Uradni list

Številka 48
Uradni list RS, št. 48/2004 z dne 30. 4. 2004
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 48/2004 z dne 30. 4. 2004


56. Uredba o ratifikaciji Memoranduma med Vlado Ruske federacije in Vlado Bosne in Hercegovine, Vlado Republike Hrvaške, Vlado Republike Makedonije, Vlado Srbije in Črne gore, Vlado Republike Slovenije o poravnavi medsebojnih finančnih terjatev po obračunih, povezanih z blagovnim prometom med bivšo ZSSR in bivšo SFRJ, stran 4069.

Na podlagi petega odstavka 75. člena Zakona o zunanjih zadevah (Uradni list RS, št. 113/03 – prečiščeno besedilo) izdaja Vlada Republike Slovenije
1. člen
Ratificira se Memorandum med Vlado Ruske federacije in Vlado Bosne in Hercegovine, Vlado Republike Hrvaške, Vlado Republike Makedonije, Vlado Srbije in Črne gore, Vlado Republike Slovenije o poravnavi medsebojnih finančnih terjatev po obračunih, povezanih z blagovnim prometom med bivšo ZSSR in bivšo SFRJ, podpisan v Moskvi 17. 9. 2003.
2. člen
Memorandum se v izvirniku v angleškem jeziku in v prevodu v slovenskem jeziku glasi:
the Government of the Russian Federation
the Government of Bosnia and Herzegovina,
the Government of the Republic of Croatia,
the Government of the Republic of Macedonia,
the Government of Serbia and Montenegro,
the Government of the Republic of Slovenia
on the Settlement of Mutual Financial Claims
Related to Settlements of Accounts Under the Commodity Exchange between the Former USSR and the Former SFRY
The Government of the Russian Federation and
the Governments of the successor States to the former SFRY:
the Government of Bosnia and Herzegovina,
the Government of the Republic of Croatia,
the Government of the Republic of Macedonia,
the Government of Serbia and Montenegro and
the Government of the Republic of Slovenia
(hereinafter referred to as the "Governments of the successor States to the former SFRY"),
hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Parties",
the Declaration of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 2, 1993 pursuant to which the Russian Federation confirmed its liability for the debt of the former USSR to foreign creditors,
the Agreement on Succession Issues between the successor States to the former SFRY dated June 29, 2001,
the necessity of a final settlement of all mutual financial obligations and claims related to settlements of accounts under the commodity exchange between the former USSR and the former SFRY,
and with the aim of further developing and strengthening friendly relations among the countries,
have agreed as follows:
Article 1
Original Credit Agreements
The following intergovernmental agreements between the former USSR and the former SFRY and protocols thereto, as well as the inter-bank agreements on the technical procedure for settlements under the relevant intergovernmental agreements (hereinafter referred to as the "Original Credit Agreements") are or shall become null and void in relations between the Russian Federation and the successor States to the former SFRY as of the date of entry into force of the present Memorandum:
1) Payment Agreement between the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia dated January 5, 1955;
2) Protocol to the Payment Agreement between the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia dated January 5, 1955, signed on November 18, 1988;
3) Agreement between the Bank for Foreign Economic Affairs of the USSR and the National Bank of Yugoslavia, Belgrade, on the method of calculation and maintenance of accounts under the credit extended by the Federal Executive Council of the Assembly of the SFRY to the Government of the USSR pursuant to the Protocol dated November 18, 1988, signed on January 9, 1989;
4) Agreement between the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the Government of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia on the provision by the Soviet Union of technical assistance in the restoration of the City of Skopje and extension of a loan for such purposes dated June 7, 1965;
5) Agreement between the State Bank of the USSR and the Yugoslav Investment Bank on the method of calculation and maintenance of accounts under the credit extended by the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics to the Government of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia pursuant to the Agreement dated June 7, 1965, signed on November 3, 1965;
6) Agreement between the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the Government of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia on economic and technical cooperation in the construction and reconstruction of industrial enterprises and other facilities in the SFRY dated November 2, 1972;
7) Protocol to the Agreement between the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the Government of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia on economic and technical cooperation in the construction and reconstruction of industrial enterprises and other facilities in the SFRY dated November 2, 1972, signed in October 18, 1977;
8) Agreement between the Bank for Foreign Trade of the USSR and the National Bank of Yugoslavia on the technical procedure for maintenance of accounts and settlements under the credit extended by the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics to the Government of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia pursuant to the Agreement dated November 2, 1972, signed on September 28, 1974;
9) Addendum to the Agreement dated September 28, 1974 between the Bank for Foreign Trade of the USSR and the National Bank of Yugoslavia on the technical procedure for maintenance of accounts and settlements under the credit extended by the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics to the Government of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia pursuant to the Agreement dated November 2, 1972, signed on December 1, 1982;
10) Protocol to the Agreement dated September 28, 1974 between the Bank for Foreign Trade of the USSR and the National Bank of Yugoslavia on the technical procedure for maintenance of accounts and settlements under the credit extended by the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics to the Government of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia pursuant to the Agreement dated November 2, 1972, signed on November 9, 1984;
11) Protocol to the Agreement dated September 28, 1974 between the Bank for Foreign Trade of the USSR and the National Bank of Yugoslavia on the technical procedure for maintenance of accounts and settlements under the credit extended by the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics to the Government of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia pursuant to the Agreement dated November 2, 1972, signed on February 13, 1985;
12) Agreement on economic and technical cooperation in the construction and reconstruction of industrial and other facilities in the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia dated May 29, 1981;
13) Protocol to the Agreement on economic and technical cooperation in the construction and reconstruction of industrial and other facilities in the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia dated May 29, 1981, signed on April 4, 1986;
14) Protocol between the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the Federal Executive Council of the Assembly of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia dated July 1, 1990;
15) Trade Agreement between the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia dated November 1, 1990;
16) Agreement between the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the Federal Executive Council of the Assembly of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia on trade and economic cooperation in 1991, dated January 14, 1991;
17) Agreement between the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the Federal Executive Council of the Assembly of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia on the provision of a credit for partial financing the construction of the second unit of the metallurgical plant Smederevo in the SFRY dated June 27, 1984;
18) Protocol to the Payment Agreement between the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia dated November 1, 1990, signed on July 5, 1991;
19) Protocol of the Working Meeting between V.S. Pavlov, Prime Minister of the USSR, and A. Markovic, President of the Federal Executive Council of the Assembly of the SFRY, dated August 1-2, 1991;
20) Agreement between the Bank for Foreign Trade of the USSR and the National Bank of Yugoslavia on the technical procedure for maintenance of accounts and settlements under the credit extended by the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics to the Federal Executive Council of the Assembly of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia pursuant to the Agreement dated May 29, 1981, signed on January 21, 1982;
21) Addendum to the Agreement dated January 21, 1982 between the Bank for Foreign Trade of the USSR and the National Bank of Yugoslavia on the technical procedure for maintenance of accounts and settlements under the credit extended by the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics to the Federal Executive Council of the Assembly of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia pursuant to the Agreement dated May 29, 1981, signed on May 21, 1986;
22) Protocol between the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the Federal Executive Council of the Assembly of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia signed on August 1, 1989;
23) Agreement between the Bank for Foreign Trade of the USSR and the National Bank of Yugoslavia on the technical method of calculation and maintenance of accounts under the credit extended by the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics to the Federal Executive Council of the Assembly of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia pursuant to the Agreement dated June 27, 1984, signed on September 7, 1984;
24) Agreement between the Bank for Foreign Trade of the USSR and the National Bank of Yugoslavia on the technical method of calculation and maintenance of accounts under the credit extended by the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics to the Federal Executive Council of the Assembly of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia pursuant to the Agreement dated June 27, 1984 and Letters of Exchange dated December 21/25, 1984, signed on February 1, 1985;
25) Payment Agreement between the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia dated November 1, 1990;
26) Protocol to the Payment Agreement between the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia dated November 1, 1990, signed on November 1, 1990;
27) Agreement between the Bank for Foreign Economic Affairs of the USSR and the National Bank of Yugoslavia on the technical procedure for the implementation of the Payment Agreement between the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia dated November 1, 1990, signed on April 26, 1991;
28) Addendum No. 1 to the Agreement between the Bank for Foreign Economic Affairs of the USSR and the National Bank of Yugoslavia on the technical procedure for the implementation of the Payment Agreement between the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia dated November 1, 1990, signed on August 7, 1991;
29) Agreement between the Vneshtorgbank of the USSR and the National Bank of Yugoslavia on the procedure of settlement and maintenance of accounts in relation to commodity exchange and non-trade payments between the USSR and the SFRY dated December 18, 1985.
Article 2
Claims to be Settled
The following claims of the Parties related to settlements under the commodity exchange between the former USSR and the former SFRY are the subject of the present Memorandum:
Claims of the former SFRY against the former USSR:
1. In clearing U.S. dollars:
1) balance of the non-interest bearing
liquidation account No. 1 of the National Bank
of Yugoslavia with Vnesheconombank                   873,473,451.63
2) balance of the liquidation account No. 2 of
the National Bank of Yugoslavia with
Vnesheconombank as of December 31, 1990              558,862,638.68
3) interest claimed by the successor States to
the former SFRY under the credit of clearing
U.S. dollars 555 million extended pursuant to
the Protocol to the Payment Agreement between
the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the
Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia dated
January 5, 1955, signed on November 18, 1988         313,695,878.80
4) indebtedness under export deliveries to the
former USSR payable from the special interest
bearing "A" account of Vnesheconombank with the
National Bank of Yugoslavia                           29,482,746.81
Claims of the former USSR against the former SFRY:
2. In clearing U.S. dollars:
1) indebtedness under the state credits
extended by the former USSR to the former SFRY
in the period of 1965-1984, taking into account
repayments made in 1991-1993                         263,735,181.60
2) liabilities under the promissory notes
accepted by the association "Himmashexport"
kept in custody with Vnesheconombank                     214,889.78
3) indebtedness of the former SFRY's banks
under their letters of credit                         32,708,075.76
4) indebtedness arising from remittances              20,000,000.00
3. In U.S. dollars:
1) balance of the special interest-bearing
A account of Vnesheconombank with the
National Bank of Yugoslavia                           29,963,234.31
2) balance of the special B account of
Vnesheconombank with the National Bank of
Yugoslavia                                               136,630.87
3) indebtedness of the SFRY's authorizes
banks under their export letters of credit            16,358,581.46
4) trade debt of the former SFRY                         582,941.12
4. The claims specified in point 3 of the present Article shall be converted into clearing U.S. dollars at the rate of one clearing U.S. dollar equals 0.625 U.S. dollars.
5. The provisions of the present Memorandum shall be applied to the claims specified in points 1, 2, 3 and 4 of the present Article regardless of the provisions of the Original Credit Agreements.
Article 3
Settlement of the Trade Indebtedness of
the Former USSR
The trade indebtedness of the former USSR in respect of operations of foreign trade organizations of the former USSR to the former SFRY exporters shall be reconciled and settled in accordance with Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 931 dated December 29, 2001 "On the Settlement of the Trade Indebtedness of the Former USSR to Foreign Trade Creditors" through conversion of such indebtedness into Russian Federation US dollar denominated bonds issued in accordance with Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 478 dated June 23, 2000 "On the Settlement of the Indebtedness of the Former USSR to the Foreign Commercial Banks and Financial Institutions United in the London Club of Creditors", provided that it meets criteria set forth in the Declaration of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 1, 1994 "On the Conversion of the Trade Debt of the Former USSR to Foreign Creditors" and in the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 931 dated December 29, 2001.
The Russian Party shall notify the Parties of changes in the legislation of the Russian Federation related to the settlement of the Trade Indebtedness of the Former USSR in a timely manner.
Article 4
Balance of Settlement
The final balance of settlement between the former USSR and the former SFRY is established in the amount of clearing U.S. dollars 1,291,951,838.77 in favor of the successor States of the former SFRY. This balance is considered final, shall not be subject to revision and shall be settled in accordance with the provisions of the present Memorandum.
Article 5
Allocation of the Final Balance of Settlement
1. The final balance of settlement specified in Article 4 of this Memorandum shall be allocated among the successor States to the former SFRY, as provided in point 2 of Article 5 of Annex C to the Agreement on Succession Issues among the successor States to the former SFRY dated 29 June, 2001, as follows:
Bosnia and Herzegovina – 15.5 per cent;
Republic of Macedonia – 7.5 per cent;
Serbia and Montenegro – 38 per cent;
Republic of Slovenia – 16 per cent;
Republic of Croatia – 23 per cent.
2. As a result of the allocation specified in point 1 of this Article, the proportion of the obligations of the former USSR in clearing U.S. dollars to each of the successor States to the former SFRY shall be as follows:
Bosnia and Herzegovina – 200,252,535.01;
Republic of Macedonia – 96,896,387.91;
Serbia and Montenegro – 490,941,698.73;
Republic of Slovenia – 206,712,294.20;
Republic of Croatia – 297,148,922.92.
3. The allocation of the obligations of the former USSR in accordance with point 2 of this Article shall become effective as of the date of entry into force of the present Memorandum and shall not be subject to any further revision by the Parties. The amounts of obligations of the former USSR shall be transferred to the respective accounts to be opened by the authorized banks of the Parties in accordance with Article 7 of the present Memorandum.
Article 6
Settlement of Obligations
The conversion into US dollars of the obligations of the former USSR in clearing U.S. dollars, which are allocated among the successor States to the former SFRY in accordance with the provisions of Article 5 of the present Memorandum, and the definition of the procedures and methods for repayment of such obligations shall be governed by bilateral agreements to be entered into by the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of each successor State to the former SFRY after the entry into force of the present Memorandum.
Article 7
Banking Procedures
The National Bank of Serbia and Vnesheconombank shall, within 30 days after the date of signing of the present Memorandum at the latest, close all of the existing accounts under the intergovernmental agreements and protocols between the former USSR and the former SFRY and referred to in Article 1 of the present Memorandum maintained to record the amounts which are stipulated in points 1, 2 and 3 of Article 2 of the present Memorandum.
Vnesheconombank shall open a single account in the name of the National Bank of the SFRY to which the amount of the final balance of settlement referred to in Article 4 of the present Memorandum shall be transferred.
Vnesheconombank and the banks duly authorized by the governments of the successor States to the former SFRY shall open five sub-accounts in the name of each successor State to the former SFRY and shall transfer to the credit of such accounts the amounts specified in point 2 of Article 5 of the present Memorandum.
Article 8
Entry into Force
The present Memorandum shall provisionally apply from the date of its signing and shall enter into force on the date of the last notification in writing of the Parties of completion of intra-state and inter-state procedures as may be required for its entry into force.
Signed on September 17, 2003 in Moscow in six copies, each in the Russian and English languages both texts having the same legal effect.
On behalf of the Government
of the Russian Federation
Sergej Ivanovič Kolotuhin, (s)
On behalf of the Government
of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Ljerka Marić, (s)
On behalf of the Government
of the Republic of Croatia
Zdravko Rogić, (s)
On behalf of the Government
of the Republic of Macedonia
Dušanka Hristova, (s)
On behalf of the Government
of Serbia and Montenegro
Rasim Ljajić, (s)
On behalf of the Government
of Republic of Slovenia
Rudi Gabrovec, (s)
Vlado Ruske federacije
Vlado Bosne in Hercegovine,
Vlado Republike Hrvaške,
Vlado Republike Makedonije,
Vlado Srbije in Črne gore,
Vlado Republike Slovenije
o poravnavi medsebojnih finančnih terjatev po obračunih, povezanih z blagovnim prometom med bivšo ZSSR in bivšo SFRJ
Vlada Ruske federacije in
vlade držav naslednic bivše SFRJ:
Vlada Bosne in Hercegovine,
Vlada Republike Hrvaške,
Vlada Republike Makedonije,
Vlada Srbije in Črne gore in
Vlada Republike Slovenije
v nadaljevanju »vlade držav naslednic bivše SFRJ«,
skupaj imenovane »pogodbenice«, so se
ob upoštevanju
Izjave Vlade Ruske federacije z dne 2. aprila 1993, s katero je Ruska federacija potrdila odgovornost za dolg bivše ZSSR do tujih upnikov,
Sporazuma o vprašanjih nasledstva med državami naslednicami bivše SFRJ z dne 29. junija 2001,
potrebe po dokončni poravnavi vseh medsebojnih finančnih obveznosti in terjatev po obračunih, povezanih z blagovnim prometom med bivšo ZSSR in bivšo SFRJ
in zaradi nadaljnjega razvoja in krepitve prijateljskih odnosov med državami
dogovorile, kot sledi:
1. člen
Originalni kreditni sporazumi
Naslednji medvladni sporazumi med bivšo ZSSR in bivšo SFRJ ter protokoli k njim in medbančni sporazumi o tehniki obračunavanja po ustreznih medvladnih sporazumih, v nadaljevanju »originalni kreditni sporazumi«, so z začetkom veljavnosti tega memoranduma nični ali postanejo nični v odnosih med Rusko federacijo in državami naslednicami bivše SFRJ:
1.) Plačilni sporazum med Zvezo sovjetskih socialističnih republik in Federativno ljudsko republiko Jugoslavijo z dne 5. januarja 1955;
2.) Protokol k Plačilnemu sporazumu med Zvezo sovjetskih socialističnih republik in Federativno ljudsko republiko Jugoslavijo z dne 5. januarja 1955, podpisan 18. novembra 1988;
3.) Sporazum med Banko za zunanje ekonomske dejavnosti ZSSR in Narodno banko Jugoslavije, Beograd, o načinu obračunavanja in vodenju računov po kreditu, ki ga je v skladu s protokolom z dne 18. novembra 1988 Zvezni izvršni svet Skupščine SFRJ odobril Vladi ZSSR, podpisan 9. januarja 1989;
4.) Sporazum med Vlado Zveze sovjetskih socialističnih republik in Vlado Socialistične federativne republike Jugoslavije o tehnični pomoči, ki jo daje Sovjetska zveza pri obnovi mesta Skopje in odobritvi posojila v ta namen z dne 7. junija 1965;
5.) Sporazum med Državno banko ZSSR in Jugoslovansko investicijsko banko o načinu obračunavanja in vodenja računov po kreditu, ki ga je v skladu s sporazumom z dne 7. junija 1965 Vlada Zveze sovjetskih socialističnih republik odobrila Vladi Socialistične federativne republike Jugoslavije, podpisan 3. novembra 1965;
6.) Sporazum med Vlado Zveze sovjetskih socialističnih republik in Vlado Socialistične federativne republike Jugoslavije o gospodarskem in tehničnem sodelovanju pri graditvi in rekonstrukciji industrijskih podjetij in drugih objektov v SFRJ z dne 2. novembra 1972;
7.) Protokol k Sporazumu med Vlado Zveze sovjetskih socialističnih republik in Vlado Socialistične federativne republike Jugoslavije o gospodarskem in tehničnem sodelovanju pri gradnji in rekonstrukciji industrijskih podjetij in drugih objektov v SFRJ z dne 2. novembra 1972, podpisan 18. oktobra 1977;
8.) Sporazum med Banko za zunanjo trgovino ZSSR in Narodno banko Jugoslavije o tehniki vodenja računov in obračunov po kreditu, ki ga je v skladu s sporazumom z dne 2. novembra 1972 Vlada Zveze sovjetskih socialističnih republik odobrila Vladi Socialistične federativne republike Jugoslavije, podpisan 28. septembra 1974;
9.) Dodatek k sporazumu z dne 28. septembra 1974 med Banko za zunanjo trgovino ZSSR in Narodno banko Jugoslavije o tehniki vodenja računov in obračunov po kreditu, ki ga je v skladu s sporazumom z dne 2. novembra 1972 Vlada Zveze sovjetskih socialističnih republik odobrila Vladi Socialistične federativne republike Jugoslavije, podpisan 1. decembra 1982;
10.) Protokol k sporazumu z dne 28. septembra 1974 med Banko za zunanjo trgovino ZSSR in Narodno banko Jugoslavije o tehniki vodenja računov in obračunov po kreditu, ki ga je v skladu s sporazumom z dne 2. novembra 1972 Vlada Zveze sovjetskih socialističnih republik odobrila Vladi Socialistične federativne republike Jugoslavije, podpisan 9. novembra 1984;
11.) Protokol k sporazumu z dne 28. septembra 1974 med Banko za zunanjo trgovino ZSSR in Narodno banko Jugoslavije o tehniki vodenja računov in obračunov po kreditu, ki ga je v skladu s sporazumom z dne 2. novembra 1972 Vlada Zveze sovjetskih socialističnih republik odobrila Vladi Socialistične federativne republike Jugoslavije, podpisan 13. februarja 1985;
12.) Sporazum o gospodarskem in tehničnem sodelovanju pri graditvi in rekonstrukciji industrijskih in drugih objektov v Socialistični federativni republiki Jugoslaviji z dne 29. maja 1981;
13.) Protokol k Sporazumu o gospodarskem in tehničnem sodelovanju pri graditvi in rekonstrukciji industrijskih in drugih objektov v Socialistični federativni republiki Jugoslaviji z dne 29. maja 1981, podpisan 4. aprila 1986;
14.) Protokol med Vlado Zveze sovjetskih socialističnih republik in Zveznim izvršnim svetom Skupščine Socialistične federativne republike Jugoslavije z dne 1. julija 1990;
15.) Trgovinski sporazum med Zvezo sovjetskih socialističnih republik in Socialistično federativno republiko Jugoslavijo z dne 1. novembra 1990;
16.) Sporazum med Vlado Zveze sovjetskih socialističnih republik in Zveznim izvršnim svetom Skupščine Socialistične federativne republike Jugoslavije o trgovinskem in gospodarskem sodelovanju v letu 1991 z dne 14. januarja 1991;
17.) Sporazum med Vlado Zveze sovjetskih socialističnih republik in Zveznim izvršnim svetom Skupščine Socialistične federativne republike Jugoslavije o odobritvi kredita za delno financiranje graditve druge faze metalurškega kombinata Smederevo v SFRJ z dne 27. junija 1984;
18.) Protokol k Plačilnemu sporazumu med Zvezo sovjetskih socialističnih republik in Socialistično federativno republiko Jugoslavijo z dne 1. novembra 1990, podpisan 5. julija 1991;
19.) Protokol delovnega srečanja med predsednikom Vlade ZSSR V.S. Pavlovom in predsednikom Zveznega izvršnega sveta Skupščine SFRJ A. Markovičem z dne 1.-2. avgusta 1991;
20.) Sporazum med Banko za zunanjo trgovino ZSSR in Narodno banko Jugoslavije o tehniki vodenja računov in obračunov po kreditu, ki ga je v skladu s sporazumom z dne 29. maja 1981 Vlada Zveze sovjetskih socialističnih republik odobrila Zveznemu izvršnemu svetu Skupščine Socialistične federativne republike Jugoslavije, podpisan 21. januarja 1982;
21.) Dodatek k sporazumu z dne 21. januarja 1982 med Banko za zunanjo trgovino ZSSR in Narodno banko Jugoslavije o tehniki vodenja računov in obračunov po kreditu, ki ga je v skladu s sporazumom z dne 29. maja 1981 Vlada Zveze sovjetskih socialističnih republik odobrila Zveznemu izvršnemu svetu Skupščine Socialistične federativne republike Jugoslavije, podpisan 21. maja 1986;
22.) Protokol med Vlado Zveze sovjetskih socialističnih republik in Zveznim izvršnim svetom Skupščine Socialistične federativne republike Jugoslavije, podpisan 1. avgusta 1989;
23.) Sporazum med Banko za zunanjo trgovino ZSSR in Narodno banko Jugoslavije o načinu obračunavanja in vodenja računov po kreditu, ki ga je v skladu s sporazumom z dne 27. junija 1984 Vlada Zveze sovjetskih socialističnih republik odobrila Zveznemu izvršnemu svetu Skupščine Socialistične federativne republike Jugoslavije, podpisan 7. septembra 1984;
24.) Sporazum med Banko za zunanjo trgovino ZSSR in Narodno banko Jugoslavije o načinu obračunavanja in vodenja računov po kreditu, ki ga je v skladu s sporazumom z dne 27. junija 1984 in izmenjavo pisem z dne 21./25. decembra 1984 Vlada Zveze sovjetskih socialističnih republik odobrila Zveznemu izvršnemu svetu Skupščine Socialistične federativne republike Jugoslavije, podpisan 1. februarja 1985;
25.) Plačilni sporazum med Zvezo sovjetskih socialističnih republik in Socialistično federativno republiko Jugoslavijo z dne 1. novembra 1990;
26.) Protokol k Plačilnemu sporazumu med Zvezo sovjetskih socialističnih republik in Socialistično federativno republiko Jugoslavijo z dne 1. novembra 1990, podpisan 1. novembra 1990;
27.) Sporazum med Banko za zunanjeekonomske dejavnosti ZSSR in Narodno banko Jugoslavije o tehničnem postopku izvajanja Plačilnega sporazuma med Zvezo sovjetskih socialističnih republik in Socialistično federativno republiko Jugoslavijo z dne 1. novembra 1990, podpisan 26. aprila 1991;
28.) Dodatek št. 1 k sporazumu med Banko za zunanjeekonomske dejavnosti ZSSR in Narodno banko Jugoslavije o tehničnem postopku izvajanja Plačilnega sporazuma med Zvezo sovjetskih socialističnih republik in Socialistično federativno republiko Jugoslavijo z dne 1. novembra 1990, podpisan 7. avgusta 1991;
29.) Sporazum med Vneštorgbanko ZSSR in Narodno banko Jugoslavije o postopku obračunavanja in vodenja računov v zvezi z blagovnim prometom in netrgovinskimi plačili med ZSSR in SFRJ z dne 18. decembra 1985;
2. člen
Terjatve, ki jih je treba poravnati
Predmet tega memoranduma so naslednje terjatve pogodbenic, povezane s poravnavami po blagovnem prometu med bivšo ZSSR in bivšo SFRJ:
Terjatve bivše SFRJ do bivše ZSSR:
1. v klirinških dolarjih:
1.) saldo na likvidacijskem brezobrestnem
računu št. 1 Narodne banke Jugoslavije v
banki Vnešekonombank                                 873.473.451,63
2.) saldo na likvidacijskem računu št. 2
Narodne banke Jugoslavije v banki
Vnešekonombank na dan 31. decembra 1990              558.862.638,68
3.) obresti, ki jih države naslednice bivše
SFRJ terjajo po posojilu v višini 555
milijonov klirinških dolarjev, odobrenem v
skladu s Protokolom k Plačilnemu sporazumu
med Zvezo sovjetskih socialističnih
republik in Federativno ljudsko republiko
Jugoslavijo z dne 5. januarja 1955,
podpisanim 18. novembra 1988                         313.695.878,80
4.) dolg na podlagi izvoznih dobav v bivšo
ZSSR, ki se plačuje s posebnega obrestnega
računa A Vnešekonombanke pri Narodni banki
Jugoslavije                                           29.482.746,81
Terjatve bivše ZSSR do bivše SFRJ:
2. v klirinških dolarjih:
1.) dolg na podlagi državnih posojil, ki
jih je bivša ZSSR odobrila bivši SFRJ v
obdobju 1965-1984 ob upoštevanju odplačil
v letih 1991-1993                                    263.735.181,60
2.) obveznosti iz menic, ki jih je
akceptiralo združenje Himmašeksport in so
shranjene v Vnešekonombanki                              214.889,78
3.) dolg bank bivše SFRJ po akreditivih               32.708.075,76
4.) dolg po obračunih iz bančnih nakazil              20.000.000,00
3. v USD:
1.) saldo na posebnem obrestnem računu A
Vnešekonombanke pri Narodni banki
Jugoslavije                                           29.963.234,31
2.) saldo na posebnem računu B
Vnešekonombanke pri Narodni banki
Jugoslavije                                              136,630.87
3.) dolg pooblaščenih bank SFRJ po
izvoznih akreditivih                                  16,358,581.46
4.) komercialni dolg bivše SFRJ                          582,941.12
4. Terjatve iz 3. točke tega člena, se preračunajo v klirinške dolarje po tečaju 1 klirinški dolar = 0,625 USD.
5. Določbe tega memoranduma se uporabljajo za terjatve iz 1., 2., 3. in 4. točke tega člena, ne glede na pogoje originalnih kreditnih sporazumov.
3. člen
Poravnava komercialnega dolga bivše ZSSR
Komercialni dolg bivše ZSSR v zvezi s posli zunanjetrgovinskih organizacij bivše ZSSR do izvoznikov bivše SFRJ se uskladi in poravna v skladu s sklepom št. 931 Vlade Ruske federacije z dne 29. decembra 2001 o poravnavi komercialnega dolga bivše ZSSR do tujih komercialnih upnikov s konverzijo tega dolga v obveznice Ruske federacije, nominirane v USD, izdane v skladu s sklepom št. 478 Vlade Ruske federacije z dne 23. junija 2000 o poravnavi dolga bivše ZSSR do tujih komercialnih bank in finančnih institucij, združenih v Londonskem klubu upnikov, pod pogojem da ta ustreza merilom iz Izjave Vlade Ruske federacije z dne 1. oktobra 1994 o konverziji komercialnega dolga bivše ZSSR do tujih upnikov ter sklepu št. 931 Vlade Ruske federacije z dne 29. decembra 2001.
Ruska pogodbenica pravočasno obvesti druge pogodbenice o spremembah v zakonodaji Ruske federacije, ki se nanašajo na poravnavo komercialnega dolga bivše ZSSR.
4. člen
Saldo obračuna
Zaključni saldo obračuna med bivšo ZSSR in bivšo SFRJ se določi v znesku 1.291.951.838,77 klirinških dolarjev v korist držav naslednic bivše SFRJ. Ta saldo se šteje za dokončnega in se ne revidira ter se poravna v skladu z določbami tega memoranduma.
5. člen
Razdelitev zaključnega salda
1. Zaključni saldo obračuna, naveden v 4. členu tega memoranduma, se razdeli med države naslednice bivše SFRJ, kot je določeno v 2. točki 5. člena Priloge C k Sporazumu o vprašanjih nasledstva med državami naslednicami bivše SFRJ z dne 29. junija 2001:
Bosna in Hercegovina – 15,5 odstotkov
Republika Hrvaška – 23 odstotkov
Republika Makedonija – 7,5 odstotkov
Srbija in Črna gora – 38 odstotkov
Republika Slovenija – 16 odstotkov.
2. Na podlagi razdelitve iz 1. točke tega člena, je razmerje obveznosti bivše ZSSR do vsake od držav naslednic bivše SFRJ v klirinških dolarjih:
Bosna in Hercegovina – 200.252.535,01
Republika Hrvaška – 297.148.922,92
Republika Makedonija – 96.896.387,91
Srbija in Črna gora – 490.941.698,73
Republika Slovenija – 206.712.294,20.
3. Razdelitev obveznosti bivše ZSSR v skladu z 2. točko tega člena začne veljati z dnem začetka veljavnosti tega memoranduma in je pogodbenice ne smejo spremeniti. Zneski obveznosti bivše ZSSR se prenesejo na ustrezne račune, ki jih pooblaščene banke pogodbenic odprejo v skladu s 7. členom tega memoranduma.
6. člen
Poravnava obveznosti
Konverzijo obveznosti bivše ZSSR, ki se razdelijo med države naslednice bivše SFRJ, iz klirinških dolarjev v USD, v skladu s 5. členom tega memoranduma ter določitev postopka in načinov za plačilo teh obveznosti urejajo dvostranski dogovori, sklenjeni med Vlado Ruske federacije in vladami vseh držav naslednic bivše SFRJ po začetku veljavnosti memoranduma.
7. člen
Bančni postopki
Narodna banka Srbije in Vnešekonombanka najkasneje v 30 dneh po podpisu tega memoranduma zapreta vse obstoječe račune po medvladnih sporazumih in protokolih med bivšo ZSSR ter bivšo SFRJ iz 1. člena tega memoranduma, ki se vodijo zaradi evidentiranja zneskov, določenih v 1., 2. in 3. točki 2. člena memoranduma.
Vnešekonombanka na ime Narodne banke SFRJ odpre enoten račun, na katerega se nakaže znesek zaključnega salda iz 4. člena tega memoranduma.
Vnešekonombanka in banke, ki jih pravilno pooblastijo vlade držav naslednic bivše SFRJ, odprejo pet podračunov na ime vsake države naslednice bivše SFRJ in na teh računih vknjižijo v dobro zneske, določene v 2. točki 5. člena tega memoranduma.
8. člen
Začetek veljavnosti
Ta memorandum se začasno uporablja od dneva podpisa in začne veljati na dan zadnjega pisnega obvestila pogodbenic, da so opravljeni notranji in meddržavni postopki, potrebni za začetek njegove veljavnosti.
Podpisano 17. septembra 2003 v Moskvi v šestih izvodih v ruskem in angleškem jeziku, pri čemer sta obe besedili enako verodostojni.
Za Vlado
Ruske federacije
Sergej Ivanovič Kolotuhin l. r.
Za Vlado
Bosne in Hercegovine
Ljerka Marić l. r.
Za Vlado
Republike Hrvaške
Zdravko Rogić l. r.
Za Vlado
Republike Makedonije
Dušanka Hristova l. r.
Za Vlado
Srbije in Črne gore
Rasim Ljajić l. r.
Za Vlado
Republike Slovenije
Rudi Gabrovec l. r.
3. člen
Za izvajanje Memoranduma skrbi Ministrstvo za finance Republike Slovenije.
4. člen
Ta uredba začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 437-12/2001-9
Ljubljana, dne 29. aprila 2004
EVA 2004-1811-0161
Vlada Republike Slovenije
mag. Anton Rop l. r.

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