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Uradni list RS, št. 100/1999 z dne 10. 12. 1999
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 100/1999 z dne 10. 12. 1999


93. Zakon o ratifikaciji Sporazuma o mednarodnem cestnem prevozu med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Kraljevine Španije (BESMCP), stran 1189.

Na podlagi druge alinee prvega odstavka 107. člena in prvega odstavka 91. člena Ustave Republike Slovenije izdajam
Razglašam Zakon o ratifikaciji Sporazuma o mednarodnem cestnem prevozu med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Kraljevine Španije (BESMCP), ki ga je sprejel Državni zbor Republike Slovenije na seji 25. novembra 1999.
Št. 001-22-174/99
Ljubljana, 3. decembra 1999
Republike Slovenije
Milan Kučan l. r.
1. člen
Ratificira se Sporazum o mednarodnem cestnem prevozu med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Kraljevine Španije, podpisan 16. 11. 1995 v Madridu.
2. člen
Sporazum se v izvirniku v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku glasi:*
Republika Slovenija in Kraljevina Španija (v nadaljevanju pogodbenici) sta se v želji, da bi še naprej razvijali in izpopolnjevali cestni prevoz potnikov in blaga med državama in tranzit čez njuni ozemlji,
sporazumeli, kot sledi:
1. člen
Po tem sporazumu:
a) izraz “prevoznik“ pomeni fizično ali pravno osebo, ki je bodisi v Republiki Sloveniji ali Kraljevini Španiji po ustreznih notranjih zakonih in predpisih pooblaščena za opravljanje mednarodnega cestnega prevoza potnikov ali blaga;
b) izraz “potniško vozilo“ pomeni vsako cestno vozilo na motorni pogon,
– ki je konstruirano in prilagojeno za prevoz potnikov po cesti,
– ki ima več kot devet sedežev vključno s tistim za voznika,
– ki je registrirano na ozemlju ene od pogodbenic,
– ki se začasno izvozi na ozemlje druge pogodbenice za namen opravljanja mednarodnega prevoza potnikov na to ozemlje, s tega ozemlja ali tranzitno čez to ozemlje,
c) izraz “vozilo za prevoz blaga“ pomeni motorno vozilo, registrirano na ozemlju ene od pogodbenic, ali kombinacijo vozil, od katerih je vsaj vlečno vozilo registrirano na ozemlju ene od pogodbenic, ki je:
– izključno konstruirano ali prilagojeno za prevoz blaga in se uporablja na cestah za prevoz blaga,
– registrirano na ozemlju ene od pogodbenic,
– začasno uvoženo na ozemlje druge pogodbenice za namen mednarodnega prevoza blaga na relaciji med obema državama ali pa tranzitno čez njuni ozemlji.
2. člen
1. Prevozniki pogodbenic, ki uporabljajo vozila, registrirana na ozemlju pogodbenice, v kateri imajo svoj sedež, so pooblaščeni za opravljanje mednarodnega cestnega prevoza med ozemljema pogodbenic in tranzit čez njuni ozemlji za tuj račun ali svoj lastni račun v skladu s pogoji, določenimi v tem sporazumu.
2. Podobno in pod pogoji, določenimi v tem sporazumu, se lahko dovolijo prevoz v tretje države in iz tretjih držav in prazna vstopanja.
3. V tem sporazumu ni določila, ki bi omogočalo prevoznikom ene pogodbenice opravljati prevoz med dvema točkama na ozemlju druge pogodbenice.
3. člen
Pogodbenici bosta spoštovali določila iz katerega koli sporazuma, ki je bil sklenjen z Evropsko skupnostjo, ali izhaja iz članstva ene ali druge pogodbenice v Evropski skupnosti.
4. člen
1. Redni linijski prevozi med državama ali tranzit čez njuni ozemlji skupno odobrita pristojna organa pogodbenic po načelu vzajemnosti.
2. Izraz “redni linijski prevozi“ pomeni prevoz potnikov v določenih presledkih na določenih progah, potniki pa vstopajo in izstopajo na vnaprej določenih postajališčih.
3. Vsak pristojen organ izda dovoljenje za del proge čez svoje ozemlje.
4. Pristojna organa skupaj določita pogoje za izdajo dovoljenja, kot so trajanje, pogostost prevoza, vozni redi in cene, kot tudi druge podrobnosti, potrebne za nemoteno in učinkovito opravljanje rednega linijskega prevoza.
5. Vlogo za dovoljenje je treba nasloviti na pristojni organ države, kjer je vozilo registrirano, ki ima pravico, da tako vlogo sprejme ali zavrne. Če glede vloge ni nobenega ugovora, pristojni organ o tem obvesti pristojni organ druge pogodbenice.
6. Vlogi je treba priložiti dokumente z vsemi potrebnimi podatki (predlagani vozni redi, cene in proga, obdobje, v katerem prevozi potekajo med letom, in datum, kdaj naj bi se začeli). Pristojni organi lahko zahtevajo še druge podatke, ki so po njihovem mnenju potrebni.
5. člen
1. Po tem sporazumu so prevozi tja in nazaj na stalni progi različni prevozi tja in nazaj, pri katerih se vnaprej oblikovane skupine potnikov prevažajo iz istega izhodiščnega kraja na isti ciljni kraj.
2. Vsaka skupina potnikov, ki se je odpeljala na ciljni kraj skupaj, se kasneje vrne nazaj na izhodiščni kraj.
3. Potniki med potovanjem ne vstopajo ali izstopajo.
4. Prva vožnja nazaj in zadnja vožnja tja sta prazni vožnji.
5. Vendar pa bo štel prevoz potnikov kot prevoz tja in nazaj na stalni progi tudi v naslednjih primerih, ko pristojni organ ozemlja, na katerem se prevoz opravlja, ali pristojna organa obeh pogodbenic dovolita, da:
– potniki opravijo potovanje nazaj tako, da se pridružijo drugi skupini, ne glede na določila iz prvega odstavka tega člena;
– potniki vstopajo ali izstopajo med potovanjem ne glede na določila iz drugega odstavka tega člena;
– sta prva vožnja tja in zadnja vožnja nazaj v zaporedju prevozov sem in tja na stalni progi prazni ne glede na določila iz tretjega odstavka tega člena.
6. člen
1. Po tem sporazumu so občasni prevozi prevozi, ki ne sodijo v definicijo rednih linijskih prevozov iz 4. člena in ne v definicijo prevozov sem in tja na stalni progi iz 5. člena tega sporazuma.
Občasni prevozi so:
a) prevozi zaprtih vrat, to so prevozi, pri katerih isto vozilo prevaža isto skupino potnikov ves čas potovanja in jih pripelje nazaj na izhodiščni kraj;
b) prevozi, pri katerih vozilo prevaža potnike na vožnji tja in se vrača nazaj prazno;
c) drugi prevozi.
2. Potniki ne vstopajo ali izstopajo med vožnjo v okviru občasnih prevozov, razen kadar to dovoli pristojni organ te pogodbenice. Take vožnje se lahko opravijo v skladu z določenim zaporedjem voženj, ne da bi pri tem izgubile naravo občasnega prevoza.
7. člen
1. Za občasne prevoze iz prvega odstavka a) in b) 6. člena tega sporazuma, ki se opravljajo z vozili, registriranimi na ozemlju ene pogodbenice, ni potrebna dovolilnica na ozemlju druge pogodbenice.
2. Za občasne prevoze iz prvega odstavka c) 6. člena tega sporazuma, ki se opravljajo z vozili, registriranimi na ozemlju ene pogodbenice, ne bo potrebna dovolilnica na ozemlju druge pogodbenice, če:
– je vožnja tja prazna, vsi potniki so vstopili na istem kraju in ti isti potniki:
a) so se oblikovali kot skupina s pogodbo o prevozu, ki je bila sklenjena pred njihovim prihodom na ozemlje druge pogodbenice, kjer vstopijo in se prevažajo na ozemlje pogodbenice, v kateri je vozilo registrirano, ali
b) je te iste potnike že prej prevažal isti prevoznik po določilih iz prvega odstavka b) 6. člena tega sporazuma na ozemlje druge pogodbenice, kjer kasneje vstopijo in se prevažajo na ozemlje, na katerem je vozilo registrirano,ali
c) so bili povabljeni na ozemlje druge pogodbenice pod pogojem, da prevozne stroške plača gostitelj. Potniki morajo sestavljati homogeno skupino, to je, ne skupine, ki bi bila sestavljena samo zaradi potovanja. To skupino je treba potem prepeljati na ozemlje pogodbenice, kjer je vozilo registrirano.
3. Dovolilnice bi morale biti potrebne za prevoz na ozemlje pogodbenice v primeru občasnega prevoza, omenjenega v prvem odstavku c) 6. člena, če se ti prevozi ne opravijo v skladu z določili iz drugega odstavka tega člena.
8. člen
1. Prevozniki, ki opravljajo prevoz potnikov razen prevozov, opisanih v 4. členu, morajo imeti v svojem vozilu pravilno izpolnjen spremni dokument s seznamom potnikov, ki ga je podpisal prevoznik, pristojni carinski organi pa opremili z žigom.
2. Spremni dokument mora biti v vozilu ves čas potovanja, za katerega je bil izdan.
3. Prevoznik mora pravilno izpolniti spremni dokument in ga predložiti na zahtevo pooblaščene nadzorne osebe.
4. V primeru prevozov, pri katerih so vožnje tja prazne, kot je določeno v 7. členu tega sporazuma, je treba imeti te dokumente skupaj s spremnim dokumentom:
– v primerih iz drugega odstavka a) 7. člena: kopijo pogodbe o prevozu ali drugega ustreznega dokumenta, ki vsebuje vse osnovne podatke o tej pogodbi (še zlasti te podatke: kraj, državo in datum podpisa; kraj, državo in datum vkrcanja potnikov; kraj in ciljno državo),
– v primerih iz drugega odstavka b) 7. člena: spremni dokument, ki je bil v vozilu med naloženo vožnjo tja in med ustrezno prazno vožnjo nazaj, ki ju je opravil prevoznik zato, da bi prepeljal potnike na ozemlje druge pogodbenice,
– v primerih iz drugega odstavka c) 7. člena: pismo z vabilom gostitelja ali fotokopijo tega pisma.
9. člen
1. Za prevoze tja in nazaj na stalni progi, opisane v 5. členu in neliberalizirane občasne prevoze iz tretjega odstavka 7. člena, so potrebne dovolilnice v skladu z notranjimi zakoni in predpisi pogodbenice, na katere ozemlju se tak prevoz opravlja.
2. Vloge za dovolilnice iz prvega odstavka tega člena je treba predložiti vsaj en mesec pred potovanjem pristojnemu organu pogodbenice, na katere ozemlju se bo prevoz opravil. Take vloge morajo vsebovati te podatke:
– ime in naslov organizatorja potovanja,
– ime ali trgovski naziv in naslov prevoznika,
– registrsko številko vozila za prevoz potnikov,
– število potnikov,
– datume prehoda državne meje in imena mednarodnih mejnih prehodov za vsak vstop in izstop, vključno z navedbo razdalje, prevožene tako s potniki kot brez njih,
– potek vožnje in kraje, kjer potniki vstopajo in izstopajo,
– imena postajališč s prenočevanjem, vključno z naslovom prenočišča, če je znan,
– vrsto prevoza: prevoz tja in nazaj na stalni progi ali občasni prevoz.
3. Vstop praznega vozila z namenom zamenjati pokvarjeno vozilo iste registracije se dovoli s posebnim dokumentom, ki ga izda pristojni organ pogodbenice, na ozemlju katere se je vozilo pokvarilo.
10. člen
Za vse mednarodne prevoze blaga na ozemlje pogodbenice in z njenega ozemlja, ki se opravljajo z vozili, registriranimi v drugi pogodbenici, je potrebna predhodna dovolilnica, razen za prevoz:
a) pošte,
b) pokvarjenega vozila ali vozila, ki ga je treba popraviti,
c) smeti in drugih odpadkov,
d) mrtvih živali, ki bodo razkosane,
e) čebel in ribjega podmladka,
f) pogrebov,
g) blaga v motornih vozilih, katerih dovoljena naložena teža ne presega 6 ton ali katerega dovoljena teža tovora, vključno s priklopniki, ne presega 3,5 tone,
h) predmetov, potrebnih za medicinsko pomoč v primeru nesreč, še zlasti naravnih katastrof,
i) dragocenosti (npr. žlahtnih kovin), ki se opravlja s posebnimi vozili, ki jih spremlja policija ali drug varnostni organ,
j) objektov in umetniških del za razstave in sejme,
k) predmetov in gradiva za reklamne namene in informacije,
l) pribora in živali tja in nazaj za glasbene prireditve, gledališke predstave, filme, športne ali cirkuške prireditve ali sejme kot tudi predmetov za snemanje filmov ali televizijskih programov.
Mešana komisija iz 19. člena bo lahko spremenila vsebino vrstic od a) do l) gornjega odstavka.
Posadka vozila mora imeti ustrezne dokumente, ki jasno dokazujejo, da je prevoz, ki se opravlja, vključen med prevoze, omenjene v tem členu.
11. člen
1. Dovolilnice (dvostranske in tranzitne) izda pristojni organ države registracije vozila.
Za izdajanje dovolilnic bosta pristojna organa pogodbenic izmenjala po načelu vzajemnosti dogovorjeno število neizpolnjenih dovolilnic za uporabo v dvostranskem ali tranzitnem prometu.
2. Izdata se lahko dve vrsti dovolilnic:
a) Dovolilnice za vožnjo tja in nazaj, samo za eno potovanje (v obe smeri). Te dovolilnice veljajo za obdobje do treh mesecev od datuma, ko jo prevoznik izpolni,
b) Letne dovolilnice, ki veljajo za neomejeno število potovanj v obe smeri za dobo enega leta. Ključ za konverzijo letnih dovolilnic določi mešana komisija.
3. Pred začetkom potovanja mora prevoznik pravilno izpolniti dovolilnico in navesti vrsto potovanja, ki ga bo opravil.
4. Število dovolilnic, ki bodo izdane za pogodbenici, določi mešana komisija iz 19. člena tega sporazuma glede na potrebe obeh pogodbenic.
5. Z veljavnostjo Sporazuma med Republiko Slovenijo in Evropsko gospodarsko skupnostjo na področju prometa veljajo ta določila:
a) Španski prevozniki morajo uporabljati samo dovolilnico za dvostranski prevoz (namembni prevozi).
Dovolilnica ni potrebna za tranzitne prevoze, ki jih španski prevozniki opravljajo čez slovensko ozemlje.
b) Slovenski prevozniki morajo imeti dovolilnico za opravljanje dvostranskih prevozov (namembnih prevozov).
Dovolilnica ni potrebna za tranzitne prevoze na Portugalsko ali v tiste države, ki niso članice Evropske skupnosti.
6. Posadka vozila mora imeti vse potrebne dokumente, ki nesporno dokazujejo, da prevoz spada med prevoze iz tega člena.
12. člen
1. Za prevoze, ki se opravljajo z vozili, registriranimi v eni pogodbenici, med ozemljema druge pogodbenice in tretje države, bo potrebna posebna dovolilnica.
2. Za vstop na ozemlje ene pogodbenice s praznim vozilom, registriranim v drugi pogodbenici, bo potrebna posebna dovolilnica, razen v primeru prevozov, za katere ni potrebno dovoljenje, kot je določeno v 10. členu tega sporazuma.
3. Mešana komisija iz 19. člena določi pogoje in odstotek dovolilnic letne kvote, ki bi se lahko uporabljal za vstop praznih vozil kot tudi za prevoze v tretje države.
13. člen
Dovolilnica mora biti vedno v vozilu in jo je treba pokazati na zahtevo pooblaščene nadzorne osebe.
14. člen
Prevozniki in njihovo osebje, ki opravljajo prevozne dejavnosti po tem sporazumu, se morajo ravnati po zakonih in predpisih cestnega prevoza in prometa, ki veljajo na ozemlju druge pogodbenice, in so v primeru kršitve teh notranjih zakonov polno odgovorni.
Prevozne dejavnosti se morajo opravljati v skladu z zahtevami, navedenimi v dovolilnicah.
15. člen
1. Glede teže in dimenzije vozil se vsaka pogodbenica obveže, da za vozila, registrirana na ozemlju druge pogodbenice, ne bo nalagala strožjih pogojev od tistih, ki veljajo za vozila, registrirana na njenem ozemlju.
2. Kadar teža ali dimenzije praznega ali naloženega vozila presegajo najvišje meje, ki so dovoljene na ozemlju druge pogodbenice, bo lahko tako vozilo prevažalo blago samo s posebno dovolilnico od pristojnega organa te pogodbenice; prevoznik je dolžan, da se v celoti ravna po zahtevah, navedenih v dovolilnici.
3. Za prevoz nevarnih snovi je potrebna posebna dovolilnica, ki jo izda pristojni organ na ozemlju, na katerem se opravlja prevoz.
16. člen
1. Če prevoznik ali drugo osebje v vozilu, registriranem v eni pogodbenici, ne spoštuje zakonodaje, ki velja na ozemlju druge pogodbenice ali določil tega sporazuma ali pogojev iz dovolilnice, potem lahko pristojni organ države, v kateri je vozilo registrirano, na zahtevo pristojnega organa druge pogodbenice sprejme te ukrepe:
a) opozori prevoznika, ki je storil kršitev,
b) razveljavi ali začasno odvzame dovolilnice, ki prevozniku omogočajo opravljanje prevoza na ozemlju pogodbenice, kjer je bila storjena kršitev.
2. Pristojni organ, ki je tak ukrep sprejel, o tem obvesti pristojni organ druge pogodbenice, ki je ukrep predlagal.
3. Določila tega člena ne izključujejo zakonitih sankcij, ki jih lahko uporabijo sodišča ali upravni organi države, v kateri je bila storjena kršitev.
17. člen
Razen če pravo Evropske skupnosti ne določa drugače, se uporabljajo ta določila:
1. Vozila, ki so registrirana na ozemlju ene pogodbenice in se začasno izvozijo na ozemlje druge pogodbenice, da bi opravljala prevozne storitve v skladu s tem sporazumom, so oproščena cestnih in prometnih dajatev po načelu vzajemnosti.
2. Vendar pa ta oprostitev ne velja za plačilo cestnin, mostnin in drugih podobnih pristojbin, ki jih je vedno treba plačati na podlagi načela o nediskriminaciji.
3. Pri vozilih, omenjenih v prvem odstavku tega člena, ne bo treba plačati carine za:
a) vozila,
b) gorivo v običajnih količinah v rezervoarju vozila,
c) rezervne dele, ki se uvozijo na ozemlje druge pogodbenice za popravilo vozila. Zamenjani deli se ponovno izvozijo ali uničijo.
18. člen
1. Vsaka pogodbenica imenuje svoj pristojni organ, ki bo odgovoren za uresničevanje določil tega sporazuma na svojem ozemlju in za izmenjavo ustreznih informacij in statističnih podatkov. Pogodbenici morata druga drugi sporočiti ime in naslov pristojnega organa, ki ga imenujeta za opravljanje gornjih nalog.
2. Pristojna organa iz prvega odstavka tega člena si občasno izmenjujeta podatke o izdanih dovolilnicah in opravljenih voznih dejavnostih.
19. člen
1. Pogodbenici ustanovita mešano komisijo, ki bo odgovorna za pravilno uresničevanje določil iz tega sporazuma.
2. Ta komisija se sestane na željo ene ali druge pogodbenice izmenično na ozemlju ene in druge pogodbenice.
3. Vsa vprašanja glede razlage ali uporabe tega sporazuma se rešujejo z neposrednimi pogajanji na sestankih zgoraj omenjene mešane komisije.
20. člen
1. Ta sporazum se uporablja začasno od datuma podpisa in začne veljati na datum kasnejše od diplomatskih not, s katero pogodbenici druga drugo obvestita, da so bile izpolnjene potrebne ustavne zahteve v eni in drugi pogodbenici.
2. Ta sporazum velja, dokler ga po diplomatski poti ena od pogodbenic ne odpove. V tem primeru preneha sporazum veljati šest mesecev po tem, ko je bila o odpovedi obveščena druga pogodbenica.
Sestavljeno v treh izvirnikih v Madridu dne 16. novembra 1995 v slovenskem, španskem in angleškem jeziku kot enako verodostojnih besedilih.V primeru razhajanj pri razlagi velja angleško besedilo.
Za Vlado Republike
Zoran Thaler l. r.
Za Vlado Kraljevine
Javier Solana Madarioga l. r.
The Republic of Slovenia and the Kingdom of Spain (hereinafter referred to as “the Contracting parties”);
Desiring to further develop and improve road transport of passengers and goods between the two countries and in transit through their territories;
Have agreed as follows:
Article 1
Fot the purposes of this Agreement;
a) the term “carrier” shall mean any physical or legal person who, in either the Republic of Slovenia or the Kingdom of Spain, is authorized in accordance with the relevant national laws and regulations to engage in the international carriage of passengers or goods by road.
b) the term “passenger vehicle” shall mean any mechanically propelled road vehicle which:
– is constructed or adapted for use and used on the roads for the transport of passengers,
– has more than nine seats including that of the driver,
– is registered in the territory of one Contracting Party,
– is temporarily imported into the territory of the other Contracting Party for the purpose of the international carriage of passengers to, from or in transit throuh that territory.
c) the term “transport of goods vehicle” shall mean a motor vehicle registered in the territory of one Contracting Party, or a combination of vehicles of which at least the tracting vehicle is registered in the territory of one Contracting Party, which is:
– exclusively constructed or adapted for use and used on the roads for the carriage of goods,
– registered in the territory of one Contracting Party,
– temporarily imported into the territory of the other Contracting Party for the purpose of the international carriage of goods on the route between the two countries or in transit through their territories.
Article 2
1. Carriers of the Contracting Parties, using vehicles registered in the territory of the Contracting Party in which they are based, shall be authorized to perform, on hire and reward or on own account, international road transport operations between the territories of the two Contracting Parties and in transit, subject to the conditions laid down in this Agreement.
2. Similarly, and subject to the conditions laid down in this Agreement, transport operations to and from third countries and empty entries could be authorized.
3. Nothing in the present Agreement shall be construed as authorizing the carriers of one Contracting Party to carry out transport services between two points within the territory of the other Contracting Party.
Article 3
Boath Contracting Parties shall respect the provisions arising from any agreement concluded with the European Community or stemming from the membership thereof of any Contracting Party.
Article 4
1. Regular services between the two contries or in transit through their territories shall be jointly approved by the competent authorities of the Contracting Parties on the basis of the principle of reciprocity.
2. The term “regular services” denotes services whereby passengers are transported at specified intervals along specified routes and are taken up and set down at points established in advance.
3. Each competent authority shall issue an authoritation for the section of the itinerary operated in its territory.
4. The competent authorities shall jointly determine the conditions for issuing such authoritation, namely its duration, the frequency of transport operations, the timetables and scale of tariffs to be applied, as well as any other detail necessary for the smooth and efficient operation of the regular service.
5. The application for the authoritation shall be addressed to the competent authority of the country of registration of the vehicle, which has the right to either accept or refuse such application. In case the application does not raise objection, this competent authority shall communicate it to the competent authority of the other Contracting Party.
6. The application shall be furnished with documents containing all the required data (proposed timetables, tariffs and route, period in which the service is to be operated during the year and the date on which the service is intended to start). The competent authorities may require such data as they deem appropriate.
Article 5
1. For the purposes of this Agreement, the shuttle services denote various outward and return journeys whereby groups of passengers previously formed are transported from the same place of departure to the same place of destination.
2. Each group of passengers which has made the outward journey together shall subsequently be carried back to the place of departure.
3. Passengers shall not be taken up or set down during the journey.
4. The first return journey and the last outward journey shall be made empty.
5. However, the carriage of passengers shall be regarded as shuttle service even in the following cases when the competent authorities of the territory in which the transport service is operated or the competent authorities of both concerned Contracting Parties authorize that:
– the passengers perform their return journey by joining another group, notwithstanding the provisions set forth in paragraph 1 of this article,
– the passengers be taken up or set down during the journey, notwithstanding the provisions set forth in paragraph 2 of this article,
– the first outward journey and the last return journey in a sequence of shuttle-service operations be made empty, notwithstanding the provisions set forth in paragraph 3 of this article.
Article 6
1. For the purposes of this Agreement, occasional services denote services falling neither within the definition of regular services as given in article 4, nor within the definition for shuttle services provided in article 5 of this Agreement.
Occasional services are:
a) closed-door tours, i.e. services whereby the same vehicle is used to transport the same group of passengers throughout the journey and to bring them back to the same place of departure;
b) services on which the vehicle carries passengers during the outward journey, and is empty during the return;
c) all other services.
2. Passengers shall not be taken up or set down during journeys performed in the scope of occasional services except when authorized by the competent authority of the Contracting Party concerned. Such journeys may be performed according to a certain sequence of trips without losing their nature of occasional services.
Article 7
1. The occasional services referred to in article 6 paragraph 1 a) and b) of this Agreement carried out using vehicles registered in the territory of one Contracting Party will not require any transport permit in the territory of the other Contracting Party.
2. The occasional services referred to in article 6, paragraph 1 c) of this Agreement carried out using vehicles registered in the territory of one Contracting Party will not require any transport permit in the territory of the other Contracting Party, provided that:
– the outward journey is performed empty, that all passengers are taken up at the same point, and that these passengers:
a) have been formed as a group by transport contract signed before their arrival in the territory of the other Contracting Party, where they are taken up and are transported to the territory of the Contracting Party in which the vehicle is registered, or
b) have earlier been transported by the same carrier, according to provisions specified in article 6, paragraph 1 b) of this Agreement, to the territory of the other Contracting Party where they are subsequently taken up and transported to the territory where the vehicle has been registered, or
c) have been invited to come to the territory of the other Contracting Party, provided that the transport costs are paid by the host. The passengers must form a homogeneous group, i.e. not a group formed for the mere purpose of performing the journey. This group must subsequently be transported to the territory of the Contracting Party where the vehicle is registered.
3. Permits should be required for transport to the territory of the Contracting Party concerned in case of occasional services mentioned in article 6, paragraph 1 c), if such services are not performed in accordance with the provisions set forth in paragraph 2 of this article.
Article 8
1. The carriers operating passenger services, except those described in article 4, must have in their vehicles a properly completed waybill containing the list of passengers, which has been signed by the carrier and stamped by competent customs authorities.
2. The waybill must be kept in the vehicle throughout the journey for which it has been issued.
3. The carrier is required to properly complete the waybill and must produce it at the request of any authorized inspecting officer.
4. In case of services including empty outward journeys, as specified in article 7 of this Agreement, the following documents must be carried together with the waybill:
– in cases specified under indent a) article 7.2: the copy of the transport contract or another corresponding document containing all basic information on that contract (particularly the following data: place, country and the date of signature; place, country and the date of taking up the passengers; place and country of journey destination),
– in cases specified under indent b) of article 7.2: the waybill that has been kept in the vehicle during the laden outward journey and during the corresponding unladen return journey performed by the carrier in order to carry passengers to the territory of the other Contracting Party,
– in cases specified under indent c) of article 7.2: the invitation letter from the host or a photocopy of that letter.
Article 9
1. Shuttle services, described in article 5, and not liberalized occasional services mentioned in article 7.3 are subject to permits, in accordance with national laws and regulations of the Contracting Party in whose territory such transport service is operated.
2. Applications for permits mentioned in paragraph 1 of this article shall be submitted at least one moth before the journey to the competent authority of the Contracting Party in whose territory the service is to be operated. Such applications must contain the following information:
– the name and address of the journey organizer,
– the name or trade name and address of the carrier,
– the licence plate number of the passenger vehicle,
– the number of passengers,
– border crossing dates and names of border-crossing points for each entry and exit, including indication of distance travelled both with passengers and without passengers,
– the intinerary and places where passengers are taken up and set down,
– the name of the overnight-stopping place, including the address of such place of accommodation, if known,
– nature of the service: shuttle service or occasional service.
3. The unladen entrance of a vehicle in order to substitute a damaged vehicle of the same nationality will be authorized by a special document which is issued by the competent authority of the Contracting Party in which territory the vehicle has been damaged.
Article 10
All international transports of goods to and from the territory of one Contracting Party carried out by a vehicle registered in the other Contracting Party will be subject to the regime of prior permit, except in the following cases:
a) transport of mail;
b) transport of vehicles damaged or to be repaired;
c) transport of garbage and other wastes;
d) transport of dead bodies of animals to be carved up;
e) transport of bees and young fish;
f) funeral transport;
g) transport of goods in motor vehicle the permissible laden weight of which does not exceed 6 tons, or the permissible payload of which, including that of trailers, does not exceed 3,5 tons;
h) transport of necessary articles for medical assistance in case of emergency aid, specially in cases of natural disasters;
i) transport of valuables, (i. e. precious metals) performed with special vehicles escorted by the police or any other security forces;
j) transport of objects and works of art for exhibitions and fairs;
k) transport of objects and materials intended for publicity and information;
l) transport of accessories and animals intended for or comming from music performances, theatre plays, films, sport or circus events or fairs, as well as articles intended for broadcasting, recording or shooting of films or television programmes.
The Joint Committee established in Article 19 will be able to modify the contents of indents a) to l) of the upper paragraphs.
The crew of the vehicle must have adequate documents undoubtedly proving that the transport performed is included between the transports mentioned in the present article.
Article 11
1. Permits (bilateral and transit) shall be issued by the competent authority of the country of registration of the vehicle.
To enable issuing the permits, the competent authorities of the Contracting Parties shall exchange, according to the principle of reciprocity, the agreed number of unfilled permits for use in bilateral or transit traffic.
2. Two types of such permits may be issued:
a) Outward and return permits, valid for one journey only (in both directions). These permits are valid over a period of up to 3 months from the day of the permit being completed by the carrrier;
b) annual permits, valid for an unlimited number of journeys in both directions, and for a period of one year. The key of conversion of annual permits will be decided by the Joint Committee.
3. Prior to the beginning of the journey, the carrier is required to properly complete the permit whereby the type of journey to be carried out is defined.
4. The number of permits issued to the Contracting Parties will be defined by the Joint Committee mentioned in article 19 of this Agreement, according to the needs of both Contracting Parties.
5. Having entered into force the Agreement between the Republic of Slovenia and the European Economic Community in the field of Transport, the following provisions will apply:
a) the Spanish carriers shall only have to use a permit for bilateral transport (destination transport).
Transports carried out by the Spanish carriers in transit through the Slovenian territory shall not require a permit.
b) the Slovenian carriers shall require a permit to carry out bilateral (destination) transport.
They shall not need a permit for transit transport to Portugal or for transit traffic being done with destination to countries not forming part of the European Community.
6. The crew of the vehicle must have adequate documents undoubtedly proving that the transport performed is included between the transport mentioned in the present article.
Article 12
1. Transport carried out in vehicles registered in one Contracting Party between the territory of the other Contracting Party and a third country will require special permit.
2. The empty entry in the territory of one Contracting Party of a vehicle registered in the other Contracting Party will require a special permit, save in the cases of transports exempted from authorization, as referred to in article 10 of the present Agreement.
3. The Joint Committee established in article 19 will determine the conditions and percentage of permits of the annual quota which could be used for empty entries as well as for transports with third countries.
Article 13
Permits must be kept in the vehicle at all times and must be produced at the request of any authorized inspecting officer.
Article 14
Carriers and their staff performing transport activities in accordance with this Agreement are required to comply with the laws and regulations concerning road transport and road traffic in force in the territory of the other Contracting Party and shall bear full responsibility in case of violation of such national laws.
The transport activities must be performed in accordance with the requirements indicated in permits.
Article 15
1. With respect to the weights and dimensions of vehicles, each Contracting Party undertakes not to impose on vehicles registered in the territory of the other Contracting Party conditions which are more restrictive than those imposed on vehicles registered within its own territory.
2. In cases when the weight or dimensions of an empty or loaded vehicle exceed the maximum limits permitted in the territory of the other Contracting Party, it will be possible to use such a vehicle for transporting goods only after having obtained a special permit from the competent authority of that Contracting Party. The carrier is required to fully comply with requirements specified in such permits.
3. The transport of dangerous goods will require a special permit issued by the competent authority of the territory where the transport is operated.
Article 16
1. In the event that a carrier or the staff on board of a vehicle registered in one Contracting Party have not observed the legislation in force on the territory of the other Contracing Party, or the provisions of this Agreement or the conditions mentioned in the permit, the Competent Authority of the country where the vehicle is registered could, at the demand of the Competent Authority of the other Contrancting Party, take following measures:
a) to issue a warning for the carrier who committed the infringement;
b) to cancel or to temporarily withdraw the permits allowing the carrier to perform transport in the territory of the Contracting Party where the infringement was committed.
2. The competent authority which has adopted such a measure shall notify it to the competent authority of the other Contracting Party which had proposed it.
3. The provisions of this Article shall not exclude the lawful sanctions which may be applied by the courts or administration authorities of the country where the infringement happened.
Article 17
The following provisions shall be applied, unless otherwise specified by the law of the European Community:
1. Vehicles which are registered in the territory of one Contracting Party and are temporarily imported into the territory of the other Contracting Party to perform transport services in accordance with this Agreement shall be exempt, according to the reciprocity principle, from the levy of road use and traffic taxes.
2. However, this exemption shall not apply to the payment of road tolls, bridge tolls and other similar charges, which shall always be required on the basis of the principle of non discrimination.
3. On the vehicles mentioned in the paragraph 1 of this Article customs duties shall be exempted on:
a) the vehicles;
b) the fuel contained in the ordinary supply tanks of the vehicles;
c) spare parts imported into the territory of the other Contracting Party, intended for the breakdown service of a vehicle. Replaced parts shall be re-exported or destroyed.
Article 18
1. Each Contracting Party shall nominate its competent authority which will be responsible for implementing provisions of this Agreement within its territory and for exchanging appropriate information and statistical data. The contracting parties are required to communicate to each other the name and address of the competent authorities nominated to carry out the above-mentioned tasks.
2. The competent authorities mentioned in paragraph 1 of this article shall periodically exchange information on the permits issued and transport activities performed.
Article 19
1. The Contracting Parties shall form a Joint Committee which will be responsible for the proper implementation of the provisions contained in this Agreement.
2. This Committee shall meet at the request of either Contracting Party and such meetings will be held alternately in the territory of one of the Contracting Parties.
3. Any issue concerning the interpretation or the application of this Agreement shall be solved throuh direct negotiations on the occasion of the meetings of the above – mentioned Joint Committee.
Article 20
1. This Agreement shall be provisionally applied from the date of its signature and shall come into force on the date of the last diplomatic Note by which the Contracting Parties notify each other that their respective constitutional requirements have been fulfilled.
2. This Agreement shall remain in force unless it is terminated through diplomatic channels by one of the Contracting Parties. In that case, the termination of the Agreement shall take effect six months after the other Contracting Party has been notified about it.
Done in threee originals at Madrid, this 16 of November 1995, in the Slovenian, Spanish and English languages, each text being equally authentic. In case of any divergence of interpretation, the English text shall prevail.
For the Government of
the Republic of Slovenia,
Zoran Thaler (s)
For the Government of
the Kingdom of Spain,
Javier Solana Madarioga (s)
3. člen
Za izvajanje sporazuma skrbi Ministrstvo za promet in zveze.
4. člen
Ta zakon začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 326-07/99-20/1
Ljubljana, dne 25. novembra 1999
Državnega zbora
Republike Slovenije
Janez Podobnik, dr. med. l. r.
* Besedilo izvirnika sporazuma v španskem jeziku se nahaja v Sektorju za mednarodne pravne zadeve Ministrstva za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije.

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