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Številka 71
Uradni list RS, št. 71/1997 z dne 21. 11. 1997
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 71/1997 z dne 21. 11. 1997


69. Zakon o ratifikaciji Protokola k Madridskemu sporazumu o mednarodnem registriranju znamk (MPMSMR), stran 2032.

Na podlagi druge alinee prvega odstavka 107. člena in prvega odstavka 91. člena Ustave Republike Slovenije izdajam
Razglašam Zakon o ratifikaciji Protokola k Madridskemu sporazumu o mednarodnem registriranju znamk (MPMSMR), ki ga je sprejel Državni zbor Republike Slovenije na seji 28. oktobra 1997.
Št. 001-22-105/97
Ljubljana, dne 5. novembra 1997
Republike Slovenije
Milan Kučan l. r.
1. člen
Ratifica se Protokol k Madridskemu sporazumu o mednarodnem registriranju znamk, sprejet v Madridu 27. junija 1997.
2. člen
Protokol se v izvirniku v angleškem jeziku in v prevodu v slovenskem jeziku glasi:
List of the Articles of the Protocol
Article 1: Membership in the Madrid Union
Article 2: Securing Protection through International Registration
Article 3: International Application
Article 3bis: Territorial Effect
Article 3ter: Request for “Territorial Extension”
Article 4: Effects of International Registration
Article 4bis: Replacement of a National or Regional Registration by an International Registration
Article 5: Refusal and Invalidation of Effects of International Registration in Respect of Certain Contracting Parties
Article 5bis: Documentary Evidence of Legitimacy of Use of Certain Elements of the Mark
Article 5ter: Copies of Entries in International Register; Searches for Anticipations; Extracts from International Register
Article 6: Period of Validity of International Registration; Dependence and Independence of International Registration
Article 7: Renewal of International Registration
Article 8: Fees for International Application and Registration
Article 9: Recordal of Change in the Ownership of an International Registration
Article 9bis: Recordal of Certain Matters Concerning an International Registration
Article 9ter: Fees for Certain Recordals
Article 9quater: Common Office of Several Contracting States
Article 9quinquies: Transformation of an International Registration into National or Regional Applications
Article 9sexies: Safeguard of the Madrid (Stockholm) Agreement
Article 10: Assembly
Article 11: International Bureau
Article 12: Finances
Article 13: Amendment of Certain Articles of the Protocol
Article 14: Becoming Party to the Protocol; Entry into Force
Article 15: Denunciation
Article 16: Signature; Languages; Depositary Functions
Article 1
Membership in the Madrid Union
The States party to this Protocol (hereinafter referred to as “the Contracting States”), even where they are not party to the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks as revised at Stockholm in 1967 and as amended in 1979 (hereinafter referred to as “the Madrid (Stockholm) Agreement”), and the organizations referred to in Article 14(1)(b) which are party to this Protocol (hereinafter referred to as “the Contracting Organizations”) shall be members of the same Union of which countries party to the Madrid (Stockholm) Agreement are members. Any reference in this Protocol to “Contracting Parties” shall be construed as a reference to both Contracting States and Contracting Organizations.
Article 2
Securing Protection Through International Registration
(1) Where an application for the registration of a mark has been filed with the Office of a Contracting Party, or where a mark has been registered in the register of the Office of a Contracting Party, the person in whose name that application (hereinafter referred to as “the basic application”) or that registration (hereinafter referred to as “the basic registration”) stands may, subject to the provisions of this Protocol, secure protection for his mark in the territory of the Contracting Parties, by obtaining the registration of that mark in the register of the International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization (hereinafter referred to as “the international registration,” “the International Register,” “the International Bureau” and “the Organization,” respectively), provided that,
(i) where the basic application has been filed with the Office of a Contracting State or where the basic registration has been made by such an Office, the person in whose name that application or registration stands is a national of that Contracting State, or is domiciled, or has a real and effective industrial or commercial establishment, in the said Contracting State,
(ii) where the basic application has been filed with the Office of a Contracting Organization or where the basic registration has been made by such an Office, the person in whose name that application or registration stands is a national of a State member of that Contracting Organization, or is domiciled, or has a real and effective industrial or commercial establishment, in the territory of the said Contracting Organization.
(2) The application for international registration (hereinafter referred to as “the international application”) shall be filed with the International Bureau through the intermediary of the Office with which the basic application was filed or by which the basic registration was made (hereinafter referred to as “the Office of origin”), as the case may be.
(3) Any reference in this Protocol to an “Office” or an “Office of a Contracting Party” shall be construed as a reference to the office that is in charge, on behalf of a Contracting Party, of the registration of marks, and any reference in this Protocol to “marks” shall be construed as a reference to trademarks and service marks.
(4) For the purposes of this Protocol, “territory of a Contracting Party” means, where the Contracting Party is a State, the territory of that State and, where the Contracting Party is an intergovernmental organization, the territory in which the constituting treaty of that intergovernmental organization applies.
Article 3
International Application
(1) Every international application under this Protocol shall be presented on the form prescribed by the Regulations. The Office of origin shall certify that the particulars appearing in the international application correspond to the particulars appearing, at the time of the certification, in the basic application or basic registration, as the case may be. Furthermore, the said Office shall indicate,
(i) in the case of a basic application, the date and number of that application,
(ii) in the case of a basic registration, the date and number of that registration as well as the date and number of the application from which the basic registration resulted.
The Office of origin shall also indicate the date of the international application.
(2) The applicant must indicate the goods and services in respect of which protection of the mark is claimed and also, if possible, the corresponding class or classes according to the classification established by the Nice Agreement Concerning the International Classification of Goods and Services for the Purposes of the Registration of Marks. If the applicant does not give such indication, the International Bureau shall classify the goods and services in the appropriate classes of the said classification. The indication of classes given by the applicant shall be subject to control by the International Bureau, which shall exercise the said control in association with the Office of origin. In the event of disagreement between the said Office and the International Bureau, the opinion of the latter shall prevail.
(3) If the applicant claims color as a distinctive feature of his mark, he shall be required
(i) to state the fact, and to file with his international application a notice specifying the color or the combination of colors claimed;
(ii) to append to his international application copies in color of the said mark, which shall be attached to the notifications given by the International Bureau; the number of such copies shall be fixed by the Regulations.
(4) The International Bureau shall register immediately the marks filed in accordance with Article 2. The international registration shall bear the date on which the international application was received in the Office of origin, provided that the international application has been received by the International Bureau within a period of two months from that date. If the international application has not been received within that period, the international registration shall bear the date on which the said international application was received by the International Bureau. The International Bureau shall notify the international registration without delay to the Offices concerned. Marks registered in the International Register shall be published in a periodical gazette issued by the International Bureau, on the basis of the particulars contained in the international application.
(5) With a view to the publicity to be given to marks registered in the International Register, each Office shall receive from the International Bureau a number of copies of the said gazette free of charge and a number of copies at a reduced price, under the conditions fixed by the Assembly referred to in Article 10 (hereinafter referred to as “the Assembly”). Such publicity shall be deemed to be sufficient for the purposes of all the Contracting Parties, and no other publicity may be required of the holder of the international registration.
Article 3bis
Territorial Effect
The protection resulting from the international registration shall extend to any Contracting Party only at the request of the person who files the international application or who is the holder of the international registration. However, no such request can be made with respect to the Contracting Party whose Office is the Office of origin.
Article 3ter
Request for “Territorial Extension”
(1) Any request for extension of the protection resulting from the international registration to any Contracting Party shall be specially mentioned in the international application.
(2) A request for territorial extension may also be made subsequently to the international registration. Any such request shall be presented on the form prescribed by the Regulations. It shall be immediately recorded by the International Bureau, which shall notify such recordal without delay to the Office or Offices concerned. Such recordal shall be published in the periodical gazette of the International Bureau. Such territorial extension shall be effective from the date on which it has been recorded in the International Register; it shall cease to be valid on the expiry of the international registration to which it relates.
Article 4
Effects of International Registration
(1) (a) From the date of the registration or recordal effected in accordance with the provisions of Articles 3 and 3ter, the protection of the mark in each of the Contracting Parties concerned shall be the same as if the mark had been deposited direct with the Office of that Contracting Party. If no refusal has been notified to the International Bureau in accordance with Article 5(1) and (2) or if a refusal notified in accordance with the said Article has been withdrawn subsequently, the protection of the mark in the Contracting Party concerned shall, as from the said date, be the same as if the mark had been registered by the Office of that Contracting Party.
(b) The indication of classes of goods and services provided for in Article 3 shall not bind the Contracting Parties with regard to the determination of the scope of the protection of the mark.
(2) Every international registration shall enjoy the right of priority provided for by Article 4 of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property, without it being necessary to comply with the formalities prescribed in Section D of that Article.
Article 4bis
Replacement of a National or Regional Registration by an International Registration
(1) Where a mark that is the subject of a national or regional registration in the Office of a Contracting Party is also the subject of an international registration and both registrations stand in the name of the same person, the international registration is deemed to replace the national or regional registration, without prejudice to any rights acquired by virtue of the latter, provided that
(i) the protection resulting from the international registration extends to the said Contracting Party under Article 3ter (1) or (2),
(ii) all the goods and services listed in the national or regional registration are also listed in the international registration in respect of the said Contracting Party,
(iii) such extension takes effect after the date of the national or regional registration.
(2) The Office referred to in paragraph (1) shall, upon request, be required to take note in its register of the international registration.
Article 5
Refusal and Invalidation of Effects of International Registration in Respect of Certain Contracting Parties
(1) Where the applicable legislation so authorizes, any Office of a Contracting Party which has been notified by the International Bureau of an extension to that Contracting Party, under Article 3ter (1) or (2), of the protection resulting from the international registration shall have the right to declare in a notification of refusal that protection cannot be granted in the said Contracting Party to the mark which is the subject of such extension. Any such refusal can be based only on the grounds which would apply, under the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property, in the case of a mark deposited direct with the Office which notifies the refusal. However, protection may not be refused, even partially, by reason only that the applicable legislation would permit registration only in a limited number of classes or for a limited number of goods or services.
(2) (a) Any Office wishing to exercise such right shall notify its refusal to the International Bureau, together with a statement of all grounds, within the period prescribed by the law applicable to that Office and at the latest, subject to subparagraphs (b) and (c), before the expiry of one year from the date on which the notification of the extension referred to in paragraph (1) has been sent to that Office by the International Bureau.
(b) Notwithstanding subparagraph (a), any Contracting Party may declare that, for international registrations made under this Protocol, the time limit of one year referred to in subparagraph (a) is replaced by 18 months.
(c) Such declaration may also specify that, when a refusal of protection may result from an opposition to the granting of protection, such refusal may be notified by the Office of the said Contracting Party to the International Bureau after the expiry of the 18-month time limit. Such an Office may, with respect to any given international registration, notify a refusal of protection after the expiry of the 18-month time limit, but only if
(i) it has, before the expiry of the 18-month time limit, informed the International Bureau of the possibility that oppositions may be filed after the expiry of the 18-month time limit, and
(ii) the notification of the refusal based on an opposition is made within a time limit of not more than seven months from the date on which the opposition period begins; if the opposition period expires before this time limit of seven months, the notification must be made within a time limit of one month from the expiry of the opposition period.
(d) Any declaration under subparagraphs (b) or (c) may be made in the instruments referred to in Article 14(2), and the effective date of the declaration shall be the same as the date of entry into force of this Protocol with respect to the State or intergovernmental organization having made the declaration. Any such declaration may also be made later, in which case the declaration shall have effect three months after its receipt by the Director General of the Organization (hereinafter referred to as “the Director General”), or at any later date indicated in the declaration, in respect of any international registration whose date is the same as or is later than the effective date of the declaration.
(e) Upon the expiry of a period of ten years from the entry into force of this Protocol, the Assembly shall examine the operation of the system established by subparagraphs (a) to (d). Thereafter, the provisions of the said subparagraphs may be modified by a unanimous decision of the Assembly.
(3) The International Bureau shall, without delay, transmit one of the copies of the notification of refusal to the holder of the international registration. The said holder shall have the same remedies as if the mark had been deposited by him direct with the Office which has notified its refusal. Where the International Bureau has received information under paragraph (2)(c)(i), it shall, without delay, transmit the said information to the holder of the international registration.
(4) The grounds for refusing a mark shall be communicated by the International Bureau to any interested party who may so request.
(5) Any Office which has not notified, with respect to a given international registration, any provisional or final refusal to the International Bureau in accordance with paragraphs (1) and (2) shall, with respect to that international registration, lose the benefit of the right provided for in paragraph (1).
(6) Invalidation, by the competent authorities of a Contracting Party, of the effects, in the territory of that Contracting Party, of an international registration may not be pronounced without the holder of such international registration having, in good time, been afforded the opportunity of defending his rights. Invalidation shall be notified to the International Bureau.
Article 5bis
Documentary Evidence of Legitimacy of Use of Certain Elements of the Mark
Documentary evidence of the legitimacy of the use of certain elements incorporated in a mark, such as armorial bearings, escutcheons, portraits, honorary distinctions, titles, trade names, names of persons other than the name of the applicant, or other like inscriptions, which might be required by the Offices of the Contracting Parties shall be exempt from any legalization as well as from any certification other than that of the Office of origin.
Article 5ter
Copies of Entries in International Register; Searches for Anticipations; Extracts from International Register
(1) The International Bureau shall issue to any person applying therefor, upon the payment of a fee fixed by the Regulations, a copy of the entries in the International Register concerning a specific mark.
(2) The International Bureau may also, upon payment, undertake searches for anticipations among marks that are the subject of international registrations.
(3) Extracts from the International Register requested with a view to their production in one of the Contracting Parties shall be exempt from any legalization.
Article 6
Period of Validity of International Registration; Dependence and Independence of International Registration
(1) Registration of a mark at the International Bureau is effected for ten years, with the possibility of renewal under the conditions specified in Article 7.
(2) Upon expiry of a period of five years from the date of the international registration, such registration shall become independent of the basic application or the registration resulting therefrom, or of the basic registration, as the case may be, subject to the following provisions.
(3) The protection resulting from the international registration, whether or not it has been the subject of a transfer, may no longer be invoked if, before the expiry of five years from the date of the international registration, the basic application or the registration resulting therefrom, or the basic registration, as the case may be, has been withdrawn, has lapsed, has been renounced or has been the subject of a final decision of rejection, revocation, cancellation or invalidation, in respect of all or some of the goods and services listed in the international registration. The same applies if
(i) an appeal against a decision refusing the effects of the basic application,
(ii) an action requesting the withdrawal of the basic application or the revocation, cancellation or invalidation of the registration resulting from the basic application or of the basic registration, or
(iii) an opposition to the basic application
results, after the expiry of the five-year period, in a final decision of rejection, revocation, cancellation or invalidation, or ordering the withdrawal, of the basic application, or the registration resulting therefrom, or the basic registration, as the case may be, provided that such appeal, action or opposition had begun before the expiry of the said period. The same also applies if the basic application is withdrawn, or the registration resulting from the basic application or the basic registration is renounced, after the expiry of the five-year period, provided that, at the time of the withdrawal or renunciation, the said application or registration was the subject of a proceeding referred to in item (i), (ii) or (iii) and that such proceeding had begun before the expiry of the said period.
(4) The Office of origin shall, as prescribed in the Regulations, notify the International Bureau of the facts and decisions relevant under paragraph (3), and the International Bureau shall, as prescribed in the Regulations, notify the interested parties and effect any publication accordingly. The Office of origin shall, where applicable, request the International Bureau to cancel, to the extent applicable, the international registration, and the International Bureau shall proceed accordingly.
Article 7
Renewal of International Registration
(1) Any international registration may be renewed for a period of ten years from the expiry of the preceding period, by the mere payment of the basic fee and, subject to Article 8(7), of the supplementary and complementary fees provided for in Article 8(2).
(2) Renewal may not bring about any change in the international registration in its latest form.
(3) Six months before the expiry of the term of protection, the International Bureau shall, by sending an unofficial notice, remind the holder of the international registration and his representative, if any, of the exact date of expiry.
(4) Subject to the payment of a surcharge fixed by the Regulations, a period of grace of six months shall be allowed for renewal of the international registration.
Article 8
Fees for International Application and Registration
(1) The Office of origin may fix, at its own discretion, and collect, for its own benefit, a fee which it may require from the applicant for international registration or from the holder of the international registration in connection with the filing of the international application or the renewal of the international registration.
(2) Registration of a mark at the International Bureau shall be subject to the advance payment of an international fee which shall, subject to the provisions of paragraph (7)(a), include,
(i) a basic fee;
(ii) a supplementary fee for each class of the International Classification, beyond three, into which the goods or services to which the mark is applied will fall;
(iii) a complementary fee for any request for extension of protection under Article 3ter.
(3) However, the supplementary fee specified in paragraph (2)(ii) may, without prejudice to the date of the international registration, be paid within the period fixed by the Regulations if the number of classes of goods or services has been fixed or disputed by the International Bureau. If, upon expiry of the said period, the supplementary fee has not been paid or the list of goods or services has not been reduced to the required extent by the applicant, the international application shall be deemed to have been abandoned.
(4) The annual product of the various receipts from international registration, with the exception of the receipts derived from the fees mentioned in paragraph (2)(ii) and (iii), shall be divided equally among the Contracting Parties by the International Bureau, after deduction of the expenses and charges necessitated by the implementation of this Protocol.
(5) The amounts derived from the supplementary fees provided for in paragraph (2)(ii) shall be divided, at the expiry of each year, among the interested Contracting Parties in proportion to the number of marks for which protection has been applied for in each of them during that year, this number being multiplied, in the case of Contracting Parties which make an examination, by a coefficient which shall be determined by the Regulations.
(6) The amounts derived from the complementary fees provided for in paragraph (2)(iii) shall be divided according to the same rules as those provided for in paragraph (5).
(7) (a) Any Contracting Party may declare that, in connection with each international registration in which it is mentioned under Article 3ter, and in connection with the renewal of any such international registration, it wants to receive, instead of a share in the revenue produced by the supplementary and complementary fees, a fee (hereinafter referred to as “the individual fee”) whose amount shall be indicated in the declaration, and can be changed in further declarations, but may not be higher than the equivalent of the amount which the said Contracting Party’s Office would be entitled to receive from an applicant for a ten-year registration, or from the holder of a registration for a ten-year renewal of that registration, of the mark in the register of the said Office, the said amount being diminished by the savings resulting from the international procedure. Where such an individual fee is payable,
(i) no supplementary fees referred to in paragraph (2)(ii) shall be payable if only Contracting Parties which have made a declaration under this subparagraph are mentioned under Article 3ter, and
(ii) no complementary fee referred to in paragraph (2)(iii) shall be payable in respect of any Contracting Party which has made a declaration under this subparagraph.
(b) Any declaration under subparagraph (a) may be made in the instruments referred to in Article 14(2), and the effective date of the declaration shall be the same as the date of entry into force of this Protocol with respect to the State or intergovernmental organization having made the declaration. Any such declaration may also be made later, in which case the declaration shall have effect three months after its receipt by the Director General, or at any later date indicated in the declaration, in respect of any international registration whose date is the same as or is later than the effective date of the declaration.
Article 9
Recordal of Change in the Ownership of an International Registration
At the request of the person in whose name the international registration stands, or at the request of an interested Office made ex officio or at the request of an interested person, the International Bureau shall record in the International Register any change in the ownership of that registration, in respect of all or some of the Contracting Parties in whose territories the said registration has effect and in respect of all or some of the goods and services listed in the registration, provided that the new holder is a person who, under Article 2(1), is entitled to file international applications.
Article 9bis
Recordal of Certain Matters Concerning an International Registration
The International Bureau shall record in the International Register
(i) any change in the name or address of the holder of the international registration,
(ii) the appointment of a representative of the holder of the international registration and any other relevant fact concerning such representative,
(iii) any limitation, in respect of all or some of the Contracting Parties, of the goods and services listed in the international registration,
(iv) any renunciation, cancellation or invalidation of the international registration in respect of all or some of the Contracting Parties,
(v) any other relevant fact, identified in the Regulations, concerning the rights in a mark that is the subject of an international registration.
Article 9ter
Fees for Certain Recordals
Any recordal under Article 9 or under Article 9bis may be subject to the payment of a fee.
Article 9quater
Common Office of Several Contracting States
(1) If several Contracting States agree to effect the unification of their domestic legislations on marks, they may notify the Director General
(i) that a common Office shall be substituted for the national Office of each of them, and
(ii) that the whole of their respective territories shall be deemed to be a single State for the purposes of the application of all or part of the provisions preceding this Article as well as the provisions of Articles 9quinquies and 9sexies.
(2) Such notification shall not take effect until three months after the date of the communication thereof by the Director General to the other Contracting Parties.
Article 9quinquies
Transformation of an International Registration into National or Regional Applications
Where, in the event that the international registration is cancelled at the request of the Office of origin under Article 6(4), in respect of all or some of the goods and services listed in the said registration, the person who was the holder of the international registration files an application for the registration of the same mark with the Office of any of the Contracting Parties in the territory of which the international registration had effect, that application shall be treated as if it had been filed on the date of the international registration according to Article 3(4) or on the date of recordal of the territorial extension according to Article 3ter (2) and, if the international registration enjoyed priority, shall enjoy the same priority, provided that
(i) such application is filed within three months from the date on which the international registration was cancelled,
(ii) the goods and services listed in the application are in fact covered by the list of goods and services contained in the international registration in respect of the Contracting Party concerned, and
(iii) such application complies with all the requirements of the applicable law, including the requirements concerning fees.
Article 9sexies
Safeguard of the Madrid (Stockholm) Agreement
(1) Where, with regard to a given international application or a given international registration, the Office of origin is the Office of a State that is party to both this Protocol and the Madrid (Stockholm) Agreement, the provisions of this Protocol shall have no effect in the territory of any other State that is also party to both this Protocol and the Madrid (Stockholm) Agreement.
(2) The Assembly may, by a three-fourths majority, repeal paragraph (1), or restrict the scope of paragraph (1), after the expiry of a period of ten years from the entry into force of this Protocol, but not before the expiry of a period of five years from the date on which the majority of the countries party to the Madrid (Stockholm) Agreement have become party to this Protocol. In the vote of the Assembly, only those States which are party to both the said Agreement and this Protocol shall have the right to participate.
Article 10
(1) (a) The Contracting Parties shall be members of the same Assembly as the countries party to the Madrid (Stockholm) Agreement.
(b) Each Contracting Party shall be represented in that Assembly by one delegate, who may be assisted by alternate delegates, advisors, and experts.
(c) The expenses of each delegation shall be borne by the Contracting Party which has appointed it, except for the travel expenses and the subsistence allowance of one delegate for each Contracting Party, which shall be paid from the funds of the Union.
(2) The Assembly shall, in addition to the functions which it has under the Madrid (Stockholm) Agreement, also
(i) deal with all matters concerning the implementation of this Protocol;
(ii) give directions to the International Bureau concerning the preparation for conferences of revision of this Protocol, due account being taken of any comments made by those countries of the Union which are not party to this Protocol;
(iii) adopt and modify the provisions of the Regulations concerning the implementation of this Protocol;
(iv) perform such other functions as are appropriate under this Protocol.
(3) (a) Each Contracting Party shall have one vote in the Assembly. On matters concerning only countries that are party to the Madrid (Stockholm) Agreement, Contracting Parties that are not party to the said Agreement shall not have the right to vote, whereas, on matters concerning only Contracting Parties, only the latter shall have the right to vote.
(b) One-half of the members of the Assembly which have the right to vote on a given matter shall constitute the quorum for the purposes of the vote on that matter.
(c) Notwithstanding the provisions of subparagraph (b), if, in any session, the number of the members of the Assembly having the right to vote on a given matter which are represented is less than one-half but equal to or more than one-third of the members of the Assembly having the right to vote on that matter, the Assembly may make decisions but, with the exception of decisions concerning its own procedure, all such decisions shall take effect only if the conditions set forth hereinafter are fulfilled. The International Bureau shall communicate the said decisions to the members of the Assembly having the right to vote on the said matter which were not represented and shall invite them to express in writing their vote or abstention within a period of three months from the date of the communication. If, at the expiry of this period, the number of such members having thus expressed their vote or abstention attains the number of the members which was lacking for attaining the quorum in the session itself, such decisions shall take effect provided that at the same time the required majority still obtains.
(d) Subject to the provisions of Articles 5(2)(e), 9sexies (2), 12 and 13(2), the decisions of the Assembly shall require two-thirds of the votes cast.
(e) Abstentions shall not be considered as votes.
(f) A delegate may represent, and vote in the name of, one member of the Assembly only.
(4) In addition to meeting in ordinary sessions and extraordinary sessions as provided for by the Madrid (Stockholm) Agreement, the Assembly shall meet in extraordinary session upon convocation by the Director General, at the request of one-fourth of the members of the Assembly having the right to vote on the matters proposed to be included in the agenda of the session. The agenda of such an extraordinary session shall be prepared by the Director General.
Article 11
International Bureau
(1) International registration and related duties, as well as all other administrative tasks, under or concerning this Protocol, shall be performed by the International Bureau.
(2) (a) The International Bureau shall, in accordance with the directions of the Assembly, make the preparations for the conferences of revision of this Protocol.
(b) The International Bureau may consult with intergovernmental and international non-governmental organizations concerning preparations for such conferences of revision.
(c) The Director General and persons designated by him shall take part, without the right to vote, in the discussions at such conferences of revision.
(3) The International Bureau shall carry out any other tasks assigned to it in relation to this Protocol.
Article 12
As far as Contracting Parties are concerned, the finances of the Union shall be governed by the same provisions as those contained in Article 12 of the Madrid (Stockholm) Agreement, provided that any reference to Article 8 of the said Agreement shall be deemed to be a reference to Article 8 of this Protocol. Furthermore, for the purposes of Article 12(6)(b) of the said Agreement, Contracting Organizations shall, subject to a unanimous decision to the contrary by the Assembly, be considered to belong to contribution class I (one) under the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property.
Article 13
Amendment of Certain Articles of the Protocol
(1) Proposals for the amendment of Articles 10, 11, 12, and the present Article, may be initiated by any Contracting Party, or by the Director General. Such proposals shall be communicated by the Director General to the Contracting Parties at least six months in advance of their consideration by the Assembly.
(2) Amendments to the Articles referred to in paragraph (1) shall be adopted by the Assembly. Adoption shall require three-fourths of the votes cast, provided that any amendment to Article 10, and to the present paragraph, shall require four-fifths of the votes cast.
(3) Any amendment to the Articles referred to in paragraph (1) shall enter into force one month after written notifications of acceptance, effected in accordance with their respective constitutional processes, have been received by the Director General from three-fourths of those States and intergovernmental organizations which, at the time the amendment was adopted, were members of the Assembly and had the right to vote on the amendment. Any amendment to the said Articles thus accepted shall bind all the States and intergovernmental organizations which are Contracting Parties at the time the amendment enters into force, or which become Contracting Parties at a subsequent date.
Article 14
Becoming Party to the Protocol; Entry into Force
(1) (a) Any State that is a party to the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property may become party to this Protocol.
(b) Furthermore, any intergovernmental organization may also become party to this Protocol where the following conditions are fulfilled:
(i) at least one of the member States of that organization is a party to the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property;
(ii) that organization has a regional Office for the purposes of registering marks with effect in the territory of the organization, provided that such Office is not the subject of a notification under Article 9quater.
(2) Any State or organization referred to in paragraph (1) may sign this Protocol. Any such State or organization may, if it has signed this Protocol, deposit an instrument of ratification, acceptance or approval of this Protocol or, if it has not signed this Protocol, deposit an instrument of accession to this Protocol.
(3) The instruments referred to in paragraph (2) shall be deposited with the Director General.
(4) (a) This Protocol shall enter into force three months after four instruments of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession have been deposited, provided that at least one of those instruments has been deposited by a country party to the Madrid (Stockholm) Agreement and at least one other of those instruments has been deposited by a State not party to the Madrid (Stockholm) Agreement or by any of the organizations referred to in paragraph (1)(b).
(b) With respect to any other State or organization referred to in paragraph (1), this Protocol shall enter into force three months after the date on which its ratification, acceptance, approval or accession has been notified by the Director General.
(5) Any State or organization referred to in paragraph (1) may, when depositing its instrument of ratification, acceptance or approval of, or accession to, this Protocol, declare that the protection resulting from any international registration effected under this Protocol before the date of entry into force of this Protocol with respect to it cannot be extended to it.
Article 15
(1) This Protocol shall remain in force without limitation as to time.
(2) Any Contracting Party may denounce this Protocol by notification addressed to the Director General.
(3) Denunciation shall take effect one year after the day on which the Director General has received the notification.
(4) The right of denunciation provided for by this Article shall not be exercised by any Contracting Party before the expiry of five years from the date upon which this Protocol entered into force with respect to that Contracting Party.
(5) (a) Where a mark is the subject of an international registration having effect in the denouncing State or intergovernmental organization at the date on which the denunciation becomes effective, the holder of such registration may file an application for the registration of the same mark with the Office of the denouncing State or intergovernmental organization, which shall be treated as if it had been filed on the date of the international registration according to Article 3(4) or on the date of recordal of the territorial extension according to Article 3ter (2) and, if the international registration enjoyed priority, enjoy the same priority, provided that
(i) such application is filed within two years from the date on which the denunciation became effective,
(ii) the goods and services listed in the application are in fact covered by the list of goods and services contained in the international registration in respect of the denouncing State or intergovernmental organization, and
(iii) such application complies with all the requirements of the applicable law, including the requirements concerning fees.
(b) The provisions of subparagraph (a) shall also apply in respect of any mark that is the subject of an international registration having effect in Contracting Parties other than the denouncing State or intergovernmental organization at the date on which denunciation becomes effective and whose holder, because of the denunciation, is no longer entitled to file international applications under Article 2(1).
Article 16
Signature; Languages; Depositary Functions
(1) (a) This Protocol shall be signed in a single copy in the English, French and Spanish languages, and shall be deposited with the Director General when it ceases to be open for signature at Madrid. The texts in the three languages shall be equally authentic.
(b) Official texts of this Protocol shall be established by the Director General, after consultation with the interested governments and organizations, in the Arabic, Chinese, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese and Russian languages, and in such other languages as the Assembly may designate.
(2) This Protocol shall remain open for signature at Madrid until December 31, 1989.
(3) The Director General shall transmit two copies, certified by the Government of Spain, of the signed texts of this Protocol to all States and intergovernmental organizations that may become party to this Protocol.
(4) The Director General shall register this Protocol with the Secretariat of the United Nations.
(5) The Director General shall notify all States and international organizations that may become or are party to this Protocol of signatures, deposits of instruments of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession, the entry into force of this Protocol and any amendment thereto, any notification of denunciation and any declaration provided for in this Protocol.
Členi Protokola
1. člen: Članstvo v Madridski uniji
2. člen: Zagotovitev varstva z mednarodno registracijo
3. člen: Mednarodna prijava
3.bis člen: Ozemeljska veljavnost
3.ter člen: Zahteva za “ozemeljsko razširitev”
4. člen: Veljavnost mednarodne registracije
4.bis člen: Nadomestitev nacionalne ali regionalne registracije z mednarodno registracijo
5. člen: Zavrnitev in razveljavitev veljavnosti mednarodne registracije glede na posamezne pogodbenice
5.bis člen: Dokazila o zakoniti uporabi določenih elementov znamke
5.ter člen: Prepisi vpisov iz mednarodnega registra, poizvedbe o prejšnjem stanju, izpisi iz mednarodnega registra
6. člen: Trajanje veljavnosti mednarodne registracije, odvisnost in neodvisnost mednarodne registracije
7. člen: Podaljšanje mednarodne registracije
8. člen: Pristojbine za mednarodno prijavo in registracijo
9. člen: Vpis spremembe lastništva mednarodne registracije
9.bis člen: Določeni vpisi v zvezi z mednarodno registracijo
9.ter člen: Pristojbine za določene vpise
9.quater člen: Skupni urad več držav pogodbenic
9.quinquies člen: Sprememba mednarodne registracije v nacionalne ali regionalne prijave
9.sexies člen: Ohranitev Madridskega (stockholmskega) sporazuma
10. člen: Skupščina
11. člen: Mednarodni urad
12. člen: Finance
13. člen: Spremembe oziroma dopolnitve posameznih členov Protokola
14. člen: Pristop k Protokolu, začetek veljavnosti
15. člen: Odpoved
16. člen: Podpis, jeziki, naloge depozitarja
1. člen
Članstvo v Madridski uniji
Države, pogodbenice tega protokola (v nadaljnjem besedilu: države pogodbenice), tudi če niso pogodbenice Madridskega sporazuma o mednarodnem registriranju znamk, ki je bil revidiran v Stockholmu leta 1967 ter dopolnjen oziroma spremenjen leta 1979 (v nadaljnjem besedilu: Madridski (stockholmski) sporazum), in organizacije iz pododstavka b) prvega odstavka 14. člena, pogodbenice Protokola (v nadaljnjem besedilu: organizacije pogodbenice), so članice iste unije, katere članice so države pogodbenice Madridskega (stockholmskega) sporazuma. V Protokolu izraz “pogodbenice” pomeni države pogodbenice in organizacije pogodbenice.
2. člen
Zagotovitev varstva z mednarodno registracijo
1) Kadar je prijava za registracijo znamke vložena pri uradu pogodbenice ali kadar je znamka registrirana v registru urada pogodbenice, lahko oseba, na ime katere se glasi prijava (v nadaljnjem besedilu: osnovna prijava) ali registracija (v nadaljnjem besedilu: osnovna registracija), v skladu z določbami Protokola zagotovi varstvo za svojo znamko na ozemlju pogodbenic s tem, da pridobi registracijo za to znamko v registru Mednarodnega urada Svetovne organizacije za intelektualno lastnino (v nadaljnjem besedilu: mednarodna registracija, mednarodni register, Mednarodni urad oziroma Organizacija), pod pogojem:
i) da je osnovna prijava vložena pri uradu države pogodbenice ali da je osnovna registracija opravljena pri takem uradu in je oseba, na ime katere se glasi prijava ali registracija, državljan te države pogodbenice ali ima v njej stalno prebivališče, ali ima na ozemlju te države pogodbenice dejansko in resno industrijsko ali trgovinsko podjetje;
ii) da je osnovna prijava vložena pri uradu organizacije pogodbenice ali da je osnovna registracija opravljena pri takem uradu in je oseba, na ime katere se glasi prijava ali registracija, državljan države članice te organizacije pogodbenice ali ima v njej stalno prebivališče, ali ima na ozemlju te organizacije pogodbenice dejansko in resno industrijsko ali trgovinsko podjetje.
2) Prijava za mednarodno registracijo (v nadaljnjem besedilu: mednarodna prijava) se vloži pri Mednarodnem uradu s posredovanjem urada, pri katerem je bila vložena osnovna prijava ali opravljena osnovna registracija (v nadaljnjem besedilu: urad izvora).
3) V Protokolu izraz “urad” ali “urad pogodbenice” pomeni urad, ki je v imenu pogodbenice pristojen za registracijo znamk, izraz “znamke” pa pomeni blagovne in storitvene znamke.
4) V Protokolu izraz “ozemlje pogodbenice” pomeni v primeru, kadar je pogodbenica država, ozemlje te države, in kadar je pogodbenica medvladna organizacija, ozemlje, za katero se uporablja ustanovitvena pogodba te medvladne organizacije.
3. člen
Mednarodna prijava
1) Vsaka mednarodna prijava, vložena po Protokolu, mora biti predložena na obrazcu, ki ga predpisuje pravilnik. Urad izvora potrdi, da podatki v mednarodni prijavi v času potrditve ustrezajo, odvisno od primera, podatkom iz osnovne prijave ali osnovne registracije. Poleg tega urad navede:
i) pri osnovni prijavi datum in številko prijave;
ii) pri osnovni registraciji datum in številko registracije kot tudi datum in številko prijave, iz katere osnovna registracija izhaja.
Urad izvora navede tudi datum mednarodne prijave.
2) Prijavitelj mora navesti proizvode in storitve, za katere se zahteva varstvo znamke, in če je možno, ustrezen razred ali razrede po klasifikaciji, sprejeti z Nicejskim sporazumom o mednarodni klasifikaciji proizvodov in storitev za registracijo znamk. Če prijavitelj tega ne navede, Mednarodni urad razvrsti proizvode in storitve v ustrezne razrede omenjene klasifikacije. Mednarodni urad v sodelovanju z uradom izvora preveri prijaviteljeve navedbe razredov. Če se urad izvora in Mednarodni urad ne strinjata, je odločilno mnenje Mednarodnega urada.
3) Če prijavitelj zahteva barvo kot razločevalni element svoje znamke, mora:
i) to navesti in k svoji mednarodni prijavi dodati opombo, s katero označi zahtevano barvo ali kombinacijo barv;
ii) priložiti k mednarodni prijavi barvne izvode omenjene znamke, ki jih Mednarodni urad priloži k svojim uradnim obvestilom; število izvodov določa pravilnik.
4) Mednarodni urad takoj registrira znamke, ki so prijavljene v skladu z 2. členom. Datum mednarodne registracije je datum prejema mednarodne prijave na uradu izvora, če Mednarodni urad prejme mednarodno prijavo v dveh mesecih od tega datuma. Če je v tem roku ne prejme, je datum mednarodne prijave datum, ko jo je Mednarodni urad prejel. Mednarodni urad o mednarodni registraciji nemudoma uradno obvesti urade, ki jih to zadeva. Znamke, registrirane v mednarodnem registru, se objavijo v periodičnem glasilu, ki ga na podlagi podatkov iz mednarodne prijave izdaja Mednarodni urad.
5) Za objavo znamk, ki so registrirane v mednarodnem registru, dobi vsak urad od Mednarodnega urada določeno število izvodov glasila brezplačno, določeno število pa po znižani ceni pod pogoji, ki jih določi skupščina iz 10. člena (v nadaljnjem besedilu: skupščina). Taka objava se šteje za zadostno za namene vseh pogodbenic in od nosilca mednarodne registracije se ne more zahtevati nobena druga objava.
3.bis člen
Ozemeljska veljavnost
Varstvo, ki izhaja iz mednarodne registracije, se razširi na pogodbenico le na zahtevo osebe, ki je vložnik prijave ali nosilec mednarodne registracije; vendar take zahteve ni moč postaviti, ko gre za pogodbenico, katere urad je urad izvora.
3.ter člen
Zahteva za “ozemeljsko razširitev”
1) Vsaka zahteva za razširitev varstva, ki izhaja iz mednarodne registracije, na eno od pogodbenic mora biti posebej navedena v mednarodni prijavi.
2) Zahteva za ozemeljsko razširitev se lahko vloži tudi po opravljeni mednarodni registraciji. Predloži se na obrazcu, ki ga predpisuje pravilnik. Mednarodni urad jo takoj vpiše in o njej nemudoma uradno obvesti urad ali urade, ki jih to zadeva. Ta vpis se objavi v periodičnem glasilu Mednarodnega urada. Ozemeljska razširitev velja od dneva vpisa v mednarodni register in neha veljati po prenehanju mednarodne registracije, na katero se nanaša.
4. člen
Veljavnost mednarodne registracije
1) a) Varstvo znamke v vsaki zadevni pogodbenici je od datuma registracije ali vpisa v skladu s 3. in 3.ter členom enako neposredni registraciji pri uradu pogodbenice. Če Mednarodni urad ni bil uradno obveščen o zavrnitvi v skladu s prvim in drugim odstavkom 5. člena ali če je bila uradno sporočena zavrnitev iz omenjenega člena kasneje umaknjena, je varstvo znamke v zadevni pogodbenici od omenjenega datuma enako, kot če bi bile znamke registrirane pri uradu te pogodbenice.
b) Navedba razredov proizvodov in storitev, predvidena po 3. členu, ne zavezuje pogodbenic pri določanju obsega varstva znamke.
2) Vsaka mednarodna registracija ima po 4. členu Pariške konvencije za varstvo industrijske lastnine prednostno pravico, ne da bi morala izpolnjevati formalnosti, ki jih predpisuje odstavek D omenjenega člena.
4.bis člen
Nadomestitev nacionalne ali regionalne registracije z mednarodno registracijo
1) Kadar se na znamko, na katero se nanaša nacionalna ali regionalna registracija pri uradu pogodbenice, hkrati nanaša tudi mednarodna registracija in se obe registraciji glasita na isto osebo, se šteje, da mednarodna registracija nadomesti nacionalno ali regionalno, ne da bi to vplivalo na pravice, pridobljene s to registracijo, pod pogojem:
i) da je varstvo, ki izhaja iz mednarodne registracije, razširjeno na omenjeno pogodbenico po prvem in drugem odstavku 3.ter člena;
ii) da so vsi proizvodi in storitve, našteti v nacionalni ali regionalni registraciji, našteti tudi v mednarodni registraciji, ki zadeva pogodbenico;
iii) da začne taka razširitev veljati po datumu nacionalne ali regionalne registracije.
2) Urad iz prvega odstavka mora na zahtevo v svojem registru zaznamovati mednarodno registracijo.
5. člen
Zavrnitev in razveljavitev veljavnosti mednarodne registracije glede na posamezne pogodbenice
1) Kadar veljavna zakonodaja to dopušča, ima vsak urad pogodbenice, ki ga je Mednarodni urad uradno obvestil o razširitvi varstva, ki izhaja iz mednarodne registracije, na to pogodbenico, po prvem ali drugem odstavku 3.ter člena v uradnem obvestilu o zavrnitvi pravico izjaviti, da v omenjeni pogodbenici ni mogoče priznati varstva znamke, na katero se nanaša ta razširitev. Vsaka taka zavrnitev je možna le na podlagi razlogov, ki bi se po Pariški konvenciji za varstvo industrijske lastnine uporabili tudi pri znamki, vloženi neposredno pri uradu, ki uradno obvešča o zavrnitvi. Varstva pa ni mogoče zavrniti niti delno samo zaradi tega, ker veljavna zakonodaja dovoljuje registracijo le omejenega števila razredov ali omejenega števila proizvodov ali storitev.
2) a) Vsak urad, ki želi uporabiti to pravico, mora svojo zavrnitev z navedbo vseh razlogov uradno sporočiti Mednarodnemu uradu v roku, predpisanem z veljavno zakonodajo, najkasneje pa, ob upoštevanju pododstavkov b) in c), pred iztekom enega leta od datuma, ko je Mednarodni urad uradno obvestil zadevni urad o razširitvi iz prvega odstavka.
b) Ne glede na pododstavek a) vsaka pogodbenica lahko izjavi, da je za mednarodne registracije, opravljene po Protokolu, enoletni rok iz pododstavka a) zamenjan z 18 meseci.
c) Kadar izhaja zavrnitev varstva iz ugovora na podelitev varstva, je v taki izjavi možno navesti, da urad pogodbenice o taki zavrnitvi lahko uradno obvesti Mednarodni urad po izteku 18-mesečnega roka, toda samo,
i) če je pred iztekom 18-mesečnega roka seznanil Mednarodni urad z možnostjo ugovorov po izteku 18-mesečnega roka in
ii) če je uradno obvestilo o zavrnitvi, ki temelji na ugovoru, poslano najkasneje v sedmih mesecih od datuma, ko je začel teči rok za ugovor; če se rok za ugovor izteče pred tem sedemmesečnim rokom, mora biti uradno obvestilo poslano v enem mesecu od izteka roka za ugovor.
d) Vsaka izjava iz pododstavka b) ali c) je lahko dana v listinah iz drugega odstavka 14. člena, datum veljavnosti take izjave pa je enak datumu začetka veljavnosti Protokola za zadevno državo ali medvladno organizacijo, ki je dala to izjavo. Taka izjava je lahko dana tudi kasneje; v tem primeru začne veljati tri mesece od dneva, ko jo generalni direktor Organizacije (v nadaljnjem besedilu: generalni direktor) prejme, ali s katerimkoli kasnejšim datumom, navedenim v izjavi, kadar gre za mednarodno registracijo z istim ali kasnejšim datumom, kot je datum začetka veljavnosti izjave.
e) Po izteku desetletnega obdobja od začetka veljavnosti Protokola skupščina preveri delovanje sistema, vzpostavljenega s pododstavki a) do d). Nato se lahko določbe iz omenjenih pododstavkov spremenijo s soglasno odločitvijo skupščine.
3) Mednarodni urad nemudoma pošlje izvod uradnega obvestila o zavrnitvi nosilcu mednarodne registracije. Omenjeni nosilec ima enaka pravna sredstva, kot če bi znamko prijavil neposredno pri uradu, ki je sporočil zavrnitev. Ko Mednarodni urad prejme uradno obvestilo iz točke i) pododstavka c) drugega odstavka, z njim nemudoma seznani nosilca mednarodne registracije.
4) Mednarodni urad sporoči razloge za zavrnitev znamke vsaki zainteresirani stranki, ki to od njega zahteva.
5) Vsak urad, ki v skladu s prvim in drugim odstavkom za določeno mednarodno registracijo uradno ne sporoči Mednarodnemu uradu začasne ali dokončne zavrnitve, za to mednarodno registracijo izgubi pravico, predvideno v prvem odstavku.
6) Pristojni organi pogodbenice ne morejo razglasiti razveljavitve veljavnosti mednarodne registracije na ozemlju te pogodbenice, če nosilcu mednarodne registracije ni bila dana možnost, da pravočasno brani svoje pravice. O razveljavitvi se uradno obvesti Mednarodni urad.
5.bis člen
Dokazila o zakoniti uporabi določenih elementov znamke
Za dokazila o zakoniti uporabi določenih elementov, ki jih vsebuje znamka, kot so grbovne slike, grbovni ščiti, portreti, častna odlikovanja, naslovi, trgovska imena, imena oseb, razen imena prijavitelja, ali drugi podobni napisi, ki bi jih utegnili zahtevati uradi pogodbenic, niso potrebne druge overitve in potrditve, razen tistih, ki jih izda urad izvora.
5.ter člen
Prepisi vpisov iz mednarodnega registra, poizvedbe o prejšnjem stanju, izpisi iz mednarodnega registra
1) Mednarodni urad izda vsakomur, ki to zahteva in plača pristojbino, določeno s pravilnikom, prepis vpisov iz mednarodnega registra, ki se nanašajo na določeno znamko.
2) Mednarodni urad lahko za plačilo opravi tudi poizvedbe o prejšnjem stanju za znamke, na katere se nanašajo mednarodne registriracije.
3) Za izpise iz mednarodnega registra, zahtevane z namenom, da bi se predložili kateri od pogodbenic, se ne zahteva overitev.
6. člen
Trajanje veljavnosti mednarodne registracije, odvisnost in neodvisnost mednarodne registracije
1) Posamezna znamka se registrira pri Mednarodnem uradu za deset let z možnostjo obnovitve po pogojih, ki jih predpisuje 7. člen.
2) Po izteku petih let od datuma mednarodne registracije postane taka registracija neodvisna od osnovne prijave ali registracije, ki iz nje izhaja, odvisno od primera, ali neodvisna od osnovne registracije ob upoštevanju naslednjih določb.
3) Na varstvo, ki izhaja iz mednarodne registracije, ne glede na to, ali je bila prenesena ali ne, se ne bo več mogoče sklicevati, če je bila pred iztekom petih let od dneva mednarodne registracije osnovna prijava ali registracija, ki iz nje izhaja, ali osnovna registracija, odvisno od primera, umaknjena, če je prenehala ali je bila odpovedana ali je bila glede nje sprejeta dokončna odločitev o zavrnitvi, preklicu, izbrisu ali razveljavitvi glede na vse ali le nekatere proizvode in storitve, naštete v mednarodni registraciji.
To velja tudi za primere, ko imajo
i) pritožba na odločitev, ki zavrača učinke osnovne prijave,
ii) postopek, s katerim se zahteva umik osnovne prijave ali odpoved, izbris ali razveljavitev registracije, izhajajoče iz osnovne prijave ali osnovne registracije, ali
iii) ugovor na osnovno prijavo
po izteku petih let za posledico dokončno odločitev o zavrnitvi, preklicu, izbrisu ali razveljavitvi ali nalog za umik osnovne prijave ali registracije, ki iz nje izhaja, ali osnovne registracije, odvisno od primera, pod pogojem, da so se pritožba, postopek ali ugovor začeli pred iztekom omenjenega roka. To velja tudi v primerih, ko je osnovna prijava umaknjena ali ko je registracija, ki iz nje izhaja, ali osnovna registracija odpovedana po izteku petletnega obdobja, pod pogojem, da v času umika ali odpovedi v zvezi z omenjeno prijavo ali registracijo teče postopek iz točk i), ii) ali iii) in da se je tak postopek začel pred iztekom omenjenega obdobja.
4) Urad izvora uradno obvesti Mednarodni urad, kot določa pravilnik, o dejstvih in odločitvah v zvezi s tretjim odstavkom. Mednarodni urad o tem uradno obvesti zainteresirane stranke in poskrbi za ustrezno objavo, kot to predpisuje pravilnik. Urad izvora, če je to primerno, zaprosi Mednarodni urad za izbris mednarodne registracije v okviru možnosti, Mednarodni urad pa naprej ustrezno ravna.
7. člen
Podaljšanje mednarodne registracije
1) Vsako mednarodno registracijo je možno podaljšati za obdobje deset let od izteka predhodnega obdobja zgolj s plačilom osnovne pristojbine in ob upoštevanju sedmega odstavka 8. člena dodatnih in dopolnilnih pristojbin iz drugega odstavka 8. člena.
2) Ob podaljšanju niso možne nobene spremembe glede na zadnje stanje mednarodne registracije.
3) Šest mesecev pred iztekom varstvenega roka Mednarodni urad neuradno spomni nosilca mednarodne registracije in njegovega morebitnega zastopnika na točen datum izteka tega roka.
4) Če je plačana dodatna pristojbina, ki jo določa pravilnik, se prizna dodatni šestmesečni rok za podaljšanje mednarodne registracije.
8. člen
Pristojbine za mednarodno prijavo in registracijo
1) V zvezi z vložitvijo mednarodne prijave ali podaljšanjem mednarodne registracije lahko urad izvora po svoji presoji določi in pobira zase pristojbino od prijavitelja ali nosilca mednarodne registracije.
2) Registracija znamke pri Mednarodnem uradu je možna ob vnaprejšnjem plačilu mednarodne pristojbine, ki ob upoštevanju določb pododstavka a) sedmega odstavka vključuje:
i) osnovno pristojbino;
ii) dodatno pristojbino za vsak razred nad tretjim razredom mednarodne klasifikacije, v katerega se uvrščajo proizvodi ali storitve, za katere se uporablja znamka;
iii) dopolnilno pristojbino za vsako zahtevo za razširitev varstva po 3.ter členu.
3) Če je število razredov proizvodov ali storitev določil ali spodbijal Mednarodni urad, je mogoče plačati dodatno pristojbino iz točke ii) drugega odstavka v roku, ki ga predpisuje pravilnik, ne da bi to vplivalo na datum mednarodne registracije. Če po izteku omenjenega roka ni bila plačana dodatna pristojbina ali če prijavitelj ni omejil seznama proizvodov ali storitev na zahtevani obseg, se šteje mednarodna prijava za umaknjeno.
4) Letno vsoto raznih dohodkov od mednarodne registracije, razen dohodkov od pristojbin iz točk ii) in iii) drugega odstavka Mednarodni urad razdeli v enakih delih med pogodbenice, potem ko odšteje stroške in dajatve, potrebne za izvajanje Protokola.
5) Zneski, ki izhajajo iz dodatnih pristojbin iz točke ii) drugega odstavka, se po izteku vsakega leta razdelijo med zainteresirane pogodbenice sorazmerno s številom znamk, za katere je bilo zahtevano varstvo v vsaki od njih v tistem letu; če so to pogodbenice, ki opravljajo preizkus, se to število pomnoži s količnikom, ki ga določa pravilnik.
6) Zneski, ki izhajajo iz dopolnilnih pristojbin iz točke iii) drugega odstavka, se razdelijo po istih pravilih, kot so tista iz petega odstavka.
7) a) Katerakoli pogodbenica lahko izjavi v zvezi z vsako mednarodno registracijo, v kateri je omenjena skladno s 3.ter členom, in v zvezi s podaljšanjem vsake mednarodne registracije, da želi dobiti namesto dela dohodka, pridobljenega z dodatnimi in dopolnilnimi pristojbinami, pristojbino (v nadaljnjem besedilu: samostojno pristojbino), katere znesek je določen v izjavi in se lahko spremeni v kasnejših izjavah, vendar pa ne sme biti višji od zneska, ki bi ga bil, zmanjšanega za prihranke, izhajajoče iz mednarodnega postopka, urad omenjene pogodbenice upravičen dobiti od prijavitelja za desetletno registracijo ali od nosilca registracije za desetletno podaljšanje registracije znamke v registru omenjenega urada. Če se plačuje samostojna pristojbina,
i) ni treba plačati nobene dodatne pristojbine iz točke ii) drugega odstavka, če so pogodbenice, ki so dale izjavo po tem pododstavku, omenjene v skladu s 3.ter členom, in
ii) ni treba plačati nobene dopolnilne pristojbine iz točke iii) drugega odstavka v zvezi s katerokoli pogodbenico, ki je dala izjavo v skladu s tem pododstavkom.
b) Vsaka izjava po pododstavku a) je lahko dana v listinah iz drugega odstavka 14. člena in začne veljati z dnem, ko za državo ali medvladno organizacijo, ki je dala izjavo, začne veljati Protokol. Za vsako mednarodno registracijo, ki ima isti ali kasnejši datum od datuma začetka veljavnosti izjave, se lahko da izjava tudi kasneje; v tem primeru začne veljati tri mesece po dnevu, ko jo je prejel generalni direktor, ali z vsakim kasnejšim datumom, navedenim v izjavi.
9. člen
Vpis spremembe lastništva mednarodne registracije
Na zahtevo osebe, na ime katere se glasi mednarodna registracija, ali na zahtevo zainteresiranega urada, ki jo je dal po uradni dolžnosti, ali na zahtevo zainteresirane osebe Mednarodni urad vpiše v mednarodni register vsako spremembo lastništva te registracije za vse ali le nekatere pogodbenice, na ozemlju katerih velja omenjena registracija, in za vse ali le nekatere proizvode in storitve, naštete v registraciji, pod pogojem, da je novi nosilec oseba, ki ima v skladu s prvim odstavkom 2. člena pravico vlagati mednarodne prijave.
9.bis člen
Določeni vpisi v zvezi z mednarodno registracijo
Mednarodni urad vpiše v mednarodni register:
i) vsako spremembo imena ali naslova nosilca mednarodne registracije,
ii) imenovanje zastopnika nosilca mednarodne registracije in vsak drug pomemben podatek v zvezi s tem zastopnikom,
iii) vsako omejitev proizvodov in storitev, naštetih v mednarodni registraciji, ki zadeva vse ali posamezne pogodbenice,
iv) vsako odpoved, izbris ali razveljavitev mednarodne registracije, ki zadeva vse ali posamezne pogodbenice,
v) vsak drug pomemben podatek, določen v pravilniku, o pravicah, izhajajočih iz znamke, na katero se nanaša mednarodna registracija.
9.ter člen
Pristojbine za določene vpise
Za vsak vpis, opravljen po 9. ali 9.bis členu, se lahko zaračuna pristojbina.
9.quater člen
Skupni urad več držav pogodbenic
1) Če se več držav pogodbenic strinja, da bodo poenotile svoje nacionalne zakone o znamkah, lahko uradno obvestijo generalnega direktorja:
i) da bo skupni urad nadomestil nacionalni urad vsake od njih in
ii) da se bodo vsa njihova zadevna ozemlja štela kot ena država pri uporabi vseh ali dela določb, ki so navedene pred tem členom, kakor tudi določb iz 9.quinquies in 9.sexies člena.
2) To uradno obvestilo začne veljati šele po treh mesecih od dneva, ko generalni direktor o njem obvesti druge pogodbenice.
9.quinquies člen
Sprememba mednarodne registracije v nacionalne ali regionalne prijave
Če se mednarodna registracija na zahtevo urada izvora v skladu s četrtim odstavkom 6. člena izbriše glede na vse ali nekatere proizvode in storitve, navedene v zadevni registraciji, in oseba, ki je bila nosilec mednarodne registracije, vloži prijavo za registracijo iste znamke pri uradu katerekoli od pogodbenic na ozemlju, na katerem je mednarodna registracija veljala, se ta prijava obravnava, kot da bi bila vložena z datumom mednarodne registracije v skladu s četrtim odstavkom 3. člena ali z datumom vpisa ozemeljske razširitve v skladu z drugim odstavkom 3.ter člena in, če je mednarodna registracija imela prednost, ima enako prednost, pod pogojem:
i) da je taka prijava vložena v treh mesecih od datuma, ko je bila mednarodna registracija izbrisana,
ii) da so glede na zadevno pogodbenico proizvodi in storitve, našteti v prijavi, dejansko vključeni v seznam proizvodov in storitev iz mednarodne registracije in
iii) da je taka prijava skladna z vsemi zahtevami veljavne zakonodaje, vključno z zahtevami glede pristojbin.
9.sexies člen
Ohranitev Madridskega (stockholmskega) sporazuma
1) Če je glede na dano mednarodno prijavo ali registracijo urad izvora urad države, ki je hkrati pogodbenica Protokola in Madridskega (stockholmskega) sporazuma, določbe Protokola ne veljajo na ozemlju druge države, ki je tudi hkrati pogodbenica Protokola in Madridskega (stockholmskega) sporazuma.
2) Skupščina lahko s tričetrtinsko večino razveljavi prvi odstavek ali omeji obseg prvega odstavka po izteku desetletnega obdobja od začetka veljavnosti Protokola, vendar ne pred iztekom petletnega obdobja od datuma, ko je večina držav pogodbenic Madridskega (stockholmskega) sporazuma postala pogodbenica Protokola. Samo države, ki so pogodbenice omenjenega sporazuma in Protokola, imajo pravico sodelovati pri glasovanju v skupščini.
10. člen
1) a) Pogodbenice so članice iste skupščine kot države, ki so pogodbenice Madridskega (stockholmskega) sporazuma.
b) Vsako pogodbenico v skupščini zastopa en delegat, ki mu lahko pomagajo namestniki, svetovalci in strokovnjaki.
c) Stroške vsake delegacije plača tista pogodbenica, ki jo je imenovala, razen potnih stroškov in dnevnic za enega delegata vsake pogodbenice, ki se plačajo iz sredstev Unije.
2) Poleg nalog, ki jih ima po Madridskem (stockholmskem) sporazumu, skupščina tudi:
i) obravnava vse zadeve v zvezi z izvajanjem Protokola;
ii) daje Mednarodnemu uradu navodila za pripravo revizijskih konferenc Protokola, skrbno pazeč na pripombe držav Unije, ki niso pogodbenice Protokola;
iii) sprejema in spreminja določbe pravilnika, ki se nanašajo na izvajanje Protokola;
iv) opravlja vse druge ustrezne naloge po Protokolu.
3) a) Vsaka pogodbenica ima v skupščini en glas. O zadevah, ki se nanašajo le na države pogodbenice Madridskega (stockholmskega) sporazuma, pogodbenice, ki niso pogodbenice omenjenega sporazuma, nimajo glasovalne pravice, medtem ko o zadevah, ki se nanašajo le na pogodbenice, lahko glasujejo le slednje.
b) Polovica članic skupščine, ki imajo pravico glasovati o določeni zadevi, sestavlja kvorum za glasovanje o tej zadevi.
c) Ne glede na določbe pododstavka b) lahko skupščina sprejema sklepe, tudi če je med zasedanjem število zastopanih članic skupščine, ki imajo pravico glasovati o določeni zadevi, manjše od polovice, vendar enako ali večje od tretjine članic skupščine, ki imajo pravico glasovati o tej zadevi; vendar pa sklepi skupščine, razen tistih, ki se nanašajo na njen postopek, začnejo učinkovati le, če so izpolnjeni spodaj navedeni pogoji. Mednarodni urad sporoči te sklepe članicam skupščine, ki imajo pravico glasovati o omenjeni zadevi, niso pa bile zastopane, in jih pozove, naj v treh mesecih od datuma tega sporočila izjavijo, ali dajejo svoj glas ali se vzdržijo. Če je po izteku tega obdobja število članic, ki so na ta način dale svoj glas ali so se vzdržale, vsaj enako številu članic, ki so manjkale, da bi se dosegel kvorum med zasedanjem, začnejo ti sklepi učinkovati, če je bila hkrati dosežena potrebna večina.
d) Ob upoštevanju določb iz pododstavka e) drugega odstavka 5. člena, drugega odstavka 9.sexies člena, 12. člena in drugega odstavka 13. člena sprejema skupščina sklepe z dvetretjinsko večino danih glasov.
e) Vzdržanje se ne šteje za glas.
f) En delegat lahko zastopa le eno članico skupščine in sme glasovati le v njenem imenu.
4) Poleg rednih in izrednih zasedanj, določenih z Madridskim (stockholmskim) sporazumom, se skupščina sestane tudi na izrednem zasedanju, ki ga skliče generalni direktor na zahtevo četrtine članic skupščine, ki imajo pravico glasovati o zadevah, ki so na dnevnemu redu zasedanja. Dnevni red takega izrednega zasedanja pripravi generalni direktor.
11. člen
Mednarodni urad
1) Mednarodno registracijo in s tem povezane dolžnosti ter druge upravne zadeve v skladu s Protokolom opravlja Mednarodni urad.
2) a) Mednarodni urad v skladu z navodili skupščine pripravlja revizijske konference Protokola.
b) Mednarodni urad se lahko posvetuje z medvladnimi in mednarodnimi nevladnimi organizacijami v zvezi s pripravo revizijskih konferenc.
c) Generalni direktor in osebe, ki jih on določi, sodelujejo brez glasovalne pravice v razpravah na teh revizijskih konferencah.
3) Mednarodni urad opravlja tudi druge naloge, ki so mu zaupane v zvezi s Protokolom.
12. člen
Za pogodbenice proračun unije urejajo iste določbe, kot jih navaja 12. člen Madridskega (stockholmskega) sporazuma, pod pogojem, da se vsako sklicevanje na 8. člen omenjenega sporazuma šteje za sklicevanje na 8. člen Protokola. Poleg tega spadajo za namene pododstavka b) šestega odstavka 12. člena omenjenega sporazuma pogodbene organizacije v prvi davčni razred po Pariški konvenciji o varstvu industrijske lastnine, razen če skupščina ne odloči drugače.
13. člen
Spremembe oziroma dopolnitve posameznih členov Protokola
1) Spremembo oziroma dopolnitev 10., 11., 12. in tega člena lahko predlaga vsaka pogodbenica ali generalni direktor. Slednji sporoči te predloge pogodbenicam vsaj šest mesecev pred predložitvijo skupščini v razpravo.
2) Vsako spremembo oziroma dopolnitev členov iz prvega odstavka sprejema skupščina. Za sprejem je potrebna tričetrtinska večina danih glasov, za vsako spremembo oziroma dopolnitev 10. člena in tega odstavka pa je potrebna štiripetinska večina danih glasov.
3) Vsaka sprememba oziroma dopolnitev členov iz prvega odstavka, sprejeta v skladu z ustreznimi ustavnimi postopki članic skupščine, začne veljati mesec dni po dnevu, ko prejme generalni direktor od treh četrtin držav in medvladnih organizacij, ki so bile članice skupščine v času, ko je bila sprememba oziroma dopolnitev sprejeta, in ki so imele pravico glasovati o njej, pisna uradna obvestila o sprejetju. Vsaka tako sprejeta sprememba oziroma dopolnitev omenjenih členov zavezuje vse države in medvladne organizacije, ki so pogodbenice v času, ko začne sprememba oziroma dopolnitev veljati, ali ki to postanejo pozneje.
14. člen
Pristop k Protokolu, začetek veljavnosti
1) a) Vsaka država pogodbenica Pariške konvencije za varstvo industrijske lastnine lahko postane pogodbenica Protokola.
b) Ravno tako lahko postane pogodbenica Protokola vsaka medvladna organizacija, če izpolnjuje naslednje pogoje:
i) da je vsaj ena država članica te organizacije pogodbenica Pariške konvencije za varstvo industrijske lastnine;
ii) da ima organizacija regionalni urad za registracijo znamk, ki veljajo na ozemlju organizacije, pod pogojem, da se na tak urad ne nanaša uradno obvestilo po 9.quater členu.
2) Vsaka država ali organizacija iz prvega odstavka lahko podpiše Protokol. Če ga je podpisala, lahko vsaka država ali organizacija deponira listino o ratifikaciji, sprejetju ali odobritvi Protokola ali, če Protokola ni podpisala, listino o pristopu k Protokolu.
3) Listine, omenjene v drugem odstavku, se deponirajo pri generalnem direktorju.
4) a) Protokol začne veljati tri mesece po deponiranju štirih listin o ratifikaciji, sprejetju, odobritvi ali pristopu, pod pogojem, da je vsaj eno od teh listin deponirala država, ki je pogodbenica Madridskega (stockholmskega) sporazuma, in da je vsaj eno od teh listin deponirala država, ki ni pogodbenica tega sporazuma, ali katerakoli izmed organizacij iz pododstavka b) prvega odstavka.
b) Za vse druge države ali organizacije iz prvega odstavka začne Protokol veljati tri mesece po uradnem obvestilu generalnega direktorja o njegovi ratifikaciji, sprejetju, odobritvi ali pristopu.
5) Vsaka država ali organizacija iz prvega odstavka lahko ob deponiranju listine o ratifikaciji, sprejetju ali odobritvi Protokola ali o pristopu k njemu izjavi, da se varstvo, ki izhaja iz mednarodne registracije po Protokolu, ne more razširiti nanjo pred datumom, ko začne Protokol zanjo veljati.
15. člen
1) Protokol velja neomejeno obdobje.
2) Vsaka pogodbenica lahko odpove Protokol z uradnim obvestilom generalnemu direktorju.
3) Odpoved začne veljati leto dni po dnevu, ko je generalni direktor prejel uradno obvestilo.
4) Pravice do odpovedi, predvidene s tem členom, pogodbenica ne more uveljaviti pred iztekom petih let od dneva, ko je Protokol zanjo začel veljati.
5) a) Kadar se na znamko nanaša mednarodna registracija, ki je veljala v državi ali medvladni organizaciji, ki odpoveduje Protokol, na dan, ko začne veljati odpoved, lahko nosilec take registracije vloži pri uradu države ali organizacije, ki daje odpoved, prijavo za registracijo te iste znamke, ki bo obravnavana, kot da bi bila vložena z dnem mednarodne registracije po četrtem odstavku 3. člena ali z dnem vpisa ozemeljske razširitve po drugem odstavku 3.ter člena, in, če je imela mednarodna registracija prednost, to prednost tudi ima, pod pogojem:
i) da je prijava vložena v dveh letih od dneva, ko je odpoved začela veljati,
ii) da so proizvodi in storitve, našteti v prijavi, dejansko vključeni v seznam proizvodov in storitev, ki ga vsebuje mednarodna registracija v zvezi z državo ali medvladno organizacijo, ki je odpovedala Protokol, in
iii) da je omenjena prijava skladna z veljavno zakonodajo, vključno z zahtevami glede pristojbin.
b) Določbe pododstavka a) se uporabljajo tudi v zvezi z vsako znamko, na katero se nanaša mednarodna registracija, veljavna za pogodbenice, ki na dan, ko je odpoved začela veljati, niso države ali medvladne organizacije, ki so odpovedale Protokol, in katere nosilec zaradi odpovedi ni več upravičen vlagati mednarodnih prijav po prvem odstavku 2. člena.
16. člen
Podpis, jeziki, naloge depozitarja
1) a) Protokol se podpiše v enem izvodu v angleškem, francoskem in španskem jeziku in je deponiran pri generalnem direktorju, ko ni več na voljo za podpis v Madridu. Besedila v vseh treh jezikih so enako verodostojna.
b) Generalni direktor sestavi po posvetu z zainteresiranimi vladami in organizacijami uradna besedila Protokola v arabskem, kitajskem, nemškem, italijanskem, japonskem, portugalskem in ruskem jeziku in v vseh drugih jezikih, ki bi jih določila skupščina.
2) Protokol ostane na voljo za podpis v Madridu do 31. decembra 1989.
3) Dve kopiji podpisanih besedil Protokola, ki ju overi španska vlada, pošlje generalni direktor vsem državam in medvladnim organizacijam, ki lahko postanejo pogodbenice Protokola.
4) Generalni direktor registrira Protokol pri Sekretariatu Organizacije združenih narodov.
5) Generalni direktor uradno obvesti vse države in mednarodne organizacije, ki lahko postanejo ali so pogodbenice Protokola, o podpisih, deponiranjih listin o ratifikaciji, sprejetju, odobritvi ali pristopu kot tudi o začetku veljavnosti in o vseh spremembah oziroma dopolnitvah Protokola, uradnih obvestilih o odpovedi in vseh izjavah, predvidenih v Protokolu.
3. člen
Za izvajanje protokola skrbi Ministrstvo za znanost in tehnologijo, Urad Republike Slovenije za intelektualno lastnino.
4. člen
Ta zakon začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 318-01/97-10/1
Ljubljana, dne 28. oktobra 1997
Državnega zbora
Republike Slovenije
Janez Podobnik, dr. med. l. r.

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