Uradni list

Številka 11
Uradni list RS, št. 11/1994 z dne 28. 2. 1994
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 11/1994 z dne 28. 2. 1994


27. Zakon o ratifikaciji sporazuma med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Ljudske republike Kitajske o spodbujanju in vzajemni zaščiti investicij, stran 154.

Na podlagi druge alinee prvega odstavka 107. člena in prvega odstavka 91. člena ustave Republike Slovenije izdajam
o razglasitvi zakona o ratifikaciji sporazuma med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Ljudske republike Kitajske o
spodbujanju in vzajemni zaščiti investicij
Razglašam zakon o ratifikaciji sporazuma med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Ljudske republike Kitajske o spodbujanju in vzajemni zaščiti investicij, ki ga je sprejel Državni zbor Republike Slovenije na seji dne 25. januarja 1994.
Št. 0100-3/94
Ljubljana, dne 2. februarja 1994.
Predsednik Republike Slovenije
Milan Kučan l. r.
1. člen
Ratificira se sporazum med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Ljudske republike Kitajske o spodbujanju in vzajemni zaščiti investicij, podpisan v Ljubljani 13. septembra 1993.
2. člen
Sporazum se v izvirniku v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku glasi:
Vlada Republike Slovenije in Vlada Ljudske republike Kitajske sta se v želji, da bi spodbudili, zaščitili in ustvarili ugodne pogoje za investicije investitorjev ene države pogodbenice na ozemlju druge države pogodbenice, na načelih medsebojnega spoštovanja suverenosti, enakosti in skupnih koristi z namenom, da bi razvijali gospodarsko sodelovanje med državama,
dogovorili, kot sledi:
1. člen
Za namene tega sporazuma:
1. Izraz »investicije« pomeni vsakovrstna sredstva, ki jih investitorji ene države pogodbenice investirajo v skladu z zakoni in predpisi druge države pogodbenice na ozemlju slednje in ki obsegajo predvsem:
(a) premično in nepremično lastnino ter druga lastninska upravičenja;
(b) delnice v podjetjih ali druge oblike udeležbe v takih podjetjih;
(c) denarne zahtevke ali zahtevke glede storitev, ki imajo ekonomsko vrednost;
(d) avtorske pravice, industrijsko lastnino, know-how in tehnološke procese;
(e) zakonito dodeljene koncesije skupaj s koncesijami za iskanje in izkoriščanje naravnih virov.
2. Izraz »investitorji« pomeni: na strani Republike Slovenije:
(a) fizične osebe, ki so državljani Republike Slovenije;
(b) gospodarske družbe ali druge pravne osebe, ustanovljene v skladu z zakoni Republike Slovenije,
na strani Ljudske republike Kitajske:
(a) fizične osebe, ki so državljani Ljudske republike Kitajske;
(b) gospodarske družbe, ustanovljene v skladu z zakoni Ljudske republike Kitajske, s sedežem na ozemlju Ljudske republike Kitajske.
3. Izraz »dohodek« pomeni prihodke od investicij, kot so dobiček, dividende, obresti, pravice do deleža, licenčnice in drugi zakoniti dohodki.
4. Izraz »ozemlje« pomeni ozemlje države, ki je opredeljeno z njeno zakonodajo, in vsa druga morebitna območja s suverenim statusom, suverenimi pravicami ali zakonito oblastjo v skladu z mednarodnim pravom.
2. člen
1. Vsaka država pogodbenica bo spodbujala investitorje druge države pogodbenice k investiranju na svojem ozemlju in dopuščala tako investiranje v skladu s svojimi zakoni in predpisi.
2. Vsaka država pogodbenica bo v skladu s svojimi zakoni in predpisi na svojem ozemlju nudila pomoč in zagotovila možnosti za pridobitev viz in delovnih dovoljenj državljanom druge države pogodbenice v zvezi z dejavnostmi, ki so povezane s takimi investicijami..
3. člen
1. Investicijam in dejavnostim v zvezi z investicijami investitorjev države pogodbenice bo zagotovljena poštena in nepristranska obravnava in bodo na ozemlju druge države pogodbenice uživale zaščito.
2. Vsaka pogodbenica mora, kolikor je mogoče, investicijam investitorjev iz druge pogodbenice zagotoviti v skladu z določbami svojih zakonov in predpisov enako obravnavo, kot jo zagotavlja svojim lastnim investitorjem.
3. Obravnava in zaščita iz prvega odstavka tega člena ne smeta biti manj ugodni od obravnave in zaščite, zagotovljene investicijam investitorjev iz kake tretje države in dejavnostim v zvezi z njimi.
4. Obravnava in zaščita, omenjeni v prvem in tretjem odstavku tega člena, ne smeta vsebovati preferencialne obravnave, ki jo druga država pogodbenica zagotavlja investicijam investitorjev kake tretje države na podlagi carinske unije, proste trgovinske cone, gospodarske unije, sporazuma o izogibanju dvojnemu obdavčenju ali o olajšavah v maloobmejnem prometu.
4. člen
1. Nobena pogodbenica ne bo razlaščala ali nacionalizirala investicij investitorjev druge pogodbenice na svojem ozemlju ali proti njim sprejemala podobnih ukrepov (v nadaljevanju označene kot »razlastitev«), razen pod naslednjimi pogoji:
(a) zaradi javnega interesa;
(b) po zakonitem postopku v tej državi;
(c) brez diskriminacije;
(d) proti odškodnini.
2. Odškodnina bo izračunana na podlagi tržne vrednosti investicije neposredno pred trenutkom, ko je odločitev o razlastitvi objavljena ali posredovana javnosti. Če tržne vrednosti ni mogoče izračunati brez težav, bo odškodnina določena v skladu s splošno priznanimi načeli vrednotenja in nepristransko, pri čemer je treba med drugim upoštevati investirana sredstva, amortizacijo, že repatriirani kapital, vrednost zamenjave in druge pomembne dejavnike.
3. Odškodnina mora vsebovati obresti po tekoči obrestni meri, ki velja za valuto, v kateri je bila prvotna investicija opravljena, obresti pa se obračunajo za obdobje med datumom razlastitve in datumom plačila. Končno določeno vsoto odškodnine je treba investitorjem plačati v prosto konvertibilnih valutah in omogočiti njihovo repa-triacijo brez nepotrebnih zamud.
5. člen
1. Vsaka država pogodbenica jamči investitorjem druge države pogodbenice v skladu s svojimi zakoni in predpisi prenos njihovih investicij in dohodkov iz investicij, ki jih imajo na ozemlju države pogodbenice, brez nepotrebnega odlašanja, če so izpolnjene vse zakonsko predpisane finančne obveznosti, vključno:
(a) dobičke, dividende, obresti in druge zakonite dohodke;
(b) vsote, ki izhajajo iz popolne ali delne likvidacije investicij;
(c) plačila, ki izhajajo iz pogodb o posojilu v zvezi z investicijo;
(d) licenčnine iz točke (d) prvega odstavka 1. člena;
(e) plačila za tehnično pomoč ali tehnične storitve ter upravljalske storitve;
(f) plačila v zvezi s pogodbenimi projekti;
(g) zaslužke državljanov druge države pogodbenice, ki opravljajo dela v zvezi z neko investicijo na ozemlju ene države pogodbenice.
2. Predhodno omenjeni prenos je treba opraviti na podlagi menjalnega tečaja, ki velja na dan prenosa v državi pogodbenici, ki je investicijo sprejela.
6. člen
Če država pogodbenica ali njena agencija opravi plačilo investitorju v skladu z garancijo, ki jo je dodelila za neko investicijo tega investitorja na ozemlju druge države pogodbenice, mora slednja priznati prenos vsake morebitne pravice ali zahtevka tega investitorja na prvo državo pogodbenico ali zahtevka tega investitorja na prvo državo pogodbenico ali njeno agencijo in priznati upravičenost prve države pogodbenice ali njene agencije do take pravice ali zahtevka. Prenesena pravica ali zahtevek ne sme biti večji od prvotne pravice ali zahtevka omenjenega investitorja.
7. člen
1. Vsak spor med državama pogodbenicama v zvezi z razlago ali uporabo tega sporazuma je treba, kolikor je mogoče, reševati s posvetovanji po diplomatskih kanalih.
2. Če spora na ta način ni mogoče rešiti v šestih mesecih, ga je treba na zahtevo katerekoli od držav pogodbenic predložiti v obravnavo v ta namen ustanovljenemu arbitražnemu razsodišču.
3. Tako razsodišče sestavljajo trije razsodniki. V roku dveh mesecev od datuma, ko ena država pogodbenica od druge dobi pisno obvestilo z zahtevo za arbitražo, mora vsaka država pogodbenica imenovati enega razsodnika. Dva tako imenovana razsodnika morata v naslednjih dveh mesecih izbrati še tretjega razsodnika, ki mora biti državljan kake tretje države, ki ima diplomatske odnose z obema državama pogodbenicama. Tretjega razsodnika državi pogodbenici imenujeta za predsednika arbitražnega razsodišča.
4. Če arbitražno razsodišče ni ustanovljeno v roku štirih mesecev od datuma prejema pisnega obvestila o arbitraži, lahko katerakoli država pogodbenica brez vsakršnega drugega dogovora prosi predsednika Mednarodnega sodišča, da imenuje še neimenovanega razsodnika ali razsodnike. Če je predsednik državljan ene od držav pogodbenic ali zaradi kakih drugih razlogov ne more opraviti te naloge, je treba prositi po funkciji naslednjega najvišjega člana Mednarodnega sodišča, ki ni državljan držav pogodbenic, da opravi potrebno imenovanje ali imenovanja.
5. Arbitražno razsodišče mora določiti svoj postopek. Razsodišče mora svojo odločitev sprejeti v skladu z določbami tega sporazuma in načeli mednarodnega prava, ki jih priznavata obe državi pogodbenici.
6. Razsodišče odloča z večino glasov. Njegova odločitev je dokončna in obvezujoča za obe državi pogodbenici. V te namene ustanovljeno arbitražno razsodišče mora na zahtevo vsake države pogodbenice utemeljiti razloge za svojo odločitev.
7. Vsaka država pogodbenica nosi stroške za razsodnika, ki ga je imenovala, in za svojo zastopanost v arbitražnem postopku. Stroške, ki se nanašajo na predsednika razsodišča in razsodišče, nosita državi pogodbenici po enakih delih.
8. člen
1. Vsak spor med investitorjem ene države pogodbenice in drugo državo pogodbenico v zvezi z investicijo na ozemlju druge države pogodbenice je treba, kolikor je mogoče, reševati s prijateljskimi pogajanji med strankama, ki sta v sporu.
2. Če spora ni mogoče rešiti s pogajanji v roku šestih mesecev, lahko vsaka v spor vpletena stranka spor predloži v obravnavo pristojnemu sodišču države pogodbenice, ki je investicijo sprejela.
3. Če spora glede višine odškodnine za razlastitev v skladu s prvim odstavkom tega člena ni mogoče razrešiti v roku šestih mesecev po začetku pogajanj, ga je mogoče na zahtevo ene ali druge stranke predložiti v obranavo arbitražnemu razsodišču, ki je ustanovljeno v ta namen. Določbe tega odstavka pa ne veljajo, če se prizadeti investitor odloči za uporabo postopka, ki ga določa drugi odstavek, tega člena.
4. Takšno arbitražno razsodišče je treba ustanoviti za vsak posamezen primer na tale način: vsaka v spor. vpletena stranka mora imenovati enega razsodnika, oba tako imenovana razsodnika pa skupaj izbereta predsednika, ki mora biti državljan kake tretje države, ki ima diplomatske odnose z obema državama pogodbenicama. Prva dva razsodnika je treba imenovati v roku dveh mesecev od datuma, ko ena država pogodbenica drugi posreduje pisno obvestilo z zahtevo za arbitražo, predsednika pa v roku štirih mesecev. Če v zgoraj navedenem roku razsodišče ni ustanovljeno, lahko vsaka v spor vpletena stranka prosi generalnega tajnika Mednarodnega
centra za reševanje investicijskih sporov, da opravi potrebna imenovanja.
5. Arbitražno razsodišče določi svoj postopek. Pri določanju tega postopka pa lahko kot smernice uporablja Pravilnik o arbitraži Mednarodnega centra za reševanje investicijskih sporov.
6. Razsodišče odloča z večino glasov. Njegova odločitev je dokončna in obvezujoča za obe v spor vpleteni stranki. Obe državi pogodbenici se morata obvezati, da bosta odločitev uveljavili v skladu s svojo državno zakonodajo.
7. Razsodišče sprejema odločitve v skladu z zakonodajo v spor vpletene države pogodbenice, ki je sprejela investicijo, vključno s pravili o koliziji zakonov, določbami tega sporazuma ter splošno priznanimi načeli mednarodnega prava, ki jih sprejemata obe državi pogodbenici.
8. Vsaka v spor vpletena stranka nosi stroške za člana razsodišča, ki ga je imenovala, in za svojo zastopanost v postopku. Stroške, ki se nanašajo na imenovanega predsednika in ostale stroške nosita v spor vpleteni stranki po enakih delih.
9. člen
Če ena država pogodbenica v skladu s svojimi zakoni
in predpisi obravnava investicije investitorjev iz druge države pogodbenice ali dejavnosti v zvezi s takimi investicijami ugodneje, kot jih predvideva ta sporazum, se. uporablja ugodnejše obravnavanje.
10. člen
Ta sporazum se uporablja za obstoječe investicije, ki so jih investitorji ene države pogodbenice izvršili v skladu
z zakoni in predpisi druge države pogodbenice na ozemlju slednje pred začetkom veljavnosti sporazuma, oziroma na njihove investicije, izvršene na tem ozemlju po njegovi uveljavitvi.
11. člen
1. Predstavniki obeh držav pogodbenic se občasno sestajajo zaradi:
(a) preverjanja izvajanja tega sporazuma;
(b) izmenjave informacij o pravnih zadevah in možnostih investiranja;
(c) razreševanja sporov v zvezi z investicijami;
(d) posredovanja predlogov o pospeševanju investicij;
(e) preučevanja drugih zadev v zvezi z investicijami.
2. Če ena od držav pogodbenic zahteva posvet glede katerekoli zadeve iz prvega odstavka tega člena, mora druga država pogodbenica brez odlašanja odgovoriti. Posvetovanja so izmenično v Ljubljani in Pekingu.
12. člen
1. Ta sporazum začne veljati na prvi dan meseca, ki sledi datumu, ko državi pogodbenici druga drugo v pisni obliki obvestita o opravljenih ustreznih notranjih zakonskih postopkih, in velja pet let.
2. Sporazum ostane v veljavi, če nobena država pogodbenica drugi eno leto pred pretekom roka, ki ga določa prvi odstavek tega člena, ne posreduje pisnega obvestila o odpovedi sporazuma.
3. Po preteku obdobja prvih petih let lahko vsaka država pogodbenica kadarkoli odpove ta sporazum, če vsaj eno leto pred tem drugi posreduje pisno obvestilo o tej svoji nameri.
4. Glede investicij, opravljenih pred datumom prekinitve tega sporazuma, veljajo določbe, 1. do 11. člena še v obdobju naslednjih desetih let po datumu prekinitve sporazuma.
Ta sporazum sta s svojima podpisoma potrdila ustrezno pooblaščena predstavnika obeh vlad.
Sestavljeno v dvojniku v Ljubljani dne 13. septembra 1993 v slovenskem, kitajskem in angleškem jeziku. Vsa besedila so enako verodostojna.
V primeru razhajanj glede razlage besedila je merodajno angleško besedilo.
Za Vlado Za
Republike Slovenije:
Lojze Peterle l. r.

Vlado Ljudske
republike Kitajske:
Gu Jongjiang l. r.
The Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Government of the People's' Republic of China, desiring to encourage, protect and create favourable conditions for investment by investors of one Contracting State in the territory of the other Contracting State based on the principles of mutual respect for sovereignty, equality and mutual benefit and for the purpose of the development of economic cooperation between both States,
have agreed as follows:
Article 1
For the purpose of this Agreement:
1. The term "investments" means every kind of asset invested by investors of one Contracting State in accordance with the laws and regulations of the other Contracting State in the territory of the Latter, including mainly:
(a) movable and immovable property and other property rights;
(b) shares in companies of other forms of interest in such companies;
(c) a claim to money or to any performance having an economic value;
(d) copyrights, industrial property, know-how and technological process;
(e) concessions conferred by law, including concessions to search for or exploit natural resources.
2. The term "investors" means: in respect of the Republic of Slovenia:
(a) natural persons who have nationality of the Republic of Slovenia;
(b) economic entities or other legal person established in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Slovenia; in respect of the People's Republic of China:
(a) natural persons who have nationality of the People's Republic of China;
(b) economic entities established in accordance with the laws of the People's Republic of China and domiciled in the territory of the People's Republic of China.
3. The term "return" means the amounts yielded by investments, such as profits, dividends, interests, royalties or other legitimate income.
4. The term "territory" means the territory of the State as defined in its laws and all possible other areas having the status of sovereignty, sovereign rights or jurisdiction in accordance with international law.
Article 2
1. Each Contracting State shall encourage investors of the other Contracting State to make investments in its territory and admit such investments in accordance with its laws and regulations.
2. Each contracting State shall grant assistance in and provide facilities for obtaining visa and working permit to nationals of the other Contracting State to or in the territory of the Former in connection with activities associated with such investments, according to its laws and regulations.
Article 3
1. Investmens and activities associated with investments of investors of either Contracting State shall be accorded fair and equitable treatment and shall enjoy protection in the territory of the other Contracting State.
2. Either contracting Party shall to the extent possible, accord treatment in accordance with the stipulations of its laws and regulations to the investments of investors of the other Contracting Party the same as that accorded to its own investors.
3. The treatment and protection referred to in Paragraph 1 of this Article shall not be less favourable than that accorded to investments and activities associated with such investments of investors of a third State.
4. The treatment and protection as mentioned in Paragraphs 1 and 3 of this Article shall not include any preferential treatment accorded by the other Contracting State to investments of investor of a third State based on customs union, free trade zone, economic union, agreement relating to avoidance of double taxation or for facilitating frontier trade.
Article 4
1. Neither Contracting Party shall expropriate, nationalize or take similar measures (hereinafter referred to as "expropriation") against investments of investors of the other Contracting Party in its territory, unless the following conditions are met:
(a) for the public interests;
(b) under domestic legal procedure;
(c) without discrimination;
(d) against compensation
2. Such compensation shall be computed on the basis of the market value of the investment immediately prior to the point of time when the decision for expropriation was announced or became publicly known. Where the market value cannot be readily ascertained, the compensation shall be determined in accordance with generally recognized principles of valuation and on equitable principles taking into account, inter alia, the capital invested, depreciation, capital already repatriated, replacement value and other relevant factors.
3. The compensation shall include interest at the current rate of interest aplicable to the currency in which the investment was originally undertaken from the date of expropriation until the date of payment. The amount of compensation finally determined shall be paid to investors in freely convertible currencies and allowed to be repatriated without undue delay.
Article 5
1. Each Contracting State shall, subject to its laws and regulations, guarantee investors of the other Contracting State the transfer of their investments and returns held in the territory of one Contracting State, without unreasonable delay and provided that all financial obligations required by law have been settled, including:
(a) profits, dividends, interests and other legitimate income;
(b) amounts from total or partial liquidation of investments;
(c) payments made pursuant to a loan agreement in connection with investment;
(d) royalties in Paragraph 1, (d) of Article 1;
(e) payments of technical assistance or technical service fee, management fee;
(f) payments in connection with projects on contract;
(g) earnings of nationals of the other Contracting State who work in connection with an investment in the territory of one Contracting State.
2. The transfer mentioned above shall be made at the prevailing exchange rate of the Contracting State accepting investment on the date of transfer.
Article 6
If a Contracting State or its Agency makes payment to an investor under a guarantee it has granted to an investment of such investor in the territory of the other Contracting State, such other Contracting State shall recognize the transfer of any right or claim of such investor to the former Contracting State or its Agency and recognize the subrogation of the former Contracting State or its Agency to such right or claim. The subrogated right or claim shall not be greater than the original right or claim of the said investor.
Article 7
1. Any dispute between the Contracting States concerning the interpretation or application of this Agreement shall, as far as possible, be settled by consultation through diplomatic channel.
2. If a dispute cannot thus be settled within six months, it shall, upon the request of either Contracting State, be submitted to an ad hoc arbitrary tribunal.
3. Such tribunal comprises of three arbitrators. Within two months from the date on which either Contracting State receives the written notice requesting for arbitration from the other Contracting State, each Contracting State shall apoint one arbitrator. Those two arbitrators shall, within further two months together select a third arbitrator who is a national of a third State which has diplomatic relations with both Contracting States. The third arbitrator shall be appointed by the two Contracting States as Chairman of the arbitrary tribunal.
4. If the arbitrary tribunal has not been constituted within four months from the date of the receipt of the written notice for arbitration, either Contracting State may, in the absence of any other agreement, invite the President of the International Court of Justice to appoint the arbitrator(s) who has or have not yet been appointed. If the President is a national of either Contracting State or is otherwise prevented from discharging the said function, the next most senior member of the International Court of Justice who is not a national of either Contracting State shall be invited to make the neccesary appointmet(s).
5. The arbitrary tribunal shall determine its own procedure. The tribunal shall reach its award in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement and the principles of international law recognized by both Contracting States.
6. The tribunal shall reach its award by a majority of votes. Such award shall be final and binding on both Contracting States. The ad hoc arbitrary tribunal shall, upon the request of either Contracting State, explain the reasons of its award.
7. Each Contracting State shall, bear the costs of its appointed proceedings. The relevant costs of the Chairman and the tribunal shall be borne in equal parts by. the Contracting States.
Article 8
1. Any dispute between the investor of one Contracting State and the other Contracting State in connection with an investment in the territory of the other Contracting State shall, as far as possible, be settled amicably through negotiations between the parties to the dispute.
2. If the dispute cannot be settled through negotiations within six months, either party to the dispute shall be entitled to submit the dispute to the competent court of the Contracting State accepting the investment.
3. If a dispute involving the amount of compensation for expropriation cannot be settled within six months after resort to negotiations as specified in Paragraph 1 of this Article, it may be submitted at the request of either party to an ad hoc arbitrary tribunal. The provisions of this Paragraph shall not apply if the investor concerned has resorted to the procedure specified in the Paragraph 2 of this Article.
4. Such an arbitrary tribunal shall be constituted for each individual case in the following way: each party to the dispute shall appoint an arbitrator and these two shall select a national of a third State which has diplomatic relations with the two Contracting States as Chairman. The first two arbitrators shall be appointed within two months of the written notice for arbitration by either party to the dispute to the other, and the Chairman shall be selected within four months. If. within the period specified above, the tribunal has not been constituted, either party to the dispute may invite Secretary General of the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes to make the necessary appointments.
5. The tribunal shall determine its own procedure. However the tribunal may, in the, course of determination of procedure take as guidance the Arbitration Rules of the International Centre for Settlement of Investment, Disputes.
6. The tribunal shall reach its decision by a majority of votes. Such decision shall be final and binding on both parties to the disputes. Both Contracting States shall commit themselves to the enforcement of the decision in accordance with their respective domestic law.
7. The tribunal shall adjudicate, in accordance with the law of the Contracting State to the dispute accepting the investment including its rules on the conflict of laws, the provisions of this Agreement as well as the generally recognized prinicple of international law accepted by both Contracting States.
8. Each party to the dispute shall bear the costs of its appointed member of the tribunal and of its representation in the proceedings. The cost of the appointed
Chairman and the remaining costs shall be borne in equal parts by the parties to the dispute.
Article 9
If the treatment to be accorded by one Contracting State in accordance with its laws and regulations to investments or activities associated with such investments of investors of the other Contracting State is more favourable than the treatment provided for in this Agreement, the more favourable treatment shall be applicable.
Article 10
This Agreement shall apply to existing investments which are made prior to or investments after its entry into force by investors of either Contracting State in accordance with the laws and regulations of the other Contracting State in the territory of the Latter.
Article 11
1. The representatives of the two Contracting States shall hold meetings from time to time for the purpose of:
(a) reviewing the implementation of this Agreement;
(b) exchanging legal information and investment opportunities;
(c) resolving dispute arising out of investments;
(d) forwarding proposals on promotion of investments;
(e) studying other issues in connection with investments.
2. Where either Contracting State requests consultation on any matters of Paragraph 1 of this Article, the other Contracting State shall give prompt response and the consultation be held alternatively in Ljubljana and Beijing.
Article 12
1. This Agreement shall enter into force on the first day of the following month after the date on which both Contracting States have notified each other in writing that their respective internal legal procedures have been fulfilled, and shall remain in force for a period of five years.
2. This Agreement shall continue to remain in force if either Contracting State fails to give a written notice to the other Contracting State to terminate this Agreement one year before the expiration of the period specified in Paragraph 1 of this Article.
3. After the expiration of the initial five year period, either Contracting State may at any time thereafter terminate this Agreement by giving at least one year's written notice to the other Contracting State.
4. With respect to investments made prior to the date of termination of this Agreement, the provisions of Article 1 to 11 shall continue to be effective for a further period of ten years from such date of termination.
In witness whereof, the duly authorized representatives of their respective Governments have signed this Agreement.
Done in duplicate at Ljubljana on the 13th of September, 1993 in the Slovene, Chinese and English languages, all texts being equally authentic.
In case of divergence of interpretation, the English text shall prevail.
For the Government
of Slovenija:
Lojze Peterle, (s)

For the Government of the
Republic of the People's
Republic of China:
Gu Jongjiang, (s)
3. člen
Za izvajanje tega sporazuma skrbi ministrstvo, pristojno za ekonomske odnose in razvoj.
4. člen
Ta zakon začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 410-01/93-1
Ljubljana, dne 25. januarja 1994.
Državnega zbora
Republike Slovenije
map. Herman Rigelnik l. r.

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