Uradni list

Številka 44
Uradni list RS, št. 44/1993 z dne 29. 7. 1993
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 44/1993 z dne 29. 7. 1993


67. Zakon o ratifikaciji Sporazuma med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Republike Albanije o pomorskem prometu, stran 457.

Na podlagi prvega odstavka 107. in prvega odstavka 91. člena Ustave Republike Slovenije izdajam
o razglasitvi Zakona o ratifikaciji sporazuma med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Republike Albanije o pomorskem prometu
Razglašam Zakon o ratifikaciji sporazuma med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Republike Albanije o pomorskem prometu, ki ga je sprejel Državni zbor Republike Slovenije na seji dne 7. julija 1993.
Št. 0100-91/93
Ljubljana, dne 15. julija 1993.
Republike Slovenije
Milan Kučan l. r.
1. člen
Ratificira se sporazum med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Republike Albanije o pomorskem prometu, podpisan v Tirani 21. decembra 1992.
2. člen
Sporazum se v izvirniku v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku glasi:
Vlada Republike Slovenije in Vlada Republike Albanije, (v nadaljnjem besedilu: pogodbeni stranki) sta se v želji, da poglobita sodelovanje na področju pomorskega prometa z namenom, da vzpostavita pogoje za pomorsko plovbo, utrjevanja enakopravnega in obojestransko koristnega sodelovanja ter pospeševanja razvoja pomorskega prometa med državama
sporazumeli o naslednjem:
1. člen
Posamezni v tem sporazumu uporabljeni izrazi imajo naslednji pomen:
1. »ladja ene pogodbene stranke« označuje vsako ladjo, ki pluje pod zastavo ene ali druge države; Ta izraz ne obsega:
a) vojnih ladij in ladij, ki oskrbujejo oborožene sile ene ali druge pogodbene stranke in drugih ladij, izključno v sestavi oboroženih sil,
b) znanstveno raziskovalnih ladij (s področja hidrogradnje, oceanografije in znanstvenih raziskav), reševalnih ladij in drugih ladij za posebne netrgovinske namene, na primer: bolniške ladje, šolske ladje in druge ladje z vojaškim osebjem,
c) ribiških ladij, jaht itd.;
2. »ladjar« ali »prevoznik« je fizična ali pravna oseba, ki je nosilec plovbnega podjema;
3. »član posadke ladje« označuje vsako osebo, ki je med potovanjem zaposlena na ladji in opravlja delo v zvezi z izkoriščanjem ali vzdrževanjem ladje in je vpisana v seznam članov posadke;
4. »pomorski promet« pomeni prevoz blaga in/ali potnikov.
2. člen
Pogodbeni stranki bosta priznali nacionalnost ladjam druge pogodbene stranke na podlagi 1. točke 1. člena tega sporazuma in potrdila o pregledu ladje, ki ga je po predpisih izdal pristojni organ pogodbene stranke.
Pogodbeni stranki bosta medsebojno priznali potrdila o izmeritvi in druga potrdila ali ladijske listine, ki so jih po predpisih izdali pristojni organi druge pogodbene stranke ali ki jih je izdala tretja država, ki jo prizna ena pogodbena stranka, druga pogodbena stranka pa se s tem strinja, brez ponovnega merjenja ali pregledovanja ladij. Pristaniške in druge ladjarske takse se obračunavajo na podlagi podatkov omenjenih listin. Te takse in pristojbine se plačajo na podlagi tarif, ki veljajo v zadevnem pristanišču.
3. člen
Pogodbeni stranki bosta v mejah svojih ustreznih zakonov in predpisov dajali potrebno pomoč ladjam, zaposlenim pri prevozih komercialnega tovora in/ali potnikov po morju med pristanišči obeh držav in se bosta vzdržali ravnanja, ki bi utegnilo škoditi razvoju pomorskega ladjarstva in plovbe med državama.
Ladje obeh pogodbenih strank imajo pravico pluti med pristanišči obeh držav, odprtimi za mednarodni promet, ter opravljati storitve prevoza potnikov in tovora med eno izmed obeh držav in kakšno tretjo državo.
4. člen
Vsaka pogodbena stranka bo v mejah svojih zakonov in predpisov sprejela potrebne ukrepe, da bi zagotovila nemoteno plovbo med obema državama, čim krajše muditve ladij v pristaniščih in poenostavitev administrativnih, carinskih in sanitarnih formalnosti.
Določbe tega sporazuma ne omejujejo pravice vsake pogodbene stranke, da opravlja carinske preglede na ladjah druge pogodbene stranke.
5. člen
Ladje ene pogodbene stranke, njihove posadke, potniki in tovor, ki so v teritorialnih in notranjih vodah in morskih pristaniščih druge pogodbene stranke, morajo spoštovati zakone in predpise te pogodbene stranke, zlasti tiste, ki se nanašajo na varnost plovbe, javni red, prehajanje čez mejo, carinski in devizni nadzor, sanitarni, veterinarski in fitosanitarni nadzor.
Nobena pogodbena stranka se ne bo vmešavala v notranje zadeve ladij druge pogodbene stranke med njihovo muditvijo v njenih teritorialnih vodah, notranjih vodah in morskih pristaniščih, razen v naslednjih primerih:
– na pisno zahtevo poveljnika ladje ali z dovoljenjem diplomatskih ali konzularnih predstavnikov druge pogodbene stranke;
– kadar dogodki na ladjah ali njihove posledice vplivajo na mir, red in javno varnost pristanišča;
– kadar osebe, vmešane v te dogodke, niso člani posadke teh ladij;
– v cilju preprečevanja tihotapljenja narkotikov ali psihotropnih substanc.
6. člen
Ladje ene pogodbene stranke in člani posadke, potniki in tovor takšnih ladij bodo ob prihodu in odhodu iz pristanišča druge pogodbene stranke ter ob muditvi teh ladij za nakladanje in razkladanje tovora ali za vkrcanje in izkrcanje potnikov, obravnavane kot suvereno ozemlje in pod enakim režimom, kot velja za domače ladje v mednarodnem pomorskem prometu, in sicer pri:
a) privezu, spremembi priveza, nakladanju in razkladanju in/ ali vkrcanju in izkrcanju v pristaniščih, dokih in sidriščih;
b) uporabi pilotaže in vleke ladij, pri uporabi kanalov in signalnih naprav za plovbo;
c) uporabi pristaniških dvigalnih naprav, tehtnic, opreme za zlaganje, skladiščenje in uporabi skladišč;
d), oskrbovanju z gorivom in mazivom, pitno vodo in hrano;
e) nudenju zdravniških storitev.
Določbe iz prejšnjega odstavka ne dajo pravice nobeni pogodbeni stranki, da v pristaniščih ali teritorialnih vodah druge pogodbene stranke opravlja kakršnekoli pristaniške storitve, vključujoč tudi storitve pilotaže, izmeritve in tudi ne drugih ladijskih storitev.
Določba prvega in drugega odstavka tega člena ne velja za pristanišča, ki so zaprta za mednarodni promet.
7. člen
Kabotaža med pristanišči druge pogodbene stranke je prepovedana, razen če pogodbeni stranki o tem skleneta poseben dogovor.
8. člen
Določbe tega sporazuma veljajo tudi za ladje, ki plujejo pod zastavo kakšne tretje države, sprejemljive za obe pogodbeni stranki, ki jih je zakupilo oziroma z njim upravlja podjetje ene pogodbene stranke za promet med pristanišči obeh pogodbenih strank ali pristanišči držav pogodbenih strank in pristanišči kakšne tretje države in obratno.
9. člen
Pogodbeni stranki medsebojno priznavata osebne listine pomorščakov, ki jih izda pristojni organ druge pogodbene stranke ali ki jih je izdala tretja država, ki jo prizna ena pogodbena stranka, druga pogodbena stranka pa se s tem strinja.
To sta naslednji listini:
– v Republiki Sloveniji: »pomorska knjižica«
– v Republiki Albaniji: »pashaporte lundrimi«.
Pomorščaki ene pogodbene stranke, ki imajo veljavno osebno listino, lahko kot člani posadke ladje vstopijo brez vizuma na ozemlje pristanišča druge pogodbene stranke in bivajo v pristaniškem mestu skladno z nacionalnimi predpisi vsake pogodbene stranke.
Pri vstopu na ozemlje druge pogodbene stranke v tranzitu ali izstopu s tega ozemlja morajo pomorščaki ladij ene pogodbene stranke spoštovati nacionalne predpise države gostiteljice.
10. člen
Med muditvijo ladje ene pogodbene stranke v pristanišču druge imajo diplomatski in konzularni organi prve ter člani posadke te pogodbene stranke pravico med seboj vzpostavljati stike in se srečevati, pred tem pa je treba po predpisih opraviti ustrezne formalnosti, ki veljajo pri drugi pogodbeni stranki.
11. člen
Če ima ladja ene pogodbene stranke brodolom, nasede ali ima kakšno drugo havarijo, dobi takšna ladja, njena posadka, potniki in tovor od druge pogodbene stranke zahtevano pomoč pod enakimi pogoji, kot so določeni za podobne primere v predpisih navedene pogodbene stranke za njene ladje, posadke, potnike in tovor.
Rešeno premoženje (tovor, oprema, zaloge ali drugo blago) z ladje, ki je v stiski, ki je imela brodolom, nasedla ali kakšno drugo havarijo, ni zavezano plačilu carine, razen če ni namenjeno za porabo na ozemlju pogodbene stranke, kamor je prispela.
Za uskladiščenje rešenega premoženja na za to določenih mestih se zaračunavajo takse na podlagi načela vzajemnosti.
Določbe tega člena ne predpisujejo oprostitve plačila taks za reševanje ladij ali za pomoč ladjam, potnikom, posadki in tovoru.
Pristojni organi pogodbene stranke, na katere obali je imela brodolom, nasedla ali imela kakšno drugo havarijo ladja druge pogodbene stranke, poročajo o tem najbližjemu diplomatskemu predstavniku države, kateri ladja pripada.
12. člen
Vsa plačila, ki izhajajo iz uporabe tega sporazuma, bodo potekala v skladu z veljavnimi plačilnimi sporazumi med obema državama.
13. člen
Pogodbeni stranki sta se sporazumeli, da njuni pristojni organi in ladjarji organizirajo posvetovanje v zvezi z uporabo tega sporazuma in za krepitev tega sodelovanja med državama na področju pomorskega prometa.
14. člen
Pogodbeni stranki se strinjata, da ustanovita skupno mešano komisijo, ki bo spremljala uporabo tega sporazuma, reševala morebitne spore in po potrebi predlagala vladama podpisnicama ukrepe za pospeševanje sodelovanja na področju pomorske plovbe med državama.
Mešana komisija se bo sestajala, kadarkoli bo to po mnenju pogodbenih strank potrebno, najmanj pa enkrat letno izmenično v Republiki Sloveniji in Republiki Albaniji.
15. člen
Sestavo mešane komisije določijo pristojni organi pogodbenih strank.
16. člen
Za uporabo določb tega sporazuma je pristojni organ s slovenske strani Ministrstvo za promet in zveze Republike Slovenije, z albanske strani pa Ministrstvo za promet in zveze Republike Albanije.
17. člen
Pogodbeni stranki po diplomatski poti obvestita druga drugo o izpolnitvi notranjepravnih pogojev za uveljavitev tega sporazuma. Ta sporazum stopi v veljavo trideseti dan po prejemu zadnjega izmed takšnih obvestil, začasno pa se uporablja od dneva podpisa.
Ta sporazum velja za dobo petih let. Veljavnost sporazuma se podaljša za nadaljnjih pet let, kolikor nobena od pogodbenih strani pisno ne obvesti po diplomatski poti druge pogodbene stranke o prekinitvi sporazuma šest mesecev pred iztekom pogodbene dobe.
Sklenjeno v Tirani, dne 21. 12. 1992 v treh izvirnikih v slovenskem, albanskem in angleškem jeziku, s tem, da so vsa besedila enako verodostojna.
Ob morebitnem neskladju pri uporabi kot razlagi, je merodajno angleško besedilo.
za Vlado
Republike Slovenije
Marjan Krajnc l. r.
za Vlado
Republike Albanije
Fatos Bitincka l. r.
The Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Government of the Republic of Albania (Hereinafter: the contracting parties) have, in the desire to deepen their cooperation in the field of maritime transport and for the purpose of establishing appropriate conditions for, maritime transport, of affirming equal and mutually beneficial cooperation and of promoting the development of maritime transport between the two States, agreed upon the following:
Article 1
The various terms used in this agreement have the following meanings:
1. »ship of one contracting party« means those ships which sail under the flag of one or the other State;
This term does not include:
a) military ships and ships which supply the armed forces of one or the other contracting party, and other ships exclusively in the composition of the armed forces,
b) scientific research ships (from the fields of hydrography, oceanography and scientific research), rescue ships and other ships which serve special, noncommercial purposes, for instance: hospital ships, school ships and other ships when there are military personnel aboard,
c) fishing ships, yachts etc.
2. »owner« or »Operator« is a natural or juridical person who is responsible for the maritime operation.
3. »member of the ship's crew« denotes any person who is employed on the ships during the voyage and performs work in association with the use or maintenance of the ships and the name of whom is on the crew list.
4.»maritime transport« means the transport of goods and/or passengers.
Article 2
The contracting parties shall recognize the nationality of the ships of the other contracting party on the basis of Item 1, Article 1 of this agreement and of inspection confirmations, issued according to the regulations by the authorized body of this contracting party.
The contracting parties shall mutually recognize certificates on measurements and other certificates or ship documents which are issued according to regulations by the authorized body of the other contracting party or those issued by a third state which is recognized by one of the contracting parties and with which the other contracting party agrees, without new measurements and vessel inspections. Port and other shipping taxes are calculated on the basis of the data from the aforementioned documents. These taxes and duties are paid on the basis of tariffs which are valid in the port of berthing.
Article 3
The contracting parties shall with in the powers of their corresponding laws and regulations provide necessary help to ships and employees in the transport of commercial carriage of goods and/or passengers by sea between ports of both States and refrain from behaviour which could harm the development of maritime shipping and navigating between States.
The vessels of both contracting parties have the right to sail between the ports of both State open for international transport as well as to perform services for the transport of passengers and cargo between one of both States and some third State.
Article 4
Each contracting party shall within the powers of their laws and regulations adopt the necessary measures to ensure undisturbed navigation between both States, the shortest stay possible in ports and the simplification of administrative, customs and sanitation formalities.
The provisions of this agreement do not limit the right of either contracting party to perform customs inspections on the ships of the other contracting party.
Article 5
The ships of one contracting party, their crew, passengers and cargo, which are in the territorial sea and inland waters and seaports of the other contracting party must respect the laws and regulations of that contracting party, especially those which refer to the satety of navigation, public order, crossing of borders, customs and currency controls, sanitary, veterinary and phytosanitary control.
No contracting party shall interfere in the internal affairs of the ships of the other contracting party during their stay in territorial seas, inland waters and seaports, except in the following examples:
– on the written demand of the master of the ship or with the permission of the diplomatic or consular representatives of the other contracting party;
– when events on the ships or its consequences influence the peace, order and public safety of the port;
– when persons involved in these events are not members of the ship's crew;
– when the purpose is to prevent the merchandise of narcotic or psychotrop substances.
Article 6
The ships of one contracting party and the crew, passengers and cargo of such ships shall be, on arrival and at departure from the port of the other contracting party, as well as during a stay of this ship for loading and unloading cargo or for embarking and disembarking passengers, treated as sovereign territory and with the same regime as for their own ships of international maritime transport during:
a) berthing, changing berth, loading and unloading and/or embarking and disembarking in ports, docks and moorings;
b) pilotage and towing of ships, using channels and signal facilities for navigationing;
c) use of port crane facilities, weighing, stacking equipment, storing and using storage facilities;
d) supply of fuel and lubricants, tap water and food;
e) provision of medical services.
The provisions from the above paragraph do not give the right to either of. the contracting parties to perform any kind of port services, including pilotage, measurements, or any other ships services in the port of territorial sea of the other contracting party.
The provisions of the first and second paragraph of this article do not hold for ports which are closed to international shipping.
Article 7
Cabotage between ports of the other contracting party is forbidden except when the contracting parties make a special agreement on this.
Article 8
The provisions of this agreement are also valid for ships which sail under the flag of some third State acceptable from the both parties and which have been leased or managed by a company of one of the contracting parties for transport between ports of both contracting parties or ports of the Staates of both contracting parties and some third State and vice versa.
Article 9
The contracting parties mutually acknowledge the personal documents of the seafarers which have been issued by an authorized administration of the other contracting party or which a third State issued and which is recognized by one of the contracting parties and in which the second contracting party concurs.
These are the following two documents:
– In the Republic of Slovenia: »Seaman's book« (pomorska knjižica)
– In the Republic of Albania: »Seaman's book« (pashaporte lundrimi).
The seafarers of one contracting party who hold valid personal documents may, as members of the ship's crew, disembark without visas into the state's territory of the port of the second contracting party and stay in the adjoining municipality in accordance with the national regulations of each of the contracting parties.
When entering the territory of the second contracting party during transit or on departure from this same territory, the seafarers of the ships of one contracting party must honor the national regulations of the host state.
Article 10
When a ship of one contracting party is staying in the port of the second, the diplomatic and consular bodies of the first as well as the crew member of this same contracting party have the right to establish contact and meet each other, but before this, relevant formalities which are valid with the second contracting party must be observed according to regulations.
Article 11
If the ship of one contracting party is shipwrecked, runs aground or experiences some other damage, then such a ship, its crew, passengers and cargo receives corresponding help from the second contracting party under the same conditions as are provided for similar cases in the regulations of the first contracting party for its own ships, crews, passengers and cargo.
The salvaged property (cargo, equipment, stock or other goods) from the ship which is in trouble, has been shipwrecked, run aground or received some other damage is not liable to customs tariffs except if these goods were not destined for use in the territory of the contracting party in which it has arrived.
The storage of the salvaged property, at sites determined for this, is taxed on the bases of the reciprocity.
The provisions of this article do not Cover the relaxation of taxes for rescuing ships or for aid to ships, passengers, crew and cargo.
The competent authorities of the contracting parties on the coast of which the shipwreck, grounding or other damage occurred to a ship from the second contracting party, reports this to the nearest diplomatic representative of the State to which the ship belongs.
Article 12
All payments which arise from the application of this agreement will proceed in accordance with the valid payment agreements between both States.
Article 13
The contracting parties have agreed that their authorized bodies and ship owners organize conferences in association with the application of this agreement and for strengthening the cooperation between the two States in the field of maritime transport.
Article 14
The contracting parties agree to establish a joint mixed committee which will monitor the application of this agreement, solve possible disputes and, if necessary, propose measures to the signatory governments for promoting cooperation in the field of maritime transport between the two States.
The mixed committee will meet whenever this is in the opinion of the contracting parties necessary, but at least once a year, on a rotational basis, i.e. once in the Republic of Slovenia and the following year in the Republic of Albania and so on, v-v.
Article 15
The composition of the mixed committee is determined by the authorized bodies of the contracting parties.
Article 16
The authorized body is competent for the implementation of the provisions of this agreement, on the Slovenian side by the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Slovenia and on the Albanian side by the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Albania.
Article 17
The contracting parties notify each other through diplomatic channels of the fulfillment of the internal legal conditions for the affirmation of this agreement. This agreement comes in to effect thirty days after the receipt of the last of these notifications, and is used on a temporary basis from the day of its signing.
The present agreement is concluded for a period of five years. It will continue to be in force for successive periods of five years unless it is denounced in a written form through diplomatic channels by one of the contracting parties six months before the end of each valid period.
Concluded at Tirana, on 21. 12. 1992 in three originals in the Slovenian, Albanian and English languages, where all texts are identical.
If some difficulties in realization as interpretative are shown the competent text is text written in English.
For the Government of
the Republic of Slovenia
Marjan Krajnc (s)
For the Government of
the Republic of Albania
Fatos Bitincka (s)
3. člen
Za izvajanje sporazuma skrbi Ministrstvo za promet in zveze.
4. člen
Ta zakon začne veljati petnajsti dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 326-04/93-4/1
Ljubljana, dne 7. julija 1993.
Državnega zbora
Republike Slovenije
mag. Herman Rigelnik l. r.

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