Uradni list

Številka 14
Uradni list RS, št. 14/2000 z dne 18. 2. 2000
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 14/2000 z dne 18. 2. 2000


4. Uredba o ratifikaciji Sporazuma o sodelovanju med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Organizacijo severnoatlantskega pakta o sodelovanju Republike Slovenije v KFOR, stran 21.

Na podlagi tretjega odstavka 63. člena Zakona o zunanjih zadevah (Uradni list RS, št. 1/91-I) izdaja Vlada Republike Slovenije
1. člen
Ratificira se Sporazum o sodelovanju med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Organizacijo severnoatlantskega pakta o sodelovanju Republike Slovenije v KFOR, sklenjen z izmenjavo pisem z dne 26. avgusta 1999 in 29. novembra 1999.
2. člen
Sporazum se v izvirniku v angleškem jeziku in v prevodu v slovenskem jeziku glasi:
SECRETARY GENERAL                              B - 110 BRUXELLES
SG(99)1178.slovenpa                               26 August 1999
Dear Ambassador,
I have the honour to refer to the United Nations Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) n° 1244 dated 10 June 1999 providing in the deployment in Kosovo of an international security presence.
In accordance with this UNSCR, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization has decided to establish a multinational KFOR involving NATO and non-NATO forces.
Therefore, based upon previous discussions and communications, I accept with appreciation the offer of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia to provide to KFOR 4 CIMIC personnel and 2 press officers. It is my understanding that it is the intention of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia to maintain its participation in KFOR for a period of at least 12 months, which may be extended by mutual agreement.
The principles concerning the establishment, functions, and responsibilities of the KFOR are set out in the UNSCR and NATO’s operational planning documents. It is understood that your ultimate decision with respect to participation will be contingent upon your acceptance of the provisions of these document. I seek your agreement that Slovenian contingent shall conduct itself in accordance with these documents and any changes to them throughout the course of the operation. Also, I would like to emphasize the importance of continuity of service of units in the KFOR and to seek your agreement that the Slovenian contingent will not be withdrawn without at least 4 months prior notification to the Commander, KFOR (COMKFOR), except as otherwise agreed.
I draw your attention to the United Nations Council Resolution 1244, the Military Technical Agreement and other agreements which may be concluded relating to the rights, obligations, privileges and immunities of KFOR and its members when present in the territory of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. I trust you will confirm that the appropriate authorities of your national contingent shall take the necessary measures to assure the maintenance of proper discipline of your personnel and to exercise jurisdiction with respect to any crime or disciplinary offence which might be committed by your personnel.
With reference to OPLAN 10413, Operation »JOINT GUARDIAN«, I seek your agreement that national contingents provided to the KFOR, having fully arrived in the Theatre Area of Operations and having been assessed as capable of command and operational control of the Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR) and subject to NATO Rules of Engagement, SACEUR, who will assume overall authority and operational command or control, will further designate the Commander in Chief Southern Europe (CINCSOUTH) as Joint Force Commander (JFC) and designate COMARRC as Commander Kosovo Force (COMKFOR). The COMKFOR will issue orders to the national contingents through the chain of command established by him. Non-NATO nations will retain national command of their own contingents.
The exchange or KFOR classified information between NATO and non-NATO nations will be carried out in accordance with Security Arrangements to be executed by all participating nations.
Any issues not covered in the present letter remain the responsibility of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and will not entail any financial responsibility of NATO or any of the national constituent elements of the KFOR.
Troop contributing nations can address issues of a political nature concerning the operation to the NATO Secretary General.
COMKFOR will utilize national contingents in accordance with their capabilities taking into account the advice of the contingent Commander.
I have the honour to propose that this letter and your reply confirming the agreement of your Government to the terms thereof shall constitute an agreement which shall enter into force on the date of your reply.
Yours sincerely,
Javier Solana, (s)
His Excellency
Mr A. Gerzina
Chargé d’Affaires
Mission of the Republic of Slovenia
No.:25/99                              Brussels 29 November 1999
Dear Lord Robertson,
I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of 26 August 1999 which reads as follows:
»I have the honour to refer to the United Nations Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) n° 1244 dated 10 June 1999 providing in the deployment in Kosovo of an international security presence.
In accordance with this UNSCR, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization has decided to establish a multinational KFOR involving NATO and non-NATO forces.
Therefore, based upon previous discussions and communications, I accept with appreciation the offer of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia to provide to KFOR 4 CIMIC personnel and 2 press officers. It is my understanding that it is the intention of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia to maintain its participation in KFOR for a period of at least 12 months, which may be extended by mutual agreement.
The principles concerning the establishment, functions, and responsibilities of the KFOR are set out in the UNSCR and NATO’s operational planning documents. It is understood that your ultimate decision with respect to participation will be contingent upon your acceptance of the provisions of these document. I seek your agreement that Slovenian contingent shall conduct itself in accordance with these documents and any changes to them throughout the course of the operation. Also, I would like to emphasize the importance of continuity of service of units in the KFOR and to seek your agreement that the Slovenian contingent will not be withdrawn without at least 4 months prior notification to the Commander, KFOR (COMKFOR), except as otherwise agreed.
I draw your attention to the United Nations Council Resolution 1244, the Military Technical Agreement and other agreements which may be concluded relating to the rights, obligations, privileges and immunities of KFOR and its members when present in the territory of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. I trust you will confirm that the appropriate authorities of your national contingent shall take the necessary measures to assure the maintenance of proper discipline of your personnel and to exercise jurisdiction with respect to any crime or disciplinary offence which might be committed by your personnel.
With reference to OPLAN 10413, Operation »JOINT GUARDIAN«, I seek your agreement that national contingents provided to the KFOR, having fully arrived in the Theatre Area of Operations and having been assessed as capable of command and operational control of the Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR) and subject to NATO Rules of Engagement, SACEUR, who will assume overall authority and operational command or control, will further designate the Commander in Chief Southern Europe (CINCSOUTH) as Joint Force Commander (JFC) and designate COMARRC as Commander Kosovo Force (COMKFOR). The COMKFOR will issue orders to the national contingents through the chain of command established by him. Non-NATO nations will retain national command of their own contingents.
The exchange or KFOR classified information between NATO and non-NATO nations will be carried out in accordance with Security Arrangements to be executed by all participating nations.
Any issues not covered in the present letter remain the responsibility of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and will not entail any financial responsibility of NATO or any of the national constituent elements of the KFOR.
Troop contributing nations can address issues of a political nature concerning the operation to the NATO Secretary General.
COMKFOR will utilize national contingents in accordance with their capabilities taking into account the advice of the contingent Commander.
I have the honour to propose that this letter and your reply confirming the agreement of your Government to the terms thereof shall constitute an agreement which shall enter into force on the date of your reply.«.
I have the honour to confirm on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia that the above cited agreement is acceptable for the Republic of Slovenia with the exception of the last paragraph relating to its entering into force. In accordance with the Law on Foreign Affairs the agreement in the Republic of Slovenia will enter into force when all internal legal procedures, required for its entry into force, are fulfilled, however it will be applied from the date of this letter.
Please accept, Lord Robertson, the expression of my highest consideration.
Yours sincerely,
Matjaž Šinkovec, (s)
Head of the Mission
The Rt. Hon. Lord Robertson of Port Ellen, PC
Secretary General
North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Generalni sekretar
Boulevard Léopold III
                                                    B-1110 Bruxelles
SG/99/1178.slovenpa                              26. avgust 1999
Spoštovani gospod veleposlanik,
Čast imam sklicevati se na resolucijo Varnostnega sveta Združenih narodov št. 1244 (resolucija VS OZN) z dne 10. junija 1999, ki predvideva razmestitev mednarodnih varnostnih sil na Kosovu.
V skladu s to resolucijo (resolucija VS OZN) se je Organizacija severnoaoatlantskega pakta odločila, da ustanovi večnacionalni KFOR, ki vključuje sile Nata in sile držav nečlanic Nata.
Zato na podlagi prejšnjih razprav in sporočil z veseljem sprejemam ponudbo Vlade Republike Slovenije, da za KFOR zagotovi štiri častnike za usklajevanje civilnih in vojaških dejavnosti (CIMIC) in dva častnika v predstavništvu za tisk. Razumem, da je namen Republike Slovenije ohraniti sodelovanje v KFOR-ju za obdobje vsaj 12 mesecev, ki se lahko podaljša z medsebojnim dogovorom.
Načela glede ustanovitve, nalog in odgovornosti KFOR-ja so določena v resoluciji VS OZN in dokumentih Nata o operativnem načrtu. Razume se, da bo vaša končna odločitev glede sodelovanja pogojena z vašim sprejetjem določb teh dokumentov. Prosim za vaš pristanek, da slovenski kontingent ravna v skladu s pogoji teh dokumentov in z vsemi spremembami le-teh med celotno operacijo. Rad bi tudi poudaril pomembnost stalnosti služenja enot v KFOR-ju in vaš pristanek, da slovenski kontingent ne bo odpoklican brez obvestila poveljniku KFOR-ja (COMKFOR) vsaj štiri mesece vnaprej, razen če ni drugače dogovorjeno.
Opozarjam vas na resolucijo Varnostnega sveta Združenih narodov št. 1244, na vojaško tehnični sporazum in druge sporazume, ki se lahko sklenejo v zvezi s pravicami, obveznostmi, privilegiji in imunitetami KFOR-ja in njegovih članov, kadar se nahajajo na ozemlju Zvezne republike Jugoslavije. Prepričan sem, da boste potrdili, da bodo ustrezni organi kontingenta vaše države sprejeli potrebne ukrepe za zagotavljanje primerne discipline osebja in izvajale jurisdikcijo v zvezi s kakršnim koli kaznivim dejanjem ali disciplinskim prekrškom, ki bi ga morda storilo vaše osebje.
V zvezi z načrtom delovanja 10413 (OPLAN) za operacijo »JOINT GUARDIAN« prosim za vaš pristanek, da se državne kontingente, dodeljene KFOR-ju, potem ko so v celoti prispeli na območje operacij in je bilo ocenjeno, da so zmožni izvesti predpisano misijo KFOR-ja, razporedi pod operativno poveljstvo in operativni nadzor Vrhovnega poveljnika zavezniških sil v Evropi (SACEUR) ter da zanje velja Natov pravilnik o delovanju. SACEUR bo prevzel celotno pristojnost za operacijo in operativno poveljstvo ali nadzor, pri čemer bo za poveljnika Južne Evrope (CINCSOUTH) določil poveljnika združenih sil (JFC) in poveljnika COMARRC kot poveljnika sil na Kosovu (COMKFOR). COMKFOR bo izdajal ukaze državnim kontingentom preko linije poveljevanja, ki jo bo vzpostavil. Države, nečlanice Nata bodo obdržale poveljstvo nad svojimi kontingenti.
Izmenjava zaupnih podatkov KFOR-ja med državami članicami in nečlanicami Nata bo potekala v skladu z Varnostnimi sporazumi, ki jih morajo izvajati vse sodelujoče države.
Vsa vprašanja, ki jih to pismo ne zajema, ostajajo odgovornost Vlade Republike Slovenije in ne bodo imela za posledico nobene finančne odgovornosti Nata ali katerega koli nacionalnega elementa v sestavi KFOR-ja.
Države, ki prispevajo čete, lahko vprašanja politične narave v zvezi z operacijo naslovijo na generalnega sekretarja Nata.
COMKFOR bo uporabil državne kontingente v skladu z njihovimi zmožnostmi, pri čemer bo upošteval nasvete poveljnika kontingenta.
Čast imam predlagati, da to pismo in vaš odgovor, ki potrjuje, da vaša Vlada soglaša s temi pogoji, sestavljata sporazum, ki začne veljati na dan vašega odgovora.
S spoštovanjem,
Javier Solana l. r.
Njegova Ekscelenca
Gospod A. Geržina
Odpravnik poslov
Misija Republike Slovenije pri Natu
Št.:25/99                             Bruselj, 29. november 1999
Spoštovani Lord Robertson,
čast imam potrditi prejem vašega pisma z dne 26. avgusta 1999, ki glasi:
»Čast imam sklicevati se na resolucijo Varnostnega sveta Združenih narodov št. 1244 (resolucija VS OZN) z dne 10. junija 1999, ki predvideva razmestitev mednarodnih varnostnih sil na Kosovu.
V skladu s to resolucijo (resolucija VS OZN) se je Organizacija severnoaoatlantskega pakta odločila, da ustanovi večnacionalni KFOR, ki vključuje sile Nata in sile držav nečlanic Nata.
Zato na podlagi prejšnjih razprav in sporočil z veseljem sprejemam ponudbo Vlade Republike Slovenije, da za KFOR zagotovi štiri častnike za usklajevanje civilnih in vojaških dejavnosti (CIMIC) in dva častnika v predstavništvu za tisk. Razumem, da je namen Republike Slovenije ohraniti sodelovanje v KFOR-ju za obdobje vsaj 12 mesecev, ki se lahko podaljša z medsebojnim dogovorom.
Načela glede ustanovitve, nalog in odgovornosti KFOR-ja so določena v resoluciji VS OZN in dokumentih Nata o operativnem načrtu. Razume se, da bo vaša končna odločitev glede sodelovanja pogojena z vašim sprejetjem določb teh dokumentov. Prosim za vaš pristanek, da slovenski kontingent ravna v skladu s pogoji teh dokumentov in z vsemi spremembami le-teh med celotno operacijo. Rad bi tudi poudaril pomembnost stalnosti služenja enot v KFOR-ju in vaš pristanek, da slovenski kontingent ne bo odpoklican brez obvestila poveljniku KFOR-ja (COMKFOR) vsaj štiri mesece vnaprej, razen če ni drugače dogovorjeno.
Opozarjam vas na resolucijo Varnostnega sveta Združenih narodov št. 1244, na vojaško tehnični sporazum in druge sporazume, ki se lahko sklenejo v zvezi s pravicami, obveznostmi, privilegiji in imunitetami KFOR-ja in njegovih članov, kadar se nahajajo na ozemlju Zvezne republike Jugoslavije. Prepričan sem, da boste potrdili, da bodo ustrezni organi kontingenta vaše države sprejeli potrebne ukrepe za zagotavljanje primerne discipline osebja in izvajale jurisdikcijo v zvezi s kakršnim koli kaznivim dejanjem ali disciplinskim prekrškom, ki bi ga morda storilo vaše osebje.
V zvezi z načrtom delovanja 10413 (OPLAN) za operacijo »JOINT GUARDIAN« prosim za vaš pristanek, da se državne kontingente, dodeljene KFOR-ju, potem ko so v celoti prispeli na območje operacij in je bilo ocenjeno, da so zmožni izvesti predpisano misijo KFOR-ja, razporedi pod operativno poveljstvo in operativni nadzor Vrhovnega poveljnika zavezniških sil v Evropi (SACEUR) ter da zanje velja Natov pravilnik o delovanju. SACEUR bo prevzel celotno pristojnost za operacijo in operativno poveljstvo ali nadzor, pri čemer bo za poveljnika Južne Evrope (CINCSOUTH) določil poveljnika združenih sil (JFC) in poveljnika COMARRC kot poveljnika sil na Kosovu (COMKFOR). COMKFOR bo izdajal ukaze državnim kontingentom preko linije poveljevanja, ki jo bo vzpostavil. Države, nečlanice Nata bodo obdržale poveljstvo nad svojimi kontingenti.
Izmenjava zaupnih podatkov KFOR-ja med državami članicami in nečlanicami Nata bo potekala v skladu z Varnostnimi sporazumi, ki jih morajo izvajati vse sodelujoče države.
Vsa vprašanja, ki jih to pismo ne zajema, ostajajo odgovornost Vlade Republike Slovenije in ne bodo imela za posledico nobene finančne odgovornosti Nata ali katerega koli nacionalnega elementa v sestavi KFOR-ja.
Države, ki prispevajo čete, lahko vprašanja politične narave v zvezi z operacijo naslovijo na generalnega sekretarja Nata.
COMKFOR bo uporabil državne kontingente v skladu z njihovimi zmožnostmi, pri čemer bo upošteval nasvete poveljnika kontingenta.
Čast imam predlagati, da to pismo in vaš odgovor, ki potrjuje, da vaša Vlada soglaša s temi pogoji, sestavljata sporazum, ki začne veljati na dan vašega odgovora.«
V imenu Vlade Republike Slovenije imam čast potrditi, da je za Republiko Slovenijo zgoraj navedeni sporazum sprejemljiv, razen zadnjega odstavka glede začetka veljavnosti. V skladu z Zakonom o zunanjih zadevah Republike Slovenije sporazum začne veljati, ko so izpolnjeni vsi notranjepravni postopki, potrebni za začetek veljavnosti tega sporazuma;uporablja pa se od dne tega pisma.
Sprejmite prosim, Lord Robertson, izraze mojega odličnega spoštovanja.
S spoštovanjem,
Matjaž Šinkovec l. r.
vodja misije
Lord Robertson
Generalni sekretar
Organizacija Severnoatlantskega pakta
3. člen
Za izvajanje sporazuma skrbi Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve v sodelovanju z Ministrstvom za obrambo.
4. člen
Ta uredba začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 900-05/98-83 (T1)
Ljubljana, dne 3. februarja 2000
Vlada Republike Slovenije
dr. Janez Drnovšek l. r.

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