Uradni list

Številka 65
Uradni list RS, št. 65/1994 z dne 20. 10. 1994
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 65/1994 z dne 20. 10. 1994


93. Zakon o ratifikaciji Dogovora med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Republike Makedonije o sodelovanju v boju proti terorizmu, ilegalnemu prometu z mamili in organiziranemu kriminalu, stran 1347.

Na podlagi druge alinee prvega odstavka 107. člena in prvega odstavka 91. člena Ustave Republike Slovenije izdajam
Razglašam Zakon o ratifikaciji Dogovora med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Republike Makedonije o sodelovanju v boju proti terorizmu, ilegalnemu prometu z mamili in organiziranemu kriminalu, ki ga je sprejel Državni zbor Republike Slovenije na seji dne 27. septembra 1994.
Št. 012-01/94-116
Ljubljana, dne 5. oktobra 1994
Republike Slovenije
Milan Kučan l. r.
1. člen
Ratificira se Dogovor med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Republike Makedonije o sodelovanju v boju proti terorizmu, ilegalnemu prometu z mamili in organiziranemu kriminalu, podpisan 28. oktobra 1993 v Skopju.
2. člen
Dogovor se v izvirniku v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku glasi:
Vlada Republike Slovenije in Vlada Republike Makedonije (v nadaljevanju: pogodbenici) sta v prizadevanju, da:
– prispevata k razvoju dvostranskih stikov;
– sodelujeta v boju proti kriminalu, posebno organiziranemu kriminalu in nedovoljenemu prometu z mamili, v boju proti terorizmu in za njegovo učinkovito preprečevanje;
– povečata skupna prizadevanja v boju proti terorizmu in zlorabi mamil;
– uskladita svoje akcije proti mednarodno organiziranemu kriminalu;
ob upoštevanju mednarodnih pogodb, ki veljajo za ta področja,
sklenili tale dogovor:
1. člen
(1) Pogodbenici bosta ob upoštevanju določil predpisov svojih držav sodelovali pri preprečevanju terorizma, nedovoljenega prometa z mamili, organiziranega kriminala, pri odkrivanju in pregonu teh oblik kriminala ter pri preprečevanju, odkrivanju in preganjanju drugih oblik kriminala.
(2) Pogodbenici bosta sodelovali posebno v tistih primerih, ko se kazniva dejanja ali priprave nanje realizirajo na območju ene od pogodbenic in podatki kažejo na območje druge pogodbenice.
2. člen
Pogodbenici bosta sodelovali pri odkrivanju in preprečevanju kriminala, še zlasti organiziranega kriminala in pri tem:
1. sporočali druga drugi podatke o osebah, vpletenih v organiziran kriminal, podatke o povezanosti storilcev, informacije o organizacijah in skupinah kriminalcev, tipičnem obnašanju storilcev in skupin, dejstva, posebno čas, kraj in način storitve dejanja, napadene objekte, posebne okoliščine, kazenske predpise, ki so bili kršeni, in ukrepe, ki so jih izvedli, če je to v določenih primerih nujno za preprečitev hudih kaznivih dejanj;
2. na zaprosilo izvajali policijske ukrepe, ki jih dovoljujejo zakoni zaprošene pogodbenice;
3. sodelovali pri preiskavah v skladu s tem dogovorom, predpisi držav pogodbenic in z veljavnim sporazumom med pogodbenicama o izročitvi in pravni pomoči v zvezi s kaznivimi dejanji, z usklajenimi policijskimi ukrepi ob kadrovski, materialni in organizacijski pomoči;
4. izmenjali podatke in izkušnje o metodah in novih oblikah, ki jih uporabljajo storilci v mednarodnem kriminalu;
5. izmenjali rezultate kriminalističnih, kriminoloških in drugih raziskav kaznivih dejanj, se medsebojno obveščali o praksi preiskovanja dejanj in o uporabi metod in sredstev dela z namenom njihovega nadaljnjega razvijanja;
6. na zaprosilo izmenjali informacije ali vzorce predmetov, ki izvirajo iz kaznivega dejanja, in predmetov, s katerimi so bila storjena kazniva dejanja;
7. izmenjali strokovnjake za skupno ali vzajemno izpopolnjevanje kot del boja proti organiziranemu kriminalu, zagotavljali študijske možnosti svojim strokovnjakom za pridobitev višje stopnje strokovnih znanj, za vzajemno spoznavanje sredstev in metod boja proti kriminalu in sodobnih rezultatov kriminalistične tehnike;
8. po potrebi in pri določenih preiskavah organizirali delovna srečanja v zvezi s pripravami in izvajanji usklajenih ukrepov.
3. člen
Za preprečevanje prepovedanega gojenja, proizvodnje, pridobivanja, izvažanja, uvažanja in tranzita mamil, psihotropnih snovi in prekurzorjev ter ilegalnega prometa z njimi bosta pogodbenici ob upoštevanju zakonov obeh držav predvsem:
1. sporočali podatke o osebah, udeleženih pri pridobivanju in prodaji mamil, o njihovih skrivališčih, prevoznih sredstvih in načinih storitve, o kraju izvora in kam je blago namenjeno ter posebne podrobnosti določenih kaznivih dejanj, če je to potrebno za preprečevanje kaznivih dejanj ali v določenih primerih za preprečitev hudih kaznivih dejanj zoper javni red;
2. izmenjali podatke o običajih in novih načinih ilegalne mednarodne trgovine z mamili in druga spoznanja v zvezi s tem;
3. izmenjali rezultate kriminalističnih in kriminoloških raziskav o trgovini z mamili in njihovi zlorabi;
4. izmenjali vzorce novih mamil rastlinskega ali sintetičnega izvora in psihotropnih snovi;
5. izmenjali izkušnje o nadzoru zakonitega prometa mamil, psihotropnih snovi in prekurzorjev glede na možnosti ilegalnega prometa z njimi;
6. pogodbenici bosta usklajeno izvajali z zakoni dovoljene policijske ukrepe za preprečevanje nedovoljenega pridobivanja mamil in psihotropnih snovi.
4. člen
Da bi preprečili terorizem, bosta pogodbenici na podlagi svojih zakonov in ob upoštevanju določil tega dogovora:
1. izmenjali spoznanja in podatke o načrtovanih ali izvršenih terorističnih akcijah, udeleženih osebah, načinu izvedbe in o tehničnih sredstvih, ki so bila uporabljena pri izvedbi;
2. izmenjali spoznanja in podatke o terorističnih skupinah, njihovih članih, ki načrtujejo, izvajajo oziroma so izvedli svoja dejanja na območju druge pogodbenice na njeno škodo, proti njenim interesom in so potrebni za ustavitev terorizma ali preprečevanje hudih kaznivih dejanj.
5. člen
Sodelovanje pogodbenic zajema tudi:
1. izmenjavo informacij o pravni ureditvi v zvezi s kaznivimi dejanji, ki jih zajema ta dogovor;
2. izmenjavo informacij v zvezi s koristmi, ki si jih kdo pridobi s kaznivim dejanjem;
3. izmenjavo pravne ureditve in izkušenj v zvezi s tujci oziroma migracijo;
4. izmenjavo tistih informacij, ki so za drugo državo pogodbenico pomembne v boju proti tihotapljenju ljudi in nedovoljeni trgovini z delovno silo.
6. člen
(1) Pooblaščeni organi pogodbenic:
s strani Republike Slovenije -Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve, Ministrstvo za finance in Ministrstvo za zdravstvo
s strani Republike Makedonije – Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve bodo na svojem delovnem področju in pristojnosti v interesu izvajanja dogovora neposredno in delovno sodelovali in pri tem bodo konkretna področja in način sodelovanja lahko opredelili v zapisnikih o sodelovanju.
(2) Informacije med predstavniki sodelujočih organov, če se ti ne dogovore drugače, se izmenjavajo v angleškem jeziku.
7. člen
Za varstvo podatkov, ki se nanašajo na osebe in si jih pogodbenici izročita v okviru sodelovanja, veljajo ob upoštevanju zakonodaje pogodbenic tile pogoji:
1. pogodbenica, ki je podatke prejela, jih lahko uporablja samo v namene, ki jih je opredelila pogodbenica, in jih je izročila, in ob pogojih, ki jih je postavila;
2. pogodbenica, ki je podatke prejela, bo na prošnjo pogodbenice, ki jih je izročila, dala informacije o uporabi izročenih podatkov in o rezultatih, ki so jih dosegli z njihovo pomočjo;
3. podatke, ki se nanašajo na osebe, je mogoče izročiti izključno pristojnim organom oziroma organizacijam za zatiranje kriminala in pristojnim organizacijam v boju proti terorizmu, mamilom in organiziranemu kriminalu. Dajanje podatkov drugim organom oziroma organizacijam je mogoče le s predhodnim pisnim dovoljenjem pogodbenice, ki je dala podatke;
4. pogodbenica, ki je podatke poslala, se mora prepričati o pravilnosti izročenih podatkov in tudi o tem, ali je izročitev nujna in ali je v sorazmerju s ciljem izročitve. Poleg tega je treba upoštevati predpise druge strani pogodbenice, ki se nanašajo na omejevanje dajanja podatkov po njenem nacionalnem pravu. Če se izkaže, da so bili izročeni nepravilni podatki ali podatki, ki se ne bi smeli predati, je o tem treba pogodbenico, ki je podatke prejela, nemudoma obvestiti. Pogodbenica, ki je podatek sprejela, mora nepravilen podatek popraviti, pomotoma oziroma nedovoljeno predan podatek po takoj uničiti;
5. upravičeni osebi je treba na njeno' prošnjo pojasniti podatke, ki obstajajo o njej in o njihovi predvideni uporabi. Dajanje pojasnil ni obvezujoče, če zakonodaja določene države tega ne predpisuje. Pri dajanju pojasnil o osebnih podatkih je odločilno nacionalno pravo tiste pogodbenice, ki bo podatke dala;
6. pogodbenica, ki daje podatke v skladu s svojim pravnim redom, bo ob njihovi izročitvi določila tudi veljavne termine za izbris podatkov. Neodvisno od tega je treba podatke, ki se nanašajo na posredovano osebo, ob prenehanju potrebe izbrisati. O' izbrisu prevzetega podatka in o razlogu za to je treba hkrati s tem obvestiti pogodbenico, ki je poslala podatke. Vsi dobljeni podatki se ob prenehanju dogovora uničijo;
7. pogodbenici morata o izročitvi, prevzemu in izbrisu podatkov o osebi voditi evidenco;
8. pogodbenici morata podatke o dani osebi učinkovito zaščititi, da nimajo dostopa do njih nepristojni, da jih ne spremenijo in da jih ne objavijo.
8. člen
(1) Pogodbenici zagotavljata tajnost podatkov, ki jih je katera od pogodbenic ocenila kot zaupne in če so kot tajni opredeljeni po predpisih države, ki jih je izročila.
(2) Pošiljanje gradiv, ki so bila predana v skladu z dogovorom, dajanje podatkov in tehničnih sredstev za tretje države, je mogoče samo ob pisnem soglasju pristojnega organa pogodbenice, ki jih je izročila.
9. člen
(1) Pogodbenici bosta za pospeševanje in ocenjevanje sodelovanja po tem dogovoru ustanovili mešano komisijo. Pogodbenici se bosta o sestavi te komisije pisno obveščali po diplomatski poti.
(2) Seja mešane komisije bo najmanj enkrat letno. Pobudo za sklic nadaljnjih sestankov lahko da vsaka od pogodbenic po potrebi. Komisija bo imela svoje seje izmenoma v Republiki Sloveniji in Republiki Makedoniji;
10. člen
Vsaka pogodbenica lahko delno ali v celoti odkloni sodelovanje, svojo podporo ali postavi zanjo določene pogoje, če bi to omejevalo njeno nacionalno pravo, ogrožalo njeno varnost ali druge bistvene interese oziroma kršilo njen nacionalni pravni red.
11. člen
Pogodbenici pooblaščata svoja ministra za notranje zadeve, da lahko vzajemno določita po eno osebo, ki bo vzdrževala stike s pooblaščenimi organi druge pogodbenice.
12. člen
Določila tega dogovora se ne nanašajo na druge dvostranske in večstranske mednarodne pogodbe, ki sta jih sklenili Vladi Republike Slovenije in Republike Makedonije.
13. člen
(1) Ta dogovor je treba ratificirati. Veljati začne trideseti dan po izmenjavi diplomatskih not o potrditvi tega dogovora.
(2) Dogovor je sklenjen za nedoločen čas. Vsaka pogodbenica ga lahko odpove po diplomatski poti. Odpoved začne veljati po šestih mesecih od dneva, ko jo je prejela druga pogodbenica.
Sestavljeno v Skopju dne 28. 10. 1993 v treh izvirnikih v slovenskem, makedonskem in angleškem jeziku, pri čemer so vsa besedila verodostojna.
Če bi se med izvajanjem tega sporazuma pojavila morebitna nesoglasja, se bo za pojasnjevanja pomenov določb tega sporazuma uporabljala angleška verzija.
Za Vlado Republike
Ivan Bizjak l. r.
Za Vlado Republike
Ljubomir Frčkoski l. r.
The Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Government of the Republic of Macedonia (hereinafter: the contracting parties) have, in view of the existing common cultural and historical ties between the two States throughout their history, and in their desire:
– to contribute to the development of bilateral contacts in the field of security;
– to cooperate in the field of the oppression of crime, especially of the organised crime and illicit drug trafficking, of the fight against terrorism and its successful prevention;
– to increase common efforts in the fight against terrorism and drug abuse;
– to harmonise their actions against international organised crime;
and considering the international agreements for these fields of work,
concluded this Agreement:
Article 1
(1) Given consideration to respective State legislations, the contracting parties shall cooperate in the prevention of terrorism, illicit drug trafficking and of organised crime, in the discovery and prosecution of such forms of crime as well as in the prevention, discovery and persecution of other forms of crime.
(2) The contracting parties shall cooperate specially in the cases when the criminal offences or their preparations are being realised on the territory of one of the contracting parties and when the data point to the territory of the other contracting party.
Article 2
The contracting parties shall cooperate in the discovery and suppression of crime, especially of the organised crime and shall:
1. Notify each other about all the data on persons, involved in the organised crime, data on connections between criminals, information about the organisations and groups of criminals, of typical behaviour of perpetrators and groups, of facts, with special attention on time, place in modus operandi of the criminal deeds, of objects of their attack, of special circumstances, of articles of the penal codes which were thus violated and of the measures taken, if it is necessary in certain occasions in order to prevent some dangerous criminal offences;
2. Perform certain police activities upon request and in accordance with the valid legislation of the requested contracting party;
3. Cooperate in the investigations in accordance with the present agreement, legislations of the contracting states and with a valid agreement between the contracting parties on extradition and legal help in connection with criminal offences, and with a reconciliation of police measures together with personnel, material and organisational help;
4. Exchange the data and experiences on methods and new form used by criminals in the international crime;
5. Exchange the results of criminalistic, criminological and other investigations of criminal offences, inform each other of the practice of investigating of the criminal deeds, as well as of the use of methods and means in their work, with the purpose to develop them even further;
6. Exchange, upon request, all information or specimen of the objects which arise from a criminal offence and of the objects, which were used for the performance of criminal deeds;
7. Exchange the experts for common or mutual improving of the quality as a part of the fight against the organised crime, enable the possibilities for further education of their experts in order to obtain a higher degree of professional knowledge, for a mutual comprehension of means and methods of the fight against crime and of modern results of the criminal police techniques;
8. If necessary and in certain investigations organise working meetings connected to the preparations and execution of already adjusted measures.
Article 3
For the prevention of the illicit cultivation, production, acquisition, export, import and transit of drugs, psychotropic substances and precursors as well as of the illegal trafficking of such substances, the contracting parties, in consideration of the legislation of both States, shall:
1. Communicate each other all the data of persons, involved in drug production and trafficking, about their hideouts, transportation means and modus operandi, of places of origin and destination of drugs and all other particular details of certain criminal deeds, if it is necessary for crime prevention or, in certain cases, for the prevention of violent criminal offences against public order;
2. Excange data on usual and new ways of international illicit drug trafficking and all other information about it;
3. Exchange the results of crime and criminological investigations of drug traficking and drug abuse;
4. Exchange the samples of new drugs of vegetal and synthetic origin and of psychotropic substances;
5. Exchange their experiences about the control of legal handling of drugs, psychotropic substances and precursors in view of possibilities of illegal trafficking with such substances;
6. The contracting parties shall harmonise their police measures, permitted by law, for the prevention of illicit production of drugs and psychotropic substances.
Article 4
In order to prevent acts of terrorists, the contracting parties shall, according to their valid legislation and in consideration of the present agreement, act as follows:
1. Exchange their cognitions and data about planned or executed terrorist actions, persons involved, ways of execution and of technical means used in such acts;
2. Exchange their cognitions and data about terrorist groups, their members who plan, execute or executed their deeds on the territory of one of the contracting parties to its detriment, against its interest, such information being useful for the stopping of terrorism and for the prevention of violent criminal offences.
Article 5
The cooperation between the contracting parties includes also:
1. The exchange of all information regarding the legislation dealing with the criminal offences, included in the present agreement;
2. Exchange of information about the benefits that someone obtained with a criminal activity;
3. Exchange of legislation and experiences in relation to foreigners or migration;
4. Exchange of all pieces of information which are important for one of the contracting parties in the fight against the smuggling of persons and the illicit trafficking with workers.
Article 6
(1) The competent authorities of the contracting parties:
For the Republic of Slovenia – The Ministry of the Interior, The Ministry of Finances and the Ministry of Health
For the Republic of Macedonia – The Ministry of the Interior
shall have a direct and working cooperation in their fields of work and competence in the interest of the execution of the present agreement, and they will define the concrete fields of work and forms of cooperation with the minutes of cooperation.
(2) The exchange of information between the representatives of the participating authorities shall be made in English language, except should they agree otherwise.
Article 7
The following conditions for the protection of the data about persons, which the contracting parties exchange in the frame of cooperation, shall prevail, with the consideration of the valid legislation of the contracting States:
1. The contracting party, which receives such data, can use them only for the purposes defined by the contracting party, which sent them and which defined the conditions for their use;
2. The contracting party, which receives such data, shall, upon request from the contracting party – sender, inform the latter of the use of such data and of the results obtained with them;
3. Data, related to persons can be given only to the competent authorities or organisations dealing with the crime oppression and to the competent authorities for the fight against, terrorism, drugs and organised crime. Any handing over of such data to any other authorities is possible only with a previous written consent of the other contracting party that sent such data;
4. The contracting party that sends the requested data must check the correctness of the data, as well as if the handing over of the data is necessary and if it is made in proportion to the necessity. Consideration should be made also of the legislation of the other contracting party, which restricts the giving of data in accordance to its national jurisdiction. Should it be found out that untrue data or data, which shouldn't have been handed over, were given out, the other contracting party, that receives such data, must be immediately informed of the fact. The contracting party, which receives such data, must correct the untrue data and immediately destory all data, which were given to it by mistake or shouldn't be handed over;
5. Upon a request of a person concerned all existing data about her or him must be explained to such a person, as well as their possible use. If it is not specifically regulated by existing legislation such explanations are not obligatory. At the time of giving such explanation the valid legislation of the contracting party, giving such data, shall be taken into consideration;
6. The conracting party that gives the, data in compliance with its own legislation, shall determine upon their handing over also the valid terms for the cancellation of such data. Regardless the latter fact, all data concerning certain person must be' erased after the need for them has ceased. The contracting party that sends the data must be informed of the erasure of such data and of the reason for such erasure. All data received shall be destroyed upon the termination of the present agreement;
7. The contracting parties are obliged to keep record of all handing over, acceptance or erasure of personal data;
8. The contracting parties must provide efficient protection of the personal data, prevent the access of unauthorised persons to such data, must not alter them and are not allowed to publich them.
Article 8
(1) The contracting paries shall quarantee the secrecy of any such data that were estimated as confident by any of the contracting parties, and if they were defined as secret by the existing regulations of the State that handed them over.
(2) The forwarding of the material, that was handed over in accordance with the present agreement, giving the data and technical equipment to any third State is possible only upon a written consent of the competent authority of the contracting party that gave them away.
Article 9
(1) The contracting parties shall form a mixed working Committee for the promotion and valuation of the cooperation under the present agreement. The contracting parties shall inform each other by the diplomatic courier of the composition of such Committee.
(2) There shall be at least one session of the mixed Committee each year. Any of the contracting parties can suggest, if necessary, additional meetings of the said Committee. The Committee shall hold its sessions alternatively in the Republic of Slovenia and in the Republic of Macedonia.
Article 10
Each contracting party has the right to reject partly or completely, its cooperation and its support or establish certain conditions, if this should limit its national legislation, endanger the security of the State or other essentail interests or violate its national legal order.
Article 11
The contracting parties authorise their respective Ministers of the Interior to appoint each one person, who will keep the contacts with the competent authorities of the other contracting party.
Article 12
The provisions of the present agreement do not apply to any other bilateral or multilateral international agreements concluded by the Governments of the Republic of Slovenia and of the Republic of Macedonia.
Article 13
(1) The present agreement shall be ratified. It shall become valid and effective on the thirtieth day after the reciprocal exchange of the diplomatic notes of the ratification of the present agreement.
(2) This agreement was concluded for an unlimited period of time. Any of the contracting parties can renounce the agreement through the diplomatic way. The renouncement shall become effective six month following the day the other contracting party received such notification.
Done in Skopje on 28. 10. 1993 in three originals in Slovenian, Macedonian and English version, each texts being equally authentic.
In case any misunderstanding appears during the implementation of the present Agreement, the English version shall prevail for the clarification of the meaning of the Agreements provisions.
For the Government of
the Republic of Slovenia
Ivan Bizjak, (s)
For the Government of
the Republic of Macedonia
Ljubomir Frčkoski, (s)
3. člen
Za izvajanje tega dogovora skrbi ministrstvo, pristojno za notranje zadeve.
4. člen
Ta zakon začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 212-05/94-8/1
Ljubljana, dne 27. septembra 1994
Državnega zbora
Republike Slovenije
Jožef Školč l. r.

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