Uradni list

Številka 29
Uradni list RS, št. 29/1996 z dne 31. 5. 1996
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 29/1996 z dne 31. 5. 1996


27. Zakon o ratifikaciji Sporazuma med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Romunije o sodelovanju v izobraževanju, kulturi, znanosti in športu (BROIKZS), stran 101.

Na podlagi druge alinee prvega odstavka 107. člena in prvega odstavka 91. člena Ustave Republike Slovenije izdajam
Razglašam Zakon o ratifikaciji Sporazuma med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Romunije o sodelovanju v izobraževanju, kulturi, znanosti in športu (BROIKZS), ki ga je sprejel Državni zbor Republike Slovenije na seji dne 16. maja 1996.
Št. 001-22-53/96
Ljubljana, dne 24. maja 1996
Republike Slovenije
Milan Kučan l. r.
1. člen
Ratificira se Sporazum med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Romunije o sodelovanju v izobraževanju, kulturi, znanosti in športu, podpisan 28. februarja 1994 v Bukarešti.
2. člen
Sporazum se v izvirniku v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku glasi:*
Vlada Republike Slovenije in Vlada Romunije (v nadaljnjem besedilu: pogodbenici) sta se
glede na bistvene spremembe, ki se dogajajo v sedanji družbi,
glede na to, da te po vsej verjetnosti omogočajo vzpostavitev širokega in raznovrstnega sodelovanja med državama na trdnih temeljih,
v želji, da bi uspešno sodelovali v izobraževanju, kulturi, znanosti in športu,
v prepričanju, da bo tako sodelovanje prispevalo k boljšemu razumevanju in krepitvi vsestranskih odnosov na različnih ravneh,
odločeni, da bosta uresničevali določila Helsinške sklepne listine Konference o varnosti in sodelovanju v Evropi in Pariške listine za novo Evropo,
dogovorili o naslednjem:
1. člen
Pogodbenici bosta razvijali sodelovanje med svojima državama v izobraževanju, kulturi, znanosti in športu kakor tudi na drugih področjih obojestranskega interesa; pospeševali bosta izmenjavo gradiva in dokumentacije ter omogočili lažje neposredne stike med ustanovami in posamezniki.
2. člen
Pogodbenici bosta podpirali sodelovanje in izmenjavo izkušenj v izobraževanju, tako da bosta:
a) izmenjavali profesorje in druge strokovnjake, ki bodo predavali ali opravljali raziskave na področju, za katero so usposobljeni;
b) spodbujali neposredno sodelovanje med izobraževalnimi ustanovami na vseh ravneh;
c) v skladu s svojimi možnostmi odobravali mesta in štipendije za univerzitetni in podiplomski študij ter za doktorate na področjih, za katera se bosta medsebojno dogovorili;
d) spodbujali in podpirali študij jezikov in književnosti druge pogodbenice, tako da bosta ustanovili katedre ali lektorate v svojih lastnih izobraževalnih ustanovah, pošiljali predavatelje, knjige in specializirane publikacije in sodelovali na poletnih tečajih;
e) izmenjavali študente in mladino;
f) opravljali skupne dejavnosti, vključno s tem, da bosta dali na razpolago posebno dokumentarno gradivo in ustanovili mešane komisije za pravilno predstavitev zgodovine in zemljepisa ene in druge države v učbenikih v drugi državi.
Pogodbenici se strinjata, da sodelovanje v izobraževanju lahko po tem dokumentu vključuje najrazličnejše veje njunih izobraževalnih sistemov, kot so bili določeni na različnih ravneh izobraževanja.
3. člen
Pogodbenici bosta proučili možnosti za medsebojno priznavanje spričeval, visokošolskih diplom in akademskih naslovov in bosta prav tako proučili možnosti za sklenitev posebnih sporazumov v ta namen.
4. člen
Pogodbenici bosta spodbujali boljše medsebojno razumevanje resničnih vrednot umetnosti in kulture svojih narodov, tako da bosta:
a) izmenjavali pisatelje, umetnike, interprete, poklicne in amaterske;
b) organizirali na ozemlju druge pogodbenice razne kulturne in umetniške prireditve;
c) izmenjavali in si podarjali umetniške publikacije, filme, knjige, periodiko, glasbene posnetke, partiture, plošče in trakove med kulturnimi ustanovami;
d) spodbujali sodelovanje med založbami;
e) vključevali v repertoar svojih specializiranih ustanov dramska in glasbena dela umetnikov druge države;
f) v svoji državi spodbujali prevajanje in objavljanje pomembnih književnih in znanstvenih del avtorjev druge države;
g) spodbujali neposredno sodelovanje med umetniškimi združenji.
5. člen
Pogodbenici bosta spodbujali sodelovanje na področju naravne in kulturne dediščine.
6. člen
Pogodbenici bosta podpirali in omogočali kar najširše sodelovanje med svojimi osrednjimi in lokalnimi arhivi, muzeji in knjižnicami, tako da bosta znanstvenikom in raziskovalcem druge države olajšali dostop do gradiva teh ustanov.
Take možnosti se bodo odobravale vzajemno in v skladu z veljavnimi zakoni in predpisi v drugi državi in se morajo specializirane ustanove o njih medsebojno dogovoriti.
7. člen
Pogodbenici se zavezujeta, da bosta sprejeli potrebne ukrepe za zagotavljanje plačil tantiem in honorarjev umetnikom ter za nakazovanje vseh dolžnih zneskov v skladu s pogoji sklenjenih pogodb in mednarodnih predpisov.
8. člen
Pogodbenici bosta spodbujali vabljenje in udeležbo vidnih osebnosti s področja znanosti, izobraževanja, kulture in umetnosti druge države na kongresih, konferencah in umetniških festivalih ali na drugih mednarodnih prireditvah, ki bodo organizirane na njunem področju.
9. člen
Pogodbenici bosta podpirali sodelovanje med filmskimi arhivi, kinotekami in drugimi filmskimi ustanovami z namenom, da bodo sodelovali, izmenjavali filme, revije, strokovne publikacije in kinotečne filme ter se udeleževali filmskih festivalov, ki se organizirajo v drugi državi pogodbenici in sodelovali pri filmskih koprodukcijah.
10. člen
Pogodbenici bosta spodbujali sodelovanje na področju avdiovizualnih sredstev z izmenjavo radijskih in televizijskih oddaj in programov, ki se nanašajo na družbeni in kulturni razvoj v njunih državah, kakor tudi izmenjavo strokovnjakov ter radijskih in televizijskih reporterjev, z namenom, da se poglablja medsebojno poznavanje obeh narodov in njunih dosežkov na omenjenih področjih.
11. člen
Pogodbenici bosta spodbujali sodelovanje v znanosti in tehnologiji, s tem da bosta:
a) pripravili in izvajali programe, študije in druge skupne dejavnosti na različnih področjih znanosti in tehnologije,
b) izmenjavali strokovnjake, univerzitetne predavatelje, raziskovalce, tehnike in organizirali obiske strokovnjakov,
c) izmenjavali znanstvene publikacije in dokumentacijo, vključno s filmi in videokasetami ter izsledki znanstvenih raziskav.
Pogodbenici bosta spodbujali neposredno sodelovanje med svojima akademijama, ministrstvi ter/ali specializiranimi raziskovalnimi inštituti s sklenitvijo ustreznih pravnih listin v ta namen.
Pogodbenici bosta spodbujali organiziranje razstav in znanstveno-tehničnih prireditev, skupnih raziskav na teme, ki so v obojestranskem interesu, ter skupno uporabo doseženih rezultatov v znanosti in tehnologiji.
Podrobnosti in finančni pogoji za tako sodelovanje bodo dogovorjeni s protokoli ali delovnimi programi, sklenjenimi med pristojnimi ustanovami.
12. člen
Pogodbenici bosta pospeševali dejavno sodelovanje v okviru UNESCA in ostalih mednarodnih organizacij v izobraževanju, kulturi, znanosti in športu.
13. člen
Pogodbenici bosta podpirali tesnejše sodelovanje v telesni kulturi in športu na podlagi dogovorov med ustreznimi organizacijami.
14. člen
Pogodbenici bosta spodbujali stike med mladimi in njihovimi organizacijami obeh držav.
15. člen
Pogodbenici bosta podpirali neposredno sodelovanje med svojimi tiskovnimi agencijami in združenji novinarjev.
16. člen
Pogodbenici bosta pospeševali razširitev in raznovrstnost turističnih izmenjav.
17. člen
Pogodbenici bosta spodbujali in podpirali neposredne stike v zdravstvu na vseh ravneh: na ravni ministrstev, specializiranih akademij, univerz in medicinskih fakultet, inštitutov za medicinske raziskave in poslovne stike pri zdravstvenih storitvah.
18. člen
Predstavniki pogodbenic se bodo, kadar bo to potrebno ali na željo druge strani, sestali kot skupna komisija, ki bo proučila dogajanja, povezana s tem sporazumom.
Za izvajanje tega sporazuma lahko pogodbenici skleneta periodične programe sodelovanja in izmenjav za določena obdobja, v katerih se dogovorita o oblikah sodelovanja, dosežkih in financiranju.
Komisija se bo sestajala v Ljubljani ali v Bukarešti, ter se dogovorila za programe in načrte izmenjav za obdobja, za katera se pogodbenici dogovorita, ter poiskala načine za izvajanje določil teh dogovorov.
19. člen
Pogodbenici bosta v skladu z zakoni in predpisi, ki veljajo na ozemlju vsake od podpisnic, omogočili nasprotni strani vse olajšave za vstop, bivanje in odhod oseb in za uvoz materiala in opreme, potrebne za izvajanje programov ali izmenjave, dogovorjene v skladu s tem sporazumom.
20. člen
Ta sporazum ne izključuje možnosti za vzpostavljanje drugih oblik dvostranskega sodelovanja na drugih področjih, ki se nanj navezujejo ali se ujemajo s cilji tega sporazuma.
21. člen
Ta sporazum prične veljati z dnem, ko pristojna organa obeh držav izmenjata obvestili o njegovi odobritvi.
Ta sporazum velja pet let in ostane po tem v veljavi, dokler ena ali druga pogodbenica s predhodnim obvestilom v šestih mesecih pred prenehanjem veljavnosti prekliče sporazum.
V primeru preklica veljavnosti tega sporazuma v skladu z določili tega člena ostanejo vsi programi izmenjave, dogovorov ali začetih projektov na podlagi tega sporazuma, ki se še izvajajo, veljavni vse do dokončanja.
Sestavljeno v Bukarešti dne 28. februarja 1994 v dveh izvirnikih v slovenskem, romunskem in angleškem jeziku, pri čemer so vsa besedila enako verodostojna.
Ob različni razlagi je odločilno angleško besedilo.
Za Vlado
Republike Slovenije
Lojze Peterle l. r.
Za Vlado
Teodor Melescanu l. r.
The Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Government of Romania (hereinafter: “the Parties”);
In view of fundamental changes taking place in contemporary society;
Considering them as likely to enable the establishment, on solid bases, of wide and diversified co-operation between their countries;
Desiring to develop co-operation between the two countries in the fields of education, culture, science and sports;
Convinced that it will contribute to better mutual understanding and enhancement of relationship at different levels;
Determined to implement the principles of the Helsinki Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, and of the Charter of Paris for a New Europe;
Have agreed as follows:
Article 1
The Parties shall develop co-operation between their countries in the fields of education, culture, science and sports, as well as in other fields of mutual interest, shall promote exchanges of materials and documentation and shall facilitate direct contacts between institutions and individuals.
Article 2
The Parties shall support co-operation and exchange of experience in the field of education by:
a) exchange of professors and other specialists to lecture or carry out research in their field of specialisation;
b) promoting direct co-operation between institutions of education at all levels;
c) granting according to their specific possibilities, places and scholarships for university, post-graduate and doctoral studies, in fields to be established by mutual consent;
d) encouraging and supporting the study of each other’s language and literature by establishing chairs of lectureships in their own educational institutions; sending lecturers; sending books and specialised publications; participation in summer courses;
e) student and youth exchanges;
f) joint activities, including offering specific documentary material and setting up joint commissions for a correct presentation of the history and geography of each country in the school text-books in the other country.
The Parties agree that in the sense of this document the cooperation in the field of education may comprise the most different branches of their respective educational systems, as they had been established at different levels of education.
Article 3
The Parties shall examine the possibilities of reciprocal recognition of certificates, university degrees and academic titles, and shall as well examine the possibilities to conclude separate documents to this effect.
Article 4
The Parties shall facilitate better mutual understanding of the true values of the art and culture of their peoples by:
a) exchange of writers, artists, performers, both professional and non-professional;
b) organising by one Party on the territory of the other Party various cultural and artistic events;
c) exchange and donations of art publications, films, books, periodicals, musical recordings, scores, records and tapes between cultural institutions;
d) co-operation between publishing houses;
e) inclusion of dramatic and musical works by artists of the other country in the repertoire of the own specialised institutions;
f) encouraging the translation and publication in their countries of significant literary and scientific works by authors of the other country;
g) encouraging the direct co-operation between the artistic associations.
Article 5
The Parties shall stimulate co-operation in the field of natural and cultural heritage.
Article 6
The Parties shall support and facilitate the widest possible co-operation between their central and local archives, museums and libraries, by facilitating the access of scientists and researchers of the other country to the funds of the respective institutions.
Such facilities shall be granted on a mutual basis and in accordance with the laws and regulatins in force in the other country, and shall be agreed upon between the specialized institutions.
Article 7
The Parties commit themselves to take necessary measures aimed at ensuring payment of royalties and fees to artists, as well as the transfer of all due sums, under the terms of concluded contracts and international regulations.
Article 8
The Parties shall encourage the invitation and participation of personalities and experts in the fields of science, education, culture and the arts of the other country at congresses, conferences and art festivals or other international events organised on their territory.
Article 9
The Parties shall support cooperation between film archives, cinematecs and other similar film institutions through the exchange of film materials, magazines, specialized publications and cinematecs films, as well as participation at film festivals, organized in each other country, and participation in film coproductions.
Article 10
The Parties shall encourage cooperation in the field of audiovisual media through exchange of radio and TV broadcasts and programmes concerning the social and cultural development of their countries, as well as the exchange of specialists and radio and TV reporters, with the aim of promoting the mutual acquaintance of the two peoples and of their achievements in the above mentioned fields.
Article 11
The Parties shall favour co-operation in the fields of science and technology by:
a) establishing and implementing programmes, studies and other joint activities in various branches of science and technology;
b) exchanges of specialists, university teaching staff, researchers, technicians and visits of experts;
c) exchanges of scientific publications and documentations, including films and video-cassettes, as well as the results of scientific research.
The Parties shall also encourage direct co-operation between their academies, ministries, and/or specialized institutes of research by concluding appropriate legal documents to this effect.
The Parties shall facilitate organising exhibitions and technico-scientific events, common research on themes of mutual interest, the joint use of the achieved results in the field of science and technology.
The details and financial conditions of all such co-operation shall be established by protocols or working programmes concluded between the relevant institutions.
Article 12
The Parties shall promote active co-operation within UNESCO and other international organisations in the fields of education, culture, science and sports.
Article 13
The Parties shall support closer co-operation in the field of physical culture and sport, based on understanding between the relevant organisations.
Article 14
The Parties shall encourage contacts between the young and their organisations of both countries.
Article 15
The Parties shall support direct co-operation between their press agencies and associations of journalists.
Article 16
The Parties shall promote the extension and diversification of touristic exchanges.
Article 17
The Parties shall encourage and support direct contacts in the field of health at all levels: ministries, specialised academies, universities and faculties of medicine, institutes of medical research as well as commercial contacts in the field of health services.
Article 18
Representatives of the Parties shall, whenever necessary or at the request of the other party, meet as a Joint Commission to review developments related to this Agreement.
For the implementation of this Agreement, both Parties may conclude periodical programmes of co-operation and exchanges, in which the forms of co-operation, their achievements and financing shall be agreed upon.
The Commission shall meet in Ljubljana or in Bucarest to conclude working programmes of exchange for period to be agreed upon by the two Parties and to examine ways of implementing the provisions thereto.
Article 19
Each Party shall, within the terms of the laws and regulations in force in its territory, accord to the other party every reasonable facility for the entry, stay and departure of persons, and for the importation of the material and equipment necessary for carrying out the programmes of exchange which may be established in accordance with this Agreement.
Article 20
The present Agrement does not exclude the possibility of establishing other forms of bilateral co-operation in other fields related to it or corresponding to its objectives.
Article 21
This Agreement shall enter into force on the day of the exchange of notifications of its approval by the competent bodies of both countries.
This Agreement shall remain in force for the period of five years and thereafter shall remain in force until the expiry of six months from the date on which either Party shall have given notice of termination to the other.
In case of denunciations of the present Agreement, in accordance with the provisions of this article, each programme of exchanges, understanding or project initiated on the basis of this Agreement, and still in progress, will remain valid until its completion.
Done at Bucharest on 28 of February 1994 in two original copies, in the Slovene, Romanian and English languages, all texts being equally authentic.
In case of differences of interpretations, the English texts will be authoritative.
For the Government of the
Republic of Slovenia
Lojze Peterle, (s)
For the Government of
Teodor Melescanu, (s)
3. člen
Za izvajanje sporazuma skrbijo Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve, Ministrstvo za kulturo, Ministrstvo za šolstvo in šport in Ministrstvo za znanost in tehnologijo.
4. člen
Ta zakon začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 610-02/95-17/1
Ljubljana, dne 16. maja 1996
Državnega zbora
Republike Slovenije
Jožef Školč l. r.
*Besedilo sporazuma v romunskem jeziku je na vpogled v Službi za mednarodnopravne zadeve Ministrstva za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije.

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