Uradni list

Številka 58
Uradni list RS, št. 58/2007 z dne 2. 7. 2007
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 58/2007 z dne 2. 7. 2007


63. Zakon o ratifikaciji Notranjega sporazuma med predstavniki vlad držav članic, ki so se sestali v okviru Sveta, o financiranju pomoči Skupnosti v okviru večletnega finančnega okvira za obdobje 2008–2013 v skladu s Sporazumom o partnerstvu AKP-ES in o dodelitvi finančne pomoči čezmorskim državam in ozemljem, za katera se uporablja Četrti del Pogodbe ES (MNSFP), stran 953.

Na podlagi druge alinee prvega odstavka 107. člena in prvega odstavka 91. člena Ustave Republike Slovenije izdajam
o razglasitvi Zakona o ratifikaciji Notranjega sporazuma med predstavniki vlad držav članic, ki so se sestali v okviru Sveta, o financiranju pomoči Skupnosti v okviru večletnega finančnega okvira za obdobje 2008-2013 v skladu s Sporazumom o partnerstvu AKP-ES in o dodelitvi finančne pomoči čezmorskim državam in ozemljem, za katera se uporablja Četrti del Pogodbe ES (MNSFP)
Razglašam Zakon o ratifikaciji Notranjega sporazuma med predstavniki vlad držav članic, ki so se sestali v okviru Sveta, o financiranju pomoči Skupnosti v okviru večletnega finančnega okvira za obdobje 2008-2013 v skladu s Sporazumom o partnerstvu AKP-ES in o dodelitvi finančne pomoči čezmorskim državam in ozemljem, za katera se uporablja Četrti del Pogodbe ES (MNSFP), ki ga je sprejel Državni zbor Republike Slovenije na seji 31. maja 2007.
Št. 001-22-60/07
Ljubljana, dne 8. junija 2007
dr. Janez Drnovšek l.r.
Republike Slovenije
1. člen
Ratificira se Notranji sporazum med predstavniki vlad držav članic, ki so se sestali v okviru Sveta, o financiranju pomoči Skupnosti v okviru večletnega finančnega okvira za obdobje 2008-2013 v skladu s Sporazumom o partnerstvu AKP-ES in o dodelitvi finančne pomoči čezmorskim državam in ozemljem, za katera se uporablja Četrti del Pogodbe ES, podpisan 17. julija 2006 v Bruslju.
2. člen
Besedilo sporazuma se v izvirniku v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku glasi:(1)
ob upoštevanju Pogodbe o ustanovitvi Evropske skupnosti,
po posvetovanju s Komisijo,
po posvetovanju z Evropsko investicijsko banko,
(1) Sporazum o partnerstvu med članicami skupine afriških, karibskih in pacifiških držav na eni strani ter Evropsko skupnostjo in njenimi državami članicami, na drugi strani, podpisan v Cotonouju, dne 23. junija 2000(2), (v nadaljnjem besedilu »Sporazum o partnerstvu AKP-ES«) v svoji Prilogi Ia, odstavek 3, navaja, da »o vsaki potrebni spremembi večletnega finančnega okvira ali sorazmernih delov Sporazuma odloča Svet ministrov z odstopanjem od člena 95 tega sporazuma«.
(2) Svet ministrov AKP-ES, ki se je 1. in 2. junija 2006 sestal v Port Moresbyju (Papua Nova Gvineja), je sprejel Prilogo Ib k Sporazumu o partnerstvu AKP-ES in se v njej dogovoril, da bo skupni znesek pomoči Skupnosti državam AKP v okviru večletnega finančnega okvira za obdobje 2008-2013, znotraj okvira Sporazuma o partnerstvu AKP-ES, iz desetega Evropskega razvojnega sklada (v nadaljevanju »deseti ERS«) znašal 21 966 milijonov EUR, ki jih prispevajo države članice.
(3) Sklep Sveta 2001/822/ES z dne 27. novembra 2001 o pridružitvi čezmorskih držav in ozemelj Evropski skupnosti(3) (v nadaljevanju »Sklep o pridružitvi«) velja do 31. decembra 2011. Pred tem datumom bo sprejet nov sklep na podlagi člena 187 Pogodbe. Pred 31. decembrom 2007 bo Svet na predlog Komisije soglasno določil znesek v višini 286 milijonov EUR iz desetega ERS za finančno pomoč čezmorskim državam in ozemljem (v nadaljevanju »ČDO«) v obdobju 2008-2013, za katera se uporablja četrti del Pogodbe.
(4) Sklep Sveta 2005/446/ES predstavnikov vlad držav članic, ki so se sestali v okviru Sveta dne 30. maja 2005, o določitvi roka za črpanje sredstev iz 9. Evropskega razvojnega sklada (ERS)(4) določa datum, po katerem se sredstva 9. ERS, ki jih upravlja Komisija, subvencije obresti, ki jih vodi Evropska investicijska banka (EIB) in prihodki iz obresti na ta sredstva po 31. decembru 2007 ne smejo več črpati. Po potrebi se lahko ta datum ponovno preuči.
(5) Za izvajanje Sporazuma o partnerstvu AKP-ES in Sklepa o pridružitvi je treba ustanoviti deseti ERS ter določiti postopek dodelitve sredstev in način plačila prispevkov držav članic v ta sklad.
(6) Na podlagi poročila Komisije bo v letih 2008-2009 izveden pregled vseh vidikov porabe in sredstev Evropske unije.
(7) Predstavniki vlad držav članic Evropske skupnosti, ki so se sestali v okviru Sveta, so se dogovorili, da bodo znesek v višini 430 milijonov EUR iz desetega ERS namenili izdatkom za podporo, ki jih je imela Komisija pri načrtovanju in izvajanju ERS.
(8) Določiti je treba pravila za upravljanje finančnega sodelovanja.
(9) Predstavniki vlad držav članic so na srečanju v okviru Sveta 12. septembra 2000 sprejeli Notranji sporazum o financiranju in upravljanju pomoči Skupnosti v okviru finančnega protokola k Sporazumu AKP-ES in dodelitvi finančne pomoči za čezmorske države in ozemlja, za katera se uporablja četrti del Pogodbe ES (v nadaljevanju »Notranji sporazum o 9. ERS«)(5).
(10) Pod pokroviteljstvom Komisije bi bilo treba ustanoviti odbor predstavnikov vlad držav članic (v nadaljevanju »Odbor ERS«) in podoben odbor pod pokroviteljstvom EIB. Uskladiti je treba delo, ki ga opravita Komisija in EIB zaradi uporabe Sporazuma AKP-ES in ustreznih določb Sklepa o pridružitvi.
(11) Predvideva se, da se bosta Bolgarija in Romunija pridružili EU do 1. januarja 2008 in da bosta upoštevali Sporazum o partnerstvu AKP-ES in sedanji notranji sporazum v skladu z njunimi zavezami, ki sta jih prevzeli glede na Pristopno pogodbo Romunije in Bolgarije in Protokol k njej.
(12) V svojih sklepih z dne 24. maja 2005, se je Svet in predstavniki držav članic, ki so se sestali v okviru Sveta, o pospešitvi napredka pri doseganju razvojnih ciljev v mileniumu, v celoti zavezal k pravočasnemu izvajanju in spremljanju Pariške izjave o učinkovitosti pomoči Organizacije za gospodarsko sodelovanje in razvoj (OECD), sprejetih na forumu na visoki ravni v Parizu 2. marca 2005.
(13) Opozarja se na cilje iz zgoraj omenjenih sklepov o uradni razvojni pomoči (URP). Pri poročanju o izdatkih v okviru ERS državam članicam in OECD/odbora za razvojno pomoč bo Komisija ločevala med dejavnostmi, povezanimi z uradno razvojno pomočjo (URP), in tistimi, ki z URP niso povezane.
(14) Svet in predstavniki vlad držav članic, ki so se sestali v okviru Sveta, Evropski parlament in Komisija so 22. decembra 2005 sprejeli skupno izjavo o Razvojni politiki Evropske unije: Evropski konsenz(6).
(15) ERS bo nadalje dajal prednost podpori najmanj razvitim državam in drugim državam z nizkim prihodkom.
(16) Svet je 11. aprila 2006 odobril načelo o financiranju mirovne pomoči za Afriko iz notranjih sredstev držav AKP v znesku do višine 300 milijonov EUR za začetno obdobje 2008-2010. Tekom tretjega leta bo opravljena celovita ocena, v kateri bodo pregledani načini in možnosti glede drugih virov financiranja v prihodnosti, vključno s financiranjem SZVP.
Sredstva desetega ERS
1. Države članice ustanavljajo deseti Evropski razvojni sklad, v nadaljevanju »deseti ERS«.
2. Deseti ERS je sestavljen iz:
(a) Zneska do višine 22 682 milijonov EUR, ki ga prispevajo države članice, kot sledi:
|    Država članica    |   Ključ za    |    Prispevek v EUR    |
|                      |   prispevke   |                       |
|Belgija               |           3,53|            800 674 600|
|Bolgarija(*)          |           0,14|             31 754 800|
|Češka                 |           0,51|            115 678 200|
|Danska                |           2,00|            453 640 000|
|Nemčija               |          20,50|          4 649 810 000|
|Estonija              |           0,05|             11 341 000|
|Grčija                |           1,47|            333 425 400|
|Španija               |           7,85|          1 780 537 000|
|Francija              |          19,55|          4 434 331 000|
|Irska                 |           0,91|            206 406 200|
|Italija               |          12,86|          2 916 905 200|
|Ciper                 |           0,09|             20 413 800|
|Latvija               |           0,07|             15 877 400|
|Litva                 |           0,12|             27 218 400|
|Luksemburg            |           0,27|             61 241 400|
|Madžarska             |           0,55|            124 751 000|
|Malta                 |           0,03|              6 804 600|
|Nizozemska            |           4,85|          1 100 077 000|
|Avstrija              |           2,41|            546 636 200|
|Poljska               |           1,30|            294 866 000|
|Portugalska           |           1,15|            260 843 000|
|Romunija(*)           |           0,37|             83 923 400|
|Slovenija             |           0,18|             40 827 600|
|Slovaška              |           0,21|             47 632 200|
|Finska                |           1,47|            333 425 400|
|Švedska               |           2,74|            621 486 800|
|Združeno kraljestvo   |          14,82|          3 361 472 400|
|                      |               |         22 682 000 000|
(*) ocena vsote
Znesek 22 682 milijonov EUR mora biti na voljo od začetka veljavnosti večletnega finančnega okvira in se razporedi, kot sledi:
(i) 21 966 milijonov EUR za skupino držav AKP;
(ii) 286 milijonov EUR za ČDO;
(iii) 430 milijonov EUR za Komisijo za izdatke za podporo, kot je navedeno v členu 6, v zvezi z načrtovanjem in izvajanjem ERS s strani Komisije.
(b) Za sredstva iz Priloge I k Sporazumu o partnerstvu AKP-ES in Prilogi II A k Sklepu o pridružitvi ter dodeljenih v okviru 9. ERS za financiranje Sklada za spodbujanje naložb iz Priloge II C Sklepa o pridružitvi (v nadaljevanju “spodbujanje naložb”), ne velja Sklep 2005/446/ES, ki določa datum, po katerem sredstev devetega ERS ni več mogoče črpati. Ta sredstva bodo prenesena v deseti ERS in bodo upravljana v skladu z izvedbenimi dogovori za deseti ERS od začetka veljavnosti večletnega finančnega okvira za obdobje 2008-2013 v okviru Sporazuma o partnerstvu AKP-ES in od začetka veljavnosti sklepov Sveta v zvezi s finančno pomočjo ČDO za obdobje 2008-2013.
3. Po 31. decembru 2007 oziroma po datumu začetka veljavnosti večletnega finančnega okvira za obdobje 2008-2013, v kolikor ta datum nastopi kasneje, sredstev iz devetega ERS ali iz prejšnjih ERS ne bo več mogoče črpati, razen preostalega zneska in sredstev, ki so bila prerazporejena po datumu začetka veljavnosti in izhajajo iz sistema za zagotavljanje stabilizacije izvoznih prihodkov od primarnih kmetijskih izdelkov (STABEX) v okviru skladov pred devetim ERS, in sredstev, navedenih v odstavku 2(b). Ta sredstva, ki bi lahko bila dodeljena po 31. decembru 2007 in pred začetkom veljavnosti tega sporazuma, kot je navedeno zgoraj, bodo porabljena izključno za zagotovitev delovanja uprave EU in kritja tekočih stroškov, da bi ohranili že začete projekte, dokler ne začne veljati deseti ERS.
4. Sredstva, ki so bila prerazporejena iz projektov iz devetega ERS, po 31. decembru 2007 ne bo več mogoče prerazporejati, razen v primeru, če se na predlog Komisije Svet soglasno odloči drugače; to ne velja za sredstva, ki so bila prerazporejena po datumu začetka veljavnosti in izhajajo iz sistema za zagotavljanje stabilizacije izvoznih prihodkov od primarnih kmetijskih izdelkov (STABEX) v okviru skladov pred devetim ERS ter bodo samodejno prenesena v ustrezne nacionalne okvirne programe iz člena 2(a)(i) in člena 3(1), in za sredstva, navedena v odstavku 2(b).
5. Celoten znesek sredstev desetega ERS zajema obdobje od 1. januarja 2008 do 31. decembra 2013. Po 31. decembru 2013 sredstev desetega ERS ni več mogoče črpati, razen če Svet soglasno na predlog Komisije ne odloči drugače.
6. Prihodki iz obresti, ki so bile ustvarjene z dejavnostmi, financiranimi v okviru zavez iz prejšnjih ERS in iz obresti od sredstev iz desetega ERS, ki jih upravlja Komisija in so deponirani pri plačilnih zastopnikih v Evropi iz člena 37(1) Priloge IV k Sporazumu o partnerstvu AKP-ES, se knjižijo na enega ali več bančnih računov, odprtih v imenu Komisije, in se uporabijo v skladu s pogoji iz člena 6. Uporaba prihodkov iz obresti od sredstev iz desetega ERS, ki jih upravlja EIB, se določi v okviru finančne uredbe iz člena 10(2).
7. Porazdelitev prispevkov iz odstavka 2(a) je mogoče spremeniti s soglasnim sklepom Sveta na osnovi predloga Komisije, če nova država pristopi k EU.
8. Finančna sredstva se lahko prilagodijo s soglasnim sklepom Sveta v skladu s členom 62(2) Sporazuma o partnerstvu AKP-ES.
9. Vsaka država članica lahko brez poseganja v pravila odločanja in postopke iz člena 8 Komisiji ali EIB izplača prostovoljne prispevke za podporo ciljev Sporazuma o partnerstvu AKP-ES. Države članice lahko tudi sofinancirajo projekte ali programe, na primer v okviru posebnih pobud, ki naj bi jih upravljala Komisija ali EIB. Pri takšnih pobudah mora biti zagotovljeno lastništvo AKP na nacionalni ravni.
Izvedbena in finančna uredba iz člena 10 vključujeta potrebne določbe za sofinanciranje iz ERS kot tudi za sofinanciranje, ki ga izvajajo države članice. Države članice Svet vnaprej obvestijo o svojih prostovoljnih prispevkih.
10. Svet bo v skladu z odstavkom 7 Finančnega protokola Sporazuma o partnerstvu AKP-ES skupaj z državami AKP izvedel pregled uspešnosti in ocenil stopnjo izvedbe obveznosti in izplačil ter rezultat in učinek zagotovljene pomoči. Pregled bo izveden na podlagi predloga, ki ga bo leta 2010 pripravila Komisija. Ta pregled uspešnosti bo prispeval k odločitvi o znesku finančnega sodelovanja po letu 2013.
Sredstva, dodeljena državam AKP
Znesek 21 966 milijonov EUR iz člena 1(2)(a)(i) se različnim instrumentom sodelovanja dodeli na naslednji način:
(a) 17 766 milijonov EUR bo namenjenih za financiranje nacionalnih in regionalnih okvirnih programov. Iz te razdelitve se bodo financirali
(i) nacionalni okvirni programi držav AKP v skladu s členi od 1 do 5 Priloge IV k Sporazumu o partnerstvu AKP-ES;
(ii) regionalni okvirni programi v podporo regionalnemu in medregionalnemu sodelovanju in integraciji držav AKP v skladu s členi od 6 do 11, 13(1) in 14 Priloge IV k Sporazumu o partnerstvu AKP-ES.
(b) 2 700 milijonov EUR bo namenjenih financiranju sodelovanja med državami AKP in medregionalnega sodelovanja z več ali vsemi državami AKP, v skladu s členi 12, 13(2) in 14 Priloge IV k Sporazumu o partnerstvu AKP-ES o izvajanju in postopkih upravljanja. Ta sklop vključuje strukturno podporo skupnim institucijam: Centra za razvoj podjetništva (CRP) in Centra za razvoj kmetijstva (CRK), ki sta navedena in nadzorovana v skladu s pravili in postopki iz Priloge III k Sporazumu o partnerstvu AKP-ES, ter Skupne parlamentarne skupščine iz člena 17 Sporazuma o partnerstvu AKP-ES. Ta sklop vključuje tudi pomoč za del izdatkov za delovanje sekretariata AKP iz točk 1 in 2 Protokola 1, priloženega k Sporazumu o partnerstvu AKP-ES;
(c) Del sredstev iz točk (a) in (b) se lahko porabi za odzivanje na zunanje pretrese in za nepredvidene potrebe, in, če je primerno, za dopolnilno kratkoročno humanitarno pomoč in nujno pomoč, kadar te pomoči ni mogoče financirati iz proračuna Skupnosti, za ublažitev neugodnih učinkov kratkoročnih nihanj izvoznih dohodkov.
(d) 1 500 milijonov EUR dodeljenih sredstev EIB za financiranje Sklada za spodbujanje naložb v skladu s pogoji iz Priloge II (»Pogoji financiranja«) k Sporazumu o partnerstvu AKP-ES, ki obsegajo dodatni prispevek 1 100 milijonov EUR k sredstvom Sklada za spodbujanje naložb, ki se upravlja kot obnovljivi sklad, in 400 milijonov EUR v obliki nepovratnih sredstev za financiranje subvencij obrestne mere, predvidenih v členih 2 in 4 Priloge II k Sporazumu o partnerstvu AKP-ES v obdobju desetega ERS.
Sredstva, dodeljena ČDO
1. Znesek 286 milijonov EUR iz člena 1(2)(a)(ii) se dodeli v skladu s sklepom Sveta, sprejetim pred 31. decembrom 2007, o spremembi Sklepa o pridružitvi v skladu s členom 187 Pogodbe, od tega 256 milijonov EUR za financiranje nacionalnih in regionalnih okvirnih programov, 30 milijonov EUR pa v obliki dodeljenih sredstev EIB za financiranje Sklada za spodbujanje naložb v skladu s Sklepom o pridružitvi.
2. Kadar ČDO postane neodvisna in pristopi k Sporazumu o partnerstvu AKP-ES, se s sklepom Sveta, sprejetim soglasno na podlagi predloga Komisije, znesek iz odstavka 1 zniža, zneski iz člena 2(a)(i) pa ustrezno zvišajo.
Posojila iz lastnih virov EIB
1. Znesku, namenjenemu Skladu za spodbujanje naložb v okviru devetega ERS iz člena 1(2)(b), in znesku, navedenemu v členu 2(d), se doda okvirni znesek do 2 030 milijonov EUR v obliki posojil, ki jih EIB zagotovi iz lastnih sredstev. Ta sredstva se dodeli v znesku do višine 2 000 milijonov EUR za namene iz Priloge II k Sporazumu o partnerstvu AKP-ES in v znesku do višine 30 milijonov EUR za namene iz Sklepa o pridružitvi, v skladu s pogoji iz svojega statuta in ustreznih določb o pogojih financiranja investicij iz prej omenjene Priloge II k Sporazumu o partnerstvu AKP-ES in Sklepa o pridružitvi.
2. Države članice se z odpovedjo vsaki pravici do ugovora zavežejo, da bodo delovale kot garant za EIB, v sorazmerju s svojimi prispevki k njenemu kapitalu, v zvezi z vsemi finančnimi obveznostmi, ki za njene posojilojemalce izhajajo iz posojilnih pogodb, katere je EIB sklenila s svojimi lastnimi sredstvi v skladu s členom 1 Priloge II k Sporazumu AKP-ES in ustreznimi določbami Sklepa o pridružitvi.
3. Garancija iz odstavka 2 je omejena na 75% skupnega zneska posojil, ki jih je EIB dala v okviru vseh posojilnih pogodb; ta garancija se uporablja za kritje vseh tveganj.
4. Države članice in EIB morajo skleniti pogodbo o garanciji v zvezi z obveznostmi, ki izhajajo iz odstavka 2.
Dejavnosti, ki jih upravlja EIB
1. Plačila EIB v zvezi s posebnimi posojili, dodeljenimi državam AKP, ČDO in francoskim čezmorskim departmajem, skupaj s premoženjskimi koristmi in dohodkom iz transakcij tveganega kapitala, v okviru ERS pred devetim ERS, se knjižijo v dobro držav članic v sorazmerju z njihovim prispevkom v Sklad, iz katerega so izpeljani zneski, če Svet na predlog Komisije soglasno ne sklene, da jih spremeni v rezervo ali da jih nameni za druge dejavnosti.
2. Od teh zneskov se najprej odštejejo vse provizije, ki zapadejo v plačilo EIB v zvezi z upravljanjem in dejavnostmi iz odstavka 1.
3. Premoženjske koristi in odhodki, ki jih EIB prejme iz dejavnosti v okviru Sklada za spodbujanje naložb v okviru devetega in desetega ERS, se uporabljajo za nadaljnje dejavnosti v okviru Sklada za spodbujanje naložb, v skladu s členom 3 Priloge II k Sporazumu o partnerstvu AKP-ES in po odbitku posebnih izdatkov in obveznosti, ki nastanejo v povezavi s tem skladom.
4. EIB prejme za upravljanje dejavnosti Sklada za spodbujanje naložb iz odstavka 3 v skladu s členom 3(1a) Priloge II k Sporazumu o partnerstvu AKP-ES povračilo vseh stroškov.
Sredstva, rezervirana za izdatke za podporo v zvezi z ERS
1. Viri ERS pokrijejo stroške podpornih ukrepov. Sredstva iz člena 1(2)(a)(iii) in člena 1(5) zajemajo stroške, povezane z načrtovanjem in izvajanjem ERS, za katere ni nujno, da jih zajemajo strateški spremni dokumenti in večletni okvirni programi iz uredbe o izvajanju iz člena 10(1).
2. Sredstva za podporne ukrepe lahko zajemajo izdatke v zvezi z:
(a) dejavnostmi priprave, nadaljnjih ukrepov, spremljanja, računovodstva, revizije in vrednotenja, ki so neposredno potrebne za načrtovanje in uporabo sredstev ERS, ki jih upravlja Komisija,
(b) izdatki, ki so povezani z doseganjem teh ciljev, npr. raziskovalne dejavnosti razvojne politike, študije, sestanki, obveščanje, ozaveščanje, usposabljanje in objavljanje,
(c) računalniškim omrežjem za izmenjavo informacij in katere koli druge izdatke za administrativno in tehnično pomoč, ki jih lahko ima Komisija pri upravljanju ERS.
Sredstva zajemajo tudi izdatke za upravno podporo na sedežu Komisije in v delegacijah, ki je potrebna za vodenje dejavnosti, ki se financirajo v okviru Sporazuma o partnerstvu AKP-ES in Sklepa o pridružitvi.
Ne dodelijo se za ključne naloge evropskih javnih služb, tj. stalno zaposleno osebje Komisije.
Prispevki, namenjeni desetemu ERS
1. Komisija, upoštevajoč ocene EIB z zvezi z upravljanjem in vodenjem Sklada za spodbujanje naložb, vsako leto pred 15. oktobrom pripravi in posreduje Svetu poročilo o obveznostih, plačilih in letnem obsegu za prispevke, ki jih je treba opraviti v trenutnem in naslednjih dveh proračunskih letih. Ti zneski so odvisni od zmožnosti za učinkovito zagotavljanje predlaganega obsega sredstev.
2. Svet na predlog Komisije, v katerem je določeno, kakšen del pripada Komisiji in kakšen EIB, s kvalificirano večino, kot je določeno v členu 8, odloči o zgornji meji letnega obsega zahtevkov za prispevke za drugo leto, ki sledi predlogu Komisije (n+2), in v okviru zgornje meje, določene preteklo leto, o letnem obsegu zahtevka za prispevek za prvo leto, ki sledi predlogu Komisije (n+1).
3. Če se izkaže, da prispevki, določeni v skladu z odstavkom 2, ne zadostujejo za dejanske potrebe Sklada v zadevnem finančnem letu, Komisija v skladu z zgornjo mejo iz odstavka 2 poda Svetu predloge za dodatna plačila; Svet sprejme sklep s kvalificirano večino, kakor je določeno v členu 8.
4. Zahtevki za prispevek ne smejo presegati zgornje meje iz odstavka 2, tudi zgornja meja se ne sme zvišati, razen če o tem s kvalificirano večino odloči Svet, kakor je določeno v členu 8, v primerih posebnih potreb, ki izhajajo iz izjemnih ali nepredvidljivih okoliščin, kot so razmere po krizi. V tem primeru Komisija in Svet zagotovita, da prispevki ustrezajo pričakovanim plačilom.
5. Komisija vsako leto do 15. oktobra pošlje Svetu svoje ocene obveznosti, izplačil in prispevkov za vsako od treh let po letih iz odstavka 1, ter pri tem upošteva ocene EIB.
6. Kar zadeva sredstva, prenesena iz prejšnjih ERS v deseti ERS v skladu s členom 1(2)(b) in členom 1(3), se prispevki vsake države članice izračunajo v sorazmerju s prispevkom vsake države članice v zadevni ERS.
Pri sredstvih iz devetega ERS in predhodnih ERS, ki se ne prenesejo na deseti ERS, se učinek na prispevek vsake države članice izračuna v razmerju s prispevkom vsake države članice za deveti ERS.
7. Podrobna pravila za plačilo prispevkov držav članic so določena s Finančno uredbo iz člena 10(2).
Odbor Evropskega razvojnega sklada
1. Odbor (v nadaljnjem besedilu »Odbor ERS«), ki je sestavljen iz predstavnikov vlad držav članic, se ustanovi pod pokroviteljstvom Komisije in v zvezi s sredstvi desetega ERS, s katerimi slednja upravlja. Odboru ERS predseduje predstavnik Komisije; Komisija poskrbi za sekretariat. Predstavnik EIB sodeluje pri njegovem delu.
2. V Odboru ERS se glasovi predstavnikov držav članic ponderirajo, kot sledi:
|Država članica                       |     Glasovi EU-27      |
|Belgija                              |                      35|
|Bolgarija(*)                         |                     [1]|
|Češka                                |                       5|
|Danska                               |                      20|
|Nemčija                              |                     205|
|Estonija                             |                       1|
|Grčija                               |                      15|
|Španija                              |                      79|
|Francija                             |                     196|
|Irska                                |                       9|
|Italija                              |                     129|
|Ciper                                |                       1|
|Latvija                              |                       1|
|Litva                                |                       1|
|Luksemburg                           |                       3|
|Madžarska                            |                       6|
|Malta                                |                       1|
|Nizozemska                           |                      49|
|Avstrija                             |                      24|
|Poljska                              |                      13|
|Portugalska                          |                      12|
|Romunija(*)                          |                     [4]|
|Slovenija                            |                       2|
|Slovaška                             |                       2|
|Finska                               |                      15|
|Švedska                              |                      27|
|Združeno kraljestvo                  |                     148|
|Skupaj EU-25                         |                     999|
|Skupaj EU-27(*)                      |                  [1004]|
(*) ocena glasov
3. Odbor ERS sprejema odločitve s kvalificirano večino 720 glasov od 999, ki izraža pozitiven glas vsaj 13 držav članic. Manjšina, ki lahko prepreči sprejetje odločitve, ima 280 glasov.
4. Če se k EU pridruži nova država, se ponderiranje iz odstavka 2 in kvalificirana večina iz odstavka 3 spremenita s sklepom Sveta, ki ga slednji soglasno sprejme.
5. Svet soglasno sprejme poslovnik Odbora ERS.
Odbor Sklada za spodbujanje naložb
1. Odbor (v nadaljnjem besedilu »Odbor Sklada za spodbujanje naložb«), ki je sestavljen iz predstavnikov vlad držav članic ter predstavnika Komisije, se ustanovi pod pokroviteljstvom EIB. EIB poskrbi za sekretariat in spremljevalne službe Odbora. Za predsedujočega Odbora Sklada za spodbujanje naložb enega izmed članov Odbora izvolijo člani sami.
2. Svet soglasno sprejme poslovnik Odbora Sklada za spodbujanje naložb.
3. Odbor Sklada za spodbujanje naložb odloča s kvalificirano večino, kakor to določa člen 8(2) in 8(3).
Izvedbene določbe
1. Do sprejetja sklepa Sveta o izvedbeni uredbi za deseti ERS ostanejo v veljavi vse ustrezne določbe členov 14 do 30 notranjega sporazuma glede devetega ERS, in sicer brez poseganja v člen 8 tega Sporazuma in razporeditve glasovalnih pravic držav članic v njem. Ta izvedbena uredba se sprejme soglasno, na podlagi predloga Komisije in po posvetovanju z EIB.
Izvedbena uredba vsebuje ustrezne dopolnitve in izboljšave postopkov načrtovanja in odločanja ter v največji možni meri usklajuje postopke Skupnosti in ERS, vključno z vidiki sofinanciranja. Poleg tega uvaja določene postopke upravljanja za mirovno pomoč. Treba je opozoriti, da bo finančna in tehnična pomoč za izvajanje členov 11(6), 11(a) in 11(b) Sporazuma o partnerstvu AKP-ES financirana prek posebnih instrumentov, ki ne spadajo med instrumente za sodelovanje med državami AKP in ES; dejavnosti, ki bodo razvite v okviru teh določb, morajo biti predhodno odobrene s posebnimi postopki za upravljanje proračuna.
2. Finančno uredbo Svet pred začetkom veljavnosti Sporazuma o partnerstvu AKP-ES sprejme s kvalificirano večino, kot je določeno v členu 8, na podlagi predloga Komisije in ko EIB poda mnenje o določbah, ki jo zadevajo, ter ravno tako Računsko sodišče.
3. Komisija bo predložila svoje predloge za uredbi iz odstavka 1 in 2, ki med drugim predvidevata možnost, da se po potrebi za izvedbene naloge pooblastijo tretje stranke.
Finančna uporaba, računovodstvo, revizija in razrešnica
1. Komisija začne finančno uporabo sklopov, ki jih upravlja, na osnovi člena 1(8), člena 2(a), (b) in (c), člena 3(1) in člena 6 ter prevzame finančno izvajanje projektov in programov v skladu s finančno uredbo iz člena 10(2). Za povračilo neupravičeno izplačanih zneskov veljajo odločitve Komisije, kot je določeno v členu 256 Pogodbe ES.
2. EIB v imenu Skupnosti upravlja Sklad za spodbujanje naložb in izvaja ustrezne dejavnosti v skladu s pravili finančne uredbe iz člena 10(2). Pri tem EIB deluje v imenu Skupnosti in na njeno odgovornost. Vse pravice, ki izhajajo iz takšnih dejavnosti, zlasti pravice upnika ali lastnika, se prenesejo na države članice.
3. EIB v skladu s svojim statutom in najboljšo bančno prakso prevzame finančno izvajanje dejavnosti, ki se izvajajo s posojili iz njenih lastnih sredstev, kot je navedeno v členu 4, po potrebi v kombinaciji s subvencijami obrestne mere, ki se črpajo iz subvencijskih sredstev ERS.
4. Za vsako proračunsko leto Komisija sestavi in potrdi obračun ERS in ga pošlje Evropskemu parlamentu, Svetu in Računskemu sodišču.
5. Komisija da na voljo Računskemu sodišču informacije iz člena 10, da bi slednje lahko na podlagi dokumentarnih dokazil opravilo preglede pomoči, ki je zagotovljena iz sredstev ERS.
6. EIB vsako leto pošlje Komisiji in Svetu poročilo o izvedbi dejavnosti, ki se financirajo iz sredstev ERS, ki jih upravlja Banka.
7. Ob upoštevanju odstavka 9 tega člena Računsko sodišče izvaja svoje pristojnosti, ki mu jih daje člen 248 Pogodbe ES, v zvezi z dejavnostmi ERS. Pogoji, pod katerimi Računsko sodišče izvaja svoje pristojnosti, so določeni v finančni uredbi iz člena 10(2).
8. Evropski parlament na priporočilo Sveta, ki odloča s kvalificirano večino iz člena 8, podeli Komisiji razrešnico glede finančnega upravljanja ERS, razen dejavnosti, ki jih upravlja EIB.
9. Za dejavnosti, ki se financirajo iz sredstev ERS, ki jih upravlja EIB, veljata nadzor in postopek razrešitve, ki sta določena v statutu Banke za vse njene dejavnosti.
Klavzula o reviziji
Svet lahko s soglasjem in na predlog Komisije spremeni člen 1(3) in člene iz poglavja II, razen člena 8. EIB sodeluje pri predlogu Komisije o zadevah, ki so povezane z njenimi dejavnostmi in dejavnostmi Sklada za spodbujanje naložb.
Ratifikacija, začetek veljavnosti in trajanje
1. Ta sporazum odobri vsaka država članica v skladu s svojimi ustavnimi pravili. Vlada vsake države članice uradno obvesti generalni sekretariat Sveta Evropske unije o zaključku postopkov, ki jih je treba izvesti za začetek veljavnosti tega sporazuma.
2. Ta sporazum začne veljati prvi dan drugega meseca po uradnem obvestilu, da je zadnja država članica odobrila ta sporazum.
3. Ta sporazum se sklene za enako obdobje kakor večletni finančni okvir Priloge Ib k Sporazumu o partnerstvu AKP-ES. Ne glede na člen 1(4) pa ostane ta sporazum v veljavi tako dolgo, kolikor je potrebno za izvedbo vseh dejavnosti, ki se financirajo v okviru Sporazuma o partnerstvu AKP-ES in Sklepu o pridružitvi ter omenjenega večletnega finančnega okvira.
Izvirni jeziki
Ta sporazum, sestavljen v enem izvirniku v angleškem, češkem, danskem, estonskem, finskem, francoskem, grškem, italijanskem, latvijskem, litovskem, madžarskem, malteškem, nemškem, nizozemskem, poljskem, portugalskem, slovaškem, slovenskem, španskem in švedskem jeziku, pri čemer je vseh dvajset besedil enako verodostojnih, se deponira v arhivu generalnega sekretariata Sveta, ki pošlje overjeno kopijo vladi vsake države podpisnice.
Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community,
After consulting the Commission,
After consulting the European Investment Bank,
(1) Paragraph 3 of Annex Ia of the Partnership Agreement between the members of the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States, of the one part and the European Community and its Member States, of the other part, signed in Cotonou on 23 June 2000(7) (hereinafter referred to as »the ACP-EC Partnership Agreement«), states that »any required amendments to the multiannual financial framework or relative parts of the Agreement shall be decided by the Council of Ministers by derogation from Article 95 of this Agreement«.
(2) The ACP-EC Council of Ministers, meeting in Port Moresby (Papua New Guinea) on 1 and 2 June 2006, adopted Annex Ib to the ACP-EC Partnership Agreement and agreed therein to set the aggregate amount of Community aid to the ACP States under the multi-annual financial framework for the period 2008-2013, within the framework of the ACP-EC Partnership Agreement, at EUR 21 966 million from the 10th European Development Fund (hereinafter referred to as the »10th EDF«) contributed by Member States.
(3) Council Decision 2001/822/EC of 27 November 2001 on the association of the overseas countries and territories with the European Community(8) (hereinafter referred to as the »Association Decision«) is applicable until 31 December 2011. A new decision on the basis of Article 187 of the Treaty should be adopted before that date. Before 31 December 2007, the Council, acting unanimously on a proposal from the Commission, should set at EUR 286 million the amount from the 10th EDF for financial assistance over the period 2008-2013 to the overseas countries and territories (hereinafter referred to as the »OCTs«) to which part four of the Treaty applies.
(4) In accordance with Decision 2005/446/EC of the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States, meeting within the Council of 30 May 2005 setting the deadline for the commitment of the funds of the 9th European Development Fund (EDF)(9) the date beyond which the funds of the 9th EDF managed by the Commission, the interest subsidies managed by the European Investment Bank (EIB) and the revenue accruing from the interest on these appropriations should no longer be committed is set at 31 December 2007. This date may be reviewed if necessary.
(5) In order to implement the ACP-EC Partnership Agreement and the Association Decision, a 10th EDF should be established and a procedure should be laid down for the allocation of funds and for contributions from Member States to those funds.
(6) A review covering all aspects of European Union spending and resources should be conducted on the basis of a report by the Commission in 2008-2009.
(7) The representatives of the governments of the Member States, meeting within the Council, have agreed to earmark an amount of EUR 430 million from the 10th EDF for support expenditure incurred by the Commission in the programming and implementation of the EDF.
(8) The rules for the administration of financial cooperation should be determined.
(9) On 12 September 2000, the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States, meeting within the Council adopted an Internal Agreement on the financing and administration of Community Aid under the Financial Protocol to the ACP-EC Partnership Agreement and the allocation of financial assistance for the Overseas Countries and Territories to which Part Four of the EC Treaty applies (hereinafter referred to as the »Internal Agreement for the 9th EDF«)(10).
(10) A Committee of Representatives of the Governments of Member States should be set up at the Commission (hereinafter referred to as the »EDF Committee«) and a similar Committee should be set up at the EIB. The work of the Commission and the EIB to apply the ACP-EC Partnership Agreement and the corresponding provisions of the Association Decision should be harmonised.
(11) It is anticipated that Bulgaria and Romania will have joined the EU by 1 January 2008 and will adhere to the ACP-EC Partnership Agreement and to the present Internal Agreement according to their commitments undertaken pursuant to the Treaty of Accession of Bulgaria and Romania and the Protocol thereto.
(12) In its conclusions of 24 May 2005 the Council and the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States, meeting within the Council on accelerating progress towards attaining the Millennium Development Goals committed themselves to timely implementation and monitoring of the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) adopted at the High Level Forum of Paris on 2 March 2005.
(13) The Official Development Assistance (ODA) targets referred to in the abovementioned conclusions should be recalled. When reporting expenditure within EDF to Member States and OECD Development Assistance Committee, the Commission should distinguish between ODA and non-ODA activities.
(14) On 22 December 2005, the Council and the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States meeting within the Council, the European Parliament and the Commission adopted a Joint Statement on a European Union Development Policy: The European Consensus.(11)
(15) The EDF should continue to prioritise support to the least-developed and other low-income countries.
(16) On 11 April 2006, the Council approved the principle to fund the African Peace Facility from the intra-ACP funds for an amount of up to EUR 300 million covering the initial period 2008-2010. A comprehensive evaluation will take place during the third year, reviewing its modalities as well as the possibilities of alternative future funding sources, including CFSP funding,
Resources of the 10th EDF
1. The Member States hereby set up a tenth European Development Fund, hereinafter referred to as »the 10th EDF«.
2. The 10th EDF shall consist of:
(a) An amount of up to EUR 22 682 million contributed by the Member States as follows:
|    Member State    | Contribution key | Contribution in EUR  |
|Belgium             |              3,53|           800 674 600|
|Bulgaria(*)         |              0,14|            31 754 800|
|Czech Republic      |              0,51|           115 678 200|
|Denmark             |              2,00|           453 640 000|
|Germany             |             20,50|         4 649 810 000|
|Estonia             |              0,05|            11 341 000|
|Greece              |              1,47|           333 425 400|
|Spain               |              7,85|         1 780 537 000|
|France              |             19,55|         4 434 331 000|
|Ireland             |              0,91|           206 406 200|
|Italy               |             12,86|         2 916 905 200|
|Cyprus              |              0,09|            20 413 800|
|Latvia              |              0,07|            15 877 400|
|Lithuania           |              0,12|            27 218 400|
|Luxembourg          |              0,27|            61 241 400|
|Hungary             |              0,55|           124 751 000|
|Malta               |              0,03|             6 804 600|
|Netherlands         |              4,85|         1 100 077 000|
|Austria             |              2,41|           546 636 200|
|Poland              |              1,30|           294 866 000|
|Portugal            |              1,15|           260 843 000|
|Romania(*)          |              0,37|            83 923 400|
|Slovenia            |              0,18|            40 827 600|
|Slovakia            |              0,21|            47 632 200|
|Finland             |              1,47|           333 425 400|
|Sweden              |              2,74|           621 486 800|
|United Kingdom      |             14,82|         3 361 472 400|
|                    |                  |        22 682 000 000|
(*) Estimated amount.
The amount of EUR 22 682 million shall be available from the entry into force of the multiannual financial framework, of which
(i) EUR 21 966 million shall be allocated to the ACP Group of States;
(ii) EUR 286 million shall be allocated to the OCT;
(iii) EUR 430 million shall be allocated to the Commission for support expenditure as referred to in Article 6, linked to programming and implementation of the EDF by the Commission.
(b) The funds referred to in Annex I to the ACP-EC Partnership Agreement and Annex II A of the Association Decision and allocated under the 9th EDF to finance the resources of the Investment Facility set out in Annex II C of the Association Decision (hereinafter referred to as the “Investment Facility”) are not affected by Decision 2005/446/EC setting the date beyond which the funds of the 9th EDF may no longer be committed. These funds shall be transferred to the 10th EDF and be managed according to the implementation arrangements for the 10th EDF from the date of entry into force of the multi-annual financial framework for the period 2008-2013 under the ACP-EC Partnership Agreement and the date of entry into force of Council decisions regarding the financial assistance to the OCT for the period 2008-2013.
3. After 31 December 2007, or after the date of entry into force of the multi-annual financial framework for the period 2008-2013 if this date falls later, balances from the 9th EDF or from previous EDFs shall no longer be committed, with the exception of the balances and funds decommitted after this date of entry into force resulting from the system guaranteeing the stabilisation of export earnings from primary agricultural products (STABEX) under the EDFs prior to the 9th EDF and of those funds referred to in paragraph 2(b). Those funds possibly committed after 31 December 2007 until the entry into force of the present agreement, as referred to above, will exclusively be used to ensure the working ability of the EU administration and to cover the ongoing costs to sustain running projects until the 10th EDF comes into force.
4. Funds decommitted from projects under the 9th EDF or from previous EDFs after 31 December 2007 shall no longer be committed, unless decided otherwise by the Council unanimously, on the basis of a proposal by the Commission, with the exception of the funds decommitted after this date of entry into force resulting from the systems guaranteeing the stabilisation of export earnings from primary agricultural products (STABEX) under the EDFs prior to the 9th EDF which shall be automatically transferred to the respective national indicative programmes referred to in Article 2(a)(i) and Article 3(1) and of those funds referred to in paragraph 2(b).
5. The total amount of resources of the 10th EDF shall cover the period from 1 January 2008 to 31 December 2013. The funds of the 10th EDF shall no longer be committed beyond 31 December 2013 unless the Council decides otherwise unanimously, on a proposal from the Commission.
6. The revenue from interest generated on operations financed under commitments made under previous EDFs and on the funds of the 10th EDF managed by the Commission and deposited with the paying agents in Europe referred to in Article 37(1) of Annex IV to the ACP-EC Partnership Agreement shall be credited to one or more bank accounts opened in the name of the Commission and shall be used in accordance with the terms of Article 6. The use of the revenue from interest generated on the funds of the 10th EDF managed by the EIB, will be determined in the framework of the Financial Regulation referred to in Article 10(2).
7. Should a new State accede to the EU, the allocation of contributions referred to in paragraph 2(a) shall be amended by a decision of the Council acting unanimously, on the basis of a proposal from the Commission.
8. Financial resources may be adjusted by a decision of the Council acting unanimously, in accordance with Article 62(2) of the ACP-EC Partnership Agreement.
9. Any Member State may, without prejudice of the decision making rules and procedures set out in Article 8, provide to the Commission or the EIB voluntary contributions to support the objectives of the ACP-EC Partnership Agreement. Member States may also co-finance projects or programmes for example in the framework of specific initiatives to be managed by the Commission or the EIB. ACP ownership at the national level of such initiatives shall be guaranteed.
The Implementation and Financial Regulation referred to in Article 10, shall include the necessary provisions for co-financing by the EDF, as well as for co-financing activities implemented by Member States. Member States shall inform the Council in advance of their voluntary contributions.
10. The Council shall, in accordance with paragraph 7 of the Financial Protocol of the ACP-EC Partnership Agreement, together with the ACP States, conduct a performance review, assessing the degree of realisation of commitments and disbursements, and the results and impact of the aid provided. The review shall be undertaken on the basis of a proposal to be prepared by the Commission in 2010. This performance review shall contribute to a decision on the amount of the financial cooperation after 2013.
Resources allocated for the ACP States
The amount of EUR 21 966 million referred to in Article 1(2)(a)(i) shall be allocated between the instruments of cooperation as follows:
(a) EUR 17 766 million to finance national and regional indicative programmes. This allocation will be used to finance
(i) the national indicative programmes of the ACP States in accordance with Articles 1 to 5 of Annex IV to the ACP-EC Partnership Agreement;
(ii) the regional indicative programmes of support for regional and interregional cooperation and integration of ACP States in accordance with Articles 6 to 11, 13(1) and 14 of Annex IV to the ACP-EC Partnership Agreement.
(b) EUR 2 700 million to finance intra-ACP and inter-regional cooperation with many or all of the ACP States, including, in accordance with Articles 12, 13(2) and 14 of Annex IV to the ACP-EC Partnership Agreement concerning implementation and management procedures. This envelope shall include structural support to the joint institutions: the CDE and the CTA referred to and supervised according to the rules and procedures set out in Annex III to the ACP-EC Partnership Agreement, and the Joint Parliamentary Assembly referred to in Article 17 thereof. This envelope shall also cover assistance for the operating expenditures of the ACP Secretariat referred to in points 1 and 2 of Protocol 1 attached to the ACP-EC Partnership Agreement;
(c) Part of the resources referred to under points (a) and (b) may be used to respond to external shocks and for unforeseen needs, including, as appropriate, for complementary short-term humanitarian relief and emergency assistance where such support cannot be financed from the Community budget, to mitigate the adverse effects of short-term fluctuations in export earnings.
(d) EUR 1 500 million in the form of an allocation to the EIB to finance the Investment Facility in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in Annex II to the ACP-EC Partnership Agreement, comprising an additional contribution of EUR 1 100 million to the resources of the Investment Facility, managed as a revolving fund, and EUR 400 million under the form of grants for the financing of the interest rate subsidies provided for in Articles 2 and 4 of Annex II to the ACP-EC Partnership Agreement over the period of the 10th EDF.
Resources allocated for the OCTs
1. The amount of EUR 286 million referred to in Article 1(2)(a)(ii) shall be allocated according to the Council Decision to be taken before 31 December 2007 amending the Association Decision pursuant to Article 187 of the Treaty, of which EUR 256 million to finance national and regional indicative programmes, and EUR 30 million in the form of an allocation to the EIB to finance the Investment Facility in accordance with the Association Decision.
2. Where an OCT becomes independent and accedes to the ACP-EC Partnership Agreement, the amount indicated in paragraph 1 shall be reduced and those indicated in Article 2(a)(i) correspondingly increased by a decision of the Council acting unanimously on a proposal from the Commission.
Loans from the EIB's own resources
1. To the amount allocated to the investment facility under the 9th EDF referred to in Article 1(2)(b) and the amount referred to in Article 2(d) shall be added an indicative amount of up to EUR 2 030 million in the form of loans granted by the EIB from its own resources. These resources shall be allocated for an amount of up to EUR 2 000 million for the purposes set out in Annex II to the ACP-EC Partnership Agreement and for an amount of up to EUR 30 million for the purposes set out in the Association Decision, in accordance with the conditions specified in its statutes and the relevant provisions of the terms and conditions for investment financing as laid down in Annex II to the ACP-EC Partnership Agreement and the Association Decision.
2. The Member States shall undertake to act as guarantor for the EIB, waiving any right to object and in proportion to their contributions to its capital, in respect of all financial commitments arising for borrowers under contracts concluded by the EIB for loans from its own resources pursuant to Article 1 of Annex II to the ACP-EC Partnership Agreement and the corresponding provisions of the Association Decision.
3. The guarantee referred to in paragraph 2 shall be restricted to 75% of the total amount of credits opened by the EIB under all the loan contracts, but shall cover all risks.
4. The undertakings referred to in paragraph 2 shall be the subject of guarantee contracts between each Member State and the EIB.
Operations managed by the EIB
1. Payments made to the EIB in respect of special loans granted to the ACP States, the OCTs and the French overseas departments, together with the proceeds and income from risk capital operations, under the EDFs prior to the 9th EDF shall be credited to the Member States in proportion to their contributions to the EDF to which the sums relate, unless the Council decides unanimously, on a proposal from the Commission, to place them in reserve or allocate them to other purposes.
2. Any commission due to the EIB for managing the loans and operations referred to in paragraph 1 shall be deducted in advance from the sums to be credited to the Member States.
3. Proceeds and income received by the EIB from operations under the Investment Facility under the 9th and 10th EDF shall be used for further operations under that Facility, in accordance with Article 3 of Annex II to the ACP-EC Partnership Agreement and after deduction of exceptional expenses and liabilities arising in connection with the Investment Facility.
4. The EIB shall be remunerated on a full indemnity basis for the management of the Investment Facility operations referred to in paragraph 3, in accordance with Article 3(1a) of Annex II to the ACP-EC Partnership Agreement.
Resources reserved for support expenditure linked to the EDF
1. The resources of the EDF shall cover the costs for support measures. The resources referred to in Article 1(2)(a)(iii) and Article 1(5) shall cover costs linked to the programming and implementation of the EDF which are not necessarily covered by the strategy support papers and multi-annual indicative programmes referred to in the Implementation Regulation referred to in Article 10(1).
2. The resources for support measures may cover expenditure associated with:
(a) the preparation, follow-up, monitoring, accounting, audit and evaluation activities directly necessary for the programming and implementation of the resources of the EDF managed by the Commission;
(b) the achievement of these objectives, through development policy research activities, studies, meetings, information, awareness-raising, training and publication activities; and
(c) computer networks for the exchange of information, and any other administrative or technical assistance expenditure that the Commission may incur for the management of the EDF.
They shall also cover expenditure both at Commission headquarters and in Delegations on the administrative support needed to manage operations financed under the ACP-EC Partnership Agreement and the Association Decision.
They shall not be assigned to core tasks of the European public service, i.e. the Commission's permanent staff.
Contributions to the 10th EDF
1. Each year, the Commission, taking into account the EIB's forecasts concerning the management and operation of the Investment Facility, shall establish and communicate to the Council by 15 October a statement of the commitments, payments and the annual amount of the calls for contributions to be made in the current and the two following budget years. These amounts shall be based on the capacity to deliver the proposed level of resources effectively.
2. Upon a proposal from the Commission, specifying the part for the Commission and the EIB, the Council shall decide by qualified majority, as laid down in Article 8, on the ceiling for the annual amount of the contribution for the second year following the proposal from the Commission (n+2) and, within the ceiling decided the previous year, on the annual amount of the call for contribution for the first year following the proposal from the Commission (n+1).
3. Should the contributions decided according to paragraph 2 deviate from the EDF's actual needs during the financial year in question, the Commission shall submit proposals to amend the contribution amounts within the ceiling referred to in paragraph 2 to the Council, which shall take a decision by qualified majority as laid down in Article 8.
4. The calls for contribution cannot exceed the ceiling referred to in paragraph 2 nor can the ceiling be increased except when decided by the Council by qualified majority as laid down in Article 8 in cases of special needs resulting from exceptional or unforeseen circumstances such as post-crisis situations. In this case, the Commission and the Council shall ensure that contributions correspond to expected payments.
5. Each year, the Commission, taking into account the EIB's forecasts, shall communicate to the Council by 15 October its estimates of commitments, disbursements and contributions for each of the three years following the years referred to in paragraph 1.
6. As regards funds transferred from previous EDFs to the 10th EDF in accordance with Article 1(2)(b) and Article 1(3), the contributions of each Member State shall be calculated in proportion to the contribution of each Member State to the EDF in question.
As regards funds of the 9th EDF and the previous EDF that are not transferred to the 10th EDF, the impact on the contribution of each Member State shall be calculated in proportion to the contribution of each Member State to the 9th EDF.
7. The detailed rules for the payment of contributions by the Member States shall be determined by the Financial Regulation referred to in Article 10(2).
The European Development Fund Committee
1. A Committee (hereinafter »the EDF Committee«) consisting of representatives of the governments of the Member States shall be set up at the Commission for those resources of the 10th EDF which the Commission administers. The EDF Committee shall be chaired by a Commission representative and its secretariat shall be provided by the Commission. A representative of the EIB shall take part in its work.
2. Within the EDF Committee, the votes of the Member States shall be weighted as follows:
|Member State                      |        Votes EU-27        |
|Belgium                           |                         35|
|Bulgaria(*)                       |                        [1]|
|Czech Republic                    |                          5|
|Denmark                           |                         20|
|Germany                           |                        205|
|Estonia                           |                          1|
|Greece                            |                         15|
|Spain                             |                         79|
|France                            |                        196|
|Ireland                           |                          9|
|Italy                             |                        129|
|Cyprus                            |                          1|
|Latvia                            |                          1|
|Lithuania                         |                          1|
|Luxembourg                        |                          3|
|Hungary                           |                          6|
|Malta                             |                          1|
|Netherlands                       |                         49|
|Austria                           |                         24|
|Poland                            |                         13|
|Portugal                          |                         12|
|Romania(*)                        |                        [4]|
|Slovenia                          |                          2|
|Slovakia                          |                          2|
|Finland                           |                         15|
|Sweden                            |                         27|
|United Kingdom                    |                        148|
|Total EU-25                       |                        999|
|Total EU-27(*)                    |                     [1004]|
(*) Estimated vote.
3. The EDF Committee shall act by a qualified majority of 720 votes out of 999, expressing a vote in favour by at least 13 Member States. The blocking minority shall consist of 280 votes.
4. Should a new State accede to the EU, the weightings laid down in paragraph 2 and the qualified majority referred to in paragraph 3 shall be amended by a decision of the Council, acting unanimously.
5. The Council shall adopt the rules of procedure of the EDF Committee acting unanimously.
The Investment Facility Committee
1. A Committee (hereinafter »the Investment Facility Committee«) consisting of representatives of the governments of the Member States and of a representative of the Commission shall be set up under the auspices of the EIB. The EIB shall provide the Committee's secretariat and support services. The Chairperson of the Investment Facility Committee shall be elected by and from within the members of the Investment Facility Committee.
2. The Council shall adopt the rules of procedure of the Investment Facility Committee, acting unanimously.
3. The Investment Facility Committee shall act by a qualified majority, as laid down in Article 8(2) and 8(3).
Implementing provisions
1. Without prejudice to Article 8 of this Agreement and the Member States' voting rights thereunder, all the relevant provisions of Articles 14 to 30 of the Internal Agreement for the 9th EDF shall remain in force pending the Council decision on an Implementation Regulation for the 10th EDF. This Implementation Regulation shall be decided upon by unanimity, based on a proposal by the Commission and after consulting the EIB.
The Implementation Regulation shall contain appropriate modifications and improvements to the programming and decision-making procedures, as well as harmonise Community and EDF procedures as far as possible, including on co-financing aspects. It shall furthermore establish particular management procedures for the Peace Facility. Recalling that financial and technical assistance for the implementation of Articles 11(6), 11a and 11b of the ACP-EC Partnership Agreement will be financed by specific instruments other than those intended for the financing of the ACP-EC Cooperation, activities developed under these provisions need to be approved by prior specified budgetary management procedures.
2. A Financial Regulation shall be adopted before the entry into force of the ACP-EC Partnership Agreement by the Council, acting by a qualified majority as laid down in Article 8, on the basis of a proposal from the Commission and after an opinion has been delivered by the EIB on those provisions concerning it and by the Court of Auditors.
3. The Commission will present its proposals for the regulations referred to in paragraphs (1) and (2) foreseeing, inter alia, the possibility of delegating the implementation of tasks to third parties.
Financial implementation, accounting, audit and discharge
1. The Commission shall undertake the financial implementation of the envelopes it manages on the basis of Article 1(8), Article 2(a), (b) and (c), Article 3(1) and Article 6 and shall undertake the financial execution of projects and programmes in accordance with the Financial Regulation referred to in Article 10(2). For the recovery of sums unduly paid, decisions of the Commission shall be enforceable in accordance with Article 256 of the EC Treaty.
2. The EIB shall manage the Investment Facility and conduct operations thereunder on behalf of the Community, in accordance with the rules set out in the Financial Regulation referred to in Article 10(2). In so doing, the EIB shall act on behalf of, and at the risk of, the Community. Any rights resulting from such operations, in particular rights as creditor or owner, shall be vested in the Member States.
3. The EIB shall undertake, according to its statutes and best banking practice, the financial implementation of operations carried out by means of loans from its own resources as referred to in Article 4, where applicable combined with interest rate subsidies drawn from the EDF's grant resources.
4. For each financial year, the Commission shall draw up and approve the accounts of the EDF and send them to the European Parliament, the Council and the Court of Auditors.
5. The Commission shall make the information referred to in Article 10 available to the Court of Auditors so that the latter may, on the basis of the documentary evidence, carry out checks on the aid provided from EDF resources.
6. Each year, the EIB shall send the Commission and the Council its Annual Report on the implementation of operations financed from the EDF resources it manages.
7. Subject to paragraph 9 of this Article, the Court of Auditors shall exercise the powers conferred on it by Article 248 of the EC Treaty in respect of the EDF's operations. The conditions under which the Court of Auditors exercises its powers shall be laid down in the Financial Regulation referred to in Article 10(2).
8. The discharge for the financial management of the EDF, excluding operations managed by the EIB, shall be given to the Commission by the European Parliament on the recommendation of the Council, acting by a qualified majority as laid down in Article 8.
9. The operations financed from the EDF resources managed by the EIB shall be subject to the control and discharge procedure laid down by the Statute of the EIB for all its operations.
Revision clause
Article 1(3) and the Articles contained in Chapter II, with the exception of amendments to Article 8, may be amended by the Council, acting unanimously and on a proposal from the Commission. The EIB shall be associated with the Commission's proposal on matters relating to its activities and those of the Investment Facility.
Ratification, entry into force and duration
1. Each Member State shall approve this Agreement in accordance with its own constitutional requirements. The Government of each Member State shall notify the General Secretariat of the Council of the European Union when the procedures required for the entry into force of this Agreement have been completed.
2. This Agreement shall enter into force on the first day of the second month following the notification of the approval of this Agreement by the last Member State.
3. This Agreement is concluded for the same duration as the multi-annual financial framework of Annex Ib to the ACP-EC Partnership Agreement. However, notwithstanding Article 1(4), this Agreement shall remain in force for as long as is necessary for all the operations financed under the ACP-EC Partnership Agreement and the Association Decision and the said multi-annual financial framework to be fully executed.
Authentic languages
This Agreement, drawn up in a single original in the Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Polish, Portuguese, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish and Swedish languages, each of these texts being equally authentic, shall be deposited in the archives of the General Secretariat of the Council of the European Union, which shall transmit a certified copy to each of the governments of the signatory States.
3. člen
Za izvajanje sporazuma skrbita Ministrstvo za finance in Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve.
4. člen
Ta zakon začne veljati petnajsti dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije - Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 440-03/07-149/1
Ljubljana, dne 31. maja 2007
EPA 1399-IV
Državnega zbora
Republike Slovenije
France Cukjati, dr. med., l.r.
(1) Besedilo sporazuma v češkem, danskem, estonskem, finskem, francoskem, grškem, irskem, italijanskem, latvijskem, litvanskem, madžarskem, malteškem, nemškem, nizozemskem, poljskem, portugalskem, slovaškem, španskem in švedskem jeziku je na vpogled v Sektorju za mednarodno pravo Ministrstva za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije.
(2) UL L 317, 15. 12. 2000, str. 3. Sporazum, kakor je bil spremenjen s Sporazumom, podpisanem v Luksemburgu dne 25. junija 2005 (UL L 287, 28. 10. 2005, str. 4).
(3) UL L 314, 30. 11. 2001, str. 1.
(4) UL L 156, 18. 6. 2005, str. 19.
(5) UL L 317, 15. 12. 2000, str. 355.
(6) UL C 46, 24. 2. 2006, str. 1.
(7) OJ L 317, 15. 12. 2000, p. 3. Agreement as amended by the Agreement signed in Luxembourg on 25 June 2005 (OJ L 287, 28. 10. 2005, p. 4).
(8) OJ L 314, 30. 11. 2001, p. 1.
(9) OJ L 156, 18. 6. 2005, p. 19.
(10) OJ L 317, 15. 12. 2000, p. 355.
(11) OJ C 46, 24. 2. 2006, p. 1.

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