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Uradni list RS, št. 60/2002 z dne 10. 7. 2002
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 60/2002 z dne 10. 7. 2002


60. Zakon o ratifikaciji Dunajske konvencije o nasledstvu držav glede državnega premoženja, arhivov in dolgov (MDKND), stran 739.

Na podlagi druge alinee prvega odstavka 107. člena in prvega odstavka 91. člena Ustave Republike Slovenije izdajam
Razglašam Zakon o ratifikacijii Dunajske konvencije o nasledstvu držav glede državnega premoženja, arhivov in dolgov (MDKND), ki ga je sprejel Državni zbor Republike Slovenije na seji 21. junija 2002.
Št. 001-22-85/02
Ljubljana, 2. julija 2002
Republike Slovenije
Milan Kučan l. r.
1. člen
Ratificira se Dunajska konvencija o nasledstvu držav glede državnega premoženja, arhivov in dolgov, sestavljena na Dunaju 8. aprila 1983.
2. člen
Konvencija se v izvirniku v angleškem in v prevodu v slovenskem jeziku glasi:
Done at Vienna, on 8 April 1983
The States Parties to the present Convention,
Considering the profound transformation of the international community brought about by the decolonisation process,
Considering also that other factors may lead to cases of succession of States in the future,
Convinced, in these circumstances, of the need for the codification and progressive development of the rules relating to succession of States in respect of State property, archives and debts as a means for ensuring greater juridical security in international relations,
Noting that the principles of free consent, good faith and pacta sunt servanda are universally recognised,
Emphasizing the importance of the codification and progressive development of international law which is of interest to the international community as a whole and of special importance for the strengthening of peace and international cooperation,
Believing that questions relating to succession of States in respect of State property, archives and debts are of special importance to all States,
Having in mind the principles of international law embodied in the Charter of the United Nations, such as the principles of the equal rights and self-determination of peoples, of the sovereign equality and independence of all States, of non-interference in the domestic affairs of States, of the prohibition of the threat or use of force, and of universal respect for, and observance of, human rights and fundamental freedoms for all,
Recalling that respect for the territorial integrity and political independence of any State is required by the Charter of the United Nations,
Bearing in mind the provisions of the Vienna Conventions on the Law of Treaties of 1969 and on Succession of States in Respect of Treaties of 1978,
Affirming that matters not regulated by the present Convention continue to be governed by the rules and principles of general international law,
Have agreed as follows:
Article 1
Scope of the present Convention
The present Convention applies to the effects of a succession of States in respect of State property, archives and debts.
Article 2
Use of terms
1. For the purposes of the present Convention:
(a) “succession of States” means the replacement of one State by another in the responsibility for the international relations of territory;
(b) “predecessor State” means the State which has been replaced by another State on the occurrence of a succession of States;
(c) “successor State” means the State which has replaced another State on the occurrence of a succession of States;
(d) “date of the succession of States” means the date upon which the successor State replaced the predecessor State in the responsibility for the international relations of the territory to which the succession of States relates;
(e) “newly independent State” means a successor State the territory of which, immediately before the date of the succession of States, was a dependent territory for the international relations of which the predecessor State was responsible;
(f) “third States” means any State other than the predecessor State or the successor State.
2. The provisions of paragraph 1 regarding the use of terms in the present Convention are without prejudice to the use of those terms or to the meanings which may be given to them in the internal law of any State.
Article 3
Cases of succession of States covered by the present Convention
The present Convention applies only to the effects of a succession of States occurring in conformity with international law and, in particular, with the principles of international law embodied in the Charter of the United Nations.
Article 4
Temporal application of the present Convention
1. Without prejudice to the application of any of the rules set forth in the present Convention to which the effects of a succession of States would be subject under international law independently of the Convention, the Convention applies only in respect of a succession of States which has occurred after the entry into force of the Convention except as may be otherwise agreed.
2. A successor state may, at the time of expressing its consent to be bound by the present Convention or at any time thereafter, make a declaration that it will apply the provisions of the Convention in respect of its own succession of States which has occurred before the entry into force of the Convention in relation to any other contracting State or State Party to the Convention which makes a declaration accepting the declaration of the successor State. Upon the entry into force of the Convention as between the States making the declarations or upon the making of the declaration of acceptance, whichever occurs later, the provisions of the Convention shall apply to the effects of the succession of States as from the date of that succession of States.
3. A successor State may at the time of signing or of expressing its consent to be bound by the present Convention make a declaration that it will apply the provisions of the Convention provisionally in respect of its own succession of States which has occurred before the entry into force of the Convention in relation to any other signatory or contracting State which makes a declaration accepting the declaration of the successor State; upon the making of the declaration of acceptance, those provisions shall apply provisionally to the effects of the succession of the States as between those two States as from the date of that succession of States.
4. Any declaration made in accordance with paragraph 2 or 3 shall be contained in a written notification communicated to the depositary, who shall inform the Parties and the States entitled to become Parties to the present Convention of the communication to him of that notification and of its terms.
Article 5
Succession in respect of other matters
Nothing in the present Convention shall be considered as prejudging in any respect any question relating to the effects of a succession of States in respect of matters other than those provided for in the present Convention.
Article 6
Rights and obligations of natural or juridical persons
Nothing in the present Convention shall be considered as prejudging in any respect any question relating to the rights and obligations of natural or juridical persons.
Article 7
Scope of the present Part
The articles in the present Part apply to the effects of a succession of states in respect of State property of the predecessor State.
Article 8
State property
For the purposes of the articles in the present Part, “State property of the predecessor State” means property, rights and interests which, at the date of the succession of States, were, according to the internal law of the predecessor State, owned by that State.
Article 9
Effects of the passing of State property
The passing of State property of the predecessor State entails the extinction of the rights of that State and the arising of the rights of the successor State to the State property which passes to the successor State, subject to the provisions of the articles in the present Part.
Article 10
Date of the passing of State property
Unless otherwise agreed by the States concerned or decided by an appropriate international body, the date of the passing of State property of the predecessor State is that of the succession of States.
Article 11
Passing of State property without compensation
Subject to the provisions of the articles in the present Part and unless otherwise agreed by the states concerned or decided by an appropriate international body, the passing of State property of the predecessor State to the successor State shall take place without compensation.
Article 12
Absence of effect of a succession of States on the property of a third State
A succession of States shall not as such affect property, rights and interests which, at the date of the succession of States, are situated in the territory of the predecessor State and which, at that date, are owned by a third State according to the internal law of the predecessor State.
Article 13
Preservation and safety of State property
For the purpose of the implementation of the provisions of the articles in the present Part, the predecessor State shall take all measures to prevent damage or destruction to State property which passes to the successor State in accordance with those provisions.
Article 14
Transfer of part of the territory of a State
1. When part of the territory of a State is transferred by that State to another State, the passing of State property of the predecessor State to the successor State is to be settled by agreement between them.
2. In the absence of such an agreement:
(a) immovable State property of the predecessor State situated in the territory to which the succession of States relates shall pass to the successor State;
(b) movable State property of the predecessor State connected with the activity of the predecessor State in respect of the territory to which the succession of States relates shall pass to the successor State.
Article 15
Newly independent State
1. When the successor State is a newly independent State:
(a) immovable State property of the predecessor State situated in the territory to which the succession of States relates shall pass to the successor State;
(b) immovable property, having belonged to the territory to which the succession of states relates, situated outside it and having become State property of the predecessor State during the period of dependence, shall pass to the successor State;
(c) immovable State property of the predecessor State other than that mentioned in subparagraph (b) and situated outside the territory to which the succession of States relates, to the creation of which the dependent territory has contributed, shall pass to the successor State in proportion to the contribution of the dependent territory;
(d) movable State property of the predecessor State connected with the activity of the predecessor state in respect of the territory to which the succession of States relates shall pass to the successor state;
(e) movable property, having belonged to the territory to which the succession of States relates and having become State property of the predecessor State during the period of dependence, shall pass to the successor State;
(f) movable State property of the predecessor State, other than the property mentioned in subparagraphs (d) and (e), to the creation of which the dependent territory has contributed, shall pass to the successor State in proportion to the contribution of the dependent territory.
2. When a newly independent State is formed from two or more dependent territories, the passing of the State property of the predecessor State or States to the newly independent State shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1.
3. When a dependent territory becomes part of the territory of a State, other than the State which was responsible for its international relations, the passing of the state property of the predecessor State to the successor State shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1.
4. Agreements concluded between the predecessor State and the newly independent State to determine succession to State property of the predecessor State otherwise than by the application of paragraphs 1 to 3 shall not infringe the principle of the permanent sovereignty of every people over its wealth and natural resources.
Article 16
Uniting of States
When two or more States unite and so form one successor State, the State property of the predecessor States shall pass to the successor State.
Article 17
Separation of part or parts of the territory of a State
1. When part or parts of the territory of a State separate from that State and form a successor State, and unless the predecessor State and the successor State otherwise agree:
(a) immovable State property of the predecessor State situated in the territory to which the succession of States relates shall pass to the successor State;
(b) movable State property of the predecessor State connected with the activity of the predecessor State in respect of the territory to which the succession of states relates shall pass to the successor State;
(c) movable State property of the predecessor State, other than that mentioned in subparagraph (b), shall pass to the successor state in an equitable proportion.
2. Paragraph 1 applies when part of the territory of a State separates from that State and unites with another State.
3. The provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 are without prejudice to any question of equitable compensation as between the predecessor State and the successor State that may arise as a result of a succession of States.
Article 18
Dissolution of a State
1. When a State dissolves and ceases to exist and the parts of the territory of the predecessor State form two or more successor States, and unless the successor States concerned otherwise agree:
(a) immovable State property of the predecessor State shall pass to the successor State in the territory of which it is situated;
(b) immovable State property of the predecessor State situated outside its territory shall pass to the successor States in equitable proportions;
(c) movable State property of the predecessor State connected with the activity of the predecessor State in respect of the territories to which the succession of States relates shall pass to the successor State concerned;
(d) movable State property of the predecessor State, other than that mentioned in subparagraph (c), shall pass to the successor States in equitable proportions.
2. The provisions of paragraph 1 are without prejudice to any question of equitable compensation among the successor States that may arise as a result of a succession of States.
Article 19
Scope of the present Part
The articles in the present Part apply to the effects of a succession of States in respect of State archives of the predecessor State.
Article 20
State archives
For the purposes of the articles in the present Part, “State archives of the predecessor State” means all documents of whatever date and kind, produced or received by the predecessor State in the exercise of its functions which, at the date of the succession of States, belonged to the predecessor State according to its internal law and were preserved by it directly or under its control as archives for whatever purpose.
Article 21
Effects of the passing of state archives
The passing of State archives of the predecessor State entails the extinction of the rights of that State and the arising of the rights of the successor State to the State archives which pass to the successor State, subject to the provisions of the articles in the present Part.
Article 22
Date of the passing of state archives
Unless otherwise agreed by the States concerned or decided by an appropriate international body, the date of the passing of State archives of the predecessor State is that of the succession of States.
Article 23
Passing of State archives without compensation
Subject to the provisions of the articles in the present Part and unless otherwise agreed by the States concerned or decided by an appropriate international body, the passing of State archives of the predecessor State to the successor State shall take place without compensation.
Article 24
Absence of effect of a succession of States on the archives of a third State
A succession of States shall not as such affect archives which, at the date of the succession of States, are situated in the territory of the predecessor State and which, at that date, are owned by a third State according to the internal law of the predecessor State.
Article 25
Preservation of the integral character of groups of State archives
Nothing in the present Part shall be considered as prejudging in any respect any question that might arise by reason of the preservation of the integral character of groups of State archives of the predecessor State.
Article 26
Preservation and safety of State archives
For the purposes of the implementation of the provisions of the articles in the present Part, the predecessor State shall take all measures to prevent damage or destruction to State archives which pass to the successor State in accordance with those provisions.
Article 27
Transfer of part of the territory of a State
1. When part of the territory of a State is transferred by that State to another State, the passing of State archives of the predecessor State to the successor State is to be settled by agreement between them.
2. In the absence of such an agreement:
(a) the part of State archives of the predecessor State, which for normal administration of the territory to which the succession of States relates should be at the disposal of the State to which the territory concerned is transferred, shall pass to the successor State;
(b) the part of State archives of the predecessor state, other than the part mentioned in subparagraph (a), that relates exclusively or principally to the territory to which the succession of States relates, shall pass to the successor State.
3. The predecessor State shall provide the successor State with the best available evidence from its State archives which bears upon title to the territory of the transferred territory or its boundaries, or which is necessary to clarify the meaning of documents of State archives of the predecessor State which pass to the successor State pursuant to other provisions of the present article.
4. The predecessor State shall make available to the successor State, at the request and at the expense of that State, appropriate reproductions of its State archives connected with the interests of the transferred territory.
5. The successor State shall make available to the predecessor State, at the request and at the expense of that State, appropriate reproductions of State archives of the predecessor State which have passed to the successor State in accordance with paragraph 1 or 2.
Article 28
Newly independent State
1. When the successor State is a newly independent State:
(a) archives having belonged to the territory to which the succession of States relates and having become State archives of the predecessor State during the period of dependence shall pass to the newly independent State;
(b) the part of State archives of the predecessor State, which for normal administration of the territory to which the succession of States relates should be in that territory, shall pass to the newly independent State;
(c) the part of State archives of the predecessor State, other than the parts mentioned in subparagraphs (a) and (b), that relates exclusively or principally to the territory to which the succession of States relates, shall pass to the newly independent State.
2. The passing or the appropriate reproduction of parts of the State archives of the predecessor State, other than those mentioned in paragraph 1, of interest to the territory to which the succession of States relates, shall be determined by agreement between the predecessor State and the newly independent State in such a manner that each of those States can benefit as widely and equitably as possible from those parts of the State archives of the predecessor State.
3. The predecessor state shall provide the newly independent State with the best available evidence from its State archives which bears upon title to the territory of the newly independent State or its boundaries, or which is necessary to clarify the meaning of documents of States archives of the predecessor State which pass to the newly independent State pursuant to other provisions of the present article.
4. The predecessor State shall cooperate with the successor State in efforts to recover any archives which, having belonged to the territory to which the succession of States relates, were dispersed during the period of dependence.
5. Paragraphs 1 to 4 apply when a newly independent State is formed from two or more dependent territories.
6. Paragraphs 1 to 4 apply when a dependent territory becomes part of the territory of a State other than the State which was responsible for its international relations.
7. Agreements concluded between the predecessor State and the newly independent State in regard to State archives of the predecessor State shall not infringe the right of the peoples of those States to development, to information about their history, and to their cultural heritage.
Article 29
Uniting of States
When two or more States unite and so form one successor State, the State archives of the predecessor States shall pass to the successor State.
Article 30
Separation of part or parts of the territory of a State
1. When part or parts of the territory of a State separate from that State and form a State, and unless the predecessor State and the successor State otherwise agree:
(a) the part of State archives of the predecessor State, which for normal administration of the territory to which the succession of States relates should be in that territory, shall pass to the successor State;
(b) the part of State archives of the predecessor State, other than the part mentioned in subparagraph (a), that relates directly to the territory to which the succession of States relates, shall pass to the successor State.
2. The predecessor State shall provide the successor State with the best available evidence from its State archives which bears upon title to the territory of the successor State or its boundaries, or which is necessary to clarify the meaning of documents of State archives of the predecessor State which pass to the successor State pursuant to other provisions of the present article.
3. Agreements concluded between the predecessor State and the successor State in regard to State archives of the predecessor State shall not infringe the right of the peoples of those States to development, to information about their history and to their cultural heritage.
4. The predecessor and successor States shall, at the request and at the expense of one of them or on an exchange basis, make available appropriate reproductions of their State archives connected with the interests of their respective territories.
5. The provision of paragraphs 1 to 4 apply when part of the territory of a State separates from that State and unites with another State.
Article 31
Dissolution of a State
1. When a State dissolves and ceases to exist and the parts of the territory of the predecessor State form two or more successor States, and unless the successor States concerned otherwise agree:
(a) the part of the State archives of the predecessor State which should be in the territory of a successor State for normal administration of its territory shall pass to that successor State;
(b) the part of the State archives of the predecessor State, other than the part mentioned in subparagraph (a), that relates directly to the territory of a successor State shall pass to that successor State.
2. The State archives of the predecessor State other than those mentioned in paragraph 1 shall pass to the successor States in an equitable manner, taking into account all relevant circumstances.
3. Each successor State shall provide the other successor State or States with the best available evidence from its part of the State archives of the predecessor State which bears upon title to the territories or boundaries of that other successor State or States, or which is necessary to clarify the meaning of documents of State archives of the predecessor State which pass to that State or States pursuant to other provisions of the present article.
4. Agreements concluded between the successor States concerned in regard to State archives of the predecessor State shall not infringe the right of the peoples of those States to development, to information about their history and to their cultural heritage.
5. Each successor State shall make available to any other successor State, at the request and at the expense of that State or on an exchange basis, appropriate reproductions of its part of the State archives of the predecessor State connected with the interests of the territory of that other successor State.
Article 32
Scope of the present Part
The articles in the present Part apply to the effects of a succession of States in respect of State debts.
Article 33
State debt
For the purposes of the articles in the present Part, “State debt” means any financial obligation of a predecessor State arising in conformity with international law towards another State, an international organization or any other subject of international law.
Article 34
Effects of the passing of State debts
The passing of the State debts entails the extinction of the obligations of the predecessor State and the arising of the obligations of the successor State in respect of the State debts which pass to the successor State, subject to the provisions of the articles in the present Part.
Article 35
Date of the passing of State debts
Unless otherwise agreed by the States concerned or decided by an appropriate international body, the date of the passing of State debts of the predecessor State is that of the succession of States.
Article 36
Absence of effect of a succession of States on creditors
A succession of States does not as such affect the rights and obligations of creditors.
Article 37
Transfer of part of the territory of a State
1. When part of the territory of a State is transferred by that state to another State, the passing of the State debt of the predecessor State to the successor State is to be settled by agreement between them.
2. In the absence of such an agreement, the State debt of the predecessor State shall pass to the successor State in an equitable proportion, taking into account, in particular, the property, rights and interests which pass to the successor State in relation to that State debt.
Article 38
Newly independent State
1. When the successor State is a newly independent State, no State debt of the predecessor State shall pass to the newly independent state, unless an agreement between them provides otherwise in view of the link between the state debt of the predecessor State connected with its activity in the territory to which the succession of States relates and the property, rights and interests which pass to the newly independent State.
2. The agreement referred to in paragraph 1 shall not infringe the principle of the permanent sovereignty of every people over its wealth and natural resources, nor shall its implementation endanger the fundamental economic equilibria of the newly independent State.
Article 39
Uniting of states
When two or more States unite and so form one successor State, the States debt of the predecessor States shall pass to the successor State.
Article 40
Separation of part or parts of the territory of a State
1. When part or parts of the territory of a State separate from that State and form a State, and unless the predecessor State and the successor State otherwise agree, the State debt of the predecessor state shall pass to the successor state in an equitable proportion, taking into account, in particular, the property, rights and interests which pass to the successor State in relation to that State debt.
2. Paragraph 1 applies when part of the territory of a State separates from that State and unites with another State.
Article 41
Dissolution of a State
When a State dissolves and ceases to exist and the parts of the territory of the predecessor State form two or more successor States, and unless the successor States otherwise agree, the State debt of the predecessor State shall pass to the successor states in equitable proportions, taking into account, in particular, the property, rights and interests which pass to the successor states in relation to that State debt.
Article 42
Consultation and negotiation
If a dispute regarding the interpretation or application of the present Convention arises between two or more Parties to the Convention, they shall, upon the request of any of them, seek to resolve it by a process of consultation and negotiation.
Article 43
If the dispute is not resolved within the six months of the date on which the request referred to in article 42 has been made, any party to the dispute may submit it to the conciliation procedure specified in the Annex to the present Convention by submitting a request to that effect to the Secretary – General of the United Nations and informing the other party or parties to the dispute of the request.
Article 44
Judicial settlement and arbitration
Any state at the time of signature or ratification of the present Convention or accession thereto, or at any time thereafter, may, by notification to the depositary, declare that, where a dispute has not been resolved by the application of the procedures referred to in articles 42 and 43, that dispute may be submitted for a decision to the International Court of Justice by a written application of any party to the dispute, or in the alternative to arbitration, provided that the other party to the dispute has made a like declaration.
Article 45
Settlement by common consent
Notwithstanding articles 42, 43 and 44, if a dispute regarding the interpretation or application of the present Convention arises between two or more Parties to the Convention, they may be common consent agree to submit it to the International Court of Justice, or to arbitration, or to any other appropriate procedure for the settlement of disputes.
Article 46
Other provisions in force for the settlement of disputes
Nothing in articles 42 to 45 shall affect the rights or obligations of the Parties to the present Convention under any provisions in force binding them with regard to the settlement of disputes.
Article 47
The present Convention shall be open for Signature by all States until 31 December 1983 at the Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Austria, and subsequently, until 30 June 1984, at United Nations Headquarters in New York.
Article 48
The present Convention is subject to ratification. The instruments of ratification shall be deposited with the Secretary–General of the United Nations.
Article 49
The present Convention shall remain open for accession by any State. The instruments of accession shall be deposited with the Secretary–General of the United Nations.
Article 50
Entry into force
1. The present Convention shall enter into force on the thirtieth day following the date of deposit of the fifteenth instrument of ratification or accession.
2. For each State ratifying or acceding to the Convention after the deposit of the fifteenth instrument of ratification or accession, the Convention shall enter into force on the thirtieth day after deposit by such State of its instrument of ratification or accession.
Article 51
Authentic texts
The original of the present Convention, of which the Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish texts are equally authentic, shall be deposited with the Secretary–General of the United Nations.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned Plenipotentiaries, being duly authorised thereto by their respective Governments, have signed the present Convention.
DONE at Vienna this eighth day of April, one thousand nine hundred and eighty–three.
1. A list of conciliators consisting of qualified jurists shall be drawn up and maintained by the Secretary–General of the United Nations. To this end, every State which is a Member of the United Nations or a Party to the present Convention shall be invited to nominate two conciliators, and the names of the persons so nominated shall constitute the list. The term of a conciliator, including that of any conciliator nominated to fill a casual vacancy, shall be five years and may be renewed. A conciliator whose term expires shall continue to fulfil any function for which he shall have been chosen under the following paragraph.
2. When a request has been made to the Secretary–General under article 43, the Secretary–General shall bring the dispute before a conciliation commission constituted as follows:
The State or States constituting one of the Parties to the dispute shall appoint:
(a) one conciliator of the nationality of that State or of one of those States, who may or may not be chosen from the list referred to in paragraph 1; and
(b) one conciliator not of the nationality of that State or of any of those States, who shall be chosen from the list.
The State or States constituting the other party to the dispute shall appoint two conciliators in the same way. The four conciliators chosen by the parties shall be appointed within sixty days following the date on which the Secretary-General receives the request.
The four conciliators shall, within sixty days following the date of the appointment of the last of them, appoint a fifth conciliator chosen from the list, who shall be chairman.
If the appointment of the chairman or of any of the other conciliators has not been made within the period prescribed above for such appointment, it shall be made by the Secretary-General within sixty days following the expiry of that period. The appointment of the chairman may be made by the Secretary-General either from the list or from the membership of the International Law Commission. Any of the periods within which appointments must be made may be extended by agreement between the parties to the dispute.
Any vacancy shall be filled in the manner prescribed for the initial appointment.
3. The Conciliation Commission shall decide its own procedure. The Commission, with the consent of the parties to the dispute, may invite any Party to the present Convention to submit to it its views orally or in writing. Decisions and recommendations of the Commission shall be made by a majority vote of the five members.
4. The Commission may draw the attention of the parties to the dispute to any measures which might facilitate an amicable settlement.
5. The Commission shall hear the parties, examine the claims and objections, and make proposals to the parties with a view to reaching an amicable settlement of the dispute.
6. The Commission shall report within twelve months of its constitution. Its report shall be deposited with the Secretary-General and transmitted to the parties to the dispute. The report of the Commission, including any conclusions stated therein regarding the facts or questions of law, shall not be binding upon the parties and it shall have no other character than that of recommendations submitted for the consideration of the parties in order to facilitate an amicable settlement of the dispute.
7. The Secretary-General shall provide the Commission with such assistance and facilities as it may require. The expenses of the Commission shall be borne by the United Nations.
Sestavljena na Dunaju 8. aprila 1983.
Države pogodbenice te konvencije so se
glede na velike spremembe v mednarodni skupnosti, ki jih je povzročila dekolonizacija,
in glede na to, da lahko tudi drugi dejavniki v prihodnje privedejo do primerov nasledstva držav,
v prepričanju, da sta v takih razmerah potrebna kodifikacija in progresivni razvoj pravil o nasledstvu držav glede državnega premoženja, arhivov in dolgov, da se zagotovi večja pravna varnost v mednarodnih odnosih,
ob ugotovitvi, da so načela svobodnega pristanka, dobre vere in pacta sunt servanda splošno priznana,
ob poudarjanju pomena kodifikacije in progresivnega razvoja mednarodnega prava, kar je v interesu celotne mednarodne skupnosti in posebnega pomena za krepitev miru in mednarodnega sodelovanja,
v veri, da so vprašanja nasledstva držav glede državnega premoženja, arhivov in dolgov posebnega pomena za vse države,
ob upoštevanju načel mednarodnega prava iz Ustanovne listine Združenih narodov, kot so načela enakih pravic in samoodločbe narodov, suverene enakosti in neodvisnosti vseh držav, nevmešavanja v notranje zadeve držav, prepovedi grožnje s silo ali uporabe sile, splošnega spoštovanja in upoštevanja človekovih pravic in temeljnih svoboščin za vse,
ob sklicevanju na to, da Ustanovna listina Združenih narodov zahteva spoštovanje ozemeljske celovitosti in politične neodvisnosti vsake države,
ob upoštevanju določb Dunajske konvencije o pogodbenem pravu iz leta 1969 in Dunajske konvencije o nasledstvu držav glede pogodb iz leta 1978,
ob potrditvi, da se zadeve, ki niso urejene s to konvencijo, še naprej urejajo na podlagi pravil in načel splošnega mednarodnega prava,
1. člen
Področje uporabe te konvencije
Ta konvencija se uporablja za nasledstvo držav glede državnega premoženja, arhivov in dolgov.
2. člen
Uporaba izrazov
1. V tej konvenciji:
a) »nasledstvo držav« pomeni, da ena država nadomesti drugo v odgovornosti za mednarodne odnose ozemlja;
b) »država predhodnica« pomeni državo, ki jo je ob nasledstvu držav nadomestila druga država;
c) »država naslednica« pomeni državo, ki je ob nasledstvu držav nadomestila drugo državo;
d) »datum nasledstva držav« pomeni datum, ko je država naslednica nadomestila državo predhodnico v odgovornosti za mednarodne odnose ozemlja, na katero se nanaša nasledstvo držav;
e) »nova neodvisna država« pomeni državo naslednico, katere ozemlje je bilo neposredno pred datumom nasledstva držav odvisno ozemlje, za katerega mednarodne odnose je bila odgovorna država predhodnica;
f) »tretja država« pomeni vsako državo, razen države predhodnice ali države naslednice.
2. Glede uporabe izrazov v tej konvenciji določbe prvega odstavka ne vplivajo na uporabo izrazov ali pomenov, ki jih morda imajo v notranjem pravu katere koli države.
3. člen
Primeri nasledstva držav, ki so vključeni v to konvencijo
Ta konvencija se uporablja le za nasledstvo držav, ki je nastalo v skladu z mednarodnim pravom in še zlasti z načeli mednarodnega prava iz Ustanovne listine Združenih narodov.
4. člen
Časovna uporaba te konvencije
1. Brez vpliva na uporabo katerega koli pravila iz te konvencije, ki bi ne glede na konvencijo veljalo za nasledstvo držav po mednarodnem pravu, se, če ni drugače dogovorjeno, konvencija uporablja le za nasledstvo držav, ki je nastalo po začetku njene veljavnosti.
2. Država naslednica lahko takrat, ko izrazi soglasje, da jo ta konvencija zavezuje, ali kadar koli pozneje izjavi, da bo glede kake druge pogodbene države ali države pogodbenice te konvencije, ki izjavi, da sprejema izjavo države naslednice, uporabljala določbe te konvencije za svoje nasledstvo držav, ki je nastalo pred začetkom veljavnosti te konvencije. Po začetku veljavnosti te konvencije ali po dani izjavi o njenem sprejetju, kar od tega je poznejše, se med državami, ki so dale take izjave, za nasledstvo držav uporabljajo določbe te konvencije od dneva nasledstva dalje.
3. Država naslednica lahko takrat, ko podpiše to konvencijo ali izrazi soglasje, da jo konvencija zavezuje, izjavi, da bo za svoje nasledstvo držav, ki je nastalo pred začetkom veljavnosti te konvencije, glede katere koli druge države podpisnice ali pogodbene države, ki izjavi, da sprejema izjavo države naslednice, začasno uporabljala določbe konvencije; po dani izjavi o sprejetju se od datuma nasledstva te določbe začasno uporabljajo za nasledstvo med tema državama.
4. Vsaka izjava, dana v skladu z drugim ali s tretjim odstavkom, mora biti vsebovana v pisnem uradnem obvestilu, poslanem depozitarju, ki pogodbenice in države, ki imajo pravico postati pogodbenice te konvencije, obvesti o prejemu takega uradnega obvestila in o njegovih pogojih.
5. člen
Nasledstvo glede drugih zadev
Za nobeno določbo v tej konvenciji se ne šteje, da kakor koli vnaprej določa rešitev katerega koli vprašanja v zvezi z nasledstvom držav za zadeve, ki niso določene v tej konvenciji.
6. člen
Pravice in obveznosti fizičnih ali pravnih oseb
Za nobeno določbo v tej konvenciji se ne šteje, da kakor koli vnaprej določa rešitev katerega koli vprašanja v zvezi s pravicami in obveznostmi fizičnih ali pravnih oseb.
7. člen
Področje uporabe tega dela
Členi tega dela se uporabljajo za nasledstvo držav glede državnega premoženja države predhodnice.
8. člen
Državno premoženje
V členih tega dela pomeni izraz »državno premoženje države predhodnice« premoženje, pravice in pravne koristi, ki so bili na dan nasledstva držav v skladu z notranjim pravom države predhodnice v njeni lasti.
9. člen
Učinki prehoda državnega premoženja
Prehod državnega premoženja države predhodnice povzroči, da ugasnejo pravice te države, država naslednica pa pridobi pravice do državnega premoženja, ki nanjo preide ob upoštevanju določb členov tega dela.
10. člen
Datum prehoda državnega premoženja
Če se zadevne države ne dogovorijo drugače ali če ustrezno mednarodno telo ne odloči drugače, se za datum prehoda državnega premoženja države predhodnice šteje datum nasledstva držav.
11. člen
Prehod državnega premoženja brez nadomestila
Ob upoštevanju določb členov tega dela in če se zadevne države ne dogovorijo drugače ali če ustrezno mednarodno telo ne odloči drugače, državno premoženje države predhodnice preide na državo naslednico brez nadomestila.
12. člen
Neučinkovanje nasledstva držav na premoženje tretje države
Nasledstvo držav kot tako ne vpliva na premoženje, pravice in pravne koristi, ki so na dan nasledstva držav na ozemlju države predhodnice in ki so v skladu z notranjim pravom države predhodnice na tisti dan v lasti tretje države.
13. člen
Ohranjanje in varnost državnega premoženja
Za izvajanje določb členov tega dela država predhodnica ukrene vse, da prepreči poškodovanje ali uničenje državnega premoženja, ki v skladu s temi določbami preide na državo naslednico.
14. člen
Prenos dela državnega ozemlja
1. Če neka država del svojega ozemlja prenese na drugo državo, je treba prehod državnega premoženja države predhodnice na državo naslednico urediti s sporazumom med njima.
2. Če takega sporazuma ni:
a) preide nepremično državno premoženje države predhodnice, ki je na ozemlju, na katero se nanaša nasledstvo držav, na državo naslednico;
b) preide premično državno premoženje države predhodnice, povezano z njeno dejavnostjo v zvezi z ozemljem, na katero se nanaša nasledstvo držav, na državo naslednico.
15. člen
Nova neodvisna država
1. Kadar je država naslednica na novo nastala neodvisna država:
a) preide nepremično državno premoženje države predhodnice, ki je na ozemlju, na katero se nanaša nasledstvo držav, na državo naslednico;
b) preide nepremično premoženje, ki je pripadalo ozemlju, na katero se nanaša nasledstvo držav, pa ni na tem ozemlju in je postalo državno premoženje države predhodnice v obdobju odvisnosti, na državo naslednico;
c) preide nepremično državno premoženje države predhodnice, ki ni omenjeno v pododstavku b) in ni na ozemlju, na katero se nanaša nasledstvo držav, pa je k njegovemu ustvarjanju prispevalo odvisno ozemlje, na državo naslednico sorazmerno s prispevkom tega odvisnega ozemlja;
d) preide premično državno premoženje države predhodnice, povezano z njeno dejavnostjo v zvezi z ozemljem, na katero se nanaša nasledstvo držav, na državo naslednico;
e) preide premično premoženje, ki je pripadalo ozemlju, na katero se nanaša nasledstvo držav, in je med obdobjem odvisnosti postalo državno premoženje države predhodnice, na državo naslednico;
f) preide premično državno premoženje države predhodnice, ki ni omenjeno v pododstavkih d) in e), pa je k njegovemu ustvarjanju prispevalo odvisno ozemlje, na državo naslednico sorazmerno s prispevkom odvisnega ozemlja.
2. Kadar nova neodvisna država nastane iz dveh ali več odvisnih ozemelj, se prehod državnega premoženja države predhodnice ali držav predhodnic na novo neodvisno državo določi v skladu z določbami prvega odstavka.
3. Kadar odvisno ozemlje postane del ozemlja države, ki ni država, ki je bila odgovorna za njegove mednarodne odnose, se prehod državnega premoženja države predhodnice na državo naslednico določi v skladu z določbami prvega odstavka.
4. Sporazumi, sklenjeni med državo predhodnico in novo neodvisno državo, da se določi nasledstvo državnega premoženja države predhodnice drugače kot z uporabo prvega do tretjega odstavka, ne smejo kršiti načela trajne suverenosti vsakega naroda nad njegovim bogastvom in naravnimi viri.
16. člen
Združitev držav
Kadar se dve ali več držav združi in tako ustanovi eno državo naslednico, preide državno premoženje držav predhodnic na to državo naslednico.
17. člen
Ločitev dela ali delov ozemlja države
1. Kadar se del ali deli ozemlja kake države od nje ločijo in ustanovijo državo naslednico in če se država predhodnica in država naslednica ne dogovorita drugače:
a) preide nepremično državno premoženje države predhodnice, ki je na ozemlju, na katero se nanaša nasledstvo držav, na državo naslednico;
b) preide premično državno premoženje države predhodnice, povezano z dejavnostjo države predhodnice glede ozemlja, na katero se nanaša nasledstvo držav, na državo naslednico;
c) preide premično državno premoženje države predhodnice, ki ni omenjeno v pododstavku b), na državo naslednico v pravičnem deležu.
2. Prvi odstavek se uporablja, kadar se del ozemlja kake države od nje loči in združi z drugo državo.
3. Določbe prvega in drugega odstavka ne vplivajo na katero koli vprašanje pravičnega nadomestila, ki se zaradi nasledstva držav lahko pojavi med državo predhodnico in državo naslednico.
18. člen
Razpad države
1. Kadar država razpade in preneha obstajati, deli ozemlja države predhodnice pa ustanovijo dve ali več držav naslednic in če se te države naslednice ne dogovorijo drugače:
a) preide nepremično državno premoženje države predhodnice na državo naslednico, na katere ozemlju je;
b) preide nepremično državno premoženje države predhodnice, ki ni na njenem ozemlju, na države naslednice v pravičnih deležih;
c) preide premično državno premoženje države predhodnice, povezano z dejavnostjo države predhodnice glede ozemelj, na katera se nanaša nasledstvo držav, na državo naslednico;
d) preide premično državno premoženje države predhodnice, ki ni omenjeno v pododstavku c), na države naslednice v pravičnih deležih.
2. Določbe prvega odstavka ne vplivajo na katero koli vprašanje pravičnega nadomestila, ki se zaradi nasledstva držav lahko pojavi med državami naslednicami.
19. člen
Obseg tega dela
Členi tega dela se uporabljajo za nasledstvo držav glede državnih arhivov države predhodnice.
20. člen
Državni arhivi
V členih tega dela izraz »državni arhivi države predhodnice« pomeni vse dokumente katerega koli datuma in vrste, ki jih je pri opravljanju svojih nalog izdelala ali prejela država predhodnica in ki so na dan nasledstva držav pripadali državi predhodnici v skladu z njenim notranjim pravom in jih je neposredno ali pod svojim nadzorom hranila kot arhiv za kakršen koli namen.
21. člen
Učinki prehoda državnih arhivov
S prehodom državnih arhivov države predhodnice ugasnejo pravice te države, država naslednica pa pridobi pravice do državnih arhivov, ki nanjo preidejo ob upoštevanju določb členov tega dela.
22. člen
Datum prehoda državnih arhivov
Če se zadevne države ne dogovorijo drugače ali če ustrezno mednarodno telo ne odloči drugače, je datum prehoda državnih arhivov države predhodnice datum nasledstva držav.
23. člen
Prehod državnih arhivov brez nadomestila
Ob upoštevanju določb členov tega dela in če se zadevne države ne dogovorijo drugače ali če ustrezno mednarodno telo ne odloči drugače, preidejo državni arhivi države predhodnice na državo naslednico brez nadomestila.
24. člen
Neučinkovanje nasledstva držav na arhive tretje države
Nasledstvo držav kot tako ne vpliva na arhive, ki so na dan nasledstva držav na ozemlju države predhodnice in so v skladu z notranjim pravom države predhodnice takrat v lasti tretje države.
25. člen
Ohranitev celovitosti skupin državnih arhivov
Za nobeno določbo tega dela se ne šteje, da kakor koli vnaprej določa rešitev katerega koli vprašanja, ki se lahko pojavi zaradi ohranitve celovitosti skupin državnih arhivov države predhodnice.
26. člen
Ohranjanje in varnost državnih arhivov
Za izvajanje določb členov tega dela država predhodnica ukrene vse, da prepreči poškodovanje ali uničenje državnih arhivov, ki v skladu s temi določbami preidejo na državo naslednico.
27. člen
Prenos dela ozemlja države
1. Kadar neka država prenese del svojega ozemlja na drugo državo, se prehod državnih arhivov države predhodnice na državo naslednico uredi s sporazumom med njima.
2. Če takega sporazuma ni:
a) preide del državnih arhivov države predhodnice, ki bi moral biti zaradi normalnega upravljanja ozemlja, na katero se nanaša nasledstvo držav, na voljo državi, na katero se prenese to ozemlje, na državo naslednico;
b) razen dela iz pododstavka a) preide del državnih arhivov države predhodnice, ki se izključno ali predvsem nanaša na ozemlje, na katero se nanaša nasledstvo držav, na državo naslednico.
3. Država predhodnica priskrbi državi naslednici iz svojih državnih arhivov najboljše razpoložljive dokaze, ki se nanašajo na pravico do ozemlja, ki je preneseno, ali na njegove meje, ali pa dokaze, potrebne za pojasnitev pomena dokumentov državnih arhivov države predhodnice, ki preidejo na državo naslednico v skladu z drugimi določbami tega člena.
4. Država predhodnica da državi naslednici na njeno zahtevo in na njene stroške na voljo ustrezne kopije svojih državnih arhivov, povezanih s pravnimi koristmi prenesenega ozemlja.
5. Država naslednica da državi predhodnici na njeno zahtevo in na njene stroške na voljo ustrezne kopije državnih arhivov države predhodnice, ki so prešli na državo naslednico v skladu s prvim ali drugim odstavkom.
28. člen
Nova neodvisna država
1. Kadar je država naslednica na novo nastala neodvisna država:
a) preidejo arhivi, ki so pripadali ozemlju, na katero se nanaša nasledstvo držav, in so v obdobju odvisnosti postali državni arhivi države predhodnice, na novo neodvisno državo;
b) preide del državnih arhivov države predhodnice, ki bi moral biti na tem ozemlju zaradi normalnega upravljanja ozemlja, na katero se nanaša nasledstvo držav, na novo neodvisno državo;
c) razen delov iz pododstavkov a) in b) preide del državnih arhivov države predhodnice, ki se izključno ali predvsem nanaša na ozemlje, na katero se nanaša nasledstvo držav, na novo neodvisno državo.
2. O prenosu ali ustreznih kopijah delov državnih arhivov države predhodnice, razen tistih iz prvega odstavka, ki so pomembni za ozemlje, na katero se nanaša nasledstvo držav, se odloči s sporazumom med državo predhodnico in novo neodvisno državo, tako da lahko vsaka država ta del državnih arhivov države predhodnice v čim večji meri in pravično uporablja.
3. Država predhodnica priskrbi novi neodvisni državi iz svojih državnih arhivov najboljše razpoložljive dokaze, ki se nanašajo na pravico do ozemlja nove neodvisne države ali njene meje ali so potrebni za pojasnitev pomena dokumentov državnih arhivov države predhodnice, ki preidejo na novo neodvisno državo v skladu z drugimi določbami tega člena.
4. Država predhodnica sodeluje z državo naslednico v prizadevanjih za ponovno pridobitev arhivov, ki so pripadali ozemlju, na katero se nanaša nasledstvo držav, in ki v obdobju odvisnosti vsi niso bili samo na enem mestu.
5. Prvi do četrti odstavek se uporabljajo takrat, kadar je nova neodvisna država nastala iz dveh ali več odvisnih ozemelj.
6. Prvi do četrti odstavek se uporabljajo takrat, kadar odvisno ozemlje postane del ozemlja neke druge države, ne pa države, ki je bila odgovorna za njegove mednarodne odnose.
7. Sporazumi, sklenjeni med državo predhodnico in novo neodvisno državo, v zvezi z državnimi arhivi države predhodnice, ne smejo kršiti pravice narodov teh držav do razvoja, informacij o njihovi zgodovini in do njihove kulturne dediščine.
29. člen
Združitev držav
Kadar se dve ali več držav združi in tako ustanovi eno državo naslednico, preidejo državni arhivi držav predhodnic na državo naslednico.
30. člen
Ločitev dela ali delov ozemlja države
1. Kadar se del ali deli ozemlja neke države od nje ločijo in ustanovijo državo in če se država predhodnica in država naslednica ne dogovorita drugače:
a) preide del državnih arhivov države predhodnice, ki bi morali biti na tem ozemlju zaradi normalnega upravljanja ozemlja, na katero se nanaša nasledstvo držav, na državo naslednico;
b) preide del državnih arhivov države predhodnice, ki ni omenjen v pododstavku a) in se neposredno nanaša na ozemlje, na katero se nanaša nasledstvo držav, na državo naslednico.
2. Država predhodnica priskrbi državi naslednici iz svojih državnih arhivov najboljše razpoložljive dokaze, ki se nanašajo na pravico do ozemlja države naslednice ali njene meje ali so potrebni za pojasnitev pomena dokumentov državnih arhivov države predhodnice, ki preidejo na državo naslednico v skladu z drugimi določbami tega člena.
3. Sporazumi, sklenjeni med državo predhodnico in državo naslednico, v zvezi z državnimi arhivi države predhodnice, ne smejo kršiti pravice narodov teh držav do razvoja, informacij o njihovi zgodovini in do njihove kulturne dediščine.
4. Država predhodnica in država naslednica si na zahtevo in na stroške ene od njiju ali na podlagi izmenjave dasta na voljo ustrezne kopije iz svojih državnih arhivov, povezane z interesi njunih ozemelj.
5. Določbe prvega do četrtega odstavka se uporabljajo, če se del ozemlja neke države od nje loči in združi z drugo državo.
31. člen
Razpad države
1. Kadar država razpade in preneha obstajati, deli ozemlja države predhodnice pa ustanovijo dve ali več držav naslednic in če se te države naslednice ne dogovorijo drugače:
a) preide del državnih arhivov države predhodnice, ki bi moral biti zaradi normalnega upravljanja ozemlja države naslednice na njenem ozemlju, na državo naslednico;
b) preide del državnih arhivov države predhodnice, ki ni omenjen v pododstavku a) in se neposredno nanaša na ozemlje države naslednice, na to državo.
2. Državni arhivi države predhodnice, razen tistih iz prvega odstavka, preidejo na države naslednice na pravičen način ob upoštevanju vseh pomembnih okoliščin.
3. Vsaka država naslednica priskrbi iz svojega dela državnih arhivov države predhodnice drugi državi naslednici ali državam naslednicam najboljše razpoložljive dokaze, ki se nanašajo na pravico do ozemelj ali meje te druge države naslednice ali držav naslednic ali so potrebni za pojasnitev pomena dokumentov iz državnih arhivov države predhodnice, ki preidejo na to državo ali države v skladu z drugimi določbami tega člena.
4. Sporazumi, sklenjeni med zadevnimi državami naslednicami, v zvezi z državnimi arhivi države predhodnice, ne smejo kršiti pravice narodov teh držav do razvoja, informacij o njihovi zgodovini in do njihove kulturne dediščine.
5. Vsaka država naslednica da vsaki drugi državi naslednici na voljo na njeno zahtevo in na njene stroške ali z izmenjavo ustrezne kopije iz svojega dela državnih arhivov države predhodnice, povezane z interesi ozemlja te druge države naslednice.
32. člen
Področje uporabe tega dela
Členi tega dela se uporabljajo za nasledstvo držav glede državnih dolgov.
33. člen
Državni dolg
V členih tega dela izraz »državni dolg« pomeni vsako finančno obveznost države predhodnice, ki v skladu z mednarodnim pravom nastane do druge države, mednarodne organizacije ali katerega koli drugega subjekta mednarodnega prava.
34. člen
Učinki prehoda državnih dolgov
S prehodom državnih dolgov ugasnejo obveznosti države predhodnice, nastanejo pa obveznosti držav naslednic glede državnih dolgov, ki preidejo na državo naslednico ob upoštevanju določb členov tega dela.
35. člen
Datum prehoda državnih dolgov
Če se zadevne države ne dogovorijo drugače ali če ustrezno mednarodno telo ne odloči drugače, je datum prehoda državnih dolgov države predhodnice datum nasledstva držav.
36. člen
Neučinkovanje nasledstva držav na upnike
Nasledstvo držav kot tako ne vpliva na pravice in obveznosti upnikov.
37. člen
Prenos dela ozemlja države
1. Kadar neka država prenese del svojega ozemlja na drugo državo, se prehod državnega dolga države predhodnice na državo naslednico uredi s sporazumom med njima.
2. Če takega sporazuma ni, preide državni dolg države predhodnice na državo naslednico v pravičnem deležu, pri čemer se posebej upoštevajo premoženje, pravice in pravne koristi, ki preidejo na državo naslednico v razmerju s tem državnim dolgom.
38. člen
Nova neodvisna država
1. Kadar je država naslednica nova neodvisna država, noben državni dolg države predhodnice ne preide na novo neodvisno državo, razen če ni drugače določeno s sporazumom med njima glede na zvezo med državnim dolgom države predhodnice, povezanim z njeno dejavnostjo na ozemlju, na katero se nanaša nasledstvo držav, ter premoženjem, pravicami in pravnimi koristmi, ki preidejo na novo neodvisno državo.
2. Sporazum iz prvega odstavka ne sme kršiti načela trajne suverenosti vsakega naroda nad njegovim bogastvom in naravnimi viri, prav tako pa njegovo izvajanje ne sme ogrožati temeljnega gospodarskega ravnotežja nove neodvisne države.
39. člen
Združitev držav
Kadar se dve ali več držav združi in tako ustanovi eno državo naslednico, preide državni dolg držav predhodnic na državo naslednico.
40. člen
Ločitev dela ali delov ozemlja države
1. Kadar se del ali deli ozemlja neke države od nje ločijo in ustanovijo novo državo in če se država predhodnica in država naslednica ne sporazumeta drugače, preide državni dolg države predhodnice na državo naslednico v pravičnem deležu, pri čemer se posebej upoštevajo premoženje, pravice in pravne koristi, ki v razmerju s tem državnim dolgom preidejo na državo naslednico.
2. Prvi odstavek se uporablja, kadar se del ozemlja države od nje loči in združi z drugo državo.
41. člen
Razpad države
Kadar država razpade in preneha obstajati, deli ozemlja države predhodnice pa ustanovijo dve ali več držav naslednic in če se države naslednice ne sporazumejo drugače, preide državni dolg države predhodnice na države naslednice v pravičnem deležu, pri čemer se posebej upoštevajo premoženje, pravice in pravne koristi, ki v razmerju s tem državnim dolgom preidejo na države naslednice.
42. člen
Posvetovanje in pogajanje
Če pride do spora med dvema ali več pogodbenicami konvencije glede razlage ali uporabe te konvencije, ga na zahtevo ene od njih skušajo rešiti s posvetovanji in pogajanji.
43. člen
Če se spor ne reši v šestih mesecih od dneva, ko je bila vložena zahteva iz 42. člena, ga lahko katera koli stran v sporu predloži v spravni postopek, določen v Prilogi k tej konvenciji, tako da predloži zahtevo generalnemu sekretarju Združenih narodov in o tem obvesti drugo stran oziroma druge strani v sporu.
44. člen
Sodno reševanje spora in arbitraža
Vsaka država lahko ob podpisu ali ratifikaciji te konvencije ali pristopu k njej ali kadar koli pozneje z uradnim obvestilom depozitarju izjavi, da se lahko spor, če se ne reši po postopkih iz 42. in 43. člena, s pisno vlogo katere koli strani v sporu predloži v odločanje Meddržavnemu sodišču ali arbitraži pod pogojem, da je tudi druga stran v sporu dala podobno izjavo.
45. člen
Sporazum o reševanju spora
Če pride do spora med dvema ali več državami pogodbenicami te konvencije glede razlage ali uporabe te konvencije, se lahko te države ne glede na 42., 43. in 44. člen dogovorijo, da ga predložijo Meddržavnemu sodišču ali arbitraži ali v kak drug ustrezen postopek za reševanje sporov.
46. člen
Druge veljavne določbe za reševanje sporov
Nobena določba 42. do 45. člena ne vpliva na pravice ali obveznosti pogodbenic te konvencije po katerih koli veljavnih določbah, ki jih zavezujejo glede reševanja sporov.
47. člen
Ta konvencija je vsem državam na voljo za podpis do 31. decembra 1983 v Zveznem ministrstvu za zunanje zadeve Republike Avstrije, po tem datumu pa do 30. junija 1984 na sedežu Združenih narodov v New Yorku.
48. člen
To konvencijo je treba ratificirati. Listine o ratifikaciji se deponirajo pri generalnem sekretarju Združenih narodov.
49. člen
Ta konvencija je vsem državam na voljo za pristop. Listine o pristopu se deponirajo pri generalnem sekretarju Združenih narodov.
50. člen
Začetek veljavnosti
1. Ta konvencija začne veljati 30 dni po deponiranju petnajste listine o ratifikaciji ali pristopu.
2. Za vsako državo, ki konvencijo ratificira ali k njej pristopi po deponiranju petnajste listine o ratifikaciji ali pristopu, začne konvencija veljati 30 dni po dnevu, ko je ta država deponirala listino o ratifikaciji ali pristopu.
51. člen
Verodostojna besedila
Izvirnik te konvencije, katere besedila v angleškem, arabskem, francoskem, kitajskem, ruskem in španskem jeziku so enako verodostojna, se deponira pri generalnem sekretarju Združenih narodov.
DA BI TO POTRDILI, so podpisani pooblaščenci, ki so jih njihove vlade v ta namen pravilno pooblastile, podpisali to konvencijo.
SESTAVLJENO na Dunaju 8. aprila 1983.
1. Generalni sekretar Združenih narodov sestavi in vzdržuje seznam konciliatorjev, ki ga sestavljajo usposobljeni pravniki. Zato se vsaka država članica Združenih narodov ali pogodbenica te konvencije povabi, da imenuje dva konciliatorja, in imena na tak način imenovanih oseb sestavljajo seznam. Mandat konciliatorja, vključno s tistim konciliatorjem, ki je imenovan na izpraznjeno mesto, traja pet let in se lahko obnovi. Konciliator, ki mu poteče mandat, še naprej opravlja vse naloge, za katere je bil izbran v skladu s tem odstavkom.
2. Če se v skladu s 43. členom vloži zahteva pri generalnem sekretarju, predloži generalni sekretar spor spravni komisiji, ki se oblikuje takole:
Država ali države, ki so ena stran v sporu, imenujejo:
a) enega konciliatorja, ki ima državljanstvo te države ali ene od teh držav in se lahko izbere s seznama iz prvega odstavka, in
b) enega konciliatorja, ki ni državljan te države ali katere koli od teh držav in se izbere s seznama.
Država ali države, ki so druga stran v sporu, na enak način imenujejo dva konciliatorja. Štirje konciliatorji, ki jih izberejo strani v sporu, morajo biti imenovani v 60 dneh od dneva, ko generalni sekretar prejme zahtevo.
Štirje konciliatorji v 60 dneh po imenovanju zadnjega od njih imenujejo petega s seznama, ki je hkrati tudi predsednik.
Če predsednik ali kateri koli drug konciliator ni bil imenovan v predpisanem roku, ga imenuje generalni sekretar v 60 dneh po poteku tega roka. Predsednika lahko generalni sekretar imenuje s seznama ali izmed članov Komisije za mednarodno pravo. Roke za imenovanje lahko strani v sporu sporazumno podaljšata.
Vsako izpraznjeno mesto se zasede na način, predpisan za prvo imenovanje.
3. Spravna komisija sama odloča o svojem postopku. Komisija lahko s soglasjem strani v sporu povabi katero koli pogodbenico te konvencije, da ustno ali pisno poda svoja stališča. Komisija sprejema odločitve in priporočila z večino glasov petih članov.
4. Komisija lahko opozori strani v sporu na ukrepe, ki lahko prispevajo k mirni rešitvi.
5. Komisija zasliši strani, obravnava zahteve in ugovore in daje stranema predloge za mirno rešitev spora.
6. Komisija predloži poročilo v 12 mesecih po svoji ustanovitvi. Poročilo se deponira pri generalnem sekretarju in pošlje stranema v sporu. Poročilo komisije, vključno z vsemi sklepi iz poročila, ki se nanašajo na dejstva ali na pravna vprašanja, za strani ni zavezujoče in je priporočilo, dano v razmislek stranema v sporu, da bi jima olajšali mirno rešitev spora.
7. Generalni sekretar zagotovi komisiji potrebno pomoč in možnosti za njeno delo. Stroške komisije krijejo Združeni narodi.
3. člen
Za izvajanje konvencije skrbijo resorna ministrstva, v katerih pristojnost sodijo zadeve, opredeljene v konvenciji.
4. člen
Ta zakon začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 700-01/02-71/1
Ljubljana, dne 21. junija 2002
Državnega zbora
Republike Slovenije
Borut Pahor l. r.

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