Uradni list

Številka 81
Uradni list RS, št. 81/2002 z dne 20. 9. 2002
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 81/2002 z dne 20. 9. 2002


68. Uredba o ratifikaciji Sporazuma o znanstvenem in tehnološkem sodelovanju med Republiko Slovenijo in Slovaško republiko, stran 917.

Na podlagi petega odstavka 75. člena Zakona o zunanjih zadevah (Uradni list RS, št. 45/01) izdaja Vlada Republike Slovenije
1. člen
Ratificira se Sporazum o znanstvenem in tehnološkem sodelovanju med Republiko Slovenijo in Slovaško republiko, podpisan dne 13. novembra 2001 v Bratislavi.
2. člen
Sporazum se v izvirniku v slovenskem in v angleškem jeziku glasi:
Vlada Republike Slovenije in Vlada Slovaške republike (v nadaljevanju “pogodbenici“) sta se
ob priznavanju pomena mednarodnega sodelovanja v znanosti in tehnologiji za razvoj njunega domačega gospodarstva in blaginjo obeh držav,
v želji, da spodbudita in pospešujeta sodelovanje na področju znanosti in tehnologije na podlagi enakosti in vzajemnih koristi,
1. člen
1. Pogodbenici razvijata in podpirata sodelovanje na področju znanosti in tehnologije po določbah tega sporazuma in pravnih predpisih, ki veljajo v Republiki Sloveniji in Slovaški republiki
2. Pogodbenici spodbujata in podpirata sodelovanje v znanosti in tehnologiji z neposrednimi stiki med znanstvenimi enotami, ki vključujejo tudi visoko izobraževalne, raziskovalne in razvojne zavode in znanstvena združenja javnega in zasebnega sektorja obeh držav v skladu z njuno notranjo zakonodajo.
2. člen
Po tem sporazumu sodelovanje v znanosti in tehnologiji obsega:
a) skupne znanstvene, tehnološke, raziskovalne in razvojne projekte na medsebojno dogovorjenih področjih,
b) izmenjavo znanstvenikov, strokovnjakov, raziskovalcev in izvedencev,
c) izmenjavo znanstvenih in tehnoloških informacij, dokumentacije in tudi laboratorijskih vzorcev ter opreme v povezavi z dejavnostmi sodelovanja,
d) skupne znanstvene konference, simpozije, delavnice, druga srečanja in razstave,
e) druge oblike sodelovanja, o katerih se pogodbenici lahko medsebojno dogovorita.
Pogodbenici spodbujata sodelovanje pri raziskovanju in tehnološkem razvoju med podjetniškimi subjekti.
3. člen
Pristojna organa za izvajanje določb tega sporazuma sta Ministrstvo za šolstvo, znanost in šport Republike Slovenije in Ministrstvom za izobraževanje Slovaške republike.
4. člen
1. Za izvajanje tega sporazuma se ustanovi Skupni odbor za sodelovanje v znanosti in tehnologiji (v nadaljevanju “skupni odbor“), ki ga sestavlja enako število predstavnikov organov, pristojnih za izvajanje tega sporazuma po njegovem 3. členu.
2. Skupni odbor se bo, če ne bo drugače dogovorjeno, sestajal najmanj vsaki dve leti izmenično v Republiki Sloveniji in v Slovaški republiki na datum, ustrezen za obe strani.
3. Skupni odbor lahko na prvem sestanku oblikuje svoja pravila za izvajanje tega sporazuma.
5. člen
Skupni odbor izpolnjuje te naloge:
a) dogovarjanje o področjih sodelovanja,
b) ustvarjanje ugodnih razmer za izvajanje tega sporazuma na podlagi vzajemnega soglasja,
c) omogočanje in podpiranje izvajanja skupnih programov in projektov,
d) izmenjava izkušenj, ki izhajajo iz dvostranskega znanstvenega in tehnološkega sodelovanja, in proučevanje predlogov za nadaljnji razvoj tega sodelovanja,
e) pogajanje in dogovarjanje o programih izvajanja,
f) izdelava protokolov, ki predstavljajo dosežke znanstvenega in tehnološkega sodelovanja po tem sporazumu.
6. člen
Če se pogodbenici ne dogovorita drugače, se stroški, nastali pri izmenjavi oseb iz točke b 2. člena tega sporazuma zaradi uresničevanja programov in projektov, krijejo na tej podlagi:
a) pogodbenica pošiljateljica krije prevozne stroške povratne vozovnice med glavnima mestoma obeh držav, ali če je ugodnejše, med kraji zavodov pošiljateljice in gostiteljice,
b) pogodbenica sprejemnica krije na ozemlju svoje države stroške namestitve, prehrane in notranjega prevoza, potrebnega za izvajanje programov in projektov.
7. člen
Za osebe, ki jih ena pogodbenica pošlje drugi, in za osebe, omenjene v 9. členu tega sporazuma, veljajo določbe notranje zakonodaje države sprejemnice na njenem ozemlju.
8. člen
1. Obravnavanje pravic intelektualne lastnine, ki izhajajo iz dejavnosti sodelovanja po tem sporazumu, se ureja z uresničevanjem dogovorov med sodelujočimi organizacijami, v katerih se ustrezna in učinkovita zaščita intelektualne lastnine zagotovi v skladu z mednarodnimi standardi o pravu intelektualne lastnine kot tudi notranjimi pravnimi predpisi, ki veljajo v Republiki Sloveniji in Slovaški republiki.
2. Znanstvene in tehnološke informacije, pridobljene na podlagi sodelovanja po tem sporazumu, so v lasti sodelujočih zavodov; take informacije ne morejo biti dane na razpolago tretji osebi, razen če se sodelujoči zavodi pisno dogovorijo drugače.
9. člen
Znanstveniki, izvedenci in zavodi tretjih držav ali mednarodnih organizacij so lahko s soglasjem sodelujočih zavodov vabljeni, da sodelujejo pri projektih in programih, ki se izvajajo po tem sporazumu. Stroške takega sodelovanja običajno krijejo zainteresirani zavodi tretje države, razen če se organa, pristojna za izvajanje tega sporazuma po njegovem 3. členu, pisno drugače dogovorita.
10. člen
1. Določbe tega sporazuma se lahko spremenijo samo s soglasjem obeh pogodbenic. Spremembe morajo biti pisne.
2. Spori zaradi razlage ali izvajanja tega sporazuma se rešujejo s pogajanji v skupnem odboru ali pa jih rešujeta organa, pristojna za izvajanje tega sporazuma po njegovem 3. členu.
11. člen
Ta sporazum ne vpliva na pravice in obveznosti iz drugih mednarodnih pogodb, ki jih je ali jih bo sklenila ena ali druga pogodbenica.
12. člen
1. Ta sporazum je treba odobriti v skladu z notranjim pravom obeh pogodbenic in začne veljati na dan, ko sta izmenjani noti o taki odobritvi.
2. Ta sporazum velja za nedoločen čas. Ena ali druga pogodbenica lahko ta sporazum pisno odpove. Taka odpoved začne veljati šest mesecev po dnevu, ko je druga pogodbenica prejela uradno obvestilo o tem.
3. Prenehanje tega sporazuma ne vpliva na projekte ali programe, ki se izvajajo po tem sporazumu in ob prenehanju njegove veljavnosti še niso v celoti izvedeni.
4. Z dnem, ko začne veljati ta sporazum, preneha veljati Sporazum o znanstvenem in tehnološkem sodelovanju med Vlado Federativne ljudske republike Jugoslavije in Vlado Češkoslovaške republike, podpisan v Beogradu 3. julija 1956.
Sestavljeno v Bratislavi dne13. novembra 2001 v dveh izvirnikih, od katerih je vsak v slovenskem, slovaškem in angleškem jeziku. Pri razlikah v razlagi je odločilno angleško besedilo.
Lucija Čok l. r.
Milan Ftačnik l. r.
The Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Government of the Slovak Republic (hereinafter referred to as “Parties”)
Recognising the importance of international co-operation in science and technology for the development of their national economies and prosperity of both countries,
Desiring to encourage and promote their co-operation in the areas of science and technology on the basis of equality and mutual benefit,
Have agreed as follows:
Article 1
1. The Parties shall develop and support the co-operation in the field of science and technology according to the provisions of this Agreement and legal regulations in force in the Republic of Slovenia and Slovak Republic
2. The Parties shall encourage and support the co-operation in science and technology through direct contacts between scientific units, including schools of higher education, research and development institutions and scientific associations of the public and private sectors of the two countries in conformity with their respective national legislation.
Article 2
According to this Agreement, co-operation in the field of science and technology shall comprise:
a) Joint scientific and technological, research and development projects in mutually agreed areas;
b) Exchange of scientists, specialists, researchers and experts;
c) Exchange of scientific and technological information, documentation, as well as laboratory samples and equipment in the context of co-operative activities;
d) Joint scientific conferences, symposia, workshops, other meetings and exhibitions;
e) Other forms of co-operation which can be mutually agreed upon by the Parties.
Parties shall encourage collaboration in research and technological development between entrepreneurial entities.
Article 3
The executive organizations for the implementation of the provisions of this Agreement shall be the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport for the Republic of Slovenia and the Ministry of Education for the Slovak Republic.
Article 4
1. For the purpose of the implementation of this Agreement a Joint Committee for Co-operation in the field of Science and Technology (hereinafter referred to as “Joint Committee”) shall be established, consisting of equal number of representatives of the executive organizations responsible for the implementation of this Agreement, according to the Article 3 herein.
2. The Joint Committee shall usually meet at least once in two years, unless otherwise agreed, alternately in the Republic of Slovenia and in the Slovak Republic on mutually convenient dates.
3. The Joint Committee may formulate its regulations for the implementation of this Agreement at its first meeting.
Article 5
The Joint Committee shall fulfil the following tasks:
a) Agreement on the areas of co-operation;
b) Creation of favourable conditions for the implementation of this Agreement on the basis of mutual consent;
c) Facilitation and support of the implementation of joint programmes and projects;
d) Exchange of experience arising from the bilateral scientific and technological co-operation and examination of proposals for further development of this co-operation;
e) Negotiation of and agreement on Executive Programmes;
f) Elaboration of Protocols presenting results of scientific-technological co-operation under this Agreement.
Article 6
The expenses incurred in transferring personnel referred to in the Article 2/b of this Agreement, resulting from implementation of programmes and projects, unless the Parties agree otherwise, shall be covered on the following basis:
a) The Sending Party shall cover the round-trip transportation costs between the capitals of both countries, or – if more convenient - between the sites of sending and host institutions;
b) The Receiving Party shall cover within its state territory the costs of lodging, meals and local transportation necessary to carry out programmes and projects.
Article 7
The personnel sent to one of the Parties by the other Party, as well as the personnel mentioned in the Article 9 herein, shall be subject of provisions of national legislation of the receiving country on the territory of this country
Article 8
1. The treatment of intellectual property rights arising from the co-operative activities under this Agreement shall be regulated by the implementing arrangements between the co-operating organisations in which an adequate and efficient intellectual property protection shall be guaranteed according to the international standards concerning the intellectual property law, as well as internal legal regulations in force in the Republic of Slovenia and in the Slovak Republic.
2. Scientific and technological information derived from the co-operation under this Agreement shall be possessed by the co-operating institutions; such information cannot be made available to a third party, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the co-operating institutions.
Article 9
Scientists, experts and institutions of third countries or international organisations may be invited, upon consent of the co-operating institutions, to participate in projects and programmes carried out under this Agreement. The cost of such participation shall normally be covered by the interested institutions of a third country unless the executing organizations responsible for the implementation of this Agreement, according to the Article 3 herein, agree otherwise in writing.
Article 10
1. The provisions of this Agreement may be amended only upon the consent of both Parties. The amendments should be done in writing.
2. Any disputes related to the interpretation or implementation of this Agreement shall be settled through consultations within the Joint Committee or by the executing organizations responsible for the implementation of this Agreement, according to the Article 3 herein.
Article 11
This Agreement shall not affect the rights and obligations arising from other international agreements concluded by either Party.
Article 12
1. This Agreement shall be subject to approval in accordance with internal law of both Parties and it shall enter into force on the date of exchange of note about this approval.
2. This Agreement shall remain in force indefinitely. Either Party denounce this Agreement in writing. Such denunciation shall come into effect six months after date of receipt by the other Party of such notification.
3. The termination of this Agreement shall not affect the projects or programmes undertaken under this Agreement and not fully executed at the time of the termination of this Agreement.
4. The Agreement between the Government of the Yugoslav Federal People’s Republic and the Government of the Czechoslovak Republic on scientific and technological cooperation, signed on July 3, 1956 in Belgrade, will be terminated on the date when this Agreement comes into force.
Done in Bratislava on this 13 day of November, 2001, in two original copies, each in Slovene and Slovak and English languages. In case of any divergence in interpretation, the English text shall prevail.
Lucija Čok, (s)
Milan Ftačnik, (s)
3. člen
Za izvajanje sporazuma skrbi Ministrstvo za šolstvo, znanost in šport Republike Slovenije.
4. člen
Ta uredba začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št.: 681-03/2002-1
Ljubljana, dne 3. septembra 2002
Vlada Republike Slovenije
dr. Janez Drnovšek l. r.
* Besedilo v slovaškem jeziku je na v pogled v Sektorju za mednarodnopravne zadeve pri Ministrstvu za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije.

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