Uradni list

Številka 35
Uradni list RS, št. 35/1997 z dne 13. 6. 1997
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 35/1997 z dne 13. 6. 1997


36. Zakon o ratifikaciji Sporazuma o ustanovitvi Evropske konference za molekularno biologijo (MUEKMB), stran 604.

Na podlagi druge alinee prvega odstavka 107. člena in prvega odstavka 91. člena Ustave Republike Slovenije izdajam
Razglašam Zakon o ratifikaciji Sporazuma o ustanovitvi Evropske konference za molekularno biologijo (MUEKMB), ki ga je sprejel Državni zbor Republike Slovenije na seji dne 27. maja 1997.
Št. 001-22-49/97
Ljubljana, dne 4. junija 1997
Republike Slovenije
Milan Kučan l. r.
1. člen
Ratificira se Sporazum o ustanovitvi Evropske konference za molekularno biologijo, ki je bil podpisan 13. februarja 1969 v Ženevi.
2. člen
Besedilo sporazuma v angleškem izvirniku in slovenskem prevodu se glasi:
THE STATES parties to this Agreement,
CONSCIOUS of the important role of molecular biology in the progress of science and the well-being of mankind;
CONSIDERING that there is need for completing and intensifying, through inter-governmental action, the international co-operation already prevailing in this domain;
DESIROUS of developing European co-operation in the domain of molecular biology with a view to encouraging activities which are of particular scientific merit;
TAKING NOTE of the acceptance by the European Molecular Biology Organization (hereinafter referred to as “EMBO”) of those provisions of the present Agreement which concern it;
HAVE AGREED as follows:
Article I
Establishment of the Conference
A European Molecular Biology Conference, hereinafter referred to as “the Conference”, is hereby established.
Article II
1. The Conference shall provide for co-operation among European States for fundamental research in molecular biology as well as in other areas of research closely related thereto.
2. The General Programme to be carried out under the responsibility of the Conference shall comprise in the first instance:
a) provision for training, teaching and research scholarships;
b) assistance to universities and other institutions of higher learning that wish to receive visiting professors;
c) the establishment of programmes of courses and the organization of study meetings, coordinated with the programmes of universities and other institutions of higher learning and research.
The execution of the General Programme is entrusted by the Conference to EMBO.
The General Programme, or the means of its execution, may be modified by decision of the Conference taken unanimously by the Members present and voting.
3. Projects studied by the Conference which only some Members are disposed to execute shall be termed Special Projects. Any Special Project shall be approved by the Conference by a two-thirds majority of the Members present and voting. The execution of a Special Project shall be the subject of a special agreement between the States participating in it. Any Member is entitled to participate at any later time in a Special Project which has already been approved.
Article III
The Conference
1. The Members of the Conference are the States parties to this Agreement.
2. The Conference may, by decision taken by unanimous vote of the Members present and voting; permit other European States, as well as States which have made an important contribution to the work of EMBO from its foundation, to become Members by acceding to this Agreement after it has come into force.
3. The Conference may, by unanimous vote of the Members present and voting, establish co-operation with non-Member States, national bodies or international governmental or non-governmental organizations. The conditions and terms of such co-operation shall be defined by the Conference, by unanimous vote of the Members present and voting, in each case according to the circumstances.
Article IV
Procedure and Functions of the Conference
1. The Conference shall meet once a year in ordinary session. It may also meet in extraordinary session at the request of two-thirds of all the Members.
2. Each Member hall be represented by not more than two delegates, who may be accompanied by advisers. The conference shall elect a President and two Vice-Presidents for a term extending until the next ordinary session.
3. The Conference shall:
a) take the decisions necessary to achieve the objective provided for in Article II;
b) decide upon its place of meeting;
c) be empowered to hold funds and to conclude contracts;
d) adopt its Rules of Procedure;
e) establish by a two-thirds majority of the Members present and voting such subordinate bodies as may prove necessary;
f) approve an indicative scheme for the realisation of the General Programme mentioned in Article II, paragraph 2 and specify its duration. In approving this scheme, the Conference shall determine, by unanimous vote of the Members present and voting, the maximum credits that may be committed during that period. This amount may not be varied thereafter, unless the Conference by unanimous vote of the Members present and voting so decides;
g) adopt the ordinary annual budget by a two-thirds majority of the Members present and voting and make the necessary financial arrangements;
h) approve the provisional estimate of expenditures for the two following years;
i) take note of the particular financial provisions relating to any Special Project previously adopted by those Members participating in that Project;
j) adopt Financial Regulations by a two-thirds majority of Members present and voting;
k) approve and publish its audited annual accounts;
l) approve the annual report presented by the Secretary-General.
4.a) (i) Each Member shall have one vote in the Conference.
(ii) A Member shall nevertheless not be entitled to vote with regard to the execution of a Special Project unless it has agreed to participate in that Project.
(iii) States which have signed but not yet ratified, accepted or approved this Agreement may be represented at the Conference and take part in its work, without the right to vote, for a period of two years after the coming into force of the Agreement.
(iv) A Member shall have no vote in the Conference if it has not paid its contributions for two consecutive financial years.
b) Except where otherwise stipulated in this Agreement, decisions of the Conference shall be taken by a majority of the Members present and voting.
c) The presence of delegates of a majority of all Members shall be necessary to constitute a quorum at any meeting of the Conference.
Article V
The Secretary-General
1. The Conference shall appoint, by a two-thirds majority of all Members, a Secretary-General for a defined period of time. He shall remain in office until the appointment of his successor. The Secretary-General shall assist the president of the Conference, and shall maintain continuity of business between sessions. He may undertake all such actions as are required for the conduct of the Conference’s current business.
2. The Secretary-General shall present to the Conference:
a) the draft indicative scheme referred to in Article IV, paragraph 3 f) ;
b) the ordinary budget and provisional estimate provided for in Article IV, paragraphs 3 g) and h) ;
c) the particular financial provisions for each Special Project, in accordance with Article IV, paragraph 3 i) ;
d) the audited annual accounts and the annual report called for in Article IV, paragraphs 3 k) and l) .
3. In the exercise of his duties the Secretary-General shall make use of the services of EMBO.
Article VI
The Budget
1. The annual ordinary budget for the following financial year extending from 1 January to 31 December, showing both the expenses resulting from the realisation of the General Programme and those relating to the functioning of the Conference, together with the estimated income, shall be submitted to the Conference by the Secretary-General not later than 1 October of each year.
2. The expenses of the ordinary budget shall be met by:
a) the financial contributions of Members;
b) any gifts contributed by Members in addition to their financial contributions, provided they are consistent with the purposes of the Conference;
c) any other resources, in particular gifts offered by private organizations or individuals, subject to the prior approval of the Conference given by a two-thirds majority of those present and voting.
Article VII
Contributions and Auditing
1. Each Member shall contribute both to the expenses resulting from the realisation of the General Programme and to those relating to the functioning of the Conference, in accordance with a scale which shall be decided upon every three years by the Conference by two-thirds majority of all the Members and shall be based on the average net national income at factor cost of each Member for the last three preceding years for which statistics are available.
2. The Conference may decide, by a two-thirds majority of all Members, to take account of any special circumstances affecting a Member and to modify its contribution accordingly. In applying this provision the term “special circumstances” shall be held to include in particular a situation in which the per capita national income of a Member State is less than an amount which the Conference shall fix by a two-thirds majority.
3. If a State becomes a party to the Agreement, or ceases to be a party, the scale of contribution mentioned in paragraph 1 shall be modified. The new scale shall take effect as from the beginning of the financial year following.
4. The Secretary-General shall notify Members of the amount of their contributions in accounting units representing a weight of 0.88867088 grammes of fine gold, and of the dates on which payments shall be made.
5. The Secretary-General shall keep detailed accounts of all receipts and disbursements. The Conference shall appoint auditors to audit its accounts and to examine, in conformity with the Financial Regulations, the accounts of EMBO. The Secretary-General and EMBO shall furnish the auditors with such information and help as they may require to carry out their duties.
Article VIII
Settlement of disputes
Any dispute between two or more Members concerning the interpretation of application of this Agreement which is not settled through the good offices of the Conference shall be submitted, at the request of any party to the dispute, to the International Court of Justice, unless the Members concerned agree within a reasonable lapse of time on another mode of settlement.
Article IX
1. This Agreement may be amended when not less than two-thirds of all the Members have so requested.
2. A proposal of amendment shall be placed on the agenda of the ordinary session which immediately follows the deposit of the proposal with the Secretary-General. Such a proposal may also be the object of an extraordinary session.
3. Any amendment to this Agreement shall be adopted unanimously by all the Members of the Conference, who shall notify their acceptance in writing to the Government of Switzerland.
4. Amendments shall come into force 30 days after the deposit of the last written notification of acceptance.
Article X
Subject to any agreement which may be made between Members with regard to the winding-up of the Conference, the Secretary-General shall be entrusted with all questions arising from the winding-up of the Conference. Except where otherwise provided by the Conference, the surplus shall be distributed among the Members in proportion to the contributions paid by them since the dates of their becoming parties to this Agreement. In the event of a deficit, this shall be met by the Members in the same proportions as those in which their contributions have been assessed for the current financial year.
Article XI
Final Provisions
1. This Agreement shall be open for signature by the States which have drawn it up.
2. This Agreement shall be subject to ratification, acceptance or approval. The appropriate instruments shall be deposited with the Government of Switzerland.
3. Any State not a signatory to this Agreement may accede on condition that it satisfies the provisions of Article III, paragraph 2. The instruments of accession shall be deposited with the Government of Switzerland.
4. a) This Agreement shall come into force when ratified, accepted or approved by the majority of States which have drawn it up, and on condition that the total contributions of these States represent at least 70% of the total of contributions shown in the scale annexed to this Agreement.
b) For any other signatory or acceding State the Agreement shall come into force on the date of deposit of its instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession.
c) This Agreement shall initially remain in force for a period of five years. Not less than one year before the close of that period the Conference shall meet for the purpose of deciding by two-thirds majority of all the Members either to prolong the Agreement without change, or to amend it, or to discontinue European collaboration in the field of molecular biology within the framework of the Agreement.
5. After this Agreement has been in force for five years, a State party to the Agreement may denounce it by giving notification to that effect to the Government of Switzerland. Such denunciation shall take effect:
a) at the end of the current financial year, if the notification has been given during the first nine months of that financial year;
b) at the end of the next financial year, if the notification has been given in the last three months of the current financial year.
6. If a Member fails to fulfil its obligation under this Agreement, it may be deprived of its membership by decision of the Conference taken by a majority of two-thirds of all the Members. Such decision shall be notified to signatory and acceding States by the Secretary-General.
7. The Government of Switzerland shall notify signatory and acceding States of:
a) all signatures;
b) the deposit of any instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession;
c) the entry into force of this Agreement;
d) all written acceptances notified under Article IX, paragraph 3;
e) the entry into force of any amendment; and
f) any denunciation signified in accordance with Article XI, paragraph 5.
8. The Government of Switzerland shall, upon the coming into force of this Agreement, register it with the Secretary-General of the United Nations in accordance with Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations.
Article XII
Transitional Provisions
1. For the period from the entry into force of the Agreement to 31 December following, the Conference shall make budgetary arrangements and expenditure shall be covered by assessments upon Member States established in accordance with the following paragraphs.
2. States parties to the Agreement upon its coming into force, and States which may become parties up to 31 December following, shall together bear the whole of the expenditure foreseen in the provisional budgetary arrangements which the Conference may adopt in accordance with paragraph 1 of this Article.
3. The assessments upon States covered by paragraph 2 above shall be established on a provisional basis according to the need and in conformity with Article VII, paragraph 1. On the expiry of the period indicated in paragraph 1 above, a definitive sharing of costs as between these States shall be effected on the basis of actual expenditures. Any excess payment by a State, over and above its definitive share as thus established, shall be placed to its credit.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned plenipotentiaries, having been duly authorized thereto, have signed this Agreement.
Done at Geneva, this 13 February, 1969, in the English, French and German languages, the three texts being equally authoritative, in a single original which shall be deposited in the archives of the Government of Switzerland, which shall transmit certified copies to all signatory and acceding States.
Scale of contributions drawn up by CERN for 1967 on the basis of average national incomes, 1962–1964
This scale is given here solely for the specific purposes of Article XI, paragraph 4 a). It in no way prejudges the decisions which the Conference will have to take under Article VII, paragraph 1 on the future scales of contributions.
.                                                              %
Austria                                                     1,87
Belgium                                                     3,51
Denmark                                                     2,02
Federal Republic of Germany                                22,96
France                                                     19,06
Greece                                                      1,16
Italy                                                      11,08
Netherlands                                                 3,82
Norway                                                      1,39
Spain                                                       4,26
Sweden                                                      3,96
Switzerland                                                 3,07
United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland                                           21,84
Države pogodbenice tega sporazuma so se,
ker se zavedajo pomembne vloge molekularne biologije pri napredovanju znanosti in blaginji človeštva,
ker menijo, da je treba z medvladno akcijo dopolniti in okrepiti mednarodno sodelovanje, ki že poteka na tem področju,
ker želijo razviti evropsko sodelovanje na področju molekularne biologije, zato da bi spodbujale dejavnosti, ki so posebnega znanstvenega pomena,
ker upoštevajo, da je Evropska organizacija za molekularno biologijo (European Molecular Biology Organization – v nadaljevanju EMBO) sprejela tiste določbe tega sporazuma, ki se nanašajo nanjo,
dogovorile, kot sledi:
I. člen
Ustanovitev konference
Ustanovi se Evropska konferenca za molekularno biologijo, v nadaljevanju konferenca.
II. člen
1. Konferenca skrbi za sodelovanje med evropskimi državami pri temeljnih raziskavah v molekularni biologiji kot tudi na drugih področjih raziskav, ki so z njo tesno povezana.
2. Splošni program, za uresničevanje katerega naj bi skrbela konferenca, na prvi stopnji obsega:
a) zagotovitev štipendij za strokovno usposabljanje, za predavateljsko in raziskovalno delo,
b) pomoč univerzam in drugim visokošolskim ustanovam, ki želijo sprejeti gostujoče profesorje,
c) vzpostavitev programov za tečaje in organizacijo študijskih srečanj, usklajenih s programi univerz in drugih visokošolskih in znanstvenih ustanov.
Konferenca izvedbo splošnega programa zaupa EMBO.
Splošni program oziroma sredstva za njegovo izvedbo se lahko spremenijo na podlagi odločitve konference, ki jo soglasno sprejmejo članice, ki so prisotne in glasujejo.
3. Projekti, ki jih konferenca prouči in so jih pripravljene izvesti samo nekatere članice, se imenujejo posebni projekti. Vsak poseben projekt odobri konferenca z dvotretjinsko večino članic, ki so prisotne in glasujejo. Izvedba posebnega projekta se določi s posebnim sporazumom med državami, ki pri njem sodelujejo. Vsaka članica ima pravico sodelovati kadar koli kasneje pri posebnem projektu, ki je že bil odobren.
III. člen
1. Članice konference so države pogodbenice tega sporazuma.
2. Konferenca lahko s soglasnim sklepom članic, ki so prisotne in glasujejo, dovoli drugim evropskim državam kot tudi državam, ki so bistveno prispevale k delu EMBO od njene ustanovitve naprej, da postanejo članice tako, da pristopijo k temu sporazumu, ko začne veljati.
3. Konferenca lahko s soglasnim sklepom članic, ki so prisotne in glasujejo, vzpostavi sodelovanje z državami nečlanicami, državnimi telesi ali mednarodnimi vladnimi ali nevladnimi organizacijami. Pogoje takega sodelovanja opredeli konferenca s soglasnim sklepom članic, ki so prisotne in glasujejo, v vsakem primeru glede na okoliščine.
IV. člen
Postopek in naloge konference
1. Konferenca se sestaja enkrat letno na rednem zasedanju. Lahko se sestane tudi na izrednem zasedanju na zahtevo dveh tretjin vseh članic.
2. Vsako članico zastopata največ dva delegata, ki ju lahko spremljajo svetovalci. Konferenca izvoli predsednika in dva podpredsednika za mandat, ki traja do naslednjega rednega zasedanja.
3. Konferenca:
a) sprejema odločitve, potrebne za dosego cilja, predvidenega v II. členu,
b) odloča o kraju zasedanja,
c) je pooblaščena, da ima sklade in da sklepa pogodbe,
d) sprejme svoj poslovnik,
e) z dvotretjinsko večino članic, ki so prisotne in glasujejo, ustanovi tista pomožna telesa, ki se izkažejo za potrebna,
f) potrjuje okvirni načrt za uresničevanje splošnega programa, omenjenega v drugem odstavku II. člena, in določi njegovo trajanje. Pri potrjevanju tega načrta konferenca s soglasnim sklepom članic, ki so prisotne in glasujejo, določi najvišji znesek obveznosti za to obdobje. Ta znesek se kasneje ne sme spreminjati, razen če se tako ne odloči konferenca s soglasnim sklepom članic, ki so prisotne in glasujejo,
g) sprejema redni letni proračun z dvotretjinsko večino članic, ki so prisotne in glasujejo, in sprejema potrebne finančne določbe,
h) potrjuje začasno oceno izdatkov za naslednji dve leti,
i) se seznanja s posebnimi finančnimi določbami, ki se nanašajo na kateri koli posebni projekt, ki so ga predhodno sprejele tiste članice, ki pri njem sodelujejo,
j) sprejema finančne predpise z dvotretjinsko večino članic, ki so prisotne in glasujejo,
k) potrjuje in objavlja pregledani zaključni račun,
l) potrjuje letno poročilo, ki ga predloži generalni sekretar.
4. a) (i) Vsaka članica ima na konferenci en glas.
(ii) Članica kljub temu ni upravičena do glasovanja o izvedbi posebnega projekta, razen če ni soglašala, da bo pri njem sodelovala.
(iii) Države, ki so podpisale ta sporazum, a ga še niso ratificirale, sprejele ali odobrile, so lahko zastopane na konferenci in sodelujejo pri njenem delu brez pravice do glasovanja za obdobje dveh let po začetku veljavnosti tega sporazuma.
(iv) Članica nima pravice do glasovanja na konferenci, če ni plačala svojih prispevkov za dve zaporedni obračunski leti.
b) Razen če ni v tem sporazumu drugače določeno, se sklepi konference sprejemajo z večino članic, ki so prisotne in glasujejo.
c) Za sklepčnost na katerem koli sestanku konference je potrebna prisotnost delegatov večine vseh članic.
V. člen
Generalni sekretar
1. Konferenca z dvotretjinsko večino vseh članic imenuje generalnega sekretarja za določeno časovno obdobje. Njegov mandat traja, dokler ni imenovan njegov naslednik. Generalni sekretar pomaga predsedniku konference in ohranja kontinuiteto delovanja med zasedanji. Lahko ukrepa tako, kot je potrebno za vodenje tekočega delovanja konference.
2. Generalni sekretar predloži konferenci:
a) osnutek okvirnega načrta, naveden v točki f) tretjega odstavka IV. člena,
b) redni proračun in začasno oceno, predvidena v točkah g) in h) tretjega odstavka IV. člena,
c) posebne finančne določbe za vsak poseben projekt v skladu s točko i) tretjega odstavka IV. člena,
d) pregledani zaključni račun in letno poročilo, določena v skladu s točkama k) in l) tretjega odstavka IV. člena.
3. Pri opravljanju svojih nalog generalni sekretar uporablja storitve EMBO.
VI. člen
1. Letni redni proračun za naslednje obračunsko leto od 1. januarja do 31. decembra, ki prikazuje tako izdatke, nastale zaradi uresničevanja splošnega programa, kot tudi tiste, ki se nanašajo na delovanje konference, skupaj z ocenjenim prihodkom predloži generalni sekretar konferenci najkasneje do 1. oktobra vsako leto.
2. Izdatke rednega proračuna krijejo:
a) finančni prispevki članic,
b) kakršna koli darila članic poleg njihovih finančnih prispevkov pod pogojem, da so v skladu z nameni konference,
c) vsi drugi viri, zlasti darila zasebnih organizacij ali posameznikov, kar predhodno odobri konferenca z dvotretjinsko večino članic, ki so prisotne in glasujejo.
VII. člen
Prispevki in pregled računov
1. Vsaka članica prispeva tako k izdatkom, ki nastanejo zaradi uresničevanja splošnega programa, kot tudi k tistim, ki se nanašajo na delovanje konference, v skladu z lestvico, o kateri vsaka tri leta odloča konferenca z dvotretjinsko večino vseh članic in temelji na povprečnem neto narodnem dohodku ob stroškovnem faktorju vsake članice za zadnja tri predhodna leta, za katera so na voljo statistični podatki.
2. Konferenca lahko z dvotretjinsko večino vseh članic odloči, da upošteva kakršne koli posebne okoliščine, ki vplivajo na članico, in da ustrezno spremeni njen prispevek. Pri uporabi te določbe izraz “posebne okoliščine” vključuje zlasti položaj, kjer je narodni dohodek na prebivalca države članice manjši od zneska, ki ga konferenca določi z dvotretjinsko večino.
3. Če država postane pogodbenica sporazuma ali pa to preneha biti, se spremeni lestvica prispevkov, omenjena v prvem odstavku. Nova lestvica začne veljati od začetka naslednjega obračunskega leta.
4. Generalni sekretar uradno obvesti članice o znesku njihovega prispevka v obračunskih enotah, ki pomenijo težo 0,88867088 grama čistega zlata, in o datumih, ko ga je treba plačati.
5. Generalni sekretar podrobno vodi poslovne knjige prihodkov in odhodkov. Konferenca imenuje revizorje, da pregledajo njen zaključni račun in v skladu s finančnimi predpisi pregledajo zaključni račun EMBO. Generalni sekretar in EMBO zagotovita revizorjem vse potrebne informacije in pomoč za opravljanje njihovih dolžnosti.
VIII. člen
Reševanje sporov
Kakršen koli spor med članicama ali več članicami glede razlage ali uporabe tega sporazuma, ki se ne reši s pomočjo konference, se predloži na zahtevo katere koli sprte strani Mednarodnemu sodišču, razen če se prizadete članice v razumnem roku ne dogovorijo o drugačnem načinu reševanja.
IX. člen
1. Ta sporazum se lahko dopolni ali spremeni, kadar to zahtevata najmanj dve tretjini vseh članic.
2. Predlog amandmaja se uvrsti na dnevni red rednega zasedanja takoj po deponiranju predloga pri generalnem sekretarju. Tak predlog se lahko obravnava tudi na izrednem zasedanju.
3. Vsak amandma k temu sporazumu morajo soglasno sprejeti vse članice konference, tako da svoje sprejetje pisno uradno sporočijo švicarski vladi.
4. Amandmaji začnejo veljati 30 dni po deponiranju zadnje pisne notifikacije o sprejetju.
X. člen
Razpustitev konference
Razen če se članice drugače ne dogovorijo o razpustitvi konference, se generalnemu sekretarju zaupajo vsa vprašanja, povezana z razpustitvijo konference. Razen če konferenca ne določi drugače, se presežek razdeli med članice v sorazmerju s prispevki, ki so jih plačale od dneva, ko so postale pogodbenice tega sporazuma. Morebitni primanjkljaj krijejo članice v istem sorazmerju, kot je bilo tisto, po katerem so bili za tekoče obračunsko leto odmerjeni prispevki.
XI. člen
Končne določbe
1. Ta sporazum je odprt za podpis državam, ki so ga sestavile.
2. Ta sporazum je treba ratificirati, sprejeti ali odobriti. Ustrezne listine se deponirajo pri švicarski vladi.
3. Vsaka država, ki ni podpisnica tega sporazuma, lahko pristopi k njemu pod pogojem, da izpolnjuje določbe drugega odstavka III. člena. Listine o pristopu se deponirajo pri švicarski vladi.
4. a) Ta sporazum začne veljati, ko ga ratificira, sprejme ali odobri večina držav, ki so ga sestavile, in pod pogojem, da skupni prispevki teh držav pomenijo vsaj 70% skupne vsote prispevkov, prikazanih v lestvici, priloženi temu sporazumu.
b) Za vsako drugo državo, ki sporazum podpiše ali k njemu pristopi, začne sporazum veljati na dan deponiranja njene listine o ratifikaciji, sprejetju, odobritvi ali pristopu.
c) Ta sporazum v začetku velja pet let. Najmanj eno leto pred iztekom tega obdobja se konferenca sestane z namenom, da se z dvotretjinsko večino vseh članic odloči, da bodisi podaljša sporazum brez sprememb ali ga dopolni ali spremeni ali pa da preneha evropsko sodelovanje na področju molekularne biologije v okviru tega sporazuma.
5. Potem ko je ta sporazum veljal pet let, ga lahko država pogodbenica sporazuma odpove z ustrezno notifikacijo švicarski vladi. Taka odpoved začne veljati:
a) ob koncu tekočega obračunskega leta, če je bila notifikacija dana med prvimi devetimi meseci tega obračunskega leta,
b) ob koncu naslednjega obračunskega leta, če je bila notifikacija dana v zadnjih treh mesecih tekočega obračunskega leta.
6. Če članica ne izpolni svojih obveznosti po tem sporazumu, se ji članstvo lahko odvzame s sklepom konference, ki se sprejme z dvotretjinsko večino vseh članic. Tak sklep generalni sekretar uradno sporoči državam, ki sporazum podpišejo ali k njemu pristopijo.
7. Švicarska vlada uradno obvesti države, ki sporazum podpišejo ali k njemu pristopijo, o:
a) vseh podpisih,
b) deponiranju vseh listin o ratifikaciji, sprejetju, odobritvi ali pristopu,
c) začetku veljavnosti tega sporazuma,
d) vseh pisnih sprejetjih, ki so bila uradno sporočena na podlagi tretjega odstavka IX. člena,
e) začetku veljavnosti vsakega amandmaja in
f) kakršni koli odpovedi, ki je bila uradno sporočena v skladu s petim odstavkom XI. člena.
8. Švicarska vlada po začetku veljavnosti tega sporazuma ta sporazum registrira pri generalnem sekretarju Združenih narodov v skladu s 102. členom Ustanovne listine Združenih narodov.
XII. člen
Prehodne določbe
1. Za obdobje od začetka veljavnosti sporazuma do naslednjega 31. decembra konferenca sprejme proračunske aranžmaje in izdatki se krijejo z deleži, določenimi za države članice v skladu z odstavkoma, ki sledita.
2. Države pogodbenice sporazuma ob začetku njegove veljavnosti in države, ki lahko postanejo pogodbenice do naslednjega 31. decembra, skupaj krijejo vse izdatke, predvidene v začasnih proračunskih aranžmajih, ki jih konferenca lahko sprejme v skladu s prvim odstavkom tega člena.
3. Deleži držav, na katere se nanaša drugi odstavek zgoraj, se določijo na začasni podlagi glede na potrebo in v skladu s prvim odstavkom VII. člena. Ob izteku obdobja, navedenega v prvem odstavku zgoraj, se stroški dokončno razdelijo med temi državami na podlagi dejanskih izdatkov. Vsako plačilo neke države, ki je večje od njenega tako ugotovljenega dokončnega deleža, se ji piše v dobro.
V POTRDITEV TEGA so pravilno pooblaščeni podpisniki podpisali ta sporazum.
Sestavljeno v Ženevi 13. februarja 1969 v angleškem, francoskem in nemškem jeziku, s tem, da so vsa besedila enako verodostojna, v enem samem izvirniku, ki se deponira v arhivu švicarske vlade, ki pošlje overjene kopije vsem državam, ki ta sporazum podpišejo in k njemu pristopijo.
Lestvica prispevkov, ki jo je sestavil CERN za leto 1967 na podlagi povprečnih narodnih dohodkov od 1962 – 1964
Ta lestvica je dana izključno za posebne namene točke a) četrtega odstavka XI. člena. Na noben način ne vpliva na odločitve o prihodnjih lestvicah prispevkov, ki jih bo Konferenca morala sprejeti v skladu s prvim odstavkom VII. člena.
.                                                              %
Avstrija                                                    1,87
Belgija                                                     3,51
Danska                                                      2,02
Zvezna republika Nemčija                                   22,96
Francija                                                   19,06
Grčija                                                      1,16
Italija                                                    11,08
Nizozemska                                                  3,82
Norveška                                                    1,39
Španija                                                     4,26
Švedska                                                     3,96
Švica                                                       3,07
Združeno kraljestvo Velike Britanije
in Severne Irske                                           21,84
3. člen
Za izvajanje tega sporazuma skrbi Ministrstvo za znanost in tehnologijo.
4. člen
Ta zakon začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 630-02/97-9/1
Ljubljana, dne 27. maja 1997
Državnega zbora
Republike Slovenije
Janez Podobnik, dr. med. l. r.

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