Uradni list

Številka 47
Uradni list RS, št. 47/1993 z dne 12. 8. 1993
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 47/1993 z dne 12. 8. 1993


72. Zakon o ratifikaciji Sporazuma med Republiko Slovenijo in Evropsko gospodarsko skupnostjo na področju prometa, stran 792.

Na podlagi prvega odstavka 107. in 91. člena Ustave Republike Slovenije izdajam
o razglasitvi Zakona o ratifikaciji sporazuma med Republiko Slovenijo in Evropsko gospodarsko skupnostjo na področju prometa
Razglašam Zakon o ratifikaciji sporazuma med Republiko Slovenijo in Evropsko gospodarsko skupnostjo na področju prometa, ki ga je sprejel Državni zbor Republike Slovenije na seji dne 27. julija 1993.
Št. 0100-110/93
Ljubljana, dne 4. avgusta 1993.
Republike Slovenije
Milan Kučan l. r.
1. člen
Ratificira se Sporazum med Republiko Slovenijo in Evropsko gospodarsko skupnostjo na področju prometa, podpisan v Luksemburgu 5. aprila 1993 v angleškem, danskem, francoskem, grškem, italijanskem, nemškem, nizozemskem, portugalskem, slovenskem in španskem jeziku.
2. člen
Sporazum se v izvirniku v slovenskem in angleškem* jeziku glasi:
SVET EVROPSKIH SKUPNOSTI, v nadaljnjem besedilu "Skupnost", na eni strani in
REPUBLIKA SLOVENIJA, v nadaljnjem besedilu "Slovenija", na drugi strani,
v nadaljnjem besedilu pogodbenici, STA SE
ob upoštevanju Sporazuma o sodelovanju med Evropsko gospodarsko skupnostjo in Republiko Slovenijo, podpisanega v Luksemburgu dne 5. aprila 1993 in zlasti njegovega 7. člena,
ob upoštevanju, da je za Skupnost, v zvezi z izpopolnjevanjem notranjega trga in izvajanjem skupne prometne politike bistveno, da zagotovi, da bo tranzitni pretok blaga Skupnosti čez določene tretje države ter zlasti Slovenijo kolikor mogoče hiter in učinkovit, neoviran ali nediskriminacijski;
ob upoštevanju, da je Slovenija pripravljena nadaljevati svojo vlogo tranzitne države na podlagi obstoječih medsebojnih pravic in obveznosti glede dostopa do trga in tranzita, ki jih je treba še naprej razvijati;
ob upoštevanju, da se pogodbenici zavedata, da mora biti ključni element sporazuma ustvarjanje prometne infrastrukture, prilagojene njunim medsebojnim potrebam in enakopravnim predpisom, ki bodo urejali dostop na tržišče za njune prevoznike;
ob upoštevanju, da navedena vprašanja pogodbenici lahko globalno rešujeta z medsebojnim tesnim sodelovanjem, predvsem v uvajanju in pri razvoju medsebojno usklajenih ukrepov na področju prometa za zagotovitev obojestranskega dostopa do trgov Skupnosti in Slovenije ter za olajšanje cestnega in železniškega prometa z ustreznimi sredstvi ter na konkurenčni osnovi;
ob upoštevanju, da mora biti ta paket ukrepov usmerjen tudi k varstvu okolja;
ob upoštevanju, da bo v ustreznem prehodnem obdobju na voljo dovolj časa za prilagajanje kakršnimkoli novim določilom, ki bi se pokazala kot potrebna; DOGOVORILI NASLEDNJE:
1. člen
Cilj tega sporazuma je vzpodbujanje sodelovanja med pogodbenicama na področju prometa, še zlasti tranzitnega prometa ter v ta namen zagotovitev koordiniranega razvoja prometa med in preko ozemlja pogodbenic, in sicer ob popolni in medsebojno odvisni uporabi vseh določil tega sporazuma.
2. člen
1. Sodelovanje bo obsegalo promet, predvsem cestni, železniški in kombinirani transport in bo vključevalo ustrezno infrastrukturo.
2. S tem v zvezi ta sporazum vključuje predvsem naslednje:
– prometno infrastrukturo na ozemlju ene ali druge pogodbenice, v obsegu, ki je potreben za doseganje cilja tega sporazuma;
– na področju cestnega prometa recipročni dostop do tržišča;
– osnovne pravne in upravne spremljajoče ukrepe, ki vključujejo komercialne, davčne, socialne in tehnične ukrepe;
– sodelovanje pri razvoju prometnega sistema, ki mora izpolnjevati zahteve glede varstva okolja;
– redno izmenjavo informacij o razvoju prometnih politik obeh pogodbenic, zlasti glede prometne infrastrukture.
3. Pomorski in zračni promet urejajo posebne določbe izjave v prilogi V.
3. člen
Za potrebe tega sporazuma so uporabljene naslednje definicije:
a) tranzitni promet Skupnosti: tranzitni prevoz blaga čez ozemlje Slovenije v državo članico Skupnosti ali iz nje, ki ga opravlja prevoznik s sedežem v Skupnosti;
b) slovenski tranzitni promet: tranzitni prevoz blaga iz Slovenije čez ozemlje Skupnosti do namembne tretje države ali blaga iz kakšne, tretje države do cilja v Slovenijo, ki ga opravlja prevoznik s sedežem v Sloveniji;
c) kombinirani promet: prevoz blaga s cestnimi vozili ali transportnimi enotami, ki se. ne da bi raztovorili blago, prevaža med izhodiščnim in namembnim krajem deloma po cesti in deloma po železnici.
4. člen
Splošna določba
Pogodbenici soglašata, da bosta sprejeli medsebojno usklajene ukrepe za razvoj prometne infrastrukture, ki je ključnega pomena za reševanje problemov, ki vplivajo na prevoz blaga skozi Slovenijo, predvsem v smereh jugozahod/severovzhod in severozahod/jugovzhod.
5. člen
1. Za Skupnost in/ali Slovenijo je posebno zanimiv razvoj prednostnih magistralnih cestnih in železniških smeri, ki bo določal uporabo lastnih sredstev Slovenije in sofinanciranje Skupnosti za projekte v teh smereh, in sicer:
– avtocesta v smeri jugozahod/severovzhod, ki poteka od italijanske meje do Šentilja (na avstrijski meji) preko Postojne, Ljubljane, Celja in Maribora naprej do Lendave (na madžarski meji) skozi Slovensko Bistrico, Ptuj, Ormož in Ljutomer;
– železniška proga v smeri severozahod/jugovzhod, ki poteka od Jesenic (na avstrijski meji) do Dobove z odcepom do Sežane (na italijanski meji). Z njeno posodobitvijo bo možno na njej vpeljati tehnologijo za kombinirani promet;
– železniška proga od Ljubljane do Maribora preko Zidanega Mosta in Celja;
– avtocesta v smeri severozahod/jugovzhod, ki poteka od predora Karavanke (na avstrijski meji) do Bregane (na slovensko-hrvaški meji) preko Ljubljane in Novega mesta;
– avtocesta Maribor-Ptuj-Macelj.
2. Pogodbenici sta se sporazumeli, da bo njun skupni cilj čimprejšnja zgraditev glavnih prometnih povezav, ki so navedene v prvem odstavku.
6. člen
Finančni vidiki
1. Skupnost bo finančno podprla gradnjo potrebne infrastrukture, omenjene v 5. členu. Ta finančni prispevek bo v obliki posojila Evropske investicijske banke ter v katerikoli drugi obliki financiranja, ki lahko zagotovi dodatna sredstva:
2. Da bi pospešila gradnjo, si bo Komisija Skupnosti, kolikor bo mogoče, prizadevala spodbujati uporabo dodatnih virov, kot so vlaganja določenih držav članic Skupnosti na dvostranski podlagi ali sredstva iz javnih ali zasebnih skladov.
7. člen
Da bi dosegli cilje, zastavljene v 5. členu, bo Skupnost dala Sloveniji na voljo finančna sredstva na podlagi Protokola o finančnem sodelovanju med Skupnostjo in Slovenijo za obdobje od 1. januarja 1993 do 31. decembra 1997.
8. člen
Splošna določba
Pogodbenici bosta sprejeli medsebojno usklajene ukrepe, potrebne za razvoj in spodbujanje, železniškega in kombiniranega prevoza, ki naj bi v prihodnje zagotavljala, da bi se velik del njunega dvostranskega in tranzitnega prometa skozi Slovenijo opravljal v okolju prijaznejših pogojih.
9. člen
Posebni vidiki v zvezi z infrastrukturo
Kot del posodobitve slovenskih železnic bo treba sprejeti potrebne ukrepe za prilagoditev železniškega omrežja kombiniranemu prometu s posebnim poudarkom na razvoju ali gradnji terminalov, prilagoditvi svetlih profilov predorov in zmogljivosti prog, kar zahteva znatna vlaganja.
10. člen
Spremljajoči ukrepi
Pogodbenici bosta ukrenili vse potrebno za spodbujanje razvoja kombiniranega prometa.
Cilj teh ukrepov bo:
– spodbujati uporabnike in ponudnike, naj uporabljajo kombinirani promet;
– poskrbeti, da bo kombinirani promet konkurenčen cestnemu, predvsem s finančno pomočjo, ki naj jo Skupnost ali Slovenija zagotovita v skladu s svojima zakonodajama;
– spodbujati uporabo kombiniranega prometa na velikih razdaljah in pospeševati zlasti, uporabo zamenljivih karoserij, zabojnikov in na splošno prevoza brez spremstva;
– povečati hitrost in zanesljivost kombiniranega prometa in predvsem:
– povečati pogostnost konvojev v skladu s potrebami pošiljateljev in uporabnikov,
– skrajšati čakalno dobo na terminalih in povečati njihovo zmogljivost;
– odstraniti vse ovire s priključnih poti, da bi se tako dostopnost do kombiniranega transporta izboljšala;
– uskladiti, kjer je treba, teže, dimenzije in tehnične lastnosti specializirane opreme, zlasti da se zagotovi potrebna združljivost profilov, ter usklajeno delovati, da se naroči ter prične uporabljati oprema, ki bo ustrezala zahtevam prometa;
– v splošnem sprejeti še druge ustrezne ukrepe.
11. člen
Vloga železnic
V zvezi z ustreznimi pooblastili držav in železnic bosta pogodbenici glede potniškega in blagovnega prometa priporočili, da njune železnice:
– okrepijo dvostransko in večstransko sodelovanje ter sodelovanje v mednarodnih železniških organizacijah na vseh področjih, še zlasti pa pri izboljšanju kakovosti prevoznih storitev;
– poskusijo skupno vzpostaviti sistem take organizacije železnic, ki bo pošiljatelje spodbujal, da bodo blago raje odpremljali po železnici kot po cesti, še zlasti pri tranzitu, po načelu zdrave konkurence in svobodne izbire prevoznega sredstva s strani uporabnika;
– se sporazumejo o ukrepih, da bi se Slovenske železnice vključile v prometni menedžment s pomočjo elektronskega sistema tovornega lista DOCIMEL in računalniško podprtega sistema HERMES za potniške rezervacije in za druge namene;
– uskladijo organizacijo usposabljanja železniškega osebja.
12. člen
Splošne določbe
1. Glede vzajemnega dostopa do prometnih tržišč pogodbenici načelno in ne glede na drugi odstavek soglašata, da bosta ohranili vse obstoječe pravice, ki izhajajo iz dvostranskih sporazumov ali drugih mednarodnih dvostranskih aktov, sklenjenih med posamezno državo članico Skupnosti in Slovenijo, ali, če takih sporazumov ali aktov ni, pa iz dejanskih razmer v letu 1991.
Do sklenitve sporazuma med Skupnostjo in Slovenijo o vključitvi v cestnoprometni trg, kot to predvideva 13. člen, pa bodo države članice Skupnosti in Slovenija svoje omenjene dvostranske sporazume po potrebi tako dopolnile, da bodo usklajeni s tem sporazumom.
2. Pogodbenici soglašata, da bo od dne, ko začne veljati ta sporazum, Skupnost pridobila pravico do neomejenega tanzitnega prometa čez ozemlje Slovenije, slovenski tranzitni promet pa bo lahko neovirano potekal čez ozemlje Skupnosti.
3. Če bi se zaradi pravic, ki jih omogoča drugi odstavek, tranzitni promet prevoznikov ES tako povečal, da bi povzročil ali grozil, da povzroči resno škodo cestni infrastrukturi in/ali prometnemu pretoku na oseh, omenjenih v 5. členu, lahko Slovenija skliče nujni sestanek skupnega odbora, katerega ustanovitev je določena v členu 22, na katerem lahko predlaga sprejem takšnih začasnih ukrepov, ki so potrebni za omejitev ali ublažitev te škode. Skupni odbor se mora sestati v 30 dneh, da presodi položaj in nemudoma priporoči ustrezne ukrepe za izboljšanje stanja. Če v šestdesetih dneh po datumu sklica nujnega sestanka ne pride do soglasja, lahko Slovenija uvede začasne ukrepe z veljavnostjo do 3 mesecev. Če nastanejo problemi na ozemlju Skupnosti ob slovenski meji, lahko pristojni organi, vključno s tistimi iz obmejnega področja, pod enakimi pogoji sprejmejo ustrezne ukrepe. Hkrati se zadeva pošlje v obravnavo Svetu za sodelovanje, predvidenemu v 38. členu sporazuma o sodelovanju, ki mora o zadevi dokončno odločiti. Sprejeti sklep se bo takoj izvršil, biti mora proporcionalen in nediskriminacijski. To določilo preneha veljati, ko so doseženi cilji, določeni v 5. členu, in najkasneje do konca 1999.
4. Pogodbenici se bosta vzdržali enostranskih dejanj, ki lahko povzročijo diskriminacijo med prevozniki ali vozili Skupnosti in Slovenije. Vsaka pogodbenica mora sprejeti vse ustrezne ukrepe, da olajša cestni prevoz na ozemlje druge pogodbenice ali čezenj.
13. člen
Dostop do trga
Pogodbenici si bosta kot prednostno zadevo, ob upoštevanju svojih notranjih predpisov, skupaj prizadevali določiti:
– ukrepe za razvoj prometnega sistema, ki bo ustrezal potrebam pogodbenic in bo združljiv tako z dokončno vzpostavljenim notranjim trgom Skupnosti in njeno skupno prometno politiko kot tudi z gospodarsko in prometno politiko Slovenije;
– dokončni sistem za urejanje dostopa do bodočega prometnega trga med pogodbenicama na podlagi vzajemnosti.
14. člen
Davki, cestnine in druge dajatve
1. Pogodbenici se strinjata, da obdavčevanje cestnih vozil, cestnine in druge dajatve na eni in drugi strani ne smejo biti diskriminacijski.
2. Pogodbenici se bosta začeli pogajati, da bi dosegli dogovor o obdavčevanju cestnega prometa, brž ko bo Skupnost sprejela ustrezne predpise. Cilj tega dogovora bo zagotoviti predvsem prost pretok čezmejnega prometa, zmanjšati razlike med sistemi obdavčitve cestnega prometa, ki jih uporabljata pogodbenici, ter odpraviti nezdravo konkurenco, ki bi se pojavila zaradi takšnih razlik.
3. Dokler ne bodo sklenjeni dogovori, omenjeni v drugem odstavku in v 13. členu, se bo Slovenija dogovarjala o dvostranskih sporazumih s posameznimi državami članicami Skupnosti o vzajemni oprostitvi plačevanja taks in dajatev, s katerimi se na podlagi reciprocitete obdavčuje promet s težkimi tovornimi vozili oziroma posest teh vozil, ter o vzajemni oprostitvi plačevanja posebnih taks ali dajatev na prevozno dejavnost na ozemlju pogodbenic. Ta določba ne vključuje nujno tudi taks in podobnih dajatev na motorno gorivo, davka na dodano vrednost prevoznih storitev in cestnine ali podobnih dajatev, s katerimi je obdavčena uporaba določenih delov prometnega omrežja.
4. Do sklenitve sporazumov, omenjenih v drugem odstavku in 13. členu, bo vsako spremembo fiskalnih dajatev, cestnin ali drugih dajatev pri tranzitnem prometu Skupnosti čez ozemlje Slovenije, predlagano po uveljavitvi tega sporazuma, moral predhodno obravnavati skupni odbor.
15. člen
Teže in dimenzije
Slovenija soglaša, da cestna vozila, ki so v skladu s standardi Skupnosti o težah in dimenzijah, lahko prosto in neovirano vozijo v prometnih smereh, omenjenih v 5. členu. Najkasneje do 31. 12. 1999 bodo cestna vozila, ki niso v skladu s slovenskimi standardi, obdavčena s posebno nediskriminacijsko dajatvijo, ki je proporcionalna višini škode, ki jo povzroči dodatna osna obremenitev. Šest mesecev po uveljavitvi tega sporazuma bodo vozila, opremljena s pnevmatskimi vzmetmi, kot je to določeno v smernici Sveta EGS 92/7, ali drugimi ustreznimi vzmetnimi sistemi, obdavčena z znižano stopnjo teh posebnih dajatev.
16. člen
1. Da bi zavarovali okolje, si bosta pogodbenici prizadevali uvesti standarde o izpušnih plinih, delcih in omejitvah hrupa za težka tovorna vozila, ki bodo zagotavljali visoko raven varovanja okolja.
2. Da bi bila industrija na tekočem o ekološkem razvoju in da bi spodbujali usklajeno raziskovanje, programiranje in proizvodnjo, se je na tem področju treba izogibati posebnim nacionalnim standardom.
Vozila, ki so v skladu s standardi, določenimi v mednarodnih sporazumih, ki se nanašajo na okolje, lahko vozijo na ozemlju pogodbenic brez nadaljnjih omejitev.
3. Pri uvajanju novih standardov bosta pogodbenici sodelovali, da dosežeta omenjene cilje.
17. člen
Socialni vidiki
1. Pogodbenici bosta uskladili svoji zakonodaji o usposabljanju osebja, ki opravlja cestni tovorni promet, zlasti prevoz nevarnih snovi.
2. Slovenija si bo prizadevala podpisati Evropski sporazum o delu posadke na vozilih, ki opravlja mednarodne cestne prevoze (AETR). Do takrat pa si bosta pogodbenici prizadevali uskladiti svoji zakonodaji o voznem času, urah počitka voznikov in sestavi vozniške posadke.
3. Do uskladitve svojih zakonodaj si bosta pogodbenici medsebojno priznavali dokumente, s katerimi spremljata uresničevanje vsaka svoje socialne zakonodaje na področju cestnega prometa.
4. Pogodbenici bosta zagotavljali enakovrednost svojih zakonov, ki določajo pogoje za opravljanje poklica voznika tovornih vozil, ter jih vzajemno priznavali.
18. člen
Določbe o prometu
1. Pogodbenici bosta izmenjevali svoje izkušnje in si prizadevali uskladiti svoji zakonodaji, tako da bosta izboljšali pretok prometa ob konicah (ob koncu tedna, državnih praznikih, turistični sezoni).
2. Na splošno bosta pogodbenici spodbujali uvajanje, razvoj in uskladitev informacijskega sistema v cestnem prometu.
3. Prizadevali si bosta uskladiti svoji zakonodaji o prevozu pokvarljivega blaga, živih živali in nevarnih snovi.
4. Pogodbenici si bosta prizadevali uskladiti tehnično pomoč za voznike, širjenje osnovnih informacij o prometu in o drugih zadevah, ki zanimajo turiste, ter nujno pomoč v sili, vključno z reševalno službo.
19. člen
Poenostavitev formalnosti
1. Pogodbenici se dogovorita, da bosta poenostavili, dvostranski in tranzitni pretok blaga po železnici in cesti.
2. Pogodbenici soglašata, da bosta začeli pogajanja, ki naj privedejo do sklenitve sporazuma o olajšanju nadzora in formalnosti pri prevozu blaga.
3. Pogodbenici soglašata, da bosta, če bo treba, skupaj ukrepali in spodbujali sprejetje ukrepov, ki naj še bolj poenostavijo formalnosti.
20. člen
Carinsko sodelovanje
1. Pogodbenici bosta sodelovali pri usklajevanju slovenske carinske zakonodaje s carinsko zakonodajo Skupnosti.
2. Sodelovanje bo obsegalo predvsem naslednje:
– izmenjavo informacij;
– uvedbo enotnega administrativnega dokumenta;
– povezavo tranzitnih, sistemov Skupnosti in Slovenije;
– organizacijo seminarjev in tečajev usposabljanja. Skupnost bo zagotavljala vso potrebno tehnično pomoč.
21. člen
Razširitev obsega
Če ena od pogodbenic na podlagi izkušenj pri uporabi tega sporazuma ugotovi, da bi bili v interesu usklajene evropske prometne politike potrebni še drugi ukrepi, ki niso zajeti v tem sporazumu, bi pa predvsem pomagali reševati problematiko tranzitnega prometa, lahko drugi pogodbenici pošlje ustrezne predloge v zvezi s tem.
22. člen
Skupni odbor
Organ, odgovoren za sodelovanje, bo Skupni odbor, imenovan "Odbor za promet Skupnost/Slovenija". Ta odbor:
– bo sestavljen iz predstavnikov, ki jih imenujeta Skupnost in Slovenija,
– se bo sestajal izmenično v Skupnosti ali Sloveniji vsaj enkrat letno, pogosteje pa, če bo potrebno, na zahtevo ene od pogodbenic,
– bo sam določil pravila za svoje delovanje,
– bo zagotovil pravilno uresničevanje tega sporazuma in bo zlasti:
a) izdeloval načrte sodelovanja v železniškem in kombiniranem prometu, prometni raziskovalni dejavnosti in pri ekoloških vprašanjih;
b) proučil uresničevanje določb tega sporazuma in priporočal ustrezne ukrepe, če se pojavijo kakršnikoli problemi, zlasti ti, omenjeni v tretjem odstavku 12. člena;
c) v 1. 1995 ocenil stanje glede izboljšanja prometne infrastrukture in posledic prostega tranzita;
d) organiziral dela za prometno infrastrukturo, vključno z načrtovanjem in uresničitvijo investicij, in, kjer bo ustrezno, njihov razvoj, če bo potrebno, z ustanovitvijo začasne skupine strokovnjakov, odgovornih posebej za to nalogo;
e) reševal morebitne spore v zvezi z uporabo ali razlago tega sporazuma;
f) usklajeval spremljanje, napovedi in druge statistične dejavnosti, ki še nanašajo na mednarodni in zlasti tranzitni promet;
g) usklajeval prometno-raziskovalne dejavnosti.
23. člen
Ta sporazum se sklene za obdobje desetih let. Če ga nobena od pogodbenic ne odpove z dvanajstmesečnim odpovednim rokom konec naslednjega leta, se veljavnost sporazuma samodejno podaljša vsakokrat za eno leto.
24. člen
Priloge so sestavni del tega sporazuma.
25. člen
Ta sporazum je sestavljen v dveh izvodih v angleškem, danskem, francoskem, grškem, italijanskem, nemškem, nizozemskem, portugalskem, španskem in slovenskem jeziku, pri čemer so vsa besedila enako veljavna.
26. člen
Ta sporazum se sklene v skladu s postopki samih pogodbenic. Začel bo veljati takoj, ko bosta pogodbenici druga drugo obvestili, da so izpolnjeni vsi zato potrebni postopki.
V Luksemburgu, petega aprila tisočdevetstotriindevetdeset.
Za svet Evropskih skupnosti
Niels Helveg Petersen l. r.
Leon Brittan l. r.
Za Republiko Slovenijo
Janez Drnovšek l. r.
Lojze Peterle l. r.
Izjava Slovenije o sredstvih, potrebnih za infrastrukturo skupnega pomena
Med pogajanji o sporazumu med Evropsko skupnostjo in Republiko Slovenijo na področju prometa je Slovenija izrazila mnenje, da bi bilo treba za izgradnjo prometne infrastrukture, omenjene v prvem odstavku 5. člena sporazuma, zagotoviti 3,9 milijarde ameriških dolarjev.
Slovenija namerava zagotoviti 50% omenjene vsote in pričakuje, da bodo manjkajoča sredstva prispevale mednarodne finančne ustanove, zasebni investitorji in Skupnost.
Izjava Slovenije o 15. členu
Slovenija si bo prizadevala do konca leta 1993 uskladiti svoje normative in standarde za gradnjo cest s prevladujočo zakonodajo v Evropski skupnosti in se bo kar se da trudila, da v doglednem času, v skladu s svojimi finančnimi možnostmi, izboljša obstoječe prometne smeri in jih prilagodi tem novim normativom in standardom.
Ko bo takšno izboljšanje prometnih smeri opravljeno, bo posebna dajatev, navedena v 15. členu, ukinjena.
Skupna izjava
1. Skupnost in Slovenija ugotavljata, da so dovoljene zgornje meje izpušnih plinov in hrupa za tovorna vozila v Skupnosti naslednje:
CO          HC             NOx           Delci
4,9 g/kWh   1,23 g/kWh     9,0 g/kWh     0,7g/kWh<85 kWh
2. Smernica Sveta EGS 91/542 določa naslednje meje. ki bodo v Skupnosti začele veljati 1. oktobra 1996:
CO           HC            NOx           Delci
4,0g/kWh     1,1 g/kWh     7,0 g/kWh     0,3/0,15 g/kWh
3. Skupnost in Slovenija si bosta prizadevali v prihodnje še zniževati vrednosti emisij in pri tem računali predvsem na najnovejša, okolju prijazna motoma vozila in na tehnologijo mešanic goriva.
V zvezi z 20. členom
Slovenija je izrazila željo, da bi se v okviru določb 20. člena čimprej pričeli pogovori o položaju Luke Koper.
Skupnost je z izredno pozornostjo vzela na znanje interes, ki ga je izrazila Slovenija.
Slovenija je izrazila interes, da bi čimprej pričela pogajanja o prihodnjem sodelovanju v zračnem in pomorskem prometu.
Delegacija Skupnosti je z izredno pozornostjo vzela na znanje interes, ki ga je izrazila Slovenija.
THE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, hereinafter called "the Community", of the one part.
and THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA, hereinafter called "Slovenia", of the other part,
hereinafter called "the Contracting Parties",
Having regard to the Co-operation Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Republic of Slovenia, signed in Luxembourg on 5 April 1993, and in particular Article 7 thereof,
Considering that it is essential for the Community, in the context of the completion of the internal market and the implementation of the common transport policy, to ensure that Community goods in transit through certain third countries, and in particular Slovenia, can flow as quickly and efficiently as possible without hindrance or discrimination;
Considering that Slovenia is willing to continue in its role as a transit country on the basis of the existing mutual rights and obligations regarding access to the market and transit, which must be further developed;
Considering that the Contracting Parties recognize that an essential part of an agreement must be the creation of transport infrastructure suited to their mutual requirements and equitable rules governing market access for their carries;
Considering that an overall solution to the problems in question may be provided by close co-operation between the Contracting Parties, in particular in introducing and developing a package of co-ordinated measures on transport so as to ensure reciprocal access to the Community and Slovenian markets and to facilitate road and rail traffic by appropriate means on a competitive basis;
Considering that this package of measures must also aim to protect the environment;
Considering that an appropriate transitional period will allow time for adjustment to any new provisions which may prove necessary,
Article 1
The aim of this Agreement is to promote co-operation between the Contracting Parties on transport, and, in particular, transit traffic, and to ensure for this purpose that transport between and through the territories of the Contracting Parties is developed in a co-ordinate manner by means of the complete and interdependent application of all the provisions of this Agreement.
Article 2
1. Co-operation shall cover transport, and in particular road, rail and combined transport, and shall include the relevant infrastructure.
2. In this connection, the scope of this Agreement shall cover in particular:
– transport infrastructure in the territory of one or other Contracting Party to the extent necessary to achieve the objective of this Agreement;
– market access, on a reciprocal basis, in the field of road transport;
– essential legal and administrative supporting measures including commercial, taxation, social and technical measures;
– co-operation in developing a transport system which meets environmental needs;
– a regular exchange of information on the development of the transport policies of both Contracting Parties, with particular regard to transport infrastructure.
3. Sea and air transport are governed by the particular provisions of the declaration in Annex V.
Article 3
For the purposes of this Agreement, the following definitions shall apply:
(a) Community transit traffic: the carriage, by a carrier established in the Community, of goods in transit through Slovenian territory en route to or from a Member State of the Community;
(b) Slovenian transit traffic: the carriage, by a carrier established in Slovenia, of goods in transit from Slovenia through Community territory and destined for a third country or of goods from a third country destined for Slovenia;
(c) combined transport: the carriage of goods by road vehicles or loading units which, without unloading of the goods, travel by road for part of the journey between the point of departure and the point of arrival and by rail for another part of that journey.
Article 4
General provision
The Contracting Parties hereby agree to adopt mutually co-ordinated measures to develop transport infrastructure as a vital means of solving the problems affecting the carriage of goods through Slovenia, in particular on the south-west/north-east route and on the north-west/ south-east route.
Article 5
1. The development of the following main road and rail routes is of particular interest to the Community and/or Slovenia. The respective priorities shall determine the application of Slovenia's own resources and co-financing from the Community to project on these routes:
– the south-west/north-east motorway which runs from the Italian border to Sentilj (at the Austrian border) passing via Postojna, Ljubljana, Celje and Maribor and to Lendava (at the Hungarian border) passing via Slovenska Bistrica, Ptuj, Ormoz and Ljutomer;
– the north-west/south-east railway line which runs from Jesenice (at the Austrian border) to Dobova with a branch to Sezana (at the Italian border). The modernization of this railway line shall be such as to make it suitable for the introduction of combined transport technology;
– the railway line from Ljubljana to Maribor via Zidani Most and Celje;
– the north-west/south-east motorway which runs from the Karawanken tunnel (at the Austrian border) to Bregana (at the Slovenian-Croatian border) passing via Ljubljana and Novo Mesto;
– the motorway from Maribor to Ptuj and Macelj.
2. The Contracting Parties have agreed that their common aim shall be to complete construction of the major transport routes referred to in paragraph 1. as soon as possible.
Article 6
Financial aspects
1. The Community shall contribute financially to the necessary infrastructure work referred to in Article 5. This financial contribution shall take the form of credit from the European Investment Bank and any other form of financing which can provide further resources.
2. In order to speed up the work, the Commission of the European Communities will endeavour, as fast as possible, to encourage the use of additional resources such as investment by certain Member States of the Community on a bilateral basis or from public or private funds.
Article 7
In order to achieve the objectives set out in Article 5, the Community, shall make finances available to Slovenia under the Protocol on financial, co-operation between the Community and Slovenia for the period 1 January 1993 to 31 December 1997.
Article 8
General provision
The Contracting Parties shall adopt the mutually co-ordinated measures necessary for the development and promotion of rail and combined transport as a future means of ensuring a large proportion of their bilateral and transit transport through Slovenia is performed under more environment-friendly conditions.
Article 9
Particular aspects relating to infrastructure
As part of the modernization of the Slovenian railways, the necessary steps shall be taken to adapt the system for combined transport, with particular regard to the development or building of terminals, and to tunnel gauges and to capacity, which require substantial investment.
Article 10
Supporting measures
Both Contracting Parties shall take all the steps necessary to encourage the development of combined transport.
The purpose of such measures shall be:
– to encourage users and consignors to use combined transport;
– to make combined transport competitive with road transport, in particular by financial support by the Community or Slovenia in the context of their respective legislations;
– to encourage the use of combined transport over long distances and to promote, in particular, the use of swap bodies, containers and unaccompanied transport in general;
– to improve the speed and reliability of combined transport and in particular:
= to increase the frequency of convoys in accordance with the needs of consignors and users;
= to reduce the waiting time at terminals and increase their productivity;
– to remove all obstacles from the approach routes so as to improve access to combined transport;
– to harmonize, where necessary, the weights, dimensions and technical characteristics of specialized equipment, in particular so as to ensure the necessary compatibility of gauges, and take co-ordinated action to order and to put into service such equipment as is required by the level of traffic;
– in general, to take any other appropriate action.
Article 11
The role of the railways
In connection with the respective powers of the States and the railways, the Contracting Parties shall, in respect of both passenger and goods transport, recommend that their railways:
– step up co-operation, whether bilateral, multilateral or within international railway organizations, in all fields, with particular regard to the improvement of the quality of transport services;
– try to establish in common a system of organizing the railways so as to encourage consignors to send freight by rail rather than road, in particular for transit purposes, within, the framework of healthy competition and while leaving the user freedom of choice in the matter;
– agree on measures to integrate the Slovenian railways in traffic management by using the Docimel electronic consignment note system and the Hermes computerized system for passenger reservations as well as other purposes;
– harmonize their arrangements for railway staff training.
Article 12
General provisions
1. With regard to mutual access to transport markets, both Contracting Parties agree, initially and without prejudice to paragraph 2, to maintain all the existing rights arising from bilateral agreements or other existing international bilateral instruments concluded between each Member State of the Community and Slovenia or, where there are no such agreements or instruments, arising from the dc facto situation in 1991.
However, whilst awaiting the conclusion of an agreement between the Community and Slovenia on access to the road transport market, as foreseen in Article 13, the Member States of the Community and Slovenia shall incorporate into these bilateral agreements such amendments as may possibly be necessary to adapt them to this Agreement.
2. The Contracting Parties hereby agree to grant unrestricted access to Community transit traffic through Slovenia and to Slovenian transit traffic through the Community with effect from the date on which this Agreement enters into force.
3. If, as a result of the right granted under paragraph 2, transit traffic by EC hauliers increases to such a degree as to cause, or threaten to cause, serious harm to road infrastructure and/or traffic fluidity on the axes mentioned in Article 5, Slovenia may call an emergency meeting of the Joint Committee established by Article 22 at which it may propose such temporary measures as are necessary to limit or mitigate such harm. The Joint Committee shall meet within thirty days in order to assess the situation and recommend without delay appropriate remedial action. If no agreement is reached within sixty days of the day of the call to an emergency meeting, Slovenia may introduce temporary measures for a duration of up to three months. Under the same circumstances, if problems arise on the Community territory next to the Slovenian border, the competent authorities, including those of the border region, may adopt the appropriate necessary measures. At the same time, the matter shall be submitted to the Co-operation Council provided for in Article 38 of the Co-operation Agreement which shall take a final decision. Any measure to be taken shall be implemented immediately, shall be proportional and of non-discriminatory nature. This clause ceases to apply once the aims set out in Article 5 are achieved and, at the latest, at the end of 1999.
4. The Contracting Parties shall refrain from taking any unilateral action which might lead to discrimination between Community and Slovenian carriers or vehicles. Each Contracting Party shall take all steps necessary to facilitate road transport to or through the territory of the other Contracting Party.
Article 13
Access to the market
Both Contracting Parties shall, as a matter of priority, undertake to work together to seek, each of them subject to their internal rules,
– courses of action likely to favour the development of a transport system which meets the needst of both Contracting Parties, which is compatible, on the one hand, with the completion of the internal Community market and the implementation of the common transport policy and, on the other hand, with Slovenia's economic and transport policy;
– a definitive system for regulating future road transport market access between the two Contracting Parties on the basis of reciprocity.
Article 14
Taxation, tolls and other charges
1. The Contracting Parties accept that the taxation of road vehicles, tolls and other charges on either side must be non-discriminatory.
2. The Contracting Parties shall enter into negotiations with a view to reaching and agreement on road taxation as soon as rules on this matter have been adopted by the Community. The purpose of this agreement shall be, in particular, to ensure the free flow of trans-frontier traffic, to reduce differences between the road taxation systems applied by the two Contracting Parties and to eliminate distortion of competition arising from such differences.
3. Pending the conclusion of the negotiations mentioned in paragraph 2 and Article 13, Slovenia will negotiate bilateral agreements with individual Member States of the Community on a mutual exemption from taxes and charges levied on the circulation and/or possession of heavy goods vehicles as well as from all special taxes or charges levied on transport operations in the territory of the Contracting Parties on a reciprocal basis. This provision does not necessarily include taxes and similar charges on motor fuel, VAT on transport services and tolls or similar charges levied on the use of parts of the respective transport network.
4. Until the conclusion of the agreements mentioned in paragraph 2 and in Article 13, any change proposed after the entry into force of this Agreement to fiscal charges, tolls or other charges which may be applied to Community traffic in transit through Slovenia will be subject to a prior consultation procedure in the Joint Committee.
Article 15
Weights and dimensions Slovenia accepts that road vehicles complying with Community standards on weights and dimensions may circulate freely arid without hindrance in this respect on the routes mentioned in Article 5. Until 31 December 1999 at the latest, road vehicles which do not comply with existing Slovenian standards shall be subject to a special non-discriminatory charge which reflect the damage caused by additional axle weight. Six months after the entry into force of this Agreement, vehicles equipped with air suspension or equivalent suspension systems as defined in Council Directive 92/7/EEG shall be subject to a reduced rate of these special charges.
Article 16
The environment
1. In order to protect the environment, the Contracting Parties shall endeavour to introduce standards on gaseous and particulate emissions and noise levels for heavy goods vehicles which ensure ä high level or protection.
2. In order to provide industry with clear information and to encourage co-ordinated research, programming and production, exceptional national standards in this fields shall be avoided.
Vehicles which comply with standards laid down by international agreements also relating to the environment may operate without further restrictions in the territory of the Contracting Parties.
3. For the purpose of introducing new standards, the Contracting Parties shall work together to achieve the above mentioned objectives.
Article 17
Social aspects
1. The Contracting Parties shall harmonize their legislation on the training of road haulage personnel, particularly with respect to the carriage of dangerous goods.
2. Slovenia undertakes to seek to become a signatory to the European Agreement concerning the Work of Crews of Vehicles engaged in International Road Transport (AETR). Until such time as the effects of such admission are felt, the Contracting Parties shall endeavour to harmonize their legislation on driving time and drivers' rest periods and crew composition.
3. Pending harmonization in this field, the Contracting Parties shall recognize each other's recording methods used to monitor implementation of their respective social legislation in the field of road transport.
4. The Contracting Parties shall ensure the equivalence of their respective laws on the admission to the occupation of road haulage operator, with a view to their mutual recognition.
Article 18
Provisions relating to traffic
1. The Contracting Parties shall pool their experience and endeavour to harmonize their legislation so as to improve the flow of traffic during peak periods (weekends, public holidays, the tourist season).
2. In general, the Contracting Parties shall encourage the introduction, development and co-ordination of a road traffic information system.
3. They shall endeavour to harmonize their legislation on the carriage of perishable goods, live animals and dangerous substances.
4. The Contracting Parties shall also endeavour to harmonize the technical assistance to be provided, to drivers, the dissemination of essential information on traffic and other matters of concern to tourists, and emergency services including ambulance services.
Article 19
Simplification of formalities
1. The Contracting Parties agree to simplify the flow of goods by rail and road, whether bilateral or in transit.
2. The Contracting Parties agree to begin negotiations with a view to concluding an agreement on the facilitation of controls and formalities relating to the carriage of goods.
3. The Contracting Parties agree, to the extent necessary, to take joint action on, and to encourage, the adoption of further simplification measures.
Article 20
Customs co-operation
1. The Contracting Parties shall co-operate so as to bring Slovenian customs legislation into line with that of the Community.
2. Co-operation shall, in particular, include the following:
– the exchange of information;
– the introduction of a single administrative document;
– the interconnection between Community and Slovenian transit systems;
– the organization of seminars and training courses. The community shall supply such technical assistance as is necessary.
Article 21
Widening of the scope
If one of the Contracting Parties concludes, on the basis of experience in the application of this Agreement, that other measures which do not fall within the scope of this Agreement are in the interest of a co-ordinated European transport policy and, in particular, may help to solve the problem of transit traffic, it shall make suggestions in this respect to the other Contracting Party.
Article 22
Joint Committee
The body responsible for co-operation shall be a Joint Committee to be known as the "Community/Slovenia Transport Committee". The Committee:
– shall be made up of representatives appointed by the Community and Slovenia;
– shall meet alternately in the Community or in Slovenia at least once, a year and more frequently where necessary at the request of one of the Contracting Parties;
– shall establish its own rules of procedure;
– shall ensure the proper implementation of this Agreement and, in particular:
(a) shall drawn up plans for co-operation on rail and combined transport, transport research and the environment;
(b) shall analyze the application of the decisions provided for in this Agreement and shall recommend appropriate measures for any possible problems, in particular in accordance with Article 12(3);
(c) shall, in 1995, undertake an assessment of the situation as regards infrastructure improvement and the implications of free transit;
(d) shall organize work on transport infrastructure, including the planning and implementation of investments and, where appropriate, their development, if necessary by setting up an ad hoc group of experts specifically responsible for this task;
(e) shall resolve any disputes which may arise over the application and interpretation of this Agreement;
(f) shall co-ordinate the monitoring, forecasting and other statistical work relating to international transport and in particular transit traffic;
(g) shall co-ordinate transport research activities.
Article 23
This Agreement is concluded for a period of ten years. If neither of the Contracting Parties denounces it, with twelve months notice effective from the end of the following year, then the Agreement is automatically renewed for a period of one year.
Article 24
The Annexes shall form an integral part of this Agreement.
Article 25
This Agreement is drawn up in two copies in the Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish and Slovenian languages, each text being equally authentic.
Article 26
Entry into force
This Agreement shall be concluded in accordance with the Contracting Parties own procedures. It shall enter into force as soon as the Contracting Parties have notified one another of the completion of the procedures necessary for that purpose.
Done at Luxembourg on the fifth day of April in the year, one thousand nine hundred and ninety-three.
For the Council of the European Communities
Niels Helveg Petersen, (a)
Leon Brittan, (s)
For the Republic of Slovenia
Janez Drnovšek, (s)
Lojze Peterle, (s)
Declaration by Slovenia on the resources needed for infrastructure of common interest
During negotiations on the Agreement between the European community and the Republic of Slovenia in the field of transport, Slovenia expressed the opinion that, in order to complete the construction of the transport infrastructure referred to in Article 5(1), an estimated sum of US $ 3,9 billion would have to be provided,
Slovenia intends to put up 50% of the above mentioned sum and expects that the remaining part will be provided by international financial institutions, private investors and the Community.
Declaration by Slovenia concerning Article 15
Slovenia will endeavour to harmonize its existing norms and standards for road construction with the legislation prevailing in the Community before the end of 1993 and shall undertake its best efforts to upgrade existing routes mentioned in Article 5 to these new norms and standards in time foreseeable in accordance with its financial possibilities.
When such upgrading is in place, the special charge mentioned in Article 15 will be abolished.
Joint declaration
1. The Community and Slovenia take note that the levels of gaseous emissions and noise currently accepted in the Community for the purposes of heavy goods vehicle type approval are as follows:
CO         HC                 NOx                 Particles
4,9g/kWh   1,23g/kWh          9,0g/kWh            0,7g/kWh<85kWh
2. Council Directive 91/542/EEC sets the following levels, with effect from 1 October 1996, within the Community:
CO         HC                 NOx                  Particles
4,0g/kWh   1,1g/kWh           7,0g/kWh             0,3/0,15g/kWh
3. The Community and Slovenia shall endeavour to reduce the COP values of emissions in future relying in doing so on the latest state of the art in environment-friendly motor vehicle and fuel composition technology.
Concerning Article 20
Slovenia has expressed its wish to enter as soon as possible into discussions in the. framework of Article 20 on the situation of the Port of Koper.
The Community took careful note of the interest expressed by Slovenia.
Slovenia expressed its interest to start as soon as possible negotiations on future co-operation in the fields of air and maritime transport.
The Community delegation took careful note of the interest expressed by Slovenia.
3. člen
Za izvajanje sporazuma skrbi Ministrstvo za promet in zveze.
4. člen
Ta zakon začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 326-01/93-6/1
Ljubljana, dne 27. julija 1993.
Državnega zbora
Republike Slovenije
mag. Herman Rigelnik l. r.

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