Uradni list

Številka 59
Uradni list RS, št. 59/2003 z dne 20. 6. 2003
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 59/2003 z dne 20. 6. 2003


38. Uredba o ratifikaciji Sporazuma o sodelovanju v znanosti in tehnologiji med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Republike Turčije, stran 921.

Na podlagi petega odstavka 75. člena Zakona o zunanjih zadevah (Uradni list RS, št. 45/01) izdaja Vlada Republike Slovenije
1. člen
Ratificira se Sporazum o sodelovanju v znanosti in tehnologiji med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Republike Turčije, podpisan 19. aprila 2001 v Ljubljani.
2. člen
Sporazum se v izvirniku v angleškem in v prevodu v slovenskem jeziku glasi:
on co-operation in Science and
Technology between the
Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Government of the Republic of Turkey
The Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Government of the Republic of Turkey (hereinafter referred to as “The Contracting Parties“), recognising the importance of science and technology in the development of their national economies and wishing to strengthen and develop scientific and technological co-operation on the basis of equality and mutual benefit, taking into consideration the “Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Government of the Republic of Turkey on Cooperation in the Fields of Education, Science and Culture”, signed on 6 June 1995, have agreed as follows.
Article 1
The Contracting Parties shall encourage and support co-operation in the field of science and technology between their affiliated research entities in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement and the existing legislation and regulations of each country. The Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Slovenia and the Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey (TÜBÝTAK), are responsible for the implementation of this Agreement.
Article 2
Forms of Co-operation
Co-operation will have the following forms in particular:
a) Joint research and development projects, including exchange of research results, and exchange of scientists, specialists and researchers;
b) Organisation of and participation in joint scientific meetings, conferences, symposiums, courses, workshops, exhibitions, etc.;
c) Exchange of scientific and technological information and documentation;
d) Joint use of research and development facilities and scientific equipment;
e) Other forms of scientific and technological co-operation which may be mutually agreed upon.
Article 3
Joint Committee
1. For the purpose of implementing this Agreement, a Joint Committee composed of representatives designated by the two Contracting Parties shall be established. The tasks of the Joint Committee shall be as follows:
a. To identify the fields of co-operation on the basis of information delivered by institutions of each country and national science and technology policies;
b. To create favourable conditions for the implementation of this Agreement;
c. To facilitate the implementation of joint programmes and projects;
d. To encourage the exchange of experience arising from the bilateral scientific and technological co-operation and to evaluate proposals for its further development.
2. The Joint Committee meetings shall be arranged by mutual agreement when matters requiring detailed discussion arise. However, the Joint Committee may also operate by correspondence.
3. The Joint Committee may elaborate its own rules of procedure.
Article 4
Joint Research and Development Projects
1. Project proposals must provide detailed information on the objectives and justification of the planned joint research work, the methodology to be followed, the composition of each research team and the intended timetable.
2. Project proposals prepared in English using the special “Project Proposal Form“ (Annex 1) shall be submitted for evaluation and approval simultaneously to the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Slovenia and to TÜBÝTAK. Proposals shall be independently evaluated and approved by each of the two Contracting Parties, following their own rules and regulations, and only those proposals which are approved by both Contracting Parties shall be supported.
3. The execution period of a joint research project shall not exceed three years. The total duration of visits in one direction of a specific projects shall not be more than two months a year, with a total quota of six months a year for all joint research projects supported under this Agreement.
4. Each scientific visit must be reported by Slovenian scientists to the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Slovenia and by Turkish scientists to TÜBÝTAK one month in advance. The application letter must include a brief description of the work to be performed during the planned visit.
5. Within a month after the completion of a scientific visit, a progress report outlining the work performed during the visit shall be submitted to the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Slovenia and to TÜBÝTAK. Subsequent visits will not be permitted unless the progress report for the preceding visit has been evaluated and approved.
6. Within two months of the completion of the execution period of a joint research project, a final report, presenting the work carried out and the results obtained, shall be prepared in English jointly by the two research teams and submitted to the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Slovenia and to TÜBÝTAK for evaluation and approval.
Article 5
1. The costs of the exchange of experts, scientists and other specialists resulting from this Agreement, unless mutually agreed otherwise, shall be covered on the following basis:
a. The sending Contracting Party shall meet the cost of international travel to the place where the joint work will be carried out.
b. The receiving Contracting Party shall meet the cost of trips within its territory, board and lodging, subject to the current regulations (Annex 2).
2. The sending Contracting Party shall be responsible for the emergency health insurance of its scientists, including medical care.
Article 6
Dissemination of Results
1. Scientific and technological results, and any other information derived from the co-operation activities under this Agreement, shall be announced, published or commercially exploited with the consent of both cooperating partners and in accordance with international provisions concerning intellectual property rights.
2. Scientists, technical experts and institutions of third countries or international organisations may be invited, with the consent of both cooperating partners, to participate in projects and programmes being carried out under this Agreement. The cost of such participation shall normally be borne by third countries, unless both sides agree otherwise in writing.
Article 7
Legal Aspects
1. Any disputes related to the interpretation or implementation of this Agreement shall be settled through consultation within the Joint Committee or between the Contracting Parties.
2. With respect to the co-operation activities established under this Agreement, each Party shall take, in accordance with its laws and regulations, all necessary measures to ensure the best possible conditions for their implementation.
3. This Agreement shall not affect the validity or execution of any obligation arising from other international treaties or agreements concluded by either Contracting Party.
Article 8
Initiation and Termination
1. This Agreement shall enter into force on the date the Contracting Parties inform each other by diplomatic notes that all necessary requirements of their national legislation for the entry into force of the present Agreement have been met.
2. This Agreement shall remain in force for a period of five years and shall automatically be renewed for further periods of five years, unless either party notifies the other in writing of its intentions to terminate this Agreement.
3. The termination shall enter into force six months from the date of the said notification. The termination of this Agreement shall not affect the projects or programmes undertaken under this Agreement and not fully completed at the time of the termination of this Agreement.
4. As from the date of entry into force of this Agreement, the “Agreement on the Cooperation in the Field of Science and Technology between the Government of the Republic of Turkey and the Government the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia” signed on 3 June 1976 in Ankara shall cease to be valid, as far as the Government of the Republic of Slovenia is concerned.
Signed in Ljubljana on 19. 4. 2001 in two original copies in the English language, both texts being equally authentic.
For the Government of
the Republic of Slovenia
Dr. Dimitrij Rupel, (s)
For the Government of
the Republic of Turkey
Ismail Cem, (s)
                                                                    ANNEX 2
                              FINANCIAL ASPECTS

    Item 5.1.b of the Agreement requires the receiving Contracting Party to
cover the costs of trips within its territory and board and lodging for the
visiting scientists.  The current daily allowances  are listed below. These
will  remain  valid,  unless  they  are modified by mutual agreement of the
Contracting Parties.
In Slovenia:
•   Free accommodation in a hotel (B category) plus breakfast, or in a
    guest house
•   Daily allowance
    Short visits (up to 14 days)        USD 20.00 per day
    Longer visits (up to 3 months)      USD 400.00 per month
                                        (Equivalent in Slovenian currency)
In Turkey:
•   Free accommodation in a university guest house or equivalent
•   Daily allowance
    Short visits (up to 25 days)        USD 20.00 per day
    Longer visits (up to 3 months)      USD 500.00 per month
                                        (Equivalent in Turkish currency)
o sodelovanju v znanosti
in tehnologiji med
Vlado Republike Slovenije
in Vlado Republike Turčije
Vlada Republike Slovenije in Vlada Republike Turčije (v nadaljnjem besedilu pogodbenici), ki se zavedata pomena znanosti in tehnologije za razvoj svojih narodnih gospodarstev ter želita znanstveno in tehnološko sodelovanje okrepiti in v obojestransko korist enakopravno razviti, sta se, upoštevajoč Sporazum med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Republike Turčije o sodelovanju v izobraževanju, znanosti in kulturi, ki je bil podpisan 6. junija 1995, dogovorili:
1. člen
Pogodbenici spodbujata in podpirata znanstveno-tehnološko sodelovanje med svojimi pridruženimi raziskovalnimi ustanovami skladno z določbami tega sporazuma in veljavno zakonodajo ter predpisi ene ali druge države. Za izvajanje tega sporazuma sta pristojna Ministrstvo za šolstvo, znanost in šport Republike Slovenije in Svet za znanstveno-tehnično raziskovanje Turčije (TÜBITAK).
2. člen
Oblike sodelovanja
Sodelovanje bo potekalo predvsem v teh oblikah:
a) skupni raziskovalno-razvojni projekti skupaj z izmenjavo izsledkov raziskav in znanstvenikov, strokovnjakov in raziskovalcev;
b) organizacija in udeležba na skupnih znanstvenih srečanjih, konferencah, simpozijih, tečajih, delavnicah, razstavah itd.;
c) izmenjava znanstveno-tehnoloških informacij in dokumentacije;
d) skupna uporaba raziskovalno-razvojnih objektov in znanstvene opreme;
e) druge oblike znanstveno-tehnološkega sodelovanja, o katerih se lahko medsebojno dogovorita.
3. člen
Skupni odbor
1. Za izvajanje tega sporazuma se ustanovi skupni odbor, sestavljen iz predstavnikov, ki jih imenujeta pogodbenici. Naloge skupnega odbora so:
a) prepoznavanje področij sodelovanja na podlagi informacij, ki jih dajejo ustanove ene ali druge države, in nacionalnih politik za znanost in tehnologijo;
b) ustvarjanje razmer, ugodnih za izvajanje tega sporazuma;
c) omogočanje izvajanja skupnih programov in projektov;
d) spodbujanje izmenjave izkušenj, pridobljenih z dvostranskim znanstveno-tehnološkim sodelovanjem, in presoja predlogov za njegov nadaljnji razvoj.
2. Skupni odbor se o sestankih dogovarja sporazumno na podlagi potreb po podrobni obravnavi posameznih zadev. Lahko pa deluje tudi dopisno.
3. Skupni odbor lahko pripravi svoj poslovnik.
4. člen
Skupni raziskovalno-razvojni projekti
1. Predlogi projektov morajo vključevati podrobne informacije o ciljih in upravičenosti načrtovanega skupnega raziskovalnega dela, metodologiji, ki naj se pri tem upošteva, sestavi vsake raziskovalne skupine in predvidenem časovnem načrtu.
2. Predlogi projektov, pripravljeni v angleškem jeziku na posebnem obrazcu predloga projekta (priloga 1), se hkrati predložijo v presojo in odobritev Ministrstvu za šolstvo, znanost in šport Republike Slovenije in TÜBITAKU. Ena ali druga pogodbenica ovrednoti predloge vsaka zase in jih odobri v skladu s svojimi pravili in predpisi; podprti bodo samo tisti, ki jih bosta odobrili obe pogodbenici.
3. Obdobje izvajanja skupnega raziskovalnega projekta ne sme biti daljše kot tri leta. Trajanje obiskov pri eni pogodbenici, ki se nanašajo na posamezne projekte, letno ne sme preseči dveh mesecev, pri čemer vsi skupni raziskovalni projekti, odobreni po tem sporazumu, letno ne smejo preseči šest mesecev.
4. O vsakem znanstvenem obisku morajo slovenski znanstveniki en mesec vnaprej obvestiti Ministrstvo za šolstvo, znanost in šport Republike Slovenije, turški znanstveniki pa TÜBITAK. Vloga mora vsebovati kratek opis dela, ki bo opravljeno med načrtovanim obiskom.
5. En mesec po končanem znanstvenem obisku se Ministrstvu za šolstvo, znanost in šport Republike Slovenije in TÜBITAKU predloži poročilo o napredku pri delu, opravljenem med obiskom. Nadaljnji obiski bodo dovoljeni šele po tem, ko bo poročilo o delu za predhodni obisk ovrednoteno in potrjeno.
6. V dveh mesecih po končanem izvajanju skupnega raziskovalnega projekta bosta raziskovalni skupini skupaj pripravili končno poročilo v angleškem jeziku, v katerem so predstavljeni opravljeno delo in dosežki, in ga predložili Ministrstvu za šolstvo, znanost in šport Republike Slovenije ter TÜBITAKU v presojo in odobritev.
5. člen
1. Stroški izmenjave izvedencev, znanstvenikov in drugih strokovnjakov, izhajajoči iz tega sporazuma, se plačujejo, če ni drugače dogovorjeno, takole:
a) Pogodbenica pošiljateljica krije stroške mednarodnega potovanja do kraja, v katerem se bo opravljalo skupno delo.
b) Pogodbenica gostiteljica v skladu z veljavnimi predpisi (priloga 2) krije stroške prevozov po svojem ozemlju, stroške prehrane in nastanitve.
2. Pogodbenica pošiljateljica poskrbi za nujno zdravstveno zavarovanje svojih znanstvenikov skupaj z zdravstveno oskrbo.
6. člen
Razširjanje rezultatov
1. Znanstveno-tehnološki izsledki in vse druge informacije, izhajajoče iz sodelovanja po tem sporazumu, bodo naznanjeni, objavljeni ali gospodarsko izkoriščani s soglasjem obeh sodelujočih pogodbenic in v skladu z mednarodnimi predpisi, ki se nanašajo na pravice intelektualne lastnine.
2. Znanstveniki, tehnični strokovnjaki in ustanove tretjih držav ali mednarodne organizacije so s soglasjem obeh sodelujočih pogodbenic lahko vabljeni, da sodelujejo pri projektih in programih, ki se izvajajo po tem sporazumu. Stroške take udeležbe navadno krijejo tretje države, razen če se pogodbenici pisno ne dogovorita drugače.
7. člen
Pravni vidiki
1. Vsi spori v zvezi z razlago ali izvajanjem tega sporazuma se rešujejo s posvetovanjem v skupnem odboru ali med pogodbenicama.
2. Glede sodelovanja po tem sporazumu vsaka pogodbenica v skladu s svojimi zakoni in drugimi predpisi sprejme vse potrebne ukrepe, da zagotovi najboljše možnosti za njihovo izvajanje.
3. Ta sporazum ne vpliva na veljavnost ali izpolnjevanje obveznosti, ki izhajajo iz drugih mednarodnih pogodb ali sporazumov, ki jih je sklenila ena ali druga pogodbenica.
8. člen
Začetek in prenehanje veljavnosti
1. Ta sporazum začne veljati z dnem, ko se pogodbenici po diplomatski poti obvestita o izpolnitvi vseh zahtev njunih zakonodaj, potrebnih za začetek veljavnosti tega sporazuma.
2. Ta sporazum velja pet let in se samodejno obnavlja za nadaljnja petletna obdobja, če katera od pogodbenic pisno ne obvesti druge pogodbenice o svoji nameri, da ga bo odpovedala.
3. Odpoved začne veljati šest mesecev po datumu omenjenega uradnega obvestila. Odpoved tega sporazuma ne vpliva na še nedokončane projekte ali programe, ki potekajo po tem sporazumu.
4. Z dnem začetka veljavnosti tega sporazuma za Vlado Republike Slovenije preneha veljati Sporazum med Vlado Socialistične federativne republike Jugoslavije in Vlado Republike Turčije o sodelovanju na področju znanosti in tehnologije, ki je bil podpisan 3. junija 1976 v Ankari.
Podpisano v Ljubljani 19. aprila 2001 v dveh izvirnikih v angleškem jeziku, pri čemer sta obe besedili enako verodostojni.
Za Vlado
Republike Slovenije
Dr Dimitrij Rupel l. r.
Za Vlado
Republike Turčije
Ismail Cem l. r.
                                                                  PRILOGA 2
                              FINANČNI VIDIKI

    Točka b)  prvega  odstavka 5.  člena sporazuma  določa,  da pogodbenica
gostiteljica krije potne  stroške na svojem ozemlju in stroške prehrane ter
nastanitve  gostujočih znanstvenikov.  Višina sedanjih dnevnic je  navedena
spodaj.  Te  dnevnice  bodo  ostale  veljavne,  če jih pogodbenici ne bosta
sporazumno spremenili.
V Sloveniji:
•   brezplačna nastanitev v hotelu (B-kategorije) z zajtrkom ali
    v gostišču;
•   dnevnica:
    kratki obiski (do 14 dni):          20,00 USD na dan
    daljši obiski (do 3 mesecev):       400,00 USD na mesec
                                        (v protivrednosti slovenske valute)
V Turčiji:
•   brezplačna nastanitev v univerzitetnem gostišču ali enakovredna
•   dnevnica:
    kratki obiski (do 25 dni):          20,00 USD na dan
    daljši obiski (do 3 mesecev):       500,00 USD na mesec
                                        (v protivrednosti turške valute)
3. člen
Za izvajanje sporazuma skrbi Ministrstvo za šolstvo, znanost in šport.
4. člen
Ta uredba začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 681-15/2002-1
Ljubljana, dne 12. junija 2003
EVA 2002-1811-0061
Vlada Republike Slovenije
mag. Anton Rop l. r.

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