Uradni list

Številka 90
Uradni list RS, št. 90/2001 z dne 15. 11. 2001
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 90/2001 z dne 15. 11. 2001


75. Uredba o ratifikaciji Protokola za izvajanje Sporazuma med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Zvezno vlado Zvezne republike Jugoslavije o vračanju in ponovnem prevzemu oseb, ki ne izpolnjujejo pogojev za vstop ali bivanje na ozemlju druge države, stran 1648.

Na podlagi tretje alinee petega odstavka 75. člena Zakona o zunanjih zadevah (Uradni list RS, št. 45/2001) izdaja Vlada Republike Slovenije
1. člen
Ratificira se Protokol za izvajanje Sporazuma med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Zvezno vlado Zvezne republike Jugoslavije o vračanju in ponovnem prevzemu oseb, ki ne izpolnjujejo pogojev za vstop ali bivanje na ozemlju druge države, ki je bil podpisan 23. aprila 2001 v Beogradu.
2. člen
Protokol se v izvirniku v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku glasi*:
Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve Republike Slovenije in Zvezno ministrstvo za notranje zadeve Zvezne republike Jugoslavije sta se, na podlagi 11. člena Sporazuma med vlado Republike Slovenije in Zvezno vlado Zvezne republike Jugoslavije o vračanju in ponovnem prevzemu oseb, ki ne izpolnjujejo pogojev za vstop ali bivanje na ozemlju druge države (v nadaljevanju: Sporazum), dogovorili kot sledi:
1. člen
Pristojni organi
1. Slovenski pristojni organ za izvajanje Sporazuma je Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve Republike Slovenije, Generalna Policijska Uprava, Uprava uniformirane policije, Sektor za državno mejo in tujce.
Naslov:     Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve
            Generalna Policijska Uprava
            Uprava uniformirane policije
            Sektor za državno mejo in tujce
            Štefanova 2
            1500 Ljubljana
Telefon:    00386 1 472 4322
Telefaks:   00386 1 251 7450
2. Jugoslovanski pristojni organ za izvajanje Sporazuma je Zvezno ministrstvo za notranje zadeve Zvezne republike Jugoslavije – Uprava mejne policije, za tujce in potne dokumente.
Naslov:     Savezno ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova
            Uprava granične policije, za strance i putne isprave
            Ulica Mihajla Pupina br. 2
            11070 Beograd
            ZR Jugoslavija
Telefon:    00381 11/3118-984
            00381 11/3117-252 (dežurna služba)
Telefaks:   00381 11/3118-984
            00381 11/3117-251 (dežurna služba)
3. Pisna zaprosila za ponoven sprejem oseb in druge dokumente se lahko pošlje tudi po diplomatski poti.
2. člen
Mejni prehodi
Mejni prehodi, določeni za vstop vrnjenih oseb na ozemlje države zaprošene pogodbenice, ki sprejema osebo v skladu s Sporazumom, so:
– V Republiki Sloveniji: letališče Ljubljana Brnik, mednarodna mejna prehoda za cestni promet Obrežje in Dolga vas.
– V Zvezni republiki Jugoslaviji: letališče Beograd, letališče Podgorica; mednarodni mejni prehodi za cestni promet Batrovci, Horgoš, Kelebija, Bački Breg.
3. člen
Postopek v skladu z zaprosilom
1. Pisno zaprosilo za ponovni sprejem oseb v skladu z 2. členom Sporazuma, ki ga pogodbenica prosilka pošilja zaprošeni pogodbenici, vsebuje podatke, ki so navedeni v Prilogi 1 tega protokola.
2. Poleg pisnega zaprosila za ponovni sprejem osebe priloži pogodbenica prosilka, v skladu z 2. odstavkom 3. člena Sporazuma, tudi originale ali kopije dokumentov, ki jih ima na voljo:
– potni list,
– diplomatski potni list,
– službeni potni list,
– potno listino,
– pomorsko knjižico,
– brodarsko knjižico,
– osebno izkaznico,
– vozniško dovoljenje,
– druge dokumente, ki so jih izdali pristojni organi zaprošene pogodbenice.
Dokumenti navedeni v tem odstavku, se lahko uporabljajo v postopku ugotavljanja identitete in državljanstva oseb, za katere je bilo poslano zaprosilo, če so jih izdali pristojni organi zaprošene pogodbenice tudi v primeru, če je njihova veljavnost že potekla.
3. Odgovor na pisno zaprosilo za ponoven sprejem oseb vsebuje podatke, ki so navedeni v Prilogi 2 tega Protokola.
4. Po potrebi lahko pristojni organ pogodbenice prosilke pošlje pozitiven odgovor na zaprosilo za ponoven sprejem oseb diplomatsko konzularnemu predstavništvu zaprošene pogodbenice za izdajo potne listine za vračanje.
4. člen
Obveščanje o vračanju
Pristojni organ pogodbenice prosilke mora na podlagi pozitivnega odgovora na pisno zaprosilo za ponoven sprejem oseb ali po izdaji potne listine za vračanje, najkasneje v 10 dneh pred dnevom načrtovanega vračanja, poslati pristojnemu organu zaprošene pogodbenice obvestilo o vračanju oseb, navedeno v Prilogi 3 tega protokola.
5. člen
Ponoven sprejem državljanov tretjih držav
1. Pisno zaprosilo za ponoven sprejem državljanov tretjih držav, ki ga pogodbenica prosilka pošlje zaprošeni pogodbenici, vsebuje podatke, ki so navedeni v Prilogi 4 tega protokola.
2. Pogodbenica prosilka priloži poleg pisnega zaprosila za ponoven sprejem državljanov tretjih držav, tudi podatke in dokumente o identiteti in državljanstvu osebe, ki bo ponovno sprejeta, dokaze o bivanje te osebe na ozemlju zaprošene pogodbenice, prav tako pa tudi podatke in dokaze o neposrednem vstopu z ozemlja zaprošene pogodbenice na ozemlje države pogodbenice prosilke.
a) Kot dokazi za bivanje neke osebe na ozemlju zaprošene pogodbenice, s katerega je vstopila na ozemlje pogodbenice prosilke, se uporabljajo:
– originalni vstopni ali izstopni žigi ali morebitni drugi zaznamki, ki so vneseni v potne dokumente;
– dovoljenje ali dokument za bivanje, ki ga je izdal pristojni organ zaprošene pogodbenice, ki mu je veljavnost potekla pred ne več kot 30 dnevi;
– vizum, ki ga je izdal pristojni organ zaprošene strani in katerega veljavnost je pretekla pred ne več kot 30 dnevi;
– vozovnice, ki se glasijo na ime in je mogoče na njihovi podlagi ugotoviti, da je ta oseba vstopila na ozemlje pogodbenice prosilke neposredno z ozemlja zaprošene pogodbenice;
– žig države, ki meji na eno od pogodbenic, pri čemer je treba upoštevati tudi smer potovanja, ki ga je oseba uporabljala za svoje gibanje ter datum prestopa meje;
– potrdila in druga dokazila, ki dokazujejo, da je oseba neposredno pred vstopom na ozemlje pogodbenice prosilke prestajala zaporno kazen ali pa je bila na bolnišničnem zdravljenju na ozemlju zaprošene prosilke;
– račun ali potrdilo, ki potrjuje bivanje na ozemlju zaprošene pogodbenice.
b) Vstop ali bivanje državljanov tretjih držav na ozemlju zaprošene pogodbenice se lahko domneva tudi na podlagi enega ali več spodaj navedenih dokazil, le-ta pa bodo od primera do primera ocenjevali pristojni organi zaprošene pogodbenice:
– dokumenti, ki so jih izdali pristojni organi zaprošene pogodbenice: n.pr.: vozniško dovoljenje, dovoljenje za nošenje orožja, itd.;
– dovoljenje ali dokument za bivanje, ki mu je veljavnost potekla pred ne več kot letom dni;
– dokument o državljanskem stanju, ki ga je osebi izdal organ zaprošene pogodbenice;
– fotokopija katerega od navedenih dokumentov;
– vozovnice, ki so bile izdane na ozemlju zaprošene pogodbenice;
– izjave oseb ali prič, ki potrjujejo vstop ali bivanje na ozemlju zaprošene pogodbenice, na podlagi zapisnika, ki so ga pripravili pristojni organi pogodbenice prosilke.
3. Odgovor na pisno zaprosilo o ponovnem sprejemu državljanov tretjih držav ali oseb brez državljanstva vsebuje podatke, ki so navedeni v Prilogi 5 tega protokola.
6. člen
Obveščanje o vračanju
Pristojni organ pogodbenice prosilke mora najkasneje 10 dni pred dnevom predvidenega vračanja, po prejemu pozitivnega odgovora na zaprosilo za ponoven sprejem državljanov tretjih držav ali oseb brez državljanstva, poslati pristojnemu organu zaprošene pogodbenice obvestilo o vračanju državljanov tretjih držav ali oseb brez državljanstva, ki je naveden v Prilogi 6 tega protokola.
7. člen
Sprejem državljanov tretjih držav ali oseb brez državljanstva v tranzitu
1. Zaprosilo za sprejem državljanov tretjih držav ali oseb brez državljanstva v tranzitu vsebuje podatke, ki so navedeni v Prilogi 7 tega protokola.
2. Zaprosilo mora biti najmanj 48 ur pred tranzitom poslano po faksu organom, navedenim v 1. členu tega protokola.
3. Zaprošena stran mora odgovoriti nemudoma, najkasneje v roku 48 ur.
4. Odgovor na zaprosilo za sprejem državljanov tretjih držav ali oseb brez državljanstva v tranzitu vsebuje podatke, ki so navedeni v Prilogi 8 tega protokola.
5. Pristojni organ pogodbenice prosilke mora najkasneje 10 dni pred dnevom predvidenega vračanja, po prejemu pozitivnega odgovora na zaprosilo za ponoven sprejem državljanov tretjih držav ali oseb brez državljanstva v tranzitu, poslati pristojnemu organu zaprošene pogodbenice obvestilo o vračanju državljanov tretjih držav ali oseb brez državljanstva v tranzitu, ki je naveden v Prilogi 9 tega protokola.
6. Prevoz oseb, ki se jih prevzema v tranzitu se načeloma izvaja po zraku ali preko mednarodnih mejnih prehodov za cestni promet.
8. člen
1. Za stroške ponovnega sprejema državljanov pogodbenic štejejo:
– stroški izdaje potne listine za vračanje za osebo, ki bo ponovno sprejeta in ki jih je treba plačati diplomatsko konzularnemu predstavništvu zaprošene pogodbenice;
– stroški prevoza do mednarodnega mejnega prehoda, ki jih je treba plačati prevozniku.
2. Za stroške ponovnega prevzema državljanov tretjih držav ali oseb brez državljanstva štejejo:
– stroški prevoza do mednarodnega mejnega prehoda, ki jih je treba plačati prevozniku, prav tako pa tudi stroški morebitnega povratnega potovanja, ki jih je treba prav tako plačati prevozniku.
3. Za stroške sprejemanja državljanov tretjih držav ali oseb brez državljanstva v tranzitu štejejo:
– stroški prevoza do mednarodnega mejnega prehoda v ciljni državi kakor tudi stroški morebitnega povratnega potovanja, v primeru, če oseba ne bi bila sprejeta, oziroma vrnitve z letališča na ozemlju pogodbenice prosilke, če take osebe ni mogoče vkrcati z namenom, da nadaljevala pot do ciljne države.
9. člen
Začetek in trajanje veljavnosti
Ta protokol se začne uporabljati v skladu s 16. 17. in 18. členom Sporazuma, preneha pa se ga uporabljati s prenehanjem veljavnosti Sporazuma.
Pripravljeno v Beogradu dne 23. 4. 2001 v dveh izvodih v slovenskem, srbskem in angleškem jeziku, pri čemer so vsa tri besedila enako veljavna. V primeru razlik v tolmačenju protokola velja besedilo v angleškem jeziku.
Za Ministrstvo
za notranje zadeve
Republike Slovenije
Marko Pogorevc l. r.
Generalni direktor Policije
Za Zvezno ministrstvo
za notranje zadeve
Zvezne republike Jugoslavije
Stevan Nikčević l. r.
pomočnik ministra
The Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Slovenia and the Federal Ministry of the Interior of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, on the basis of the provisions of the Article 11 of the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Federal Government of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia on return and readmission of persons that do not comply with the conditions for the entry or stay on the territory of the other State (hereinafter: the Agreement), have agreed as follows:
Article 1
Competent Authorities
1. The Slovene competent authority for the implementation of the Agreement is the Ministry of the Interior, General Police Directorate – Uniformed Police Directorate, Sector for State Border and Foreigners
Address:     Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve
             Generalna policijska uprava – Uprava policije
             Sektor za državno mejo in tujce
             Štefanova 2
             1500 Ljubljana
Telephone:   00386 1 472 4322
Telefax:     00386 1 251 7450
2. The Yugoslav authority competent for the implementation of the Agreement is the Federal Ministry of the Interior of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia – Administration for Border Police, Foreigners and Travel Documents.
Address:     Savezno ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova
             Uprava pogranične policije, za strance i putne isprave
             Ulica Mihajla Pupina br. 2
             11070 Beograd
             ZR Jugoslavija
Telephone:   00381 11/3118-984
             00381 11/3117-252 (24-hour service)
Telefax:     00381 11/3118-984
             00381 11/3117-251 (24-hour service)
3. Letter of request for readmission and other documents could be send also by diplomatic channels.
Article 2
Border Crossing Points
The border crossing points defined as entry points for the persons to be readmitted on the territory of the State of the requested party, readmitting these persons in accordance with the Agreement are as follows:
– Republic of Slovenia: Airport Ljubljana Brnik, International border crossing points for road traffic Obrežje, Dolga vas.
– Federal Republic of Yugoslavia: Airport Belgrade, Airport Podgorica, International border crossing points for road traffic Batrovci, Horgoš, Kelebija, Bački Breg.
Article 3
Procedure in accordance with the letter of request
1. The letter of request for the readmission of persons under the provisions of the Article 2 of the Agreement, sent by the requesting party to the requested party, shall contain data cited in Annex 1 of the present Protocol.
2. In addition to the letter of request for the readmission of persons the requesting party shall, under Article 3, par. 2 of the Agreement, enclose also original documents or their copies in its possession:
– passport,
– diplomatic passport,
– service passport,
– travel document for repatriation,
– seaman’s ID,
– navigation card,
– personal identity card,
– driving licence,
– other documents issued by competent authorities of the requested party.
Documents cited in the above paragraph can be used in the procedure of the ascertainment of the identity and citizenship of persons for whom the request was sent, if they were issued by competent authorities of the requested party, even if there validity has already expired.
3. The reply to the letter of request for readmission of persons shall contain data cited in the Annex 2 of the present Protocol.
4. If necessary, the competent authority of the requesting party shall send the positive reply to the letter of request for the readmission of persons, to a diplomatic consular mission of the requested party for the issue of a passport substitute.
Article 4
Notification about return of persons
The competent authority of the requesting party shall, on the basis of a positive answer to the letter of request for the readmission of persons or after the issue of a passport substitute for repatriation, at least 10 days prior to the date of the planned return of persons, send to the competent authority of the requested party the notification form for the return of persons, cited in the Annex 3 of the present Protocol.
Article 5
Readmission of citizens of the third States
1. The letter of request for the readmission of citizens of the third States, sent by the requesting party to the requested party shall include data cited in Annex 4 of the present Protocol.
2. The requesting party shall enclose to the letter of request for the readmission of citizens of the third States also the data and documents on identity and citizenship of the person to be readmitted, the evidence of stay of such a person on the territory of the requested party, as well as the data and evidence of direct entry into the territory of the requesting party from the territory of the requested party.
a) The following evidence shall be used to prove the stay of a person on the territory of the requested party from which the person concerned entered the territory of the requesting party:
– original entry or exit stamps or possible other notes that were entered in travel documents;
– a residence permit or a document issued by the competent authority of the requested party, the validity of which expired less than 30 days ago;
– a visa, issued by the competent authority of the requested party, the validity of which expired less than 30 days ago;
– the tickets issued on a name, which could help to establish, if the concerned person entered the territory of the requesting party directly from the territory of the requested party;
– stamps of the State that borders one of the contracting parties, taking in consideration the travel itinerary used by the person concerned for his/her voyage and the date of the crossing of the border;
– receipts and other evidence proving that the person served an imprisonment or underwent a hospital treatment on the territory of the requested party immediately prior to his/her entry on the territory of the requesting party;
– a bill or a receipt confirming the accommodation on the territory of the requested party.
b) The entry or stay of citizens of the third States on the territory of the requested party could be assumed also on the basis of one or more evidence cited below, which shall be from case to case evaluated by the competent authorities of the requested party:
– documents issued by a competent authority of the requested party, e.i.: driving licence, weapons permit, etc.;
– residential permit or a document, the validity of which expired no more than a year ago;
– a document on civil status, issued to the person concerned by an authority of the requested party;
– a photocopy of any of the above documents;
– tickets issued on the territory of the requested party;
– statement of persons or witnesses confirming the entry or stay on the territory of the requested party, on the basis of the minutes prepared by the competent authorities of the requesting party.
3. The reply to the letter of request for the readmission of citizens of the third countries or stateless persons shall contain data cited in the Annex 5 of the present Protocol.
Article 6
Notification about the return of persons
The competent authority of the requesting party shall, on the basis of a positive answer to the letter of request for the readmission of citizens of the third States or stateless persons, at least 10 days prior to the date of the planned return, send to the competent authority of the requested party the notification form for the return of citizens of the third States or stateless persons, cited in the Annex 6 of the present Protocol.
Article 7
Admission of the citizens of the third States or stateless persons in transit
1. The letter of request for the admission of the citizens of the third States or stateless persons shall enclose the data cited in Annex 7 of the present Protocol.
2. The letter of request shall be sent by fax to the authorities cited in the Article 1 of the present Protocol at least 48 hours prior to the transit.
3. The requested party shall reply immediately, at least within 48 hours.
4. The reply to the letter of request for the admission in transit of the citizens of the third States or stateless persons shall contain data cited in the Annex 8 of the present Protocol.
5. The competent authority of the requesting party shall, on the basis of a positive answer to the letter of request for the readmission of citizens of the third States or stateless persons in transit, at least 10 days prior to the date of the planned return, send to the competent authority of the requested party the notification form for the return of citizens of the third States or stateless persons in transit, cited in the Annex 9 of the present Protocol.
6. The transport of persons to be admitted in transit shall, by rule, be carried out by air or through the international border crossing points for road traffic.
Article 8
1. The expenses for the readmission of the citizens of contracting parties shall include:
– the expenses for the issue of travel documents for the repatriation of person to be readmitted, to be paid to the diplomatic consular mission of the requested party;
– the expenses of transport to the international border crossing point, to be paid to the carrier.
2. The expenses for the readmission of the citizens of the third States or stateless persons shall include:
– the expenses of transport to the international border crossing point, to be paid to the carrier, as well as the expenses for a possible return voyage, also to be paid to the carrier.
3. The expenses for the admission in transit of the citizens of the third States or stateless persons shall include:
– the expenses of transport to the international border crossing point in the State of final destination, as well as the expenses of a possible return voyage in case such person would not be accepted, or the return from the airport situated on the territory of the requesting party, if such person could not be board the plane with the intention to continue its voyage to the State of final destination.
Article 9
Entry into force and duration of validity
The present protocol shall be applied in accordance with the Article 16, 17 and 18 of the Agreement and shall expire on the date of the expiration of the validity of the Agreement.
Done in Belgrade on april 23, 2001 in two original copies in Slovene, Serbian and English language, all three texts being equally authentic. In case of any differences of interpretation of the Protocol, the English text shall prevail.
For the Ministry
of the Interior of the
Republic of Slovenia
Marko Pogorevc (s)
Director General of the Police
For the Federal Ministry
of the Interior of the
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
Stevan Nikčević (s)
Assistant Minister
3. člen
Za izvajanje protokola skrbi Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve.
4. člen
Ta uredba začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije -Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 284-11/2001-3
Ljubljana, dne 8. novembra 2001
Vlada Republike Slovenije
mag. Anton Rop l. r.
* Priloge k protokolu in besedilo protokola v srbskem jeziku so na vpogled v Sektorju za mednarodnopravne zadeve Ministrstva za zunanje zadeve.

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