Uradni list

Številka 79
Uradni list RS, št. 79/1994 z dne 21. 12. 1994
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 79/1994 z dne 21. 12. 1994


105. Zakon o ratifikaciji Statuta srednje in vzhodnoevropske mreže za privatizacijo, stran 1487.

Na podlagi druge alinee prvega odstavka 107. člena in prvega odstavka 91. člena Ustave Republike Slovenije izdajam
Razglašam Zakon o ratifikaciji Statuta srednje in vzhodnoevropske mreže za privatizacijo, ki ga je sprejel Državni zbor Republike Slovenije na seji dne 24. novembra 1994.
Št. 012-01/94-158
Ljubljana, dne 2. decembra 1994
Republike Slovenije
Milan Kučan l. r.
1. člen
Ratificira se Statut srednje in vzhodnoevropske mreže za privatizacijo, sestavljen v Ljubljani 4. decembra 1993.
2. člen
Statut se v izvirniku v angleškem jeziku in slovenskem prevodu glasi:
– Considering that the meeting in Budapest, Hungary, held between June 20-21 1991, attended by representatives of Bulgaria, former Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, Romania and former Yugoslavia, took a decision to establish the Central and Eastern European Privatization Network (hereinafter: CEEPN);
– considering that this meeting appointed the Steering Committee and elected its Chairman who was entrusted with the task to implement the adopted programme of the CEEPN and formally establish the CEEPN as an international organization;
– and taking into account the decision of the Steering Committee of December 2 1992 to transform the CEEPN into an intergovernmental organization,
the contracting parties have agreed the following:
Article 1
The Central and Eastern European Privatization Network (CEEPN) is hereby established as a non-profit intergovernmental organization.
Article 2
The CEEPN Headquarters shall be in Ljubljana, Republic of Slovenia.
Activities of the CEEPN
Article 3
The purpose of the CEEPN is to organize workshops, annual conferences, training seminars, studies, projects, consultations, as well as publishing and. exchange of information of technical aspects concerning implementation of privatization programs in Central and Eastern Europe.
Article 4
The CEEPN work program, approved by the Steering Committee, shall be implemented in Cooperation with agencies and ministries, as well as with other institutions-responsible for privatization in Central and Eastern European countries. The cooperating institutions shall provide any assistance required for normal work of the CEEPN in their respective countries.
Article 5
Considering the purpose of its operations, the CEEPN shall cooperate with international and regional organizations dealing with activities similar to those for which the CEEPN was established and in particular with bodies and organizations of the United Nations, as well as with international development agencies providing financial and technical assistance to privatization processes within the region.
Article 6
The CEEPN members shall be Central and Eastern European countries that signed this Statute:
Any other country that accepts this Statute and assumes all obligations emanating from the membership may also become a member of the CEEPN.
Any country wishing to become a CEEPN member shall in written form notify of such, intention the Steering Committee and the Depository of this Statute. The acceptance of new members shall be decided by the Steering Committee by the majority vote of the member States.
Steering Committee
Article 7
The Steering Committee shall be the supreme organ of the CEEPN.
The Steering Committee shall be composed of representatives of agencies or ministries for privatization of other institutions responsible for technical preparation and implementation of national privatization programmes. Each member State shall have one representative.
The Steering Committee shall elect its Chairman from amongst its members for a one year term. At the end of the term the Chairman may be re-elected for one more term.
Decisions of the Steering Committee shall be made by a majority of the members present and voting. In case of a tie, the Chairman shall have the casting vote.
The presence of more than half of the members shall constitute the quorum. Representation by proxy shall not be allowed.
Representatives of non-member States being approved by the Steering Committee and representatives of international organizations having the status of sponsors according to Article 11 of this Statute may also attend the Steering Committee sessions, as observers without voting rights.
The Steering Committee shall meet upon the initiative put forward by its Chairman or the Executive Director or by the majority of the member States.
The Steering Committee shall adopt its Rules of Procedure.
The Steering Committee shall have the following competences:
– to design the policy and formulate the guidelines for the work of the CEEPN;
– to approve the annual work programme of the CEEPN;
– to specify the guidelines for financing of the approved work programme;
– to adopt annual activity and financial reports;
– to adopt amendments to this Statute;
– to appoint and recall the Executive Director of the CEEPN;
– to approve all special agreements between the CEEPN and international organizations;
– to adopt general regulations concerning the organization and terms of employment of experts of the Secretariat and terms of collaboration with external experts;
– to demand special reports from the Executive Director, when so required;
– to discuss all other matters relevant for the objectives and activities of the CEEPN.
Members of the Steering Committee shall be responsible for the coordination of the CEEPN activities in their respective states.
Article 8
The Secretariat shall be the professional as well as the administrative and technical body of the CEEPN.
The Secretariat shall be operating at the Headquarters.
Article 9
The CEEPN shall be a legal entity.
Article 10
Against a symbolic payment the Republic of Slovenia shall provide the premises the Secretariat will need for its work.
The Republic of Slovenia shall grant to the CEEPN all privileges and necessary conditions to allow the Secretariat to normally carry out its activities related to its work programme.
With regard to the first and the second paragraph of this article, a special agreement shall be signed between the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the CEEPN.
Executive Director
Article 11
The Executive Director shall be elected by the Steering Committee from amongst the candidates nominated by the members of the Steering Committee for a three year term and may be re-elected for one more term.
The Executive Director shall be the executive official of the CEEPN, vested with full authority to run the Secretariat in conformity with" instructions given by the Steering Committee and shall be responsible before the Steering Committee.
In this capacity, the Executive Director shall act at all Steering Committee sessions.
The Executive Director shall act as the legal representative of the CEEPN.
The Executive Director shall hire professional and administrative staff in the Secretariat in agreement with general regulations adopted by the Steering Committee.
Financing of CEEPN
Article 12
The CEEPN shall be financed primarily by organizations of the System of the United Nations and international, multilateral and bilateral development agencies. Another source of financing shall be voluntary contributions or donations and other funds, including the funds provided for by special agreements, and income generated by the CEEPN services.
The CEEPN shall not be financed by membership fees, unless otherwise decided by the Steering Committee.
A restricted number of international agencies that shall financially support the CEEPN activities, shall be given the status of official sponsor of the CEEPN and shall enjoy the status of observer without voting rights at the Steering Committee sessions.
Amendments to this Statute
Article 13
Proposals for amendments to this Statute shall be submitted to the Executive Director who shall forward them to the CEEPN members for their consideration.
The proposed modifications of this Statute shall be adopted by the Steering Committee on the basis of a coordinated proposal by the Executive Director.
Withdrawal from Membership
Article 14
Any member may withdraw their membership from the CEEPN one month after having notified in writing the Steering Committee about the decision to withdraw.
Working Languages
Article 15
The working language of the CEEPN shall be English.
The English version of this Statute shall be considered as the authentic version.
Transient Provisions
Article 16
The Statute of March 31 1992 shall expire on the day of coming into effect of this Statute.
Final Provisions
Article 17
The Government of the Republic of Slovenia shall be the depository of this Statute.
This Statute shall come into effect on the thirtieth day following the day when it was officially accepted by at least three member States.
Done at Ljubljana on December 4, 1993 in one copy in the English language. The original copy of this Statute shall be kept in the Archives of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia.
– Glede na to, da je na sestanku v Budimpešti, Madžarska, organiziranem 20-21 junija 1991, na katerem so sodelovali predstavniki iz Bolgarije, nekdanje Češkoslovaške, Madžarske, Poljske, Romunije in nekdanje Jugoslavije, bilo sklenjeno, da se ustanovi Srednje in vzhodno evropska mreža za privatizacijo (v nadaljnjem besedilu »CEEPN«);
– glede na to, da je na tem sestanku bil imenovan upravni odbor in izvoljen njegov predsednik, ki mu je bilo zaupano, da izpelje sprejeti program CEEPN in formalno ustanovi CEEPN kot mednarodno organizacijo;
– upoštevaje sklep Upravnega odbora CEEPN z dne 2. decembra 1992, da se CEEPN preoblikuje v medvladno mednarodno organizacijo;
so se pogodbenice dogovorile o naslednjem:
1. člen
Ustanovi se Srednje in vzhodno evropska mreža za privatizacijo (CEEPN) kot medvladna neprofitna mednarodna organizacija.
2. člen
Sedež CEEPN je v Ljubljani, Republika Slovenija.
Dejavnost CEEPN
3. člen
Namen delovanja CEEPN-a je izpeljava strokovnih srečanj, letnih konferenc, izobraževalnih seminarjev, študij, projektov, posvetovanj kot tudi izdajanje publikacij in izmenjava informacij o tehničnih vidikih izvedbe privatizacijskih programov v srednji in vzhodni Evropi.
4. člen
Delovni program CEEPN-a, odobren s strani upravnega odbora, bo izpeljan v sodelovanju z agencijami in ministrstvi kot tudi z drugimi institucijami, pristojnimi za privatizacijo v državah srednje in vzhodne Evrope. Sodelujoče institucije bodo zagotovile vso podporo za normalno delo CEEPN-a v svojih državah.
5. člen
Glede na namen delovanja CEEPN-a bo CEEPN sodelovala z mednarodnimi in regionalnimi organizacijami, ki se ukvarjajo z dejavnostmi, podobnimi tistim, zaradi katerih je bila CEEPN ustanovljena, in zlasti z organi in organizacijami Združenih narodov in mednarodnimi razvojnimi agencijami, ki zagotavljajo finančno in tehnično pomoč za proces privatizacije v okviru regije.
6. člen
Članice CEEPN so države srednje, in vzhodne Evrope, ki so podpisnice statuta.
Članica lahko postane tudi vsaka druga država, če sprejme statut in prevzame vse obveznosti izhajajoče iz članstva v CEEPN.
Država, ki želi postati članica CEEPN, pisno obvesti o svoji nameri upravni odbor in depozitarja statuta. O sprejetju v članstvo odloča upravni odbor z večino glasov držav članic.
Upravni odbor
7. člen
Upravni odbor je najvišji organ CEEPN.
Upravni odbor sestavljajo predstavniki agencij ali ministrstev za privatizacijo oziroma drugih institucij, odgovornih za tehnično pripravo in izvedbo nacionalnih privatizacijskih programov, in sicer po eden iz vsake države članice.
Upravni odbor voli predsednika izmed svojih članov za obdobje enega leta. Ob koncu svojega mandata je lahko predsednik ponovno izvoljen za še eno mandatno obdobje.
Odločitve upravnega odbora se sprejemajo z večino glasov prisotnih članov. V primeru neodločenega izida glasovanja ima predsednik odločilni glas.
Za sklepčnost je potrebna prisotnost več kot polovice članov upravnega odbora. Zastopanje po predstavniku ni dovoljeno.
Kot opazovalci brez pravice glasovanja lahko na sejah upravnega odbora sodelujejo tudi predstavniki držav iz srednje in vzhodne Evrope, ki niso članice CEEPN, če to upravni odbor odobri, in predstavniki mednarodnih organizacij, ki imajo v skladu z 11. členom statuta status sponzorja CEEPN.
Upravni odbor se sestaja na pobudo predsednika ali izvršnega direktorja ali večine članov.
Upravni odbor sprejme svoj poslovnik.
Upravni odbor ima naslednje pristojnosti:
– oblikuje politiko in določa splošne smernice za delo CEEPN;
– odobrava letni program dela CEEPN;
– določa smernice za financiranje sprejetega programa dela;
– sprejema letno poročilo o delu in finančnem poslovanju CEEPN;
– sprejema dopolnila k temu statutu;
– imenuje in razrešuje izvršnega direktorja CEEPN;
– potrjuje vse posebne sporazume med CEEPN in mednarodnimi organizacijami;
– sprejema splošna pravila o organizaciji in pogojih zaposlovanja strokovnjakov sekretariata in pogojih sodelovanja z zunanjimi strokovnjaki;
– po potrebi zahteva od izvršnega direktorja posebna poročila;
– razpravlja o vseh drugih zadevah, povezanih s cilji in dejavnostmi. CEEPN.
Člani upravnega odbora so odgovorni za usklajevanje delovanja CEEPN-a v svojih državah.
8. člen
Sekretariat je strokovno in administrativno-tehnično telo CEEPN.
Sekretariat deluje na sedežu.
9. člen
CEEPN je pravna oseba.
10. člen
Republika Slovenija bo proti simboličnemu plačilu CEEPN-u za potrebe sekretariata zagotovila prostore za njegovo delo.
Republika Slovenija bo zagotovila CEEPN-u vse ugodnosti ter potrebne pogoje za normalno delo sekretariata glede na njegov program dela.
V zvezi s prvim in drugim odstavkom tega člena bo podpisan poseben sporazum med Vlado Republike Slovenije in CEEPN.
Izvršni direktor
11. člen
Izvršnega direktorja izvoli upravni odbor izmed kandidatov, ki jih predlagajo člani upravnega odbora, za dobo treh let in je lahko ponovno izvoljen še za eno mandatno obdobje.
Izvršni direktor je izvršni funkcionar CEEPN z vsemi pooblastili za vodenje sekretariata v skladu z navodili, ki jih daje upravni odbor, in je za svoje delo odgovoren upravnemu odboru.
V tej funkciji deluje izvršni direktor na vseh zasedanjih upravnega odbora.
Izvršni direktor je pravni zastopnik CEEPN.
Izvršni direktor zaposli strokovne in administrativne delavce v sekretariatu v skladu s splošnimi pravili, ki jih sprejema upravni odbor.
Financiranje CEEPN
12. člen
CEEPN financirajo predvsem organizacije iz sistema Združenih narodov in mednarodne multilateralne in bilateralne razvojne agencije. Drugi vir financiranja so prostovoljni prispevki ali donacije in druga sredstva, vključno s sredstvi, ki jih zagotavljajo posebni sporazumi ter prihodki, ki jih ustvarja CEEPN s svojimi storitvami.
CEEPN se ne financira s prispevki članic, razen če upravni odbor ne odloči drugače.
Omejenemu številu mednarodnih agencij, ki bodo finančno podpirale delovanje CEEPN, bo dodeljen status uradnih sponzorjev CEEPN-in jim bo zagotovljen status opazovalca na sejah upravnega odbora brez pravice glasovanja.
Dopolnila k statutu
13. člen
Predlogi za dopolnila k temu statutu se pošljejo izvršnemu direktorju, ki. jih posreduje članom CEEPN v preučitev.
Predlagane spremembe statuta sprejema upravni odbor na podlagi usklajenega predloga izvršnega direktorja.
Izstop iz članstva
14. člen
Vsaka članica lahko izstopi iz članstva CEEPN en mesec po pisnem obvestilu o odločitvi o izstopu upravnemu odboru.
Delovni jeziki
15. člen
Delovni jezik CEEPN je angleščina.
Avtentično besedilo tega statuta je v angleščini.
Prehodne določbe
16. člen
Z dnem uveljavitve tega statuta preneha veljati statut z dne 31. marca 1992.
Končni določbi
17. člen
Vlada Republike Slovenije je depozitar tega statuta.
Ta statut začne veljati trideseti dan od dne, ko ga uradno sprejmejo vsaj tri države članice.
Sestavljeno v Ljubljani dne 4. decembra 1993 v enem izvodu v angleškem jeziku. Izvirnik statuta se hrani v arhivih Vlade Republike Slovenije.
3. člen
Za izvajanje tega statuta skrbi Ministrstvo za ekonomske odnose in razvoj.
4. člen
Ta zakon začne veljati petnajsti dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 300-01/94-22/1
Ljubljana, dne 24. novembra 1994
Državnega zbora
Republike Slovenije
Jožef Školč l. r.

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