Uradni list

Številka 110
Uradni list RS, št. 110/1999 z dne 30. 12. 1999
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 110/1999 z dne 30. 12. 1999


99. Zakon o ratifikaciji Konvencije o mednarodni trgovini z ogroženimi prosto živečimi živalskimi in rastlinskimi vrstami, spremembe konvencije ter dodatkov I, II, III in IV h konvenciji (MKTOZR), stran 1225.

Na podlagi druge alinee prvega odstavka 107. člena in prvega odstavka 91. člena Ustave Republike Slovenije izdajam
Razglašam Zakon o ratifikaciji Konvencije o mednarodni trgovini z ogroženimi prosto živečimi živalskimi in rastlinskimi vrstami, spremembe konvencije ter dodatkov I, II, III in IV h konvenciji (MKTOZR), ki ga je sprejel Državni zbor Republike Slovenije na seji 21. decembra 1999.
Št. 001-22-191/99
Ljubljana, 29. decembra 1999
Republike Slovenije
Milan Kučan l. r.
1. člen
Ratificirajo se:
– Konvencija o mednarodni trgovini z ogroženimi prosto živečimi živalskimi in rastlinskimi vrstami, sprejeta v Washingtonu 3. marca 1973, v besedilu z dne 22. junija 1979;
– Sprememba konvencije z dne 30. aprila 1983;
– Dodatka I in II h konvenciji z dne 18. septembra 1997, z vključenimi popravki z dne 30. junija 1998,
– Dodatek III z dne 29. aprila 1999 in
– Dodatek IV.
2. člen
Konvencija, sprememba konvencije, dodatka I in II, dodatek III in dodatek IV h konvenciji se v izvirniku v angleškem jeziku in v prevodu v slovenskem jeziku glasijo:
Signed at Washington, D.C., on 3 March 1973
Amended at Bonn, on 22 June 1979
The Contracting States,
Recognizing that wild fauna and flora in their many beautiful and varied forms are an irreplaceable part of the natural systems of the earth which must be protected for this and the generations to come;
Conscious of the ever-growing value of wild fauna and flora from aesthetic, scientific, cultural, recreational and economic points of view;
Recognizing that peoples and States are and should be the best protectors of their own wild fauna and flora;
Recognizing, in addition, that international co-operation is essential for the protection of certain species of wild fauna and flora against over-exploitation through international trade;
Convinced of the urgency of taking appropriate measures to this end;
Have agreed as follows:
Article I
For the purpose of the present Convention, unless the context otherwise requires:
(a) “Species“ means any species, subspecies, or geographically separate population thereof;
(b) “Specimen“ means:
(i) any animal or plant, whether alive or dead;
(ii) in the case of an animal: for species included in Appendices I and II, any readily recognizable part or derivative thereof; and for species included in Appendix III, any readily recognizable part or derivative thereof specified in Appendix III in relation to the species; and
(iii) in the case of a plant: for species included in Appendix I, any readily recognizable part or derivative thereof; and for species included in Appendices II and III, any readily recognizable part or derivative thereof specified in Appendices II and III in relation to the species;
(c) “Trade“ means export, re-export, import and introduction from the sea;
(d) “Re-export“ means export of any specimen that has previously been imported;
(e) “Introduction from the sea“ means transportation into a State of specimens of any species which were taken in the marine environment not under the jurisdiction of any State;
(f) “Scientific Authority“ means a national scientific authority designated in accordance with Article IX;
(g) “Management Authority“ means a national management authority designated in accordance with Article IX;
(h) “Party“ means a State for which the present Convention has entered into force.
Article II
Fundamental Principles
1. Appendix I shall include all species threatened with extinction which are or may be affected by trade. Trade in specimens of these species must be subject to particularly strict regulation in order not to endanger further their survival and must only be authorized in exceptional circumstances.
2. Appendix II shall include:
(a) all species which although not necessarily now threatened with extinction may become so unless trade in specimens of such species is subject to strict regulation in order to avoid utilization incompatible with their survival; and
(b) other species which must be subject to regulation in order that trade in specimens of certain species referred to in sub-paragraph (a) of this paragraph may be brought under effective control.
3. Appendix III shall include all species which any Party identifies as being subject to regulation within its jurisdiction for the purpose of preventing or restricting exploitation, and as needing the co-operation of other Parties in the control of trade.
4. The Parties shall not allow trade in specimens of species included in Appendices I, II and III except in accordance with the provisions of the present Convention.
Article III
Regulation of Trade in Specimens of Species Included in Appendix I
1. All trade in specimens of species included in Appendix I shall be in accordance with the provisions of this Article.
2. The export of any specimen of a species included in Appendix I shall require the prior grant and presentation of an export permit. An export permit shall only be granted when the following conditions have been met:
(a) a Scientific Authority of the State of export has advised that such export will not be detrimental to the survival of that species;
(b) a Management Authority of the State of export is satisfied that the specimen was not obtained in contravention of the laws of that State for the protection of fauna and flora;
(c) a Management Authority of the State of export is satisfied that any living specimen will be so prepared and shipped as to minimize the risk of injury, damage to health or cruel treatment; and
(d) a Management Authority of the State of export is satisfied that an import permit has been granted for the specimen.
3. The import of any specimen of a species included in Appendix I shall require the prior grant and presentation of an import permit and either an export permit or a re-export certificate. An import permit shall only be granted when the following conditions have been met:
(a) a Scientific Authority of the State of import has advised that the import will be for purposes which are not detrimental to the survival of the species involved;
(b) a Scientific Authority of the State of import is satisfied that the proposed recipient of a living specimen is suitably equipped to house and care for it; and
(c) a Management Authority of the State of import is satisfied that the specimen is not to be used for primarily commercial purposes.
4. The re-export of any specimen of a species included in Appendix I shall require the prior grant and presentation of a re-export certificate. A re-export certificate shall only be granted when the following conditions have been met:
(a) a Management Authority of the State of re-export is satisfied that the specimen was imported into that State in accordance with the provisions of the present Convention;
(b) a Management Authority of the State of re-export is satisfied that any living specimen will be so prepared and shipped as to minimize the risk of injury, damage to health or cruel treatment; and
(c) a Management Authority of the State of re-export is satisfied that an import permit has been granted for any living specimen.
5. The introduction from the sea of any specimen of a species included in Appendix I shall require the prior grant of a certificate from a Management Authority of the State of introduction. A certificate shall only be granted when the following conditions have been met:
(a) a Scientific Authority of the State of introduction advises that the introduction will not be detrimental to the survival of the species involved;
(b) a Management Authority of the State of introduction is satisfied that the proposed recipient of a living specimen is suitably equipped to house and care for it; and
(c) a Management Authority of the State of introduction is satisfied that the specimen is not to be used for primarily commercial purposes.
Article IV
Regulation of Trade in Specimens of Species Included in Appendix II
1. All trade in specimens of species included in Appendix II shall be in accordance with the provisions of this Article.
2. The export of any specimen of a species included in Appendix II shall require the prior grant and presentation of an export permit. An export permit shall only be granted when the following conditions have been met:
(a) a Scientific Authority of the State of export has advised that such export will not be detrimental to the survival of that species;
(b) a Management Authority of the State of export is satisfied that the specimen was not obtained in contravention of the laws of that State for the protection of fauna and flora; and
(c) a Management Authority of the State of export is satisfied that any living specimen will be so prepared and shipped as to minimize the risk of injury, damage to health or cruel treatment.
3. A Scientific Authority in each Party shall monitor both the export permits granted by that State for specimens of species included in Appendix II and the actual exports of such specimens. Whenever a Scientific Authority determines that the export of specimens of any such species should be limited in order to maintain that species throughout its range at a level consistent with its role in the ecosystems in which it occurs and well above the level at which that species might become eligible for inclusion in Appendix I, the Scientific Authority shall advise the appropriate Management Authority of suitable measures to be taken to limit the grant of export permits for specimens of that species.
4. The import of any specimen of a species included in Appendix II shall require the prior presentation of either an export permit or a re-export certificate.
5. The re-export of any specimen of a species included in Appendix II shall require the prior grant and presentation of a re-export certificate. A re-export certificate shall only be granted when the following conditions have been met:
(a) a Management Authority of the State of re-export is satisfied that the specimen was imported into that State in accordance with the provisions of the present Convention; and
(b) a Management Authority of the State of re-export is satisfied that any living specimen will be so prepared and shipped as to minimize the risk of injury, damage to health or cruel treatment.
6. The introduction from the sea of any specimen of a species included in Appendix II shall require the prior grant of a certificate from a Management Authority of the State of introduction. A certificate shall only be granted when the following conditions have been met:
(a) a Scientific Authority of the State of introduction advises that the introduction will not be detrimental to the survival of the species involved; and
(b) a Management Authority of the State of introduction is satisfied that any living specimen will be so handled as to minimize the risk of injury, damage to health or cruel treatment.
7. Certificates referred to in paragraph 6 of this Article may be granted on the advice of a Scientific Authority, in consultation with other national scientific authorities or, when appropriate, international scientific authorities, in respect of periods not exceeding one year for total numbers of specimens to be introduced in such periods.
Article V
Regulation of Trade in Specimens of Species Included in Appendix III
1. All trade in specimens of species included in Appendix III shall be in accordance with the provisions of this Article.
2. The export of any specimen of a species included in Appendix III from any State which has included that species in Appendix III shall require the prior grant and presentation of an export permit. An export permit shall only be granted when the following conditions have been met:
(a) a Management Authority of the State of export is satisfied that the specimen was not obtained in contravention of the laws of that State for the protection of fauna and flora; and
(b) a Management Authority of the State of export is satisfied that any living specimen will be so prepared and shipped as to minimize the risk of injury, damage to health or cruel treatment.
3. The import of any specimen of a species included in Appendix III shall require, except in circumstances to which paragraph 4 of this Article applies, the prior presentation of a certificate of origin and, where the import is from a State which has included that species in Appendix III, an export permit.
4. In the case of re-export, a certificate granted by the Management Authority of the State of re-export that the specimen was processed in that State or is being re-exported shall be accepted by the State of import as evidence that the provisions of the present Convention have been complied with in respect of the specimen concerned.
Article VI
Permits and Certificates
1. Permits and certificates granted under the provisions of Articles III, IV, and V shall be in accordance with the provisions of this Article.
2. An export permit shall contain the information specified in the model set forth in Appendix IV, and may only be used for export within a period of six months from the date on which it was granted.
3. Each permit or certificate shall contain the title of the present Convention, the name and any identifying stamp of the Management Authority granting it and a control number assigned by the Management Authority.
4. Any copies of a permit or certificate issued by a Management Authority shall be clearly marked as copies only and no such copy may be used in place of the original, except to the extent endorsed thereon.
5. A separate permit or certificate shall be required for each consignment of specimens.
6. A Management Authority of the State of import of any specimen shall cancel and retain the export permit or re-export certificate and any corresponding import permit presented in respect of the import of that specimen.
7. Where appropriate and feasible a Management Authority may affix a mark upon any specimen to assist in identifying the specimen. For these purposes “mark“ means any indelible imprint, lead seal or other suitable means of identifying a specimen, designed in such a way as to render its imitation by unauthorized persons as difficult as possible.
Article VII
Exemptions and Other Special Provisions Relating to Trade
1. The provisions of Articles III, IV and V shall not apply to the transit or transhipment of specimens through or in the territory of a Party while the specimens remain in Customs control.
2. Where a Management Authority of the State of export or re-export is satisfied that a specimen was acquired before the provisions of the present Convention applied to that specimen, the provisions of Articles III, IV and V shall not apply to that specimen where the Management Authority issues a certificate to that effect.
3. The provisions of Articles III, IV and V shall not apply to specimens that are personal or household effects. This exemption shall not apply where:
(a) in the case of specimens of a species included in Appendix I, they were acquired by the owner outside his State of usual residence, and are being imported into that State; or
(b) in the case of specimens of species included in Appendix II:
(i) they were acquired by the owner outside his State of usual residence and in a State where removal from the wild occurred;
(ii) they are being imported into the owner’s State of usual residence; and
(iii) the State where removal from the wild occurred requires the prior grant of export permits before any export of such specimens; unless a Management Authority is satisfied that the specimens were acquired before the provisions of the present Convention applied to such specimens.
4. Specimens of an animal species included in Appendix I bred in captivity for commercial purposes, or of a plant species included in Appendix I artificially propagated for commercial purposes, shall be deemed to be specimens of species included in Appendix II.
5. Where a Management Authority of the State of export is satisfied that any specimen of an animal species was bred in captivity or any specimen of a plant species was artificially propagated, or is a part of such an animal or plant or was derived therefrom, a certificate by that Management Authority to that effect shall be accepted in lieu of any of the permits or certificates required under the provisions of Article III, IV or V.
6. The provisions of Articles III, IV and V shall not apply to the non-commercial loan, donation or exchange between scientists or scientific institutions registered by a Management Authority of their State, of herbarium specimens, other preserved, dried or embedded museum specimens, and live plant material which carry a label issued or approved by a Management Authority.
7. A Management Authority of any State may waive the requirements of Articles III, IV and V and allow the movement without permits or certificates of specimens which form part of a travelling zoo, circus, menagerie, plant exhibition or other travelling exhibition provided that:
(a) the exporter or importer registers full details of such specimens with that Management Authority;
(b) the specimens are in either of the categories specified in paragraph 2 or 5 of this Article; and
(c) the Management Authority is satisfied that any living specimen will be so transported and cared for as to minimize the risk of injury, damage to health or cruel treatment.
Article VIII
Measures to Be Taken by the Parties
1. The Parties shall take appropriate measures to enforce the provisions of the present Convention and to prohibit trade in specimens in violation thereof. These shall include measures:
(a) to penalize trade in, or possession of, such specimens, or both; and
(b) to provide for the confiscation or return to the State of export of such specimens.
2. In addition to the measures taken under paragraph 1 of this Article, a Party may, when it deems it necessary, provide for any method of internal reimbursement for expenses incurred as a result of the confiscation of a specimen traded in violation of the measures taken in the application of the provisions of the present Convention.
3. As far as possible, the Parties shall ensure that specimens shall pass through any formalities required for trade with a minimum of delay. To facilitate such passage, a Party may designate ports of exit and ports of entry at which specimens must be presented for clearance. The Parties shall ensure further that all living specimens, during any period of transit, holding or shipment, are properly cared for so as to minimize the risk of injury, damage to health or cruel treatment.
4. Where a living specimen is confiscated as a result of measures referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article:
(a) the specimen shall be entrusted to a Management Authority of the State of confiscation;
(b) the Management Authority shall, after consultation with the State of export, return the specimen to that State at the expense of that State, or to a rescue centre or such other place as the Management Authority deems appropriate and consistent with the purposes of the present Convention; and
(c) the Management Authority may obtain the advice of a Scientific Authority, or may, whenever it considers it desirable, consult the Secretariat in order to facilitate the decision under sub-paragraph (b) of this paragraph, including the choice of a rescue centre or other place.
5. A rescue centre as referred to in paragraph 4 of this Article means an institution designated by a Management Authority to look after the welfare of living specimens, particularly those that have been confiscated.
6. Each Party shall maintain records of trade in specimens of species included in Appendices I, II and III which shall cover:
(a) the names and addresses of exporters and importers; and
(b) the number and type of permits and certificates granted; the States with which such trade occurred; the numbers or quantities and types of specimens, names of species as included in Appendices I, II and III and, where applicable, the size and sex of the specimens in question.
7. Each Party shall prepare periodic reports on its implementation of the present Convention and shall transmit to the Secretariat:
(a) an annual report containing a summary of the information specified in sub-paragraph (b) of paragraph 6 of this Article; and
(b) a biennial report on legislative, regulatory and administrative measures taken to enforce the provisions of the present Convention.
8. The information referred to in paragraph 7 of this Article shall be available to the public where this is not inconsistent with the law of the Party concerned.
Article IX
Management and Scientific Authorities
1. Each Party shall designate for the purposes of the present Convention:
(a) one or more Management Authorities competent to grant permits or certificates on behalf of that Party; and
(b) one or more Scientific Authorities.
2. A State depositing an instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession shall at that time inform the Depositary Government of the name and address of the Management Authority authorized to communicate with other Parties and with the Secretariat.
3. Any changes in the designations or authorizations under the provisions of this Article shall be communicated by the Party concerned to the Secretariat for transmission to all other Parties.
4. Any Management Authority referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article shall, if so requested by the Secretariat or the Management Authority of another Party, communicate to it impression of stamps, seals or other devices used to authenticate permits or certificates.
Article X
Trade with States not Party to the Convention
Where export or re-export is to, or import is from, a State not a Party to the present Convention, comparable documentation issued by the competent authorities in that State which substantially conforms with the requirements of the present Convention for permits and certificates may be accepted in lieu thereof by any Party.
Article XI
Conference of the Parties
1. The Secretariat shall call a meeting of the Conference of the Parties not later than two years after the entry into force of the present Convention.
2. Thereafter the Secretariat shall convene regular meetings at least once every two years, unless the Conference decides otherwise, and extraordinary meetings at any time on the written request of at least one-third of the Parties.
3. At meetings, whether regular or extraordinary, the Parties shall review the implementation of the present Convention and may:
(a) make such provision as may be necessary to enable the Secretariat to carry out its duties, and adopt financial provisions;
(b) consider and adopt amendments to Appendices I and II in accordance with Article XV;
(c) review the progress made towards the restoration and conservation of the species included in Appendices I, II and III;
(d) receive and consider any reports presented by the Secretariat or by any Party; and
(e) where appropriate, make recommendations for improving the effectiveness of the present Convention.
4. At each regular meeting, the Parties may determine the time and venue of the next regular meeting to be held in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 2 of this Article.
5. At any meeting, the Parties may determine and adopt rules of procedure for the meeting.
6. The United Nations, its Specialized Agencies and the International Atomic Energy Agency, as well as any State not a Party to the present Convention, may be represented at meetings of the Conference by observers, who shall have the right to participate but not to vote.
7. Any body or agency technically qualified in protection, conservation or management of wild fauna and flora, in the following categories, which has informed the Secretariat of its desire to be represented at meetings of the Conference by observers, shall be admitted unless at least one-third of the Parties present object:
(a) international agencies or bodies, either governmental or non-governmental, and national governmental agencies and bodies; and
(b) national non-governmental agencies or bodies which have been approved for this purpose by the State in which they are located.
Once admitted, these observers shall have the right to participate but not to vote.
Article XII
The Secretariat
1. Upon entry into force of the present Convention, a Secretariat shall be provided by the Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme. To the extent and in the manner he considers appropriate, he may be assisted by suitable inter-governmental or non-governmental international or national agencies and bodies technically qualified in protection, conservation and management of wild fauna and flora.
2. The functions of the Secretariat shall be:
(a) to arrange for and service meetings of the Parties;
(b) to perform the functions entrusted to it under the provisions of Articles XV and XVI of the present Convention;
(c) to undertake scientific and technical studies in accordance with programmes authorized by the Conference of the Parties as will contribute to the implementation of the present Convention, including studies concerning standards for appropriate preparation and shipment of living specimens and the means of identifying specimens;
(d) to study the reports of Parties and to request from Parties such further information with respect thereto as it deems necessary to ensure implementation of the present Convention;
(e) to invite the attention of the Parties to any matter pertaining to the aims of the present Convention;
(f) to publish periodically and distribute to the Parties current editions of Appendices I, II and III together with any information which will facilitate identification of specimens of species included in those Appendices;
(g) to prepare annual reports to the Parties on its work and on the implementation of the present Convention and such other reports as meetings of the Parties may request;
(h) to make recommendations for the implementation of the aims and provisions of the present Convention, including the exchange of information of a scientific or technical nature;
(i) to perform any other function as may be entrusted to it by the Parties.
Article XIII
International Measures
1. When the Secretariat in the light of information received is satisfied that any species included in Appendix I or II is being affected adversely by trade in specimens of that species or that the provisions of the present Convention are not being effectively implemented, it shall communicate such information to the authorized Management Authority of the Party or Parties concerned.
2. When any Party receives a communication as indicated in paragraph 1 of this Article, it shall, as soon as possible, inform the Secretariat of any relevant facts insofar as its laws permit and, where appropriate, propose remedial action. Where the Party considers that an inquiry is desirable, such inquiry may be carried out by one or more persons expressly authorized by the Party.
3. The information provided by the Party or resulting from any inquiry as specified in paragraph 2 of this Article shall be reviewed by the next Conference of the Parties which may make whatever recommendations it deems appropriate.
Article XIV
Effect on Domestic Legislation and International Conventions
1. The provisions of the present Convention shall in no way affect the right of Parties to adopt:
(a) stricter domestic measures regarding the conditions for trade, taking, possession or transport of specimens of species included in Appendices I, II and III, or the complete prohibition thereof; or
(b) domestic measures restricting or prohibiting trade, taking, possession or transport of species not included in Appendix I, II or III.
2. The provisions of the present Convention shall in no way affect the provisions of any domestic measures or the obligations of Parties deriving from any treaty, convention, or international agreement relating to other aspects of trade, taking, possession or transport of specimens which is in force or subsequently may enter into force for any Party including any measure pertaining to the Customs, public health, veterinary or plant quarantine fields.
3. The provisions of the present Convention shall in no way affect the provisions of, or the obligations deriving from, any treaty, convention or international agreement concluded or which may be concluded between States creating a union or regional trade agreement establishing or maintaining a common external Customs control and removing Customs control between the parties thereto insofar as they relate to trade among the States members of that union or agreement.
4. A State party to the present Convention, which is also a party to any other treaty, convention or international agreement which is in force at the time of the coming into force of the present Convention and under the provisions of which protection is afforded to marine species included in Appendix II, shall be relieved of the obligations imposed on it under the provisions of the present Convention with respect to trade in specimens of species included in Appendix II that are taken by ships registered in that State and in accordance with the provisions of such other treaty, convention or international agreement.
5. Notwithstanding the provisions of Articles III, IV and V, any export of a specimen taken in accordance with paragraph 4 of this Article shall only require a certificate from a Management Authority of the State of introduction to the effect that the specimen was taken in accordance with the provisions of the other treaty, convention or international agreement in question.
6. Nothing in the present Convention shall prejudice the codification and development of the law of the sea by the United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea convened pursuant to Resolution 2750 C (XXV) of the General Assembly of the United Nations nor the present or future claims and legal views of any State concerning the law of the sea and the nature and extent of coastal and flag State jurisdiction.
Article XV
Amendments to Appendices I and II
1. The following provisions shall apply in relation to amendments to Appendices I and II at meetings of the Conference of the Parties:
(a) Any Party may propose an amendment to Appendix I or II for consideration at the next meeting. The text of the proposed amendment shall be communicated to the Secretariat at least 150 days before the meeting. The Secretariat shall consult the other Parties and interested bodies on the amendment in accordance with the provisions of sub-paragraphs (b) and (c) of paragraph 2 of this Article and shall communicate the response to all Parties not later than 30 days before the meeting.
(b) Amendments shall be adopted by a two-thirds majority of Parties present and voting. For these purposes “Parties present and voting“ means Parties present and casting an affirmative or negative vote. Parties abstaining from voting shall not be counted among the two-thirds required for adopting an amendment.
(c) Amendments adopted at a meeting shall enter into force 90 days after that meeting for all Parties except those which make a reservation in accordance with paragraph 3 of this Article.
2. The following provisions shall apply in relation to amendments to Appendices I and II between meetings of the Conference of the Parties:
(a) Any Party may propose an amendment to Appendix I or II for consideration between meetings by the postal procedures set forth in this paragraph.
(b) For marine species, the Secretariat shall, upon receiving the text of the proposed amendment, immediately communicate it to the Parties. It shall also consult inter-governmental bodies having a function in relation to those species especially with a view to obtaining scientific data these bodies may be able to provide and to ensuring co-ordination with any conservation measures enforced by such bodies. The Secretariat shall communicate the views expressed and data provided by these bodies and its own findings and recommendations to the Parties as soon as possible.
(c) For species other than marine species, the Secretariat shall, upon receiving the text of the proposed amendment, immediately communicate it to the Parties, and, as soon as possible thereafter, its own recommendations.
(d) Any Party may, within 60 days of the date on which the Secretariat communicated its recommendations to the Parties under sub-paragraph (b) or (c) of this paragraph, transmit to the Secretariat any comments on the proposed amendment together with any relevant scientific data and information.
(e) The Secretariat shall communicate the replies received together with its own recommendations to the Parties as soon as possible.
(f) If no objection to the proposed amendment is received by the Secretariat within 30 days of the date the replies and recommendations were communicated under the provisions of sub-paragraph (e) of this paragraph, the amendment shall enter into force 90 days later for all Parties except those which make a reservation in accordance with paragraph 3 of this Article.
(g) If an objection by any Party is received by the Secretariat, the proposed amendment shall be submitted to a postal vote in accordance with the provisions of sub-paragraphs (h), (i) and (j) of this paragraph.
(h) The Secretariat shall notify the Parties that notification of objection has been received.
(i) Unless the Secretariat receives the votes for, against or in abstention from at least one-half of the Parties within 60 days of the date of notification under sub-paragraph (h) of this paragraph, the proposed amendment shall be referred to the next meeting of the Conference for further consideration.
(j) Provided that votes are received from one-half of the Parties, the amendment shall be adopted by a two-thirds majority of Parties casting an affirmative or negative vote.
(k) The Secretariat shall notify all Parties of the result of the vote.
(l) If the proposed amendment is adopted it shall enter into force 90 days after the date of the notification by the Secretariat of its acceptance for all Parties except those which make a reservation in accordance with paragraph 3 of this Article.
3. During the period of 90 days provided for by sub-paragraph (c) of paragraph 1 or sub-paragraph (l) of paragraph 2 of this Article any Party may by notification in writing to the Depositary Government make a reservation with respect to the amendment. Until such reservation is withdrawn the Party shall be treated as a State not a Party to the present Convention with respect to trade in the species concerned.
Article XVI
Appendix III and Amendments thereto
1. Any Party may at any time submit to the Secretariat a list of species which it identifies as being subject to regulation within its jurisdiction for the purpose mentioned in paragraph 3 of Article II. Appendix III shall include the names of the Parties submitting the species for inclusion therein, the scientific names of the species so submitted, and any parts or derivatives of the animals or plants concerned that are specified in relation to the species for the purposes of sub-paragraph (b) of Article I.
2. Each list submitted under the provisions of paragraph 1 of this Article shall be communicated to the Parties by the Secretariat as soon as possible after receiving it. The list shall take effect as part of Appendix III 90 days after the date of such communication. At any time after the communication of such list, any Party may by notification in writing to the Depositary Government enter a reservation with respect to any species or any parts or derivatives, and until such reservation is withdrawn, the State shall be treated as a State not a Party to the present Convention with respect to trade in the species or part or derivative concerned.
3. A Party which has submitted a species for inclusion in Appendix III may withdraw it at any time by notification to the Secretariat which shall communicate the withdrawal to all Parties. The withdrawal shall take effect 30 days after the date of such communication.
4. Any Party submitting a list under the provisions of paragraph 1 of this Article shall submit to the Secretariat a copy of all domestic laws and regulations applicable to the protection of such species, together with any interpretations which the Party may deem appropriate or the Secretariat may request. The Party shall, for as long as the species in question is included in Appendix III, submit any amendments of such laws and regulations or any interpretations as they are adopted.
Article XVII
Amendment of the Convention
1. An extraordinary meeting of the Conference of the Parties shall be convened by the Secretariat on the written request of at least one-third of the Parties to consider and adopt amendments to the present Convention. Such amendments shall be adopted by a two-thirds majority of Parties present and voting. For these purposes “Parties present and voting“ means Parties present and casting an affirmative or negative vote. Parties abstaining from voting shall not be counted among the two-thirds required for adopting an amendment.
2. The text of any proposed amendment shall be communicated by the Secretariat to all Parties at least 90 days before the meeting.
3. An amendment shall enter into force for the Parties which have accepted it 60 days after two-thirds of the Parties have deposited an instrument of acceptance of the amendment with the Depositary Government. Thereafter, the amendment shall enter into force for any other Party 60 days after that Party deposits its instrument of acceptance of the amendment.
Article XVIII
Resolution of Disputes
1. Any dispute which may arise between two or more Parties with respect to the interpretation or application of the provisions of the present Convention shall be subject to negotiation between the Parties involved in the dispute.
2. If the dispute can not be resolved in accordance with paragraph 1 of this Article, the Parties may, by mutual consent, submit the dispute to arbitration, in particular that of the Permanent Court of Arbitration at The Hague, and the Parties submitting the dispute shall be bound by the arbitral decision.
Article XIX
The present Convention shall be open for signature at Washington until 30th April 1973 and thereafter at Berne until 31st December 1974.
Article XX
Ratification, Acceptance, Approval
The present Convention shall be subject to ratification, acceptance or approval. Instruments of ratification, acceptance or approval shall be deposited with the Government of the Swiss Confederation which shall be the Depositary Government.
Article XXI
The present Convention shall be open indefinitely for accession. Instruments of accession shall be deposited with the Depositary Government.
Article XXII
Entry into Force
1. The present Convention shall enter into force 90 days after the date of deposit of the tenth instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession, with the Depositary Government.
2. For each State which ratifies, accepts or approves the present Convention or accedes thereto after the deposit of the tenth instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession, the present Convention shall enter into force 90 days after the deposit by such State of its instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession.
Article XXIII
1. The provisions of the present Convention shall not be subject to general reservations. Specific reservations may be entered in accordance with the provisions of this Article and Articles XV and XVI.
2. Any State may, on depositing its instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession, enter a specific reservation with regard to:
(a) any species included in Appendix I, II or III; or
(b) any parts or derivatives specified in relation to a species included in Appendix III.
3. Until a Party withdraws its reservation entered under the provisions of this Article, it shall be treated as a State not a Party to the present Convention with respect to trade in the particular species or parts or derivatives specified in such reservation.
Article XXIV
Any Party may denounce the present Convention by written notification to the Depositary Government at any time. The denunciation shall take effect twelve months after the Depositary Government has received the notification.
Article XXV
1. The original of the present Convention, in the Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish languages, each version being equally authentic, shall be deposited with the Depositary Government, which shall transmit certified copies thereof to all States that have signed it or deposited instruments of accession to it.
2. The Depositary Government shall inform all signatory and acceding States and the Secretariat of signatures, deposit of instruments of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession, entry into force of the present Convention, amendments thereto, entry and withdrawal of reservations and notifications of denunciation.
3. As soon as the present Convention enters into force, a certified copy thereof shall be transmitted by the Depositary Government to the Secretariat of the United Nations for registration and publication in accordance with Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations.
In witness whereof the undersigned Plenipotentiaries, being duly authorized to that effect, have signed the present Convention.
Done at Washington this third day of March, One Thousand Nine Hundred and Seventy-three.
In accordance with Article XVII of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered species of Wild Fauna and Flora, signed in Washington D.C. on 3 March 1973, an extraordinary meeting of the Conference of the Parties was convened in Gaborone (Botswana), on 30 April 1983.
The following Parties were represented: Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bolivia, Botswana, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Denmark, Finland, France, Gambia, Federal Republic of Germany, Guyana, India, Indonesia, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Malaysia, Mozambique, Nepal, Norway, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Peru, Portugal, Rwanda, St. Lucia, Senegal, Seychelles, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Togo, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United Republic of Cameroon, United States of America, Uruguay and Zambia.
By the requisite two-thirds majority of Parties present and voting, the meeting adopted an amendment to Article XXI of the Convention, which adds, after the words “Depositary Government.“, the following 5 paragraphs:
“1. This Convention shall be open for accession by regional economic integration organizations constituted by sovereign States which have competence in respect of the negotiation, conclusion and implementation of international agreements in matters transferred to them by their Member States and covered by this Convention.
2. In their instruments of accession, such organizations shall declare the extent of their competence with respect to the matters governed by the Convention. These organizations shall also inform the Depositary Government of any substantial modification in the extent of their competence. Notifications by regional economic integration organizations concerning their competence with respect to matter governed by this Convention and modifications thereto shall be distributed to the Parties by Depositary Government.
3. In matters within their competence, such regional economic integration organizations hall exercise the rights and fulfil the obligations which this Convention attributes to their Member States, which are Parties to the Convention. In such cases the Member States of the organizations shall not be entitled to exercise such rights individually.
4. In the fields of their competence, regional economic integration orgazations shall exercise their right to vote with a number of votes equal to the number of their Member States which are Parties to the Convention. Such organizations shall not exercise their right to vote if their Member States exercise theirs, and vice versa.
5. Any reference to “Party” in the sense used in Article 1(h) of this Convention to “State”/“States” or to “State Party”/”States Parties” to the Convention shall be construed as including a reference to any regional economic integration organizations having competence in respect of the negotiation, conclusion and application of international agreements in matters covered by this Convention.”
as adopted by the Conference of the Parties, valid from 18 September 1997 (reprinted with corrections, 30 June 1998)
1. Species included in these appendices are referred to:
a) by the name of the species; or
b) as being all of the species included in a higher taxon or designated part thereof.
2. The abbreviation “spp.“ is used to denote all species of a higher taxon.
3. Other references to taxa higher than species are for the purposes of information or classification only.
4. The following abbreviations are used for plant taxa below the level of species:
a) “ssp.“ is used to denote subspecies;
b) “var(s).“ is used to denote variety (varieties); and
c) “fa.“ is used to denote forma.
5. The abbreviation “p.e.“ is used to denote species that are possibly extinct.
6. An asterisk (*) placed against the name of a species or higher taxon indicates that one or more geographically separate populations, subspecies or species of that species or taxon are included in Appendix I and are excluded from Appendix II.
7. Two asterisks (**) placed against the name of a species or higher taxon indicate that one or more geographically separate populations, subspecies or species of that species or taxon are included in Appendix II and are excluded from Appendix I.
8. The symbol (–) followed by a number placed against the name of a species or higher taxon denotes that designated geographically separate populations, species, groups of species or families of that species or taxon are excluded from the appendix concerned, as follows:
-101  Population of West Greenland
-102  Populations of Bhutan, India, Nepal and Pakistan
-103  Populations of Botswana, Namibia and Zimbabwe
-104  Population of Australia
-105  Populations of Pecari tajacu of Mexico and the United States of America
-106  - Argentina: the population of the Province of Jujuy and the semi-captive
      populations of the Provinces of Jujuy, Salta, Catamarca, La Rioja and San Juan
      - Bolivia: the populations of the Conservation Units of Mauri-Desaguadero,
      Ulla Ulla and Lípez-Chichas, with a zero annual export quota
      - Chile: part of the population of Parinacota Province, 1a. Region of Tarapacá
      - Peru: the whole population
-107  Populations of Afghanistan, Bhutan, India, Myanmar, Nepal and Pakistan
-108  Cathartidae
-109  Melopsittacus undulatus, Nymphicus hollandicus and Psittacula krameri
-110  Population of Argentina
-111  Population of Ecuador, subject to a zero annual export quota until an annual
      export quota has been approved by the CITES Secretariat and the IUCN/SSC
      Crocodile Specialist Group
-112  Populations of Botswana, Ethiopia, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique,
      South Africa, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe
      Apart from ranched specimens, the United Republic of Tanzania will authorize
      the export of no more than 1100 wild specimens (including 100 hunting 
      trophies) in 1998, 1999 and 2000
-113  Populations of Australia, Indonesia and Papua New Guinea
-114  Population of Chile
-115  All species that are not succulent
-116  Aloe vera; also referenced as Aloe barbadensis.
9. The symbol (+) followed by a number placed against the name of a species, subspecies or higher taxon denotes that only designated geographically separate populations of that species, subspecies or taxon are included in the appendix concerned, as follows:
+201  Populations of Bhutan, India, Nepal and Pakistan
+202  Populations of Bhutan, China, Mexico and Mongolia
+203  Populations of Cameroon and Nigeria
+204  Population of Asia
+205  Populations of Central and North America
+206  Populations of Bangladesh, India and Thailand
+207  Population of India
+208  Populations of Botswana, Namibia and Zimbabwe
+209  Population of Australia
+210  Population of South Africa
+211  - Argentina: the population of the Province of Jujuy and the semi-captive
      populations of the Provinces of Jujuy, Salta, Catamarca, La Rioja and San Juan
      - Bolivia: the populations of the Conservation Units of Mauri-Desaguadero,
      Ulla Ulla and Lípez-Chichas, with a zero annual export quota
      - Chile: part of the population of Parinacota Province, 1a. Region of Tarapacá
      - Peru: the whole population
+212  Populations of Afghanistan, Bhutan, India, Myanmar, Nepal and Pakistan
+213  Population of Mexico
+214  Populations of Algeria, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, the Central African Republic,
      Chad, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, the Niger, Nigeria, Senegal and the Sudan
+215  Population of Seychelles
+216  Population of Europe, except the area which formerly constituted the Union of
      Soviet Socialist Republics
+217  Population of Chile.
10. The symbol (=) followed by a number placed against the name of a species, subspecies or higher taxon denotes that the name of that species, subspecies or taxon shall be interpreted as follows:
=301  Also referenced as Phalanger maculatus
=302  Includes family Tupaiidae
=303  Formerly included in family Lemuridae
=304  Formerly included as subspecies of Callithrix jacchus
=305  Includes generic synonym Leontideus
=306  Formerly included in species Saguinus oedipus
=307  Formerly included in Alouatta palliata
=308  Formerly included as Alouatta palliata (villosa)
=309  Includes synonym Cercopithecus roloway
=310  Formerly included in genus Papio
=311  Includes generic synonym Simias
=312  Includes synonym Colobus badius kirkii
=313  Includes synonym Colobus badius rufomitratus
=314  Includes generic synonym Rhinopithecus
=315  Also referenced as Presbytis entellus
=316  Also referenced as Presbytis geei and Semnopithecus geei
=317  Also referenced as Presbytis pileata and Semnopithecus pileatus
=318  Includes synonyms Bradypus boliviensis and Bradypus griseus
=319  Includes synonym Priodontes giganteus
=320  Includes synonym Physeter macrocephalus
=321  Includes synonym Eschrichtius glaucus
=322  Formerly included in genus Balaena
=323  Formerly included in genus Dusicyon
=324  Includes synonym Dusicyon fulvipes
=325  Includes generic synonym Fennecus
=326  Also referenced as Selenarctos thibetanus
=327  Also referenced as Aonyx microdon or Paraonyx microdon
=328  Formerly included in genus Lutra
=329  Formerly included in genus Lutra; includes synonyms Lutra annectens, Lutra
      enudris, Lutra incarum and Lutra platensis
=330  Includes synonym Eupleres major
=331  Also referenced as Hyaena brunnea
=332  Also referenced as Felis caracal and Lynx caracal
=333  Formerly included in genus Felis
=334  Also referenced as Felis pardina or Felis lynx pardina
=335  Formerly included in genus Panthera
=336  Also referenced as Equus asinus
=337  Formerly included in species Equus hemionus
=338  Also referenced as Equus caballus przewalskii
=339  Also referenced as Choeropsis liberiensis
=340  Also referenced as Cervus porcinus calamianensis
=341  Also referenced as Cervus porcinus kuhlii
=342  Also referenced as Cervus porcinus annamiticus
=343  Also referenced as Cervus dama mesopotamicus
=344  Includes synonym Bos frontalis
=345  Includes synonym Bos grunniens
=346  Includes generic synonym Novibos
=347  Includes generic synonym Anoa
=348  Also referenced as Damaliscus dorcas dorcas or Damaliscus pygargus dorcas
=349  Formerly included in species Naemorhedus goral
=350  Also referenced as Capricornis sumatraensis
=351  Includes synonym Oryx tao
=352  Includes synonym Ovis aries ophion
=353  Formerly included as Ovis vignei (see also Decisions of the Conference of the
      Parties directed to the Parties regarding the inclusion of Ovis vignei vignei
      in Appendix I)
=354  Also referenced as Rupicapra rupicapra ornata
=355  Also referenced as Pterocnemia pennata
=356  Also referenced as Sula abbotti
=357  Also referenced as Ciconia ciconia boyciana
=358  Includes synonyms Anas chlorotis and Anas nesiotis
=359  Also referenced as Anas platyrhynchos laysanensis
=360  Probably a hybrid between Anas platyrhynchos and Anas superciliosa
=361  Also referenced as Aquila heliaca adalberti
=362  Also referenced as Chondrohierax wilsonii
=363  Also referenced as Falco peregrinus babylonicus and Falco peregrinus 
=364  Also referenced as Crax mitu mitu
=365a Formerly included in genus Aburria
=365b Formerly included in genus Aburria; also referenced as Pipile pipile pipile
=366  Formerly included in species Crossoptilon crossoptilon
=367  Formerly included in species Polyplectron malacense
=368  Includes synonym Rheinardia nigrescens
=369  Also referenced as Tricholimnas sylvestris
=370  Also referenced as Choriotis nigriceps
=371  Also referenced as Houbaropsis bengalensis
=372  Also referenced as Amazona dufresniana rhodocorytha
=373  Often traded under the incorrect designation Ara caninde
=374  Also referenced as Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae cookii
=375  Also referenced as Opopsitta diophthalma coxeni
=376  Also referenced as Pezoporus occidentalis
=377  Formerly included in species Psephotus chrysopterygius
=378  Also referenced as Psittacula krameri echo
=379  Formerly included in genus Gallirex; also referenced as Tauraco
=380  Also referenced as Otus gurneyi
=381  Also referenced as Ninox novaeseelandiae royana
=382  Formerly included in genus Glaucis
=383  Includes generic synonym Ptilolaemus
=384  Formerly included in genus Rhinoplax
=385  Also referenced as Pitta brachyura nympha
=386  Also referenced as Muscicapa ruecki or Niltava ruecki
=387  Also referenced as Dasyornis brachypterus longirostris
=388  Also referenced as Meliphaga cassidix
=389  Includes generic synonym Xanthopsar
=390  Formerly included in genus Spinus
=391  Also referenced in genus Damonia
=392  Formerly included as Kachuga tecta tecta
=393  Includes generic synonyms Nicoria and Geoemyda (part)
=394  Also referenced as Geochelone elephantopus; also referenced in genus Testudo
=395  Also referenced in genus Testudo
=396  Also referenced in genus Aspideretes
=397  Formerly included in Podocnemis spp.
=398  Includes Alligatoridae, Crocodylidae and Gavialidae
=399  Also referenced as Crocodylus mindorensis
=400  Also referenced in genus Nactus
=401  Includes generic synonym Rhoptropella
=402  Formerly included in Chamaeleo spp.
=403  Includes generic synonyms Calumma and Furcifer
=404  Includes families Bolyeriidae and Tropidophiidae as subfamilies
=405  Also referenced as Constrictor constrictor occidentalis
=406  Includes synonym Python molurus pimbura
=407  Includes synonym Sanzinia manditra
=408  Includes synonym Pseudoboa cloelia
=409  Also referenced as Hydrodynastes gigas
=410  Includes synonyms Naja atra, Naja kaouthia, Naja oxiana, Naja philippinensis,
      Naja samarensis, Naja sputatrix and Naja sumatrana
=411  Includes generic synonym Megalobatrachus
=412  Formerly included in Nectophrynoides spp.
=413  Formerly included in Dendrobates spp.
=414  Also referenced in genus Rana
=415  Sensu D’Abrera
=416  Includes synonyms Pandinus africanus and Heterometrus roeseli
=417  Includes Aphonopelma albiceps, Aphonopelma pallidum and Brachypelmides klaasi
=418  Also referenced as Conchodromus dromas
=419  Also referenced in genera Dysnomia and Plagiola
=420  Includes generic synonym Proptera
=421  Also referenced in genus Carunculina
=422  Also referenced as Megalonaias nickliniana
=423  Also referenced as Cyrtonaias tampicoensis tecomatensis and Lampsilis
      tampicoensis tecomatensis
=424  Includes generic synonym Micromya
=425  Includes generic synonym Papuina
=426  Includes only the family Helioporidae with one species Heliopora coerulea
=427  Also referenced as Podophyllum emodi and Sinopodophyllum hexandrum
=428  Includes generic synonyms Neogomesia and Roseocactus
=429  Also referenced in genus Echinocactus
=430  Also referenced in genus Mammillaria; includes synonym Coryphantha densispina
=431  Also referenced as Lobeira macdougallii and Nopalxochia macdougallii
=432  Also referenced as Echinocereus lindsayi
=433  Also referenced in genera Cereus and Wilcoxia
=434  Also referenced in genus Coryphantha; includes synonym Escobaria nellieae
=435  Also referenced in genus Coryphantha; includes Escobaria leei as a subspecies
=436  Includes synonym Solisia pectinata
=437  Also referenced as Backebergia militaris, Cephalocereus militaris and
      Mitrocereus militaris; includes synonym Pachycereus chrysomallus
=438  Includes Pediocactus bradyi ssp. despainii and Pediocactus bradyi ssp.
      winkleri and synonyms Pediocactus despainii and Pediocactus winkleri
=439  Also referenced in genus Toumeya
=440  Also referenced in genera Navajoa, Toumeya and Utahia; includes Pediocactus
      peeblesianus var. fickeisenii
=441  Also referenced in genera Echinocactus and Utahia
=442  Includes generic synonym Encephalocarpus
=443  Includes synonyms Ancistrocactus tobuschii and Ferocactus tobuschii
=444  Also referenced in genera Echinomastus and Neolloydia; includes synonyms
      Echinomastus acunensis and Echinomastus krausei
=445  Includes synonyms Ferocactus glaucus, Sclerocactus brevispinus, Sclerocactus
      wetlandicus and Sclerocactus wetlandicus ssp. ilseae
=446  Also referenced in genera Echinocactus, Echinomastus and Neolloydia
=447  Also referenced in genera Coloradoa, Echinocactus, Ferocactus and Pediocactus
=448  Also referenced in genera Echinocactus, Mammillaria, Pediocactus and Toumeya
=449  Also referenced in genera Echinocactus and Ferocactus
=450  Also referenced in genus Pediocactus
=451  Includes generic synonyms Gymnocactus, Normanbokea and Rapicactus
=452  Also referenced as Saussurea lappa
=453  Also referenced as Euphorbia decaryi var. capsaintemariensis
=454  Includes Euphorbia cremersii fa. viridifolia and Euphorbia cremersii var.
=455  Includes Euphorbia cylindrifolia ssp. tuberifera
=456  Includes Euphorbia decaryi vars. ampanihyensis, robinsonii and spirosticha
=457  Includes Euphorbia moratii vars. antsingiensis, bemarahensis and multiflora
=458  Also referenced as Euphorbia capsaintemariensis var. tulearensis
=459  Also referenced as Engelhardia pterocarpa
=460  Includes Aloe compressa var. rugosquamosa and Aloe compressa var. schistophila
=461  Includes Aloe haworthioides var. aurantiaca
=462  Includes Aloe laeta var. maniaensis
=463  Includes families Apostasiaceae and Cypripediaceae as subfamilies 
      Apostasioideae and Cypripedioideae
=464  Anacampseros australiana and A. kurtzii are also referenced in genus Grahamia
=465  Formerly included in Anacampseros spp.
=466  Also referenced as Sarracenia rubra ssp. alabamensis
=467  Also referenced as Sarracenia rubra ssp. jonesii
=468  Formerly included in ZAMIACEAE spp.
=469  Includes synonym Stangeria paradoxa
=470  Also referenced as Taxus baccata ssp. wallichiana
=471  Includes synonym Welwitschia bainesii.
11. The symbol (° ) followed by a number placed against the name of a species or higher taxon shall be interpreted as follows:
° 601  A zero annual export quota has been established. All specimens shall be
       deemed to be specimens of species included in Appendix I and the trade in
       them shall be regulated accordingly
° 602  Specimens of the domesticated form are not subject to the provisions of the
° 603  Annual export quotas for live specimens and hunting trophies are granted as
Botswana:     5
Namibia:    150
Zimbabwe:    50
The trade in such specimens is subject to the provisions of Article III of the
° 604  For the exclusive purpose of allowing: 1) export of hunting trophies for non-
       commercial purposes; 2) export of live animals to appropriate and acceptable
       destinations (Namibia: for non-commercial purposes only); 3) export of hides
       (Zimbabwe only); 4) export of leather goods and ivory carvings for non-
       commercial purposes (Zimbabwe only). No international trade in ivory is
       permitted before 18 months after the transfer to Appendix II comes into
       effect (i.e. 18 March 1999). Thereafter, under experimental quotas for raw
       ivory not exceeding 25.3 tonnes (Botswana), 13.8 tonnes (Namibia) and 20
       tonnes (Zimbabwe), raw ivory may be exported to Japan subject to the
       conditions established in Decision of the Conference of the Parties regarding
       ivory No. 10.1. All other specimens shall be deemed to be specimens of
       species included in Appendix I and the trade in them shall be regulated
° 605  For the exclusive purpose of allowing international trade in live animals to
       appropriate and acceptable destinations and hunting trophies. All other
       specimens shall be deemed to be specimens of species included in Appendix I
       and the trade in them shall be regulated accordingly
° 606  For the exclusive purpose of allowing international trade in wool sheared
       from live vicunas of the populations included in Appendix II (see +211) and
       in the stock extant at the time of the ninth meeting of the Conference of the
       Parties (November 1994) in Peru of 3249 kg of wool, and in cloth and items
       made thereof, including luxury handicrafts and knitted articles. The reverse
       side of the cloth must bear the logotype adopted by the range States of the
       species, which are signatories to the Convenio para la Conservación y Manejo
       de la Vicuna, and the selvages the words “VICUNA-COUNTRY OF ORIGIN”,
       depending on the country of origin. All other specimens shall be deemed to be
       specimens of species included in Appendix I and the trade in them shall be 
       regulated accordingly
° 607  Fossils are not subject to the provisions of the Convention
° 608  Artificially propagated specimens of the following hybrids and/or cultivars
       are not subject to the provisions of the Convention:
       Hatiora x graeseri
       Schlumbergera x buckleyi
       Schlumbergera russelliana x Schlumbergera truncata
       Schlumbergera orssichiana x Schlumbergera truncata
       Schlumbergera opuntioides x Schlumbergera truncata
       Schlumbergera truncata (cultivars)
       Gymnocalycium mihanovichii (cultivars) forms lacking chlorophyll, grafted on
       the following grafting stocks: Harrisia ‘Jusbertii’, Hylocereus trigonus or
       Hylocereus undatus
       Opuntia microdasys (cultivars)
° 609  Artificially propagated specimens of cultivars of Euphorbia trigona are not
       subject to the provisions of the Convention
° 610  Seedling or tissue cultures obtained in vitro, in solid or liquid media,
       transported in sterile containers are not subject to the provisions of the
° 611  Artificially propagated specimens of cultivars of Cyclamen persicum are not
       subject to the provisions of the Convention. However, the exemption does not
       apply to such specimens traded as dormant tubers.
12. In accordance with Article I, paragraph b, sub-paragraph (iii), of the Convention, the symbol (#) followed by a number placed against the name of a species or higher taxon included in Appendix II designates parts or derivatives which are specified in relation thereto for the purposes of the Convention as follows:
#1  Designates all parts and derivatives, except:
    a) seeds, spores and pollen (including pollinia);
    b) seedling or tissue cultures obtained in vitro, in solid or liquid media,
    transported in sterile containers; and
    c) cut flowers of artificially propagated plants
#2  Designates all parts and derivatives, except:
    a) seeds and pollen;
    b) seedling or tissue cultures obtained in vitro, in solid or liquid media,
    transported in sterile containers;
    c) cut flowers of artificially propagated plants; and
    d) chemical derivatives
#3  Designates whole and sliced roots and parts of roots, excluding manufactured
    parts or derivatives such as powders, pills, extracts, tonics, teas and
#4  Designates all parts and derivatives, except:
    a) seeds, except those from Mexican cacti originating in Mexico, and pollen;
    b) seedling or tissue cultures obtained in vitro, in solid or liquid media,
    transported in sterile containers;
    c) cut flowers of artificially propagated plants;
    d) fruits and parts and derivatives thereof of naturalized or artificially
    propagated plants; and
    e) separate stem joints (pads) and parts and derivatives thereof of naturalized
    or artificially propagated plants of the genus Opuntia subgenus Opuntia
#5  Designates logs, sawn wood and veneer sheets
#6  Designates logs, wood-chips and unprocessed broken material
#7  Designates all parts and derivatives, except:
    a) seeds and pollen (including pollinia);
    b) seedling or tissue cultures obtained in vitro, in solid or liquid media,
    transported in sterile containers;
    c) cut flowers of artificially propagated plants; and
    d) fruits and parts and derivatives thereof of artificially propagated plants of
    the genus Vanilla
#8  Designates all parts and derivatives, except:
    a) seeds and pollen;
    b) seedling or tissue cultures obtained in vitro, in solid or liquid media,
    transported in sterile containers;
    c) cut flowers of artificially propagated plants; and finished pharmaceutical
13. As none of the species or higher taxa of FLORA included in Appendix I is annotated to the effect that its hybrids shall be treated in accordance with the provisions of Article III of the Convention, this means that artificially propagated hybrids produced from one or more of these species or taxa may be traded with a certificate of artificial propagation, and that seeds and pollen (including pollinia), cut flowers, seedling or tissue cultures obtained in vitro, in solid or liquid media, transported in sterile containers of these hybrids are not subject to the provisions of the Convention.
valid from 29 April 1999
1. References to taxa higher than species are for the purpose of information or classification only.
2. The symbol (+) followed by a number placed against the name of a species denotes that only designated geographically separate populations of that species are included in Appendix III as follows:
+218  Population of the species in Bolivia
+219  Population of the species in Brazil
+220  All populations of the species in the Americas
+221  Population of the species in Mexico.
3. The symbol (=) followed by a number placed against the name of a species denotes that the name of that species shall be interpreted as follows:
=472  Also referenced as Vampyrops lineatus
=473  Formerly included as Tamandua tetradactyla (in part)
=474  Includes synonym Cabassous gymnurus
=475  Includes generic synonym Coendou
=476  Includes generic synonym Cuniculus
=477  Includes synonym Vulpes vulpes leucopus
=478  Formerly included as Nasua nasua
=479  Includes synonym Galictis allamandi
=480  Formerly included in Martes flavigula
=481  Includes generic synonym Viverra
=482  Formerly included as Viverra megaspila
=483  Formerly included as Herpestes auropunctatus
=484  Formerly included as Herpestes fuscus
=485  Formerly included as Bubalus bubalis (domesticated form)
=486  Also referenced as Boocercus eurycerus; includes generic synonym Taurotragus
=487  Also referenced as Ardeola ibis
=488  Also referenced as Egretta alba and Ardea alba
=489  Also referenced as Hagedashia hagedash
=490  Also referenced as Lampribis rara
=491  Also referenced as Spatula clypeata
=492  Also referenced as Nyroca nyroca
=493  Includes synonym Dendrocygna fulva
=494  Also referenced as Cairina hartlaubii
=495  Also referenced as Crax pauxi
=496  Formerly included as Arborophila brunneopectus (in part)
=497  Also referenced as Turturoena iriditorques; formerly included as Columba
      malherbii (in part)
=498  Also referenced as Nesoenas mayeri
=499  Formerly included as Treron australis (in part)
=500  Also referenced as Calopelia brehmeri; includes synonym Calopelia puella
=501  Also referenced as Tympanistria tympanistria
=502  Also referenced as Tchitrea bourbonnensis
=503  Formerly included as Serinus gularis (in part)
=504  Also referenced as Estrilda subflava or Sporaeginthus subflavus
=505  Formerly included as Lagonosticta larvata (in part)
=506  Includes generic synonym Spermestes
=507  Also referenced as Euodice cantans; formerly included as Lonchura malabarica
      (in part)
=508  Also referenced as Hypargos nitidulus
=509  Formerly included as Parmoptila woodhousei (in part)
=510  Includes synonyms Pyrenestes frommi and Pyrenestes rothschildi
=511  Also referenced as Estrilda bengala
=512  Also referenced as Malimbus rubriceps or Anaplectes melanotis
=513  Also referenced as Coliuspasser ardens
=514  Formerly included as Euplectes orix (in part)
=515  Also referenced as Coliuspasser macrourus
=516  Also referenced as Ploceus superciliosus
=517  Includes synonym Ploceus nigriceps
=518  Also referenced as Sitagra luteola
=519  Also referenced as Sitagra melanocephala
=520  Formerly included as Ploceus velatus
=521  Also referenced as Hypochera chalybeata; includes synonyms Vidua amauropteryx,
      Vidua centralis, Vidua neumanni, Vidua okavangoensis and Vidua ultramarina
=522  Formerly included as Vidua paradisaea (in part)
=523  Also referenced as Pelusios subniger
=524  Formerly included in genus Natrix
=525  Formerly included as Talauma hodgsonii; also referenced as Magnolia hodgsonii
      and Magnolia candollii var. obovata.
4. The names of the countries placed against the names of species are those of the Parties submitting these species for inclusion in this appendix.
5. Any animal, whether live or dead, of a species listed in this appendix, is covered by the provisions of the Convention, as is any readily recognizable part or derivative thereof.
6. In accordance with Article I, paragraph (b), sub-paragraph (iii), of the Convention, the symbol (#) followed by a number placed against the name of a plant species included in Appendix III designates parts or derivatives which are specified in relation thereto for the purposes of the Convention as follows:
#1  Designates all readily recognizable parts and derivatives, except:
    a) seeds, spores and pollen (including pollinia);
    b) seedling or tissue cultures obtained in vitro, in solid or liquid media,
    transported in sterile containers; and
    c) cut flowers of artificially propagated plants
#5  Designates logs, sawn wood and veneer sheets.
Podpisana v Washingtonu, D.C., 3. marca 1973
Spremenjena v Bonnu 22. junija 1979
Države pogodbenice
priznavajo, da so prosto živeče živalske in rastlinske vrste v mnogih lepih in raznovrstnih oblikah nenadomestljiv del naravnih sistemov zemlje, ki ga moramo varovati za te in prihodnje rodove;
se zavedajo vedno večje vrednosti prosto živečih živalskih in rastlinskih vrst z estetskega, znanstvenega, kulturnega, rekreacijskega in gospodarskega vidika;
priznavajo, da narodi in države so in bi morali biti najboljši skrbniki svojih prosto živečih živalskih in rastlinskih vrst;
poleg tega priznavajo, da je za varstvo določenih prosto živečih živalskih in rastlinskih vrst pred pretiranim izkoriščanjem zaradi mednarodne trgovine bistveno mednarodno sodelovanje;
so prepričane o nujnosti sprejetja ustreznih ukrepov v ta namen,
zato so se sporazumele o naslednjem:
I. člen
Opredelitev pojmov
Za namene te konvencije, razen če iz sobesedila izhaja drugače:
(a) “vrsta“ pomeni katero koli vrsto, podvrsto ali zemljepisno ločeno populacijo vrste;
(b) “osebek“ pomeni:
(i) katero koli živo ali mrtvo žival ali rastlino;
(ii) če je to žival: pri vrstah iz Dodatkov I in II vsak lahko prepoznaven del ali izdelek iz njih; pri vrstah iz Dodatka III vsak lahko prepoznaven del ali izdelek iz njih, določen za te vrste v Dodatku III, in
(iii) če je to rastlina: pri vrstah iz Dodatka I vsak prepoznaven del ali izdelek iz njih; pri vrstah iz Dodatkov II in III vsak prepoznaven del ali izdelek iz njih, določen za te vrste v Dodatkih II in III;
(c) “trgovina“ pomeni izvoz, ponovni izvoz, uvoz in vnos iz morja;
(d) “ponovni izvoz“ pomeni izvoz katerega koli osebka, ki je bil predhodno uvožen;
(e) “vnos iz morja“ pomeni prevoz osebkov katerekoli vrste, ki so bili vzeti iz morskega okolja, ki ni pod jurisdikcijo nobene države, v neko državo;
(f) “strokovni organ“ pomeni državni strokovni organ, določen v skladu z IX. členom;
(g) “upravni organ“ pomeni državni upravni organ, določen v skladu z IX. členom;
(h) “pogodbenica“ pomeni državo, za katero je ta konvencija začela veljati.
II. člen
Temeljna načela
1. Dodatek I vključuje vse vrste, ki jim grozi izumrtje in jih ali bi jih lahko ogrožala trgovina. Trgovina z osebki teh vrst mora biti urejena s posebej strogimi predpisi, da ne bi bilo njihovo preživetje še bolj ogroženo, in je lahko dovoljena le v izjemnih okoliščinah.
2. Dodatek II vključuje:
(a) vse vrste, ki jim trenutno še ne grozi izumrtje, lahko pa bi postale tako ogrožene, če za trgovino z osebki teh vrst ne bi veljali strogi predpisi, s katerimi se onemogoča izkoriščanje, ki ogroža njihovo preživetje, in
(b) druge vrste, za katere morajo veljati predpisi zaradi učinkovitega nadzora nad trgovino z osebki določenih vrst, omenjenih v pododstavku (a) tega odstavka.
3. Dodatek III vključuje vse vrste, za katere katera koli pogodbenica ugotovi, da se preprečevanje ali omejevanje izkoriščanja ureja s predpisi v njeni prostojnosti, in meni, da bi bilo pri nadzoru nad trgovino potrebno sodelovanje drugih pogodbenic.
4. Pogodbenice ne dopuščajo trgovine z osebki vrst iz Dodatkov I, II in III, razen če je to v skladu z določbami te konvencije.
III. člen
Urejanje trgovine z osebki vrst iz Dodatka I
1. Vsa trgovina z osebki vrst iz Dodatka I mora biti v skladu z določbami tega člena.
2. Za izvoz katerega koli osebka vrste iz Dodatka I sta potrebni predhodna izdaja in predložitev izvoznega dovoljenja. Izvozno dovoljenje se izda le, če so izpolnjeni naslednji pogoji:
(a) strokovni organ države izvoznice meni, da takšen izvoz ne bo ogrozil preživetja te vrste;
(b) upravni organ države izvoznice se prepriča, da osebek ni bil pridobljen v nasprotju z zakoni te države o varstvu živalskih in rastlinskih vrst;
(c) upravni organ države izvoznice se prepriča, da bo vsak živ osebek pripravljen na prevoz in prepeljan tako, da bosta ogroženost zdravja in nevarnost za poškodbe ali kruto ravnanje z njim čim manjši, in
(d) upravni organ države izvoznice se prepriča, da je bilo za osebek izdano uvozno dovoljenje.
3. Za uvoz katerega koli osebka vrste iz Dodatka I sta potrebni predhodna izdaja in predložitev uvoznega dovoljenja in izvoznega dovoljenja ali potrdila o ponovnem izvozu. Uvozno dovoljenje se izda le, če so izpolnjeni naslednji pogoji:
(a) strokovni organ države uvoznice meni, da bo osebek uvožen za namene, ki ne bodo ogrožali preživetja te vrste;
(b) strokovni organ države uvoznice se prepriča, da ima predlagani prejemnik živega osebka primerno bivališče in opremo, da bo lahko skrbel zanj, in
(c) upravni organ države uvoznice se prepriča, da osebek ne bo uporabljen predvsem v komercialne namene.
4. Za ponovni izvoz katerega koli osebka vrste iz Dodatka I sta potrebni predhodna izdaja in predožitev potrdila za ponovni izvoz. Potrdilo za ponovni izvoz se izda le, če so izpolnjeni naslednji pogoji:
(a) upravni organ države ponovnega izvoza se prepriča, da je bil osebek uvožen v to državo v skladu z določbami te konvencije;
(b) upravni organ države ponovnega izvoza se prepriča, da bo vsak živ osebek pripravljen na prevoz in prepeljan tako, da bosta ogroženost zdravja in nevarnost za poškodbe ali kruto ravnanje z njim čim manjši, in
(c) upravni organ države ponovnega izvoza se prepriča, da je bilo za vsak živ osebek izdano uvozno dovoljenje.
5. Za katerikoli osebek vrste iz Dodatka I je za vnos iz morja potrebno predhodno potrdilo, ki ga izda upravni organ države, v katero se osebek vnaša. Potrdilo se izda le, če so izpolnjeni naslednji pogoji:
(a) strokovni organ države vnosa meni, da takšen vnos ne bo ogrozil preživetja te vrste;
(b) upravni organ države vnosa se prepriča, da ima predlagani prejemnik živega osebka primerno bivališče in opremo, da bo lahko skrbel zanj, in
(c) upravni organ države vnosa se prepriča, da osebek ne bo uporabljen predvsem v komercialne namene.
IV. člen
Urejanje trgovine z osebki vrst iz Dodatka II
1. Vsa trgovina z osebki vrst iz Dodatka II mora biti v skladu z določbami tega člena.
2. Za izvoz katerega koli osebka vrste iz Dodatka II sta potrebni predhodna izdaja in predložitev izvoznega dovoljenja. Izvozno dovoljenje se izda le, če so izpolnjeni naslednji pogoji:
(a) strokovni organ države izvoznice meni, da takšen izvoz ne bo ogrozil preživetja te vrste;
(b) upravni organ države izvoznice se prepriča, da osebek ni bil pridobljen v nasprotju z zakoni te države o varstvu rastlinskih in živalskih vrst, in
(c) upravni organ države izvoznice se prepriča, da bo vsak živ osebek pripravljen na prevoz in prepeljan tako, da bosta ogroženost zdravja in nevarnost za poškodbe ali kruto ravnanje z njim čim manjši.
3. Strokovni organ vsake pogodbenice nadzoruje izdajanje izvoznih dovoljenj v državi za osebke vrst iz Dodatka II in njihov dejanski izvoz. Kadar koli strokovni organ ugotovi, da bi moral biti izvoz osebkov katere koli vrste omejen, da bi se ta vrsta na celotnem območju razširjenosti lahko ohranila na ravni, skladno z njeno vlogo v ekosistemu, in hkrati precej nad ravnijo pri kateri bi bilo vrsto upravičeno vključiti v Dodatek I, svetuje ustreznemu upravnemu organu, naj sprejme primerne ukrepe za omejitev izdajanja izvoznih dovoljenj za osebke te vrste.
4. Za uvoz katerega koli osebka vrste iz Dodatka II je potrebna predhodna predložitev izvoznega dovoljenja ali potrdila o ponovnem izvozu.
5. Za ponovni izvoz katerega koli osebka vrste iz Dodatka II sta potrebni predhodna izdaja in predložitev potrdila o ponovnem izvozu. Potrdilo o ponovnem izvozu se izda le, če sta izpolnjena naslednja pogoja:
(a) upravni organ države ponovnega izvoza se prepriča, da je bil osebek uvožen v državo v skladu z določbami te konvencije, in
(b) upravni organ države ponovnega izvoza se prepriča, da bo vsak živi osebek pripravljen na prevoz in prepeljan tako, da bosta ogroženost zdravja in nevarnost za poškodbe ali kruto ravnanje z njim čim manjši;
6. Za kateri koli osebek vrste iz Dodatka II je za vnos iz morja potrebno predhodno potrdilo, ki ga izda upravni organ države, v katero se osebek vnaša. Potrdilo se izda le, če sta izpolnjena naslednja pogoja:
(a) strokovni organ države vnosa meni, da takšen vnos ne bo ogrozil preživetja te vrste, in
(b) upravni organ države vnosa se prepriča, da se bo z vsakim živim osebkom ravnalo tako, da bosta ogroženost zdravja in nevarnost za poškodbe ali kruto ravnanje z njim čim manjši.
7. Potrdila iz šestega odstavka tega člena se lahko izdajo na podlagi mnenja strokovnega organa, po posvetovanju z drugimi državnimi strokovnimi organi, ali kadar je to primerno, z mednarodnimi strokovnimi organi, vendar ne več kot za obdobje enega leta, za celotno število osebkov, ki bodo v tem obdobju vneseni.
V. člen
Urejanje trgovine z osebki vrst iz Dodatka III
1. Vsa trgovina z osebki vrst iz Dodatka III mora biti v skladu z določbami tega člena.
2. Za izvoz katerega koli osebka vrste iz Dodatka III iz katere koli države, ki je to vrsto vključila v Dodatek III, sta potrebni predhodna izdaja in predložitev izvoznega dovoljenja. Izvozno dovoljenje se izda le, če sta izpolnjena naslednja pogoja:
(a) upravni organ države izvoznice se prepriča, da osebek ni bil pridobljen v nasprotju z zakoni te države o varstvu rastlinskih in živalskih vrst, in
(b) upravni organ države izvoznice se prepriča, da bo vsak živ osebek pripravljen na prevoz in prepeljan tako, da bosta ogroženost zdravja in nevarnost za poškodbe ali kruto ravnanje z njim čim manjši.
3. Za uvoz katerega koli osebka vrste iz Dodatka III je, razen v primerih za katere se uporablja četrti odstavek tega člena, potrebna predhodna predložitev potrdila o poreklu in, če se uvaža iz države, ki je to vrsto vključila v Dodatek III, izvozno dovoljenje.
4. Ob ponovnem izvozu država uvoznica sprejme potrdilo, ki ga izda upravni organ države ponovega izvoza, da je bil osebek obravnavan v tej državi ali da bo ponovno izvožen, kot dokazilo, da so bila za ta osebek upoštevane določbe te konvencije.
VI. člen
Dovoljenja in potrdila
1. Dovoljenja in potrdila, izdana po določbah III., IV. in V. člena, morajo biti v skladu z določbami tega člena.
2. Izvozno dovoljenje vsebuje podatke, ki so navedeni v vzorcu obrazca iz Dodatka IV, in se lahko uporabi za izvoz samo v obdobju šestih mesecev od datuma, ko je bilo izdano.
3. Vsako dovoljenje ali potrdilo vsebuje naslov te konvencije, ime in kateri koli prepoznavni žig upravnega organa, ki ga je izdal, ter kontrolno številko, ki jo je določil ta organ.
4. Vsaka kopija dovoljenja ali potrdila, ki ga izda upravni organ, mora biti jasno označena kot kopija; nobena taka kopija se ne sme uporabiti namesto izvirnika, razen v obsegu, ki je predviden v izvirniku.
5. Za vsako pošiljko osebkov se zahteva ločeno dovoljenje ali potrdilo.
6. Upravni organ države uvoznice kateregakoli osebka prekliče in zadrži izvozno dovoljenje ali potrdilo o ponovnem izvozu ter katerokoli ustrezno uvozno dovoljenje, predloženo za uvoz tega osebka.
7. Če je potrebno in možno, lahko upravni organ na kateri koli osebek pritrdi oznako za pomoč pri prepoznavanju tega osebka. “Oznaka“ za te namene pomeni vsak neuničljiv odtis, svinčeni pečat ali drugo primerno sredstvo za prepoznavanje osebka, izdelano tako, da ga nepooblaščene osebe čim teže ponaredijo.
VII. člen
Izjeme in druge posebne določbe o trgovini
1. Določbe III., IV. in V. člena se ne uporabljajo za prevoz osebkov čez ozemlje pogodbenice ali pretovarjanje osebkov na njenem ozemlju, dokler so ti pod carinskim nadzorom.
2. Če se upravni organ države izvoznice ali države ponovnega izvoza prepriča, da je bil osebek pridobljen, preden so se zanj začele uporabljati določbe te konvencije se določbe III., IV. in V. člena zanj ne uporabljajo, če upravni organ o tem izda ustrezno potrdilo.
3. Določbe III., IV. in V. člena se ne uporabljajo za osebke, ki so v osebni lasti ali so last gospodinjstva. Ta izjema ne velja, če:
(a) so to osebki vrst iz Dodatka I, ki jih je lastnik pridobil zunaj države, v kateri običajno prebiva, in jih uvaža v to državo, ali
(b) so to osebki vrst iz Dodatka II:
(i) ki jih je lastnik pridobil v državi, v kateri so bili osebki vzeti iz narave, ki ni država, v kateri običajno prebiva;
(ii) ki se uvažajo v državo, v kateri lastnik običajno prebiva, ter
(iii) za katere država, v kateri so bili osebki vzeti iz narave, za vsak izvoz teh osebkov zahteva predhodno izdajo izvoznih dovoljenj;
razen če se upravni organ prepriča, da so bili osebki pridobljeni, preden so se zanje začela uporabljati določbe te konvencije.
4. Osebki živalske vrste iz Dodatka I, vzrejeni v ujetništvu za komercialne namene, ali osebki rastlinske vrste iz Dodatka I, umetno razmnoženi za komercialne namene, se štejejo za osebke vrst iz Dodatka II.
5. Če se upravni organ države izvoznice prepriča, da je bil kateri koli osebek živalske vrste vzrejen v ujetništvu ali kateri koli osebek rastlinske vrste umetno razmnožen ali da gre za del takšne živali ali rastline ali izdelke iz njih, namesto dovoljenj ali potrdil iz določb III., IV. ali V. člena zadošča potrdilo upravnega organa v ta namen.
6. Določbe III., IV. in V. člena se ne uporabljajo za nekomercialno posojanje, darovanje ali izmenjavo herbarijskih rastlin, posušenih ali drugih konzerviranih muzejskih osebkov in živih rastlin z oznako, ki jo izda ali odobri pristojni upravni organ, med znanstveniki ali znanstvenimi ustanovami, registriranimi pri upravnem organu njihove države.
7. Upravni organ katere koli države lahko opusti zahteve III., IV. in V. člena ter dovoli pretok osebkov, ki so sestavni del potujočih živalskih vrtov, cirkusov, zverinjakov, botaničnih razstav ali drugih potujočih razstav, brez dovoljenj ali potrdil pod pogojem, da:
(a) izvoznik ali uvoznik pri tem upravnem organu prijavi take osebke z vsemi potrebnimi podatki;
(b) osebki spadajo v eno od kategorij iz drugega ali petega odstavka tega člena, in
(c) se upravni organ prepriča, da bo vsak živi osebek prepeljan in oskrbovan tako, da bosta ogroženost zdravja in nevarnost za poškodbe ali kruto ravnanje z njim čim manjši.
VIII. člen
Ukrepi, ki jih sprejmejo pogodbenice
1. Pogodbenice sprejmejo ustrezne ukrepe za uveljavitev določb te konvencije in prepovejo trgovino z osebki, s katero se kršijo njena določbe. To vključuje ukrepa s katerimi se:
(a) kaznuje trgovanje ali posedovanje teh osebkov ali oboje, in
(b) predvidi zaplembo ali vrnitev teh osebkov v državo izvoznico.
2. Poleg ukrepov iz prvega odstavka tega člena lahko pogodbenica, če meni da je to potrebno, predvidi kakršen koli način notranjega povračila stroškov, ki so nastali zaradi zaplembe osebka, s katerim se je trgovalo v nasprotju z ukrepi, sprejetimi pri izvajanju določb te konvencije.
3. Pogodbenice zagotovijo, kolikor je možno, čim krajše zadrževanje osebkov pri izpolnjevanju katerih koli formalnosti v zvezi s trgovino. Da bi olajšala tak prehod lahko pogodbenica določi vstopne in izstopne postaje, kjer morajo biti osebki carinjeni. Pogodbenice tudi zagotovijo, da so vsi živi osebki med tranzitom, zadrževanjem ali natovarjanjem pravilno oskrbovani, tako da bosta ogroženost zdravja in nevarnost za poškodbe ali kruto ravnanje z njim čim manjši.
4. Če je živ osebek zaplenjen zaradi ukrepov, navedenih v prvem odstavku tega člena:
(a) se izroči upravnemu organu države, v kateri je bil zaplenjen;
(b) ga upravni organ po posvetovanju z državo izvoznico vrne tej državi na njene stroške ali ga pošlje v oskrbovalni center ali na kakšno drugo mesto, ki je po njegovem mnenju primerno ter v skladu s cilji te konvencije, in
(c) upravni organ lahko pridobi mnenje strokovnega organa ali se lahko, če želi, posvetuje s Sekretariatom, da se lažje odloči v skladu s pododstavkom (b) tega odstavka, vključno z izbiro oskrbovalnega centra ali drugega mesta.
5. Oskrbovalni center iz četrtega odstavka tega člena pomeni ustanovo, ki jo upravni organ določi za oskrbo živih osebkov, zlasti tistih, ki so bili zaplenjeni.
6. Vsaka pogodbenica hrani dokumente o trgovini z osebki vrst iz Dodatkov I, II in III, ki vsebujejo:
(a) imena in naslove izvoznikov in uvoznikov, in
(b) število in vrsto izdanih dovoljenj in potrdil; države, s katerimi je bila opravljena takšna trgovina; število ali količino in tipe osebkov, imena vrst, kot so navedena v Dodatkih I, II in III, ter kjer je mogoče, tudi velikost in spol obravnavanih osebkov.
7. Vsaka pogodbenica pripravi redna poročila o izvajanju te konvencije in jih pošlje Sekretariatu:
(a) letno poročilo s povzetkom podatkov, ki jih določa pododstavek (b) šestega odstavka tega člena, in
(b) dveletno poročilo o zakonodajnih in upravnih ukrepih, na podlagi katerih se uveljavijo določbe te konvencije.
8. Podatki, navedeni v sedmem odstavku tega člena, so na voljo javnosti, če to ni v nasprotju z zakonodajo te pogodbenice.
IX. člen
Upravni in strokovni organi
1. Za namene te konvencije vsaka pogodbenica imenuje:
(a) enega ali več upravnih organov, pristojnih za izdajanje dovoljenj ali potrdil za to pogodbenico, in
(b) enega ali več strokovnih organov.
2. Država, ki deponira listino o ratifikaciji, sprejetju, odobritvi ali pristopu, hkrati obvesti vlado depozitarja o imenu in naslovu upravnega organa pooblaščenega za stike z drugimi pogodbenicami in Sekretariatom.
3. Pogodbenica obvešča Sekretariat o vseh spremembah imenovanj ali pooblastil v skladu z določbami tega člena, da jih ta pošlje vsem pogodbenicam.
4. Kateri koli upravni organ iz drugega odstavka tega člena pošlje, če tako zahteva Sekretariat ali upravni organ druge pogodbenice, Sekretariatu ali temu upravnemu organu odtis pečatov, žigov ali drugih pripomočkov, ki jih uporabljajo pri overjanju dovoljenj ali potrdil.
X. člen
Trgovina z državami, ki niso pogodbenice konvencije
Pri izvozu ali ponovnem izvozu v državo ali uvozu iz države, ki ni pogodbenica te konvencije, lahko pogodbenice namesto dovoljenj in potrdil sprejmejo primerljive dokumente, ki jih izda pristojni organ te države, če ti vsebinsko ustrezajo zahtevam te konvencije glede izdajanja dovoljenj in potrdil.
XI. člen
Konferenca pogodbenic
1. Sekretariat skliče zasedanje konference pogodbenic najpozneje dve leti po začetku veljavnosti te konvencije.
2. Sekretariat nato sklicuje redna zasedanja vsaj enkrat na dve leti, razen če konferenca odloči drugače, in izredna zasedanja kadar koli na pisno zahtevo vsaj tretjine pogodbenic.
3. Na zasedanjih, tako rednih kot izrednih, pogodbenice pregledajo izvajanje določb te konvencije in lahko:
(a) sprejmejo takšne določbe, s katerimi je Sekretariatu omogočeno izvajanje njegovih nalog, in finančne določbe;
(b) proučijo in sprejmejo spremembe Dodatkov I in II v skladu s XV. členom;
(c) pregledajo napredek pri obnavljanju in ohranjanju vrst iz Dodatkov I, II in III;
(d) prejmejo in proučijo kakršna koli poročila, ki jih predstavi Sekretariat ali katera koli pogodbenica, in
(e) kadar je primerno, izdajo priporočila za izboljšanje učinkovitosti te konvencije.
4. Na vsakem rednem zasedanju lahko pogodbenice določijo čas in kraj naslednjega rednega zasedanja, ki bo potekalo v skladu z določbami drugega odstavka tega člena.
5. Na katerem koli zasedanju pogodbenice lahko določijo in sprejmejo poslovnik zasedanja.
6. Združene narode, njihove specializirane agencije in Mednarodno agencijo za atomsko energijo kakor tudi katero koli državo, ki ni pogodbenica te konvencije, lahko na zasedanjih konference predstavljajo opazovalci, ki imajo pravico do udeležbe, ne pa glasovanja.
7. Kateremu koli telesu ali agenciji, tehnično usposobljeni za varovanje in ohranjanje prosto živečih živalskih in rastlinskih vrst ter upravljanje z njimi, ki spada v eno od spodaj navedenih kategorij in je Sekretariat obvestila o svoji želji, da bi jo na zasedanjih konference predstavljali opazovalci, je to dovoljeno, če temu ne nasprotuje najmanj ena tretjina pogodbenic:
(a) mednarodne agencije ali telesa, tako vladna kot nevladna, ter državne vladne agencije in telesa, in
(b) državne nevladne agencije ali telesa, ki jih je v ta namen odobrila država v kateri so.
Ko se jim to dovoli, imajo ti opazovalci pravico do udeležbe, ne pa glasovanja.
XII. člen
1. Ko začne veljati ta konvencija, izvršni direktor Programa Združenih narodov za okolje poskrbi za Sekretariat, ko začne ta konvencija veljati. Direktorju lahko v obsegu in na način, ki se mu zdi primeren, pomagajo ustrezne medvladne ali nevladne mednarodne ali državne agencije in telesa, ki so strokovno usposobljeni za varstvo in ohranjanje prosto živečih rastlinskih in živalskih vrst ter njihovo upravljanje.
2. Naloge Sekretariata so:
(a) organizacija in izvedba zasedanj pogodbenic;
(b) opravljanje nalog, ki so mu zaupane po določbah XV. in XVI. člena te konvencije;
(c) izvajanje strokovnih in tehničnih študij v skladu s programi, ki jih odobri konferenca pogodbenic, ki bodo prispevale k izvajanju te konvencije, vključno s študijami, povezanimi z merili za ustrezno pripravo in prevoz živih osebkov ter načini njihovega prepoznavanja;
(d) proučevanje poročil pogodbenic in pridobivanje tistih dodatnih informacij od njih, za katere meni, da so potrebne za izvajajnje te konvencije;
(e) opozarjanje pogodbenic na vse zadeve, ki se nanašajo na cilje te konvencije;
(f) redno objavljanje in razdeljevanje tekočih izdaj Dodatkov I, II in III pogodbenicam z vsemi informacijami, ki bodo olajšale prepoznavanje osebkov vrst, vključenih v te dodatke;
(g) pripravljanje letnih poročil o svojem delu in o izvajanju te konvencije za pogodbenice kakor tudi vseh drugih poročil, ki jih na zasedanju lahko zahtevajo pogodbenice;
(h) pripravljanje priporočil za izvajanje ciljev in določb te konvencije, vključno z izmenjavo strokovnih in tehničnih informacij;
(i) opravljanje katerih koli drugih nalog, ki mu jih lahko zaupajo pogodbenice.
XIII. člen
Mednarodni ukrepi
1. Če Sekretariat na podlagi prejetih informacij ugotovi, da trgovina z osebki katere koli vrste, vključene v Dodatek I ali II, škodljivo vpliva na to vrsto ali da se določbe te konvencije ne izvajajo učinkovito, te informacije sporoči pooblaščenemu upravnemu organu pogodbenice ali pogodbenic, ki jih to zadeva.
2. Po prejemu sporočila iz prvega odstavka tega člena vsaka pogodbenica čim prej obvesti Sekretariat o vseh pomembnih dejstvih, kolikor ji to dopuščajo njeni zakoni, in kjer je to primerno, predlaga ukrepe za izboljšanje stanja. Če pogodbenica meni, da je potrebna preiskava, lahko tako preiskavo izvede ena ali več oseb, ki jih pogodbenica izrecno pooblasti.
3. Informacije, ki jih priskrbi pogodbenica ali so bile zbrane v preiskavi iz drugega odstavka tega člena, pregleda naslednja konferenca pogodbenic, ki lahko da priporočila, ki se ji zdijo primerna.
XIV. člen
Vpliv na domačo zakonodajo in mednarodne konvencije
1. Določbe te konvencije nikakor ne vplivajo na pravico pogodbenic, da sprejmejo:
(a) strožje domače ukrepe, ki se nanašajo na pogoje trgovanja, pridobivanja ali prevoza osebkov vrst iz Dodatkov I, II in III, ali popolno prepoved teh dejavnosti, ali
(b) domače ukrepe, ki omejujejo ali prepovedujejo trgovino, pridobivanje ali prevoz vrst, ki niso vključene v Dodatka I, II ali III.
2. Določbe te konvencije nikakor ne vplivajo na določbe kakršnih koli domačih ukrepov ali obveznosti pogodbenic iz katerekoli pogodbe, konvencije ali mednarodnega sporazuma, ki se nanašajo na druge vidike trgovine, pridobivanja, posedovanja ali prevoza osebkov in že veljajo ali lahko začnejo veljati v prihodnosti za katero koli pogodbenico, vključno z vsemi ukrepi, povezanimi s carino, zdravjem ljudi ter veterinarsko in rastlinsko karanteno.
3. Določbe te konvencije nikakor ne vplivajo na določbe ali obveznosti iz katere koli pogodbe, konvencije ali mednarodnega sporazuma, ki so že sklenjeni ali bodo lahko sklenjeni med državami članicami zveze ali regionalnega trgovinskega sporazuma, s katerim je ustanovljen ali se ohranja skupni zunanji carinski nadzor in se odpravi carinski nazdor med temi članicami, če se te določbe in obveznosti nanašajo na trgovino med državami članicami take zveze ali sporazuma.
4. Država pogodbenica te konvencije, ki je hkrati pogodbenica katere koli druge pogodbe, konvencije ali mednarodnega sporazuma, veljavnega v času, ko začne veljati ta konvencija, in po določbah katerih so zavarovane morske vrste, vključene v Dodatek II, je v zvezi s trgovino z osebki vrst iz Dodatka II, ki jih v skladu z določbami take pogodbe, konvencije ali mednarodnega sporazuma ujamejo ladje, registriranimi v tej državi, oproščena obveznosti, ki jih nalaga ta konvecija.
5. Za izvoz katerega koli osebka, ujetega v skladu s četrtim odstavkom tega člena, je ne glede na določbe III., IV. in V. člena potrebno le potrdilo upravnega organa države vnosa, da je bil osebek ujet v skladu z določbami ustrezne druge pogodbe, konvencije ali mednarodnega sporazuma.
6. Nič v tej konvenciji ne vpliva na to, da Konferenca Združenih narodov o pomorskem pravu, sklicana v skladu z resolucijo 2750 C (XXV) Generalne skupščine Združenih narodov, kodificira in razvija pomorsko pravo, niti na sedanje ali prihodnje zahtevke in pravna stališča katere koli države v zvezi s pomorskim pravom in naravo ter obsegom obalne jurisdikcije in jurisdikcije države zastave.
XV. člen
Spremembe Dodatkov I in II
1. V zvezi s spremembami Dodatkov I in II na zasedanjih pogodbenic veljajo naslednje določbe:
(a) Vsaka pogodbenica lahko predlaga, da se sprememba Dodatka I ali II obravnava na naslednjem zasedanju. Besedilo predlagane spremembe se sporoči Sekretariatu vsaj 150 dni pred zasedanjem. Sekretariat se o spremembi posvetuje z drugimi pogodbenicami in zainteresiranimi telesi v skladu z določbami pododstavkov (b) in (c) drugega odstavka tega člena in najpozneje 30 dni pred zasedanjem sporoči odgovor vsem pogodbenicam.
(b) Sprememba se sprejme z dvotretjinsko večino pogodbenic, ki so prisotne in glasujejo. Za te namene pomeni “pogodbenice, ki so prisotne in glasujejo“, vse prisotne pogodbenice, ki glasujejo za ali proti. Pogodbenice, ki se vzdržijo glasovanja, se ne štejejo v dve tretjini, potrebni za sprejem spremembe.
(c) Spremembe, sprejete na zasedanju, začnejo veljati 90 dni po zasedanju za vse pogodbenice, razen za tiste, ki izrazijo pridržek v skladu s tretjim odstavkom tega člena.
2. V zvezi s spremembami Dodatkov I in II med zasedanjema pogodbenic veljajo naslednje določbe:
(a) Spremembe Dodatka I ali II lahko za obravnavo med zasedanjema predlaga katera koli pogodbenica po pošti, kot je določeno v tem odstavku.
(b) Takoj po prejemu besedila predlagane spremembe za morske vrste Sekretariat to besedilo sporoči pogodbenicam. Hkrati se posvetuje z medvladnimi telesi, pristojnimi za te vrste, zlasti z namenom, da zbere znanstvene podatke, ki bi jih lahko priskrbela ta telesa, in da zagotovi usklajenost s katerimi koli ohranitvenimi ukrepi, ki jih ta telesa izvajajo. Sekretariat pogodbenicam čimprej sporoči stališča teh teles in podatke, ki so jih priskrbela ta telesa, ter svoje ugotovitve in priporočila.
(c) Za druge vrste, ki niso morske, Sekretariat takoj po prejemu besedila predlagane spremembe to besedilo sporoči pogodbenicam in čim prej še svoja priporočila.
(d) Vsaka pogodbenica lahko v 60 dneh po datumu, ko je Sekretariat poslal svoja priporočila pogodbenicam, tako kot določata pododstavka (b) in (c) tega odstavka, sporoči Sekretariatu kakršne koli pripombe k predlagani spremembi hkrati z vsakim pomembnim znanstvenim podatkom in informacijo.
(e) Prejete odgovore Sekretariat hkrati s svojimi priporočili čimprej sporoči pogodbenicam.
(f) Če Sekretariat v 30 dneh po datumu, ko je sporočil odgovore in priporočila po določbah pododstavka (e) tega odstavka, ne prejme nobenega ugovora zoper predlagano spremembo, začne sprememba veljati po 90 dneh za vse pogodbenice, razen za tiste, ki izrazijo pridržek v skladu s tretjim odstavkom tega člena.
(g) Če Sekretariat prejme ugovor katere koli pogodbenice, pogodbenice o predlagani spremembi glasujejo po pošti v skladu z določbami pododstavkov (h), (i) in (j) tega člena.
(h) Sekretariat pogodbenice uradno obvesti o prejemu ugovora.
(i) Če Sekretariat v 60 dneh po datumu obvestila iz pododstavka (h) tega odstavka ne prejme vsaj od polovice pogodbenic glasov za ali proti ali vzdržanih, se predlagana sprememba predloži naslednjemu zasedanju konference v nadaljnjo obravnavo.
(j) Če Sekretariat prejme glasove polovice pogodbenic, se sprememba sprejme z dvotretjinsko večino pogodbenic, ki so glasovale za ali proti.
(k) Sekretariat uradno obvesti vse pogodbenice o izidu glasovanja.
(l) Če je predlagana sprememba sprejeta, začne veljati 90 dni po datumu uradnega obvestila Sekretariata o njenem sprejetju, za vse pogodbenice, razen za tiste, ki izrazijo pridržek v skladu s tretjim odstavkom tega člena.
3. V obdobju 90 dni, predvidenem v pododstavku (c) prvega odstavka ali pododstavku (l) drugega odstavka tega člena, lahko vsaka pogodbenica pisno obvesti vlado depozitarja o pridržkih v zvezi s spremembo. Dokler teh pridržkov ne umakne, se pogodbenica glede trgovine z določenimi vrstami obravnava kot država, ki ni pogodbenica konvencije.
XVI. člen
Dodatek III in njegove spremembe
1. Vsaka pogodbenica lahko kadar koli predloži Sekretariatu seznam vrst, za katere ugotovi, da se za namene iz tretjega odstavka II. člena zanjo uporabljajo predpisi iz njene pristojnosti. V Dodatku III so navedeni imena pogodbenic, ki so predlagale vključitev vrste v ta dodatek, znanstvena imena predlaganih vrst in vsak del živali ali rastline te vrste ali izdelek iz njih za namene iz pododstavka (b) I. člena.
2. Takoj po prejemu Sekretariat pošlje pogodbenicam vsak seznam, predložen po določilih prvega odstavka tega člena. Seznam začne veljati kot del Dodatka III 90 dni po datumu takega sporočila. Vsaka pogodbenica lahko kadar koli po prejemu takega seznama vladi depozitarju pisno izrazi pridržek v zvezi s katero koli vrsto, delom ali izdelkom in dokler tak pridržek ni umaknjen, se pri trgovanju s temi vrstami, deli ali izdelki ta država obravnava kot država, ki ni pogodbenica te konvencije.
3. Pogodbenica, ki je predlagala vrsto za vključitev v Dodatek III, jo lahko kadar koli umakne iz dodatka z uradnim obvestilom Sekretariatu, ki o umiku obvesti vse pogodbenice. Umik začne veljati 30 dni po datumu takega obvestila.
4. Vsaka pogodbenica, ki predloži seznam po določbah prvega odstavka tega člena, predloži Sekretariatu kopije vseh domačih zakonov in predpisov o varstvu teh vrst, skupaj s katero koli obrazložitvijo, za katero meni, da je potrebna ali jo lahko zahteva Sekretariat. Dokler je predlagana vrsta vključena v dodatek, pogodbenica predloži Sekretariatu vse sprejete spremembe teh zakonov in predpisov ali vse nove obrazložitve.
XVII. člen
Spremembe konvencije
1. Na pisno zahtevo najmanj tretjine pogodbenic Sekretariat skliče izredno zasedanje konference pogodbenic za obravnavo in sprejetje sprememb konvencije. Take spremembe se sprejmejo z dvotretjinsko večino pogodbenic, ki so prisotne in glasujejo. Za te namene pomeni “pogodbenice, ki so prisotne in glasujejo“ vse pogodbenice, ki so prisotne in glasujejo za ali proti. Pogodbenice, ki se vzdržijo glasovanja, se ne štejejo v dve tretjini, potrebni za sprejetje spremembe.
2. Sekretariat pošlje besedilo vsake predlagane spremembe vsem pogodbenicam najmanj 90 dni pred zasedanjem.
3. Sprememba začne veljati za pogodbenice, ki so jo sprejele, 60 dni potem, ko sta dve tretjini pogodbenic deponirali listino o sprejetju spremembe pri vladi depozitarju. Po tem začne sprememba veljati za vsako drugo pogodbenico 60 dni po tem, ko ta pogodbenica deponira svojo listino o sprejetju spremembe.
XVIII. člen
Reševanje sporov
1. Vsak spor, ki bi lahko nastal med dvema ali več pogodbenicami v zvezi z razlago ali uporabo določb te konvencije, se rešuje s pogajanji med pogodbenicami v sporu.
2. Če se spor ne da rešiti v skladu s prvim odstavkom tega člena, lahko pogodbenice z medsebojnim soglasjem predložijo spor arbitraži, zlasti Stalnemu arbitražnemu sodišču v Haagu, in arbitražna odločitev zavezuje pogodbenice, ki so spor predložile.
XIX. člen
Ta konvencija je na voljo za podpis do 30. aprila 1973 v Washingtonu in nato v Bernu do 31. decembra 1974.
XX. člen
Ratifikacija, sprejetje, odobritev
To konvencijo je treba ratificirati, sprejeti ali odobriti. Listine o ratifikaciji, sprejetju ali odobritvi se deponirajo pri vladi Švicarske konfederacije, ki je vlada depozitar.
XXI. člen
Ta konvencija je na voljo za pristop nedoločen čas. Listine o pristopu se deponirajo pri vladi depozitarju.
XXII. člen
Začetek veljavnosti
1. Ta konvencija začne veljati 90 dni po dnevu deponiranja desete listine o ratifikaciji, sprejetju, odobritvi ali pristopu pri vladi depozitarju.
2. Za vsako državo, ki ratificira, sprejme, ali odobri to konvencijo ali k njej pristopi po deponiranju desete listine o ratifikaciji, sprejetju, odobritvi ali pristopu, začne konvencija veljati 90 dni potem, ko ta država deponira svojo listino o ratifikaciji, sprejetju, odobritvi ali pristopu.
XXIII. člen
1. Glede določb te konvencije ni mogoče izražati splošnih pridržkov. Poseben pridržek se lahko da v skladu z določbami tega, XV. in XVI. člena.
2. Vsaka država lahko ob deponiranju svoje listine o ratifikaciji, sprejetju, odobritvi ali pristopu izrazi posebni pridržek glede:
(a) katere koli vrste iz Dodatka I, II ali III ali
(b) katerega koli dela ali izdelka določenega v zvezi z vrsto iz Dodatka III.
3. Dokler pogodbenica ne umakne pridržka, ki ga je dala v skladu z določbami tega člena, se pri trgovanju z vrsto, delom ali izdelkom določenim v pridržku, obravnava kot država, ki ni pogodbenica te konvencije.
XXIV. člen
Vsaka pogodbenica lahko kadar koli odpove to konvencijo s pisnim obvestilom vladi depozitarju. Odpoved začne veljati 12 mesecev po tem, ko vlada depozitar prejme obvestilo.
XXV. člen
1. Izvirnik te konvencije v angleškem, francoskem, kitajskem, ruskem in španskem jeziku, pri čemer je vsako besedilo enako verodostojno, se deponirajo pri vladi depozitarju, ki overjene kopije izvirnika pošlje vsem državam, ki so jo podpisale ali deponirale listine o pristopu k njej.
2. Vlada depozitar obvešča vse podpisnice in države, ki so k njej pristopile, ter Sekretariat o podpisih, deponiranju listin o ratifikaciji, sprejetju, odobritvi ali pristopu, začetku veljavnosti te konvencije, njenih spremembah, izražanju in umiku pridržkov ter obvestilih o odpovedi.
3. Takoj ko začne ta konvencija veljati, vlada depozitar pošlje overjen izvod konvencije Sekretariatu Združenih narodov zaradi registracije in objave v skladu s 102. členom Ustanovne listine Združenih narodov.
Da bi to potrdili, so podpisani pooblaščenci, ki so bili za to pravilno pooblaščeni, podpisali to konvencijo.
Sestavljeno v Washingtonu tretjega marca leta tisoč devetsto triinsedemdeset.
V skladu s XVII. členom Konvencije o mednarodni trgovini z ogroženimi prosto živečimi živalskimi in rastlinskimi vrstami, podpisane 3. marca 1973 v Washingtonu, D.C., je bilo 30. aprila 1983 sklicano izredno zasedanje Konference pogodbenic v Gaboronu (Bocvana).
Zastopane so bile naslednje pogodbenice: Argentina, Avstralija, Avstrija, Bocvana, Bolivija, Brazilija, Čile, Danska, Finska, Francija, Gambija, Gvajana, Indija, Indonezija, Italija, Izrael, Japonska, Južna Afrika, Kanada, Kenija, Kitajska, Liberija, Madagaskar, Malavi, Malezija, Mozambik, Nepal, Norveška, Pakistan, Papua Nova Gvineja, Peru, Portugalska, Ruanda, Saint Lucia, Senegal, Sejšeli, Šrilanka, Švedska, Švica, Tajska, Togo, Urugvaj, Zambija, Združeno kraljestvo Velike Britanije in Severne Irske, Združene države Amerike, Združena republika Kamerun, Zveza sovjetskih socialističnih republik in Zvezna republika Nemčija.
Na zasedanju so s potrebno dvotretjinsko večino pogodbenic, ki so bile prisotne in so glasovale, sprejeli spremembo XXI. člena konvencije, ki za besedama “vladi depozitarja” dodaja naslednjih pet odstavkov:
“1. K tej konvenciji lahko pristopijo regionalne organizacije za gospodarsko povezovanje, ki so jih ustanovile suverene države in ki se lahko pogajajo, sklepajo in izvajajo mednarodne sporazume o zadevah, ki so jih nanje prenesle njihove države članice in so vključene v to konvencijo.
2. V svojih listinah o pristopu take organizacije navedejo obseg svojih pristojnosti v zadevah, ki jih ureja konvencija. Te organizacije obvestijo vlado depozitarja tudi o vsaki bistveni spremembi o obsegu svojih pristojnosti. Obvestila regionalnih organizacij za gospodarsko povezovanje o njihovih prostojnostih v zadevah, ki jih ureja ta konvencija in njene spremembe vlada depozitar razpošlje pogodbenicam.
3. Take regionalne organizacije za gospodarsko povezovanje v okviru svojih pristojnosti uresničujejo pravice in izpolnjujejo obveznosti, ki jih predvideva ta konvencija za njihove države članice, ki so pogodbenice konvencije. V takih primerih države članice organizacije ne morejo uveljavljati teh pravic posamezno.
4. V obsegu svojih pooblastil lahko regionalne organizacije za gospodarsko povezovanje glasujejo s številom glasov, enakim številu njihovih držav članic, ki so pogodbenice konvencije. Take organizacije ne glasujejo, če glasujejo njene članice, in obratno.
5. Vsako sklicevanje na “pogodbenico“ v smislu pododstavka (h) I. člena te konvencije, “državo/države“ ali “državo pogodbenico/države pogodbenice“ te konvencije pomeni tudi vsako regionalno organizacijo za gospodarsko povezovanje, ki je pooblaščena za pogajanja, sklepanje in uporabo mednarodnih sporazumov v zadevah vključenih v to konvencijo.”
kot ju je sprejela Konferenca pogodbenic, veljavna od 18. septembra 1997 (ponatisnjeno s popravki, 30. junija 1998)
1. Vrste, vključene v ta dodatka, se navajajo:
a) z imenom vrste, ali
b) kot vse vrste vključene v višjo sistematsko enoto ali določen del vrst take enote.
2. Okrajšava “spp.“ se uporablja za označevanje vseh vrst višje sistematske enote.
3. Druga navajanja sistematskih enot višjih od vrste so le informativna ali za namene klasifikacije.
4. Za rastlinske sistematske enote nižje od vrste se uporabljajo naslednje okrajšave:
a) “ssp.“ se uporablja za označevanje podvrst;
b) “var(s).“ se uporablja za označevanje varietete, in
c) “fa.“ se uporablja za označevanje oblik.
5. Okrajšava “p.e.“ se uporablja za označevanje vrst, ki so morda že izumrle.
6. Zvezdica (*) ob imenu vrste ali višje sistematske enote pomeni, da je ena ali več zemljepisno ločenih populacij, podvrst ali vrst te vrste ali višje sistematske enote vključenih v Dodatek I in izvzetih iz Dodatka II.
7. Dve zvezdici (**) ob imenu vrste ali višje sistematske enote pomenita, da je ena ali več zemljepisno ločenih populacij, podvrst ali vrst te vrste ali višje sistematske enote vključenih v Dodatek II in izvzetih iz Dodatka I.
8. Znak (-), ki mu sledi številka, ob imenu vrste ali višje sistematske enote pomeni, da so določene zemljepisno ločene populacije, vrste, skupine vrst ali družine te vrste ali sistematske enote izvzete iz tistega dodatka, kot sledi:
–101  populacija zahodne Grenlandije
–102  populacije Butana, Indije, Nepala in Pakistana
–103  populacije Bocvane, Namibije in Zimbabveja
–104  populacija Avstralije
–105  populacije Pecari tajacu Mehike in Združenih držav Amerike
–106  - Argentina: populacija province Jujuy in polprosto živeče populacije provinc
      Jujuy, Salta, Catamarca, La Rioja in San Juan
       - Bolivija: populacije ohranitvenih enot v Mauri-Desaguadero, Ulla Ulla in
      Lípez-Chichas, z letno kvoto izvoza nič
      - Čile: del populacije province Parinacota, 1a. regije Tarapacá
      - Peru: cela populacija
–107  populacije Afganistana, Butana, Indije, Mjanmara, Nepala in Pakistana
–108  Cathartidae
–109  Melopsittacus undulatus, Nymphicus hollandicus in Psittacula krameri
–110  populacija Argenitine
–111  populacija Ekvadorja, z letno kvoto izvoza nič dokler letne kvote izvoza ne
      odobrita Sekretariat konvencije in Strokovna skupina za krokodile Komisije za
      ohranitev vrst pri Svetovni zvezi za ohranitev narave (IUCN/SSC)
–112  populacije Bocvane, Etiopije, Kenije, Madagaskarja, Malavija, Mozambika, Južne
      Afrike, Ugande, Tanzanije, Zambije in Zimbabveja
      Poleg osebkov z rančev bo Tanzanija dovolila izvoz ne več kot 1100 prosto
      živečih osebkov (vključno s 100 lovskimi trofejami) v letih 1998, 1999 in 2000
–113  populacije Avstralije, Indonezije in Papue Nove Gvineje
–114  populacija Čila
–115  vse vrste, ki niso sukulenti
–116  Aloe vera; se navaja tudi kot Aloe barbadensis
9. Znak (+), ki mu sledi številka, ob imenu vrste, podvrste ali višje sistematske enote pomeni, da so le določene zemljepisno ločene populacije te vrste, podvrste ali sistematske enote vključene v tisti dodatek, kot sledi:
+201  populacije Butana, Indije, Nepala in Pakistana
+202  populacije Butana, Kitajske, Mehike in Mongolije
+203  populacije Kameruna in Nigerije
+204  populacija Azije
+205  populacije srednje in severne Amerike
+206  populacije Bangladeša, Indije in Tajske
+207  populacija Indije
+208  populacije Bocvane, Namibije in Zimbabveja
+209  populacija Avstralije
+210  populacija Južne Afrike
+211  - Argentina: populacija province Jujuy in polprosto živeče populacije provinc
      Jujuy, Salta, Catamarca, La Rioja in San Juan
      - Bolivija: populacije ohranitvenih enot v Mauri-Desaguadero, Ulla Ulla in
      Lípez-Chichas, z letno kvoto izvoza nič
      - Čile: del populacije province Parinacota, 1a. regije Tarapacá
      - Peru: cela populacija
+212  populacije Afganistana, Butana, Indije, Mjanmara, Nepala in Pakistana
+213  populacija Mehike
+214  populacije Alžirije, Burkine Faso, Kameruna, Centralnoafriške republike, Čada,
      Malija, Mavretanije, Maroka, Nigra, Nigerije, Senegala in Sudana
+215  populacija Sejšelov
+216  poluacija Evrope, razen območja nekdanjih republik Sovjetske zveze
+217  populacija Čila
10. Znak (=), ki mu sledi številka, poleg imena vrste, podvrste ali višje sistematske enote pomeni, da se ime te vrste, podvrste ali sistematske enote razume kot sledi:
=301  se navaja tudi kot Phalanger maculatus
=302  vključuje družino Tupaiidae
=303  prej vključena v družino Lemuridae
=304  prej vključena kod podvrsta vrste Callithrix jacchus
=305  vključuje rodovni sinonim Leontideus
=306  prej vključena v vrsto Saguinus oedipus
=307  prej vključena v Alouatta palliata
=308  prej vključena kot Alouatta palliata (villosa)
=309  vključuje sinonim Cercopithecus roloway
=310  prej vključena v rod Papio
=311  vključuje rodovni sinonim Simias
=312  vključuje sinonim Colobus badius kirkii
=313  vključuje sinonim Colobus badius rufomitratus
=314  vključuje rodovni sinonim Rhinopithecus
=315  se navaja tudi kot Presbytis entellus
=316  se navaja tudi kot Presbytis geei in Semnopithecus geei
=317  se navaja tudi kot Presbytis pileata in Semnopithecus pileatus
=318  vključuje sinonima Bradypus boliviensis in Bradypus griseus
=319  vključuje sinonim Priodontes giganteus
=320  vključuje sinonim Physeter macrocephalus
=321  vključuje sinonim Eschrichtius glaucus
=322  prej vključena v rod Balaena
=323  prej vključena v rod Dusicyon
=324  vključuje sinonim Dusicyon fulvipes
=325  vključuje rodovni sinonim Fennecus
=326  se navaja tudi kot Selenarctos thibetanus
=327  se navaja tudi kot Aonyx microdon ali Paraonyx microdon
=328  prej vključena v rod Lutra
=329  prej vključena v rod Lutra; vključuje sinonime Lutra annectens, Lutra enudris,
      Lutra incarum in Lutra platensis
=330  vključuje sinonim Eupleres major
=331  se navaja tudi kot Hyaena brunnea
=332  se navaja tudi kot Felis caracal in Lynx caracal
=333  prej vključena v rod Felis
=334  se navaja tudi kot Felis pardina ali Felis lynx pardina
=335  prej vključena v rod Panthera
=336  se navaja tudi kot Equus asinus
=337  prej vključena v vrsto Equus hemionus
=338  se navaja tudi kot Equus caballus przewalskii
=339  se navaja tudi kot Choeropsis liberiensis
=340  se navaja tudi kot Cervus porcinus calamianensis
=341  se navaja tudi kot Cervus porcinus kuhlii
=342  se navaja tudi kot Cervus porcinus annamiticus
=343  se navaja tudi kot Cervus dama mesopotamicus
=344  vključuje sinonim Bos frontalis
=345  vključuje sinonim Bos grunniens
=346  vključuje rodovni sinonim Novibos
=347  vključuje rodovni sinonim Anoa
=348  se navaja tudi kot Damaliscus dorcas dorcas ali Damaliscus pygargus dorcas
=349  prej vključena v vrsto Naemorhedus goral
=350  se navaja tudi kot Capricornis sumatraensis
=351  vključuje sinonim Oryx tao
=352  vključuje sinonim Ovis aries ophion
=353  prej vključena kot Ovis vignei (glej tudi Sklepe Konference pogodbenic o
      vključitvi Ovis vignei vignei v Dodatek I, naslovljene na pogodbenice)
=354  se navaja tudi kot Rupicapra rupicapra ornata
=355  se navaja tudi kot Pterocnemia pennata
=356  se navaja tudi kot Sula abbotti
=357  se navaja tudi kot Ciconia ciconia boyciana
=358  vključuje sinonima Anas chlorotis in Anas nesiotis
=359  se navaja tudi kot Anas platyrhynchos laysanensis
=360  verjetno križanec med Anas platyrhynchos in Anas superciliosa
=361  se navaja tudi kot Aquila heliaca adalberti
=362  se navaja tudi kot Chondrohierax wilsonii
=363  se navaja tudi kot Falco peregrinus babylonicus in Falco peregrinus
=364  se navaja tudi kot Crax mitu mitu
=365a prej vključena v rod Aburria
=365b prej vključena v rod Aburria; se navaja tudi kot Pipile pipile pipile
=366  prej vključena v vrsto Crossoptilon crossoptilon
=367  prej vključena v vrsto Polyplectron malacense
=368  vključuje sinonim Rheinardia nigrescens
=369  se navaja tudi kot Tricholimnas sylvestris
=370  se navaja tudi kot Choriotis nigriceps
=371  se navaja tudi kot Houbaropsis bengalensis
=372  se navaja tudi kot Amazona dufresniana rhodocorytha
=373  z vrsto se velikokrat trguje pod napačnim imenom Ara caninde
=374  se navaja tudi kot Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae cookii
=375  se navaja tudi kot Opopsitta diophthalma coxeni
=376  se navaja tudi kot Pezoporus occidentalis
=377  prej vključena v vrsto Psephotus chrysopterygius
=378  se navaja tudi kot Psittacula krameri echo
=379  prej vključena v rod Gallirex; se navaja tudi kot Tauraco porphyreolophus
=380  se navaja tudi kot Otus gurneyi
=381  se navaja tudi kot Ninox novaeseelandiae royana
=382  prej vključena v rod Glaucis
=383  vključuje rodovni sinonim Ptilolaemus
=384  prej vključena v rod Rhinoplax
=385  se navaja tudi kot Pitta brachyura nympha
=386  se navaja tudi kot Muscicapa ruecki ali Niltava ruecki
=387  se navaja tudi kot Dasyornis brachypterus longirostris
=388  se navaja tudi kot Meliphaga cassidix
=389  vključuje rodovni sinonim Xanthopsar
=390  prej vključena v rod Spinus
=391  se navaja tudi v rodu Damonia
=392  prej vključena kot Kachuga tecta tecta
=393  vključuje rodovna sinonima Nicoria in Geoemyda (del)
=394  se navaja tudi kot Geochelone elephantopus; se navaja tudi v rodu Testudo
=395  se navaja tudi v rodu Testudo
=396  se navaja tudi v rodu Aspideretes
=397  prej vključena v Podocnemis spp.
=398  vključuje Alligatoridae, Crocodylidae in Gavialidae
=399  se navaja tudi kot Crocodylus mindorensis
=400  se navaja tudi v rodu Nactus
=401  vključuje rodovni sinonim Rhoptropella
=402  prej vključena v Chamaeleo spp.
=403  vključuje rodovna sinonima Calumma in Furcifer
=404  vključuje družini Bolyeriidae in Tropidophiidae kot poddružini
=405  se navaja tudi kot Constrictor constrictor occidentalis
=406  vključuje sinonim Python molurus pimbura
=407  vključuje sinonim Sanzinia manditra
=408  vključuje sinonim Pseudoboa cloelia
=409  se navaja tudi kot Hydrodynastes gigas
=410  vključuje sinonime Naja atra, Naja kaouthia, Naja oxiana, Naja philippinensis,
      Naja samarensis, Naja sputatrix in Naja sumatrana
=411  vključuje rodovni sinonim Megalobatrachus
=412  prej vključena v Nectophrynoides spp.
=413  prej vključena v Dendrobates spp.
=414  se navaja tudi v rodu Rana
=415  sensu D’Abrera
=416  vključuje sinonima Pandinus africanus in Heterometrus roeseli
=417  vključuje Aphonopelma albiceps, Aphonopelma pallidum in Brachypelmides klaasi
=418  se navaja tudi kot Conchodromus dromas
=419  se navaja tudi v rodovih Dysnomia in Plagiola
=420  vključuje rodovni sinonim Proptera
=421  se navaja tudi v rodu Carunculina
=422  se navaja tudi kot Megalonaias nickliniana
=423  se navaja tudi kot Cyrtonaias tampicoensis tecomatensis in Lampsilis
      tampicoensis tecomatensis
=424  vključuje rodovni sinonim Micromya
=425  vključuje rodovni sinonim Papuina
=426  vključuje le družino Helioporidae z eno vrsto Heliopora coerulea
=427  se navaja tudi kot Podophyllum emodi in Sinopodophyllum hexandrum
=428  vključuje rodovna sinonima Neogomesia in Roseocactus
=429  se navaja tudi v rodu Echinocactus
=430  se navaja tudi v rodu Mammillaria; vključuje sinonim Coryphantha densispina
=431  se navaja tudi kot Lobeira macdougallii in Nopalxochia macdougallii
=432  se navaja tudi kot Echinocereus lindsayi
=433  se navaja tudi v rodovih Cereus in Wilcoxia
=434  se navaja tudi v rodu Coryphantha; vključuje sinonim Escobaria nellieae
=435  se navaja tudi v rodu Coryphantha; vključuje Escobaria leei kot podvrsto
=436  vključuje sinonim Solisia pectinata
=437  se navaja tudi kot Backebergia militaris, Cephalocereus militaris in
      Mitrocereus militaris; vključuje sinonim Pachycereus chrysomallus
=438  vključuje Pediocactus bradyi ssp. despainii in Pediocactus bradyi ssp.
      winkleri in sinonima Pediocactus despainii in Pediocactus winkleri
=439  se navaja tudi v rodu Toumeya
=440  se navaja tudi v rodovih Navajoa, Toumeya in Utahia; vključuje Pediocactus
      peeblesianus var. fickeisenii
=441  se navaja tudi v rodovih Echinocactus in Utahia
=442  vključuje rodovni sinonim Encephalocarpus
=443  vključuje sinonima Ancistrocactus tobuschii in Ferocactus tobuschii
=444  se navaja tudi v rodovih Echinomastus in Neolloydia; vključuje sinonima
      Echinomastus acunensis in Echinomastus krausei
=445  vključuje sinonime Ferocactus glaucus, Sclerocactus brevispinus, Sclerocactus
      wetlandicus in Sclerocactus wetlandicus ssp. ilseae
=446  se navaja tudi v rodovih Echinocactus, Echinomastus in Neolloydia
=447  se navaja tudi v rodovih Coloradoa, Echinocactus, Ferocactus in Pediocactus
=448  se navaja tudi v rodovih Echinocactus, Mammillaria, Pediocactus in Toumeya
=449  se navaja tudi v rodovih Echinocactus in Ferocactus
=450  se navaja tudi v rodu Pediocactus
=451  vključuje rodovne sinonime Gymnocactus, Normanbokea in Rapicactus
=452  se navaja tudi kot Saussurea lappa
=453  se navaja tudi kot Euphorbia decaryi var. capsaintemariensis
=454  vključuje Euphorbia cremersii fa. viridifolia in Euphorbia cremersii var.
=455  vključuje Euphorbia cylindrifolia ssp. tuberifera
=456  vključuje Euphorbia decaryi vars. ampanihyensis, robinsonii in spirosticha
=457  vključuje Euphorbia moratii vars. antsingiensis, bemarahensis in multiflora
=458  se navaja tudi kot Euphorbia capsaintemariensis var. tulearensis
=459  se navaja tudi kot Engelhardia pterocarpa
=460  vključuje Aloe compressa var. rugosquamosa in Aloe compressa var. schistophila
=461  vključuje Aloe haworthioides var. aurantiaca
=462  vključuje Aloe laeta var. maniaensis
=463  vključuje družini Apostasiaceae in Cypripediaceae kot poddružini
      Apostasioideae in Cypripedioideae
=464  Anacampseros australiana in A. kurtzii se navajata tudi v rodu Grahamia
=465  prej vključena v Anacampseros spp.
=466  se navaja tudi kot Sarracenia rubra ssp. alabamensis
=467  se navaja tudi kot Sarracenia rubra ssp. jonesii
=468  prej vključena v ZAMIACEAE spp.
=469  vključuje sinonim Stangeria paradoxa
=470  se navaja tudi kot Taxus baccata ssp. wallichiana
=471  vključuje sinonim Welwitschia bainesii
11. Znak (°), ki mu sledi številka, ob imenu vrste ali višje sistematske enote se razume kot sledi:
° 601  Določena je bila letna kvota izvoza nič. Vsi osebki se štejejo za osebke
       vrste vključene v Dodatek I in trgovanje z njimi se ureja temu primerno.
° 602  Osebki udomačene oblike niso predmet določb konvencije.
° 603  Letne kvote izvoza za žive osebke in lovske trofeje se odobrijo kot sledi:
       Bocvana:        5
       Namibija:     150
       Zimbabve:      50
Trgovina s takimi osebki je predmet določb III. člena konvencije.
° 604  Izključno za dovolitev: 1) izvoza lovskih trofej v nekomercialne namene; 2)
       izvoza živih živali v primerne in sprejemljive namembne kraje (Namibija: le v
       nekomercialne namene); 3) izvoza kož (le Zimbabve); 4) izvoza usnjenih 
       predmetov in rezbarskih izdelkov iz slonovine v nekomercialne namene (le
       Zimbabve). Dokler ne mine 18 mesecev od začetka veljavnosti prenosa v Dodatek
       II (to je 18. marca 1999), ni dovoljeno nikakšno mednarodno trgovanje s
       slonovino. Po tem se lahko, ob poizkusnih kvotah za surovo slonovino, ki ne
       presegajo 25,3 ton (Bocvana), 13,8 ton (Namibija) in 20 ton (Zimbabve),
       surova slonovina izvaža na Japonsko pod pogoji, določenimi v Sklepu 
       Konference pogodbenic št. 10.1 o slonovini. Vsi drugi osebki se štejejo za
       osebke vrste vključene v Dodatek I in trgovanje z njimi se ureja temu
° 605  Izključno za dovolitev mednarodnega trgovanja z živimi živalmi v primerne in
       sprejemljive namembne kraje in z lovskimi trofejami. Vsi drugi osebki se 
       štejejo za osebke vrste vključene v Dodatek I in trgovanje z njimi se ureja
       temu primerno.
° 606  Izključno za dovolitev mednarodnega trgovanja z volno, ostriženo z živih
       vikunj iz populacij vključenih v Dodatek II (glej +211) in iz zalog 3249 kg
       volne v Peruju na dan devetega zasedanja Konference pogodbenic (november
       1994), ter z blagom in predmeti iz te volne, vključno z luksuznimi ročnimi
       izdelki in pleteninami. Na spodnji strani blaga mora biti logotip, ki so ga
       sprejele države razširjenosti vrste, podpisnice Convenio para la Conservación
       y Manejo de la Vicuna, in izvezene besede “VICUNA-DRŽAVA POREKLA”, odvisno od
       države porekla. Vsi drugi osebki se štejejo za osebke vrste vključene v
       Dodatek I in trgovanje z njimi se ureja temu primerno.
° 607  Fosili niso predmet določb konvencije.
° 608  Umetno razmnoženi osebki naslednjih križancev in/ali kultivarjev niso predmet
       določb konvencije:
       Hatiora x graeseri
       Schlumbergera x buckleyi
       Schlumbergera russelliana x Schlumbergera truncata
       Schlumbergera orssichiana x Schlumbergera truncata
       Schlumbergera opuntioides x Schlumbergera truncata
       Schlumbergera truncata (kultivarji)
       Gymnocalycium mihanovichii (kultivarji) oblike brez klorofila, cepljene na
       podlage: Harrisia ‘Jusbertii’, Hylocereus trigonus ali Hylocereus undatus
       Opuntia microdasys (kultivarji)
° 609  Umetno razmnoženi osebki kultivarjev vrste Euphorbia trigona niso predmet
       določbe konvencije.
° 610  Kulture sejancev ali tkivne kulture pridobljene in vitro, v trdnem ali
       tekočem mediju, ki se prevažajo v sterilnih posodah, niso predmet določb
° 611  Umetno razmnoženi osebki kultivarjev vrste Cyclamen persicum niso predmet
       določb konvencije. Vendar pa to ne velja za osebke s katerimi se trguje kot z
       dormantnimi gomolji.
12. V skladu s pododstavkom (iii) odstavka b I. člena konvencije, znak (#), ki mu sledi številka, ob imenu vrste ali višje sistematske enote vključene v Dodatek II določa dele ali izdelke, ki so za namene konvencije navedeni v zvezi s to sistematsko enoto kot sledi:
#1  Določa vse dele in izdelke razen:
    a) semen, spor ali peloda (vključno s poliniji);
    b) kultur sejancev ali tkivnih kultur pridobljenih in vitro, v trdnem ali
    tekočem mediju, ki se prevažajo v sterilnih posodah, in
    c) rezanega cvetja umetno razmnoženih rastlin.
#2  Določa vse dele ali izdelke razen:
    a) semen ali peloda;
    b) kultur sejancev ali tkivnih kultur pridobljenih in vitro, v trdnem ali
    tekočem mediju, ki se prevažajo v sterilnih posodah;
    c) rezanega cvetja umetno razmnoženih rastlin, in
    d) kemičnih derivatov.
#3  Določa cele ali narezane korenine in dele korenin, razen izdelkov ali derivatov
    kot so prah, tablete, ekstrakti, toniki, čaji in slaščice.
#4  Določa vse dele ali izdelke razen:
    a) semen, razen semen mehiških kaktusov z mehiškim poreklom, in peloda;
    b) kultur sejancev ali tkivnih kultur pridobljenih in vitro, v trdnem ali
    tekočem mediju, ki se prevažajo v sterilnih posodah;
    c) rezanega cvetja umetno razmnoženih rastlin;
    d) sadežev ter delov in izdelkov iz sadežev naturaliziranih ali umetno
    razmnoženih rastlin, in
    e) ločenih filokladijev ter delov in izdelkov iz ločenih filokladijev
    naturaliziranih ali umetno razmnoženih rastlin rodu Opuntia podrodu Opuntia.
#5  Določa hlode, žagan les ali furnir.
#6  Določa hlode, iverje in nepredelane odpadne kose.
#7  Določa vse dele ali izdelke razen:
    a) semen in peloda (vključno s poliniji);
    b) kultur sejancev ali tkivnih kultur pridobljenih in vitro, v trdnem ali
    tekočem mediju, ki se prevažajo v sterilnih posodah;
    c) rezanega cvetja umetno razmnoženih rastlin, in
    d) sadežev ter delov in izdelkov iz sadežev umetno razmnoženih rastlin rodu
#8  Določa vse dele ali izdelke razen:
    a) semen ali peloda;
    b) kultur sejancev ali tkivnih kultur pridobljenih in vitro, v trdnem ali 
    tekočem mediju, ki se prevažajo v sterilnih posodah;
    c) rezanega cvetja umetno razmnoženih rastlin, in končnih famacevtskih izdelkov.
13. Ker pri nobeni vrsti ali višji sistematski enoti RASTLIN iz Dodatka I ni oznake, ki bi pomenila, da bi bilo treba z njenimi križanci ravnati v skladu z določbami III. člena konvencije, to pomeni, da se z umetno razmnoženimi križanci, pridobljenimi iz ene ali več takih vrst ali sistematskih enot, lahko trguje s potrdilom o umetni razmnožitvi, in da semena in pelod (vključno s poliniji), rezano cvetje, kulture sejancev ali tkivne kulture pridobljene in vitro, v trdnem ali tekočem mediju, ki se prevažajo v sterilnih posodah, teh križancev niso predmet določb konvencije.
velja od 29. aprila 1999
1. Navajanja sistematskih enot višjih od vrste so le informativna ali za namene klasifikacije.
2. Znak (+), ki mu sledi številka, ob imenu vrste pomeni, da so le določene zemljepisno ločene populacije te vrste vključene v Dodatek III, kot sledi:
+218  populacija te vrste v Boliviji
+219  populacija te vrste v Braziliji
+220  vse populacije te vrste v Amerikah
+221  populacija te vrste v Mehiki
3. Znak (=), ki mu sledi številka, ob imenu vrste pomeni, da se ime te vrste razume kot sledi:
=472  se navaja tudi kot Vampyrops lineatus
=473  prej vključena kot Tamandua tetradactyla (delno)
=474  vključuje sinonim Cabassous gymnurus
=475  vključuje rodovni sinonim Coendou
=476  vključuje rodovni sinonim Cuniculus
=477  vključuje sinonim Vulpes vulpes leucopus
=478  prej vključena kot Nasua nasua
=479  vključuje sinonim Galictis allamandi
=480  prej vključena v Martes flavigula
=481  vključuje rodovni sinonim Viverra
=482  prej vključena kot Viverra megaspila
=483  prej vključena kot Herpestes auropunctatus
=484  prej vključena kot Herpestes fuscus
=485  prej vključena kot Bubalus bubalis (udomačena oblika)
=486  se navaja tudi kot Boocercus eurycerus; vključuje rodovni sinonim Taurotragus
=487  se navaja tudi kot Ardeola ibis
=488  se navaja tudi kot Egretta alba in Ardea alba
=489  se navaja tudi kot Hagedashia hagedash
=490  se navaja tudi kot Lampribis rara
=491  se navaja tudi kot Spatula clypeata
=492  se navaja tudi kot Nyroca nyroca
=493  vključuje sinonim Dendrocygna fulva
=494  se navaja tudi kot Cairina hartlaubii
=495  se navaja tudi kot Crax pauxi
=496  prej vključena kot Arborophila brunneopectus (delno)
=497  se navaja tudi kot Turturoena iriditorques; prej vključena kot Columba
      malherbii (delno)
=498  se navaja tudi kot Nesoenas mayeri
=499  prej vključena kot Treron australis (delno)
=500  se navaja tudi kot Calopelia brehmeri; vključuje sinonim Calopelia puella
=501  se navaja tudi kot Tympanistria tympanistria
=502  se navaja tudi kot Tchitrea bourbonnensis
=503  prej vključena kot Serinus gularis (delno)
=504  se navaja tudi kot Estrilda subflava ali Sporaeginthus subflavus
=505  prej vključena kot Lagonosticta larvata (delno)
=506  vključuje rodovni sinonim Spermestes
=507  se navaja tudi kot Euodice cantans; prej vključena kot Lonchura malabarica
=508  se navaja tudi kot Hypargos nitidulus
=509  prej vključena kot Parmoptila woodhousei (delno)
=510  vključuje sinonims Pyrenestes frommi in Pyrenestes rothschildi
=511  se navaja tudi kot Estrilda bengala
=512  se navaja tudi kot Malimbus rubriceps ali Anaplectes melanotis
=513  se navaja tudi kot Coliuspasser ardens
=514  prej vključena kot Euplectes orix (delno)
=515  se navaja tudi kot Coliuspasser macrourus
=516  se navaja tudi kot Ploceus superciliosus
=517  vključuje sinonim Ploceus nigriceps
=518  se navaja tudi kot Sitagra luteola
=519  se navaja tudi kot Sitagra melanocephala
=520  prej vključena kot Ploceus velatus
=521  se navaja tudi kot Hypochera chalybeata; vključuje sinonime Vidua
      amauropteryx, Vidua centralis, Vidua neumanni, Vidua okavangoensis in Vidua
=522  prej vključena kot Vidua paradisaea (delno)
=523  se navaja tudi kot Pelusios subniger
=524  prej vključena v rod Natrix
=525  prej vključena kot Talauma hodgsonii; se navaja tudi kot Magnolia hodgsonii in
      Magnolia candollii var. obovata
4. Imena držav ob imenih vrst so imena tistih držav, ki so te vrste vključile v ta dodatek.
5. V določbe konvencije je zajeta vsaka žival, živa ali mrtva, vrste iz tega dodatka, kot tudi vsak lahko prepoznaven del take živali ali izdelek iz nje.
6. V skladu s pododstavkom (iii) odstavka (b) I. člena konvencije, znak (#), ki mu sledi številka, ob imenu rastlinske vrste iz Dodatka III določa dele ali izdelke, ki so za namene konvencije navedeni v zvezi s to vrsto, kot sledi:
#1  Določa vse lahko prepoznavne dele ali izdelke razen:
    a) semen, spor in peloda (vključno s poliniji);
    b) kultur sejancev ali tkivnih kultur pridobljenih in vitro, v trdnem ali
    tekočem mediju, ki se prevažajo v sterilnih posodah, in
    c) rezanega cvetja umetno razmnoženih rastlin.
#5  Določa hlode, žagan les in furnir.
3. člen
Za izvajanje konvencije skrbi Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor.
4. člen
Ta zakon začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 801-12/99-17/1
Ljubljana, dne 21. decembra 1999
Državnega zbora
Republike Slovenije
Janez Podobnik, dr. med. l. r.

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