Uradni list

Številka 80
Uradni list RS, št. 80/1999 z dne 1. 10. 1999
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 80/1999 z dne 1. 10. 1999


70. Uredba o ratifikaciji Programa sodelovanja v izobraževanju, kulturi in znanosti med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Republike Turčije za leta 1999-2003, stran 965.

Na podlagi tretjega odstavka 63. člena Zakona o zunanjih zadevah (Uradni list RS, št. 1/91-I) izdaja Vlada Republike Slovenije
1. člen
Ratificira se Program sodelovanja v izobraževanju, kulturi in znanosti med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Republike Turčije za leta 1999-2003, podpisan dne 25. maja 1999 v Ankari.
2. člen
Program se v izvirniku v angleškem jeziku in v prevodu v slovenskem jeziku glasi:
The Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Government of the Republic of Turkey, (hereinafter referred to as “the Parties”), endeavouring to strengthen their friendly ties and develop the exchanges in education, culture and science, and in accordance with the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Government of the Republic of Turkey on Cooperation in the Fields of Education, Science and Culture, signed on 6 June 1995 in Ankara, have agreed on the following Programme for the years 1999–2003:
Article 1
The Parties shall encourage direct cooperation between their respective institutions of higher education and research institutes.
Article 2
The Parties shall encourage participation of scientists in symposia, seminars and congresses to be held in their respective countries.
Article 3
The Parties shall examine the possibility of introducing the teaching of the language and culture of the other country in their respective educational institutions.
Article 4
The Parties shall support the exchange of experts and experience in the field of education during the validity of this Programme on direct and reciprocal basis.
Article 5
The Parties shall strive to objectively present the history and geography of the other country in the textbooks of primary and secondary education in the spirit and in accordance with the goals of UNESCO and of the Council of Europe.
In this regard, the Parties shall exchange atlases, geography and history textbooks of primary and secondary schools and shall exchange their reviews, remarks and comments on these materials.
Article 6
The Parties shall encourage the participation of primary, secondary school and university students in international educational, cultural and sport activities which shall be held in their respective countries.
Article 7
The Parties shall encourage the exchange of information and documentation with a view to facilitating the recognition and equivalence of the certificates, diplomas, degrees and academic titles issued by their competent authorities in accordance with their respective national legislations.
Article 8
The Parties shall inform each other about the scholarship programmes for foreign citizens and enable the exchange of scholarships in accordance with their respective national legislations.
The Slovene Party shall each two (2) years grant to the Turkish Party scholarships for a period of up to six (6) months for individual postgraduate studies.
Article 9
The Parties shall annually exchange at least one (1) scholarship for participation in the “Seminar of the Slovene language, literature and culture” in Ljubljana and for summer courses of the Turkish language and culture in the Republic of Turkey.
Article 10
The Turkish Party shall annually grant to the Slovene Party two (2) research scholarships for a period of eight (8) months each.
Article 11
The Parties agree to mutually invite each other’s scientists to the scientific meetings to be held in their respective countries.
Article 12
The Parties shall exchange books, periodicals and microfilms among their respective libraries.
Article 13
The Parties shall encourage their mutual participation in symposia, congresses, conferences, etc. to be held in their respective countries with a view to enhance cooperation in the field of libraries.
Article 14
The Parties agree to encourage their experts and scholars to conduct researches in their respective archives and libraries, in accordance with their national legislations.
Article 15
The Parties shall encourage cooperation between the General Directorate of State Archives of the Republic of Turkey, and the “Archives of the Republic of Slovenia” in accordance with their respective legislations, the international practice in the field of archives and mutual interests.
To this end, the Parties will also encourage the signing of a Protocol of Cooperation between their aforementioned institutions.
Article 16
The Parties shall promote contacts between their respective institutions in the fields of arts and culture through diplomatic channels.
Article 17
The Parties shall encourage cooperation between the Department of Archaeology of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Ljubljana and the Prehistoric Archaeology Department of the Istanbul University.
Article 18
The Parties shall inform each other about festivals and other important cultural events in their respective countries.
The Slovene side shall invite the Turkish artists to:
– The International Graphic Biennial to be held in Ljubljana in 2001
– The International Writers’ Meeting (PEN)
– The international writers’ meeting at Vilenica
The Turkish side shall invite the Slovene artists to:
– The Istanbul Biennial
– The Istanbul Music Festival
– The Ankara Music Festival
Article 19
The Parties shall encourage cooperation between their competent authorities in the field of cinema. The cooperation will be extended to national film archives and film festivals of both countries. The Parties express their interest in presenting their films in international film festivals to be held in their respective countries.
Article 20
During the validity of this Programme, the Parties shall organise film days, to which one to three (1-3) experts will be invited for a period of five (5) days. The details will be arranged between the competent institutions of the two countries.
Article 21
The Parties shall exchange cultural and documentary exhibitions.
The Parties shall encourage the organization of art exhibitions including photographic exhibitions for a period of twenty (20) days accompanied by one (1) exhibition commissioner.
Article 22
The Parties shall encourage translation and publication of each other’s literary works in order to mutually promote their respective literature.
For this purpose, they shall exchange two (2) experts in this field (translator or publisher) for a visit up to seven (7) days, during the validity of this Programme.
Article 23
The Parties shall inform each other about international book fairs to be organized in their respective countries.
Article 24
During the validity of this Programme, the Slovene Writers’ Association will prepare a short anthology of the outstanding achievements of the modern Slovene literature to be published in the leading Turkish literary newspapers and magazines, and the Turkish Party will prepare a similar anthology of modern Turkish literature to be published in the leading Slovene literary magazines and newspapers.
Article 25
The Parties shall exchange two (2) experts for a period of one (1) week in the fields of history of arts, archaeology, museology and restoration of historical monuments during the validity of this Programme.
Article 26
The Parties shall encourage cooperation in protecting, preserving and conserving their cultural heritage and restoration of cultural and historical monuments as well as the cooperation in combating the illicit trafficking of cultural properties in accordance with their respective national laws and regulations and international instruments in force.
Article 27
The Parties shall invite each other’s scholars and experts to the scientific meetings in the field of folk culture which will be held in their respective countries.
Article 28
The Parties shall inform each other of the international conferences, panel discussions, symposia etc. to be organized in their respective countries in the field of intellectual property rights.
Article 29
The Parties shall exchange publications and documents concerning their respective regulations of intellectual property.
Article 30
The Parties shall inform each other about the settlement of disputes stemming from the implementation of their respective intellectual property rights systems.
Article 31
The Parties shall encourage the conclusion of an agreement between the Government of the Republic of Turkey and the Government of the Republic of Slovenia in the field of science and technology.
Article 32
The Parties shall encourage direct cooperation between the Slovene and Turkish scientific and research institutes, such as:
1. The Institute of Chemistry in Ljubljana and the University of Ankara;
2. The Geology Department of the Ege University, Izmir; the Geology Department of the Cumhuryet University, Sivas, and M.T.A. (Mineral Research Institute) in Ankara and Ivan Rakovec Institute of Paleontology at the Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts in Ljubljana;
3. The Faculty of Pharmacy at the University of Hacettepe, Ankara and Jožef Stefan Institute in Ljubljana.
Article 33
The Parties shall encourage direct cooperation between their respective youth and sports organisations and participate in sport events which will be held in both countries.
Article 34
The Parties shall encourage cooperation between their respective public service television and radio organisations, with a view to exchange television and radio programmes.
Article 35
The Parties express their satisfaction with regards to laying an appropriate ground for all kinds of cooperation between their respective radio and television institutions considering their membership to the European Radio and Television Union.
Article 36
The Parties shall encourage cooperation between newspapers, press agencies and other information services of both countries in order to promote the exchange of information and materials to be published.
Article 37
The Parties shall promote the exchange of information related to the political, economic, cultural and social life in their respective countries in order to obtain a deeper mutual knowledge.
Article 38
The Parties shall promote cooperation in the fields of culture, science and education within the framework of UNESCO, European Union, Council of Europe and other international organisations.
Article 39
The scholarships granted by the Turkish Party in 1999 will cover the following items on the basis of reciprocity:
a. Scholarships offered by the Turkish Party:
                      For the first          For the second
                      half of the year       half of the year
For research          26,000.000 T.L.        30,000.000 T.L.
                                             per months
Summer courses        26,000.000 T.L.        30,000.000 T.L.
                                             per months
b. Enrollment expenses, tuition fees, short-term medical treatment.
c. For research scholarships 6,400.000 T.L. for residence permit expenses annually.
Scholarship allowances will be adjusted every year in accordance with the cost of living.
The Slovenian Party shall provide:
a. For scholarships of one month or longer, accommodation and a monthly allowance of 60.000 SIT,
b. For study trips of one month or shorter, free accommodation and a daily allowance of 3.500 SIT,
c. For summer courses, free accommodation, meals, tuition and a monthly grant of 10.800 SIT per week.
The cost of travel to the capital city of the Receiving Party shall be borne by the Sending Party. Travel within the Receiving Party shall be borne by Receiving party.
Article 40
With regard to the exchange of persons for short periods of time (not exceeding 15 days), travel expenses shall be covered by the Sending Party, and board and lodging by the Receiving Party in accordance with their internal regulations.
Article 41
With regard to the exchange of scholarship holders, the Receiving Party shall provide scholarship, student accommodation and basic health insurance and cover other expenses related to the implementation of the study programme in accordance with the regulations in force.
Article 42
The Parties shall inform each other in time about the deadlines for application, provision and submission of necessary documentation and financial and other conditions, relating to the invitation and acceptance of candidates.
Article 43
With regard to the exchange of exhibitions, the following conditions shall apply:
a) The Sending Party shall cover the expenses of transporting the exhibition to its first location and the expenses of transporting the exhibition back from its last location in the Receiving Party;
b) The Receiving Party shall cover the expenses of transporting the exhibition to other locations on its territory and the costs of installing the exhibition, printing of publicity material and catalogues or pamphlets;
c) The Sending Party shall cover the insurance costs of the exhibition in accordance with the “nail-to-nail” principle;
d) In case of damage incurred to the objects sent by the Sending Party, the Receiving Party shall provide the Sending Party with all necessary documentation, in order to enable the latter to pursue its claim for compensation with the relevant insurance company. The restoration is not permitted unless the Sending Party gives its explicit consent;
e) The costs of collecting data and information shall be covered by the Receiving Party;
f) The Receiving Party shall provide all necessary security for the exhibition;
g) Costs of accommodation for experts accompanying the exhibition shall be covered by the Receiving Party;
h) The Sending Party shall forward all necessary catalogue material to the Receiving Party at least three months prior to the opening of the exhibition unless otherwise agreed by the Parties;
i) The abovementioned conditions, regulating the exchange of exhibitions, do not apply to those major exhibitions for which special agreements will be concluded by the Parties.
Article 44
The Sending Party shall provide all necessary information for organizing visits and all documents relating to the exhibitions at least two months prior to the planned activity.
Article 45
The expenses relating to the exchanges of soloists, performers, directors, etc. shall be dealt with according to the direct agreements to be made by the Parties.
The Receiving Party shall cover board and lodging as well as domestic travel expenses of the artists and experts’ visits not exceeding three (3) months.
Article 46
All other questions that may arise in the course of the implementation of this Programme shall be settled through diplomatic channels.
Article 47
The provisions of this Programme do not preclude the consideration of other exchanges or programmes to be mutually agreed through diplomatic channels.
Article 48
This Programme shall enter into force on the day of the exchange of Diplomatic Notes confirming the approval of this document. It shall be provisionally applied as of the date of its signing and shall remain in force until a new Programme is signed.
Done in Ankara on 25 May 1999 in two original copies in the English language.
For the Government
of the Republic of Slovenia
Tanja Orel Šturm (s)
For the Government
of the Republic of Turkey
Ugurtan Akinci (s)
Vlada Republike Slovenije in Vlada Republike Turčije (v nadaljnjem besedilu pogodbenici) sta se v želji, da bi okrepili prijateljske vezi in razvijali izmenjavo v izobraževanju, kulturi in znanosti, ter v skladu s Sporazumom med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Republike Turčije o sodelovanju v izobraževanju, znanosti in kulturi, podpisanim 6. junija 1995 v Ankari, dogovorili o naslednjem programu za leta 1999–2003:
1. člen
Pogodbenici spodbujata neposredno sodelovanje med svojimi visokošolskimi institucijami in raziskovalnimi inštituti.
2. člen
Pogodbenici spodbujata udeležbo znanstvenikov na simpozijih, seminarjih in kongresih, ki bodo potekali v obeh državah.
3. člen
Pogodbenici proučita možnost uvedbe poučevanja jezika in kulture druge države v svojih izobraževalnih ustanovah.
4. člen
Med veljavnostjo tega programa obe pogodbenici na podlagi vzajemnosti podpirata izmenjavo strokovnjakov in izkušenj s področja izobraževanja.
5. člen
Pogodbenici se zavzemata za objektivno predstavitev zgodovine in zemljepisa druge države v učbenikih osnovnošolskega in srednješolskega izobraževanja v duhu in v skladu s cilji Unesca in Sveta Evrope.
V zvezi s tem pogodbenici izmenjujeta atlase, zemljepisne in zgodovinske učbenike za osnovne in srednje šole in izmenjujeta ocene, opombe in razlage o teh gradivih.
6. člen
Pogodbenici spodbujata sodelovanje učencev osnovnih in srednjih šol ter študentov univerz pri mednarodnih izobraževalnih, kulturnih in športnih dejavnostih, ki bodo potekale v obeh državah.
7. člen
Pogodbenici spodbujata izmenjavo informacij in dokumentacije z namenom, da bi pristojnim oblastem olajšali priznavanje in enakovrednost spričeval, diplom in akademskih naslovov v skladu s svojo notranjo zakonodajo.
8. člen
Pogodbenici se obveščata o programih štipendij za tuje državljane in omogočata izmenjavo štipendij v skladu s svojo notranjo zakonodajo.
Slovenska pogodbenica vsaki dve (2) leti podeli turški pogodbenici štipendijo za obdobje do šest (6) mesecev za individualni podiplomski študij.
9. člen
Pogodbenici letno izmenjata vsaj eno (1) štipendijo za udeležbo na seminarju slovenskega jezika, književnosti in kulture v Ljubljani in za poletne tečaje turškega jezika in kulture v Republiki Turčiji.
10. člen
Turška pogodbenica letno ponudi slovenski pogodbenici dve (2) raziskovalni štipendiji za obdobje vsakokrat po osem (8) mesecev.
11. člen
Pogodbenici se strinjata, da vzajemno povabita znanstvenike druge države na znanstvena srečanja, ki bodo potekala v obeh državah.
12. člen
Pogodbenici med svojimi knjižnicami izmenjujeta knjige, revije in mikrofilme.
13. člen
Pogodbenici spodbujata vzajemno udeležbo na simpozijih, kongresih, konferencah itd., ki bodo potekali v njunih državah z namenom, da poglobita sodelovanje med knjižnicami.
14. člen
Pogodbenici se strinjata, da je treba spodbujati strokovnjake in štipendiste, da opravljajo raziskave v arhivih in knjižnicah svojih držav, v skladu z notranjo zakonodajo.
15. člen
Pogodbenici spodbujata sodelovanje med Splošnim direktoratom Državnih arhivov Republike Turčije in Arhivom Republike Slovenije v skladu z njuno notranjo zakonodajo, mednarodno prakso na področju arhivov in skupnimi interesi.
V ta namen bosta pogodbenici spodbujali tudi podpis protokola o sodelovanju med omenjenima ustanovama.
16. člen
Pogodbenici spodbujata stike med svojimi ustanovami v umetnosti in kulturi po diplomatski poti.
17. člen
Pogodbenici spodbujata sodelovanje med Oddelkom za arheologijo Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani in Oddelkom za prazgodovinsko arheologijo Univerze v Istanbulu.
18. člen
Pogodbenici se obveščata o festivalih, tekmovanjih in drugih pomembnih kulturnih prireditvah, ki bodo potekale v njunih državah.
Slovenska stran povabi turške umetnike na:
– Mednarodni grafični bienale, ki bo potekal v Ljubljani leta 2001,
– Mednarodno pisateljsko srečanje PEN,
– Mednarodno srečanje pisateljev “Vilenica”.
Turška stran povabi slovenske umetnike na:
– Istanbulski bienale,
– Istanbulski glasbeni festival,
– Glasbeni festival v Ankari.
19. člen
Pogodbenici spodbujata sodelovanje med pristojnimi organi na področju kinematografov. Sodelovanje bo razširjeno na nacionalne filmske arhive in filmske festivale obeh držav. Pogodbenici izražata zanimanje za predvajanje filmov na mednarodnih filmskih festivalih, ki bodo potekali v obeh državah.
20. člen
Med veljavnostjo tega programa pogodbenici organizirata filmske dneve, na katere bodo povabljene ena do tri (1–3) osebe za pet (5) dni. O podrobnostih se bodo dogovorile ustrezne institucije obeh držav.
21. člen
Pogodbenici izmenjata kulturne in dokumentarne razstave.
Pogodbenici spodbujata organiziranje umetniških razstav vključno s fotografskimi razstavami za dvajset (20) dni, ki jih spremlja en (1) pooblaščenec za razstave.
22. člen
Pogodbenici spodbujata prevajanje in izdajanje književnih del druge države, da bi tako podpirali književnost obeh držav.
V ta namen bosta med veljavnostjo tega programa izmenjali dva (2) strokovnjaka s tega področja (prevajalec ali založnik) za obisk do sedem (7) dni.
23. člen
Pogodbenici se obveščata o mednarodnih knjižnih sejmih, ki bodo potekali v obeh državah.
24. člen
Med veljavnostjo tega programa bo Društvo slovenskih pisateljev pripravilo kratko antologijo najboljših dosežkov sodobne slovenske književnosti za objavo v uveljavljenih turških literarnih časopisih in revijah, turška pogodbenica pa bo pripravila podobno antologijo sodobne turške književnosti za objavo v uveljavljenih slovenskih literarnih revijah ali časopisih.
25. člen
Med veljavnostjo tega programa pogodbenici izmenjata dva (2) strokovnjaka za en (1) teden s področja zgodovine umetnosti, arheologije, muzeologije in restavriranja zgodovinskih spomenikov.
26. člen
Pogodbenici spodbujata sodelovanje pri varovanju in ohranjanju svoje kulturne dediščine in restavriranju kulturnih in zgodovinskih spomenikov ter sodelovanje pri preprečevanju nezakonitega trgovanja s kulturnimi dobrinami v skladu s svojim notranjim pravom in predpisi ter veljavnimi mednarodnimi instrumenti.
27. člen
Pogodbenici povabita znanstvenike in strokovnjake druge države na znanstvena srečanja s področja ljudske kulture, ki bodo potekala v obeh državah.
28. člen
Pogodbenici se obveščata o mednarodnih konferencah, okroglih mizah, simpozijih itd., ki bodo organizirani v njunih državah na področju pravic intelektualne lastnine.
29. člen
Pogodbenici izmenjata publikacije in dokumente v zvezi s predpisi na področju pravic intelektualne lastnine obeh držav.
30. člen
Pogodbenici se obveščata o reševanju sporov, ki izhajajo iz izvajanja predpisov o pravicah intelektualne lastnine.
31. člen
Pogodbenici spodbujata sklenitev sporazuma med Vlado Republike Turčije in Vlado Republike Slovenije s področja znanosti in tehnologije.
32. člen
Pogodbenici spodbujata neposredno sodelovanje med turškimi in slovenskimi znanstvenimi in raziskovalnimi institucijami, kot so:
1. Kemijski inštitut v Ljubljani in Univerza v Ankari,
2. Univerza Ege v Izmirju, Oddelek za geologijo; Univerza Cumhuryet, Oddelek za geologijo, Sivas in M.T.A. (Inštitut za raziskavo mineralov), Ankara, in Paleontološki inštitut Ivana Rakovca pri Znanstvenoraziskovalnem centru Slovenske akademije znanosti in umetnosti, Ljubljana
3. Univerza Hacettepe Ankara, Fakulteta za farmacijo, in Institut Jožef Stefan, Ljubljana.
33. člen
Pogodbenici spodbujata neposredno sodelovanje med svojimi mladinskimi in športnimi organizacijami in sodelujeta pri športnih dejavnostih, ki bodo potekale v obeh državah.
34. člen
Pogodbenici spodbujata sodelovanje med svojimi nacionalnimi televizijskimi in radijskimi organizacijami zaradi izmenjave televizijskih in radijskih programov.
35. člen
Pogodbenici izražata zadovoljstvo v zvezi z ustreznimi pogoji za vse vrste sodelovanja med svojimi radijskimi in televizijskimi institucijami ob upoštevanju njihovega članstva v Evropski radijski in televizijski zvezi.
36. člen
Pogodbenici spodbujata sodelovanje med časopisnimi, tiskovnimi agencijami in drugimi informacijskimi službami obeh držav za spodbujanje izmenjave informacij in gradiv za objavo.
37. člen
Pogodbenici spodbujata izmenjavo informacij v zvezi s političnim, gospodarskim, kulturnim in družabnim življenjem v svojih državah, da bi se tako bolje seznanili z drugo državo.
38. člen
Pogodbenici spodbujata sodelovanje v kulturi, znanosti in vzgoji v okviru Unesca, Evropske unije, Sveta Evrope in drugih mednarodnih organizacij.
39. člen
Štipendije, ki jih ponudi turška pogodbenica v letu 1999, bodo na podlagi vzajemnosti pokrivale naslednje:
a. štipendije, ki jih ponudi turška pogodbenica
                   za prvo            za drugo
                   polovico leta      polovico leta
za raziskave       26,000.000 T.L.    30.000.000 T.L.
poletni tečaji     26.000.000 T.L.    30.000.000 T.L.
b. stroški vpisa, šolnina, kratkotrajno zdravljenje,
c. za raziskovalne štipendije 6.400.000 T.L. za dovoljenje za bivanje,
Štipendije se prilagajajo vsako leto v skladu s stroški bivanja.
Slovenska pogodbenica ponudi:
a. za enomesečne ali daljše štipendije, nastanitev in mesečno nadomestilo 60.000 SIT,
b. za enomesečne ali krajše študijske izlete, brezplačno nastanitev in dnevnico 3.500 SIT,
c. za poletne tečaje, brezplačno nastanitev, obroke, šolanje in mesečno nadomestilo 10.800 SIT tedensko.
Stroške potovanja v glavno mesto pogodbenice sprejemnice krije pogodbenica pošiljateljica. Potovanja v državi gostiteljici krije pogodbenica sprejemnica.
40. člen
Pri izmenjavah oseb za krajša obdobja (do 15 dni) pogodbenica pošiljateljica krije potne stroške, pogodbenic sprejemnica pa stroške bivanja v skladu s svojimi notranjimi predpisi.
41. člen
Pri izmenjavah štipendistov pogodbenica sprejemnica zagotovi štipendijo, namestitev v študentskem domu in osnovno zdravstveno zavarovanje ter krije druge stroške v zvezi z izvajanjem študijskega programa v skladu z veljavnimi predpisi.
42. člen
Pogodbenici se medsebojno pravočasno obveščata o rokih za prijave, dokumentaciji ter finančnih in drugih pogojih glede vabil in sprejemanja kandidatov.
43. člen
Za izmenjavo razstav veljajo naslednji pogoji:
a) država pošiljateljica krije stroške prevoza razstave do prvega kraja, kjer bo razstava, in stroške prevoza razstave nazaj iz zadnjega kraja v državi sprejemnici,
b) država sprejemnica krije stroške prevoza razstave na druge kraje na svojem ozemlju ter stroške postavitve razstave, tiskanja publikacij, gradiva in katalogov ali brošur,
c) država pošiljateljica krije stroške zavarovanja razstave po načelu od žeblja do žeblja,
d) če se predmeti, ki jih pošilja država pošiljateljica, poškodujejo, država sprejemnica državi pošiljateljici priskrbi vso potrebno dokumentacijo, da ta lahko uveljavi odškodninski zahtevek pri ustrezni zavarovalnici. Restavriranje ni dovoljeno, razen če država pošiljateljica tega izrecno ne dovoli,
e) stroške, ki nastanejo pri zbiranju podatkov in informacij, krije država sprejemnica,
f) država sprejemnica zagotovi vso potrebno varnost za razstavo,
g) stroške nastanitve strokovnjakov, ki spremljajo razstavo, krije država sprejemnica,
h) država pošiljateljica pošlje vse potrebno gradivo za katalog vsaj tri mesece pred odprtjem razstave, razen če se pogodbenici ne dogovorita drugače,
i) omenjeni pogoji za izmenjavo razstav ne veljajo za tiste razstave, za katere pogodbenici skleneta posebne sporazume.
44. člen
Pogodbenica pošiljateljica priskrbi vse potrebne informacije za organizacijo obiska in vse dokumente v zvezi z razstavo vsaj dva meseca pred načrtovano dejavnostjo.
45. člen
Stroški v zvezi z izmenjavami solistov, nastopajočih, režiserjev itd. se obravnavajo v skladu z dogovori, ki jih skleneta pogodbenici.
Pogodbenica sprejemnica krije umetnikom in strokovnjakom nastanitev in potne stroške znotraj države za obiske, ki niso daljši od treh (3) mesecev.
46. člen
Vsa druga vprašanja, ki se pojavijo med izvajanjem tega programa, se rešujejo po diplomatski poti.
47. člen
Določbe tega programa ne preprečujejo možnosti, da bi se pogodbenici dogovorili o drugih izmenjavah ali programih po diplomatski poti.
48. člen
Ta program začne veljati na dan izmenjave diplomatskih not, ki potrjujeta odobritev tega dokumenta. Začasno se uporablja od dne podpisa in velja do podpisa novega programa.
Sestavljeno v Ankari 25. maja 1999 v dveh izvirnikih v angleškem jeziku.
Za Vlado
Republike Slovenije
Tanja Orel Šturm l.r.
Za Vlado
Republike Turčije
Ugurtan Akinci l.r.
3. člen
Za izvajanje tega programa skrbijo Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve, Ministrstvo za kulturo, Ministrstvo za šolstvo in šport ter Ministrstvo za znanost in tehnologijo.
4. člen
Ta uredba začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 681-15/99-3 (T1)
Ljubljana, dne 16. septembra 1999
Vlada Republike Slovenije
Marjan Podobnik, l. r.

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