s tretjim odstavkom tega dodatka.
1. Ne prej kot 90 dni od začetka veljavnosti pogodbe država pogodbenica na zahtevo katere koli druge države pogodbenice, vendar najpozneje v 30 dneh od prejema zahteve, dostavi te podatke v skladu z določbami ICAO:
(A) strukturo svojega zračnega prostora, kot je objavljena v Zborniku aeronavtičnih informacij (AIP);
(B) podrobne informacije o vsem tveganem zračnem prostoru in
(C) informacije o letališčih ter postopke prihoda in odhoda za:
(1) vsako točko vstopa in točko izstopa;
(2) letališča odprtih zračnih prostorov ter
(3) nadomestna letališča in letališča za polnjenje z gorivom za svoje točke vstopa, točke izstopa in letališča odprtih zračnih prostorov.
2. Vsaka država pogodbenica takoj uradno obvesti države pogodbenice, ki so zahtevale informacije v skladu s prvim odstavkom tega dodatka, o vseh spremembah informacij, danih v skladu s prvim odstavkom tega dodatka. Ne glede na določbe tega odstavka ni treba dostavljati obvestil za letalce (NOTAM).
3. Najpozneje 90 dni po začetku veljavnosti pogodbe vsaka država pogodbenica uradno obvesti vse druge države pogodbenice o viru informacij, ki jih je treba dostavljati v skladu s prvim odstavkom tega dodatka.
1. Opazovalni leti, izvedeni po določbah pogodbe za opazovanje celotnega ozemlja držav pogodbenic, ne vplivajo na Montreujsko konvencijo z dne 20. julija 1936.
2. Za določanje rute in najavo tranzitnih letov letal za namene te pogodbe, ki so zajeti v 23. členu Montreujske konvencije, se uporabljajo določbe omenjenega člena.
1. V skladu s 3. točko pododstavka (A) tretjega odstavka II. razdelka Dodatka D k pogodbi vsaka država pogodbenica, ko obvesti druge države pogodbenice o napravah za obdelavo filmov ali duplikatorjih, ki jih namerava uporabiti za razvijanje izvirnih negativov filma ali izdelavo dvojnikov pozitivov ali negativov filma, predloži te podatke proizvajalca:
(A) ime naprave za obdelavo filmov ali ime duplikatorja;
(B) največjo in najmanjšo širino oziroma dolžino filma, ki ga bo treba obdelati ali duplicirati;
(C) vsako vrsto filma, ki ga bo treba obdelati oziroma duplicirati v taki napravi, in
(D) vsak korak postopka za vsako vrsto filma, vključno z razponom osvetlitve, temperaturo, trajanjem, priporočeno hitrostjo pomika filma, kemikalijami in kemičnimi zmesmi.
2. V skladu z 2. točko pododstavka (A) tretjega odstavka II. razdelka Dodatka D k pogodbi vsaka država pogodbenica, ko obvesti druge države pogodbenice o vrstah črno-belega filma za snemanje iz zraka, ki jih namerava uporabiti za zbiranje podatkov pri pregledu med letom ali med opazovalnim letom ali za duplikacijo takih podatkov, predloži podatke proizvajalca, ki omogočajo ugotavljanje zmožnosti filma: za vsako vrsto filma za snemanje iz zraka, ki ga bo treba obdelati ali duplicirati z napravami za obdelavo filmov ali duplikatorji iz prvega odstavka tega razdelka. Odvisno od prakse v državi proizvajalca filma so to lahko tudi informacije o:
(A) efektivni hitrosti filma;
(B) resoluciji/modulaciji;
(C) spektralni občutljivosti in
(D) optični refleksijski gostoti ali senzitometričnih lastnostih.
3. Za ugotavljanje senzitometričnih lastnosti filmov za snemanje iz zraka ima vsaka država pogodbenica v skladu s svojimi postopki pravico na zahtevo prejeti neosvetljene vzorce vseh vrst fotografskega filma, ki bo uporabljen kot nosilec informacij za podatke, kemikalij za njihovo obdelavo in navodila za obdelavo in duplikacijo takih filmov. Vzorce in navodila je treba predložiti najpozneje 30 dni po prejemu zahteve.
1. Države pogodbenice, ki sodelujejo pri certificiranju opazovalnega letala in njegovih senzorjev, imajo pravico nadzirati obdelavo in duplikacijo filma za snemanje iz zraka, ki je bil uporabljen pri pregledu med letom. Osebje opazovanke in opazovalke ima pravico nadzorovati obdelavo in duplikacijo filma za snemanje iz zraka, ki je bil uporabljen med predstavitvenim in opazovalnim letom.
2. Med nadziranjem obdelave in duplikacije filma za snemanje iz zraka imajo države pogodbenice pravico prinesti s seboj in uporabljati na način, ki ne moti obdelave ali duplikacije filma, to opremo:
(A) lakmusov papir;
(B) termometre;
(C) kemijsko testno opremo, vključno s pH-metri in hidrometri;
(D) štoparice;
(E) senzitometre;
(F) denzitometre;
(G) 21-stopenjske senzitometrične trakove in optične skale.
3. Pred obdelavo filmov, ki so bili osvetljeni pri pregledu med letom, predstavitvenim letom in opazovalnim letom, države pogodbenice preverijo opremo in kemikalije za obdelavo filmov, tako da obdelajo 21-stopenjski senzitometrični testni trak ali osvetlijo in obdelajo 21-stopenjsko optično skalo in ugotovijo, ali se senzitometrični podatki za obdelavo te vrste filma po tem postopku obdelave filma res ujemajo s tehničnimi zahtevami iz I. razdelka tega dodatka. Če ni drugače dogovorjeno, se izvirniki ali dvojniki negativov ali pozitivov filma za snemanje iz zraka ne obdelajo ali duplicirajo, dokler ni obdelan 21-stopenjski senzitometrični trak ali osvetljena in obdelana 21-stopenjska optična skala, tako da so dosežene lastnosti, predpisane za to vrsto filma za snemanje iz zraka in naprave za obdelavo filmov ali duplikatorja v skladu z določbami I. razdelka tega dodatka.
4. Pred obdelavo filmov, ki so bili osvetljeni pri pregledu med letom, predstavitvenim letom in opazovalnim letom, imajo države pogodbenice pravico preveriti opremo za obdelavo filmov in kemikalije, s tem da osvetlijo in obdelajo testni film iste vrste, ki je bil uporabljen pri pregledu med letom, predstavitvenim letom in opazovalnim letom, da ugotovijo, da sta postopka pranja in fiksiranja primerna za trajno arhiviranje.
Postopki in druge določbe v zvezi s posvetovalno komisijo za odprte zračne prostore so določeni v tem dodatku v skladu z X. členom pogodbe.
1. Posvetovalno komisijo za odprte zračne prostore sestavljajo predstavniki, ki jih določi vsaka država pogodbenica. Namestniki, svetovalci in strokovnjaki države pogodbenice lahko sodelujejo pri dejavnostih posvetovalne komisije za odprte zračne prostore, kot se zdi tej državi pogodbenici potrebno.
2. Prvo zasedanje posvetovalne komisije za odprte zračne prostore se začne v 60 dneh po podpisu pogodbe. Predsedujoči uvodnega sestanka je predstavnik Kanade.
3. Posvetovalna komisija za odprte zračne prostore ima vsako koledarsko leto najmanj štiri redna zasedanja, če ne odloči drugače. Izredna zasedanja skliče predsedujoči posvetovalne komisije za odprte zračne prostore na zahtevo ene ali več držav pogodbenic in o tej zahtevi nemudoma obvesti vse druge države pogodbenice. Takšna zasedanja se začnejo najpozneje 15 dni od dneva, ko predsedujoči prejme takšno zahtevo.
4. Zasedanja posvetovalne komisije za odprte zračne prostore trajajo največ štiri tedne, če ta ne odloči drugače.
5. Države pogodbenice prevzamejo predsedstvo posvetovalne komisije za odprte zračne prostore po načelu kroženja po abecednem redu v francoskem jeziku. Vsak predsedujoči opravlja to dolžnost od začetka zasedanja do začetka naslednjega zasedanja, če ni dogovorjeno drugače.
6. Sedežni red predstavnikov na sestankih je sestavljen po abecednem redu držav članic v francoskem jeziku.
7. Delovni jeziki posvetovalne komisije za odprte zračne prostore so angleščina, francoščina, italijanščina, nemščina, ruščina in španščina.
8. Postopki posvetovalne komisije za odprte zračne prostore so zaupni, če ni dogovorjeno drugače. Posvetovalna komisija za odprte zračne prostore se lahko dogovori, da so njeni postopki ali odločitve javni.
9. Med začasno uporabo pogodbe in pred 30. junijem 1992 posvetovalna komisija za odprte zračne prostore uredi razdelitev stroškov, ki izhajajo iz pogodbe. Čim prej tudi določi razmerje razdelitve skupnih stroškov, povezanih z delovanjem posvetovalne komisije za odprte zračne prostore.
10. Med začasno uporabo pogodbe posvetovalna komisija za odprte zračne prostore pripravi dokument, ki se nanaša na uradna obvestila in poročila, ki jih zahteva pogodba. V takem dokumentu so navedena vsa taka uradna obvestila ter po potrebi dodani ustrezni obrazci.
11. Posvetovalna komisija za odprte zračne prostore po potrebi izdela ali spremeni svoj poslovnik in načine dela.
Postopki za letni pregled aktivnih kvot, predvidenih v sedmem odstavku I. razdelka III. člena pogodbe, so:
1. Države pogodbenice, ki želijo spremeniti vso ali del razdelitve svojih aktivnih kvot iz prejšnjega leta, morajo do 1. oktobra vsakega leta uradno obvestiti vse druge države pogodbenice in posvetovalno komisijo za odprte zračne prostore o državah pogodbenicah, nad katerimi želijo v naslednjem koledarskem letu opravljati opazovalne lete. Tako predlagane spremembe obravnavajo države pogodbenice med tem pregledom aktivnih kvot v skladu s pravili, navedenimi v naslednjih odstavkih tega razdelka.
2. Če zahteve za opazovalne lete nad ozemljem katere koli države pogodbenice ne presegajo njene pasivne kvote, se razdelitev kvot določi, kot je zahtevano, in predloži posvetovalni komisiji za odprte zračne prostore v odobritev.
3. Če zahteve za opazovalne lete nad ozemljem katere koli države pogodbenice ne presegajo njene pasivne kvote, se razdelitev kvot določi s soglasjem vseh zainteresiranih držav pogodbenic in predloži posvetovalni komisiji za odprte zračne prostore v odobritev.
1. Posvetovalna komisija za odprte zračne prostore mora obravnavati zahteve organov Konference o varnosti in sodelovanju v Evropi, pooblaščenih za preprečevanje sporov ter obvladovanje kriznih razmer, kot tudi zahteve drugih pomembnih mednarodnih organizacij, da bi se z njenim soglasjem olajšali organizacija in izvedba izrednih opazovalnih letov nad ozemljem države pogodbenice.
2. Podatki, ki izhajajo iz takšnih opazovalnih letov, se dajo na voljo omenjenim organom in organizacijam.
3. Ne glede na druge določbe pogodbe se lahko države pogodbenice dvostransko in prostovoljno dogovorijo o izvajanju opazovalnih letov nad ozemljem ene in druge, pri čemer upoštevajo postopke za izvajanje opazovalnih letov. Če se te države pogodbenice ne dogovorijo drugače, se podatki, ki izhajajo iz takšnih opazovalnih letov, dajo na voljo posvetovalni komisiji za odprte zračne prostore.
4. Opazovalni leti, izvedeni v skladu z določbami tega razdelka, se ne štejejo v aktivno ali pasivno kvoto teh držav pogodbenic.
1. Države pogodbenice lahko posvetovalni komisiji za odprte zračne prostore dajo v proučitev predloge za uporabo režima odprtih zračnih prostorov na dodatnih posebnih področjih, kot je na primer okolje.
2. Posvetovalna komisija za odprte zračne prostore lahko odloči o takšnih predlogih ali jih, če je potrebno, predloži na prvi konferenci in naslednjih konferencah, ki so v skladu z določbami tretjega odstavka XVI. člena pogodbe sklicane za pregled izvajanja pogodbe.
3. člen
Za izvajanje pogodbe skrbi Ministrstvo za obrambo Republike Slovenije.
4. člen
Ta zakon začne veljati petnajsti dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 326-06/04-43/1
Ljubljana, dne 20. maja 2004
EPA 1272-III
Državnega zbora
Republike Slovenije
Borut Pahor l. r.
* Besedilo pogodbe v francoskem, italijanskem, nemškem, ruskem in španskem jeziku je na vpogled v Sektorju za mednarodnopravne zadeve Ministrstva za zunanje zadeve.

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