Uradni list

Številka 35
Uradni list RS, št. 35/1997 z dne 13. 6. 1997
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 35/1997 z dne 13. 6. 1997


37. Zakon o ratifikaciji Sporazuma o sodelovanju med Republiko Slovenijo in Evropskim centrom za srednjeročne vremenske napovedi (MSECSVN), stran 610.

Na podlagi druge alinee prvega odstavka 107. člena in prvega odstavka 91. člena Ustave Republike Slovenije izdajam
Razglašam Zakon o ratifikaciji sporazuma o sodelovanju med Republiko Slovenijo in Evropskim centrom za srednjeročne vremenske napovedi (MSECSVN), ki ga je sprejel Državni zbor Republike Slovenije na seji dne 27. maja 1997.
Št. 001-22-53/97
Ljubljana, dne 4. junija 1997
Republike Slovenije
Milan Kučan l. r.
1. člen
Ratificira se Sporazum o sodelovanju med Republiko Slovenijo in Evropskim centrom za srednjeročne vremenske napovedi, ki je bil sklenjen z izmenjavo pisem z dne 6. decembra 1996 in 16. januarja 1997.
2. člen
Besedilo sporazuma se v angleškem izvirniku in slovenskem prevodu glasi:
6 December 1996
Dr. Hrček,
As provided for by Article 3 of the Convention establishing the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecast (hereinafter referred to as the Convention),
Considering that the Republic of Slovenia (hereinafter referred to as Slovenia) wishes in accordance with international meteorological traditions to cooperate with the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecast (hereinafter referred to as the Centre),
The Centre proposes a co-operation agreement with Slovenia in the following terms:
Article 1
Being in the full agreement with the objectives of the Centre as defined in Article 2 of the Convention, Slovenia shall make available to the Centre all meteorological observations made or collected by Government agencies or institutions, as required.
Article 2
Slovenia shall be granted, free of charge, for its own requirements in the field of weather forecasting, a non-exclusive licence and any other non-exclusive right of use, in respect of industrial property rights, computer programs and technological information which result from work carried out pursuant to the Convention and which belong to the Centre.
Article 3
Unless otherwise agreed between the parties, the products received from the Centre under the terms of this agreement may not be communicated to third parties (non-member Governments or private entities) nor sold for commercial purposes. Slovenia will adhere to the rules and guidelines governing the distribution of results from the Centre’s work, and the dissemination of the Centre’s products, adopted by the Council of the Centre and applying to the Member States.
Article 4
The application and utilisation of the products received from the Centre under the terms of this agreement shall in no way engage the responsibility of the Centre.
Article 5
The results of the studies and research provided for in Article 2(1)(a) and (c) and the data referred to in Article 2 (1)(b) and (d) of the Convention will be made available to the meteorological office of Slovenia in the same form as to the meteorological offices of the Member States.
Article 6
The Centre shall not incur any expenses in connection with the submission of its meteorological products to Slovenia or with the establishment or maintenance of a telecommunication link between the Centre and Slovenia.
Article 7
Slovenia shall have access to the training facilities of the Centre under the same selection procedure as applies to the Member States of the Centre. The Centre shall not incur any expenses in relation to the travel and subsistence costs of trainees from Slovenia.
Article 8
The annual contribution of Slovenia to the Centre shall be one half of the contribution that Slovenia would have to pay under the provisions of Article 13(1) of the Convention were it a Member State.
i) The annual contribution of Slovenia to the Centre shall be one half of the contribution that Slovenia would have to pay under the provisions of Article 13(1) of the Convention were it a Member State.
ii) The annual contribution of Slovenia to the Centre shall be paid in accordance with Article 12 and 13 of the Convention. One half of the annual contribution shall be paid before 20 January and the remaining half before 1 June of the financial year concerned.
iii) In the event of Slovenia requesting special services not provided for in this agreement, Slovenia and the Centre shall enter into additional agreement which shall lay down the terms and conditions of implementation, the nature of any possible Slovenian contribution and the remuneration for the services rendered.
Article 9
At the time that this agreement enters into force Slovenia shall pay a single additional contribution amounting to Ł 75,000.
Article 10
The single additional contribution mentioned in Article 9 may be reviewed if there is agreement to that effect between ECMWF and Slovenia.
Article 11
i) With regard to representation at meetings of the Council and its Advisory Committees, Slovenia shall be a member of the Advisory Committee of Co-operating States (ACCS).
ii) The ACCS shall be invited to be represented at sessions of the Council and its relevant Advisory Committees by its Chairperson.
Article 12
Any dispute between the parties concerning the interpretation or the application of the provisions of this or any additional agreement subsequently entered into, which cannot be settled through direct negotiation, shall be referred to arbitration on the request of either of the parties. The arbitration procedure shall be in accordance with the following provisions:
i) The dispute shall be referred to an arbitration tribunal, set up in accordance with the first subparagraph of paragraph ii) unless the parties to the dispute agree within three months on another form of settlement.
ii) Each party to the dispute shall appoint one member of the arbitration tribunal within two months from the date on which the request referred to in paragraph i) is received. These members shall, within two months of the appointment of the second member, appoint a third member who shall be the chairman of the tribunal, and who shall not be a national of Slovenia. If the appointment of any of the three members of the tribunal has not been made within the prescribed period, it shall be made by the President of the International Court of Justice at the request of one of the parties.
The arbitration tribunal shall take decisions by a majority. Its decisions shall bind the parties to the dispute. Each party shall bear the costs of the member of the tribunal appointed by it and those relating to its representation at proceedings before tribunal. Each party to the dispute shall bear an equal share of the costs relating to the chairman of the tribunal and any other expenses, unless the tribunal decides otherwise. The tribunal shall determine its other rules of procedure.
Article 13
In the case of armed conflict resulting in the rupture of communications between the Centre and Slovenia neither party shall be held responsible for failing to fulfil its obligations under this agreement. In this case either party shall be entitled to suspend the implementation of the agreement, by unilateral decision or by mutual agreement with the other party.
Article 14
i) This co-operation agreement shall be terminated either by dissolution of the Centre or by denunciation in writing by either party.
ii) Unless otherwise mutually agreed, denunciation by either party shall take effect at the end of the second financial year following the year during which notice is given and Slovenia shall remain bound to contribute in accordance with the provisions of Article 8 of this agreement towards financing all commitments entered into by the Centre before such denunciation.
If this proposed agreement is acceptable to Slovenia, I have the honour to propose that this letter, together with your reply in that sense, shall constitute an agreement between the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts and the Republic of Slovenia, which shall enter into force on the date of the receipt of notification through diplomatic channels that the requirements for entry into force of the agreement stipulated by the internal legislation of the Slovenia have been met.
Accept, Dr. Hrček, the assurances of my highest consideration.
David Burridge
Dr. Dušan Hrček
Hydrometeorological Institute of Slovenia
Vojkova 1b
61000 Ljubljana
16 January 1997
Mr. Burridge,
I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your letter dated 6 December 1996, which reads as follows:
“As provided for by Article 3 of the Convention establishing the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecast (hereinafter referred to as the Convention),
Considering that the Republic of Slovenia (hereinafter referred to as Slovenia) wishes in accordance with international meteorological traditions to cooperate with the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecast (hereinafter referred to as the Centre),
The Centre proposes a co-operation agreement with Slovenia in the following terms:
Article 1
Being in the full agreement with the objectives of the Centre as defined in Article 2 of the Convention, Slovenia shall make available to the Centre all meteorological observations made or collected by Government agencies or institutions, as required.
Article 2
Slovenia shall be granted, free of charge, for its own requirements in the field of weather forecasting, a non-exclusive licence and any other non-exclusive right of use, in respect of industrial property rights, computer programs and technological information which result from work carried out pursuant to the Convention and which belong to the Centre.
Article 3
Unless otherwise agreed between the parties, the products received from the Centre under the terms of this agreement may not be communicated to third parties (non-member Governments or private entities) nor sold for commercial purposes. Slovenia will adhere to the rules and guidelines governing the distribution of results from the Centre’s work, and the dissemination of the Centre’s products, adopted by the Council of the Centre and applying to the Member States.
Article 4
The application and utilisation of the products received from the Centre under the terms of this agreement shall in no way engage the responsibility of the Centre.
Article 5
The results of the studies and research provided for in Article 2(1)(a) and (c) and the data referred to in Article 2 (1)(b) and (d) of the Convention will be made available to the meteorological office of Slovenia in the same form as to the meteorological offices of the Member States.
Article 6
The Centre shall not incur any expenses in connection with the submission of its meteorological products to Slovenia or with the establishment or maintenance of a telecommunication link between the Centre and Slovenia.
Article 7
Slovenia shall have access to the training facilities of the Centre under the same selection procedure as applies to the Member States of the Centre. The Centre shall not incur any expenses in relation to the travel and subsistence costs of trainees from Slovenia.
Article 8
The annual contribution of Slovenia to the Centre shall be one half of the contribution that Slovenia would have to pay under the provisions of Article 13(1) of the Convention were it a Member State.
i) The annual contribution of Slovenia to the Centre shall be one half of the contribution that Slovenia would have to pay under the provisions of Article 13(1) of the Convention were it a Member State.
ii) The annual contribution of Slovenia to the Centre shall be paid in accordance with Article 12 and 13 of the Convention. One half of the annual contribution shall be paid before 20 January and the remaining half before 1 June of the financial year concerned.
iii) In the event of Slovenia requesting special services not provided for in this agreement, Slovenia and the Centre shall enter into additional agreement which shall lay down the terms and conditions of implementation, the nature of any possible Slovenian contribution and the remuneration for the services rendered.
Article 9
At the time that this agreement enters into force Slovenia shall pay a single additional contribution amounting to Ł 75,000.
Article 10
The single additional contribution mentioned in Article 9 may be reviewed if there is agreement to that effect between ECMWF and Slovenia.
Article 11
i) With regard to representation at meetings of the Council and its Advisory Committees, Slovenia shall be a member of the Advisory Committee of Co-operating States (ACCS).
ii) The ACCS shall be invited to be represented at sessions of the Council and its relevant Advisory Committees by its Chairperson.
Article 12
Any dispute between the parties concerning the interpretation or the application of the provisions of this or any additional agreement subsequently entered into, which cannot be settled through direct negotiation, shall be referred to arbitration on the request of either of the parties. The arbitration procedure shall be in accordance with the following provisions:
i) The dispute shall be referred to an arbitration tribunal, set up in accordance with the first subparagraph of paragraph ii) unless the parties to the dispute agree within three months on another form of settlement.
ii) Each party to the dispute shall appoint one member of the arbitration tribunal within two months from the date on which the request referred to in paragraph i) is received. These members shall, within two months of the appointment of the second member, appoint a third member who shall be the chairman of the tribunal, and who shall not be a national of Slovenia. If the appointment of any of the three members of the tribunal has not been made within the prescribed period, it shall be made by the President of the International Court of Justice at the request of one of the parties.
The arbitration tribunal shall take decisions by a majority. Its decisions shall bind the parties to the dispute. Each party shall bear the costs of the member of the tribunal appointed by it and those relating to its representation at proceedings before tribunal. Each party to the dispute shall bear an equal share of the costs relating to the chairman of the tribunal and any other expenses, unless the tribunal decides otherwise. The tribunal shall determine its other rules of procedure.
Article 13
In the case of armed conflict resulting in the rupture of communications between the Centre and Slovenia neither party shall be held responsible for failing to fulfil its obligations under this agreement. In this case either party shall be entitled to suspend the implementation of the agreement, by unilateral decision or by mutual agreement with the other party.
Article 14
i) This co-operation agreement shall be terminated either by dissolution of the Centre or by denunciation in writing by either party.
ii) Unless otherwise mutually agreed, denunciation by either party shall take effect at the end of the second financial year following the year during which notice is given and Slovenia shall remain bound to contribute in accordance with the provisions of Article 8 of this agreement towards financing all commitments entered into by the Centre before such denunciation.
If this proposed agreement is acceptable to Slovenia, I have the honour to propose that this letter, together with your reply in that sense, shall constitute an agreement between the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts and the Republic of Slovenia, which shall enter into force on the date of the receipt of notification through diplomatic channels that the requirements for entry into force of the agreement stipulated by the internal legislation of the Slovenia have been met.
Accept, Dr. Hrček, the assurances of my highest consideration.”
I have the honour to inform you that the Government of the Republic of Slovenia is in agreement with the foregoing and therefore your letter of 6 December 1996 together with this reply, constitute an Agreement between the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts and the Republic of Slovenia, which shall enter into force on the date of the receipt of notification through diplomatic channels that the requirements for entry into force of the agreement stipulated by the internal legislation of my country have been met.
Accept, Mr. Burridge, the assurances of my highest consideration.
Dušan Hrček
David Burridge
Director of the European Centre for
Medium-Range Weather Forecast
Shinfield Park,
Reading, Berkshire
6. december 1996
Dr. Hrček,
kot določa 3. člen Konvencije o ustanovitvi Evropskega centra za srednjeročne vremenske napovedi (v nadaljevanju konvencija),
glede na to, da Republika Slovenija (v nadaljevanju Slovenija) želi skladno z mednarodno meteorološko tradicijo sodelovati z Evropskim centrom za srednjeročne vremenske napovedi (v nadaljevanju Center),
Center predlaga, da se s Slovenijo sklene sporazum o sodelovanju pod temi pogoji:
1. člen
Slovenija, ki se v celoti strinja s cilji Centra, kot jih določa 2. člen konvencije, daje po potrebi Centru na voljo vsa vremenska opazovanja, ki so jih opravile ali zbrale vladne agencije ali ustanove.
2. člen
Sloveniji se za njene potrebe na področju vremenskih napovedi brezplačno zagotovijo neekskluzivno dovoljenje in katere koli druge neekskluzivne pravice uporabe glede na pravice industrijske lastnine, računalniških programov in tehnoloških podatkov, ki izhajajo iz dela, ki se izvaja skladno s konvencijo, in ki pripadajo Centru.
3. člen
Če se pogodbenici ne dogovorita drugače, se proizvodi, prejeti od Centra po pogojih tega sporazuma, ne smejo posredovati tretjim stranem (vladam nečlanicam ali zasebnikom) niti se ne smejo prodajati v komercialne namene. Slovenija bo upoštevala pravila in smernice, ki veljajo za širjenje rezultatov dela Centra in za širjenje proizvodov Centra, ki jih je sprejel Svet Centra in veljajo za države članice.
4. člen
Uporaba proizvodov, ki jih je Slovenija prejela od Centra pod pogoji tega sporazuma, na noben način ne obvezuje Centra.
5. člen
Rezultati študij in raziskav, predvideni v točkah a) in c) odstavka 1) 2. člena, in podatki, ki so navedeni v točkah b) in d) odstavka 1) 2. člena konvencije, bodo na voljo Hidrometeorološkemu zavodu Slovenije v enaki obliki, kot jih prejemajo meteorološki uradi držav članic.
6. člen
Center ne krije nobenih stroškov v zvezi s pošiljanjem svojih meteoroloških podatkov v Slovenijo ali s postavitvijo ali vzdrževanjem telekomunikacijskih povezav med Centrom in Slovenijo.
7. člen
Slovenija ima dostop do naprav za usposabljanje v Centru po istem postopku za izbor, kot velja za države članice Centra. Center ne krije nobenih stroškov potovanja in dnevnic za kandidate za usposabljanje iz Slovenije.
8. člen
Letni prispevek Slovenije je polovica prispevka, ki bi ga Slovenija morala plačati po določbah odstavka 1) 13. člena konvencije, če bi bila država članica.
i) Letni prispevek Slovenije je polovica prispevka, ki bi ga Slovenija morala plačati po določbah odstavka 1) 13. člena konvencije, če bi bila država članica.
ii) Letni prispevek Slovenije Centru se plača v skladu z 12. in 13. členom konvencije. Polovica letnega prispevka se plača pred 20. januarjem, druga polovica pa pred 1. junijem ustreznega finančnega leta.
iii) Če bi Slovenija ali Center zahteval posebne storitve, ki jih ta sporazum ne zajema, skleneta Slovenija in Center dodatni sporazum, ki določa pogoje in okoliščine uresničevanja, vrsto mogočega slovenskega prispevka in način plačila prejetih storitev.
9. člen
Ko ta sporazum začne veljati, Slovenija plača enkraten dodaten prispevek v višini 75.000 funtov.
10. člen
Če se Evropski center za srednjeročne vremenske napovedi in Slovenija tako dogovorita, se lahko enkratni dodatni prispevek, naveden v 9. členu, ponovno pregleda.
11. člen
i) Glede zastopanja na sestankih Sveta in njegovih svetovalnih odborov je Slovenija članica Svetovnega odbora sodelujočih držav (ACCS).
ii) ACCS je vabljen, da ga na sestankih Sveta in njegovih svetovalnih odborov zastopa njegov predsedujoči.
12. člen
Vsi spori med pogodbenicama v zvezi z razlago ali uporabo določb tega ali katerih koli dodatnih in kasneje sklenjenih sporazumov, ki jih ni mogoče rešiti z neposrednimi pogajanji, se na zahtevo katere koli od sprtih pogodbenic predajo arbitraži. Arbitražni postopek mora biti v skladu z določbami, kot sledijo:
i) Spor je predan razsodišču, ki je imenovano v skladu s prvim pododstavkom odstavka ii), razen če bi se strankama v sporu v treh mesecih uspelo dogovoriti o drugačni obliki rešitve spora.
ii) V dveh mesecih po prejemu zahtevka, ki je omenjen v odstavku i), vsaka stranka v sporu določi enega člana razsodišča. Ta dva člana v dveh mesecih po določitvi drugega člana imenujeta tretjega člana, ki je predsednik razsodišča in ki ni državljan Slovenije. Če imenovanje katerega koli izmed treh članov razsodišča ni opravljeno v dogovorjenem roku, ga na zahtevo ene od pogodbenic imenuje predsednik Meddržavnega sodišča.
Razsodišče sprejema odločitve z večino glasov. Njegove odločitve so za stranki v sporu obvezujoče. Vsaka stranka v sporu krije stroške za člana razsodišča, ki ga je imenovala, in tiste stroške, ki so povezani z njegovim zastopanjem v postopku pred razsodiščem. Vsaka stranka v sporu krije tudi enak delež stroškov za predsednika razsodišča in vse druge stroške, razen če razsodišče ne določi drugače. Razsodišče določi tudi druga pravila postopka.
13. člen
Ob oboroženem spopadu, ki bi prekinil zvezo med Centrom in Slovenijo, ni nobena pogodbenica odgovorna za neizpolnitev obveznosti iz sporazuma. V tem primeru sta pogodbenici upravičeni do začasne prekinitve uresničevanja sporazuma, o čemer sme odločiti ena pogodbenica sama ali se dogovoriti z drugo pogodbenico.
14. člen
i) Ta sporazum o sodelovanju preneha veljati z razpustitvijo Centra ali s pisno odpovedjo katere koli pogodbenice.
ii) Če se pogodbenici ne dogovorita drugače, bo odpoved začela veljati konec drugega finančnega leta po tistem letu, v katerem je bila prejeta odpoved, in Slovenija bo v skladu z določbami 8. člena tega sporazuma obvezana prispevati k financiranju vseh obveznosti, sklenjenih s Centrom pred takšno odpovedjo.
Če je predlagani sporazum za Slovenijo sprejemljiv, bi mi bilo v čast, da bi to pismo skupaj z vašim odgovorom sestavljalo sporazum med Evropskim centrom za srednjeročne vremenske napovedi in Republiko Slovenijo, ki začne veljati z dnem, ko je po diplomatski poti prejeto obvestilo, da so bile izpolnjene zahteve z zvezi z veljavnostjo sporazuma, ki jih določa zakonodaja Slovenije.
Prejmite, dr. Hrček, izraze mojega najglobljega spoštovanja.
David Burridge
Dr. Dušan Hrček
Hidrometeorološki zavod Slovenije
Vojkova 1b
1000 Ljubljana
16. januar 1997
G. Burridge,
čast mi je potrditi prejem vašega pisma z dne 6. decembra 1996, ki glasi takole:
“Kot določa 3. člen Konvencije o ustanovitvi Evropskega centra za srednjeročne vremenske napovedi (v nadaljevanju konvencija),
glede na to, da Republika Slovenija (v nadaljevanju Slovenija) želi skladno z mednarodno meteorološko tradicijo sodelovati z Evropskim centrom za srednjeročne vremenske napovedi (v nadaljevanju Center),
Center predlaga, da se s Slovenijo sklene sporazum o sodelovanju pod temi pogoji:
1. člen
Slovenija, ki se v celoti strinja s cilji Centra, kot jih določa 2. člen konvencije, daje po potrebi Centru na voljo vsa vremenska opazovanja, ki so jih opravile ali zbrale vladne agencije ali ustanove.
2. člen
Sloveniji se za njene potrebe na področju vremenskih napovedi brezplačno zagotovijo neekskluzivno dovoljenje in katere koli druge neekskluzivne pravice uporabe glede na pravice industrijske lastnine, računalniških programov in tehnoloških podatkov, ki izhajajo iz dela, ki se izvaja skladno s konvencijo, in ki pripadajo Centru.
3. člen
Če se pogodbenici ne dogovorita drugače, se proizvodi, prejeti od Centra po pogojih tega sporazuma, ne smejo posredovati tretjim stranem (vladam nečlanicam ali zasebnikom) niti se ne smejo prodajati v komercialne namene. Slovenija bo upoštevala pravila in smernice, ki veljajo za širjenje rezultatov dela Centra in za širjenje proizvodov Centra, ki jih je sprejel Svet Centra in veljajo za države članice.
4. člen
Uporaba proizvodov, ki jih je Slovenija prejela od Centra pod pogoji tega sporazuma, na noben način ne obvezuje Centra.
5. člen
Rezultati študij in raziskav, predvideni v točkah a) in c) odstavka 1) 2. člena, in podatki, ki so navedeni v točkah b) in d) odstavka 1) 2. člena konvencije, bodo na voljo Hidrometeorološkemu zavodu Slovenije v enaki obliki, kot jih prejemajo meteorološki uradi držav članic.
6. člen
Center ne krije nobenih stroškov v zvezi s pošiljanjem svojih meteoroloških podatkov v Slovenijo ali s postavitvijo ali vzdrževanjem telekomunikacijskih povezav med Centrom in Slovenijo.
7. člen
Slovenija ima dostop do naprav za usposabljanje v Centru po istem postopku za izbor, kot velja za države članice Centra. Center ne krije nobenih stroškov potovanja in dnevnic za kandidate za usposabljanje iz Slovenije.
8. člen
Letni prispevek Slovenije je polovica prispevka, ki bi ga Slovenija morala plačati po določbah odstavka 1) 13. člena konvencije, če bi bila država članica.
i) Letni prispevek Slovenije je polovica prispevka, ki bi ga Slovenija morala plačati po določbah odstavka 1) 13. člena konvencije, če bi bila država članica.
ii) Letni prispevek Slovenije Centru se plača v skladu z 12. in 13. členom konvencije. Polovica letnega prispevka se plača pred 20. januarjem, druga polovica pa pred 1. junijem ustreznega finančnega leta.
iii) Če bi Slovenija ali Center zahteval posebne storitve, ki jih ta sporazum ne zajema, skleneta Slovenija in Center dodatni sporazum, ki določa pogoje in okoliščine uresničevanja, vrsto mogočega slovenskega prispevka in način plačila prejetih storitev.
9. člen
Ko ta sporazum začne veljati, Slovenija plača enkraten dodaten prispevek v višini 75.000 funtov.
10. člen
Če se Evropski center za srednjeročne vremenske napovedi in Slovenija tako dogovorita, se lahko enkratni dodatni prispevek, naveden v 9. členu, ponovno pregleda.
11. člen
i) Glede zastopanja na sestankih Sveta in njegovih svetovalnih odborov je Slovenija članica Svetovnega odbora sodelujočih držav (ACCS).
ii) ACCS je vabljen, da ga na sestankih Sveta in njegovih svetovalnih odborov zastopa njegov predsedujoči.
12. člen
Vsi spori med pogodbenicama v zvezi z razlago ali uporabo določb tega ali katerih koli dodatnih in kasneje sklenjenih sporazumov, ki jih ni mogoče rešiti z neposrednimi pogajanji, se na zahtevo katere koli od sprtih pogodbenic predajo arbitraži. Arbitražni postopek mora biti v skladu z določbami, kot sledijo:
i) Spor je predan razsodišču, ki je imenovano v skladu s prvim pododstavkom odstavka ii), razen če bi se strankama v sporu v treh mesecih uspelo dogovoriti o drugačni obliki rešitve spora.
ii) V dveh mesecih po prejemu zahtevka, ki je omenjen v odstavku i), vsaka stranka v sporu določi enega člana razsodišča. Ta dva člana v dveh mesecih po določitvi drugega člana imenujeta tretjega člana, ki je predsednik razsodišča in ki ni državljan Slovenije. Če imenovanje katerega koli izmed treh članov razsodišča ni opravljeno v dogovorjenem roku, ga na zahtevo ene od pogodbenic imenuje predsednik Meddržavnega sodišča.
Razsodišče sprejema odločitve z večino glasov. Njegove odločitve so za stranki v sporu obvezujoče. Vsaka stranka v sporu krije stroške za člana razsodišča, ki ga je imenovala, in tiste stroške, ki so povezani z njegovim zastopanjem v postopku pred razsodiščem. Vsaka stranka v sporu krije tudi enak delež stroškov za predsednika razsodišča in vse druge stroške, razen če razsodišče ne določi drugače. Razsodišče določi tudi druga pravila postopka.
13. člen
Ob oboroženem spopadu, ki bi prekinil zvezo med Centrom in Slovenijo, ni nobena pogodbenica odgovorna za neizpolnitev obveznosti iz sporazuma. V tem primeru sta pogodbenici upravičeni do začasne prekinitve uresničevanja sporazuma, o čemer sme odločiti ena pogodbenica sama ali se dogovoriti z drugo pogodbenico.
14. člen
i) Ta sporazum o sodelovanju preneha veljati z razpustitvijo Centra ali s pisno odpovedjo katere koli pogodbenice.
ii) Če se pogodbenici ne dogovorita drugače, bo odpoved začela veljati konec drugega finančnega leta po tistem letu, v katerem je bila prejeta odpoved, in Slovenija bo v skladu z določbami 8. člena tega sporazuma obvezana prispevati k financiranju vseh obveznosti, sklenjenih s Centrom pred takšno odpovedjo.
Če je predlagani sporazum za Slovenijo sprejemljiv, bi mi bilo v čast, da bi to pismo skupaj z vašim odgovorom sestavljalo sporazum med Evropskim centrom za srednjeročne vremenske napovedi in Republiko Slovenijo, ki začne veljati z dnem, ko je po diplomatski poti prejeto obvestilo, da so bile izpolnjene zahteve z zvezi z veljavnostjo sporazuma, ki jih določa zakonodaja Slovenije.
Prejmite, dr. Hrček, izraze mojega najglobljega spoštovanja.”
Čast mi je sporočiti vam, da se Vlada Republike Slovenije strinja z zgoraj navedenim in zato vaše pismo z dne 6. decembra 1996 skupaj s tem odgovorom, sestavlja sporazum med Centrom za srednjeročne vremenske napovedi in Republiko Slovenijo, ki začne veljati z dnem, ko je po diplomatski poti prejeto obvestilo, da so bile izpolnjene zahteve v zvezi z veljavnostjo sporazuma, ki jih določa zakonodaja moje države.
Prejmite, g. Burridge, izraze mojega najglobljega spoštovanja.
Dušan Hrček
David Burridge
direktor Evropskega centra za
srednjeročne vremenske napovedi
Shinfield Park,
Reading, Berkshire
3. člen
Za izvajanje tega sporazuma skrbi Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor – Hidrometeorološki zavod Republike Slovenije, v sodelovanju z Ministrstvom za zunanje zadeve.
4. člen
Ta zakon začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije - Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 811-01/97-1/1
Ljubljana, dne 27. maja 1997
Državnega zbora
Republike Slovenije
Janez Podobnik, dr. med. l. r.

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